Idiot's Guide - Project Zomboid - First Base

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okay i am a strong believer that if we can survive the first couple of days we can survive anything how hard can it be [Music] all right let's get some let's get some cooking done put the entire bag of peas in the oven bag and all the plastic will add a little bit of flavor munch on these peas almost an inappropriate sounding sentence i have a single sheet i can put on uh on a window somewhere might as well put it on the window right at the bottom of the stairs here i think this building marks uh marks a new leaf for the lyra family okay and we'll sleep the night away and progress into day three i believe nope just just day two getting a little ahead of myself we've woken up at 2 50 in the morning that sucks can't really go outside because it'll be too dark let's do a little bit of organization in the morning since we have some time to kill put all the junk in one container this is how the pros do it i would assume anyways not that i would know and uh the handbag on the ground here is where we'll put all of our our weaponry for now we'll shovel our entire shovel into there and uh we don't want to lose the plunger so we'll put that in there as well make sure it's stashed away for safe keeping i think what we'll do is use our hammer and disassemble some things downstairs to start getting ready to board up the windows okay we got two planks that's not bad but we'll disassemble as much as we can and then we'll start we'll start boarding up windows failed to produce any usable materials that kind of blows i think what i'm going to do is go and get all that food that i left in that other house like a fool can zombies see in the dark because i can't see in the dark and it it wouldn't really bode well for me if they could and i couldn't we've got one trailing us so far let's take care of that in the light so we can see what we're doing there we go easy enough now which house was it that i was staying in they all look very similar okay this is it totally the first house i checked definitely didn't go to the wrong house first now let's grab all that food we stash in here foolishly last time now we make the painfully slow journey back time is a precious commodity these days but that doesn't seem to matter to mr mr lyra here so i think a smart thing to do would be to loot the uh the grocery store here the door is locked i don't think we can open any of these side windows either nope the back door's open though that's nice i don't see any logical reason why we wouldn't just take all the food we're gonna be eating a steady diet of chips for the foreseeable future it looks like chips and condiments yum can't go wrong with that oh some meat fantastic okay i don't think it really matters if we're if we're a little bit over encumbered we are gonna have a packed fridge and let's uh let's go out and scavenge the neighboring houses there's a boarded up house here in the brief experience that i've had this can either mean a good amount of loot or just a bunch of zombies uh my approach to the building should have been a little bit more cautious than that that was a that was a rookie mistake made by a pro these things happen though okay i can see a zombie inside but it looks like that might actually be it we'll see if we can't open the door here the door is barricaded okay take it back oh okay there we go threat neutralized we're gonna have to pry off one of these boards or maybe not actually we can clear the glass away here okay that is uh an unfortunate turn of events that's one that's two that's three oh there's more oh my goodness that's four and five and six there was a party going on at that house when the zombie apocalypse happened apparently now that we've neutralized a small army we can uh move in on our target here the simple act of clearing glass so we should be okay to move in and then see what's inside this this boarded up building because you think you'd think it'd be boarded up for a reason if nothing else there's lots of boards we can take and we're gonna want those uh a surprising amount of food in the bathroom sink i don't know how much i trust it but we'll we'll go with it this is a very empty house to be boarding up i'm not really sure what they were trying to protect there's not a lot here uh that was the entirety of the contents of this house as it turns out so beyond the boards on the outside there's there was not a lot here we're gonna hopefully do this quickly because we need uh we don't wanna we don't wanna be out here in the open for too long and we'll start barricading with with a decent amount of haste please mr lyra that would be the preferred option we'll aim for three on every window for now see if we can accomplish that is it better to barricade the inside or the outside because i would assume the outside but i don't actually know if it would make a difference okay so this is a decent amount of progress towards home security all things considered it could be a lot worse right now i'm drowsy at 150 probably has something to do with the fact that i got up at 2 30 in the morning you really got to fix your sleeping habits here bud turn off all electronic devices an hour before you go to bed don't eat before you go to bed make sure that your work space and your sleep space are separated these are these are easy mistakes to make i get it you got to be proactive about this kind of thing otherwise you're just going to suffer we're getting tired very quickly actually i want to grab some curtains there's a backpack you have my attention sir the hammer of justice is swift and it will give us a school bag fantastic that's a win that's a huge win so we'll have a we'll have a decent amount of security we've got food we've got water things might turn out well for the second lyra brother forgot to grab the curtains that was the whole reason i went over there look i've said it before and i'll say it again i've never claimed to be a smart man maybe a little bit risky to be doing this when i'm so tired why did i get so tired all of a sudden i was fine okay let's steal the curtains nope we're not going to close the curtain we're going to remove it there we go how many windows are in here in the cortman medical building i don't know the answer to that okay we'll come back for the books and stuff later because we are ridiculously tired uh we did get a pipe wrench out of this as well so i think we'll use that as our main weapon instead of the hammer yeah let's just make as much noise as possible rummaging through the trees but i i made the noise on purpose because i wanted to know if there's something in the area okay yeah there's there's something in the area all right let's um let's be let's be swift here there we go they'll never know i was here uh i had sheet boy have you lost your mind cause i'll help you find it what why did i do that oh my god i'm such an idiot i clicked the wrong one of all the idiots and all the idiot villages and all the idiot kingdoms i reign supreme my god life is a freaking uphill battle and that hill is a cliff if you're stupid like i am alright instantly regretted that what is the play here because i've boarded up all the windows from the outside doesn't look like i can remove the barricades from the inside this could be a problem i have a bold strategy in mind and i'm i'm gonna be honest it's it's risky but if it's stupid and it works then it's not stupid right now the stakes are high blood's pumping the adrenaline's flowing we're in extreme panic both in the game and out we're gonna do the oldest trick in the book here so we hop the fence quickly and then we go this way and we okay they they figured out fences [Music] well hey real quick before you click off uh i'm going to be joining a awesome charity livestream event that is hosted by twin rose media um it'll be on saturday january the 30th marketing your calendars now we'll be streaming for 12 hours to raise money for two amazing organizations in the image there the stream will feature the talents of myself sora of the light and the hilarious boys over at twin rows media if you're able to drop by at any time during those 12 hours it would mean the world to us okay bye
Channel: BardicButton
Views: 84,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, project, zomboid, zombie, survival games, survival game, zombie survival, cortman medical, base building, first base, first night, tips and tricks, guide, project zomboid guide, bardicbutton, and chill, idiots guide, funny moments, best moments, gameplay, commentary, edited
Id: bmtk2ge5tOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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