An Interview From Hell Pt 1

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[Music] open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Luke the gospel record of Luke chapter 16 and I want to convince reading in verse number 19 Luke chapter number 16 commencing in verse 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame what Abraham said son remember that thou in our lifetime receiver's thou good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hints to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from them then he said I pray be there for father that I would have send him to my father's house for I have five brethren that he may testify under them lest they also come into this place of torment Abraham said to him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk to us this morning about an interview from hell I want to say verbatim to this crowd what I said to the people who were here in the early morning service but if you don't know Jesus Christ as Savior you're lost and on your way to hell that's bad news but the good news is you can turn around you don't have to go to hell God loves you so much that he sent His only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life the very mention of Hell elicits many different reactions some people react with concern some persons react in fear the reaction even goes to hatred and revulsion that such a topic should be brought up in pleasant conversation some people would even seek to deny the very existence of him yet God and Jesus declares in Psalms number nine verse 17 that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God in the New Testament hell is mentioned 162 times and of the 162 times that hell is mentioned in the New Testament Jesus mentions it himself seventy times more is said about Hell in the New Testament then it said about heaven it must be an awful place for God to sin His only Son to keep us from going there this pastor Stephen Hawking the theoretical physicists and cosmologists an author of a book entitled a brief history of time was interred in a crypt underneath the floor in Westminster Abbey in London between Charles Darwin and Sir Isaac Newton Darwin said that hell was a terminable doctrine Sir Isaac Newton said the worship of Jesus as God is idolatry Stephen Hawking himself declared that we are free to believe what we want and it is my view that the simplest explanation is there is no God he says there probably is no heaven and no afterlife he's buried between Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin and all three of them I wonder what they're talking about in hell this morning because if you don't know Jesus Christ as Savior you are on your way to him Romans chapter 3 says forget what Darwin says forget what Hawking says don't forget what Isaac Newton says let God tell the truth and all men be liars the great agnostic Robert Ingersoll and that's what he called himself the great agnostic said the idea of Hell was born of revenge and brutality on one side and cowardice on the other side Ingersoll says I have no respect for any man who preaches about Hell he says I dislike the doctrine I hate it I despise it I defy the doctrine of hell I wonder what he's talking about in hell this morning brothers and sisters don't let religion fool you because the Christian Scientists would say to us that hell is an era of the mortal mind jehovah's witnesses said that the wicked will be annihilated and there is no hell the Mormon says that all evil will eventually be saved and not suffer eternal punishment the seventh-day adventists will tell us that God will someday blot out all sin and sinners and establish a clean universe once and for all but because of dynamic symmetry if there is an up there must be a down if there is a right there must be a left if there's a good there must be an evil and if there is a heaven that must be a hell brothers do sisters listen to me Hey was never created for you and I hell was created for Satan and all of his hosts and the everybody anybody who goes to hell goes there without an invitation and I'm not going to hell because I have not been invited but I have been invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb and when it's all over you're going to spend eternity somewhere walk with me around the text this morning I want to call this rich man up from hell and let him testify to us this morning when we first meet him in the text he is clothed in purple and fine linen the dye needed to make that rule purple came all the way from Tyree it was a mixture of blue and rose and scarlet and amethyst and violent imported from Tyree to give it that royal blue color it's the is the garment of King he wore fine linen the most delicate and most expensive fabric in the ancient world imported from Egypt and he fared sumptuously every day the food of people in that time was soup and bread and fruit for their daily meal and they they feasted maybe for a special occasion like a wedding or some special ceremony but for the most part they ate soup and bread and fruit on a daily basis but this man fared sumptuously he ate the finest delicacies the best meat his clothes was imported everything he had spells rich there were no napkins to wipe your hand so he took bread and wiped the gravy off his hand on pieces of bread and through the bread on the floor and and just