Every Role Breakdown For Cyberpunk Red. Timestamps Available.

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Thanks JonJon ! Hope youโ€™re doing well

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] what's going on guys john john the wise here and i got another cyberpunk video for you guys this time we're going to be breaking down each role in cyberpunk red and i know i've done some videos on this on the past you guys can check it out in the playlist that i have for the role breakdowns but i wanted to make one big mega video for all the changes that have happened for the roles in cyberpunk red a lot of the stuff is less ambiguous there's a lot more mechanic changes and there's things that are different about the roles that i want to get into make sure you guys use the timestamps below i will have it in the description and it'll be on the search bar that you are using to scroll with into the video and i will be breaking down each role so you can go down to whatever role that you want to make your character in or that you want more information on you can go straight to it and get my insight on that alright well before we get into that make sure you guys join our discord community the link will be in the description below it is a community made for cyberpunk red 2020 fans and we even talk other tabletop games and i'm sure we'll even talk about cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out and make sure you guys subscribe to my podcast tabletop cyberpunk by the time you see this video i may have already had now i'm gonna save it just in case you didn't see it but i've had some really amazing guests and i have some more on the way so you guys definitely want to check that out i talk about cyberpunk i break things down i talk about my past games and lately i've been having really awesome guests on so make sure you're subscribed to tabletop cyberpunk so you can get more cyberpunk stuff like and subscribe follow me on social media at john john the wise and let's just get straight into the video so each role in cyberpunk plays a very important part of the story an important part of the world they all do their own separate things they do specific things and in red they went through each role and made sure that they got the love and care for all their abilities and the things they can do no longer are you left guessing exactly how you're supposed to be playing your netrunner your solo your med tech all of it is laid out for you you know your strengths and you can patch up your weaknesses and you can even create whatever kind of character you want unlike in 2020 where they would give you career skills these are basically skills that every solo netrunner etc would have before character creation in red instead every role has these basic skills that they call generic skills or general skills i don't remember it off the top of my head but the basic idea is that everybody knows these skills no matter what kind of character they're making and you can see that as kind of like a career skill kind of thing but what that really does is make sure that you don't have to waste any points on stuff like stealth or or or language or local expert stuff that your character would need for it to make sense in the story but not something that will take over the entire character sheet they leave you with a lot of room for creativity you can go through all of the different skills you can pick anything that you want a solo in the net and a netrunner can have the exact same skills and still be unique because of their special role ability so first up let's talk about the rocker boy one of the most unique parts of cyberpunk and one of the most unique roles in cyberpunk so basically the rockerboy is out there trying to inspire people they're out there using their art whether it's music or whatever thing that you can come up with they really leave it up to you but basically you are using your art your expression to reach people to reach fans to make yourself notorious infamous whatever you want to call it so you can change things that are going on around you with this you can change campaigns you can change the plot you can drive the plot you can start a riot i mean there's so many things a rocker boy can do by touching hearts and minds with their art you're going to be having enemies like corporations other gangs other rocker boys local government i mean just be ready for the enemies because it's going to be a long long list especially if you're out there putting your name out there letting people know who you are trying to get people to join you in your cause alright so first off let's talk about charismatic impact that is your role ability it's your ability to influence fans with your personality and the game master determines if someone you meet is already a fan and by that you can also convert people into becoming fans you take your charismatic impact you combine it with a d10 and whether they're a single person a small group or a huge group there's a different difficulty value and you'll be able to get them to do something according to what the book says it's all in accordance to what rank you have in your special ability that's how much power and influence you have as a rocker boy now if you fail these people are not your fans and won't do any of your favors but if you pass then they'll do you a favor within your gm's discretion and also keeping your rank in mind as a rocker boy i recommend that you take these two stats and make them your important stats your your your priority it should be number one cool and number two empathy these are two stats that you'll be using a lot because you're interacting people you're doing a lot of social things and that's when we'll go to our recommended skills i recommend that you go for the social skills performance skills and body skills the reason i chose body skills is because you're going to be doing things to your body that you want to take care of like drugs substances putting yourselves in a bad situation there's things are you going to be doing as a rocker boy that other people would not dare to do but number one above all is you got to be able to perform and you got to be a people person all right next let's talk about the solo the solo is the professional combatant of the dark future they're the hitman the bodyguard security mercenaries military i mean you name it these are the guys that shoot guns slash jump flip choke people out there they're the ones that put fear into the hearts of their enemies they're hunters they're living weapons it's one of the most popular roles in cyberpunk for this exact reason is because you get to live that fantasy that john wick fantasy of going around killing everybody so their role ability is called combat awareness so basically before combat during combat or out of combat you can be able to use your rollability rank number within various categories of abilities some of them cost more points some of them cost less it's really up to you according to what situation you're in the idea is the solo has a set of skills and their set of skills can get them to do the things that they need to do they can focus on those skills at specific points in time and for game balance there's specific rules on exactly when you can use it what the risk is and blah blah blah all right so the first one we'll talk about is damage deflection