"Among Us Lobby" Full Stream WITH DREAM!!! | Disguised Toast - Dream- Sykkuno, etc...

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the one where she took a bath that's the best one where the heck did it go oh my god oh hey aloha hey guys what's up brett hi hey brett i haven't seen you in ages i know have you been busy with your thingy yeah just been busy being a reality star i love that you know oh my god i've seen this cat before oh my gosh yeah she's iconic she's oh you guys are in okay wait hold on let me get in wait everyone's in oh my god please wait there's a code there's that code wait what are you guys talking about are we using mods or anything do i need like a do we need a uh the usual mod launcher thing what's it do you know what what's it called mod launcher parenthesis something oh mine's like depending on how many two or something oh dude i feel like i've downloaded so many yeah sorry i'm not helpful here let me see oh yeah mod launcher yeah i can send you my dream if you want um can i go get my sandwich i'll check our messages okay i'm gonna go do that real quick oh toast thank you toast yeah what'd you think of corpses face reveal uh-huh it was it was ray it was actually it was raining i can't believe it was ready this whole time what do you mean huh it was close of course i'll be honest i saw you playing apex at like 2 a.m that yesterday today i was a little worried that you mean valorent oh valerant uh it was valor oh i thought it was wait you mean league and then league of legends i was playing well i'm glad you're awake thank you thank you i don't know i i i lose track of the shooting games you know all the shooting is this the same one from last time yes uh should be okay got it wait did we say there is a code uh i don't believe there is a code yet let me get one people waiting for a corpse to set up his stream i'm on stream already oh there i just got the notification pop the code um when i run it nothing happens oh it should prompt you to open up discord or authorize you have to authorize discord remember to delete any secret dms you have because it's i'm just kidding no it does it's fine we could trust auto sure that was a joke that was a joke hi hi it tries to do it in my browser is that yeah it opens up the browser asks you to log into that okay so did anyone get drunks from uh yesterday what huh wait what what saint patrick's day all right oh later next day i thought you were just asking just because i [Laughter] i was like why would she ask that i mean you haven't even answered yet so you know i'm not gonna tell you guys i had coffee that counts also i'm running an older version of the game oh yeah yeah that's what you do you click it and then click automate it again oh hi lily lily here we go hello hi morning lily good morning i'm glad you're playing with us thank you wow so glad you're playing with us guys the forecast is back together you're here with us to play among us your favorite yeah lily let's go let's go lilly let's catch those sus imposters who's being saws how many iq you gonna have today toes yeah so what what's your iq at today toast seventeen eighteen thousand nine hundred thousand forty two and you're creamy can your iq be sub 50. yeah yeah i'll tone it down thank you very much and i'll kill you if i'm imposter so you don't embarrass yourself can you put a toggle switch on that iq of yours please do i run the normal game okay like sub 75. uh um you're whitelisted right there's no way you're not your face is in the game what a bold mood to put them in but not whitelist them you're a lima bean he's going for a new look i was going for a lima bean look oh you should wear something red too that's a very cute headgear wow thanks the creator of this headgear must uh be really good also really cute as well oh yeah i don't see sakuno's headgear wait what i don't see it you don't see my headgear you can just put it on and put it on it's like diva from overwatch what about now oh oh yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna put on sock oh okay okay now i see the watermelon look i was i was confused you were just a bean lily made one of my favorite ones it's the cat ears with the bows on them cute oh that was a god that was a i worship at the altar of otto i'm like put these in and he just puts it in and i'm like wow you're also good lily i'm wearing something you made yeah i dude literally my carrot lily made it the cat ears sorry oh my god i talk too much no you don't no you don't talk more tina tina don't you ever dare shut yourself down in front of us like that again political climate oh god oh god i'm joking i'm joking what's your thoughts on gun control lily i think every lobby should have one sheriff if that's what you're asking yeah the only person i'm shooting is in game uh-huh as the sheriff yeah the sheriff who has a gun to stop the imposters so the only person that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun but but the good guy can also accident you know i'm ready to play among i'd a good guy can get it wrong sometime uh toast i might need a little help we're talking about among us right guys with words it says i'm playing an older version of the game and then i don't need to just click uh the region in the bottom right i think then click automate it again and then that's good that should work hopefully okay i'm trying to speed run my sandwich right now let's be right back ninety percent i was just random sandwich from starbucks it says it has basil and tomato and chicken in it or something that sounds good he only likes the tomatoes in that one sandwich from starbuck yeah starbucks oh the thing is like the minimum order number is like no so i feel like i have to get a sandwich yeah well you can do it uh ivan doesn't get like four drinks but then they yeah but yvonne doesn't get the coffee there she gets like the the stuff that stays good after a while i think right i tried to microwave a coffee and everyone called me a maniac wait the cold ones though not the cold ones no it was like a hot one like a black coffee um i feel like oh god yeah you can microwave anything you want yeah lily understands i okay no you cannot microwave the hard-boiled egg it doesn't work like that it explodes but you can microwave sushi right like oh god please it's like you said the worst thing on purpose french fries is awesome i definitely do that i definitely didn't do what tina just said french fries sushi air fryers are a godsend oh yeah yes right if you microwave it it just turns out hot and mushy and it's gross [Music] whenever i'm running it and i used to eat uh that never mind i know i still have footage of you like showing you footage there's a burrito in your fridge i might sell that footage later what it's pretty unique lily thought i was joking about eating frozen burritos every day for like half a year almost she thought i was meaning were they still frozen oh no like i i used to eat fruit because like i it was it saved a lot of money you know he gave me a little video tour of where he was she thought she thought i was joking for like half a year until i showed her the freezer and it was like half stocked with like frozen burritos wow next to it was just like napkins and like plastic forks and [ __ ] and i'm like okay hot dog it was the hot dog treats yeah the hot dog trays it's not working i don't know what's uh what's happening oh wait you might need to be uh white list thing if you have it asked me to um like verify my discord then i do that and then it just nothing happens oh maybe oh maybe auto hasn't added you to the thingy yet it's auto around we did it last time and it worked oh yeah it was already done i have an emergency version that um doesn't require that let me see if i can find it thank you i was eating so hard you can take your time tina no i can't i really can't no one's rushing you no i can take like hours to eat you don't even know it's true be like scarra you look at him for two seconds and it's food's gone oh that's amazing and so he inhales it he inhales it yeah literally fails the food it's crazy no no one time it took like two and a half hours to eat a salad and the crunchy bits weren't crunchy anymore i was like okay no soggy salad yeah oh wait um otto just said he fixed it so the original one you have will probably work now i also don't know about the one i just sent you is um there's a few different ones okay i'll try it again thank you corpse underscore husband yes thank you very much you're a hero it says something different now so i think it's working it says downloading oh nice i'm a noob nah i mean it should have just opened yourself up you weren't whitelisted for some reason are you part of the forecast um well now there's five but i was going to say we look like a refreshing lemon or lime flavored drink oh we can be like introducing the five flavors of them are you trying to sell me five gum again cucumber lemonade and at least we got corpse lemonade [ __ ] that sounds good the dead bodies of oh posters oh yum oh uh hey look we're sprite true we could be uh-huh we could be fanta oh fanta is good anyone hear like orange soda i've actually never drank a fan i like c plus z plus what's that yeah that's orange soda i don't like orange soda for some reason i like orange other things for that wendy you get it cause like c plus like the grade like in school uh never mind never mind i thought you would get that okay hey look we're sprites i kudo yeah yeah look look at us we're yeah yeah we screw five up we're seven up okay oh gosh hello hello [Music] oh no oh she's back she's back oh yes hello hello oh you're good you're good oh it sounds much better how did that so good internet people came like 16 times not fixed whatever oh man robo lilly i wish i was a robot i finished my sandwiches nice what was your time does it usually i don't know i didn't waste your time yeah i did a time result that's what makes you such a caring and good friend though that watermelon spray wait what happened we would literally do carrot spread corn sprite i was washing my hands i didn't get to hear it but dead bodies wow among us do i go to online and then yeah and then do the code see if that works hmm is it a rainy day for all of us alrighty then actually it is rainy here it's gloomy here oh it's like sunny yep i've never used the wings before uh you know oh that's so cute hey what's going on during um i'm joining private and it's just like loading but it's it's taking like like a long time i've never seen that before yeah you might have to reset the region to auto even though it's already set to auto yeah um you know it says region where it usually says us yeah just uh click automate it again like click it and then press automate it again that might fix it i'll restart there we go thanks for doing that dream sorry about that no thank you for waiting bad you're here i have my math there you go welcome uh well everyone's here uh quick explanation jester wants to be voted out they're on their own team sheriff gets to kill whoever they want if they kill a crew member they die themselves and then it's a person more fling you can take someone's dna and turn into them and then you yeah you turn into them for 12 seconds and they're an imposter that's about it we've all played it before so let's have a great day of humongous friends have fun being sauce everybody only have fosters you're so toast [Music] oh cool mate all right just kill me just just kill me so it's six crew mates wait six crew mates two one more thing one in pasta one sheriff one jester so four out of ten people gets a unique role well the six crew members surely exist to be murdered wendy's on weapons jack was uh pleasuring around down below us lights have been called oranges on oxygen body ready oh uh oh i found this body in electrical electrically that's why it must be at the back of electrical i just fixed lights what um i saw her running so somebody vented probably she must have killed and self-reported about weapons yeah i'm at trash right now i also don't think it was toast i saw him at weapons just before lily and jack i think guys well i just i just i was at weapons for a really long time and then i was finishing it off and then i ran downwards from she like i went to oh man that doesn't look very good for tina then huh whoa whoa whoa wait stop i can't i saw toast that leaves i did see her at least for this one yeah toast and wendy you seem pretty clear for this one toast jack and uh lily are all clear for me so you want to explain why you just sussed me outside well because everyone else sounds clear unless i'm clear from toast the toast i was afk for the beginning of the round fixing yeah i saw dream afk oh yeah my keybind was oh the only answer is that this was a sheriff kill because everyone's vouched for oh that's true that's crazy good job sheriff wait actually i mean bad job wouldn't make it all i know is this i ran down from i ran down from cafeteria i remember cafeteria i ran into electrical and uh ran in with wendy and then when he went to the top and then through his body i wouldn't say hard clearance though