Don't Eat That It'll Ruin Your Appetite

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open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Luke at chapter number 14 commencing in verse 15 through verse number 24 Luke chapter number 14 commencing in verse 15 and when one of them that set at meet with him heard these things he said unto Him blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God then said he unto Him a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden come for all things are now ready and they all with one consent began to make excuse the first said unto him I have bought a piece of ground and I must needs go and see it I pray thee have me excused and another said I have bought five yoke of oxen and I go to prove them I pray thee have me excused and another said I have married a wife therefore I cannot come so that servant came and showed his Lord these things in the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and the servant said Lord it is done as long as commanded and yet there is room and the Lord said unto the servant go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled for I say unto you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper thank you you may have your seats the grass withers and the flower that row feet of the way with the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk a moment from this subject don't eat that it'll ruin your appetite don't eat that it'll ruin your appetite food and eating and sitting at table in Scripture both old and new Testament has an eschatological meaning to it for much about scripture is about sitting at table sitting at fellowship enjoying a feast most of the Psalms are written to be sung in their feasts the feast of booths the feast of unleavened bread the feast of Passover the Feast of Trumpets the feast of weeks the Feast of Tabernacles we find them eating and in fellowship Jesus came eating drinking sitting at table and holding fellowship for food and sustenance eating and drinking is of some eschatological significance we Christians who are members of lily Grove come here on the first Sunday every month to eat and drink a fellowship meal celebrated by Jesus himself a reenactment of the Passover meal and he said to them I will not eat or drink until I take it new with you in my father's Kingdom eating and drinking is of eschatological significance there is been prepared for the believer of feasts the book of the revelation chapter 19 calls it the marriage supper of the Lamb we will sit down together at a banquet feast at a table that's already been spread he says come for all things are now ready but in this passage the master has made guests to come to this feast that has been elaborately prepared as a matter of fact when you read Matthew's account in chapter 22 Matthew tells us what was even prepared for the feast the fatted oxen the firstlings of his fruit the best table had been sent everything was now ready weeks of preparation have gone into this feast it was not last minute it was not haphazard it was not thrown together it was not spur-of-the-moment great preparation had gone into this feast invitations had been sent wedding garments had accompanied the invitation everything he was ready and when the servants go to check on the invitations everybody who had been invited offered excuses they offered trivial excuses with everyday preoccupation the feasts have been prepared it was not thrown together I wish I had somebody to help me breathe it was not a potluck supper it was not leftovers it was a feast the fatted oxen the best meats the best fruits the best vegetables the best tablecloth the best dinnerware the best invitations gold embossed invitation not only did the invitation go out but the wedding garment accompanied the invitation but they didn't have to look for something to wear the master sent not only the invitation but the Garmon sure all things are ready but they offer trivial excuses of everyday preoccupation everything is ready come to the feast I sent you an invitation I sent you a wedding gone this is not McDonald's this is not from what a burden somebody ought to help me preach it this is not soul food this is not leftovers the best meats the best delicacies everything your heart desires is at the table all you have to do is come and dine but every last one invited offer the trivial excuse of everyday preoccupation one man said I I just bought some land and I need to go look at my property help me preach if you can another man said I've just bought some oxen to tell my fields I've got to go check them out and see if they're worth what I paid for another said I just got married are you already no I can't come yeah I got to see if this is all they said it is and they pre occupied themselves with excuses and excuses are really dignified lies I wish I had one or two moments when you offer an excuse you're really lying about it you could come if you wanted to but you got something else in its place my brothers and sisters there's only one point in this little sermon and and I want you to get this they did not come because of the land they did not come because of the oxen they did not come because of the wife they didn't come to the feast because they were not hungry and until you hunger and thirst after righteousness you will never be filled I wish I had somebody help me ready blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness now here's what the holy girls gave me about this thing the blessing in the Beatitudes is not righteousness righteousness is a byproduct of a precondition the precondition to righteousness is hunger and thirst hunger is the blessing fasting is the blessing and when you get hungry enough and fast enough then the byproduct of that precondition is righteousness when you were growing up if your parents were were really conscientious and cared about your eating habits they would not let you eat junk before dinner you couldn't have candy and potato chips and popcorn and freeze pops and ice cream and popsicles before dinner if your mother and father was really concerned about you they'd tell you don't eat that it'll ruin your appetite the table is spread with the best delicacies and you want french fries you want to happen me tacky and dressing is on the table greens and hot water cornbread preppies turnip dreams neck bones cabbage corn bread peach cobbler all that's on the table and you want a big man I wish I had somebody to help me preacher God has goodness massive faithfulness kindness you want a man you want a house singie fast I was a handsome noisy the chin them of heaven and all these other things will be added don't eat that Adam don't eat that it'll ruin your appetite God's got something more for you Adam don't listen to Eve Adam let that woman alone don't eat that it'll ruin your appetite he saw don't eat that the blessing is yours but you got to turn it over to Jacob for pilots to don't eat that Esau it'll ruin your appetite Samson Tony that you're a Nazarite from your mother's womb you're about to eat honey from a dead Lions carcass God got something better for you and you got to ruin your Hospital members are Lenny Grove don't eat that don't listen to that mess on the radio that's talking about name and entry MIT it'll spoil your appetite this ha-ah hunger and thirst is- hanger and first suggests lack need so what Jesus is suggesting through this text is come to the kingdom empty so God can fill you somebody help me here come the church empty because if you live for the Lord listen to me Monday we'll take it out of you shoes they will take it out of cover got a witness Wednesday we'll take it out of it children we'll take it out of you problems we'll take it out of bills were taken out of you trouble we'll take it out of you circumstances we'll take it out of you and by time you get held Sunday morning you are empty but before you leave here if you came in the right mind sick I woke up this morning with my mind I wish I had a witness here I will keep him in perfect peace my it's stayed on me okay I can't speak for no other parent in here this morning but parenting a child sometimes when I get to church on Sunday morning I'm not even fit to preach I don't cuss somebody ought to help me talk him out of first talk till I'm blue in the face then I got to get up on Sunday morning and come preach somebody ought to help me here I get tired going to the doctor's appointments come on talk back to me here I get tired of that traffic on 59 and 45 you get tired of them folk on your job you get tired of your brothers and sisters borrowing your money and don't want to pay your back you get tired of for the line on you talking about you criticizing you when you get hell Sunday morning you got all you can do to just get to your seat and say feel my top have a got a witness here somebody been struggling with a crazy child somebody's been taking care of a power that's getting old you know that time and circumstances will take it out of so if you get here empty he can feel young he told him going and get everybody I invited coz all things are now ready and they refused the invitation because they were not hungry the the trivial pursuits of everyday preoccupation made them not hungry and brothers and sisters as a hurry if you don't watch the devil he will cause you to satiate your hunger and slake your thirst with things that don't satisfy I wish I had somebody to help me because the things of this world are temporary and mundane and if you try to put them in the place of the one who settles the vacuum shape a hole in your soul if you try to fill that hole with something else other than the one who can totally feel it you will leave here unsatisfied oh I like I like jiffy cornbread you can you can you can take a Negro out of the country but you can't take the country out that Negro I liked jiffy cornbread sometimes I have that for supper cornbread and milk I like the bottom of that pan they get kind of black so the crumbs and black crumbs can come up to the top and sit on the top of my milk and I take my shoes off and mash it up real good in Louisiana we call that Coosh Coosh you Texas people don't know anything about that but the other night I was making some cornbread and I was just making enough for me in Victoria and and I just used one box but I had a large container pan and and the pan was larger than the mix now put it in and put it in the oven and baked it and he came out victorious said daddy that cornbread kind of slim I didn't use enough mix for my pan somebody who helped me pre track me it was good but it wasn't enough on my pan god got a big pan for you but you got to use enough mix you got a mix piece and John and long-suffering and gentleness and meekness and temperance and self-control