But They Could Not

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every knee shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is no [Music] [Music] if you have a pen in verse number 18 those last words in verse number 18 is what I want to preach about tonight and whenever it seizes him it throws him down he falls at the mouth gnashes his teeth and he becomes rigid so I spoke to your disciples that they should cast it out this is the word but they could not that's that's what I want to preach about tonight but they could not I brought him to the church but they could not in the thirteenth century Thomas Aquinas who was a brilliant thinker and scholar was invited to visit with Pope Alexander the 4th and Pope Alexander gave him a tour of the Vatican and all of the rich marble and gold panels and all of the riches that Rome held and rather wryly rather snidely he said to Thomas Aquinas no longer can the church see what was said in acts silver and gold have I none and Thomas Aquinas without missing a beat said that's true but sadly no longer can the church say in the name of Jesus rise up and walk for us to call ourselves a church and for people to come here to be healed and we can't do it is false advertising I wish I had a witness here if we are the body of Christ if the church is a hospital for crippled soldiers if this is the place where people can come for hope and help healing and restoration and we can't do it then we need to take that sign down outside take these pews out of here tear down this pulpit throw our song books and Bibles in the trash and go to hell for his class we are the body of Christ we are the Church of God he brought his son to Jesus disciples watch this who just finished casting out demon weed it retreat read it in your reading Jesus sent him out two by two they cast out Devils be healed in the name of Jesus and now this man brings his boy who is possessed by an evil spirit he foams at the mouth his teeth Nashes he's rigid it throws him in the fire throws him in the water he brings his boy to where healing is supposed to take place and the saddest words I believe in the New Testament they could not they could not I want you to see first of all the the lack of spiritual power it's it's not that they don't have what they need to get it done but they're trying to do it in their own power and anything the Christian tries to undertake in his own power is a failure before you get started it's not bad Mike I wish they had a Bible reader it's not by your power but it is by my spirit says the Lord the lack of power Jesus in the preceding verses prior to verse 14 he's on the mount on Mount Hermon being transfigured with Peter James and John and it is such an awesome sight that Peter said Lord is good for us to be here let's build three Tabernacles one for Moses one for Elijah and one for you because Moses and Elijah the law and prophecy show up to talk with Jesus they hear that conversation and Peter is so caught up in it that he does not want to leave that moment and I think all the share with your brothers and sisters that you ought to enjoy those rare moments on Sunday morning and those rare moments on Tuesday night when we are high up in the mountain full of the spirit because as soon as you come down I wish I had somebody to help me you gonna meet hell hellish people talk back to me if you can hell on your job hell in your family hell in your community I thank God for Sunday morning because we're not for Sunday morning I couldn't handle Wednesday morning I feel sorry for people who can't praise and shout on Sunday or during the worship I had Church because of your whole life is about being angry and upset and mad and a misfit you must live a miserable existence I need to find someplace to go where I can be myself but I don't have to fake with anybody where I don't have to pretend I don't have to put on a mask I can come to church and tell God was going on in my heart and even if I don't say a word he can read my mind [Applause] and if I stay close to him his word says I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me and then I feel sorry for you if you just shout at millet gruel you ought to be able to praise God at your house riding in your car sitting down at your desk I wish I had a witness here when you wake up in the morning on sometime before you go to bed at night you start thinking about where God brought you from and what God gives you and what you have that you wouldn't have if the Lord hadn't blessed you you you're not just come to church to shop that everything that has breath praise the Lord when I'm up praise the Lord when I'm down praise the Lord when I'm broke praise the Lord when I'm sick praise the Lord when I'm by myself pray I will bless the Lord I wish I had one or two Whitman's at all times his praise shall continually be in mom Peter didn't want to come down and sometimes I wish I didn't have to come down because I'm I'm good when I'm at church you don't have to watch me you can believe anything I say I wish I didn't have to leave the church but when I leave here I meet the valley where these disciples are and Jesus knows that they have to go down from Mount Hermon because the real work of the kingdom is not on the mountain it's where the crackheads are it's where the downtrodden live is where broken people are is where shattered lives are and if we stayed up there we'd never be able to help them who are down there because somebody had to come from up there to help me Jesus came through 42 generations some up there down here to heal my broken life to mend my shattered existence and here they are down in the valley and when Jesus gets there he is met by a lack of spiritual power that's a folk in the crowd I want you to notice the scribes don't believe the father doesn't believe and the disciples don't believe now the boy is in trouble but the scribes are arguing with the disciples saying why you can't do nothing about it and the daddy is saying I thought y'all was with Jesus y'all can't do nothing about it and the disciple is looking at one another saying can you do it can you do it what you think of me for can you do it because when there's no spiritual power you stop brain shifting [Applause] but that happens a lot of times in the church when you don't have anything spiritual going on you start finding fault see how glad you got right and people who people who find fault don't want to solve problems they just glad it's a problem to make a mess over kind of like kind of like the Garden of Eden when God came walking in the garden in the cool of the day and said Adam where are you they started blame-shifting Adam said if you hadn't given me that woman and the woman said the devil made me do it shifting the blame because that's a lot of spiritual but but now I want you to see the Lord of spiritual power the father says I brought into your disciples for them to heal him but they could not listen to what that father says listen to that pitiable cry of that desperate father he says I brought him to the people they told me could help him but they could not and then he says to Jesus if you can help him he starts that city's wrong you never use if when you're talking to Jesus because there's nothing he can't do I wish I had a witness here there's no lies he can't fix there's no situation he can turn around that's no problem he can't solve that's no burden