beyond his gait is a poor man named Lazarus this man is dressed in purple and fine linen fare sumptuously every day and there's a man outside his game where dogs are licking his sores he passes by Lazarus every day on the way into his gate into his spacious mansion to sit down at his table to feast every day in purple and fine linen and that goes on I suspect for years he passes by Lazarus goes into his house wears purple and fine linen eats the best foods every day and a stone's throw from epicurean excess is a man laid at the gate with dogs look at his soul when one day the script is Swift one day the scene changes in one day that's a great reversal for this rich man and Lazarus died on the same day but the circumstances are quite different Lazarus is angelically transported to Abraham's bosom and all the Bible says about this rich man is that he died look out of the game on this side a rich man dies and I'm sure that twelve verses are used for his family a white a carriage takes his his corpse to the cemetery when they get there doves are Unleashed and fly into the atmosphere and songs are saying and people are there well-dressed in in all of their finery and everything about him spells real and spring down but all the Bible says about him is he was buried and brothers and sisters if you don't know Jesus Christ all that will be said about you I don't care how long your federal is if you don't know Christ all that will happen to you is you're buried but if you've been born again we can never bury everything that makes you you because at Lazarus is transported to Abraham's bosom and the rich man is buried watch it again while they were on earth the rich man looked down at Lazarus but when the script flips Lazarus is looking down on the rich man be careful the folk you look down on and despise and think you more than they are and they'll never measure up to where you are and they'll never be who you are because they don't have what you have all it takes is a day I wish I had somebody to help me preach all it takes is a moment and the people who are at the top will come to the bottom and the folk who are at the bottom will come to the top be not deceived God is not mocked whatever a man souls that shall he also read this this this this injustice this travesty that's going on south of the border down here in Texas and in other parts of the country aware where we are locking people out of the country and I don't know we're a nation of laws I'm fully aware of that I'm I'm extremely intelligent when it comes to that and we are nation of laws but when the poor and the huddled masses come to our steps and return them away you got to deal with God I wish I had one or two witnesses here you heard or you see all you saw on television well well Jefferson Beauregard sessions was trying to interpret the Bible Jefferson Beauregard sessions Jefferson is the name of the president of Confederacy Beauregard is a name of a Confederate General he's named after a Confederate President and general and he's trying to interpret the Bible to the pool see how quad you got right there and then Sarah Huckabee Sanders Paul Fane got to repeat all those lies at the president tales and she's trying to interpret the Bible and they're taking the scripture out of context because you do know white folk use Romans 13 to justify slavery just in case you didn't know let me help you with a little history they use Romans 13 to justify slavery but if you're gonna use the Bible what about that passage of scripture that says it would be better for you that a millstone be cast around your neck and you drown in the depths of the sea than the cause one of these little ones to go astray I wish I had the Bible reading what you're gonna do with the scripture that says some of the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven Oh what you're gonna do with Matthew 25 this is I was hungry and you didn't feed me I was naked and you wouldn't clothed me I was outdoors and you wouldn't take me in sick and in prison and you wouldn't come to see me and then he even Jellicle Christian Church will say Lord when did we see you home necking and thirsting and outdoors and administered to you and Jesus will say in as much as you did it not to the least of these little ones you did it not unto me listen you will not go to hell because you're rich and you won't go to heaven because you're poor you go to heaven or hell if you trust Jesus Christ or not and if you don't know Jesus Christ as Savior you are on your way to hell that's sad sad news but if you turn around if you accept Christ this morning he can change your destiny he can write you a new future because brothers and sisters every saint in here has a past and every sinner in here has a future if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you can be saved I don't know what the culture says I know the culture is is moving in a different direction but the church needs to take a stand when it comes to unrighteousness I know what the culture is saying I know we're gonna have a gay pride parade here in Houston on next weekend but that's not what the Bible says I'm not proud of my scene see how glad you're getting again no no I know I don't know what's going on in the transgender community I know all of that kind of stuff is popular and I know they're pushing it forward and they're trying to