yeah tina i didn't see at the weapon so i don't really know where she came from to do oxygen okay i went uh tina i don't know you that well okay like i know you but i don't know know you you know what i'm saying like i kind of know you oxygen call all right dreams doing botox i'll go do top ox oxygen caught it would appear but i see corpse were the two people who checked on oxygen an oxygen car that's not an everyday car oh god someone asked lily is it on the left side no it's in storage i couldn't find the body though i kept getting reports storage um yeah at the bottom i think it was on trash where did you come from tokyo yeah where did you just come from because oh i came from storage after going to navigation but i didn't see a body there when i looked to finish this people in storage and admin just before the meeting was called how did she get there so fast i was with her for the first round well first dish part of this round yeah she ran away from weapons when you were there no she went to do um trash shoot too oh i guess she was going to her second part of trash shoot makes a lot of sense okay where did but dicey come from that's true you saw me mr cooked bread how dare you accuse with me i didn't have with you and then i went down what's the toy so you walked through storage you didn't see a body uh no i was an admin the entire round basically so yeah and i saw you on bottom oxygen storage i went to top oxygen corps came from it jack came from it and then went back to bottom eye oxygen and tina was there and toast was there what oxygen well at the start you were you were there she's already dead i can clear um i can clear tina for this one huh how what what's with all these clears not corpse and tina i know for sure i've never seen someone so annoyed that someone has cleared them because i don't wait where were you this round i was in riya uh was it reactor yeah i was in reality oh sounds like you're unsure wendy yeah wendy you're sounding more sus than last round and i already thought it was you last round but that's where i was where were you pop off psychonauts where i was well i mean literally everyone got cleared last round except for like her i did get cleared you don't say i i i said because uh he saw me uh doing reactors i was on weapons for a long time so i believe he came from the time i think it's probably jack but thank you i agree it's jack what dream said [ __ ] dare you you're gonna have egg on your face sir yeah dream uh i think it's innocent and i kind of have a similar feeling about jack as well because jack gets a little defensive when he's imposter and he feels like he has a good story but you're not buying it so when i said it could be guys he's like toast you saw me at top oxygen this is like adamant you know what it probably is oh it's wendy jack it's funny jack isn't it someone did yeah oh it's oh no to my game plug i can't move wait it's not jack i was wrong also my character disappeared oh no someone disconnected that bugs the server out i forgot oh no oh that's such a shame when someone dc's um the game gets really weird oh my god yeah yeah i don't know what happened and i saw dreams standing right next to it but i couldn't hit the button and then i tried i don't know if the dream was the imposter but i just assumed it was wendy and dream after that but i was but i could but i couldn't i was trying to reply the leaves stop you could you yeah let's just just let's just keep trying let's just keep trying yeah i'm down to keep trying we just really want you around yeah lily peach is one of my favorite people to play games [Music] i don't know manga's lobby planned tomorrow but i think i'm all amongst out and maybe i'll still play or maybe i will who knows corpse wendy bretman the corpse wendy bratman the corpse one deep breath and a bed did someone really kill me on camera that someone really killed me in 4k they killed me in 4k hey tina he hey he toast his um it's by nav poor guy oh okay i'm pretty sure it's not wandy looks bad for you i'll be honest with you it looks real bad it doesn't look bad for me tina because i have one question for you did you see the camera on because i just saw purple killing oh yeah there's a more fling by the way oh right sorry purple and we were both doing the same task corpse and i um and they saw also i think i saw an orange walk over me in o2 so tina couldn't i did no the thing is i saw you that's why i'm saying it wendy i called it out before so i couldn't even said anything and i was like okay okay all right good enough for me um well you know clear lily for this kill do we have a jester yep yes we do oh okay i think so we have a jester we have a sheriff um i'm watching the purple on you i'm watching purple you know they're just gonna keep framing me watch out for the i'm sorry you know i'm gonna watch who's trying to do this suck like breakfast don't [ __ ] the sucker that was suck the suck but when you won't tell me right you don't don't don't kill me don't kill me yeah purple don't kill him right wendy wait i skipped see wendy's i'm sweating bullets right now i can't believe jdn really killed me in 4k on camera that's insane at least the sheriff huh come on lily do it do it give in to your urges and kill psycho jaden what oh no dream and corpse huh dreamworks [Music] wait why why didn't i pass by you guys yeah like yeah twice next to each other the whole time and i felt like you guys would have killed it oh that was yeah it could be tina it really could be tina oh [ __ ] what yeah jaden i gotta say i was about to say you are a jester 100 because it's like you went on simon says to do your what you may call it i didn't do it and i was like oh i'll stay here and like you know dance around oh okay just dancing i'll follow you and then you took a u-turn i was like well i lost her i did bottom fuel with dreams so he died around there and then i went into electrical with corpse and then i did my my wires broke they wouldn't complete so i had to do them a second time jaden i'm sorry and then coming down i saw jaden standing on his body what and then she reported when i came into view i know i think it's self report cause you said you saw purple kill what if it was jaden you saw no i feel like you wouldn't mistake a giant we haven't killed anyone you think i would mistake it yeah the 30 90. that is true chris would be very mad at you if you did that do you think i caught it but didn't want to call him out that early because it felt weird psychonaut wasn't no problem calling that wendy yeah you called me out well that's because i knew it was wrong anyway i'm skipping at seven yeah it's seven do you think you're quite rapid why are you skipping bremen's the other one i'm just keeping because you said skip why not oh wait oh we yeah actually killed him oh man i should use earphones less it hurts my ears oh man how do people use earphones for extended amount of time maybe my butt's too big but no but why am i so tired all the time these days wake up wake up toast come on you're on with coffee i swear coffee makes me sleepier oh man oh no jack jack died oh jesus jack where is this body it's in the left of the navigation the leaf yeah good stuff good comps [Music] okay so i went to electric first i believe and fixed lights and then everybody else got there as well and then oh i've got comms beginning of the round secuno wendy lily tina all in admin room doors locked can't really go anywhere that's true and then tina did trash you as lights were going out and everybody assembled within the electrical area tina i saw you at the trash you girl oh thanks wait you did wait yeah we walked into the lights together and then um yeah i was gonna say this uh yeah we walked into lights together after you did shoot right isn't that where you went after yeah but i didn't see you brettman because the lights were off so you and then i saw you when the lights weren't back on so obviously that's how you know guys i have a crazy theory here okay okay let's hear it i've been i've been holding back i think bretman could be the jester i think jayden's one of the imposters because i saw her kill on cameras and i think tina might be the other imposter you're way off base buddy well you're like really what yes you're smarter than this you must be one of the imposters what because you're never wrong i'm crazy no no no no no you don't get this stuff wrong about jaden not about jayden no no no no guys look guys i think this might be one [Music] why would you skip brett now i'm i'm so i did bretman wow why would you skip on stuff that's okay because i didn't know who to vote for and i'm not gonna vote for myself oh hello whoa good stuff good stuff yup i just saved the game [Music] i um it's me here we have enough information to figure out the second imposter okay bretman clearly jesterizing right maybe maybe not i think we vote for me here he's literally asking us to vote for him he's gesturizing i it could be because we already said someone's chester that's good for him as imposter so okay well who who wants to vote for bretman then lily you want to vote for him who do you want to vote for uh yeah who do you want to vote for okay let me ask you guys each one question and then i'll tell you who i want to vote all right okay willie do you want to vote for bretman are you okay with that why are you asking me for permission i'm gonna ask all of you guys who wants to vote for bettmann does anyone feel comfortable voting for i don't feel comfortable wait tina you don't feel comfortable voting for bretman right because imposter and he's the jester and you're going to lose if we vote for him send it guys send it i she fell from my trap this logic is incredibly flawed it's so flawed because i couldn't we lose this crew as well if we vote for the jester no naturally listen tina listen tina he's the jester right the only way you would be 100 sure he's not the imposter is if you're the imposter right no i don't know if he's the imposter not i don't know why'd you say you didn't want to vote for him because i want to win his crew and i know he's he's probably he's something he's he's acting he's acting kind of sus you know as they say exactly that's why that's why he's either a jester or an impostor right and i don't want either of those to win as a crew mate i just feel like i would be the safe boat here so i'm just gonna go ahead you know what i'm voting for bretman i'm voting for brett but we're gonna find out it's a safe bow it's the safest vote there is i'm starting to think it's pretty safe too you know what i voted whatever wendy oh i see jesus whoa jesus don't you vote for wendy send it why vote for me because you'll see why and i'll tell you when the losing screen comes up and then i just got confused and and gave up and then said let's just vote for him to end it but was anyone morphing last round is the is the sample thing working for you i wasn't morphing i was i thought you were yeah i was morphing but it wasn't like letting me stomp like it wouldn't let me sample anyone until like the last game oh so is it bugged oh i don't know maybe it's just me i don't know oh oh shoot who did it i'm sorry who you why is that hat in the game it's so true among us is a very serious game all right i don't tolerate any thomas foolery okay no thomas fullery please oh no no way oh someone punch a [ __ ] in the face wendy this doesn't look too good for you wendy there's no way no really i saw you walk by and then the body was there no no that means they did it like when i left no no it wasn't me walked by and then i walked down a little bit and the body was there me and lily were on weapons wasn't me i i saw you in the darkness wendy i saw him it wasn't me um well i was i was trying to see if it was someone other than wendy because it looked really bad for wendy i just want to see if anyone's i'll be honest i saw nothing there's two kills oh there are two kills but real interesting i found corpse you did where sorry sorry we're at again the near weapons mere weapon oh g was well i barely could be it was right below weapons right right below weapons i mean would either of them do something so crazy i ca i went into nav and i came back up so if it was in the hall i didn't see it and that's right where wendy came from oh my gosh bro i literally just saying the facts she walked by and there's a difference i'm also saying facts i didn't kill anyone dude i want i mean that's what an imposter would say i'm just that's what i'm saying and i just retain no information i vote purely based on tone and wendy something about it it just makes me feel so hot let's see tina's sussometer is going off yep i saw her walk past the body what what uh saw wendy watch oh okay okay oh my god it's piling up wendy it's not looking good i could throw the pc i don't want anything because like i just didn't do it that's it period and so her defense is she didn't do it sounds good all right you know i also didn't do this kill but i don't know wendy it's if i die it's uh it's take out wendy for me okay okay that's my dying that's your dying wishes can't dishonor that one i feel bad