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did you take anything when you left it seemed like that's a set where a lot of good stuff to steal under they keep under lock and key yeah they need it all as well so they'd know who taken it right when one cast leaves and another one comes in they have a lot of everything yeah I have nothing the worst thing I can do is be terrible so hopefully what you would beyond that there's a process that could have got me something positive at the end of that somewhere I loved being blonde you did yeah yeah it's a the whole blondes have more fun thing is actually actual I mean even have fun but people are just nice they're just nicer to you your blood they are yeah really see you would have experienced this cuz you're like me but all you're all I find now correct me if I'm wrong but I find this Swedish accent is very very friendly and very when it's spoken in English particularly and it's very joyful it's a very joyful tonight encourage good enough so can you say what you said now we're the Swedish no spontaneous no I is not great can do anything any given moment get a pillow that's it just thinking just thinking about things I've strangled a couple of people in some films but that's like a one that happens one I've had to do continuous kind of like 15 minutes have been nice to be called Queen all the time yeah I guess that's a good point as I'm thinking about all Queen we got trouble again did you get any permanent or were they all know I tried horrible you tried them on I tried them on and then wash them off you you asked yeah I swear it's an actual thing people hold the door open to you they smile at you just in general yeah and this happened to you now at all no no not when do you find the anger in yourself oh just anything is carp it makes me angry I think it's really important to be in nature just to protect it and understand it and nurture it and be natural in the nature you certainly shook that off right away by going from the Queen to Lisbeth Salander in this film yeah yeah it makes me look like I've got psychological problems oh yeah I'm playing Janet Armstrong who's Neil Armstrong's wife Oh in the the ring us yeah I've heard this movie this I'm sorry was that I'm not an American I feel like a bit the fraud because she's very yeah we know you're not really her yeah you were married and Neil arms I have no idea but let's get into that later I apologize in a bomb no the thing is that when they're having a tantrum you should be able to go you the adult goes look at you ridiculous person what are you doing whereas in ourselves we go no yeah I started debate yeah you can't be you can't debate with the imagine that was an adult who was going I want to banana you couldn't go why do you want a banana you just go okay you calm down from me now I'm going up here to be a normal person and you can just you know okay just pawn you know whatever and get on with life I love sport because it just makes me you know feel alive it makes me you know I move and III exist and you know I I sweat which I really decide hate people sweating anywhere near me all around me me sweating more tattoos than the crown I mean that's right oh man that would be a fun thing to find out yeah I don't know so if you had to choose between the Queen or Elizabeth is there a character that you you enjoyed playing more oh no I love them all I feel like that'd be a betrayal of all the character being British are you very excited about Christmas yeah good love it you do you have love puddings and stuff yeah yes yes you do these are a big part of it chocolate I mean the real America's big but in in England it's a giant it's like kind of Thanksgiving dinner kind of right we have but Thanksgiving you put marshmallows on stuff and things so you know unsavory I mean not me personally but yes our country's been known to put marshmallows on a lot of things yeah me telling myself certain things about life doesn't necessarily mean that I should I'm right and that you know all evidence to the contrary you know I've never actually died in a plane crash so as of yet Oh God rude approachable really I don't want people to think that I am have different them just don't think I am a warranty because they're just really unapproachable it's a trunk so it's like a giant child's transfer tattoo but just on my back all of them were and some of them were easier to get off than others the one on my arm the big black bands that on my arm and ankle I often would be at kind of family parties and then look down and go if the Queen had a bunch of tattoos and again this is just me blue skying and Jamie let's do this I wish it was some kind of map yeah like just every part of her that you can't see enclosed there's like some sort of map that's very key yeah I know she's a queen and so like they you know they put it on her I think I first met you at that party before the Golden Globes and I was like I just knew it I go man you're gonna win the Golden Globe for this but you say that to every single person you met that night so he didn't have a speech no have you seen my acceptance speech it was awful might not be improvised it was improvised and and just like I just couldn't stop why am i shaking stop shaking put it together come on come on come on you know it's really important to kind of find space yourself in the streets were only ever so busy people people people people people all the time so it's pretty hard out about [Applause] I'd much prefer if she had like Prince Philip on one arm yeah that would be on the other core yeah yeah Hatton bag just yeah but like so not just according like Corgi fo the client you'd have a sleeve oh yeah oh right cuz they don't I mean this is a spoiler but all those corgis haven't lived as long as she has she's gone she's gone three loads yeah this is season two of the crown and you play the Queen but this is this is your last season you're out into this yeah play spent all the money on the first three so we're just in a shed miss you you're so great you won't you'll forget all about me and the rest look at you I'm not gonna forget about you the warm-up act it's just for me really I'm gonna change my my profile this is filmed in Stockholm and Berlin in the winter those are wonderful cities I've never been there in the winter they seem very cold and gray yes yeah I mean cold more than gray they have some beautiful crisp morning you still don't know if the actual Queen washes them yeah no we'll never know that you'll never know no unless she goes I did watch it and then I'll be like I knew it what's gonna happen this Friday when I binge watch Netflix I don't know yes isn't it happen to me what's gonna happen in the season asleep eventually yeah yeah I worked very hard you must have been no cold a lot I was called a lot there I definitely vary in size I tried to put as many thermal layers underneath as humanly possible so sometimes I'm a bit like a sausage my leather outfit like bursting at the seams there are scenes where you can tell you can't really my god yeah we got to go over here I'm wild I think I've shown that I'm wild like really like crazy and people gonna watch it and think I'm wild uh then I was when I was the queen I was happy for you that you got it hey was happy for you that's really kind cuz I first said are you sure that's okay I kind of feel like you were a nice person so thank you [Music]
Channel: behind the bloopers
Views: 481,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, compilation, celebrity, celebrity funny moments, funniest moments, fail compilation
Id: Kh-xRfFvstU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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