Prop Hunt Mod in Among Us!

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straight up toilet roll what's this plan i can literally be a hole wait kill this is so sick dude i'm invisible i'm literally invisible how did he miss me oh he's coming back oh oh no i'm gonna get you oh no i'm hanging off the edge no don't do it please welcome to some more among us but this probably has the biggest twist ever we've got a brand new mod thanks to sub and his team today we're playing prop hunt in among us let me give you a quick rundown of how this works there is one imposter and then nine people who can change between one and thirty different objects during the game and what you need to do is choose an object and try and hide on the map i think we play three different maps there's 30 different objects you can choose from if you're the imposter which we do get an imposter round you have five guesses to be able to try and find someone if you guess wrong five times that's it you're out the props win if you find a prop you then get reset and you're able to do five more goes if that makes sense this is probably one of the most fun game modes we've done before you enjoy the video please leave a like that'd be great appreciated and check just below the video as well to see if you're subscribed if you're not it'll be a big red button make sure you click that tap that whatever you need to do and you'll be notified of my brand new videos thank you in advance for watching and enjoy i'm an emergency button whoa what's this plan this is sick i can be cheese straight up toilet roll i can literally be a hole this is so good this is so good oh you could be on the wall i'm a paddle oh my god this is so sick oh this is insane what's the donuts sack is a whole sack as a whole look at how holy we are dead snowman this is awesome look at the camera bro that's so sick as the hunter though i don't know what's meant to be where i barely know how many gas cans there are on the map you know what i'm saying oh we're going oh it's me [Music] run my prettiest run so we have to uh we have to mute we have to deafen up and here we go so the way this works i get five clicks if i use all f five clicks then it's over but if i find someone then my clicks reset oh this is gonna be hard i feel like it's so much harder oh where is everyone gonna be oh wait wait wait wait no how do i kill you oh got you oh i was worried it's so hard to follow them i saw someone else down here as well at least i got one i haven't failed completely i'm looking at everything i'm like juice juice cartons i don't think you can be those wait a second is this one yes yes come to me snowman i don't know how many's like left and i think [Music] okay i think you can't bump into them wait what's that get them i saw them just behind the thing i'm going to the other side of the map let's go remember we only have five shots wait a second wait a second let's go down here i feel like none of the uh no the imposters have gone down here how many have we found i don't actually know i'm scared that i'm not gonna find everyone oh there's a cassette tape right there i see it i'm gonna pretend not to see it gotcha justin i'm pretty sure that's justin um is there anyone else in here uh wait this panel no is that panel always there okay right we're doing pretty good oh i need to find him i need to find him oh geez really i'm sorry all right at the top um i don't know how many i've got left to find is this one [Music] oh why did i click it twice oh i shouldn't have clicked it twice there's donuts i feel like the donut should be there i never pay attention to these posters oh oh kill i don't know what just happened there what happened there where did i need to go back somewhere real quick i need to go back up here oh no i felt under pressure oh [Music] we did it guys yes that was lucky whoever that is i don't know any of the stuff in this map this is so sick dude items running around look at that that's pretty good um where is everybody i'm scared oh this is perfect oh he went right by me no no no no no no no wait a minute wait did he what did he he's collected too many times still try and hide i'm sure there's a spot i know where i'm going can you go like on top of another event oh we're smaller than another event the vents are different sizes oh yeah that's not a good idea oh there are some small events on this map wait comes if you come to the balcony there's small events okay okay look everybody though there's a good chance none of us will well someone's gonna die as soon as someone dies there's gonna be vents everywhere they just leave running don't come here oh my god oh my god oh come over here back over us bring it bring it right it's not gonna happen oh she got it okay someone survived someone survived i forgot there was no kill uh cooldown bodies everywhere that pizza is such a good one no i would never see that one no [Music] [Laughter] which one can she kill there we go is someone a poster yeah someone's a poster okay i can see that one yeah it's a good spot a little wiggle oh no way well done guys where should we where should we go guys where should we go and what should we be i feel like the pizza is a pretty good one bro i think fire extinguisher this is a good one i don't think anyone knows reactor very well um oh my gosh she's there there's no way you're fighting me up here wait can they even come up here i'm invisible i'm literally invisible there's no way i'm being found right now just been out there i'm inside the reactor right now i'm ruining the game for everyone i feel like this is unfair i don't know how i got on here what even is not even that's not even a cheat i don't even know what that is that's it right here right here oh my gosh watch this one what i felt like that was too unfair so i moved to like here yeah but that's still really good great she has to she has to get it wrong five times yeah yes water bottles baby oh my goodness that was so hard okay i think i'm gonna go with pizza i'm gonna straight pizza where's the okay this is very obvious right now wait this is so terrible the spot i think i think she's heading up into the the oh that was good that's really good oh wait she's down here yeah she's she's down careful where's the book wait i'm like invisible i don't know what i am she was looking at the slice she's looking at the slice though oh that's nice that's nice dan you ready you ready i'm ready that's fun oh that's impossible oh oh nice boom boom here we go wait does anyone know where he's at i kind of need to move he's right by storage he's right by storage oh okay i know a good spot but i need to ah oh he's staring at me don't go because the doors oh guys this is a terrible spot a terrible spot but here i was so lucky i'm nervous i'm really sneaky oh found out in round two if you swap to like the body you can hide in someone oh what are you doing what's he doing are you are you the hole [Laughter] nice no chance no chance look at this he's looking at every oh he's like do i do it nice well done [Laughter] is this a good spot i don't know if this is a good spot there's someone hides oh who is that a beaker let's go let's go let's go oh geez i feel like this is a terrible spot terrible spot um um i don't know where to go wait i know i am in now i like that how did you miss me oh he's coming back oh oh no oh no i'm hanging off the edge no don't do it please please i'm just i'm a real beaker this is not a good spot oh wait is he already who is that oh oh my woke away who's the camera he's coming into the office he's coming into office obviously moving around who's that if your spears that it's hard when you're trying to okay here we go just just seeing the objects move around and talk is so funny if you combined this with the proximity it would be so funny this camera is so obvious it's permanently on i just i this is doable this is doable i'm going good job on the task guys we're nearly there we're doing all right i have so many to do oh no he's on the move oh no no no no please no he's coming run run no he's gonna run run i'm gonna go and do weapons no no nicely done thing cards we're really close orange this might be a good one okay let's task it up download are you kidding me oh no op he's not gonna find me he's not gonna find me he's not gonna find me oh nice i think i got away from him there's no way you did you did yeah he's an admin he's an adventure oh jeez oh no i left to right left hold on hold [Applause] no he doesn't even know i'm in here who doesn't know no dude wait who cheated you cheered somebody hiding yeah you gotta like use a big object i'll be in the reactor come and hide me this is terrible hiding spot hey this is a great hiding spot this is bad this is bad i'll just be careful i'll be back i see squid squid let me uh i wanna try and can i cover you so bad i can't find anything to cover you up where is he where is he all right i did my he's in security now how that's me i'm the ball yeah i think you're gonna yeah you're gonna die come on i'm so close this is a terrible place one more bar guys one more bar oh come on no i gotta upload an admin and upload an admin how many people [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] canvas sofa fork rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,758,278
Rating: 4.9578409 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, among us
Id: W6zUX1WkPo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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