which reduces damage taken from you the second is fumble recovery which ignores critical failures like your gun jamming if you're using a poor quality weapon or whatever your game master desi decides is a poor quality weapon you also have initiative reaction which gives you plus one to initiative per rank point used now this this is a big deal because as as we all know the first person to act in combat in cyberpunk is usually the most important they dictate exactly how this fight is going to go they dictate who the weakest combatant is going to be from the damage that they can do so if you can act first before anybody else you can make sure that the battlefield is to your advantage and things that are going on are to your advantage next we have precision attack which gives you greater accuracy to your attacks spot weakness which gives you extra damage per rank point used and then we have threat detection which gives you plus one to your perception checks per rank point used this means that your solo can go around accurately hitting targets hitting targets harder than they usually do and making sure that the threats like ambushes and things that are sneaking up on you guys the solo can be able to break all this stuff down now as you can see in 2020 all of that stuff was kind of jumbled into one thing which was combat awareness but uh or what was it even called i don't even remember was it called combat awareness well i'm not going to go back and check it out but basically in 2020 it was more of a general skill and now in red there are specific things that you can do as a solo that make them very unique and different and because of the way the skills are done you can have a solo that doesn't use guns like barry ruth in my wise guys campaign he only uses melee weapons and he's been having a really good time with that all right let's go to recommended stats my number one recommended stat is reflex number two is dexterity these are interchangeable depending on what kind of character you make but these are the ones that make sure you hit your target and you hit them hard you dodge attacks and you're able to be as nimble as a cat number three body number four move i mean these are all pretty basic you want to be beefy you want to have a lot of health and you want to be able to get across the battlefield or run away as fast as you can faster than anybody else out there reflex dexterity body move i mean it's kind of a no brainer but just wanted to give you guys that recommended skills i would go with ranged weapons as your skills uh your ranged weapon skills as your most important fighting skills as number two now remember these are both interchangeable they're both just as important for each other number three i would go with awareness skills to coincide with your perception check bonuses that you can have you want to be able to walk into a room notice any threats see anybody that's going to be messing with you number four we're going to go body skills body skills are things that will help you take pain take a beating take torture all the things that you need to be able to continue to fight on all right let's move on to the net runner the net runner is the hacker of the dark future they're the one using their cyber deck various commands to hack systems throughout the world they are a thorn in the side of every corporation government entity or anybody that has an important system with nasty programs designed to keep the net runner out in our campaign the netrunner is a vital resource for the players when they get to a place they don't know how everything is going they don't know whose eyes are on them they don't know how many combatants are on them the first thing they do is tell the netrunner find a node hack into it give us some information and the netrunner plays such a vital role in red that i would almost guarantee that you would need a netrunner for all of your campaigns not guaranteed i mean that shouldn't be what i say what i mean is having them is really fun and there's a lot of cool things that you can do as a game master for your netrunner so the way that netrunners have changed in red is actually very significantly even though it is kind of a subtle change the change is now that the net is what it is that it's pretty much a walking minefield this is not a lower video so i won't go too deep into it but basically it's almost impossible to navigate through the net and now net runners if they want to hack a system they have to be between six meters of a control node or eight if they have the upgrade on their cyber deck and what that basically means is any net runner that exists in the time of the red is a maniac the they used to be able to sit in a panic room in a bathtub with sentry turrets all around them eating cheetos and hacking into arasaka databases now they have to go to the arasaka database they have to dodge bullets dodge other net runners dodge turrets i mean these guys are the daredevils of the time of the red doing things that they normally wouldn't do i mean they probably don't have the combat prowess that a solo does depending on what skills you take but now you can design a netrunner that is sneaky that gets into places they're not supposed to that's athletic that that has good perception skills and because of that in the time of the red the net runner is this really cool brave soul that goes around in the meat space finding stuff that they can mess with now let's talk about their role ability which is interface it exclusively allows the netrunner to hack into any system through a control node when you are within a control node you are doing a net run you can do a number of actions within the net according to how many ranks you have within your roll ability so higher ranks in your ability the faster you can work on your cyber deck the more actions you can do on your turn in combat or even outside of combat it makes you a better net runner and the more stuff you can do that means the faster you can get into a database without alerting people without putting yourself in danger without dying because remember if you die in the net you die in real life now while you are in a net run you have a list of specific commands that you can do because you are a netrunner you this is specific just to you as a netrunner everybody else would have to use an electronic security skill check to be able to get into some areas they won't even be able to get into control nodes the only person that can get into a control node manipulate it and and move in that net space is a net runner so your list of commands are some like jacking in to get into it jacking out to get out your back door to bypass passwords cloak to hide all trace of your presence within the net architecture which is really important because after you guys leave that place guess what the corporate netrunner is going to come in find all trace and find trace of what you have done within the net there's other stuff that you can id files get control of turrets i mean the list is pretty long and as a net runner you can have like a little cheat sheet with you as you guys are playing the game so you know all the various things that you can do now i will warn you guys this is a very advanced role it doesn't mean that it is super difficult to play or anything like that it just means that there's a little bit extra nuance to it