AN INDOMINUS IS BORN!!! - Jurassic World Evolution - HARD CHALLENGE MODE | Ep7 HD

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and indominus rex you're creating a hybrid a date Oh God hello everybody and welcome back to jurassic world evolution that's right we have to do it every episode we have to have the logo fly in with some sort of shine effect and we're on full I'm a bit stars yes oh we've got something ready in the lab Oh dad is right because we had a biro next i didn't--we hi oh my god it came racing out there didn't it because we lost I think this was called burry or is this actually peri I don't know but anyway it's a better version so after you go poori I've also got a see no Sarah tops oh poor he's making a break for it I think he's gonna go I'm not gonna release the sin of Sarah tops just in case he doesn't go yep there he goes so we've got another sinister tops so that is Bouree Bouree is already there going to his ankles yeah and we're still got cimol several box don't ask me what Canucks on that is I'm just having fun today oh the lake Horrocks is also complete as well as Pachycephalosaurus t-rex is complete yeah so basically this could be the penultimate or even final episode of Jurassic world hard mode Spinosaurus is there I'm not really fussed about Spinosaurus what I am wanting is a sticky Moloch or sticky mole or more or less sticky more work and we got more this or peltor is another one any more sticky Morlocks should we just go for spinal then I feel like it's Superman was somewhere and I didn't complete that yeah so we'll go for circa moments as well wow you got to that adjust for that wow that's impressive okay Oh Oh fantastic I know so I want to get Spinosaurus and also okay you know what let's just max out entertainment cuz we've already got the Innovation Center so with that we get a lots of money fine oh no no no no oh look at my babies lovely in red but there is something that's on low health I think and it was over here Oh what is it poor Deinonychus what's wrong with your buddy food and water you're starving what are you starving for lad there's water right there we go so we've got the collar Tauruses we've got all of the all the Becky's who apparently just don't want it oh that's right cuz I closed okay in you get go on and we go that's right because we start making Pachycephalosaurus yes watch them go no don't leave don't leave yeah there you go okay so we one went out but to win in I'm assuming oh my god yet there's the arc oneth - is all winning because they're clever however this guy wanted to conversate with that one but hopefully they'll all go in as well so oh there is super - fantastic well we got a lot of stuff for spinosaurus of course look at that shark a shark vessel oh god whatever that was that was I was a pretty penny so we'll send off again for suka - will go for Spinosaurus and I think sticky more like was I think so we'll do that one come on there's only one left in yeah pop love and we've got some research to do because we are like five stars meaning that I can do even more bat research that's what I'm all about really you meet me in real life I'm like them all about dem bats oh come on ah stop having a bloody party what are you doing oh no Hecht Elias Oh died of old age - thirty five stars killed seven goats and two dinosaurs oh for God's sake why is with the AI doing this you're right nightmares all you okay okay well anyway we've got to make us write a Saurus and I think we've already got one the other 1.3 million lives for 143 we'll just see if we can change that a little bit will change I think we're all good though yeah yeah we're all good okay so it's a million for so brother sores that's fine who X fossils are done that's because I keep on getting out to pee oh yes yes come on don't leave come on come on no more no more we just got what we're waiting on one more dinosaur to come through and it's that little becky over there come on come on pick you can do oh oh yes yes it's gonna happen yes Jesus hey ya gon close and how's this one doing we still got a bunch we got a lot less we got a lot less there's no way they're grazing in here now forum I should just I should make it old path shouldn't I that might work better okay we apparently not wanting any sticky more like DNA may be sticking Morlocks hundred percent that could be the case if that is the case solder let's spinosaurus spinosaurus suka - actually we can check by just going on it oh no it is completed i think yeah so sticking Rolo was completed right so we've got a sprout a source there that's gonna be done we've got one Pachycephalosaurus here where's the other pachycephalosaurus you are complete as well 11% oh the phone did we get that upgrade for success ratio damn it out of everything I'm upgrading I'm pretty sure I can do that now oh it's being worked on okay never mind what else Allosaurus I might as well we got two minutes until we get that and next one going on how much is a Pachycephalosaurus cost so half a million what's of rating 65 on that bad boy no all we need is variety I don't need