shove it down our throat but the Bible says there's a way that seems right but they in there of always of guess that this might sound silly to you but I might just do this because I'm I'll do silly things from time to time you can ask my family I do silly things from time to time I think we all are one day just have a street parade all the men who like women we ought to just stand up and have a parade on all the women who crazy about men we just ought to have a straight foot I don't mean doing nothing we're going nowhere now I just mean that we just ought to just be proud to say I love women [Applause] because if they can be proud of sin we ought to be proud of righteousness the wages of sin is death but the gift of God through Jesus Christ is eternal life let's let's go to hell for a minute and talk to this man let's let's interview this man who was in hell and and maybe he will give a word to somebody this morning who was walking in the wrong direction and you might just have sense enough this morning to turn around because in hell this man is conscious he's conscious hell is not a place where you go and get burned up and that's the end of it inhale is consciousness because the Bible says he sees Lazarus to see is to be conscious he hears the screams of others who are in torment they are tormented in these flames and he feels the flame he feels the fire he says I am tormented in these friends brothers and sisters hell is not a state of mind hell is the place of memory and remorse memory and remorse because Abraham says remember now look at him he's in hell he's hot the flames are tormenting he's an eternal punishment and he still thinks he's balling it he still thinks he's a shot-caller because he tells Abraham the tale Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and put it on my tongue to cool my tongue because I'm tormented in these fingers Abraham said it ain't happening Weehoo on this side can't go where you are and those on this side can't come where we are beside that's a gulf fixed it's no going back over there's no coming over here remember and then it dawns on him it clicks the light goes off when Abraham says remember remember when you had it good and you paid no attention to Lazarus you remember when you was in church and the man of God was preaching and you were balancing your checkbook remember when Reverend Anderson was preaching the gospel and you were playing games on your iPad remember when you had an opportunity to help the homeless and you kept your eyes straight on 16 and Scott acting like you didn't see those homeless people do you remember all the opportunities you had to come to Christ and you did not come to Christ do you remember any filled with with remorse if I had done so it's the saddest word in the English language is if if I had taken God more seriously if I had spent more time with my children if I had not lied and be frauded so many people if I hadn't been trying to get over and getting a hookup and and and doing the wrong thing if I just done the right thing if I had taught my children right from wrong if I'd been a better father if I'd been a better husband if I'd been a better Christian if I've not been a hypocrite [Applause] looking backwards looking back over his life Abraham said remember this man in Hell is conscious and the sad thing about Hell is you can't lose consciousness you can't die it won't be over soon you will stay in hell tormented in friends forever the worm never dies that's weeping and gnashing of teeth there's no air there's no windows there's no doors there's no exits and worse there's no God the Old Testament calls it Hades and shield and Gehenna the New Testament calls inhale whether it's hell weather Hades where's Gehenna whether it's its shield I'm no God anything and I don't want to be anyway if God anything the worst part of Hell is you could have been saved and you will remember that you walked out on salvation history he was conscious but in his consciousness he finally develops some concern concern he listen to how he addresses Abraham all these years while he was enjoying purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously he never thought about the church but not Ares in hell father Abraham father Abraham father Abraham just like some of your cousin's in mind who were they out they don't care nothing about the church and when they go to the pen me become a Christian they want to preach yeah all I want to preach really get out of jail you know if everybody got a Bible when they get out of jail if they're not a Muslim they become a preacher well I had a cousin like that Gary Gary was a Muslim had he thought she came on and he's being nude hand on his head little beanie on his head and he was a Muslim and I need coming to the house assalamualaikum and all of that and my mama was cooking the pork roast you can smell that that got a garlic all the way down the street and Garrett's in my meat you know someone had pork roast I said Gary I thought you was a Muslim he's here damn that I'm gonna be a Muslim after I eat this pork [Applause] everybody's all saved and all that had with me when they incarcerated and then everybody loved God when they see everybody's a Christian as long as they down but as soon as God gets you back on your feet as soon as God puts you on the right Road you just like that dog in the