stuff that you'll have to remember but think about what you can do that a solo cannot do you can take over an entire building turrets robots doors alarm systems getting ids to damn people libraries searching through databases to find out where the money goes how did biotechnica get the funding for the projects that they're doing oh look at that it looks like it was a senator oh maybe the senator needs to get a visit from the local law enforcement to question them about what's going on here that's something a solo would have to work a lot harder to do than a netrunner would do it just jacking into the net all right so let me talk to you guys about what i recommend as stats in red interface is not connected to any of your stats it used to be connected to intelligence in 2020 but they took that away in red to give you a lot more creativity instead it's just one d10 plus your interface stat which is uh which i'm sorry your interface rollability which is how you determine whether you are successful in the net and stuff like that intelligence and all the other stats have nothing to do with it this is awesome because as a netrunner it leaves a lot of creativity for what kind of netrunner you want to be you could be like a hand martial artist kind of guy that also does not running i mean there's so much stuff that you can do so i'll give you guys my recommended stats on what a netrunner should choose as priority move is my number one stat you need to be able to get in and out of cover you need to be faster than anybody you need to be able to move through the battlefield faster than anyone because your life is going to be in danger you're going to be a number one target especially once you take over those turrets number two intelligence intelligence helps you with library databases figuring out where people work how they work how things work intelligence even though it is not connected to your interface that it is connected to a lot of skills that can help you being a netrunner number three tech you got to know how things work my netrunner in my game also has skills and electronic security because sometimes you don't you can't find a control node to get through the door that you're trying to get through but you do have that pin pad that you can try to mess with with your elect with your tech tool and electronic security and if you put enough into your tech then you'll be able to do stuff like that number four dexterity dexterity is connected to your evasion skill which is something that you need to evade danger it is also connected to your stealth skill which will give you the ability to get past uh cameras guards make make be quiet and stuff like that so move intelligence tech and dexterity now let's go on to your recommended skills the number one i recommend is education skills there's a bunch of stuff in there like library search that i mentioned before that is very very helpful number two is technique skills stuff like electronic security or maybe even first aid if you're not a main combatant you can be somebody that goes around helping out your party members if you don't have a med tech as a part of your party all right now let's move on to my second favorite role in cyberpunk number one is the netrunner number two is the tech not in any order i mean either one of them is interchangeable to me the tech is a vital part of cyberpunk red in 2020 they had a very general skill called jury rig which pretty meant pretty much meant that they could find some kind of machinery put it together and manipulate in whatever kind they away that they want and basically they are the ultimate cyberpunk handyman well in red there's a lot more nuance to them yeah they can still do that they can still do those things but basically what artel saurian has done with the tech is they have created a role that is able to create anything in the game they can upgrade any weapon they can create any weapon they can fabricate anything they basically gave you the keys to the castle with with the tech and they said do whatever you want here are our guidelines here's how you can do things to keep it balanced within our game but just be warned you'll you could still break the game even with our guidelines and i love that they gave us the the ability to be able to do something like that because as gms we all home brew for our games we all invent stuff and if there's something that they missed in the book then we always think about well what would that do to our game if we introduced uh x or y to our game will it break the game will ruin it well they give you great guidelines on how you can do it on your own alright let's talk about the text role ability which is called maker using this ability the tech can improve fix modify make or invent new items such as cars guns cyberware gear i mean you name it anything under the sun that can be made the tech can do it each rank in maker gives you one rank to put into two specialties so you basically split it into two different points into these different categories number one is field expertise which is a lot like jury rig you temporarily repair an item for 10 minutes per rank it's good for fast repairs on the spot if something that broke and i mean you guys can think of different things upgrade expertise improve an item in a unique way and some of these improvements are insane they give you a list of things that you can do the only things that you can't do per james hut the game designer is increased the rate of fire of a weapon he said that it is a sin to do that because it really breaks the game if you do that but other than that i mean almost everything else can be upgraded to have one more sp one more die of damage or whatever you can come up with it's up to your gm's discretion number three fabrication expertise this is amazing i mean you can make the item that in the next category which is called invention expertise can basically break the game if you're not careful with it so the idea is you invent something you sit there with your game master you guys come up with schematics you go with the guidelines that are in the book and you decide alright that's the thing i want to make i want to make a flamethrower guitar that has a bladed axe at the end of it alright so what do we need we need a flamethrower we need a guitar we need an x right let's put them together what do you get fabrication you fabricate it you make a prototype weapon you make a prototype of the item with fabrication and all together putting everything together the the tech is able to invent a brand new item have it work within the game have it not break the game and you know exactly what tools you need what materials you need and how much it's going to cost so i mean i know it sounds too good to be true but i promise you that's exactly what it is the time it takes to work on an item is also listed in a very handy chart within the book the chart also lists the difficulty values that the tech will need to surpass to make this item so like i said earlier i'm telling you the tech can make anything in the game and the book tells you exactly how to do it so let's move on to recommended stats number one i would say tech i mean obviously no brainer you're a techie take the tech stat number two is luck what i thought that was a dump stat no it's not a dump stat luck is very very powerful in red especially with called shots