An Ex-YanSim Fan Tries To Explain Why She Lost Faith In The Game (And YandereDev )

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[Music] yandere simulator is a stealth action game where you play as the young yandere aishi over the course of 10 weeks it will be your responsibility to protect your senpai and madotaro from other love struck girls by any means necessary despite being an unfinished prototype the game has been able to accumulate quite a large and dedicated audience after big youtubers such as pewdiepie and markiplier featured on their channels in 2014. there have been multiple crossovers and the amount of fan content centered around the game is staggering [Music] however this spike in popularity between 2014 to 2016 would take a slow but eventual dark turn as development progressed nowadays most people don't know the game for its actual features but instead know it because of the moves and controversies surrounding the developer beyond that idea as the game's development time slowly expanded passing deadlines yandev had promised to meet people start to get suspicious mad or just disillusioned about the game's prospects and qualities as such numerous videos have been made either criticizing or mocking yondev and yansu being an x-fan myself i tend to check in on both the development of the game and any other related news every once in a while after going through quite a few videos though it became apparent that most of them regurgitate the exact same information these points for the most part aren't terrible but i do wonder why they felt the need to produce such videos they don't even add anything new to the conversation are they made to pander to people who already don't like him or are they being made to inform less knowledgeable fans of the yandere's unfavorable qualities i just don't see how they'll convince fans to change their mind about the game and the developer with this method if some loyal fan didn't care the first time someone called yandev an a-hole and why would they care the 50th time sometimes the video creators do add a point someone else hasn't made but the quality of these points sort of vary saying osana's interactions with talu are utter trash is harsh but still very valid asking why yandev doesn't just make the jalu's black shows a lack of research regarding a piece of japanese culture and shouldn't be taken seriously so with this in mind i thought why don't i try my hand at this whole yawn sim commentary thing and try to explain why i stopped supporting the game it took me a bit to figure out exactly what i talk about i can't judge the code for myself because i don't understand coding and uncomfortable with how sexual he is but that's a contentious fact that's already been beaten to death his social media habits do indicate that he spends far too much time online as opposed to working but we technically can't physically prove he isn't multitasking his personality sucks but that doesn't necessarily guarantee he'll create a bad game so if these points are considered moot and are seen as old news at this point then what else is there to talk about i eventually settled on three topics the first pertains to his self-proclaimed several years of experience in the game industry which he mentions in this video and uses to reassure fans of his qualifications although i have several years of experience in the game industry what exactly were the games he made before yandele simulator and what role did he have in their creation the second question i have is concerning his skills as a leader he said before that he plans to officially hire a professional team after his kickstarter so why not take a look at how he interacts with his volunteers and analyze their impressions of him after all it'd be foolish to throw money at him to hire a bigger team if he can't even sufficiently run his current team lastly how does jan sim compare against other indie titles to be perfectly honest this is a pretty common question i like to think i've been able to put a bit of a spin on it though since i took into consideration yandev's bohemian insistence that yansim shouldn't be compared to 2d titles all i'll say is ask and you shall receive just two more things before i start i want to make clear that i won't be talking about drama unless it's relevant to the topic at hand so there won't be talk of a possible sex doll his second nintendo switch purchase or mentions of certain memes i also hope that fans will stick around a bit and didn't click off as soon as i admitted to being an x fan who didn't hold yandev in high regard you don't have to be a fan of the creator to enjoy the creation i'm pretty sure i've already been blocked on twitter by hideki kamiya but that won't stop me from scrolling over short her bayonetta enjoying bayonetta the reaction jontron evokes me now is typically [Music] but i'll never not enjoy his funny memeable snippets what what the [ __ ] i think aoiyuki is a superb voice actress and a cutie to boot but that doesn't mean i'll just brush off these predatory comments she made of course there's an even deeper argument to be discussed about the more healthy of purchasing their products which directly supports them monetarily enabling whatever bad behaviors they display but that's a whole another complicated matter so we'll be avoiding that for now okay with that out of the way let's begin [Music] as mentioned before yandere dev uses his experience in the game industry to reassure others of his qualifications by his own admission he's been involved in the creation of 10 video games and has made a number of prototypes to me someone who's never created a game this was initially a very impressive fact even more impressive was the fact he's apparently self-taught i was pretty dazzled thinking i was watching a diligent game diff hidden behind the persona of a creepy avatar that illusion slowly cleared in my mind though after his identity was revealed and being a curious teenager i decided to actually check out said prototypes and games to say i was concerned is an understatement before working on yandere simulator yandev worked on various prototypes on his own and professional games at the indie company kung fu factory so it was a small company big deal that doesn't always mean they're bad the games yandev worked on though weren't exactly the most impressive well maybe he's done better things on his own i thought let's just take a look first says prototypes and then his professional works first up is shada a freeware 2008 game featuring platform and shooting ella oh wait uh um wrong description joking aside it was just a reskin of the game eg eg e ig eg for my understanding this is the first game yonder made after familiarizing himself with game maker the reception towards this game wasn't the warmest as users called him out for just taking uh itchy and calling it his own the original developer himself even hopped onto the thread politely encouraged him to go back to the basics before attending a project like this backstory aside let's actually judge his work for ourselves well good news is the game wasn't a virus like my computer thought it was bad news is i couldn't get past the main menu we're off to a promising start okay to be fair our first attempts are usually stinkers it should all be uphill from here next up's one of his prototypes fighting game engine thankfully yandev learned from his past mistakes and cut out the main menu he prototypes pretty bare bones and feels very stilted you can only play one character there's no sound again and there's no end despite a timer being present at the top of the screen controls are odd but i don't know what i expected from a keyboard based fighting game i didn't think this was really good at all however i will also admit to not being a fighting game player the most i've played is the original blast blue the second budokai tenkaichi game some that are alive for and chemical extraction that counts right anyways i didn't really realize this at first fighting game engines actually based off of skull girls i'm sure those of you with eyes who are familiar with the hit fighting game have already noticed the similarities it should be now that it's the game engine that was shown to and criticized by mike c we already know how that turned out so i won't be going over it again all i'll say is a person's past actions don't necessarily determine whether they're a good or bad person in the present people change and when society deems acceptable humor evolves as we progress however if you're showing an eerily similar pattern of behaviors between your past and present self then maybe this isn't just a bunch of weirdos wrongfully trying to cancel you [Music] if you are on the internet around 2014 and lurking on 4chan or deviantart then you might recognize this character [Music] [Music] raleigh's best known game after yandere simulator lunar scythe was a game yandev was and still very much is very passionate about [Music] the little playable preview displays a side-scrolling beat-em-up that takes a little less than two minutes to beat i apparently didn't even take damage in my first run-through the controls for the game were to put it kindly extremely unintuitive and the dash didn't even work i really confused us of what thoughts were going through his head we decided to use arrow