Amy Adams Is Really Good At Crying On Cue - The Graham Norton Show

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Amy we've heard the rumor in chapter 2 is that really happening uh yeah they're they're starting to develop and chanted - it's called disenchanted and that's for real and yeah they've got a director attached and they're writing a script I know you ran it right I'm hoping it doesn't open at your funeral or something no I hope not not much yeah I don't know I can't I don't I'm not gonna let anybody else play yourself no no no and that will your daughter be geeked that you're going back to Giselle no no she wanted you think here she's yeah she's so cool I'm mama to her like she doesn't think of me as an actress at all like she makes fun of me for it like when I FaceTime her she's like oh my god it's yet another way she's getting such a cool attitude she's like something janae mommy look oh that's just the chick that cleans my room and cookies awesome she's pretty level-headed because after the Avengers movies presumably you've got a lot of children that come up to Jeremy wanting pictures in there yeah that's the best part of it all yeah for sure they you know before the Avengers the kids would run away from me but now good I played a superhero gate you know then they come around and it's the most amazing thing but why did you frighten children it just it's really fun it's his resting face it's very it's a resting face I was born with and you know I built a career around it so it's awesome so right now right now you look kind of twinkly well cuz I'm smiling yeah but what I'm just thinking about like hey that is a really amazing looking suit you think that go my god it's a beautiful shoot but yeah but if I'd you know if I'm just thinking about it looks like I might want to choke you yes yes I see it is scary yeah yes what's the thing about your daughter wanting to make you cry oh we were talking about what I do for a living and and I was explaining how I try to make my I just make-believe like she does when she plays and she's like can you make yourself laugh and I see that she goes can you make yourself cry and I said yeah and she goes to do it obviously gotta give me a story so we made up a story and I've done it before for people about sriracha I don't want to go back into this grandma no no no okay what is the sriracha plan is um they're shutting it down because the fumes kind of go into the community and yeah but I've done this this is redundant it's really weird leaving completely weird it out there like I don't trust her yeah like that that's me yeah yeah it's always gonna be huh Jim is it you should be an actress I know yeah we can do that why'd you Chris her dad you can make yourself cry yeah good cry cue now go there's this a rush if time that no I don't know I can I can I guess I don't know if I can make myself cry I do that thing where definitely if you're in the midst of the scene you can start you know yeah if you're really in it it's kind of fine and you but then when you get to you guys know on to take kind of 15 or 16 then you got to start playing some tricks to make your subconscious cry or something and you start thinking of signs or for me it's like like Battersea Dogs Home commercial or for some reason I don't know why because I'm a pacifist I keep watching these videos on YouTube of like soldiers coming back from war and seeing their animals have you seen yes it's a killer so when I like sometimes when you're watching me on screen that's what I'm thinking [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 10,414,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton 2020, The Graham Norton Show 2020, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Amy Adams Graham Norton, Jeremy Renner Graham Norton, Chris O'Dowd Graham Norton, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Chris O'Dowd, Amy Adams Crying, Amy Adams sriracha, Amy Adams acting, Amy Adams funny, Amy Adams Chris odowd
Id: bI2awENNH2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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