because i've been sussing wendy almost every game but it just doesn't look good um wendy sounds genuine but she also sounds defensive almost as if she didn't do the kill but she's an impostor getting framed for it but there's been two kills so if she didn't do one of those then does that mean the sheriff killed uh which would be bad oh corp jdn reported the body and the reason why jdm was near the body is because corpse tried to kill her and misclicked on bretman because you killed the person with the billboard first always always all wait kill the person with the billboard that would explain how jd got the report off why she acting so weird do that all right um lily what like happened what happened i was in security for a very long time then i went to navigation did you see because tina's body is like right in the intersection of what of like security and reactor oh oh i did not oh i didn't see that i don't know i saw one on the camera yeah she was on cams and then tina was on like simon says or i was on simon says we were like doing it together or something to cycuno and toast did you walk by or was it i remember two other people like walking in that area that was me i was on reactor with you yeah but if lily was on camera she would have seen the killer yeah she should have seen everything true she's the killer wait no no i actually didn't see anything though is there blood on your hands lily i was on cameras and like watching right people go by i had no information so i went over tonight wait wait i think i saw i see what's happening here lily's partner killed on cameras and lily's not saying she saw it because she doesn't want to report her point so where where was the body again this is terrible it was in the cross section uh between reactor and security it must have it has to have happened after i left though because i'm in navigation right now like by myself the only two people i saw was um jack and tykona yeah i saw and there was an admin area so i didn't see them anywhere over there um well it's not me dream or jacket you're really supposed to vote anyway well it's not looking good for one person i swear to god sakuno wait i didn't say who i didn't even say who would have been you guys got it toast and dream got it they got it i'll get it next time your day yeah i think wendy's an imposter who got sussed for a sheriff misfire that's what i'm choosing to believe could be wrong though one two three four five six seven eight nine oh light call a light call into a light kill that's classic lily pq mo that's how you don't go in there you hide here because lily is right here ready to go actually gonna kill someone lily wait oh maybe it's not lily she didn't kill anyone another spread i see wait a second oh what just happened jackie was so close it was wendy we should have voted her off when she walked past that wasn't me you should have voted her off i would walk past the body corpse i was jester i couldn't do it i know i saw you just she's like he's not gonna report it and they're gonna double kill [ __ ] that was dream wait dream you voted for wendy last round i did because i knew i knew no one i knew i thought no one else would and i was like oh it'll make me look so good if i didn't oh that beginning kill was uh yeah it wasn't me i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up god what are you doing brave i'm sorry it's okay i forgive you only because you're so cute oh thank you lily you're lagging a little beep boop it was wendy's yeah but not for the right reasons apparently you know the sheriff oh wait lily you might wanna leave and come back real quick because you're like uh that the mysterious green lag color yeah okay i can't believe it dweeb and wandy it was wendy it was wendy i knew it oh no you got him i'm gonna die in a corner no wait what i'm the sheriff and i'm killing the first person i see yeehaw the first person who comes down here is dying i'm gonna murder you i'm gonna murder you the first person to come down here is dead is dead i will shoot you in the face and the face you don't think i will but i would i would this is an imposter free zone if you come down here you are a hundred percent an imposter and deserve to die there's no reason why innocent player coming down here unless he's jester trying to hide but in which case i'm taking out the jester too and that's worth it come on come on come on i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna murder you come on come on any minute now any minute now um okay all right a body at this time of day localized entirely within cams cameras i just saw the cameras turn off i was gonna run to check it yeah wait what well i can clear tina for this i think thanks it's not wendy you know what just built me up throw me up you actually look innocent oh hey say less um dream how long did your uh whatchamacallit upload take 10 seconds you were on there for a really long time but you know i was on there for as long as it needed to um yeah okay and cycuno i just gotta say you were also on something for a super long time oxygen after it was finished it doesn't you're just standing there no it doesn't you're being weird what yeah i think dreams stood at the download too long and i stood at the other thing too long one of you is being weird wait cycuno are you the imposter rate so it's one only one of us is accurate what do you mean actually what if we're both innocent and she's just kind of trying to kill us for standing i think she's just like being a doofus right now so i don't know i was there for 10 seconds and then i moved off that's it that's it yeah we were just standing around what are you tina what is it i didn't think we were talking too fast you took too long on the upload where he doesn't like why would that even matter why would that even matter yeah what's wrong with standing there is it is it a crime to lawyer or something yeah yeah if imposters take her out i won't say a word wait why that that you just know i'm crummy at this point like you just want me gone well you just tried to kill me so uh because you're being suspicious why would you stand there at oxygen for that long if if if you if you still watch out tina i might be the sheriff wendy lilly i'm not the shirt true we're we're vibing right now sometimes it just we'll see what the hell oh okay hmm who are the bad guys slow kills corpse and bread man kill really slow corpse and bretman are still ass killers okay new plan i run around the top looking for people to murder go go go go go go go go go go go go kill kill kill i don't want to stand too close to the wires i might accidentally kill someone doing wires innocently you don't want to stand still and spam kill because of desync you want to constantly be moving so it's harder for the imposters to swoop in like there's a chance you swoop in on them before they swoop on you if you're moving but if you stand still they can't swoop in on you you don't want that you want to be the ones who ping you don't want to be the soupy you want to be the super oh god who was that when was that almost killed them who was the guy in top wires oh man careful toast careful don't go killing people now monday's coming from the back awfully sus wendy that's a little sassaroo cerrone oh he's on cameras please don't kill me in front of people wendy all right real quick it's been so long and it's been a while it's been a while oh thank god where were they the time police is gone i don't know like the entire map probably the right wait was this a meeting or uh yeah i think it is the right side were they together i just passed the right side like a bit ago i didn't uh it's not on the right side but if it was like another sheriff killed the left side for a long time yeah but where where would they have died i didn't see i didn't see them either yeah yeah i can clear tina for this one you know i'm starting yeah well tina tina was the time police but yeah the time police she just got mad we're standing there that's good wow shocked nobody found the bodies though they're cool and bretman was just standing there real suspicious oh jesus what do you mean [Music] i don't know i don't know he's kind of suss i oh god we have to vote now wait we have to vote i already skipped i feel like lily voted for us so i thought we were on seven i don't know oh god oh my god everybody involved here whoa you maniacs you can't kill them confession come here bretman come here oh my god the game is super bugged out oh it was like i was right you were a dream you were so right i was right you were just standing there but i actually was the one that fixed life yeah yeah i know i believed that wait don't tell me i'm kidding getting credit right now jack almost was your body and then i killed you i hit reports and it didn't work you killed me right as i hit it yeah i was i was really scared i i actually fumbled my keys a little bit i thought it was over fumbled your keys you were right tina you got him yeah i know i did get them the 50 50 more like 50. tina's technically tina one of the people you suspected i voted off it just wasn't me i didn't even realize i got voted up i was like i thought it was both of you because dream walked by two kills i was like what i walked by two kills yeah well it was it was when the lights were off he didn't see it oh oh you killed tina and i killed it's just so bad today sorry and then oh my god connecting and like ruining itself heck spectrum am i right i appreciate a lot though sorry sorry sorry we love you lily and your new song as well thank you for playing bye see you later miss lily already well [ __ ] yeah guys my tummy hurt from eating so fast tina you took like you took like a half hour to eat a sandwich what do you mean it was 10 minutes right i don't know i can't remember wasn't it 10 minutes it was 20 oh [Laughter] well 10 per half of the sandwich right dude i don't eat that fast that was insane to me okay what's up i've been throwing every game i'm doing bad i'm gonna play the next game good wait but you've been doing well why why would you throw wait corpse you even though you uh you're the sheriff right and you killed the wrong person yes but you framed the impostor and i found out it was her immediately oh i wasn't the sheriff this unintentionally framed loves his fans so much he's throwing just to get more you know one-on-one time with them you know talking about yes so sweet actually kind of actually i'm gonna i'm gonna keep thinking and manifest a jester i'm gonna you know you could just act like a jester anyway for fun yeah but i don't want to toast it out if i'm crew oh yeah then if you're crewmate then it's okay and then you just die for nothing i thought this was a crop's lobby true so crops you you're right you're inviting people what do you mean i did my job and did that already now i gotta do it again let's ask lil naz again yeah i don't think that that was such a process to get him on last time he's on a [ __ ] mac with an emulator oh my goodness yeah he called me like an hour before he's like by the way i have a mac is that okay um hmm maybe city's wrong i don't have like the hmm like friends pokey yeah i don't have any where's the pokey i'm rolling my eyes so hard right now they're literally stuck to the back of my head um no friends he said tina are you okay tina you're your eyeball's face freaking lie tina i'll hold you back i'll hold you back yeah dude stop tina hold she did not fly for nothing she's going to leave you at your stoplight i really i really have no idea um she has a voice inside of her head and telling her to kill stop tina [Laughter] check that's so good um i i can i don't think carl's around but i can call let me just hit up ryan reynolds real quick see if he's around i think beyonce said she was free what about brooke what about a little little salad action what do you think but not a fruit salad oh not a fruit salad absolutely she'd scream probably um gosh i have so many to choose from i can't even pick uh we just we could get any as just one and anyone who's the wrap just say can i join i say kunal [Music] cellular devices there's six people in that chat oh yeah i don't know what that is maybe let me hang out eventually what do you think of i feel bad like reading out names like that guys he's the second most sub person on twitch right now i don't think he has time for it he's going to be top dog by the end of today we're not good enough like a few days from now he's going to keep going up he's going straight to number one to the moon oh we should invest in him that's true um um why is it so hard yeah why is it so hard aren't you guys like really cool some people i'll just ask them aren't you cool fellas yeah yeah we can yeah what part of no friends don't you understand oh god i just yeah you can be cruel but with no friends i just yeah i guess that's true well we're i mean we're all acquainted with asking people i'm sure somebody will respond beyonce says she's getting her nails done so no no oh bad timing i'm like okay girl beyonce beyonce okay all right oh my gosh get her up on in here then oh but he did the mod thing probably that