keys for move and z as the jump button wouldn't have been easier to bind the movement control to the wasd keys the dash to the left shift key down to the space bar and the light and heavy attacks on the left and right mouse buttons respectively this special attack button could have been bound to the e key or maybe the middle mouse button it's just anything other than where it was besides the controls actual gameplay is passable there's nothing to wrong with it but there's also nothing that makes me go yeah i'll come back and prove my score later the worst thing that i noticed was that filling up the special attack bar was way too easy i can definitely see people just spamming the special attack for an easy win when enemies are launched they're flung way too far off the screen and chasing them to continue a combo was a hassle finally the game's just easy my first run through the heavy attack animation bugged out leaving me thinking i was just supposed to be the small swipe rather than the full arc it's supposed to be nonetheless i was still apparently able to beat the level without taking any damage at all while also struggling with the bizarre control scheme overall i was pretty bored while playing this demo and wouldn't recommend it but i guess there's no harm in trying it yourself honestly i'm a bit worried this is the type of thing you put after working at a game company for three years the rest of his standalone projects aren't really worth analyzing we've got a cookie clicker clone a prototype engine based off a fire emblem that similar to fighting game engine also has no end and another fighting game he sent to cub scouts okay so his personal projects aren't all too impressive who knows maybe he just needs to be in a more conductive setting to pump out some quality products with that optimistic thought in mind let's move on to the professional games he contributed to after taking a glance at his resume the first thing you might notice is that he was only really deeply involved with a handful of games literally half the games he was involved in the making of had him as a qa tester and assistant producer to quickly describe these roles qa or quality assurance means that you're working to find bugs and exploits in the game for the programmers to patch out assistant producers from what i've gathered are basically secretaries and are focused on the paperwork or scheduling part of production now don't get me wrong these positions are obviously important there's more to video game production than being a part of the creative process that being said how are these positions supposed to convince me that you know what you're doing as a programmer and lead designer those were just half the positions he used to back his claims we saw five more games he worked on where his contribution was more significant sadly they don't exactly give me much hope either of the five remaining games three of them are shovelware mobile games while the remaining two are fairly unknown console fighters i'll be talking about the latter two games since the mobile games really don't have much to offer to my dismay i quickly found out that i wouldn't be able to get my hands on either game spartacus legends has been removed from the xbox live marketplace since 2015 while girl fights a playstation 3 exclusive only accessible through the playstation store sadly my george foreman grill experienced the yellow light of death not too many years ago that being said at least it's not completely out of reach for everyone and only costs a modest fourteen dollars ratings for each game seem to be relatively mixed girlfight has almost a full five star rating on psn critics on metacritic unanimously gave the game negative reviews and the people who did talk about the game on youtube weren't exactly impressed with the quality of the product lacking story characters and gameplay seemed to be a recurring theme among these reviews i recommend you check out sugarpunch design's review of girlfight to get the best impression of the game sparky's legends on the other hand was seen as more generally favorable between the two its free price and inoffensiveness seemed to have netted a few points but even so there were many complaints about the gameplay and graphics despite these complaints the game was able to accumulate a modest audience as displayed by this petition for a sequel after looking at his password some so you might be thinking so what he hasn't seen any success yet phil fish also worked on a few shovel or license games before going on to make fez and you're right just because his most acclaimed game today is a licensed endless runner doesn't necessarily mean he's unqualified for the job at hand however the fact he uses these less than impressive games to reassure people of his qualifications are what's worrying to me if he thinks these are good enough for me to say oh yeah of course he can handle the development of a proposed social stealth game featuring multiple personas in an ever evolving environment based off the actions you take then no i don't feel reassured another thing that interests me is the fact that the highest position he's ever gotten was as a junior game designer based off how ubisoft describes junior game designers i think it's safe to assume he left just as he was actually getting into the meat of game production [Music] why'd he leave before climbing up and actually honing his skills maybe he hated working on mobile titles or couldn't see himself getting anywhere higher within the company who knows but at the end of the day the small legacy he left behind leaves much to be desired [Music] as i mentioned before yonder's been fairly transparent about his intentions to hire professional team after yan sim's eventual kickstarter this would obviously be a great thing for the game and undoubtedly speed up the process of development considerably however a part of me can't help but feel worried it's no secret that volunteers have flocked to yonder for several years since the game's explosion on youtube the stories of his leadership transparency and treatment of said volunteers haven't exactly been the greatest though at times they paint the dev in an extremely negative light while also sometimes making him seem like a very grateful man how does one man cause such a split in his team sure right now he has a revolving door of volunteers what about when he has to rely on one specific team if you're not up to par to lead a professional team then the kickstarter will basically be exactly what a large majority of your fanbase fears one huge money sink leading to nothing can you imagine spending thousands or even close to a million on a team only for them to quit or not display their full potential as a result of their boss having no idea what he's doing so does this apply to yandere dev well let's find out of course as project head you don't have to be friends or even like the people you're working with however you stop to make sure your interactions with them are civil and professional many volunteers have left the project after finding out more info about the dev and his shoddy pass with a few people even confronting him about it in search of answers his response to these inquiries are often quite lacking one khloe a talented modeler could probably be considered the first big name to have left the yan sim project they were reportedly uncomfortable with the sexual turn the game was taking and became even more concerned when the dev proudly owned up to his spotty past when they messaged the devil with these concerns rather than calmly explaining his vision for the project he instead proceeded to try to make them feel guilty for being such a prude the rest of the team was composed of degenerate perverts like him so why couldn't wonkle just lighten up how we thought this approach would work when one of oneclothes main problems was the very fact they were uncomfortable with such things escapes me but hey maybe you should just throw more money at them then everything will be fine it can be assumed that this is the original post i had people start to think hey wait who the heck am i working for this realization probably occurred for volunteers like joa bee drops and maddie blitz prompting them to do their own research and leave the project for various reasons bee drops on maddie also seemed to imply that it was a bit more than just the devs pass that drove them away and its then current behavior had a lot to do with their decision one thing i found a bit funny was yonder's eventual response to maddie's post where he assumes the multi-exposed videos on him led to their eventual leaving of the project maddie obviously stated that had to do with their own personal experiences within the community as a fan and volunteer it's as though he missed the entire point of the post instead just jumped straight to gremlins are slandering me even today his personality and lack of self-awareness continues to cause and problems with his team as shown with his following help with ex janssen musician glitch cloud now better known by the username sleep from my understanding sleep had a one clue moment and actually started questioning the dev on his behavior and actions displeased by this yonder threw him off the project all he had to do was either ask sleep to drop the subject and let people