oh wait no I tell you what we'll we'll keep that one quite high just because I know for a fact that one just is mostly for aging so 2% chance of failing will incubate those two and where do they go that's the question actually we could pull the sticky mud works in that in the right enclosure and then put spinosaurus in the actually no we'll put that we'll put those the sticky mud locks and that in this one so we'll open this gate the first lucky surfer asaurus just pretty darn decent well is it not look like an albino one whoa - shame that they're so bloody useless though innit they can't fight off against anything I'll let go it told me do you want to sell this you didn't give me an option it was like salad or salad extracting anything extract marine reptiles and we'll make another actually no let's make some Corrections no Soros some people I know do I need to get Human Resources involved what was that about yeah okay so we can replace that with 3.0 and replace this with a 3.0 as well so now we can afford to make even better dinosaurs so we're gonna go into here I'm at the moment I'm just trying to get the whatchamacallit the variety up once we get Spinosaurus and of course indominus rex should be good so I'm pleased to see you acquire the genome and close out this contract it'll be worth it you'll see never now what you're on about don't even know what that mission was okay so we're gonna swing runed sit there and then we are going to probably go straight I don't even know where this goes oh did I make this whole enclosure like big fences oh no I didn't aha but I need to make this one big because that is a pretty sizable fence my got that last episode though with those flippin storms we almost closed everything that could go wrong pretty much went wrong was it oh that was a t-rex feed oh okay and that is all the feeders done we've got two things that are out of power Oh Dragon King Rex sounds so intimidating but it's just a plant-eater however just in case they do rule the earth again don't tell them I said that and more I tell you what if he ever opens up all the gates if I get sabotage I'm completely done okay oh my god we had 70 percent that's 70 freakin percent for spinosaurus already jay says okay so the Pachycephalosaurus a--'s are going all-in it should be big enough father may be more social but they're getting it in a second I will just quickly remove all of this I don't know what Pachycephalosaurus is Oh for a second I was like wait a minute see that's good so if we look through here look you got to see my god this is a huge they look tiny right let's resupply what has run out of food I was gonna say I'm pretty sure we've resupplied everything so we're good so guys for those of you that has stuck with me on this series I hope you've enjoyed our I've really enjoyed and will be of course going into osoo classes done we'll go into the jurassic difficulty to unlock that indominus rex skin I don't think it's gonna be too hard saying that though might be it could very well be pretty darn tough so you know what I'll go for and finish off the Spinosaurus because I want that Giga as well because gig is gonna cost me a tiny little sum so that is another Dracorex a another Dracorex so still again opening all of those and I don't know what the power situation is what's the stitch now we're gonna go this way we're gonna go around the outside all the way and so we said oh we got 53 oh we are great oh we got Carnotaurus e's haven't bitten each of these let's go at a price and that price is an increase in the percentage you share with the Hammett foundation oh yeah so now we're gonna go Vista he more like with a rating of 30 odd we're gonna go for coastal I'm just gonna try and make it the best I can so then that's turtle again and immunity 144 rating of 50 which is pretty decent and we'll go for like two of these release in progress for the Dracorex is almost done how what's your population like for Draco yeah nah I'm the greatest of side so I'm assuming that stinky Moloch is gonna be around about the same and now we're saving up for the Giga because the gig is gonna cost a little bit spinosaurus 88 and we'll get those two it's very a lot of spinosaur so my god it's like I'm I've just put speed up but we're getting decent fossils so maybe they want to change that I'm not sure I don't want them to change that oh that's it yeah that's it we're gonna fully have completed it yeah stinky mark there we go and color source is done sell those two so we have all of the small dinosaurs right I think we do if we go over here though hold on I've read all the dinosaurs like finally they migrate they also go in when they haven't been in a while so heck Tilly's ii will live longer and be even better and doesn't even look like act Ilyas it's the newly improved moody hacked Ilyas yes oh wow I haven't seen this skin before Ola looks awesome if they put new skins in what is that that looks so cool get you already know uh-oh we got a rafter in here already I don't even know why eased what the hell he's doing a man so sales hell so Spinosaurus