might make it oh yeah that might make it a little complicated [ __ ] fix your game please they released new map new map 31st let's go wait won't that break the mod yeah are they i want them to put in the carrots so bad i'll ask them real nice i don't know maybe they'll please okay tina pretend that i'm in her sloth and you want to ask for a carrot in game go is it true that you only have three people working there right now i i don't think that's a good one that's a bad opener that's uh hello oh i gotta go work on the new account system i what's that i'm working on the ladders oh wait isn't it four now george said he's not if we need a spot i don't know if we still do but yeah yeah yeah yeah we do we have no friends let's go we have tons of friends and they're all with openers like that tina how could you go wrong i can seal any deal jack okay sell me on something right now tina sell me on tina that's so difficult that's like probably the hardest thing to sell why i pray for any future age apparently yeah i'll send anytime all right um i don't know i don't know because you gotta have a lot of self-love to sell yourself you know what i mean can you um have uh him be whitelisted yeah yeah but tina what everyone here thinks you're amazing so it should be easy um hello hello hello hello download what i say okay [Laughter] random exe file okay honestly that is the appropriate reaction to that yeah mod launcher you have nothing to worry about other than getting hacked but that's not going to happen what's it going to do break into your discord account and steal all your contacts it's open uh terminal this scheduling all the dm's you think a command prompt can rewrite your code on your computer uh yeah i really could actually oh it's completely safe the safest thing i've seen in the past seven decades yeah yeah we're all using it i did it now have you been alive for thank you please don't hack me what a guy look if they hack you we're all [ __ ] george no i don't know we're going down together we're really going ruined wait yeah am i supposed to be doing something or like launching the game he's just gonna no it'll do it all he's gonna wirelessly it should auto launch after it updates uh launch oh ayo um god i'm so sleepy today i've been taking a nap every single day i don't know why i don't like it i don't like taking naps but i've been sleeping a lot more what does it mean to find happiness what does it mean to be happy am i happy i don't know i go between being happy and being not satisfied maybe sometimes both uh i don't know sometimes everything just feels so f fake i don't know sometimes i get just like negative thoughts on my head i feel like everything is fake and superficial and i know it's not all all like that but a little bit uh but yeah no i do question the genuinity i think it's mostly when i have social media open on twitter and i see all these positive messages i i guess it's the same as like only like what most people go through when they open like facebook and see like the best part of people's lives but um i feel like sometimes things aren't that genuine when it comes to social media i mean i guess by definition not by definition but the expectation of social media is that there's a hint of just saying and doing things that are good in the eye of the public but that's such a negative way to think so here we can take this time to explain to george because he's never played do you know what the gesture is george um is that the one where you have to like you win if you get voted out right no yes and then uh the sheriff i don't know what the sheriff is so the sheriff if you can kill one well you can kill somebody and if you're right then you kill them like but if you're wrong and they die okay a little more which is when you're an imposter one of the imposters i think can um morph into another player for like 10 seconds or something so they're going to pretend they're you and then kill somebody you look like someone else yeah yeah is it like an animation or you just like flip to someone else completely there's like a short animation so you can't transform if someone sees you okay so you don't want to do it right next to someone yeah yeah they'll see you and then know you transformed yeah so there's just a muffling and sheriff and then how many imposters are there two had two of them okay so is the morphling one of the impossible imposters yeah okay and they also campaign oh oh the more morphine correct oh cool i didn't know that it's wild on mira because then you can't really go anywhere i hate it on mira one time i literally couldn't morph as more fling on mira imagine i was the worst i was like okay we won that though corpse we won it let's go yeah it was insane it's not a gang yeah sound king king salads shout out um what ring ring what's that who's that salad king oh my god my need to fill air is intense it's just like i can't stand silence it kills me sorry i'm talking so much i just like no no it's you're fine tina don't apologize for being yourself i just can't shut up it's ugh i'm biting my knuckles oh no don't do it okay all right all right that was easy wait what did you have for breakfast again forgot jack for breakfast yeah uh a yogurt anger oh oh yogurt drink yogurt drink wow oh flavor was it apricot it was just natural [Laughter] people will stick together here george everybody else are you wrong oh are you making fun of the way i'm saying it or the flavor well the flavor it's just well i think usually people have peach yogurt so it just sounded so like usually people who are just people tina wait what do you mean the holy trifecta is strawberry peach and god knows what i don't even know maybe it's april coffee the third one is a pot it's strawberry babies and strawberry kitchen apricot strawberry peach and you know what george i wouldn't even join at this point it's too late oh wait it says you're running an older version of the game wait i need to update among us [Music] it's raspberry or blueberry or something wait what do i do then you don't have to use it the fact that you don't even know sorry all this legitimacy out the window i mean servers in the bottom right it'll say automated and then you just press that and then press automated again what are the flavors on my head tina oh strawberry vanilla vanilla matcha tca church i clicked it and nothing happened yeah but yes strawberry supremacy i click automated then i click automate it nothing happened and then try never try and join again oh and then i click yeah oh i'm in he's all right george is here yay wait wait is there george bubbles in this game check if there's goggles for you oh george goggles yeah [Music] i want to change my color is that blue that's white black is this one this one's green yeah but i want light blue one light blue so toast does light blue okay you can keep it it's fine um bretman's like white blue like okay as if he was gonna give him oh i just i don't know maybe he oh did you did you want this no no no no no i insist oh no it's fine okay uh wait does george use cyan orally hey no i'm the cyan among this player you guys go get your own color you don't contest this guy's toes for siam or one person there's a lot of purple players that's why i noticed oh george going down with dream oh what what what happened i was walking in the dark and i saw a report button and i clicked it i didn't see the body but it's by um navigation if it isn't dreaming george i'll be damned oh it's not me the way they were walking i was sweating before the report button even came off weird in a good way though right i saw you guys that was before the lights went out though like how are we walking we weren't we weren't walking together george you guys no you guys were like doing a little back and forth action between o2 and weapons i saw it don't try to deny it who actually i don't think i was going on i was not doing it i was not i i just ran straight down what did you see wasn't it when the lights talk about writing a fan fiction live or something listen you guys were sending mad booty signals and booty signals yes you guys there's nothing afterwards they were singing like we killed double kills with the lights off when we were running down i think they were right yeah y'all are [ __ ] freaks too i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on what is happening ah all right where's everyone else i learned a lot this is making me think it's either dream or tina right because it's not me it's one it's one of the three of you by it's a double kill oh okay i got no it's not me it's not me anyways get him tina i do i am i'm unhinged honestly tina sounds innocent after that one you know what the [ __ ] did that even mean what does unhinged even i'm going off how much coffee did tina drink today my auntie more coffee i can't get into it today i don't know why [Music] i need some rest maybe i need to go back to los angeles because it's kind of lonely in canada but i can't just yet but maybe time away from los angeles is good because la is that's well it's a lifestyle and maybe i don't want to live that lifestyle i don't know man what am i gonna do what's my future who am i gonna spend my life with man friends family a significant other that does not yet exist uh not a lot of tasks being done people corpse and tina do i want to find love well yeah everyone wants to find love but am i in a rush no but at the same time it's like i'm turning 30 this year if i find the woman i married oh hmm george's body was on cameras epic yeah wait the left say more please i've been cams before and i think i saw was it dream and brett insecurity yeah i was gonna it wasn't it's not me because i was doing simon says i believe that he was there for a while yeah but i did yeah dream and george was following each other i knew one of them i i was following him for a little bit but we separated that cameras you're not yelling this time well the thing is i feel kind of stupid you know because i was really i don't think i would after him like three people saw me with george and cam's i don't think i would kill george and kim's maybe that's exactly why you're the perfect crime oh my god and a perfect alibi that you just said listen no i'm i'm right now i'm above med bay like about to enter cafeteria actually i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i just passed jack when the lights are off yeah i'm in electrical on my well on my way out of it wait what on the way out yeah ah no ipad i passed jack above above med bay just just five seconds ago guys you stealing my dna that's so nice enough yeah dude i saw a dream and george in the back of electrical and i i freaking booked it out of there i was like no way no chance they're gonna kill me in silence i i will know the lights turned off and i was like i gotta go turn them back on so i could find corpse oh yeah all i'm going to say is that tina sounds incredibly innocent yeah i don't know tina was being guilty and weird the first round tina's low-key one of the best players in this game i've ever seen yeah accused george i'm an underdog and you know my rate you said it yourself dream there's a 50 50. well i was joking when i said that so well i was right remember you know what you're now back you're yeah oh my god wait it's seven oh wait it was a joke i skipped voted that was a joke stick to your convictions oh it was a joke oh my god oh my god was it not a joke tina oh my god it was a joke it was a joke now tina nothing is doubting oh god tina hides somewhere oh god this web okay flick the switch do that wire finish the vial so why here and then to files wait the last wire should be on security right or a cafeteria a security or cafeteria wires here what navigation oh i was wrong holy one two one two three four five six oops the first wire can be an electrical second storage third admin fourth navigation fifth cafeteria six security i think that's the six wires on this map and the order they can appear in oh god dream don't kill me wear this um outside of security i believe i was just spamming reports so i didn't see the body security security oh now would dream report on five as an imposter i highly doubt it i would not so tina was wrong when the lights were off huh tina was wrong and now tina's dead and has paid for it that's hard to that's hard to believe i needed who do you think killed george earlier i don't know i i think i don't think it's i don't think it's jack i think no sir it's toast and wendy probably but it could be toast and i don't know it's one of those three i'm in a nice one true because it was just us three there and it wasn't me because i was doing simon says and i guess jack came in but i wasn't i wasn't in that event no that was fake jack was i was spamming report yeah and jack yeah jack there's fake jack which is why i don't think it's jack all right we vote wendy here every time let's go it could be toast and bratman it could be bretman and wendy all right vote me out i would not make it this far all right we're toasting right now do we have one wendy toast yeah she's just the one that's not vouched for where are you toast uh you