Giving God Praise Before Your Deliverance (Job 42:1-6) - Rev. Terry K. Anderson

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i want to preach this morning about giving god praise before your deliverance giving god praise before your deliverance three elements conspire in the making of every great message three elements conspire in the making of every great message there's a pulpit there's an audience and there's a truth these three were present in the most notable messages in the life of our blessed savior his sermon on the mount and his seven last words from the cross the pulpit for the sermon on the mount was the mountain side his audience were unlettered galileans his truth were the beatitudes the pulpit for his seven last words was the cross his audience were scribes and pharisees who blasphemed temple priests who ridiculed roman soldiers who gambled timid disciples who ran mary magdalene who wept john the disciple who loved and married his mother who grieved as only a mother can his truth was the seven last words the dying words of a savior who by dying slew death in our text this morning three elements conspire in the making of a great message a pulpit an audience and a truth job's pulpit is his bed of affliction job's audience are those of us who wonder where is god in the midst of my suffering his truth is the assurance that god in christ will be with us through every season of trial and testing brothers and sisters those of us who are serious students of the bible know that there are hard questions in the book of job and there are two ways to ask these questions and i need you to think with me for a moment there are hard questions in the book of job and there are two ways to ask these questions you can ask the question as an arm chair believer or as a wheelchair believer an armed chair believer is like an armchair quarterback you're not in the game you're sitting in your recliner saying what you would have done if you were in the game and anybody can quarterback from their living room anybody can remonstrate about suffering if you haven't suffered anybody can give you advice on how you are to handle suffering if you've never been wounded but wheelchair believers talk about not what they heard but what they know from their own personal experience somebody here has been through storms and trials and testing and heartbreak and god has brought you through and you don't have an arm chair testimony you got a wheelchair testimony i know what prayer can do i know god is a healer i know god will be a mother for you i know god will put food on your table not from armchair experience i'm a wheelchair believer yeah listen listen armchair questions are electives armchair questions are extra curricular activity but wheelchair questions are required courses for academic credit in the school of hard knocks an overview of the book of job will hurriedly suggest that while job mistakenly but understandably job assumed that god had put him on trial it is really god and god's policies towards our poor humanity that's really on trial in the book of job job is just a key witness for the defense and satan comes with a prosecution and the overriding evidence being whatever existence and agency evil has in the world has to come by god's permission now brothers and sisters hear me you have to know something about the book of job to shout in this message this morning because in job chapter 1 verse number 8 and and preceding and succeeding verses job is bragged on by god and while god is bragging on job the sons of god present themselves and satan is in their midst the satan the accuser of the brethren satan presents himself with the sons of god and god says to say that essentially since you don't have anything to do since you hanging around in the wrong crowd have you considered my servant job satan does not introduce job to the conversation god introduces job to the conversation listen because god will not send you a test he know you can't pass every test every trial is tailor made for the person who is going through it god is not capricious god is not untrustworthy god will not send you a test or trial that he does not know you have the wherewithal to pass as a matter of fact if you're a christian it's an open book test [Applause] and uh you got to be mighty slow to fail and open book tests [Applause] because the answer is in the book no good thing will i withhold from him who walks uprightly trust in the lord that's the answer right there in the book with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him he shall direct your path the answer is in the book if you run with the foot men [Applause] and they have weared you how shall you contend with horses if you fight in the day of adversity your strength is small the answer is in the book there are only four people other than jesus and job that god bragged on in the scripture there are only four people other than jesus and job that god said of job especially there is none like him in the earth the only men other than jesus and job is solomon hezekiah josiah and saul now you wouldn't think saul would be in that crowd but the bible says saul was head and shoulders above everybody in the kingdom solomon hezekiah josiah jesus and job are the only people god said there's none like them in holy earth let me see if i can help somebody this morning sometimes god puts you in a class that does not look like your calling sometimes god puts you in a situation in a classroom that does not look like your calling watch this because he is preparing you for what he has prepared for you and god may want you in class 103b but you trying to go to 103a you're in the wrong class that's why when blessings come to you that you're not ready for you mess them up you've got to go through something before god can put something in your hand you got to be under somebody before god can put you over somebody god wants to prove in us that we love him for no reason external to himself the trappist monk thomas