being a minus eight to hit and because if you take all these expensive materials as a tech and you put them together trying to make this item if you fail that's a really expensive failure failing is not an option as a techie so throwing luck points into your roll to determine if you have created the item is very very useful number three dexterity i think as a as any role in the game you want to be able to evade be able to move even though a techie is not really meant to be a combatant at least you're giving yourself some kind of upper hand to be able to dodge attacks and move around and to be stealthy while you're in combat now let's move on to recommended skills obviously technique skills is my number one recommendation no brainer number two awareness skills there's a lot of good awareness skills that can help you out as a techie to figure out what kind of materials you need to figure out what materials something is made out of and number three control skills control skills help you drive they help you move things and because you are are able to move a land vehicle or drive a land vehicle or an av you are also playing a vital role within the group if you do not have a nomad with you all right let's move on to the medtech the medtech is amazing in red in 2020 the tech and medtech were kind of lumped into one role with kind of variation on on how they are but in red it's a fully fleshed out role it has its own special abilities and it has its own unique way of doing things in the time of the red so anyone can stabilize someone who is within a death state which means that they're rolling for to see whether their character dies and they they've gone down to zero hp but only the med tech can perform surgery oper operate cryo systems and develop pharmaceuticals so these are things that other people cannot do i mean they absolutely cannot do it the med tech is the only one that can be able to do these things that are actually really hard to find in red because of the prevalence of of ripper docks and all the things that are going out there the way things change night city got nuked i mean so many things have changed now you need somebody like a med tech right they play a vital part of any cyberpunk community as they piece victims of the violence together the number one thing i always tell people about the medtech is you might think that you don't need them within their party until that time arises where you do need them within your party they can heal critical injuries they can help you get through it they can stabilize you and they can save characters from death if they're there and they're able to get there in time so let's talk about their role ability their role ability is called medicine with disability the med tech has access to three specific medicinal categories that your rank points can be divided into the first one is called surgery it's the exclusive ability that allows the med tech to treat critical injuries and to implant cyberware no one else can do this like i said before critical injuries are a big part of cyberpunk red there's something that can happen and it's a snowball effect the more that happens it gives you debuffs to your stats it's nasty and you cannot make them go away unless you have a med tech with you that can do surgery on you right next is medical tech and this is kind of broken up into subcategories it's the ability to operate medical machinery such as cryo systems or the or to fabricate pharmaceutical medicine so these are not street drugs street drugs have a negative side effect to them pharmaceuticals are drugs that have no negative side effect to them they only have positive buffs and positive positive effects to them only med techs can administer these drugs using an action so let's talk about pharmaceuticals i won't get into exactly all the things you can do but here's one that i love which is called speed heal it immediately heals the user for their body plus will stat once per day previously we did not have some way to heal characters in cyberpunk 2020 it is a dark future it's a gritty game it's supposed to be lethal if you want to recover from your injuries it's going to take days and weeks that's still true for red but they've given us a little bit of a lifeline to be able to put you back into the fight once per day the med tech can give you this speed heal and be able to heal you for your body plus will stat all right on top of that there's cool stuff like antibiotics stim and surge they all have their own things that they can do i recommend that you check them through the book but as i said they have zero negative side effects they can only help you all right the other subcategory in medical tech is cryosystem operations cryosystems put users in a stasis that halts their death state and begins to heal them in an accelerated way and each rank point allows you to operate cryo systems in an increasingly proficient way the more points you put into it the more access you have to operate repair and manage cryo systems these cryo systems freeze whatever state that you are in if you are about to die if some kind of character or npc or whatever you want to call it is about to die the only person that can halt all danger is the med tech they put them in these cryostasis chambers so there's even ones that are like in a kind of like a body bag that you can carry with you that are a mobile one you have access to clinical ones if you go to a clinic you show them your credentials they'll let you use theirs and basically what you can do is is cheat death as a med tech right now let's talk about recommended stats so obviously number one is going to be tech you're going to be doing first aid you're going to be doing surgery medicine all that kind of stuff has to do with your technical knowledge and tech is going to be very important number two luck there are some things that you cannot spend your luck points on i think it is it is stated within the book if you cannot use your luck points on some things but there's other things that they are not stated in like i believe installing cyberware and stuff like that i'd have to double check that's why i i highly recommend that you have you guys have the book with you as well but luck just like the tech that we talked about previously is really important to make sure that you do not fail and you do not lose party members because of a failure on the dice roll right number three is will there's a lot of resist torture drugs there's a lot of things that you can do with your will skills that will be very very useful as a med tech you need to be able to be there to have a steady mind and be able to move on and help your party members and not be the weakest link recommended skills technique skills no-brainer you're a med tech tech is in your name you need technique skills number two awareness skills there's a lot of good skills in that category that can help you as a med tech to make sure that you're aware of all the dangers around you aware of the things that you need and aware of the environment where you can save someone or help somebody alright let's move on to the media one of those advanced roles as i've told people but the media is the lifeline for information in the dark future and while the rocker boy is someone that uses their arts to inspire the met the media makes sure that they can inform people they're out there