didn't get votes did you just each other outside bay i went right that was this round yeah to be fair i walked past uh bretman and toast a lot actually but let me if he doesn't want to vouch for me that's fun bremen who do you think it is to be honest my dog peed on me and i went to change half of that round i voted one day so i don't know what happened half of that round so i'm over wendy oh you better be right wait when did you said you were gonna vote for yourself no i didn't you lied no no no i said okay vote me out i didn't say i would vote for myself oh is it pretman or jack i don't think it's dream okay so who does that leave bretman could still be jack probably bretman guys i'm scared i'm a woman what are you scared of everybody someone was messing with lights i fixed them and then dream showed up and started messing with them again i did not mess with them i did not mess with them i people were flicking them and i fixed them actually but i fixed them it was left middle right and then i ran off them and they weren't fixed because you showed up well i did show up and looked at the same time as somebody on accident but then i fixed him right after i was trying to mess with lights i would have just flipped it yeah messing with lights has no benefits here since there's only one imposter well i'm dumb and i don't want to die i think it's what do you think of this i think it could be prepping i don't know no stop oh i was i was looking for a task honestly because i honestly figured like you guys would fix it i guess i don't know that's that's a fair assumption yeah i mean three people don't need to fix lights you know what i mean well that is true i do know what you mean tell us where once you are fixing whites oh sure so everyone was that late yeah everyone but you bretman yeah but you bragman well i'm just saying it's not me i think okay i think that jack is jester okay hear me out this is why because that round i saw him i don't think somebody morphed him i think it was him and he thought that by lying about where he was like by completely lying about where he was that i would that i would push for him to be voted out and i didn't do that because i just assumed it was morph so i think i think he's jester i just rejected probably in the words of tina i think you're a [ __ ] liar because you don't even have the chalk dream what do you think yeah yeah you guys oh anonymous [Music] oh man well i got no tasks left so i should just die in a convenient location which is here i can do one loop it says but on scale was just needing two kills doing a loop like this is so scary because i can be stuck behind two doors and that's 20 seconds which is extremely risky once the navigation once in storage god i can't believe this guy navigation nope oh good button good button there's a safety button it's a game saving button dream where's the oh god so it's not me i think it's probably bretman i mean it has to be at this point y'all are trolling there's no way it's me because i came into this meeting with the thought that i had the last vote so i don't know look what are you asking for the body you're right i'm you were right across the dream oh my god i hate y'all for real oh my god i don't understand how it's me because it is you you were by everybody dream you are so good you are so good dream i'm not the imposter okay oh i'm the jester oh god are you really not you son of a [ __ ] brett [ __ ] duck three rounds and it was so entertaining jack you killed george then in that area i turned into you next to you and you didn't even see me i didn't see i i thought it was toast maybe that was because we're like you know what really really well played that that had me fools that was the coolest gesture game i've ever seen like crazy saved the game like three times wow oh i'm killing tina first first chance i get i'm killing tina next to each other oh they're right next to us i mean it's a sheriff also be a double could usually i mean yeah i guess why would toast here's the thing i didn't see anyone else no way i didn't see anyone else go down that way i don't think so it could have been sheriff but i don't know where was this well i i don't think toaster is over tina randomly and tina has been a little aggressive maybe it was a mexican i i think it might have been tina kiltos yeah tina could have gone yeah she's been a little crazy lately yeah she's she's uh yeah you should say she was actually a friend what corpse said she is well yeah what corpse said he's got it seven days so we're gonna to skip i guess we're skipping yeah um you didn't see the bodies you came from oh sorry wendy it's not looking good for you what if it wasn't it's not looking come on it was a good play the body was on the right side didn't they say um was it sakura and jack oh there's no way i could have killed them actually don't like playing sheriff because being sheriff robs imposter of a win but like you're so excited to be imposter and like getting voted out is fine because this discussion but to have your impostor role ripped away from you it feels a little bad which is why i don't like playing sheriff besides beaming [Laughter] i'm pretty sure this is a stuff right when you report it are you jester bretman no because i wasn't i'm just kidding so i walked into lights and the report button comes on and george's body pops up so i don't know if it was george and wendy's together because i just walked in on dream at the med bay but yeah i think he was scared i scanned i scanned i i couldn't check his scan but i saw him standing on it um but if you didn't i didn't see you like i i could see your name because i have more vision below um i was doing the you know the tubes it's like right by there yeah i saw your name when i was doing tubes hmm interesting i think i think he might have slipped up there i think i think that might have been a slip up yeah especially within their self report so i can argue the imposter oh of course not you think i killed and where was it electrical [Laughter] he didn't know i was in that base in there why would i say it but i thought it was him because i thought maybe he vented out well maybe see i don't know anymore because i could maybe vented into med bay i didn't see because i had the med bay panel pulled up but he wanted to know if i saw her now something i feel like if psycho is gonna vent he just jumps on the vent and let you see him do it also nobody even saw events so i think dream's probably clear then and uh yeah you can still see the band when lights are exciting i think messed up i think like kuno slipped up he was out of my vision like there's i didn't even i was in medieval the whole time i never even saw him i was right at the test tubes it's right next to you i'm voting seikuna he does like the troll though so i'm not sure that's true i mean he's very welcome i don't think but actually right now he doesn't have longer vision i had my mouse over the check mark and it you oh lights are off they get another shot if star someone stays a button is wait three skips on six my house i was actually standing right next to you though like legit i was standing right next to you like well you weren't you weren't in my vision it's it's because you have more vision below you than above you that's what we're lighting you were impossible you were imposter right that means yeah yeah but i i stood right next to like the test tubes is right next to the thing that's why it's like was sounding so convincing i just can't believe this is true i was like this then i saw your voice i can't believe we skipped okay all right what can i do as a crew member i can only do my task i wish i could do more i wish i can solve this mystery but then again when i was sheriff last round i shot an innocent person five seconds into the game so maybe it's for the best that i'm not sheriff though i wouldn't mind imposter or jester those are fun those are fun all right one two oh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Music] who's in here besides the killer why would they open this door and then close this door unless they're doing a fakeout move who is it who is it this person i'm about to come across is the killer aha corpse is dead on vitals no i just passed by there very vital is this a cheeky self-report no tina okay let's move on all right okay let's go what jdn where are you uh i'm like outside the note at the bottom like bottom left i'm sus i'm also two people who are okay i'm obsessed with jaden and i'm obsessed with george all right why why these are the reasons one i'm susan jayden i was on cams right and jaden went into a room with well um jack went into a room with jaden and then when jaden was leaving the room jaden like doubled back to like i think looks like go kill and that's all cameras was on and then oh and then george and then george is walking around like somebody who doesn't know this map listen he doesn't know this map and i've hardly played it so he doesn't know what the tasks are there's a map george to open it well there's a reason they call him detective dream like at that top left area and then i went down and did like some tube thingy like pull things out um and then i did like amazing things out of where it's like the bottle like the metal bottle thing yeah that's where i found him he was doing the gas canister or the o2 telling the truth then he's telling him so he's doing the best i feel like jayden did all the same tasks as me i was gonna say that's why i did like a weird pathing because we did like three tests together and then the lights went out and you made like a maze thing at the end okay wait so you guys can sort of clear and you weren't there i'm pretty sure yeah timing seemed like she was doing them like it was like in the middle near the top hmm i was just being that explains why she was doubling back for jack because she was suss right i think she wanted to clear me so she wanted to stay with someone she knew hmm i'll follow you george show me where you were you want to run straight there off the start dream okay he's really suss of him he's i did not expect that response yeah it was totally good that's a good response but what if he's been practicing hmm [Music] so corpse was dead on vitals who here would kill corpse george was describing tasks pretty well could it be who could it be psycho no dream i don't trust anyone here jack and jayden okay okay so i come out of the like i go to the the thing that i did that i was showing dream right um and we were just sitting there i was showing him and i was just standing there with him and he ran off and then i went to go follow him and his body's just there so he said he was gonna follow you and then ran off oh yeah he followed me to the to the the task that he i wanted to show him then he went off and then he just died he was dead i'm sure you and i will kill him and then no i didn't i didn't kill him this looks bad why would i kill him and report him why would i kill him in the dream and told a lie why would i report it why would i report it crime no right [Music] there's no way i would kill dream like that i think he killed dream and walked away and reported i don't think uh they've done studies on serial killers and they like to return to the scene of the crime and be involved in the investigation by reporting i mean dream was successful i feel like it's only fair that's true it's a dead man okay but aren't there no i could i did not no way he would do it i guarantee you i did not kill dream i went to the the maze thing that i was showing that he wanted me to show him and we stood there did anyone see us we were just standing there like dancing together then he runs like he didn't george and then he ran off and i go and he goes off he goes out of my vision and i run to go follow him and he's literally dead on the ground he randomly he went out of my vision and then died i voted him guys no i didn't oh my god it's so bad you can follow him to the ground he skipped i didn't do it for two seconds and died in those two seconds i already hated him guys what do you mean you didn't vote for him oh my god you guys scared me wow tina that's [ __ ] up wait that's kind of ridiculous [Applause] i it's so hard to get information in this lobby do i want to play among us tomorrow i can lean closer to no then yes and i know what you guys are thinking but those we love among us but you know what maybe we take a break from among us until the new map comes out on the 31st although do i have enough youtube content to last until then 13 days of you oh i said he was telling the truth i freaking oh my god you i can't believe you lied to our face i can't believe that i just can't wait who's here who did you see i sheriff george oh you guys are blaming you for killing him he actually is oh my god i'm sweating bullets right now i'm sweating bullets i've never felt such a rush guys tina take a breath take a breath okay oh my god i actually i really i literally saw it happen what if she's an imposter just killing him because she knew he was innocent yeah too much excitement george's story was so ridiculous it had to be true