he can't lift up you never say if when you come to Jesus because Jesus can do anything I'm a witness and somebody else here can help me testify Jesus can fix it for me I wish I had my 7:30 crack Jesus can turn it around for you Jesus can take what's crooked and make it straight Jesus can take was rough and make it smooth Jesus can take wasn't low and bring it high Jesus can turn your life around never say if talking to Jesus he says Lord if you can help us have mercy on us I want you to get this I want you to get this it is not that the father does not believe it is that he is in doubt and a little doubt is better than no belief I wish I wish I had one or two more with Jesus can walk with your doubt but Jesus can do nothing where there's unbelief let me see if I can prove that to you from the world Jairus his daughter was at the point of death I wish I had a Bible reading and gyruss said Lord if you come and put your hands on she will be healed and she will live Jesus went with him the Bible says on the way they were interrupted by this woman with an issue of blood she grabbed his clothes Jesus stopped and when he stopped the blood stopped he said somebody touched me and he said Lord all these people pushing around here somebody's bound to touch it Jesus said I felt power I felt virtue run out of me and that woman said I touched you jesus said your faith has made you whole but when he gets the gyruss house the professional mourners are on the scene weeping and wailing and screaming and hollering and jesus says she's not dead she's sleeping and the Bible says they laughed at him and Jesus said get all of her unbelievers out of here if I'm gonna bring this girl back to life that's got to be an atmosphere of belief and if somebody gonna get saved in here tonight get all the unbelievers if somebody's gonna get set free tonight what all they aren't believers both of you lie I believe but what I mean it's for you to help my husband [Applause] [Music] the mayor says the reason I'm struggling is because they said they could do it and the reason why folk fall out with Jesus it's because they come to church and they meet us in our power struggles they meet us in our ugly acting ways we don't want them to sit in our seat come on talk back to me here we're saving a seat for somebody and you know you can't sit there and we are so ugly and mean with people talking I got no problem with Jesus that problem is with us cuz we would get us straight we'd be rep better representatives of Jesus [Applause] lord I believe but help my unbelief and I need some honest believer here tonight [Music] who struggled which you believe that there are some things I'm still struggling with there are some issues I haven't tackled yet and Lord I believe but I'm weak I'm frail I wish I had somebody to help me not under you who got it all together and you ain't got no problem god bless you I wish I were you but there are some of us in here about 80 or 90 of us in here who believe we love the Lord we love the church we love God but every time we desire to do good evil is always present and the good that I would do I find myself not doing oh [Applause] that's that's what this does that's just what the believers is oh that's the crying of somebody who's in trouble [Applause] in my distress I've had to cry Oh in my pain Oh in my heartbreak Oh in my troubleman trial my stress I've had to say all I believe would help my unbelief if the father doubts but he's not an unbelief he knows that if Jesus shows up something may change if Jesus gets in the problem the little faith he has he mixes it with what he heard did you get that the little faith he has he mixes it with what he heard because he never would have come there if he hadn't heard something he heard that he turned water in the wine he's heard that they were out in the desert place and just had to fish at five loads and Jesus fed five thousand men not counting the women and the children he heard that Peters mother-in-law had a fever and Jesus just laid his hand on her and she was healed he heard that they were on a boat and a storm blew up and Jesus spoke to the wind and said peace be still if he can do that he can heal my boy so I need to tell somebody tonight you might want to bypass these church people and go directly [Applause] - Jesus well wish I had time to Krista today pass up some of these Deacons pass up some of these choir members pass up this preacher cuz the power and in the pastor the power is in the master he has [Applause] he said lord I believe and I don't doubt you out I know you can they've been talking about you the rumor has spread I know you can do it but what I need for you is to help me in my unbelief and you need to admit when you fall short have I got a witness you need to admit you don't have all the answers have a got a witness here you need to admit that you don't get it right all the time you need to admit that there are days when you blunder big time kept my unbe help me in the weak areas of my life help me in the blind side of my life I can't see everything I can't understand everything I can't know everything so help my unbelief here it is I'm bout to shout right now jesus said bring him to me they can't do it but I can they can help but they can't straighten him out bring him to me bring your boy to Jesus bring your sickness to Jesus bring your depression to Jesus bring your cancer to Jesus bring you wish i hisses mother bring your daughter to Jesus stop running the psychiatrists and these sue sales and these mediums and this Pope reading your palm bring them to Jesus my brother some years ago when I was pastoring at home my brother was at a club and my mother had been after him about bringing a gun with him and my brother got in this fight and he shot and killed this man and the police couldn't find him and they were all over town looking for him the sheriff and police people in the community were called in our house telling my mother we saw him over here and we saw him over there and my mother went to the police station and she said I know he's committed a crime he's murdered somebody he's done wrong and he's going to pay for that she said but if you find him before I do I know he's wrong but but that's my child don't shoot him don't don't kill him bring him to me and when you bring him to me I can get him to turn himself in and the police did that they did that they brought him to my mother and father's house and my father was always weak in those kinds of situations he he was really strong in a big man but things like that just broke him down he just cried like a baby but my mother said bring him to me and I will bring him downtown I gave birth to him I can do more with him than you can if you chase him he's gonna leave he's gonna run and leave and never come back but if you find him don't shoot him bring him to me I can do something with it and Jesus tonight has the compassion the heart of a loving mother if you down come on to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me and you'll find that my yoke is easy thank you for tuning in to a call to Joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at www.teamclarke.org [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 97,060
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: Zpy-MBmyBvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2013
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