think what they want or tell him the truth of the matter and explain that you thought buying subreddit would help with pr or something noah seems to pick the worst options when his volunteers become wiser to his act and ends up playing the victim one way or another a simple it's unfortunate we couldn't come to an understanding but thank you for your contributions would be enough no need to lay into your volunteers or call them insane after they've left the team as shown through these interactions yandev's lacking interpersonal problem-solving skills have led to a number of talents leaving the project how am i supposed to trust you with my money if there's a chance a key worker will leave after you somehow antagonize and ultimately burn bridges with them what will you do if you're unable to hire adequate replacements because you've become known as that guy within the game dev circle a professional relationship with your team means not taking everything personally okay so we can't adequately put on the act of being a professional developer but maybe when you put aside his personality and actions then you'll find out he's actually quite competent as a leader and can almost flawlessly communicate his vision to his team after all communication is key to any project however this seems to be yet another point of contention between jan dev and his volunteers ex-volunteer ark ravens stated quote he is bad at giving clear instructions but all of my problems mostly stem from a lack of communication we're trying to get through his i'm too busy for you attitude and him complain about how importing an asset incorrectly because he didn't read carefully enough was a waste of his time well that's not too flattering of an assessment this post is pretty old though so there's a high chance he's become better since then right well if you go forward a few years you can see that glitchcloud also has a similar complaint with the dev messaging volunteers for changes at the last minute and rushing them for assets and if you'd give me like ideas for like projects to do and stuff he'll throw like hey do this track like the light music club tracks i had not received anything from him after like when i sent the tracks in i they were like three months in advance i was making sure i had my [ __ ] plenty of time to work on it if they need any tweaks he waited until like the last month to tell me hey i want this changed because the animator screwed up or that kind of thing and it was really annoying and you could tell he's really unfocused and didn't have much structure in his development process another communication related issue that seemed to be hampering development was the fact volunteers weren't allowed to communicate with each other i believe that has to have changed by now since you can find a lot of his more loyal workers as mods on his discord but who knows if that's the same for the last vocal ones although this all seems pretty bad we also have to remember that there are volunteers on the project who've been there for quite a few years now i doubt mulberry and michelle would continue working with him if you are unable to accurately articulate his needs another volunteer liam many even commented on his work ethic and ability to express his thoughts before in an attempt to defend him yonder definitely has some sort of communication problem however i believe he has the potential to become better i don't know what the difference between the first batch of volunteers i mentioned compared to the latter half he's obviously shown that he has at least some competence in this regard nonetheless i am still worried about his apparent habit of leaving volunteers hanging for long periods of time sure it's not all of them but if that's still a major complaint from a recent core volunteer then we obviously have some sort of issue here this problem should be sorted out before the kickstarter you don't want to hire an entire team only have most of them sitting around twiddling their phones because you haven't given them any instructions for who knows how long another aspect of development yonder is in charge of is the use of funds as we all know the funds are to be used to hire artists animators programmers and other such important workers now you might be wondering how are you going to assess his abilities with funds well to do that you just have to look at how he currently handles requesting stuff from his volunteers yandev also seems to be known for being selectively anal about details and generally indecisive sure he can currently make demands for multiple revisions of an asset or design because most of the people working for him are free volunteers however when he does eventually pay for professional work then those tiny details he so hellbent on including within the game's assets will add up financially next volunteer gavin mclean gives a very good example of his pickiness when recounting his experience with the dev to keep it short gavin basically explains how he was tasked with creating animations for the struggle minigame he initially thought that this would be a simple enough task until it became apparent that jandev was asking for 100 weapon specific animations rather than just nine when he carefully explained how he'd be able to simplify this the dev just responded with i am very sorry but i do not subscribe to the school of thought at all now i won't pretend to know what was suggested but if you could go for 100 animations for a mini game that the player might not even experience the six then why not take that option gavin's not the only one to describe him as needlessly anal ives described his dissatisfaction with yonder's inability to focus on objects that would be important in the game while being overly critical of less important assets his indecision on the other hand seems to typically do with art mio khan s volunteer who worked on the yakuza video was tasked with designing the student council unbeknownst to them another volunteer was also given this task another similar situation happened with an artist originally involved in the creation of hate and shame now overall these two situations don't seem too bad on big aaa projects sometimes multiple artists are asked to create various character designs however that's just the problem this isn't some big aaa game this is an indie title with a limited budget you're not square enix hiring a bunch of different artists to create character designs not only makes the game look less cohesive but also requires quite a bit of money it's best to just stick with one character designer so you don't get into the habit of needlessly commissioning multiple designers later on in development mismanagement of project funds should always be a concern to anyone backing a crowdfunded campaign the project lease needs to be able to distinguish worthwhile expenditures and recognize where corners can be cut who knows maybe he'll learn to focus on details that matter and become more decisive when it comes to the look of the game i personally don't want to bank on a maybe though and would prefer to see him change before i start throwing money at him last but not least his handling of legal matters leaves me concerned over what would happen if janssen ever got into any sort of legal trouble i wasn't sure whether or not to include this issue in the volunteer section but changed my mind since the people involved could technically be considered volunteers the most well-known and recent case of yonder making questionable decisions during illegal negotiation has to come from the recently leaked emails between him and tinybuild besides coming off as extremely whiny on his end yandev thought it prudent to try and threaten tinybuild into not charging him for their work i don't know if they backed off because it worked or if they were just tired of dealing with him but they eventually just dropped the development charges what i wonder though is if he had gone through with this threat then wouldn't i have given tiny bill the right to sue for slander he may not have liked the work they did on the game but it's highly possible that if we were shown what exactly they did it'd probably be some work that obviously needed to be done to me the situations like if a wealthy homeowner tried to sue their maid for using a dish soap brand they didn't like another less well-known incident happened with an ex-fan by the name of invader aika aika wanted to sell yon sympathy and mert but respected yondev enough to ask his permission first and even offered to compensate him everything was going pretty well with the two agreeing to a gentleman's agreement despite ika's apprehension but at the same time she still trusted and looked up to the dev when controversy surrounding yonder start to get more serious however aika rightfully made a judgment call and decided to ask for a formal contract eondev didn't exactly respond well to this the ensuing conversation led to another breakdown of what would have been a profitable deal what really confused me in this case is the fact yandev responded so badly despite ika still at least having a shred of hope for him despite what they saw aika stayed professional for most of the conversation and didn't terminate the agreement upon hearing some rumors they just wanted reassurance that neither of them could screw each other over