there's no way he was an impossible wait tina are you actually sheriff yeah what jack why would i kill in front of you like that because i believe that you're the sheriff i wanted to get the sheriff win okay guys the original plan was the sheriff toast but then i had another bright idea my sosometer was going off it was going i was right there tina you could have got me wait wait you never tried your discipline tina and then instantly reported it what yeah that no what or his accomplice did it and his accomplice is toast dude yeah yeah i know thank you jayden i appreciate it she sounds innocent honestly thank you she does but tina she's been she's been on instagram just do another kill tina do another kill wait wait i don't have any information though i don't have any like you know who to get tina you know who to do trust your instincts not me tina not me not me either frick obviously not me wait bretman why are you asking that oh mom you'd like me to take out the gesture so you have a shot wouldn't you toast well if you take out the gesture it helps i'm imposter i want the jester alive right now yeah because impostor usually tina if you're so confident i think you're killing me like that's a warning shot oh good will you've got her i will she fired a blanket just now real one's coming what'd you do tina huh you ain't got that cajones you ain't got the kahones tina and a joker pistol tina tina does for your own good i'm saving you some embarrassment you're welcome she doesn't know where i am run from tina yeah look i'm saving tina from her worst enemy herself don't get over here you coward kiss me this is character progression you know my sociometer is going crazy i care about you i don't want you to feel silly you called me malleable the other day you think you can manipulate me huh i just choose not to tina stay on him yeah take him out tina follow him like i've never fighter plane i'm gonna hunt you down like a hyena you know what you don't wanna look silly the jukes the jukes the jukes jukes not the fastest runner in the west in the west i tells you no tina don't do it don't do it tina don't do it robin robin emilian from olivia from olivia well tina said she got one person already right watina search for me oh my god no no no no no no no okay let me hide oh no no [Music] oh thank god you saved the game she made a mistake i saw it happen too oh jack where'd you go i was looking for tina and toast everywhere i fixed the top right reactor and then went left specimen they were inspected both bodies i'm in the completely wrong direction did you report the body or is this uh no i pressed the button on the toes were both dead in the specimen shot him and i was like how do i know yeah because i just know i was on admin he said he saw it happen he also voted himself last time i think who knows jester yeah me too i'll just tell the truth i was standing on both bodies hoping you would think i killed them to look like a jest i mean imposter i feel like it's one of the purples i think it's bretman you know i'm starting to think it's him too it's always gonna be me so um what are you what are you gesturing or something what is this it's not looking good for you what do you mean it's not like it's not looking good for you wendy it's like she's saying all the same things against you she's copying mine she's too powerful this is legal what to do no one else plays no either oh man all right i think it's bretman do we have to we actually have to vote someone here yeah i mean we don't have to have a blue we technically don't have to that's true we definitely know we got one what do you think bretman oh no bretman what'd you vote for um uh oh all right well look as the actual jester i'm voting for myself oh classic psycho oh my god actual factual though [Music] when you led me there i was like okay okay i don't know how he knows this if he's not if he's not if he's not lying you didn't kill him right your partner didn't how was it no i didn't kill him oh no wonder you sounded so believable i was just yeah i got toast honestly i didn't mind sure if corpse is dead just kill me it's fine yeah that feels like a toast play honestly well why did you what was what was all that i care about you tina i i don't wanna i don't want you to make a fool of yourself tina i think he actually yeah i think he actually cares about you he's just telling the truth yeah wow tina you killed him anyway that's messed up tina lesson she taught toast the lesson of the cold harsh realities of this world oh [Music] man i haven't gotten pasta or dresden once today but that's okay because it just means my friends have a better time to shine [Music] and what else is more important in this world than my friends being happy well my own happiness which i should try to find somehow somehow some [Music] wow oh god oh three another mistake it looks um yeah this one's like a shirt the one i'm reporting is either sheriff or a double kill uh who did you report george but dicey i reported oh george but i see oh okay i think or jordan psycho now i know george was there i don't know this is kind of looking like a psychonaut george sheriff you know thingy sorry yeah perhaps well we get together there's three there's still three people dead so we can talk about it okay let's speak george probably thought he was imposter and killed somebody why george why not the other way around i don't know just maybe jordan's gonna because george is new to sheriff right he just saw kill button yeah maybe they should put a little like hat on the kill button instead of the regular button or like a smaller base yeah maybe we'll get that in like a couple days for model um well uh do we got anything i mean we're like so many people we're down three people yeah it's true we just need one more of these and yeah where where was cycuna did anyone see him last um i only saw dream and jaden in cams oh i was also at camps yeah wendy was a counselor oh you think i'm jaden i'm one gosh one yeah but i'm just saying he got confused because i'm all so purple yeah jaden what do you say that's true uh i literally have no information i was doing my water wheels and like freaking out i think we both of course here why are you freaking out because no one likes water wheels this is true i mean water wheels are right you know i don't know they're not that bad okay they kind of take forever i think it's corpse that's what it is interesting votes here how that turns out why children's dream uh i'll tell you next meeting okay [Music] what do i wanna eat today what do i want to eat it is a thursday lovely thursday anyone feel like life is kind of bland these days i know my mentor it's it's always up and down and up and down and i don't know what to do to be i knew was wendy i bet she killed cycuno first right hmm we started to it's two o'clock oh um this body oh oh oh okay i was about to report this body isn't labs so yep well not this one that you're reporting but the one that i was gonna report good stuffy yeah it's uh wendy and jaden i think dream where did you come from well you don't think what you want about wendy but i think you're wrong about me uh okay listen listen when the lights went out i came from uh the uh temperature thingy okay it's right outside of uh where evan carter there and then i went back and there was a body there oh and the last person i left there was um wendy what do you mean i never saw you wait where's corpse the lights were off no it was jaden it wasn't one day it was jayden the last person i left was jayden yeah by the lava i was here to prove myself and then you left i was like yeah and then i came back and there was a dead body where was it again i thought you said it was in the labs what do you mean where was it bodies the ones in the temperature one's by the temperature which is by lava and then tina saw the one in labs right i'm gonna i don't know i didn't listen between the two purples i must say it's jaden because i was at chats with fred so the other purple i actually have no wait so then where jaden what what's your defense in there who's gonna report it the thing is i think there's it's probably it's either wendy or jaden yeah i think one of them ellie's okay so jaden where did you go after you left lava i went up i tried to find you i stood by the light door to try and see if you'd go to lights and then i went to lab and i saw what way do you want them to lights wait how do you see lights and lights at the same time what no i went to the light store i stood in the okay okay i guess you all look like fools now it's kind of pog champ isn't it that's a big doll we voted the wrong camera oh my goodness girls get it done am i right ma'am i thought it was wendy jaden or or tina and one of the two the one person i i just knew it couldn't have been a new course that was the only person who couldn't have been because just because of the timing of everything i was like there's no way good stuff girls go and just for the record i was sheriff but i i didn't kill yeah yeah he did he did what happened i just got killed i just killed him i'll remember this tina oh i knew i didn't wake up man i'm so tired i just i can't you know what some days you're just not energetic that's oh it is because it's raining outside maybe that's why look at the rain it's raining guys maybe that's why i feel lethargic lethargy someone who closed his doors at the very beginning what wait it was psycho he did it no way he made true in his promise wait no that was a joke you think what where what happened i i saw ah no i saw somebody leave leave right one right by me and then i saw the body and i tried to chase them because i was like oh who's who was it where was it all i know it was it was a it was a darker color darker so it was either i think it was either a jaden corpse [Music] a second ago but then you saw the body of the person leaving where were you guys where were you going i was on top of medscan with wendy i was not scared hello and you said you were with saikuno where did saikuno go i was oh no i meant to say tina oh i did so the water went out and i saw tina's legs on me and then i was like oh she didn't kill me i'm going to go into med bay and so i was scanning and the corpse came up uh like below me a little bit and then she was dead um yeah i i saw them before they went i didn't even go to the med bay but i saw him for a bit before that wait so where's the body sorry yeah i still don't know i'm in the hallway it's in the hallway entrance to med bay so it's not brett or toast or me you said whoever whoever killed walked right by me they walked to the left correct okay because wendy's gonna think it's me based on this and i can see how i think it's beyonce all i know it was it was definitely a darker color 100 it was it was either it was it was either dark purple gray or a dark green like you know how i said i would kill tina first i think the morph link turned into me to try and frame me so who's been doing this doesn't really clear you know everybody because i did the keys can anyone else like i had like a task at the top but i couldn't actually oh yeah i had to go yeah several times to do it yeah yeah same i think the keys were a little bugged for me too to the left to the left all right get it oh i forgot to vote whoops jesus toast jesus you killed her you killed actually killed gina after saying i'm going to kill her that's crazy yeah you killed her what guys [Music] door closer who's the door closer dream's a door closer right corp this corpse closed doors well psychonauts more of a targeted door closer but who else closed doors like this wendy was imposter and she wasn't closing doors last round would she suddenly change it up and closed doors now with jdn jayden like jaden yukimoto but i see this jackal's doors sometimes he does the office won't come i killed him wait a second she's like died but you killed seikuna i did oh my god okay okay okay listen to this listen okay was setting up for a double kill i booked it out of there um i'm oh my i hate this i hate i don't know who i saw it was me george cycuno and someone else oh my god that's the other foster you are shaking up the table what did that table ever do to you where did you mother effort i know who you are i don't know i don't know who you are but i know i know it's you i went into weapons because you got trapped in there i want to see if you had a body yeah and then it went up into combs toast wasn't comms but now toast is dead no he he ran out of comms after you went out oh yeah because i went to the left side and i'm doing the node and there's and the doors are closed so nobody can go like like anywhere no i better feel i want to say it was corpse but the thing is i feel bad because if it wasn't a corpse then i feel very bad but i think it's again i'm i'm it's like corporate i mean that dark color purple dark purple or or oh you were wrong with the first round so i was standing on top of wendy the first time but you also did fumble your words very heavily last round no actually wendy i was there earliest actually you guys walked in after me i just was on the note to the left well