An Early Look at Natlan! [Genshin Impact Theory]

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Natan is the next and penultimate stop on our journey through tat despite being mentioned all the way back in 1.0 and in the web comic we know almost nothing about the country part of this is due to the lack of notl NPCs throughout tat so far we've met a whopping total of zero knline characters in game and only a few have been mentioned in supplementary material as frustrating as that is for a lore enthusiasts like myself it's not like we have nothing to work with and now that fontaine's main story is complete it's time to start looking towards the future towards [Music] notan Natan is the nation of pyro and War judging by the character's name so far it seems to be mostly based on pre-colombian Mexico with additional references to various African communities ostensibly it's ruled by marada but don't get too attached to her just yet the respected and long- awaited fatou Harbinger IL Capitano will make his in-game debut in Natan as it was hinted at all the way back in 2022 during the of bad and Bruise event story according to nuvet Capitano has joined the tribal Warfare currently ravaging the nation nlin is home to six major tribes with their own rules traditions and Customs although there may be more smaller tribes that we've yet to hear about these tribes are said to be in constant conflict with each other and there's only one instance of them coming together which we'll talk about later vent's companion in the web comic Vanessa was from naton and we get the majority of our information on the country from her and that's pretty much all we know about notan right now I know it's not a lot this is by far the most secretive country before release I mean we knew a decent amount about inauma Samu and Fontaine before they all came out and there had been NPCs from each region we can't say the same for notan and now seems like a better time than ever to figure out [Music] why there are a handful of Natan characters that we've heard about so far I think our only chance of formulating a theory about Natan lies within these six people it would be wrong to start with anyone but marada right marata is the current pyro archon and the the God of War she has to be at least a thousand years old because she was alive and active during the web comic which happened a thousand years ago however she may be significantly older than that as I'm sure you're all aware of by now all of the Gods in GHIN are named after demons in the Lesser key of Solomon a real world's grimoire that provides a guide to summoning and interacting with the occult it's rare that a character's story matches that of the demon they're named after but it has happened before take Makoto or ball for example in the Lesser key of Solomon it says that ball is a demon with three faces in genin ball ended up being one of three people who Encompass the same identity Makoto or ball a or beable and the Ryden Shogun puppet little details also appear in the character's personalities though Nita's demon buer has an affinity for plants and or aashi's demon oraas only ever speaks the truth even Jang Le and guang's demons morax and haenti have similar true forms as for marada it's unclear which demon she's named after her name actually comes from the honkai character heo marada which isn't too out of line for genshin we've had people named after honkai characters before but I think morata's name may be a little bit of both there's a demon named murmur who appears in the form of a soldier for genin's God of War that sounds pretty fitting to me in the travail trailer which gave us little hints on the stories of each Nation dlea says that marata will share a secret with the traveler interestingly he also uses language that implies the theme of life and death the rules of War are woven in the womb the victors shall burn bright while the losers must turn to Ash when the God of War shares this secret with the traveler it is because she has her [Music] reasons the archon quests for this region are even called incandescent ode of Resurrection I've seen a lot of people say that they think marada is dead and that there is no pyro archon but come on no pyro archon at all as cool as that would be for the story Hoover verse would never dream of this the archons tend to be the more popular characters which translates into more revenue for hooe I don't think we're going to be missing a pyro archon and I doubt they'll do a similar twist to the one we saw in Fontaine with finina and falor that would be way too easy and honestly lazy instead I believe marata is alive and well just not in the same way she once was her archon Quest has Resurrection in the title I feel like that's enough info right there but I don't want to just hang on to a theory with one tiny piece of evidence if you can even call it that just remember that marada may have been resurrected we'll come back to this later ironically the character who we know the least about is the one who appears in travail yansan side note I'm not sure how to properly pronounce her name and I couldn't find anything when I looked for an answer so if you know how to pronounce her name please let me know Jansen is a little girl with long ears similar to C or nitas that makes me think that she's likely non-human perhaps of the same race as C the genin impact Wiki says that yans son may be named after the Yuba de Oya yansan who presides over fire death and rebirth if that connection is intentional that just adds more to natan's huge theme of life and death but other than that I have literally nothing on yansan moving on we've got a pretty big character T he lived a thousand years ago though so I doubt we'll see him in game but with how influential he was I'm sure we'll hear about him and see the effects of his legacy Tano is named after a famous Aztec historical figure by the same name the ancient capital of the Aztec empire in what is now Mexico City Tano Tian was named after him in genin Tano was