they're the investigators they find information and work off of rumors to be able to drive the plot move the plot manipulate the plot and to be able to move things around in their favor medias are always looking for the hidden truths and they live their life reading between the lines they use their influence cunning and wit to blast out their own narrative using various technologies like the city net pirate radio broadcasts scream sheets or any other medium that reaches people with ziggurat and zchat i mean telsorian has introduced this new type with the garden where it's like a social media platform it's ripe for medias to be involved within it and that's exactly can that's going to be your playground as a media and because of your volatile nature of always trying to find the the truth or uncovering things that you're not supposed to uncover your list of enemies is large and on top of that you're going to have a lot of allies that want to make sure you're safe because you're finding out information for them that they otherwise couldn't be able to find on their own all right like i said this is an advanced role that will need close work with your game master because it affects the very nature of the created universe that your game master has their their corporations are not safe their government entities are not safe nobody is safe from the media's ability to be able to manipulate everything while other power players are looking for the most powerful gun and most powerful piece of cyber wear the media is trying to mess with all the work that you've done as a game master in a positive way of course but that's basically their job their job is to uncover things that you want to keep secret all right let's talk about their role ability which is called credibility credibility allows you to convince an audience of your truth not the actual truth but your truth whether it is real or not and the size of your audience grows with each rank that you have you will have access to sources and information that others cannot reach and you are the king or queen of rumors and you gain information passively because of your credibility people come to you with information they know that you're the person that can actually produce change with the information that they give you so let's talk about the first thing about being a media which is really unique i've never seen this in any other game rumors so rumors twice per game week your game master will secretly roll your credibility plus one d10 and consult a rumor chart to determine uh what clues they can inform you about what i mean by rumor chart is there's a chart in the book that pretty much tells the game master according to their role what val what caliber of information that they can inform you about any additional rumors that you'll have to find on your own through gameplay is called an active rumor it's a it's not a passive rumor so the one before the game that your game master rolls is a rumor that you gained just because you are who you are and you have the credibility you have people come to you with the information the re the other way that you can obtain information is with an active rumor which is as a as a media you're using your abilities within game time and within playing the game you go around looking for the information you need and that's a different part of the chart that the game master looks at okay so what do you do with that rumor you have a bunch of rumors people have come to you whether they're passive or active you publish a story or you publish a scoop according to your rank the following aspects of your role are determined you get access to sources those that you can get in touch with to gain information you have your audience how many people you can reach your believability using your rank and a dice roll you can determine how believable your story is going to be and with that you find verifiable evidence and according to the book you find some kind of verifiable evidence and because of that you're able to enact big changes within the world one plea one piece gives you a plus one to your role four pieces gives you a plus two to your role all right now this is one of those things that luck cannot play a factor you cannot use your luck points in trying to determine whether you succeed or fail in this kind of stuff so you can't use it and i understand why because like i said you can really mess with the game you take this information that you have and you publish it with using your sources your audience and your believability you enact change with your story the last part of publishing your story is impact how much change your story can cause according to your rank the book will tell you exactly how much change you can make it doesn't matter how much information you have if your credibility is not high enough people will simply just not believe you and will not believe your story but there will be enough people to believe you to enact some kind of change according to how much credibility you have so that's a stat that's a an ability that you want to definitely up and and put improvement points into because the more you do the more people believe you and the more change you can make within your created universe all right recommended stats for the media will be int for intelligence there's a lot of cool skills with that obviously you got to be able to do library searches you got to be able to do all kinds of cool things that intelligence will help you empathy you got to talk to people you got to ask them questions you need to use your social skills to talk to them and cool you're going to be in situations where if you're not a cool cat you don't belong it's gonna be known people have tight lips you're not gonna find the information you need but if you're all of a sudden in a booster gang hangout doing synth coke with them they might be liable to tell you something that you otherwise wouldn't have heard and cool is going to help you all right let's move on to recommended skills education skills is number one in my book that is going to give you all kinds of good stuff that will help you with your investigations social skills to talk with people and technique skills to be able to navigate your way through technical knowledge of using different parts of technology to aid you in your story all right now let's talk about the exec the exec is the new corporate of the time of the red and because of the fourth corporate war and its consequences corporations have been reduced to a fraction of their former selves basically only a handful are still very powerful corporations i mean but even these corporations are diminished significantly so if you're playing an exec you work for a corporation that is living a life of desperation trying to stay afloat trying to maintain control trying to submit their influence around the world you have to tread more lightly than ever before your ambitions have never changed you still want to be the boss of your corporation or you want to start a new one but your resources are very limited and there's things that the corporation just cannot provide to you because it's the time of the red things have changed it's not like it used to be it's not the glory days what you do to earn the favor of your corporation and their higher ups is in your hands basically you have your own ulterior motives while you're