legally in the long run this apparent aversion to contracts and holding up his end of proposed deals leads me to wonder if jan seems really in good hands with yandev if some sort of legal dispute were to happen i wouldn't be all that surprised if he handled it with the grace of a fish flopping around on a rock in the middle of a desert so it's possible these problems won't present themselves after the kickstarter however will he really be able to break these habits so easily after running his project in such a way for so many years maybe he really can run a team and these are just a few bad experiences i mean not every ex volunteer left on bad terms with him drill bozu and only wednesday music even collapsed for a fan piece recently and can now be found on the official discord server i honestly wish i could be optimistic about his prospects as a leader but the negatives in this case in my opinion seem to outweigh the positives before he even thinks about hiring a team needs to not only work on his communication skills but also his professionalism in [Music] general finally let's get into the development of other 3d indie games as stated before yonder doesn't consider johnson comparable to the majority of 2d indie games i on the other hand don't consider johnson comparable to any professionally published game unless it's something like naughty bear so to compromise i'll be looking into and comparing the developments of multiple 3d indie titles to yonsei the first thing i want to establish is what exactly is the current budget of yandere simulator over the course of his patreon's existence yandev has been able to pull in a total of two hundred ten thousand five hundred twenty eight dollars and fifty seven cents he skipped one hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred and forty six dollars and six cents of this money as a salary while the remaining forty eight thousand dollars has been kept for the game's production purposes as of the time i'm writing the script after paying a select few volunteers only twenty four thousand is left in the development fund that's already substantial amount of money he's made from his patreon alone but that's not his only source of income there's also the income he receives from merch youtube and collabs i've excluded his twitch earnings from this list because he doesn't use yandere simulator as the main selling point on there instead opting to use his uh let's call it charming personality see the panties oh baby oh oh [Music] so i believe he should be allowed to keep that money for himself rather than dedicated to the game it's hard to calculate exactly how much he gains from the three revenue streams i've included however i think it's safe to assume his youtube draws in quite a bit and his merch sales could at least sustain him if he were forced to live off of them because of his relatively young audience i think it's safe to assume a good majority of the game's fans watch yon dev's videos on mobile devices without any kind of ad block it wouldn't be his entire audience but the ad revenue has to be adding up to a good sum to be fair though the type of ad and the country said ad is being shown to is also said to affect the amount of money you earn so there's a possibility that the channels only net him a couple thousand rather than the possible million he could have made in his channel's lifetime his merch sales is another point of interest it's possible he's driving in quite a bit of dough from his crowdmade store considering the fact he thought it prudent to restock the yonkoon body pillows along with adding two new body pillows however it's also just as possible that he's made this move in desperation considering the fact is patreon had been at an all-time low for a while before making this announcement although i think it's very possible januar's making more than he lets on i can't concretely prove how much exactly he's making one more thing that's come to light recently however is the fact tiny bill put thirty one thousand dollars worth of work into the game before their partnership was terminated so for yantun's budget i'll be combining tiny bills with labor costs with the total amount of patreon money yandex made that gives us 231 thousand dollars to use as comparison against other indie titles next let's establish a core team for yandere simulator i don't know why people still act like yonder's a one-man developer and he obviously has multiple people working for him just look through his blog or the in-game credits he say quite a few times so he has programmers helping him in various ways he obviously doesn't do any of the composing modeling texturing animating or voice acting on his own for the sake of this section and in order to keep things more organized we're going to be using specific volunteers to represent his core team those members are [Music] [Music] other musicians modelers and animators are part of a revolving door of volunteers so let's just think of them as commission workers or a part of a kind of b team so what are a few other 3d indie games that have been released or currently being developed bright memory song of [ __ ] maho arms and a hat in time are all indie titles that have been or are being developed by either one person or a small team the first person action game bright memory was made during developer xiang chong's spare time after the great reception he received for the portion currently available for early access on steam epic games awarded him a 200k grant which he plans to use in order to facilitate the development of the rest of the game song of horror is a third person survival horror game made by protocol games the studio's core team consists of four dudes and they not only had one but two failed kickstarters which gave them a total budget of 83 thousand mahou arms is a character action dating sim hybrid currently in development by the small indie studio dischan media two people volatile carbon and doomfest also known as soft mode have composed the main production team over its current two and a half years of development time with various people being contracted whenever they had the funds in that time frame the patreons accumulated a budget of a little over 88 thousand a hat in times a collect-a-thon platformer made by gears for breakfast an eight-man team previously known for their modding of team fortress 2. their original goal was 30 000 however their fans smashed through the stretch goals allowing them to instead accumulate 296 thousand dollars worth of pledges when compared to other amateur indie devs yandev seems to be doing fairly well both income and worker-wise so why is it that it's taken him six years to even get the first level done and other similar projects have reached the same goal or even completion within two to five years yandev's been very fortunate for being able to acquire so much help without having to pay all that much but it's disappointing to see how he squandered these opportunities time and time again if you're someone who takes his claim of being an experienced deaf to heart or think his large workforce should be taken into consideration then comparing him the first timers could be seen as unfair if that's the case then how about we check out the circumstances surrounding indie titles such as return of the oberdin no straight roads the good life and fury return of the oberdins a puzzle game developed by lucas pope of papers please fame during his free time no straight roads is an upcoming rhythm-based action-adventure game developed by final fantasy game director juan hansmur and the team at his indie studio metronomic it's unknown exactly when the game started development however the studio was formed in december of 2017 celestia say that the game's been in development for at least two years now the good life a murder mystery depth repaying hard to describe the genre of game has been in development for around three to four years sweary's studio white owl is assumably made up of a team of 23 people and they've been able to raise 81 million yen which converts to around 763 thousand dollars fury's an action shoot him up developed by the people at the game bakers whose core team consists of around 20 people the game started production in 2014 and was released in 2016. we take his claim of being an experience gained of the heart without looking into his past works then comparing yandere to more experienced steps ends up unintentionally making him look like well a bit of a chump almost all the devs here have taken a leap of faith and developed or are in the middle of developing something unique in a shorter amount of time while yandev's taken six years to make little more than a glorified sandbox with no win state yandev's in this weird position between complete amateur and veteran indie devs he makes more money than the average indie developer yet less than industry veterans he gets a ton of help from an ever-changing cast of volunteers yet progress is made as if there were only two pre-teens working on the project his game has an ambitious premise but an amateur execution some might argue that you can't compare the rate of progress between devs because yan sim is more complicated however i very much have to disagree let's step back and take a look at jan sim's core gameplay once you strip away the game's more unessential