is 100% so a lot so oh god you sell everything Sal's house hell I'm not and that and that so wow that is basically Giga dog yeah I think we financed it completely so stinky more like this is the first thing you know like we've got so that's three species within 15 minutes of the video being up a little bit slow raining on these guys isn't too great oh look at you the cities are use a new castle fan Nick my pies for those of you who aren't interested football me neither is that its name is derived from hell and a demon that's oh yeah it definitely needs three I actually might think that three isn't enough so what else can we research but yeah I mean we'll go to places that we haven't been before I just I mean sorry with the new discoveries just to make sure that we get some good stuff I think that's how you get good good good finds I could be right up there comes the other one now to make what gets more in tune to and 40 for a base key spy no or a Giga what gets more I'm just like oh sorry we can just click I can't wait yeah so 2016 4 Giga 244 spinosaurus well that to me says that we need a Spinosaurus instead so let's just let's just get them one with the highest rating so 2 or 3 or 28 ok uh-oh through to 70 odd 4 and 25 heck yeah so where's the one at the bottom oh that's nice wait I could get I think what is that could we make even better if we like genetically modified it a little bit more and not that one I'm genetic research where's the goat where is the goat we could probably do more definitely eight friggin million for my missus heck yeah heck yeah you have millions invested in this asset so it's just gonna get him he seems a problem all the time but you know what I'm not first I'm also going to invest in a heavy fence there ya go awesome okay and we've probably got loads of fossils just oh you know what I'm just gonna sell all this sort it snow a lot just because you know what I think once we get the Spinosaurus army indominus rex whatever okay fine I do not need pen acerra tops Jesus no I think it does have a good rating though so that is six million and we'll just stop it a couple of these more I think we need eight million isn't it for the spy no oh but I tell you what let's see indominus rex has a rating of two seventy three let's see just how crazy we can make this thing for ratings wise i mean i'm pretty sure just everything in the bottom there you can lifespan only only what okay fine we're gonna have to change lifespan i want her to live a little bit longer than that please 73 not gonna live long but i mean look at the ratings we're doing really good comfort 86 oh god we need more we need one more stinky Moloch so let me just quickly grab that stinky Moloch sticking ball it should be an S and we're not 100% I don't think whoa okay Wow we need a restaurant and a good restaurant right so close sharp bowling alley or restaurant so we'll place that here oh god the little puddle of water there let's stop a knife and we'll place that there and we'll place some viewers just for the extra coverage that we're gonna get so one there and another one there and that should cover the entire enclosure so we can have that go straight to your yeah it's not gonna be that great yeah this thing in terms of though I said the way it looks I've got to admit it this is just a means to an end so like that and then I've got a crab claw this one around as well yeah there you go and you know what it's for the sake of it cuz now there's a wait I said I didn't make a flow shop that did I know okay yeah is that it honestly after they it was like the need was so high for food and drink and now it's okay okay what about food here food apparently is Dino dish ever done a feast there we go so a little bit more they just want higher quality stuff that was it basically okay oh god sticky more look might stop breaking out there you go okay so robust on a million almost a bear for Spinosaurus let's find a source and the in Davos trucks I'm assuming will really just push us over a hello I came that deinonychus my god everything else okay yeah everything's fine nothing's died no cellar Camarasaurus accessory incubate a Sukkah - we can make one and put it in the Baryonyx and just have it oh it does cost a million though yeah that's a million that could go towards the apply sorry the I can't even think of the name spinosaurus that's it what else we got apply reduced upkeep upgrade to a large power station to a large power station and then I need to quickly like switch that over cuz so that right oh my god is almost full right okay let's let's quickly go for no power dishes okay I can do that as long as we don't have a storm and that should be stinky mohawk fine yeah finest aura so almost there we've got 8 million we just need an extra 800,000 that's all we need and according to this that's gonna take us two minutes apparently yeah they just wanted like junk food that's what they wanted and we're almost there let's go in here and let's make this amazing spinosaurus although it isn't gonna live too long hundred sixty one rain oh it's gonna be so