merton said if one loves god for something less than god himself we run the risk of hating god if we don't get what we hope for beloved faith is not getting from god what you want it's accepting from god what are you seeing faith is not getting from god what we want it is accepting from god what he gives job was the richest man in the east there was nobody like job the bible says he he he feared god and he ran away from evil job had seven sons and three daughters he had yoke of oxen and camels and livestock a beautiful wife an extraordinary life everything that a man could desire job had it and he lost it all in one fell swoop he loves all his sheep he loves all his oxen he lost all his camera and while the messengers were coming to tell him about everything that happened to his livestock another messenger came and said they were having a party at your oldest boy's house and a storm blew up tore up the house killed all your children i am the only one alive to bring you the news job didn't cuss job didn't shake his fingers at the heavens the bible says he shaved his head tore off his clothes which is a sign of deep grief and humility in the jewish customs of living he shaved his head ripped his mantle and said naked came out from my mother's womb naked i shall return the lord gives and the lord takes away bless that be the name of the lord and in all this the bible says job did not charge god foolishly and after job passed that test satan went back and presented himself with the sons of god and god said again have you considered my servant job he said job is serving you for what you've given him job loves you because of of what he has you've taken that away and he stood that test but but satan says let's play the skins game it's right here in the text skin for skin that's what satan says skin for skin you took his livestock and his camel and his children he can have that he can get some more livestock and camels and children because he's rich but let me strike him in his body and i'll make job curse you to your face god said have at it but do not touch his soul and brothers and sisters if you are a child of god some things just belong to god god will protect you god will put a hedge around you that's what satan's argument was satan says job is serving you because you got a fence around it move the fence and i'll make him curse you to your friends he's stricken with pus oozing sores boiled from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet he's out on the ash heap scratching himself with pieces of potsherd because he's itching and bleeding and pus is oozing all over and mrs joe [Music] says why don't you curse god and die job said i you know i really i really thought you had some sense if if if i had known you was this crazy i never would have married you i i really thought all this going to church and reading the sunday school lesson and and singing in the choir and working in children's church and all of this baking cakes for the women and all i really thought you were a christian you don't just receive good at god's hand and then when the evil comes you get mad with god that's a weak anemic christian can i help somebody in here god wants to try you when the storm comes cause you're not a christian when the sun is shining you're a christian when the doctor says i got some bad news [Applause] you're not a strong christian when all your children are at church you're a strong christian if your boy is in prison and you still come to church you're not a strong christian because you got a a husband and a white picket fence and 2.5 children you're a christian when you can come after your divorce and still give god to glory you've lost your job but you're still giving god the glory your health is beginning to fail but you're still giving god the glory you don't know what tomorrow is going to look like but you have learned how to give god praise before your deliverance don't wait till the battle is over go ahead and shout we live we live with trials and difficulties in this world you will have tribulation and then job's so-called friends came to his house and he sat with him seven days but on the eighth day they started giving unsolicited advice they said joel come on now tell us the truth you ain't you ain't going through this for nothing there's got to be some sins in your life that that god is punishing you for and listen sometimes um situations are the result of sin but sometimes god lets calamities happen to us just to get glory just just just for us to grow and to develop as christians and once once god has made that plain to you that your trial has come to make you strong and you come out of the divorce you come out of the sickness and people think something still got to be wrong with you you can't get in church unless people ask how you doing i'm fine how you doing when i know what you've been going through that ain't none of your business get you some business get you something to run get you something to do i'm doing fine well i'm praying pray for yourself i don't need you pat me on the back and pacifying i got jesus i don't need a man to validate me i don't need a relationship to make me somebody i'm somebody cause i'm a child of god if anybody asks you who i am tell them i'm a child of god you know listen folk want you down because that makes them up they want to make make it make it look like carlos uses this word all the time they want to me like you always doing bang they want to make like you just suffering them i'm praying for you no no no no no boo i've been delivered and they can't understand why you look so good why are you still dressing good why are you still wearing christian louboutin and why you still got louis vuitton and you ain't got a man you got a job [Applause] you don't need nobody to take care of you god will take care of you won't he do it i said won't he do it god will take care of you he'll put food on your table he'll make your enemy your footstool he'll provide for you we live in a society