elements like mini games easter eggs and different gameplay modes then you're left with a sandbox where you have to follow a strict checklist to successfully execute an elimination sure it's possible to try deviating from that list and coming up with your own murder method but i noticed that to do this you have to exploit the ai in unnatural ways that look more like unintentional side effects of the program rather than you learning the npc's routines and outsmarting them the game is pretty simple at its core which is why i feel comfortable comparing them to these equally simple games it isn't at all organic or complex like hip man if anything yon sim reminds me of a jankier version of naughty bear while also being a cleaner version of lucious 2. [Music] this may sound weird especially after everything i've just said but i actually believe yonder may have the potential to at least finish johnson i know he said he was going for low-hanging fruit but honestly i think he had a pretty good pace when implementing more important features like student routines and personalities along with elimination methods it's all the useless features videos and general interactions he has that really slows down the development imagine if he had someone else editing his update videos instead of doing them himself imagine he didn't make these needless videos stopped responding to reddit questions emails and discord dms i just focused on the game imagine if he only worked on the street adding voice lines or added in the option to mess around with the corkboard after the demo was released i also believe we would be where the game is development wise today he didn't feel the need to talk about every little idea he has or debunk everything people say about him yandev himself has called the game in his current state a v-slice so it's supposed to be even less than a demo then why does it have more features than most demos have honestly i feel like this all could have been avoided if he used kokona for the demo and kept the real rivals of the game a secret until the game came out we probably would have gotten some sort of official product three years ago if he just knew himself restraint finally this is more of a personal opinion but yandere simulator just doesn't seem all that fun it's a very linear game masquerading as an organic stealth game i compared it to naughty bear earlier but really it reminds me more of final fantasy 13. every elimination is just one giant checklist with little to no deviation even when people are able to come up with some creative eliminations they work more like unintentional exploits rather than a show of your mastery of the game the game literally revolves around people's least favorite tasks in stealth games safe scumming to eliminate your rivals you have to learn their schedule to learn their schedule you have to follow them around for a week which equates to around an hour in real time then you have to go all the way back to the start of the week and begin planning how you'll dispose of said arrival this new information that you attain through time travel then as mentioned before you either have to find out the specific actions the game wants you to do or break the game in some way to allow you to kill her with each failure meaning another reload to me this isn't fun this is anti-fun whatever happened to the organic gameplay yandev envisioned all those years ago currency of yandere simulator and the johnson fandom is unfortunate but not too surprising we take everything into consideration i don't think yandere dev is consciously trying to sabotage himself but either way that's exactly what he's doing separated his negative traits aren't all that bad but when put together like they are with him then they form a vortex of inadequate leadership and an inability to put the game's development as his top priority i just can't support someone like that and his attitude has ultimately been the biggest contributor to the game's sluggish development sometimes i wonder what would have happened if all those big youtubers had never found this game in the first place if you only had a modest sized audience would his ego have inflated to the size of the empire state building making him unable to accept even the most basic of criticism all answers lead me to believing we'd be in the same situation just at a smaller scale but hey a girl can dream [Music] because i don't want to become a yan sim channel i thought it'd be a good idea to just throw my grievances and extra thoughts about everything surrounding this guy into a short bit at the end the text to speech voice will be used in this portion of the video in my opinion it sounds better than my nerdy little voice why'd i write such long sentences i don't get it i don't even like to talk you're totally free to go if you just came to hear why i don't think the game will amount to much this section won't be as organized but i hope you enjoy if you do stay i'll post a list of the topics on screen and their time stamps to make this section easier to navigate debunking yandev listening to his fans yandev has this problem where he asks his audience whether or not they want something and then does whatever it is he wanted instead it's really weird because sometimes he gets mad at his fans for hating something which forces him to for the most part remove it but then when the majority of people either like or are fine with something he only focuses on the minority objecting to him skirt inventory in 2016 he had this in my opinion dumb idea for a skirt inventory at this point in time the game was still mainly targeted at 4chan users with a few kids having already become fans because of pewdiepie so of course since everyone there either thought the game was made to fuel their fantasies or was just a parody of anime tropes most people chose go ahead as expected of yandev though instead of just leaving the minority to stew in uncomfortableness adapt or drop the game he had to bring the mild controversy up himself because of course you can't disagree with him even after this people still told him to go ahead with the idea even so he really did remove the skirt from the game except now we have this so a portion of your audience says no to flashing panties and you give in but then you think this is a good idea beat em up system oh yeah he really didn't go through with the beat m up feature except he did we even explained why we thought you know going around beating up people or getting into fights would be weird but then you go ahead and add it back in as a quick time event i don't understand did you not read why people thought the idea was dumb or did you just see a bunch of no's and go i know how to fix this while tricking them into thinking it's not a fighting feature all you knows backstory after ayano's backstory was revealed there were so many people who were confused because he made her into a psychotic kudera rather than a yandere yandev we get it you love ayanami ray but you don't have to insert her traits into ayano games presentation people disliked lovesick mode because you made it seem like it was going to make the game super serious and that would also affect the story from my perspective it just looked like you changed the layer of paint back to what it was but left the previous coat still on rather than restarting now we have a serious story in a game that people wanted to be a parody well i guess you could still mistaken it for a parody if the developer didn't make their intentions of it being taken seriously clear drama back when you initially made this post a large majority of your fans didn't care about the drama so why is it that after asking them what they thought you went on to continue talking about the drama both on and off your youtube channel just get off your socials and work on the game i'm not saying isolate yourself you can still hang with your friends but you should know by now that every time you try to make apr move it just backfires and slaps you in the face your fans probably wouldn't have even known about most of the drama surrounding you as displayed by the fact they didn't even know about the drama going on back in this post he's been like this for years now so i don't have too much hope in him changing maybe if he were younger but by now he's an adult man stuck is he doesn't have to listen to what his fans say ever heard of the saying too many cooks spoil the broth but the fact he prides himself on being able to absorb the advice given to him just makes everything so frustrating if you're just going to do your own thing anyways then stop presenting your fans with the option to help and just keep your head down until you have some work to show is yandere poor recently yandev made a claim that he's beneath the poverty line so i decided to do some digging myself i only mentioned it briefly earlier but maybe we should take a look at one of his other lines of income which he uses almost daily twitch he's been able to draw in quite a crowd with his uh antics does she have big boobies no then why do i care if i could be any item what would i be maybe a dildo but what if it's a dildo owned by a fat gay man who constantly wants to fight his own house that would be a bad thing she was a ton dear [ __ ] she brew a nice pair of fish titties they're covering my dick and [ __ ] and eating it like a lollipop right now rusty dusty tainted vagina's lips look at my big ol fat titties chicken that's such a beautiful sight what like a dick i don't need your dick i got that sweet type [ __ ] a [ __ ] kitten is the baby version of a foot cat why do you need his consent to touch him you should be able to touch him without his consent green is the color of the busty girl blue is the color of the shitty flat-tested sun deer [ __ ] so i'll go with green is it warm up there in that tide what warm hole dick it makes pea and babies i don't like it who the [ __ ] do you think i am some little [ __ ] with time to wait [Music] now there's no way to see a list of who subscribed to him so i just took a look at the subs in his discord and whoever decided to pop up on his stream this isn't all of his subs but they'll be enough for my calculations when i checked his discord 51 of his tier 1 subs were online now when you check his twitch it becomes apparent that the majority of his subscribers received to his channel so let's say normally he'd be getting 254 dollars and 49 cents combined every month from his t1 subs which would result in him earning 3053 and 88 cents a year though not everyone stays subbed for that long so let's pretend half of them have only been subbed for three months three quarters of them have been subbed for six months and a quarter of them have been subbed for a year in that scenario alone all those t1 subs would amount to him gaining 1339.77 what about all those t3 subs who've been supporting him for multiple years just from the three tier three subs i initially saw combined he'd get close to a thousand dollars from them now add that to the tier ones and you get two thousand two hundred and thirty nine dollars and forty cents this doesn't look like too much on its own but you have to remember this isn't even all of his subs and doesn't take into account the donations he receives disregarding other forms of income when you added to his patreon for the past few months then even at its lowest he's still above both the minimum wage and the federal poverty lines in california it's not by much but if he's been wise with his spendings and actually saving up then he should be fine you know you'd be able to stretch that money out if you actually played the plus steam games you have instead of buying every shiny new game that comes out on the market are most of those games just a bunch of two-minute new key gay without much content well then do what the rest of us do and wait for steam summer sales playstation sales or look through the bargain bin at your local game stop i know i seem unsympathetic here and that's because i am if you're going to complain about not having enough money then i don't want to see you turn around and buy a new switch second hand or not along with multiple 60 games there are tons of ways to save money like by going out to the local grocery store yourself or unsubscribing from reddit premium these methods are all a part of something i like to call self-restraint you should try to get used to it to top it all off it's highly likely that the revenue being generated from merch sales and co-lab deals is going straight into his pocket every time fans question him on where these funds along with youtube money is going he either gets very defensive or outright ignores the question editing tater here i dropped into one of his streams cause i was curious and adolfin ahmad sponsor and tier three sub of his just dropped almost 185 dollar worth of bids on him within five minutes also got multiple donations from people trying to cheer him up i thought people were exaggerating about the donations but people really were donating money and bits every few minutes i'm supposed to believe he's poor after seeing his mod drop 300 on him within a week on top of all the other money she pays him if you're so worried about your financial situation then just move in with her she's obviously willing to drop hundreds on you anyways yandev versus similar games everyone and their mother already knows what happened with epic meal dev dr apis and yandere dev so i'll just quickly recap it with screenshots i did find the situation with epic mule dev in particular quite hilarious since in 2018 someone allegedly impersonated yandev and sent hate mail to epic meal what i wanted to talk about is the fact this isn't the first time he's tried to throw a similar game out of the running gandera school was also seen as a vitriolic rip-off in yandev's eyes resulting in him false flagging one of their gameplay trailers yandev seems to not understand what a genre is and just assumes anyone willing to take a crack at making a similar game is out to copy and defame him what i found odd is that a lot of his projects are heavily based off of other properties i don't think that fact in and of itself is weird so much as it contradicts his own views on game development one fan asked him what he thought about yan sim likes and this is what he had to say if he feels that way then doesn't that invalidate a large majority of his own ideas yandevs also sent a guy pretending to be a volunteer a game he plans to make based off of look trousers i didn't mention it until now because the original poster didn't provide screencaps of the emails so there was a slim chance it was faked however i'm now including it because i found proof that they weren't lying you see this initial post is from 2016. a few months later while talking about why yandere schools a ripoff he mentions luke trousers being one of his favorite indie titles it's like he opened up that very email and edited it a bit before posting it on reddit he even did the comparison to doom so while condemning a game for being a ripoff he also confirmed that he himself planned to make a rip off of another game you can't make this stuff up as someone who claims to be intimately familiar with the game industry then he should know that sometimes companies produce very similar games almost at the exact same time sometimes different companies just have similar ideas and other times a different company gets the idea to use a concept currently in development from another company love letter is obviously the later of the two options and there's nothing wrong with that even then shouldn't you feel some sort of flattery that your games basically started its own genre i don't remember from software whining to bandai namco about code vein ripping off dark souls there's a reason why the souls like genre of games exist if your game's superior then we'll find out for ourselves once we play it another thing i found even more funny is this line from epic meal implying yandev said something disapproving about his acceptance of fan suggestions um well that's sorta harsh isn't it if he really thinks that then that must mean he's never or rarely ever used others ideas for his game [Music] now after saying all that i also have to make it clear that just because someone's making a yandere game it doesn't mean you have to immediately praise them calling them the yansem slayer or whatever it's like no one remembers what happened the first time they blindly supported a dev without first looking into his credentials you have to play it by ear before we move on i also want to bring up the fact yandev's attacking other people for using placeholders when he has dedicated posts on his faq and a portion of his mid-october 2017 report to justify the use of placeholder assets from google not to mention the fact the current models are placeholders meaning he's wasted thousands of dollars on modelers and animators on top of all this he said that the current code isn't the base he'll be working off of meaning he's spent six years on placeholder code that'll be completely scrapped in the end the name of the game's even a placeholder obviously the best way to thank your loyal fans and patrons is to use a large sum of that money on placeholder assets and animations oh and those voice lines better be final too because he's also spent quite a bit on them ripping off other people and stories yandev's also been accused multiple times of plagiarism some of these claims aren't exactly the best thought out but others are too obvious to just brush aside and be like yeah this is fine i think it's for the best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and take a look at their situation before making a definitive judgment call i did that with yandere dev end for literal years people have told him off for either wholesale ripping off games or designs and he just doesn't seem to get it just because you admit to being inspired by them it doesn't mean you can just take the entire game or design and call it your own you're supposed to take bits and pieces of designs you like and then mix them all together to make something new miyuki's the only design that i've seen him directly reference as being inspired by something and actually looking like its own thing but i think that mostly has to do with mulberry rather than him realizing what he's doing for example her mako design is obviously supposed to be a hatsune mika reference without straight-up ripping off her design hell even the original uniform looked inspired by revenge classroom i assume this was largely because of his original artist aea this actually looks inspired rather than just