kicked out of his tribe for unknown reasons on his way out he noticed a turbid black tide growing on the horizon and sought to gather people from each of the six main tribes to defeat it it's unclear what this turbid black tide is exactly on one hand I can see this being some kind of apocalyptic destruction similar to svin Dag orria because the description reminds me of that but on the other hand there's no evidence of any conflicts with Celestia at this time so I think the turbid black tide to not witnessed was the formation of the Mari Javari which is a dark uninhabitable plane of Ash at the edge of nlon somewhat hilariously his weapon is called the Talking Stick although judging by the description of both the weapon and its wielder I doubt it was used for talking after a long and arduous Journey Tano was able to successfully recruit people from each tribe including his sworn enemy the giant Tupac it's unclear if the black tide was ever subdued or if any of its ass salant survived if I'm right about this black tide being the formation of the mar Javari I doubt anyone lived through that the only person who ever entered the Mari Javari and survived was the lava Walker but even he eventually died there and now we come to my favorite person so faran I know what you're all thinking Lexi how can your favorite nline character be some random dude we've never heard about hear me out this guy is named after a Mayan mythological figure by the same name the only mention of splan was in New at's official introduction where he spoke about the sovereigns someday when they the sovereigns return their true ordeal shall begin this tells us a couple things about shlan already one he's aware of the sovereigns and their conflict with the nois and two he seemingly sides with the sovereigns not the archons or Celestia besides that everything I've gathered on shlan comes from his real world mythological counterpart in Mayan mythology shlan is one of the two Maya hero twins along with his brother hunapu I won't make this video entirely about their myths but I had a really great time reading them and I highly recommend you check them out for yourselves trust me when I say the story does not go the way you think it's going to long story short span and hunapu are humanoid Jaguars who have an inexplicable ability to repeatedly trick the Lords of the Underworld hunapu performs most of the action but this causes him to get injured more often than his brother for example he gets his arm ripped off then is later decapitated upon his brother's death shlan allowed the Lords of the Underworld to kill him and his brother's body by burning them in a furnace however this was all part of Shan's plan the brothers Rose from the dead and gained the power to reverse death and destruction even their own there are several instances of Shan and hunapu burning buildings down then Reviving them as if nothing had ever happened once they had defeated the Lords and escaped the Underworld the brothers climbed all the way up into the sky where hunapu became the Sun and Shan became the moon once again we see a theme of life and death especially in relation to fire I really hope genshin leans into Shan's real world mythology because I think that would make him such an interesting character especially because he seems to know something about the sovereigns I can totally see him being interested in Reviving The sovereigns in a way I don't think he is a sovereign but I definitely don't think shlan is going to be a human either we really do know nothing about this guy yet though I might be wrong about him being a man even it wouldn't be the first time Hoover verse has disregarded gender Norms nevertheless I'm very excited to see how Shan's real life myths translated to genin's lore and perhaps natan's overall story as well let's shift gears to a character we already know IL kapitano one of the 11 fouille harbingers it's unknown what his rank is right now but I've seen a lot of people say they think he's the first personally I'm inclined to agree I just can't see any of the other unranked harbingers being number one and Capitano seems to have made quite the name for himself throughout tat unlike some other harbingers in the of ballads and Bruise event story Grandmaster varka sends a letter back to monat that states he met Capitano despite the tension between the Knights of favonius and the fouille Capitano and varka remained polite and nonviolent in Mika's fourth character story it's revealed that varka would have actually liked to duel the haringer and that Capitano has glowing blue eyes at the end of the Fontaine archon Quest nuvet tells us that Capitano has recently arrived in Natan and has thrown his hat into the nation's endless Ring Of War his choice to join in on natan's constant Warfare makes me think that he may be from the country why else would he care to get involved as is typical of genin Capitano was named after a character that exists in the real world all of the fatui harbingers are named after stock characters from a form of Italian theater called Comedia delarte Capitano is named after you guessed it Capitano kedia capitano's function is to be exposed as a liar and a coward despite his incessant attempts to convince people otherwise it's widely agreed that he's not even a real military captain and he only calls himself that to impress people author John redin describes Capitano as a peacock who has moled all but one of his tail feathers but does not know it I can kind of see that in genin's Capitano too being a fouille Harbinger you'd imagine he'd get into conflict with the Knights upon encountering them instead he chose not to fight them although we're unaware of his reasoning I think the true parallel between Comedia Capitano and genjin Capitano will be his mask though Capitano is the only fatou Harbinger whose mask covers his entire face and in Comedia his entire purpose is to be exposed for who he truly is it literally says he has to be demasked on his Wikipedia page go look it up with glowing eyes