How Yandere Dev Profited Off His Predator Allegations

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yandere Dev the YouTuber developing the highly anticipated Indie title yandere simulator has received support from millions of fans once being a game that found praise from YouTube's biggest celebrities yandere simulator would turn from one of the most ambitious Indie projects of the past decade to a piece of Internet obscurity let's uncover the Dark World Behind yandere Dev and explore why his game failed and the likely scam that allowed this YouTuber to profit off child predator allegations in 2014 a man named Alex Mahan 26 at the time would take an interest in video game development inspired by skull girls in Indie Fighter game Alex saw the potential to succeed as an indie game developer and decided to make a similar game titled lunar sight he promoted the game on the skull girls Forum in hopes of getting some positive feedback and got the attention of multiple community members including the creator of skull girls himself Mike zymon the enthusiastically showed his inspiration his new game and I must make one thing clear this isn't Alex's rise to Glory but instead of villain origin story Mike absolutely tore the game apart initially trying to offer constructive criticism Alex quickly showed his fragile ego and began getting defensive claiming that Mike was being rude because he didn't like his gank eventually this argument escalated to the point where Mike was actually being understandably insulted claiming that Alex has no idea about the fundamentals involved in game development being insulted by the exact man that inspired his project Alex was torn he was so bent on rage that he actually abandoned his game in favor of a new plan Revenge he was determined to create a game that would become so popular there will be no debate who was the better developer Alex was a fan of the Japanese archetype known as yandere which describes a character whose love and admiration for another is so strong they become absurdly obsessive and often violent a game called Doki Doki literature Club is one of the most famous examples of this building on this theme Alex began the development of a game called yandere simulator which describes itself as a stealth based game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who has a crush on him while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl he created a YouTube channel called the enderi dev where he would post devlog videos documenting the status of this game and new features being added during development following the Trope you basically play as a schoolgirl who kills other school girls in bizarre waves certainly an interesting concept however one that played very well for YouTube content Alex released a demo of the game and the internet was quickly interested with the largest YouTube celebrities at the time being ones that played bizarre games such as PewDiePie and markiplier yandere simulator found its way on their Channel resulting in many videos with millions of views this kick-started yandere dev's initial audience and spawned many dedicated followers who wanted one thing a full release of the game to help support this many ambitious players offer to help volunteer and Aid in the development of yandere simulator however what many people didn't know was this was already the beginning of the end Alex would accept the help however he wasn't the kindest person to those willing to sacrifice their time for his project he has often been found asking volunteers to make assets for the game and insulting them if the product wasn't exactly how he envisioned very ironic considering the fuel that skull girls gave Alex to begin with this ultimately LED volunteers to either be pushed away from helping or leaving by their own free will while people like this came in when Alex for the most part remained the sole developer responsible for yandere simulator despite his rude nature and social backlash the community for the game continued to thrive to give credit where credit's due Alex was certainly making a game that a lot of people wanted to play the yandere dev YouTube channel would grow parallel to this reaching 1 million subscribers by 2016 only two years after creating the channel Alex would make almost weekly updates to the game showcasing new feature he planned to add however people began to notice something the game was turning really creepy not creepy in the sense of what you do considering being an obsessive stalker is what the game is all about but addition to the game that served no purpose other than Alex being a pervert he became oddly interested in finding different ways to showcase the female characters panties this first started when people began to notice and complain that the female characters had awfully short skirts Alex would give a few reasons for this ultimately saying that since this was a fictional World any number of excuses could be pulled out of thin air to make this scene normal then Alex implemented a feature that allowed the character to stealthily take pictures of other characters panties in the game to which Alex again defends this saying many other games have this option as well finally Alex wanted to implement an inventory feature that allowed you to see the contents of your inventory from within the character's skirt he started a poll asking if people like this idea and whether or not they wanted the panties to be censored while many people did like the idea they also prefer the panties not be shown to which Alex was not happy he made a blog post stating that he will appease his audiences one time and censor the panties but this will not become a habit he continues to whine about how he won't sacrifice his Creative Vision because others find it offensive so now you might be asking why is this offensive or maybe not considering that this is sexual assault but the real cherry on top is that yandere simulator takes place in a high school with high school students similar to the short skirt complaint Alex offends Us by saying that this was a fictional world where all high school students are 18 years or older people weren't too supportive about sexualizing underage children so this wasn't getting brushed off like the skirt incident and led people to look more into yandere death who the hell was this guy that people were mindlessly following build a game it wasn't long before people found that Alex went by many aliases in the early days of the internet Ava zefan and not depressed anymore being some of the few were very active in many early internet forums just as expected he was the same creep then as he is now many times he would be found making posts on the Gaia Online forums talking about women he saw throughout the day sexualizing them and asking others to join in the discussion he can also be found making very controversial remarks saying disabled people shouldn't be allowed to live and him wishing he could murder his own parents I think one of the worst was him defending a man who sexually assaulted his dying stepdaughter it makes me sick even talking about it and what's worse is that things get much darker from here Alex was found to have a disgusting obsession with sexual assault he owned a Twitter account named video game babes which talked about characters in video games he was attracted to his last post was in 2014 which said Japan has produced yet