playing with the players they know that you got to try to balance it in a way where your other party members still trust you they want to help you but at the same time they do know that you're thinking about your corporation the entire time you can play it many different ways this is another advanced role because of exactly how i said that can cause a lot of player conflict corporations are usually the bad guy in cyberpunk campaigns so if you put one within the group it seems like you're poisoning the well but there's different ways you can tackle it you can either do an entirely corporate campaign where everybody works for the corporation and the exec player is kind of like the leader of them or you can do it where they're all edge runner mercenary types doing the things that they do and the exec plays a secretive role where they're trying to do things and convince the party to do things the way that they want to while making it seem like they're not trying to have any ulterior motive or anything like that i would work with the game master on that sense so you guys can share secret information with each other and i think it could be really really fun to be kind of like this snake in the grass uh ally with your with your other players right okay let's talk about the execs rollability which is called teamwork in 2020 they had something called resources which pretty much meant anytime they would roll on that special ability it would determine what kind of cool stuff their corporation would be able to give to them they got away from that with red and that's kind of something that is part of your backstory if you have certain ranks within your special ability you get stuff like corporate housing health insurance a signing bonus i mean these are just normal things at any corporate would get so obviously the higher rank you are with your exec in their role ability of teamwork the better health insurance you can get like trauma team the better housing you can get like an actual house and not a storage container and you get a higher amount of money and and and stuff for the things that you do right but the most important part of the exec that makes them really unique in the time of the red is team members and depending on your rank you can hire up to three members three being the maximum you can choose what type of team member you want but their stats are determined by a chart that you roll on so basically the gm controls this npc and the likelihood of them following your orders has to do with loyalty you're a recruiter that's what you're doing as an exec you're going around you're finding the people that you want to work for you you're recruiting them the corporation will provide them to you but you got to make sure that you are being a good boss you got to tell them they're doing a good job you got to make sure they don't die you got to make sure they're taken after you got to be a good boss because if their loyalty level falls to such a low point then they will actively try to betray you or they just won't listen to what you tell them to do and once you're in that situation you've pretty much shot yourself in the foot because you haven't been a people person all right losing a team member that you have recruited to you from the corporation they will be replaced the next game session but the new member starts at the lowest loyalty score and it will cost the exact some money for the whole process this new team member comes on and they're like why should i listen to this guy why should i do anything that this guy says i mean the last guy got murdered am i next your team members have to feel motivated to help you and their loyalty has everything to do with it there are charts for gaining loyalty and losing loyalty in the book and that will determine if your team members are able to follow your instructions like i said it depends how you treat them and each team member has a set amount of gear cyberware and skills it's like a pre-generated character that you're able to get the different types of team members are a company bodyguard that is basically like your own personal solo company covert operative it's an espionage expert cleans up messes gets into situations that spies usually get into your company driver you guys don't have a nomad well the exec has you covered because they have a company driver you could even have your own netrunner and you could even have your own personal tech we talked about the tech earlier in this video the tech can make anything in the game and because you're an exec you basically get a pocket technician to work with you but remember do not take advantage of this person this is a human being and if your gm has determined that you are treating them poorly or taking advantage of them then their loyalty level will begin to slowly drop and before you know it they've backstabbed you it's a very nuanced role and you have to really think about it before you get deep into it but the rewards are pretty big all right let's talk about recommended stats number one i would talk about is called empathy i definitely think empathy is important as you are talking to your various team members to make sure that they feel appreciated and loved intelligence for knowing what kind of situations to put yourself in to be able to fool your party members or fool other people and to manipulate the world around you cool because nobody likes hanging out with a suit that does not know how to act make sure you're in your situation keeping your cool making sure that people think you're cool or they won't listen to what you have to say recommended skills social skills obviously to talk to your team members and recruiting other people education skills which help you determine exactly what kind of person you need to work with what kind of things they can do for you awareness skills because it's always important to be aware of your surroundings and know when someone is trying to mess with you or your life is in danger alright next up let's talk about the law man in the time of the red law and order is really hard to come by most police organizations have collapsed and left with diminished force but the ones that have remained are more diligent than ever these are the survivors as long as they have a job they will maintain order as is required of them and a law man comes in handy and they come in all shapes and sizes they can be corporate mercenaries freelancers guardian gangs remnants of the police bounty hunters i mean the list is endless you don't exactly have to be a cop to be a lawman it's just anybody that enforces the local law the creativity is up to you and your game master as your role ability what you get is called backup instead of authority where in 2020 you walk up to place you roll authority and basically people have to listen to what you have to say or suffer the consequences instead you roll up to a place you use your backup and you don't need a special badge or anything because you have five guys with guns with you on top of your party members and those that's what the backup pretty much is when you're in danger you can call them to your location from the organization that you're affiliated with or allied with in the area or there might be actually an organization that is set in place and they'll just charge you a certain cost because they had to come and help you out but backup is