but all it in the bowl mix it up pour it in and then God will give you all you need to not just satisfy your own Sunday morning but you'll have enough for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday come back here on Sunday get some more ask the Lord to fill you up because until you get hungry enough you will never be satisfied they refused to come and the master said alright go in the streets going to lanes and bring back some crippled people bring back the poor the blind the lame the who didn't get a gold embossed invitation the people who didn't get a wedding garment tell them to come cuz all things are ready you can help the priestess want you and the serpent came back and said master it's done but there's still room there's still some seats available after feast I went got some lame people I went got some blind food I went got the poor and the brokenhearted and all of them are at the table but they're still rude I suggest that the master said well that's a little folk out there who need a seat at the table go get some Liars go get some people who had a baby before they got married go get somebody who's drunk get somebody who's in recovery get somebody who's been in the penitentiary let's see something all quiet with that crowd because you want to be in that first crowd with the gold embossed invitation and the wedding garments cuz you think you're better than the pool you're better than the lane you're better than the blind you're better than those in recovery you're better than those who are ex alcoholics you're better than those who had babies out of wedlock you're better than those who have divorced but the Lord says the table is ready the people at church don't want it the people who look good refuse it the people who think they all happen don't want to be at the table so go get some folk who know they don't deserve it go get some people who know that they are not worthy go get some people who did not get an invitation and tell him all things are now ready and I'm so glad that I got my invitation I'm so thankful this morning that he included the poor and the lame the blind and the brokenhearted I'm glad he included ex-truck ins X prostitutes divorces are in that trial I'm so glad he included liars and crooks thieves and adulterers because I got a chance now to sit down at the table is there anybody here no you're not aware there but the Lord gave you a seat at the table is there anybody here know if you're hungry enough he'll satisfy your hunger soon is there anybody here know the Lord is bread when you're hungry he's water when you're thirsty I wish I had a witness in come all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me and my yoke will were easy and my burden will be light I need somebody in this sanctuary this morning who know you don't need an invitation no you don't deserve an invitation God shall have mercy on you he just looked beyond your faults and saw all you need he didn't look at your family background he didn't look at your transcript from college he didn't look at your statement from the bank he didn't look at what you had in your house or what you drove here in this morning he just loved here because he loves you is there anybody here wanna praise in this morning cuz you got a seat at the table if the Lord opened doors for you help me praises me if the law gave you a seat at the table help me shout hallelujah if the Lord opened doors for you why don't you grab somebody shake somebody's hand tell him I I know I don't deserve it I know I should have been dead sleeping in my grave but Frank you Jill he pried man some a mighty long way why don't you hurt somebody tell him you don't know like I know what the law laughing lawn no he's our I got a seat at the table I said I got a seat at the table I said I got a seat at the table you gonna help me close here won't you I got shoes you got shoe all God's children got shoes and when I get to heaven I'm gonna put on my shoes put on my robe put on my crown and shout all over heaven but before I get there i'ma shout right here thank you but what you've already done thank you for what you've already brought me through thank you for what you've already given me why don't you hug somebody why don't you grab your praise pump why don't you get you somebody who look like they know how to play is go and both of y'all right now say I'm glad I got a seat at the table no he's all right all things are now ready one of these days when the war's over I'm gonna sit at the banquet team I'm gonna feast on milk and honey I'm gonna tell God thank you for all you've done for me and when he gives me my crown I'm gonna give it right back to him and we gonna crown him king of kings and Lord of lords blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness righteousness is not the blessing the blessing is being hunger don't ever lose your hunger for the things of God always want to hear preaching I always want to go to church always want to read the Bible always be ready to shout always be ready to give God praise be hungry for the things of God and if you stay hungry the bible says you'll stay food blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 115,514
Rating: 4.7157073 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: 32GeYBjeVRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 26 2014
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