you're a sheriff so you can take another pretty sure it was i'm pretty sure it was me corpse and george in cycuno it's like who knows like doing back and forth singing for a double kill so i just i didn't pay attention i just booked it out of there and then like if you guys want to vote me you can um i'll skip i'll let jaden get another shot i announced it well i believe it because i know i know cykuno was imposter i know cykuno was in foster oh so i believe it i don't know who to shoot next we live without decisions didn't she just kill the other imposter for trying to kill me [Music] no did garfield say other imposter dun dun dun now she's looking come on come on dude you can do it fine corpse [Music] oh good job um no i didn't see who they were i saw somebody walk by me and i was like i didn't see the body yet and then i saw the body and i was like wait who was it between us i definitely accidentally said psychonauts name the first round instead of tina that was really funny yeah that sounded like way too clumsy for you like that's exactly what i said i was just gonna do this you really did i saw it was like setting up for a double kind of like oh god get out oh god oh god let me leave let me leave the spot to go hide and not get murdered unless the imposter checks and i get murdered well that's not let's uh let's hope that doesn't happen let's uh cross our fingers start our eyes please pleaser don't kill me please i haven't had a single one today i'm struggling please please let me live let me live let me this [Music] okay i know i probably shouldn't have hit button oh good so you found one i found one it was right uh like out of the ship that we come out of like on the little platform that goes down huh oh it wasn't it was just one right i think yeah it was tina i could have been a sheriff kill oh no no no there wasn't a body next to it it should have been two thousand oh no that wasn't two so who would kill reporters first again thanks so much has been having a bad night i mean i would i've been having a bad night i've been getting killed first every time that is true i was hiding in the drop ship because i didn't want to die when the lights are out oh god that's fair i believe that yeah so we don't have any hints then huh no i just saw it on vitals oh i see well uh well who's on the camera someone was on cameras the whole time i know me and somebody else were on lights fixing lights i was in camps prior to that well i was on the way to lights and that's pretty much it bottom node yeah spa dicey that's right nothing two people teen on corpse are dead what a shame especially tina yeah especially of course but especially only tina was alive so she could tell us what happened oh no he's doing the thing again if only who voted that dream why you vote me brett man you voted for yourself what do you mean who voted [Music] is batman imposter he's probably imposter if i had to guess brad mentioned posse because he voted for himself because he can't be jester since i'm the justice me not him so how can he be jester when i'm dressed right doesn't add up do i go fix the light and get murdered ten nine eight seven okay i gotta go i gotta go if i die i die uh oh uh body is at electrical hmm i don't know if it was a double but they died like pretty quickly one after another i feel like did no one go and fix lights i was waiting for i was on vitals and i saw them die pretty quick and i was going to hit the button i think they were on their way to fix light so uh dream what were you up to i am in the green room i did my downloader upload by the tree and then i was doing uh the canisters or whatever that's pretty close to lights man it is but i didn't i didn't go and fix it i i wouldn't i wouldn't put myself there if i was lying i'm being truthful that's probably true yeah but then you're a crew member who didn't fix lights and that's just as guilty it was a pretty important time i was waiting if you said that to me i said to everybody else because everybody else was doing their tasks too and not i was waiting by the button to hit it because i saw that there were only six left so i was like i wasn't going to stop my upload and then after i finished upload i was like yeah i'm right here yeah where was george yeah george um i went into med the bill on the top right that's med bay right top right yep i was in top right i did um i'm pretty sure i did card swipe at the beginning and then i went up to the top right and i did the little telescope and i spent like 30 seconds trying to find the thing i see so i found it purple's again i think well at the beginning of the round i did um the same couple tasks as george i swiped and then we did temperature um then i went over to the left oh no we got nothing i was by the button it's obviously not well george you said you were in the media what tasks did you do in med bay uh i did the um the telescope thing oh and i also started the vials okay we're running out of time guys who do you vote for who do you it's not toast it's not me but i don't know anything else is it the only person i was sure was innocent was jack so if it's between jackson jesus [Music] oh thank god the lights are out wait i can still fix this i can still fix this it can't mess with the lights because um oh my god oh my gosh i sat by the button okay well um i thought it was either i was willing to vote for dreamer wendy because dream's usually super detectivey and he's been pretty passive this game and then wendy i actually just think is the imposter as usual where was where was jaden what's that listen to something surprising here dream saved the game a second time and then um jayden also sounds very innocent so i feel like wendy's the where was where was jayden last round i am the only one who sounds us do you kind of look wendy [Music] yeah but george he's kind of new and he gave good details he seems very innocent save the game dream saved the game uh wait jaden you said you were in gas cans yeah i know it's close to that but i was thinking like there's no other time to do gasps i i think anybody can do i didn't remember that i was in gas cans you were i did the tree and then i did gas cans you did yeah yeah did you see jade no i didn't i was doing gas when the lights were off did we i was too i did tree and then i moved to gas that was the last place i was oh yes oh the lights were just true the lights were off the lights were off that's true so i might i don't know i don't think i would have missed jaden in gas um what if dream forgot the lights were out because he's impostor that i was doing that you were also doing gas wendy's yeah i really just think it's windy the most it was either wendy for dream for me and now that dream just saved the game with that button i it couldn't help but think brain power but yeah i'm just gonna put wendy why do we think you go with jayden well i think george's dream is clear cycling's cleared who are you voting i voted wendy i there's almost gg no other way right there's no way here right there's almost another way unless like we've been completely bamboozled who bamboozled this [Music] god i hope i'm not wrong i mean i i i have to work out very little information there i think dream's the other imposter but i need him to think i'm on his side well i am technically on his side until the very end nice well okay now one but let's congratulate ourselves what do we do now didn't lose now we doubled down and killed like a very honest sounding person and uh it doesn't sound like they're lying i've never told a lie in my entire life that's the lie she's lying right now well okay yeah but like i don't know she's her voice sounds very you know i know i only trust dreams i feel like um it's not me i just feel like if okay so it was either it was either definitely wendy or it's george and someone else because jordan then they wouldn't they wouldn't know to do oh that's true that's true because george is either we got wendy right or we vote for someone else who wasn't part of the what did you mean i don't know how to do the react huh well like you don't know how to find okay let me know that whatever yeah but george did you play very detailed task information i feel like yeah detailed task information yeah he's pretty new right he wouldn't be able to make that up would he but he but he did that the first game i don't know i just like i just i'm actually actually true you can ignore me on georgetown no matter what actually you're right yeah he did do that that first game when you died i know i don't think it's at this point now stream or psycho i've uninvested myself in this game you can vote me off but i'm not waiting by the button to push it but you didn't push it how do we know you're actually by the button well that's because the lights were off but how do we know that's like you know you could be lying crazy bet to say i was the only one by the button and hope no one else was there well the lights were off the lights were off secure that's true it could be me it could be me but it's not it's not i feel like i haven't i feel like i've seen like almost you can also just not vote i think why are you afraid of voting jayden no i yeah i'm just saying because everyone is so you know we don't know if the gesture is dead or alive and i don't know that's true too yeah we don't know if the jesters only yeah i feel like we got one huh jesus who would vote for me [Music] so i still think it's dream i don't think it's actually jaden i think jayden's cleared come on i mean if he kills me here i'd be really surprised jaden get him we gotta go jaden we gotta go oh god it's 40 it's 60 40 seconds 45 seconds to kill three people right back to back to back oh this is a door closer stream walking by how many dead people has it been no one's dead huh that's crazy lab one security check the labs first i'm gonna wait like 10 seconds before leaving nine eight seven six five four three i shouldn't wait too long because the kill cool down my reset hello any dead bodies here oh god oh george is dead i thought i fixed lights this is really awkward because i'm the only person who hasn't tried to save the game with a button oh my gosh well you thought about it i thought about it yeah also it's not me i'm a crewmate um so what do you guys think i'll be honest i was just alone doing my tasks so i it's gotta be jaded what what tina must yourself well i went back and i finished my med vials and then i and then lights were still for some reason not fixed and so dream saved the game with a button i reported on six hikuno claims he was i was about to hit the button on six yeah yeah that just happened like you jayden you're like psycho listen it's like either like who knows a gesture i think it's a toaster no no i'm a regular crewmate listen i'm a regular crewmate look we do jayden if we don't win you vote me i think it might be toast what do you mean vote you out we it's four if we vote out the wrong person don't we just lose oh no you just bunded before the sabotage that the only person who doesn't give me gesture vibes is jaden but i think jaden might be impossible no i pressed the button jayden you're on the phone so so here's what so i don't know what happened but um i went down to specimen and toast was following me i did my download i went up the lights or the reactor was out and then we ran out i went back to do my wires in med area and then i checked vitals and i don't know anything about that but i know the poster is following me forever specimen doors open and it's right behind there was no kills when me and jaden were together for like the first 30 seconds i lose her for 10 seconds there's a kill it's jaden oh no i don't think that's how this works no no she's telling the truth though i was right behind her i saw the doors open and everything i got where are you i [Music] oh god i hope i don't die so dream needs to kill cycuno but i also need to be around to report the body when it happens let's count one three one two three four five still oh jesus jesus okay that's foreign no no jaden voting wait a minute oh no oh no i'm with an imposter and an adjuster yes aikuno we know you're the jester no toast you're the jester here's what i figured jaden had to have been innocent because toast oh my god and if jaden was the imposter there's no way she would vote for the jester so i'm probably stuck with toasted jester and dream who was shockingly the imposter who hit a button to get wendy voted off um there's no wait wait actually there's nobody imposter he's saved on six voted toasted the jester trust me no no it's just like your dream wait no no no no there's no gesture it's just dream no it's just like you know so what's gonna happen two like that's two like i don't know that's like two minutes really awkward for me you i don't know you reported the body like dream dream i don't i just know what oh here's what you gotta do you guys are a gesture imposter one of us is the jester right dream yes i think so so i'm gonna vote for toast toast votes for me and then you choose which one of you which one isn't the jester and then if you win it's just gonna lie if you lose