straight up stolen i don't have much hope for him changing the way he gets inspired anytime soon since he's been doing this for literally a decade this post is probably still relevant to his thoughts on copying others homework today [Music] his unoriginality lacking imagination and inability to write engaging plots is another reason why i stopped following the game's development naming the band in the light music club the strawberry thieves is a cute easter egg wholesale adding copyrighted characters and other people's designs is not and adding the mystery gang makes absolutely no sense when the entire point of the game is to reference japanese media my characters aren't underage um i suppose the characters ages have never been stated before where could this preposterous misconception of the game containing school-aged characters come from do you think anita and kataku will get pissed at me if i sexualize the schoolgirls i like the idea of her being a naughty incestuous jailbait leader who is constantly trying to get into her brother's paths it's about slaughtering school children you're welcome to just slaughter schoolgirls indiscriminately you have to kill 10 schoolgirls lots of unsuspecting children are going to be murdered your only targets are school girls murdering dozens of school girls yandere chan is a school girl a school girl someone did make a school girl model for me into the hands of school girls attempted to fix the schoolgirl spin in circles when walking downstairs bug i'll only allow school girls to be stabbed if they're past the entrance a serial killing school girl how many weapons is too many for a school girl to carry i want the game to be about a serial killer indiscriminately slaughtering school girls left and right i didn't think that people would be brave enough to post about a school girl slaughtering sim why are you telling your friends and family that you bully school girls and take panty shots she would act like a shy school girl i decided that a schoolgirl serial killer simulator sounded more interesting a schoolgirl model with adjustable hips butt and thighs i'm developing a game where the player is capable of slaughtering school children and sexually harassing underage girls what could be happening to this poor school girl the sound of exploding fireworks could be used to mask a dying schoolgirl screams a game whereas schoolgirls panties are constantly displayed if there were cut scenes of schoolgirls getting red you'd have a point uh i'm sure he's changed his stance on her specifically being a schoolgirl since the you may actually see the protagonists depicted as a japanese school girl it wasn't just a schoolgirl killing game school girl with black hair ponytail black eyes black stockings is ayanna's design was the partial nudity the slaughtering of school children or something else entirely i wonder if there's any way to find out the characters are underage any proof of the npcs you fight at underage well um 20 yes 20-year-old girls attending college can also be considered schoolgirls take that gremlins seriously though i sorta struggle between condemning him for the sexual content in and around his game or just brushing it off because i haven't experienced a situation like this before much like ander dev i'm pretty sure developers like toby fox and scott cawthorne didn't intend for their fan bases to mostly be made up of children however unlike yandere dev they didn't dig their heels in after said audience was gained and then say gtfo look at how mature my game is it even has creator approved porn of it [Music] even games fully intended for adults don't do this it's like if capcom suddenly came out with a porn parody of resident evil 7 where you had to do the do with marguerite before she devours you like a black widow the only other dev that i can think of who looted his own character is yokotaro but even then he didn't in my opinion at least go to the creepy extremes yandere devis and his audience isn't made up of actual children him trying to jump through so many hoops to justify his characters is just pathetic just own up to them being high schoolers and make their models look more mature or something [Music] he made this post while i was editing on the whole i agree however there are a few key things he has to remember that make persona and yandere simulator different one so ejema's art style makes it so that almost all the girls adult or teenage look like young adults the only thing really defining their age is their school uniforms if you put tahemi in a shujan academy uniform then you'd assume she's a teenager rather than a woman and if makoto introduced herself as a teacher or something while wearing her casual gear then you'd assume it was true because she'd look like all the other women in the game unless you specify an age they look legal this leads to number two a large portion of your audience has stated that the seifuku is like a walking reminder of the fact everyone's underage the way i see it you shouting they're not underage while their character designs and outfits scream underage is like people saying it's okay to loot kana because she's actually 800 years old even the blurred images of the new designs look like teenagers rather than young adults my audience isn't underage no your fan base doesn't mostly consist of adults if what you see in your server makes you think yup these are all people in their 20s and up then i honestly don't know what to tell you a good example of this is the fact you're discouraged from talking about your age in the discord server and once fans do talk about their age then they usually range from somewhere between 12 to 18. even i started realizing something wasn't right by the time i was 16 but i brushed it aside until the evidence was shoved in my face at the age of 18. additionally he likes to talk about how 12 year olds are always saying oof but then he had to ban you from his chat and discord because it was being said so much does he not see a correlation here or is he being willfully ignorant yes there are some adult fans in your fan base but the majority of your fan base is made up of children and teenagers your vehement denial of this fact just makes it more obvious as you wouldn't even give it the time of day if it were really untrue pedophilia allegations here comes another topic that's been discussed to hell and back this isn't an allegation to be given out lightly there have been many many instances of yandev saying and doing questionable things regarding underage anime characters along with a few incidents related to real-life girls [Music] i think the problem with yandev concerning his sexuality is that he was extremely sheltered at a young age after being bullied out of school only for him to then be left to his devices on the internet where he found anime titty and developed an unrealistic expectation of women he not only wants them to be model thin with big busta boobies but he also wants them to be submissive babyish and quiet virgins what he wants from them on an emotional and intellectual level implies pedophilia but what he wants from them on a physical level is an exaggeration of the female form basically he's one of those guys that wants a born sexy yesterday girlfriend i don't think or at least i hope he's attracted to children physically however i do think he's attracted to their mindset which is probably why the cis f incident happened he was never properly taught sexual education and wasn't able to freely talk about it in his family resulting in the sheltered rich man child with a sex-related addiction we know today that being said it still doesn't excuse his apparent need to sexualize any and everything especially when that thing looks like or is a child like i found this post from 8chan of one of yandev's old stream viewers talking about how he wrote a creepy fanfic featuring a 16 year old girl and 36 year old man if the idea of you being a paedophile has been such a rampant thing throughout most of your adult life then shouldn't you be trying to do something to get rid of that title rather than continuously reinforce it i think the most damning piece of evidence in this case other than his inability to shut up about bust a pink-haired 16-year-olds is his old okcupid profile the lowest age you can be to use okcupid is 18. when he was 28 he was okay with finding a woman 10 years younger than him but only willing for older women to be older by two years anyways i'm sure everyone's just overreacting after all how could he look at younger people when most of them have deformed flat chest in regards to the sex license statement i think i get what he was trying to say but that doesn't make the concept any less stupid first of all and most obviously you can cheat on test second of all mental maturity isn't the only reason underage sex is frowned upon even with contraceptives it's not 100 guaranteed you won't get pregnant pregnancies can wreak havoc even on the healthiest of women's bodies even if the baby is born with the child and mother unscathed we then have to think about whether the child will be put into foster care which isn't always sunshines and rainbows or if the girl will drop out of school in order to raise the child lowering her chances at getting a stable job there are so many more dimensions to this other than do