good okay come on come on just a little bit yes okay storm incoming Ranger helicopter sedate that t-rex sedate the Bowery it's going to the berry in here there will be another berry in here today that is that a storm hurricane please no hurricane Oh God structure broken sabotage power shutdown power shutdown where which which power okay please don't be hurricane Oh and power shutdown of the other one it's okay it's okay we got this we've got three jeeps out there working working overtime so probably go for that that one's the most damaged then that then he'll blast then go for that feeder and then we've got another this guy which will dead delicate or dedicate that one over there we're still pretty good please look at us but look at that cheap go building damage that one okay it looks like we don't have a hurricane so I'm just gonna wait these dinosaurs up but it was a precautionary measure since we did put that bloody t-rex to sleep my stars of God yeah we're power to just I bet that with security at least he did that if you've done anything else it would have been really bad if you'd opened up the gates my god I would I couldn't imagine yes finally Apatosaurus okay yeah Potter soars is something we need okay we got it we got to keep an eye on whether Zapata sources off so our peltor ride I don't know why I was waiting I could have just been doing this so a Potter Soros there's one Apatosaurus yeah yeah we survived okay come on come on we can do this but that's being worked and I think look at that four hundred stars this is offense broken oh we're friends with fine for fence structure damaged oh whoops yeah yeah close the gate they didn't realize that this was still open please don't have that wrapped it through okay helicopter please would you two take this open all shelters there we go I forgot my pad return to base hell no you're not turn around that looks so cool sorry I just kind of want to get this shot oh my god this look at how many the wrong this is too many of them why they looking behind them though that's the question really that's you in my mind's don't look behind you oh god um Spinosaurus is getting some way it's getting some what how much does so we that's right super Mouse yes we need to get that so Sukhram Imus might as well just plunk in for the sake of it I mean yeah he's probably gonna die I'm just wondering why we could put cyka bombers cuz I'm sure he'll try and kill things that's the problem so it's been sedated place it back in there sorry no no no no it's fine closed all shelters you can stop going in yeah everything's okay Jurassic world it's fine ten million ten flippin million okay so Spinosaurus you're gonna go into here might as well put that there we'll also make some water the part time were aiming for for this is what are we doing eight hours and well we're on six so we've got two hours left to get an extra half a star basically I think we can do it oh my god you still haven't fixed that blue man hotel JJ's okay we got t-rex eating a goat no how old is this t-rex oh it's Maxie vaccine 38 and it's got 168 Wow yeah we don't I mean if that was before the update I'm sure would be way worse so we're still wanting gift shops food and everything's okay what I also will do is just switch out that because we can get success ratio up meaning that it doesn't matter how what the genetic genomes on we can afford to get something good from it you know just go to new places go there for Giga apparently even though we've already gotta go there for mahjongg go to so we got so many continents yeah yeah again awesome please don't fail and you guys are okay yeah that like a lot of these are that's the most amount of Pachycephalosaurus or whatever you want to call it you can get together if you've got all three species spinosaurus come on baby soon as we get the Spinosaurus 600 rating one point odd million okay so we need it really says super mouse it's gonna give us more money then we need to release it to a part of sauce into this enclosure which I think should be big enough for them and they'll be okay because I think the way I've done the park is leave enough space in between enclosures to have whatever we need so if we needed another like drinks bar there I could put that there or you know fern or something we could put that there as well hearest member of unholy maybe I lost the spinosaurus was 600 rating doesn't live for too long but my goddess is a badass no you're ruining the shot go away damnit they could like they've put in the spinosaurus cold but i haven't put all of it in so annoying oh look at that check dem apples out oh but we're on four and a half stars over four and a half stars oh it's a Spinosaurus so named because of their spines running down its back seriously who needs a PhD for this one it was crazy we found like Aztec gold and everything also we've lost the dinosaur so that's not good let's keep going from Madagascar got loads of gold doubloons yeah there you go I'd only 400 no thousand so yes oh we maxed up on a pair with a new contract expect it out and I think you would be perfect