that that that thrives on more the billionaire wants more money the politicians want more power the child wants more macaroni and cheese everybody wants more but there are very few people in this church who want more spiritually because to get more spiritually you got to suffer you got to lose something to get more spiritually you got to be rock bottom and god's got to take from you what you think you can't get along without to help you to recognize that when you hit rock bottom he's always been the rock at the bottom job lost everything he had everything and god gave job every reason to break that relationship god gave job ever because listen satan and god is having this conversation and job knows nothing about what's going on behind the scenes and the trial you may be going through may be a conversation between god and satan that has nothing to do with you other than god wants to get glory out of your life and so he lo he lost all of his money he lost all his children his wife walked out everything he had is gone his friends give him no comfort to the degree that job says himself may the day i was born be wiped off the calendar may it not even be spoken that a man-child was conceived god he says why didn't i die in my mother's womb read job when you get a minute and then he said god if you let me live in the womb why wasn't i born dead if i have to go through all that i have to go through and in all of that job said do he slay me yet will i put my trust in man that is born of a woman ain't got but a few days and those few days are full of trouble he said hide me in the grave and keep me secret till your wrath be passed and when you're ready for me call my name and i will answer to my name and his friends rake him over the coals his friends pull him down make him feel worse than he felt before and they got on job's nerves so bad that he started complaining bitterly lamenting and job got to the end of his rope and said oh that i i knew where god was i wish i knew where he was i'm not scared to talk to him i just can't find it oh but i knew where i could find him i would rise and bring my case before him if i knew where he was i'd make a little visit to him this morning and god let job holler and rant and rave for 23 chapters [Music] and then around chapter 40. god said mr joel i hear you've been looking for me [Music] i understand you want to talk to me he said well before you talk to me stand up like a man gird yourself put some clothes on and look like a man if you're gonna talk to me but before you open your mouth to question my sovereignty let me ask you some questions where were you i wish i had a bible reader when the morning stars dance with the evening stars where were you when the sons of god shouted for joy why were you when i bulged up hills and mountains and tucked down grass on them and put daffodils and lilies to move the barren landscape of a monotonous world why were you when i made behemoths and leviathan where were you when i stretched the neck of the hippopotamus of the of the giraffe and enlarged the belly of the hippopotamus where were you when i put noise in a parakeet flight in a bird wet in water [Music] girth in land wherever you when i laid adam down and took a rib from his side and created a woman and said this is flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone why were you when i told the waters to come so far and no further. and then we get to chapter 42 and job said i'm sorry such knowledge is too wonderful i have uttered things that i cannot understand and brothers and sisters if you're going to praise god before your deliverance as a hurdle you got to get on the right pathway because there was a plan in job's life that he could not understand and there's a person in his life that he could not comprehend he yielded to the lord even though he didn't understand his ways he came under god's lordship even though he did not know what god was up to and your life started out a certain way and you thought you would live it out that way in peace and comfort but then god sent a tornado god's in a hurricane in the loss of a loved one or the loss of a marriage or the loss of a job or the loss of just peace of mind and then god sent all of those things without you knowing that they were coming because if you knew they were coming you could get ready for it but god sends it right after you have a good shout at church [Music] you get home and all hell is broken loose so brothers and sisters on that pathway if somebody's sleeping next to you waking up i'm about to be finished here on the pathway you got to pay a price job lost his finances he lost his family he lost his fitness and he lost his friends because if what you are is tied to what you have when you lose that stuff you're going to lose your mind if what you are is wrapped up in how you look when you get old you're going to try to be young and there's nothing more distasteful than somebody in their 70s trying to look like they're in their 30s because all that you are was wrapped up in what you look like if your money if your car if your house if your shape makes you who you are when that stuff is gone you are gonna wind up in an insane asylum but if you know who you are and who you belong to when your finances are gone when your fitness is gone when your family is gone when your friends are gone you still have joy because you're willing to pay the price i'm looking at some people in here this morning i know your story you have suffered greatly you have stood up under tremendous trials but you're in here this morning still looking good still dressing well because god has a strange way of putting something in your face that when folk look at you they can't understand why you still got it like that let me let me let me cut across the field here i've kept you here too long let me let me let me cut across that's a pathway that's a price but then there's a privilege because job is now before god and in verses one two three four five and six he's