you think like a 20 year old i think his original intentions with the little sister could have worked if he were trying to play up the weird incest you sometimes see in anime and showed that taro didn't like it but put up with it because he loves his little sister yandep probably wouldn't have done that though so far he's played every trope he's added straight without any comedic spin to it megami should be this comedically rich and overpowered mary sue but instead yandev so invested into her that she really is a mary sue with a super serious backstory and look at how cool the seikos are guys her backstory and entire character is over the top funny but not on purpose there would also be the fact it's hard to tell when yandev includes something in his game because it's his fetish or because he really just thinks it's funny recently people have been able to link this image he posted on twitter with a japanese blog that it assumably originated from along with this picture was pictures of the female students of natsuro high being molested gang assaulted and being forced into playing with dogs and little boys how am i and others supposed to just give him the benefit of the doubt when he's looking at this kinda stuff and talks about sex so much that he considers it a part of his personality racism and homophobia including an easter egg of the personification of a virus currently causing the deaths of numerous people and dressing her in a chong sam further perpetuating the idea that this is a chinese virus is racist and should 100 be mocked if he were to have added this easter egg any time after the current incident it would still be distasteful but at least it wouldn't in my opinion feel like a spit in the face to all the people currently suffering racism also includes the fetishization and infantilization of another culture you can like the way a chong sam or in yandev's words the changasm looks but its use in this context is to basically mock chinese people there's a reason the character has bat wings it's like if someone made aids [ __ ] and portrayed him as a dark-skinned sassy dude wearing rainbow-colored gear don't worry though according to yandev this caricature isn't being made to mock any groups aids [ __ ] just happens to be from north africa and thinks rainbows are like so totally cool wait i was joking what did you think would happen when you made the only naturally dark-skinned person in the game wear a collar and be the personification of a literal dog i'm of the mind you don't have to add a bunch of non-japanese people to your game since it's supposed to take place in japan however if you are going to add them then at least think about how you're portraying them before adding them in adding a male yandere and female senpai to the game's a horrible idea because of the additional voice lines and work it would take to implement them don't just exclude the male yandere because you're insecure with your own sexuality and are afraid of the sjws winning get rid of both and stop being a baby false flagging while i have mixed feelings about the games luath's channel this isn't the first time yandev's false-flagged videos about him games lueth's situation's the most well-known but he also did the same thing twice to let's player a's man after he posted well-meaning videos explaining how the game could be improved he was genuinely invested in the game's development but yandev's reaction was well less than pleasant one of the reasons he got mad at his man was because he showed some pictures from the at the time leaked rival introduction video the problem with this though is that apparently yandev was the source of the leak he was the one who showed it off on his totally private and absolutely not public at all stream in the first place so why the heck did he get mad at him he's also admitted to mass flagging multiple videos about him in the past with little results apparently took down one of yandere datadigger's channels but that's another festering issue i don't want to touch and i already mentioned him flagging yandere school back in the good old days the end he's hopeless i actually believe yandere simulator will be released eventually his stubbornness just won't let him let go of this project whether or not it'll be as envisioned is to be seen though however as the game is now and will probably continue to be it just reminds me of a video game version of chronixia and the eight seals virtual hero and any other piece of media that desperately wants to be anime without understanding anime itself isn't a genre but a medium other than that he'll never change he's exactly the same as he was when he was 18 and that really baffles me because even i feel embarrassed when looking back at my 18 year old self sure my 18 year old self wasn't as bad as my 14 year old self but i'm still happy to have moved on from that point in my life yandev knows he has problems he's known for almost 20 years now but at every turn he refuses to just accept help it's honestly really sad but if he refuses to change despite being at least self-aware enough to talk about it then there's nothing anyone can do and i can't help but feel absolutely no sympathy that's not to say i'm wishing ill will on him that'd be pointless but why should i feel sorry for him when he had this to say after a young girl related to one of his detractors was almost pushed towards the edge because he refused to step in and stop his fans you didn't even have to forgive her boyfriend for what he was saying about you but to respond like this it was only after his replies garnered less than favorable feedback that he put out a full statement and made sure to update his debunk page truly an innocent and misunderstood soul i'm of the mindset you shouldn't have to drag up someone's old tweets or blog post in order to ridicule or implicate them because by the time you do so the person's probably already changed for the better however in the case of yandev a lot of the behaviors and attitudes we see in his past are either the same or have evolved for the worse today by bringing up his past i'm not trying to make fun of him and say look at how cringy this baby was i'm trying to say he hasn't done any of the changing he's repeatedly claimed to have done there's a reason he's been laughed and chased out of communities again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again if development of the game's making him so miserable then stop i can't feel sorry for him when he constantly says i don't want to do this anymore yet refuses to actually help himself through therapy or accepting his cousin's continual job offering yandev you have options to change yourself but instead you'll just spend the rest of your life in front of your computer alienating yourself from the rest of the world and wondering why no one else can be as reasonable as you if you're still here then wow how have you not died of boredom yet seriously though thank you for watching this video i don't know if i was really able to properly articulate my arguments since i'm pretty rambly and i have trouble putting my thoughts into words but i hope i was at least able to bring some new points to the table every time i thought i remembered everything that i had heard of or seen before i'd find something else and be like oh yeah that happened didn't it i think we just got so used to seeing him create messes that we eventually just sort of brushed them off as just yandev things like i completely forgot about the pisces and gu situations i think i completely blocked out the sis f claims and the anti-semitic black sun sponsor he defended it feels so good to get this off my chest it's not like it's been something on my mind every day and every second of my life but when the subject of yandev does pop up there's always so much i want to say that i feel like isn't talked about enough i mean this guy's got issues that he's repeated at nauseam his whole life but instead we're sitting here crying about store-bought assets and making fun of him for drinking semen-like substances from an overly intricate cup i might do one more yan sim video related to character design but after that i'm definitely never going to bring this subject up again i don't want to be one of those people that just put out video after video of the exact same thing i think i just have a lot to say cause i had been a fan since almost the beginning of the game's development but i've never really voiced my opinions on everything that's happened like after i found his posts from when he was younger and saw how he hadn't really changed since then i just stopped keeping tabs on what was going on until people started to make youtube videos on him now i'm going to lie down and hope this man doesn't make any more stupid decisions [Music] it's is [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: PotatoBrick
Views: 87,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yansim, yandev, yandere dev, a potato rambles, sozomaika, sleep, glitchcloud, thesokka, invaderika, drama, lunar scythe, spartacus legends, girl fight, madiblitz, beedrops, wunkolo, tinybuild, how to tag video, commentary, osana
Id: WbJvuQOBp4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 4sec (4324 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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