for it build and connect a fossil hunt was it I think it was this one so this is fun I think we needed this over here as well next to this hotel so I'm gonna place that can I not place that yeah I thought so this is a bit weird with the landscape the way this game works let's see any problem so place that bear power that matters a section power it apparently for some whatever reason that is a key we have to spy knows oh my god we could have to spy knows that is a security mission don't ask me how also just because it's very dangerous dangerous asset I realized wow that's not covered hey yeah go and for some whatever reason is well over god is that's not a storm is it please don't be a storm if it's got two dead dinos that's probably the stinky Moloch actually I'm gonna assume not to stick envelop dead no but we've got another one which needs healing heal that one can't salat come on we've got dinosaurs dead dinosaurs everywhere that's the Draco Rex move that out what what else has died no the original brute oh damn it right suka - off you go we just need to wait what I thought we had a mission that was like do the sukkah release the supposed to launch way did that gold stater saladin Dominus wrath mana for real actions the way you wouldn't monitor the dinosaurs and we'll be fine but lose this deal if you're going to have to deal with me okay suka baima's i don't know where to put your body the crocodile mimic or suka - a large meat-eater everything about this dinosaur says keep your distance you know what circa - have fun in that enclosure go on knock yourself out starvin why you starvin turn it around cut Thomas oh my god they were completely in sync okay I'm gonna close this hopefully they didn't catch any Raptors in you know we didn't okay that's good so that's Kron gone as well well losing our biggest attractions is this super I was able to live in here with these data so I mean well why not but uh I mean maybe maybe this guy Modi Hecht Ilyas is like yeah maybe yeah whatever I'll make - oh my god got another one healing you heal that thing as well and then replenish this and we'll send some other jeeps out because dinosaurs on low health it's probably gonna be the Oh oh that's more like it yeah kill each other dodo dodo what the heck - this is gonna have you beat son 27% 53% Marie hacked ileus get your radar from 150 yes look at it looks so good one more bite in son one more bite kill it you know what if it wants me just to make whoa uh spine oh no oops I never close this game wait close game close game close gate do not open the gate into the bloody carnotaurs close that gate spider what are you doing I just released a Dracorex in there with him Oh God indominus rex okay okay right we're just gonna we're just gonna nullify that genome we just need to we just need to make one and sell it so amazed well Dracorex I'm so sorry so sorry run run my little buddy he did die when he was 150 rating now is on 222 fantastic and we've got that dinosaur in here Pachycephalosaurus probably died of the ammonia poisoning which means that we have no more of an outbreak which I guess could be viewed in a good way and also a bad way so there you go Apatosaurus --is in your gate open the gate Drake over I like all the Draco Rex managed to get in there spider would you please come back into your damn exhibit you can hunt a Draco Rex if you really want okay are you gonna go are you doing it's open ten wait we do have yeah there it is okay I thought so twenty okay wait oh come on did you have to turn round in order to go for the gate yeah you did okay yes come on run for it I'm so sorry Draco Rex I didn't mean for this to happen and hey Nico let's go we just gonna make the Domus Rex if we get a five stars with indominus rex I'll be really happy close the gate at least probably gonna start to try to break it with Draco Rex breaks out of here I'll be I'll eat my hat it probably happened though okay okay so these guys do not want to go in there's no sauropod feeder for them either to eat so I'm gonna put the sauropod feeder in there a little bit away I'm also gonna put some more trees in here as well just to cover that up the Apatosaurus needs more forest like a lot more forest that's probably gonna upset the the serratus ORS though oh no oh yeah it's gonna be a little bit closed what about Raptors Raptors are completely fine so a little bit more forest I think another dead dinosaur what died what do we need to make yeah okay well you didn't see that coming poor buddy you won 660 one-niner on 685 even more stars please please indominus rex once you're made bunk me over still not happy they're hidin in the trees oh god oh god everything's Aloha why is everything on low health right oh I got it right here's power lines on going to that one to the not make that connection and there we go okay that dinosaur can probably be moved out oh just a little bit more forest just a little bit how's that yeah Apatosaurus happy how is Ceratosaurus no horses not be if I had my way every single person on the planet would have the opportunity to interact with