scripture that turns around to lick his own vomit and forget about the God who brought you the God who kept your God was good to you when you're down you ought to give God praise when you get up if God made a way for you when you were out if God brings you back in you sure not far to give God some praise he's finally concerned he says if you're not gonna send Lazarus to to put his finger in some water and put it on my tongue send him to my father's house cuz I got five brothers and I don't want them to be tormented in these frames Abraham said they got Moses than the Prophet there's a church on every corner there's church on television there's Church on the radio if they don't hear them they won't hear anybody who rises from the grave brothers and sisters listen to me if the gospel doesn't move you if the fact that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem reared in Nazareth baptized in the Jordan performed miracles in the desert place wept over Jerusalem prayed in Gethsemane died one Friday got up early one Sunday morning is seated at the right hand of God with power making intercession for us right now and he's coming back again if that don't make you shine if you not impressed by that there's nothing that's gonna move you I want you to tell you I want to tell you this morning later Grove I don't have anything else but the gospel of Jesus Christ I almost said I'm sorry all I got is the gospel but I'm not sorry I'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of God unto salvation and somebody here saved this morning because you heard the gospel haven't got a witness here somebody's on that way to heaven this mornin cuz you're not on ER did you have a gospel but you believed I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe that he died for my sins I believe that he got abandoned one Sunday morning and I believe he's coming back again [Applause] Steve Jobs he's in Hell right now because he was an atheist and he said there is no god but one second after he died he found out he was wrong and if he had a chance I'm more than certain he'd come to Linda Grove and here an ignorant preacher from Louisiana tell him that there's a way that seems right but in there of our ways of deaths Stephen Hawking and Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin there's nobody you can put in their category when it comes to Internet and intelligence but they would sit down on this front seat this morning to hear me say to them though your sins be as scarlet they can be white as snow though they be red like crimson they can be like wool what away my sin nothing but the blood of G of freedom nothing but the blood of Jesus not a degree from a university not money in the bank nothing but the blood of Jesus he's concerned in hell because he wants Lazarus to go and talk to his brothers but it's too late he's concerned about life after death he's he's concerned about repentance she's concerned about others too late cuz in hell there is no second chance after death comes the judgement it's appointed unto man once to die and after this judgment and if you don't get it right on this side there'll never be another opportunity if you don't get it straight while you are alive there is no second chance when you get to hell hell is not predatory hell is not temporarily hell is not this world hell is a literal place for literal people I'm almost through here I'm just about ready to let this man go back to where you came from but he's got one more thing to share with us this morning not only is he in Hell conscious not only is he in hell concerned but lastly he's in Hell convinced he's convinced that hell is not a parable hell is not the grave Harrell is not annihilation I got into a discussion with one of my relatives who said I just don't believe that God who is so full of love I just don't believe that a loving good God the good Lord would create anybody that's the word he used the good Lord would create anybody and send them to hell I just refused to believe that and my response to him was God is such a loving God but he does not send you to him but he allows you to go there if that's your choice Carlton Pearson is espousing this Universalist idea that in the end everybody is going to be saved and so he's left the church for all intents and purposes talking about there's no such thing as a hell and people about the tens of thousands have bought into this our idea that a loving God would not allow we're not seeing anybody the hell God sends nobody to help but God allows you to go if that's your choice Moses told them in the book of Deuteronomy I've set before you life and death blessing and cursing choose life that you and your seed may live Joshua said I don't know what God's you're gonna save the gods on the other side of the flood or the gods and whose land you dwell but as for me and my house we gonna save the local largest said how long were your heart between two opinions if God be God then serve Him and if bail be God and serve Him God sins nobody to him but he allows you to go if that's your choice [Music]
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 68,430
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Id: -u36nxFKBXs
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Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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