armed and armored based on your rank it's much like how people don't believe you unless you have a certain amount of credibility as a media if you don't have a certain amount of cr rank as a law man then they're not going to be sending the c swat and full conversion boards and drones and av4 is filled with cops at your location they're going to send you four guys that are beat cops and tell them hey there's something going on over there all right so you roll one d10 and rolling under your rank determines if you're able to call upon backup then you roll 1d6 and you find out how many rounds it will take for them to arrive the higher rank like as i said in backup gives you better types of allies that have ascending quality of gear and weaponry according to your rank so as a cop or as a lawman i should say when you call your buddy your backup over they'll either come with pistols and shotguns or if you have a higher rank they'll come with assault rifles and rocket launchers now because of how things are in the time of the red cops are really hard to find the law is really hard to enforce and because of that the lawmen are cornered animals and they're more ferocious than ever they're a lot less forgiving than they were in the years of 2020 in the time of the red they know that there's no time to tell somebody to put their hands up you just gotta shoot and ask questions later and because of that they are feared across the land as being brutal brutal uh enforcers of the law and that's exactly what you can be as a law man as well let's go to your recommended stats i would basically give your law man the same kind of stats that i would give a solo because your job is pretty much going to be the exact kind of job that a solo would do on a more broad sense maybe a little bit more noble than what a solo would do but basically i would go with reflex as your number one stat dexterity as your number two shooting guns hitting people with melee weapons that's a no-brainer number three intelligence for awareness checks and stuff like that being able to detect danger body because you want to have a good amount of health you want to have a good amount of body to be able to take pain and take punishment and to move on and do your job recommended skills ranged weapon skills fighting skills no brainer social skills you got to deal with people remember you're a law man education skills you got to know exactly what places you're putting yourself into what kind of danger you're putting yourself into and whether you're in over your head and education is paramount for that kind of stuff all right now let's move on to the fixer fixers are more important than ever before in 2020 they were able to break the game in red they can still kind of do that but they play such a vital role in the story especially if you're getting to stuff like night markets and stuff like that where you can't get certain items unless you know a fixer if your party member has a fixer well they're the ones that can get you those exotic items that you're not going to be able to find in a store all right they facilitate trade introduce people to each other and they're the ultimate i know a guy people right a decent fixer might be common but the best fixers are like treasures no one wants to share them and everyone wants to protect them you're the lifeline for many people because they can't survive or do business without you you have a gift that no one else does and that's why you are where you are whether it's the gift of the gab or the gift of realizing how you can put yourself in the right place at the right time all those things are things that a fixer can do to make themselves valuable in the time of the red remember we're talking about scarcity things that they just you can't find it a fixer that's what their life is all about they're finding the things that people cannot find right rollability it's called operator operator gives you the ability to navigate the various cultures black markets criminal organizations legal organizations and anyone else who's got the money for your time remember your time is a service you are doing a service as a fixer and if you're a good fixer you are able to navigate your way throughout the different cultures and and people throughout the world of cyberpunk all right depending on your rank you have higher quality versions of the following you have contacts these are the people you talk to for business you have your reach the highest price category of items you can always find also gives you the ability to start a night market which is sort of pop-up black market haggle the ability to strike a deal and greece which is the ability to blend in with other cultures and the people of the streets all four of those things are super important for a fixer to be able to do their business and to do the things that they do remember that everything is a commodity in the time of the red whether it's security food water shelter drugs you name it as a fixer as long as it has a price tag you should be able to obtain it let's talk about recommended stats for the fixer the first one i got on the list is cool you got to be a cool cat if you're going into these other cultures if you're going into criminal organizations and you want to work with them you gotta have a high cool stat a lot of the skills that you'll be using are in the cool category next is empathy you need empathy to deal with people to talk to people to persuade them to talk to anybody that's out there you got to be a people person and empathy is number two number three intelligence a good fixer is aware of their surroundings and is aware if they are in danger you're gonna need those awareness skills with intelligence and there's some other stuff like library search that can be very helpful as well recommended skills i will go with social skills it's a no-brainer you're a fixer you're going to be dealing with people you're going to be dealing with people that hate you that love you so you need social skills to be able to navigate those waters education skills you got to be aware of where you are who you're dealing with the history of the place that you're at and education skills are going to be able to help you with that awareness skills like i said earlier you want to be aware of danger you want to be aware of if you're going to be in danger and you also got to be aware of potential clients potential contacts awareness skills can help you with that as well all right guys let's talk about the nomad the nomad has evolved to be the most vital faction in the time of the red because after the fourth corporate war nomads were the only ones that people could turn to for help they have always been self-sufficient and never bought into this illusion of the city life when the world almost collapsed again the nomads were the only ones not surprised they were also not surprised that everyone came to their doorstep begging for help after the first collapse they were the only ones that could see the writing on the wall and they realized that they needed to be self-sufficient they can't rely on the government they can't rely on the police they need to be their government they need to be the police they need to be the ones that provide for themselves and they decided that that city life of living under a corporation and and having an agent or a cell phone or whatever you want