our dinosaurs one on one well maybe just the friendly that's why you're not bro name is Park Clair okay I'm gonna have to delete this track because it's about a source that that's so close so close but yet so far so that that wants to delete this should give Scott a source the extra yes just so velocities are happy so other sources are happy and Apatosaurus is need more social so we need another Apatosaurus I'll release you and we'll get another Apatosaurus in here in a jiffy in fact what I'm gonna do because they take so long is just put the incubation speed up to 3.0 and even just get rid of that extra slot as well so it's all incubation speed because they are about to break out and it doesn't matter how upgraded this thing is it's a part of Soros okay come on indominus rex oh it's almost like guys this could be it this could be the final one Saladin's word or excel dinosaur camarasaurus come on as soon as we get in thomas rex how much rating does it have two hundred and seventy three I think we'll be good honestly I think I think we're done I mean is it closures over there if we've really needed and that I mean we we haven't able to expand it in there we haven't expanded all of this but just this from now and I'm just gonna make sure that everybody's kind of okay for food drinking water just a gift shop for that and honestly that's not too bad for five starving yeah it's great variety okay welfare so let's have a look does it say ratings like star best base rating is 3000 or authenticity one thousand four or five hundred welfares - 180 what's wrong with the welfare what about doing wrong so sell less so that it's a lot and you know what may as well just extract this but this is gonna bring to an end it is been a while guys it has been what seven episodes I think I'm rendering one right now like right now right next to me we need to put like something else that the spinosaurus in here can kill oh god I heard that I heard that what's not happy I knew it I knew what it'd be a part of sources would fail okay now the only problem now is that the apado sources might start to break out it is honestly just because they need more eyes social just one more I didn't realize but serrata Soros velociraptor and Apatosaurus like we've got a big enough exhibit we should be good I don't know what I did forgot to be honest we're almost there with the indominus rex once you've gotten Thomas Rex and be upon us all then this park is pretty golden like how I got the ring spot every little bit I could okay so security incubator at carnival voila is that Brendan Thomas works is done we like complete it is it gonna complete it and then we could sell it and then through these of the mission yes that contract for that you have my thanks bye are you um how is that a five stop please tell me that's five stars now come on B five stars yes baby okay I'm not quite sure what you're doing here other than playing with fire and indominus rex you're creating a hybrid a date Oh God oh I think I just hit itself in the trees oh my god yeah it runs straight into the trees oh is it stalking its prey no no no oh no oh god that's horrendous II like how they're all drinking like right next to it well there you go we've lost a Dracorex and when five stars which means you probably need like a Spinosaurus or some so I'm gonna get in well I should tell you what that was a Draco Rex so I'll incubate another Dracorex and we'll start work towards another like highly genetically modified Spinosaurus but we'll change its skin and why not one more there and that means we can make another Spinosaurus but god oh we've lost two now choice art how old were you buddy eighty okay so it's another Triceratops that we need to switch out the Apatosaurus is done we will now release the Apatosaurus into this enclosure hopefully the Apatosaurus haven't started trying to break out yet yeah he's getting there indominus rex has been sedated that's fantastic we'll move out the dead Dracorex move the indominus rex to its enclosure and that is gonna have to rather the video okay in the next episode we can I think we might have done this part time is eight hours we might be able to do it in below seven oh god it's tough I'm pretty sure we're good okay capacity I just need another hotel maybe that's it so if we go into here then we go into this Oh storm warning no no no no no no no no no this is not how it works we're gonna we're gonna create this hotel before a huge hurricane hits and we're gonna get a really really high rating that's what's gonna happen so I'm gonna connect that to that that to this structure damage okay guys you go write your goodbyes
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 500,912
Rating: 4.8960037 out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world evolution, jurassic world, evolution, gameplay, part 1, all dinosaurs, jurassic world evolution play through, jurassic world evolution walkthrough, playthrough, walkthrough, gamingbeave
Id: 3h7t3_yUmOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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