another game about fondling underage anime girls all praise the Glorious Japan digging deeper foreign posts were uncovered from a user named neon Ava zefan likely Alex asking for help in a game called rape light a game that's literally centered around sexually assaulting an entire family one of which is an underage girl taking this even further Alex's fan fiction account was uncovered on which featured multiple original store stories some of which centered around children being sexually assaulted I highly recommend not reading these as they can get very descriptive and made me feel Beyond uncomfortable more and more disgusting and vile posts were discovered until what happened next became the least bit surprising Alex's child grooming allegations a girl who goes by sysaf came forward and claimed that she engaged with Alex sexually when she was only 14. Alex being 21 at the time would stream often under his Ava zefan Alias sysaf was a young viewer who was very open about her age and gender once Alex found out she was female he would begin to give her more attention being in middle school at the time the naive sysaf welcome this as the attention made her feel special They exchanged information and began to form a more personal relationship according to Sis F Alex would requests nude photos from her and to engage sexually on Skype to which sysaf obliged Alex would defend himself by saying that since he was homeschooled he had missed out on the experience of dating girls in high school and this was the perfect opportunity to make up for that sysaf would correct Alex saying that she was actually in middle school which Alex responded same difference unfortunately sysaf was unable to provide any evidence to support these allegations leaving this as a he said she said situation however with the overwhelming amount of schmuck that Alex left on the internet sysaf's claims were well supported and put Alex in a very troubling Spot while Alex's reputation was all but destroyed he still remained a large and growing internet presence on YouTube similar to ways that Kanye West is still supported despite his vast controversies many subscribers weren't actually subscribed for Alex but instead for the game he was creating at this point the game has been in development for three years and still only released a demo with no finish in sight in fact development even seemed to slow down with Once weekly devlogs now turning into monthly luckily many fans who wanted yandere simulated to release and to finally move on from Alex Hope was in sight a company known as Tiny build publisher of hello neighbor offered to partner with Alex and help progress the game Alex accepted however soon after released a statement saying that the support from Tiny build had been cut off due to development differences he wrote an article detailing how it was almost impossible for a tiny bill to help refactor the game's code in a way that allowed Alex to still continue development he claimed that the decision to split was Mutual however emails would leak between the two that proved otherwise in a very aggressive chain of emails Alex complains that tiny builds developer was rewriting code in a way that Alex couldn't understand he wanted to back out of the agreement because of this however the termination Clause attached with the contract required that Alex owed 31 000 to Tiny build and what is best described as an email tantrum Alex rambled on from multiple paragraphs expressing how tiny build only impacted the project negatively and even threatened to slander tiny build on his YouTube channel sitting at 2.5 million subscribers at the time with hello neighbor yet to release and fear of this controversy affecting the game negatively tiny build complied and terminated their agreement free of charge this understandably upset the community as the game has been in development for far too long Alex has had an army of volunteers willing to help and a game publisher who could take this project to new heights how was Alex this comfortable continuously pushing away support and taking so long to finish the project and then for the community it finally clicked Alex never wanted to finish the yandere dev YouTube channel has reached over 500 million views which equates to millions of dollars worth of AD revenue on top of this the yandere dev patreon was earning five thousand dollars per month in support for the game it seemed as if building the game slowly was actually earning much more Revenue than finishing to help prolong the release he wrote multiple updates on his website claiming that the DraStic decline in development was due to the amount of hate he was receiving after his many controversies yet he was still receiving the same amount of money each month through his patreon he literally used his grooming allegations as a reason to slow progress and steal money from his supporters he also said that he had too many emails from his viewers claiming that he spent 8 to 12 hours per day reading emails which I can't even take seriously by how ridiculous that that sounds many people were donating time and money for a project that Alex was barely creating and soon it was found that his patreon wasn't even supporting yandere simulator Alex was found spending money from his patreon funds to buy a second Nintendo switch so he could make a new Animal Crossing World unbelievably worse than this he also uses patreon funds to commission a realistic sex style that he could dress up like Samus from Metroid he denies this however it was found that the account that posted these photos was linked to an old Ava zefon email address Not only was he scamming his audience he was using the money that he stole to fuel his perverted Endeavors he's become so Infamous for these were only a few purchases that actually leaked so I can only imagine what other personal I items yandere simulator actually supported the entire thing is just disgusting and for many subscribers this was a last straw it should be noted that yandere Dev never promised fast development so you can't completely blame him for his audience having moderate and realistic expectations however many supporters would not let this charade continue any longer from 2018 to 2023 the yandere dev patreon has dropped from earning five thousand dollars per month to only fifteen hundred still in my opinion a gracious donation to this scumbag he almost completely abandoned the yandere dev YouTube channel as his last video was seven months ago however he's still working on yandere simulator with monthly updates on the game's development being featured on his website his online growth has since halted and his internet presence has all but diminished leaving him as the disgusting online pervert who profited off his Predator allegations [Music]
Channel: Pixels After Dark
Views: 244,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere sim, yandere dev drama, yandere dev exposed, yandere dev controversy, yandere simulator dev, yandere simulator drama, alex mahan, yandere dev face, yanderedev patreon, yandere dev reddit, yandere dev twitch, youtube drama, yandere dev meme, yandere dev discord speedrun, yanderedev milk, yanderedev rage, youtube career ruined, cancelled youtubers, cancelled youtube channels, cancelled youtubers 2023, Pixels After Dark
Id: 2K1LqEliZCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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