to call it that's all an illusion because it can be taken away just like that and guess what happened it was taken away just like that and now everybody is picking up the pieces and it is thanks to the nomads that in the time of the red people are still able to survive as a nomad your family is probably probably plays a key role in connecting people governments corporations and any other factions together you are the watchers of the roadways you're protecting vital shipments of food you're protecting vital shipments of water you are the oasis in the wasteland that travelers can rest in safely and once a shunned part of society you are finally respected for your greatest ability which is survival let's talk about the nomads rollability moto so in 2020 the nomads ability was called family and basically it worked a lot like how backup works in the with the law man in red is you can call your family members to give you resources to come over and to be able to help you out in whatever situation you're in they kind of got away from that in red and instead you still have your family members you can call on them sometimes but whether they'll be available or not is really probably not going to happen as a law man you can call for backup because there is a police force in the area as a nomad you're far from home or you're in a place that is not your home you might have a few family members with you because you didn't want to travel alone but most of the time you're kind of on your own so with the moto ability the higher ranks you have in it you get better vehicles that your family has provided to you with more customization options and these vehicles they they've been giving you to you at to borrow from your family and as a starting character you could get stuff like a regular ground car you get like a mini av helicopter kind of thing and there's a lot of cool stuff that you can do as a nomad in the time of the red you can add your moto rank to the various driving skill tracks available in the game that makes you the ultimate driver in the time of the red and in the book there are various charts per vehicle type that inform you on what type of upgrades are available to your vehicle these upgrades vary from weaponry and armor to communications and extra compartments and even more i mean you're the ultimate smuggler you're the ultimate driver your vehicle can do things that other vehicles cannot and as we have vehicle combat in cyberpunk red this can play a very vital part in the story because now we know exactly how vehicles move how they maneuver you can protect certain parts of the car like your windshield you can have bulletproof glass you can have bulletproof tires no flat tires i mean the possibilities are endless as a nomad and these are things and and advantages that you have that other people do not remember that as a nomad you come from a family even though the rules do not specify that you can call upon your family members to aid you i think it's fair to say and it is assumed that your family will be there for you in your time of need if they are available if there's somewhere where you need a place to stay if you need to get away and hide you have a haven you have a sanctuary within your family they will die for you they stick together they watch your back and that's exactly the nomad way of life as a nomad your recommended stats in my opinion are reflex those are to do with your driving and it also helps with shooting guns and stuff like that your tech to be able to drive the cars you can add your nomad rank ability to your driving tracks so that means that you'll almost never fail any of the crazy driving maneuvers that are within the game dexterity to be able to move out of the way be stealthy evade it's good for combat intelligence for awareness checks and of the sort you are a stranger in a foreign land as a nomad you are in a place that city slickers are usually hanging out in and you stick out like a sore thumb it's good to be aware of your surroundings and to have the intelligence to know that you are a target okay recommended skills control skills to be able to drive vehicles drive avs control skills are very important for stuff like that technique skills you'll be using uh the various technologies moving around with various technologies so it's good to be able to know how to use them awareness skills because as i said you stick out as a sore thumb you need to be able to know who your allies are and where your danger is coming from at all times all right last thing i'm going to talk about here is multi-classing this is something that they've added in cyberpunk red it's something that we had to homebrew in cyberpunk 2020 and because people have asked for it so much artel saurian has been gracious enough to add it within the game and to make it a balanced aspect of the game the way it works is every character starts at rank four in their role ability and from there you can begin to buy rank points into another role so you are ranked four as a nomad you have a four moto you decide you want to start being a solo you can begin to use your ip points to go into the solo class you cannot take a third role until you have advanced the second one to rank four so you're at four moto as a nomad you start doing solo you cannot do another role until you finish at rank 4 with the solo if you decide you want to do another roll on top of that you can now begin to do it otherwise you just continue going on as a solo or nomad whatever special ability you want to start putting your points in now this important distinction is the world will see you as your most recent obtained role so to people you are a now a solo you are no longer considered a nomad because of the set of skills that you have you are the most recent role how you will determine that is up to your game master how you determine that in the story is also up to you and your game master so keep that in mind the idea is multi-classing has been put in the game it's in the book is it a perfect system maybe maybe not the idea is that it doesn't break the game if you decide to do it all right all right guys thank you so much for watching this video i really appreciate all the support i love all the love i'm getting within this community and i especially love seeing all these new creators coming into this community making new things all these new youtube channels just remember that i support everybody that's out there in the youtube community i want everybody to succeed because we are all in this together it's an amazing thing to see i love cyberpunk red i love the potential that it brings i cannot wait to see what's in the future and i cannot wait to see what we can do within this community alright guys thank you very much we'll see you on the next one much appreciated goodbye [Music] you
Channel: JonJon TheWise
Views: 20,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, cyberpunk tabletop, cyberpunk 2020, cyberpunk red, cyberpunk 2077, character creation, cyberpunk character, tabletop rpg, ttrpg, jonjonthewise, rtalsorian, r talsorian, mike pondsmith, talsorian, converting to cyberpunk red, cyberpunk, cp2020, cpred, cdpr, cdprojectred, cyberpunk red roles, role breakdown, roles explained, cyberpunk roles explained
Id: xoI5n81higk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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