Project Zomboid Farming Guide Build 41 2021

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hello and welcome i'm zed survivor this is a video dedicated to the farming guide how to level up and how to farm vegetables in project zomboid first let's go with the leveling because it's short and simple to level up you will need to successfully harvest your crops everything else does not give xp the benefits you get for having a farming scale is that you get to see more information about your crops including but not limited to hydration level growth phase time left to reach the next growth phase potential diseases types and plant infection levels for the diseases so let's get started why would you farm well farming is the hardest way of obtaining food naturally other natural ways of obtaining food are foraging trapping and fishing but farming is the most rewarding way of obtaining food because you will get tons of food upon harvest no other natural ways give you vegetables trapping gives you game meat fishing gives you fish and foraging gives you eggs and berries which are considered fruit natural way of obtaining food will not put you in danger except if you do it in a dangerous area that brings us to the topic of how do you defend your garden because of course we don't want zombies attacking us or walking around the garden damaging the crops if you're close to the city maybe you should build walls around it or you can build a farm on a second story building but remember your crops need sunlight to grow so make sure to put them on a roof but wait how do you do this there's no dirt on the second story building right well there's a way to do this all you need is a sack and a shovel grab some dirt and take it on your roof then pour out the dirt where you wish to have your garden i don't usually do this what i like to do is find a place where i don't need to worry about zombies somewhere far away in the countryside so how do we start farming first we need something to dig with your hands are not good enough because you will injure them you can use a trowel shower snow shovel and garden fork next are seeds there are seven seeds in the game radish tomato potato carrot cabbage broccoli and strawberry all of these have different pros and cons but out of all of the seeds by stats combined best are carrots and potatoes and worst are broccoli and radish but that's just my personal opinion and last but not least a water source you can use any water container but best arc buckets or cooking pots rain also waters your crops really well and plants can use tainted water so if you're close to a lake or have rain collector barrels don't waste your clean water all plants have minimal water but two vegetables have maximum water as well these are carrots and radishes to plant your crops you will need to dig with your tool and make some plowed land now grab your seeds and open your packet once you've done that right click on the land and select sow seed make sure you put your seeds in your main inventory now you must water your plant you can right click on your plant and select info this will provide you everything you need to know about your plant your farming skill is probably really low and you don't see anything but if you level up this whole panel will be visible and eventually it will be easier to maintain your crops right now you can only see the water levels but don't worry this is enough for now make sure your crops are well watered and then you have to wait if you have more seeds then maybe it will be a nice idea to plant some more when doing this make sure your next plot is distance from your previous one by two tiles this will prevent spread of farming diseases so as your plants grow you will notice that there are more phases of growth these are seedling young fully grown ready to harvest and seed bearing the difference between the ready to harvest and seed bearing phase is that seed bearing gives you more seeds and less vegetables upon harvest this is great if you wish to seed more plants of the same type later on now you probably know that there is a fertilizer in the game this skips 20 hours of your plants growth but if used four to five times it will destroy your plants so don't overuse it you can also make your own fertilizer by making a composter you will need carpentry too to build it to use the composter you must put non-protein rotten food in it and after a few weeks it will produce compost if you have a sack in your inventory you can right click and take the compost and fill your sack so if your food supplies rot don't throw them away but instead use them for fertilizing but not everything is all fine and dandy your crops are threatened by two things zombies and plant diseases the zombies can walk over your crops and damage them you must protect your garden if they do make their way in lure them out and then deal with them or else the blood will get on your crops and quickly and heavily damage your plants the other threat is the plant disease there are three diseases and only two are curable these diseases will slow the growth of your plants possibly kill them and or cause them to produce a smaller harvest than normal you can fight against these diseases with sprays there's a farming magazine that teaches you how to craft these these three diseases are mildew pest flies and the notorious devil's water fungi mildew and pest flies can infect your plants over time and then spread around your garden if you don't distance them strawberries are known to be most vulnerable to diseases devil's water fungi will appear if mildew and insects have already infected your plant and spread to other plants even healthy ones so do not let them get infected and you won't have issues with it so what do these diseases do mildew will cause your plants to mature more slowly pest flies will cause your plants to consume more water and so they will dry out more quickly the devil's water fungi will cause your plants to give smaller yields upon harvest to cure these diseases you will have to level up your farming skill to spot them after you spotted your infection you must make the before mentioned sprays and use them on your plant the mildew spray is made by milk and pest flies are made with cigarettes devil's water fungi can only be cured by removing the plant and preventing further infections your plant also has health as you might have noticed the more farming skill you have the more initial health your plant is going to have upon planting the health increases over time except if it's infected by a disease or affected by low water levels radishes and carrots have maximum water levels so they will lose health if overwatered so that concludes our guide on farming and now it's time for the tip of the video farming alone will not provide you enough good food you must either scavenge fish or trap to get more nutrition eating only vegetables will quickly make you lose weight which is not good because as we all know underweight characters are more prone to injuries and if it goes out of control your character will lose strength and have health issues hope you learned something new from this guide if you wish to learn more i will leave a link of the project zomboid wiki in the description below where you can see the full textual farming guide thank you all for your support and have a good one
Channel: TheZedSurvivor
Views: 201,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project, zomboid, 2020, tips, tricks, zombie, infection, infected, help, tutorial, build, version, cars, car, update, 40, 41, 41+, 40+, farming, zombies, apocalypse, and, beginer, beginner, beginners, for, fighting, combat, fight, system, fences, run, running, loot, looting, scavenging, scavenge, scavenger, looter, new, guides, video, map, mapping, safe, house, safehouse, location, locate, barricade, barricading, kentucky, make, best, guide, farm, seeds, seed, dig, digging, vegetable, vegetables, crops, garden, how to, how to farm, how to make a farm, food
Id: M1wF7eT62qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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