like that I don't think Capitano is human and with a namesake like that I think we'll see his true identity maybe even species revealed in nlon the last character I want to talk about is the previous pyro archon for a long time we've been under the impression that all but two of the original archons have died however jeang Le's fifth character story was recently updated to include some suspicious language as time past many of the Seven's titles changed hands and only two of the first seven remained in positions of rulership Rex lapis and the Animo archon notice how it doesn't say that the originals all died it just says that they didn't remain in positions of rulership before this was updated it said that only two remain of the first seven which is why we used to think that they were all dead but now that hoe has deliberately altered the way that this situation is described I think there's a chance that another one of the original archons is still out there somewhere just not acting as an archon anymore I know that sounds silly but we've literally seen this happen before jeang Lee is one of the original archons and he's just chilling not as an archon anymore with how little we know about the current pyro archon and even the old one I could see this being the case for them alternatively Natan has a huge theme of Life Death and Resurrection it may be possible that the old pyro archon died and was reborn as marada however I don't really like that concept because it's too similar to what we saw with Nita and ruk Dada the third and most compelling option is that the old pyro archon currently lives in the Mari Javari where no one can ever find them and the lava Walker artifact description it's mentioned that Al lone Phoenix lives in the Mari Javari people often hear cries coming from the region although they're unsure if these are from the now deceased lava Walker or if they're the songs of the Phoenix phoenixes are mythological creatures that burn themselves to death then are reborn From the Ashes who's to say that the old pyro archon hasn't taken the form of a phoenix and hidden themsel away in this ominous sea of Ash the formation of the Mari Javari which I'm 99% sure is the black tide to not fought may have been due to the Pyro archon's death and rebirth as this Phoenix it's theorized that t no's witnessing of the the turbid black tide occurred around a thousand years ago which is how old people think marada is I'm not saying this is true I'm just saying it all seems to line up pretty [Music] conveniently it's so hard to predict how natan's story is going to play out every time I try to guess where genin is going next they take a massive left turn and leave me with more questions than I could ever dream of answering but I have correctly predicted plot points before so I would be DB to give up now I can guarantee morata's secret is that she has been reincarnated some way or another if I'm wrong about that you can all unsubscribe and send me hate mail I know that this has to be her secret it's way too obvious I also think we may see a battle between marata and Capitano over her nosis being the God of War I don't think marata would just give up the key to her power without a fight we do still have a glaring issue to address why are there no notan NPCs I have a couple possible explanations that we can all choose from but honestly I don't know if any of these are even feasible one Nan's border ERS like Ena Zuma's were are closed this may be due to the war going on there however Capitano recently entered the country but he may have been allowed back in because it's his homeland two there are no humans left in nlon we heard from nuvet that humans and Dragons coexist there maybe the dragons have wiped out all of the humans or humans have gone extinct there and are now all human Dragon hybrids this would explain the lack of Natan NPCs because a separate character model would have to be designed for these humanoid dragons or three hoers just forgot or doesn't care to add nlin NPCs right now honestly this sounds like the most realistic explanation to me we didn't see any Ena Zuma NPCs until right before the country was released so maybe we'll see some start popping up in the near future I do kind of like the idea of there being no humans left in nlon though five of the six nlon characters I discussed earlier all have characteristics that make me believe they're not human capitano's glowing eyes yans son's abnormally long ears and Shan's namesake being a wear Jaguar all seem pretty non-human to me perhaps humans did exist in large numbers at one point in nlon but they've dwindled in recent years to a point where there's barely any full humans left in a nation endlessly trapped in war people are going to be dying left and right humans could have extincted themselves there by now sadly Natan is still a ways away we're only in 4.3 right now and with genin's history we can expect another five patches before we get to Natan with each patch lasting 6 weeks that's about 7 months of waiting give or take I'm making this video now so I can hopefully add on to it as we get closer and closer to natland release I really hope we see a few nland NPCs populating around the map soon but I doubt it instead I think we should keep an eye out for any mentions of notan we get big or small I mean the Talking Stick weapon description as silly as it is told us all about tanot in the tribal Warfare of the region without that we wouldn't have had all those details about the country notan has a lot of potential to be unlike anything we've ever seen in genin I know I'm looking forward to it and please feel free to let me know your ideas and predictions for notan 2o thank you so much for liking commenting and subscribing and I'll see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: orange juice
Views: 42,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact lore, genshin lore
Id: h3o73n0w8_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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