still scratching himself he's still full of plus oozing boils and sores god has not delivered him nor given him an answer for his misery yet in verses one through six he is praising god before he's delivered and because god sees his faithfulness before job is delivered you want to know what god does i'm glad you asked god gave job double everything he lost watch this except his children he gave him back everything he lost except his children job was blessed at the latter end more than the beginning because he had 7 000 sheep and because he praised god before he was delivered he now has fourteen thousand sheep [Music] he had three thousand camels now he has six thousand he had 500 yoke of oxen now he has a thousand he had 500 she asses now it's a 500 now he has a thousand but he still got 10 children god didn't give him 20. god gave him back double what he lost except his children somehow to help me preach it and god could have given him 20 children if god can give you 14 000 camels and 7 000 or 6 000 camels and and fourteen thousand yoke of oxen if god can give you all of those things surely god could have given him 20 children god gave him 10 children better than the 10 he too because when you give your children to god god will send them back better than you sent them to him can i shout right here [Music] god gave him back double what he had except his children because everything he had materially the devil stole from him but his children god took him and when the lord took them the lord had them in safe keeping and when the lord sent them back he gave him seven sons but he names the three daughters girls are never named in the family background we we don't know the names of one of job's sons seven sons we don't know the name of either one of them but we know the names of his three daughters because his three daughters represent how god blessed him at the ladder more than at the beginning he gave him a girl named jemima not ancient jemima the name jemima means day or dove god turned darkness into light and turmoil into peace he gave him another girl named kazia that name kazia means fragrance god replaced the stench of loss with the sweet fragrance of victory and then this last girl is named karen the name karen in the scripture means cosmetics or i paint the word karen in the scripture job's daughter's name means eye shadow god gave him a girl who means eye shadow or eye paint it's the same word in exodus 32 when moses came down from the mountain and his face was so bright he had to put a veil on in order for them to be able to look at it when god blesses your life he puts a brightness in your countenance and a beauty in your features that when people look at you and know what you've been through they got to testify you don't look like what you've been through stop feeling sorry for me in my trials stop brooding over my situation god has got me stop stop stop getting on facebook talking about we need to be in prayer for so and so no no no pray for yourself thank you so much i appreciate it but everybody i won't pray for me because the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avail as much some people are just nosy and want to be in your affairs and find out what's going on in your life you need some prayer warriors some people who are serious about prayer and they know what prayer can do but i've been walking with god long enough now i can pray for myself i've been standing up under enough pressure long enough now to know that god knows how to deliver i've gone through enough trials to know god knows how to mend up a broken heart god knows how to lift up a bow down head god knows how to raise up some friends for me to encourage me just in the nick of time god knows how to run off my enemies from me so that i'll be able to do what it is he's called me to do i need somebody who has been through some trials i need somebody who has been through some situations with your children or with your marriage or with your health or with your finances and god has come to your rescue god has come to your house and god straightened out your situation you're not in here this morning complaining about anything you came to give god the glory even before god delivers you may still be in that situation you may still be in that trial you may still be in that circumstance but you've got enough faith to know god will make a way out of nowhere i need a believer this morning if you trust and never doubt god will bring you out you don't know who you're sitting next to you don't know what that person is going through why don't you come on and help me to encourage them this morning god will see you through god will bring you out god will answer your prayer god will come to your rescue maybe they don't have enough faith to testify like they should this morning why don't you tell them your testimony i was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply stained within i was thinking to rise no more but the master of the sea he had my despairing cry from the waters he lifted me won't he do it won't he do it why don't you encourage somebody why don't you look at your neighbor you don't know what they had to face last week you don't know what they have to face this week you don't have to put your hands on him just look at him and tell him this be not dismayed whatever [Music] be tired god will [Music] god will god will take care of you won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it say yeah yeah yes yes all right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 75,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lilly Grove, Missionary Baptist, Church, Rev. Terry K. Anderson, Pastor Terry Anderson, Bible Study, Word of God, Baptist Sermon, Sunday Sermon, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Christianity, Christian, Sunday Teaching, Life Lessons, Power of Prayer, Faith, Religion, Baptist
Id: ym-uGP0xFhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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