you're tricking you're you're going to vote yourself or somebody's like yourself it's going to no no but trust me trust me we're both honorable i'm an honorable person and then dream will decide which one he thinks is the jester um this round this round i just uh checked the state and vitals stayed in specimen and then went out to coms because i saw two heads there it's your dream it was you the whole time oh my god dream anything to ask before you dream you gotta trust me if you vote for the jester oh wait you're the imposter never mind if you vote for the crewmate then you're gonna win oh my god is this icuna it's like an adjustment oh my god toast how did you know i'd vote for myself [Music] i knew toast was going to vote for himself so to make sure dream had the chance to choose i had to vote for myself too wait hold on what about himself oh great game you guys good good brain stuff good brain stuff oh my god what a treat to watch what a treat wow oh my god it's on the edge of my seat isn't too early that was pretty cool wow it seems like you know i genuinely wasn't sure i wasn't sure whether it was dude i like that's like that i'm like super excited but i died early weird weird stuff no dream most people would skip there you got balls that's true technically dream could have skipped because skipping is always the best play but he took a guess on which one of his adjuster i can respect that oh batman is hard clear [Music] yeah i'm surprised stream didn't skip maybe you just wanted to take a chance killed she's been just vent killed by who i didn't see but i saw the vent open i saw the body and they they just ran off ran off into a vent so if you see someone right now they're clear and i will one person who's a hundred percent clear i think i saw him getting some coconut milk or something of course it was shout out to the vending machine right of course have you tried the nature cereal nature's cereal yeah it's trending on tick tock it's like berries and coconut milk oh i saw that [Music] that sounds delicious when i die they're like hey have you heard this new cereal i'm pretty sure i saw corpse doing the little button boop beep thing and then the you get the drink [Music] he still could be an imposter but probably not for this one because i think i saw him oh my god saw the vent clutch good [Laughter] great at comms i don't know what it is oh my god she's she's flaming me she's the impossible photographer listen i was below doing the little like what's it called like the hot air balloon thingy good stuff dream good stuff all right thank you jaden uh i honestly don't remember but i was on my way to reactor okay someone did the card swipe uh number thing okay not bad not bad toast toast where are you at with batman he cleared me i cleared him okay good stuff good stuff but i see where you at uh i went up to lights and then i did the numbers uh with my card and then i did the thing that looks like shields and i'm on my way down all right gotcha i did that task in the spawn area then i went through like decon this is the second time i've ever played this what did you do good stuff cocky oh yeah tina where were you tina what did you like to know she's guilty [Music] no oh there we go hmm dream feels kind of impostory kind of stream thank you now oh my god who did it and where did it where was the body the body was in uh i don't know what what that room is called but you know when you put the code in hmm top right admin is that top left a reactor i think so it could be like top middle i'm so sorry i'm so bad at this but he was like right in front with the admin i think where you put in the code yeah at the table yeah yeah at the table okay this [ __ ] is shaking the table all right so roll call toast where yet wait tina you go first this is how do you want to know where everybody's at but we don't know where you're even at by like the giant like uh whatever it's called like you're all doing weapons speaker or something the satellite yeah i invented weapons and toast were on the giant satellite you said you were i was there too on satellite like gino where were you weapons yeah i mean well i was just making my way back to launch you know because there's a wee bit bit of a turtle waiting for me because there's a vent there there's a turtle there there's a turtle tina you capping absolutely not i would never was there a turtle there's a tur i like don't use a turtle there's a turtle tusk yeah there is a turtle over there i want to see the toad task where's the turtle task peppa pig [Laughter] sorry that's me um man great stuff all around real proud of us actually oh dream what yes george votes constantly he never not votes you [Music] know ah george going back on weapons he's super cleared my dream that guy is sus because he took a while with the wires wires kind of weird batman i know for a fact is clear then he better not be jester because if he went on the scanner as jester he just hard cleared himself for the rest of the game i want this map would be more interesting if there's a path connecting reactor to launchpad more padding makes people spread out more then makes it harder to oh this one is in reactor room oh hmm i have nothing to kill probably cool man slow kills this game eh something about it something bad it's off can't trust nobody what do you think jeremy i don't think it's george i was watching george do the um satellite or the weapons again and then um yeah super clear you know what i find ironic no what is it i think it's very ironic that peppa's brother's name is george [Music] oh wait is it really yeah peppa's brother george oh it's quite natural then hey that's me good point brett i i can clear george i think george can probably clear me um no whatever i can clear george it's not me no in fact i'm going to vote for you right now sir you are such an idiot oh my god i hate you we can just vote dream i have a feeling you know what i'm it's need to dream here it's the moment i think it actually could be good i think we have a dream yeah vote yeah go ahead they live in the same house they live in the same house things that remote has not responded yeah same for me that means we gotta kill dream now we don't have any we don't we like yes we gotta no we don't we gotta win even with six we can buy isn't there they could have skipped you can still skip you don't have to vote no i definitely you dream i did that's like the lowest iq oh my god that was so lucky dream you took everything from me tina tina where were you huh what's your passing tina exactly i took charge i was directing the narrative when you killed me in your reaction i was acting sick if you kill tina i won't say a word oh no she's [ __ ] dead next rush oh definitely you better watch out you see me or jack tina i want to run there i love her i see wait wait so i couldn't put the hat on we put the hat back on because it's not showing it's your naked psychiatrist acting like i was watching george you're a bear bean no put the put the hat on right put your sprout on you got to put it on again because it's not sprout or or what tina you'll kill me again you'll kill me again psycho no i didn't actually yes i'll keep it off then we'll know also corpse why didn't you kill anybody that game on your mirror sorry understandable have a nice day thank you also god is this the longest streak of non-imposter what has it been 15 games come on just kill me just somebody kill me please just just kill me just kill me kill me so i can go eat some granola bars can we let me eat granola bar which by the way has a lot of calories i don't know i don't know why granola bar needs that much calories but there is a lot of calories did it who who had the nerve who did that who did that who would kill corpse whoa tina you're really defending course me too i'm with you i swear to god i swear i'll be damned if it isn't you i'll be damned i tell you that you think i killed scrapes first could you accuse me of that tina is never killed you know what's wrong you morphed in front of me i would never kill what you think i killed corpse what are you talking about even the body i'm sorry okay wait reassessing the situation you would never do that sorry tina yeah it's corpse and you're cyclo right sorry you think really i would kill corpse first that's what no i don't i i i understand the situation a lot better now i'm glad yeah okay yeah let's move on anyway i'm assuming it's med bay it is in med bay and there are quite a few people that were watching me med scan including corpse um who else was there i think jeffy there was jade in there i was there yeah was there another person brettman no i wasn't i wasn't above that room in security but i did see you guys yes but i wasn't there i don't know who else i forget they killed corpse after we left so it was either um one of the people there or it was event kill so i don't know oh yep who else was there why are they not speaking up i don't remember all i gotta say is you know if anyone morphs in front of me again you're gonna have a bad time buster bad time real bad time in front of you you know what did your coffee who was it what happened to you cold brew cold brew oh yeah i don't know i was just walking i was just walking and i was like man what a what a fun game i'm smiling from ear to ear you know and like somebody decides to like do a little switch or room in front of me and i don't know i i have a problem with it what did they smell like i couldn't who did they transform into what happened what happened i i don't wait was it comms i don't know it was just like a rainbow of colors oh dude i'm losing my mind never mind sorry just literally disregard everything i'm saying right now i can't no i'm not okay [Music] uh the only person that would torture tina like that is probably cycuno yeah yeah you said that it's a trenthesize yeah so i'm inclined to think it's icuno for this one i don't think saikuno killed corpse though i don't think i gonna kill the corpse wow look at it all those zeros [Music] but who is his partner wendy jaden jaden would probably kill corpse good oh he's dead [Music] it was blue walking away from dreams body it was pretty i didn't see a body it's right on top of uh in admin right on top of the numbers task whatever you call the one where you put in the five digits i'm right by weapons right now um maybe it was a more flame but i did see a blue uh when you buy weapons tina's buy weapons yeah you did i did oh thanks scotty thank you thank you for seeing you yeah that's a good clear good stuff yeah i sure was tina's acting a little strange so train voted and now dream's dead so yeah gotta be sakuno then right but here's here's the like eliminating factor sikuno wouldn't kill corpse he would never be so shameless and tina that's not true because i watched the dead guys i'm voting for tina it's the only way i could defend myself defend yourself sending the bullet back at her wait what wendy did anybody so we can't vouch for each other whoa whoa gonna kill me tina tina tina tina do it tina do it why isn't she trying to kill saikuno i'll tell you why it's because she's one of the other imposters both of them oh i guess it's hakuna and jayden yeah we said kuno right there's no way it's not sakuno wait was toast's body on it no okay because toast was also a calf when i left it um do you think tina went for the wrong person maybe well no if if there's not too much then it's not sheriff's camera were the lights even on yet yeah they were on oh okay i was doing a task i didn't even yeah oh you had any poster vision you didn't know what i don't think this is jack because we were an admin forever and then he fixed lights and then okay back to admin wendy we can do this who was at med at the start who did that kill because now we can eliminate some people so i was saying i'm pretty sure jaden was there you were there i was there corpse and why do i feel like there was one more but maybe it was only four i felt like there was five though i don't know because here's the thing i cleared you on med scan okay so both of us are clear so that means it has to be jaden or the other person and i say the safe bet is vote jayden no wait wait i think the safe bet is to vote me off because it was either me okay you know right we could vote psycho off yeah remember it was either me or tina now that tina's dead the safe bet would be vote for me i agree wouldn't it are you how do we know you're not gestured um bretman you think i would say that if i was jester yeah oh my god jaden where are you guys um i was i oh do you want to go first sure i i was in storage then i went up to the greenhouse area and i finished an office and i saw wendy and i think jack at the end um i think it's why no guys come on i'm the safe belt i just explained my fruit because the last time i saw tina alive i i was at the bottom of the cafeteria and she came to check up on me so if you are just for process of elimination from med bay no no no i'm the safe bet it's either me or george just vote for me instead oh oh my god i didn't even get to vote i was like [Music] oh no oh no guys come on what happened um batman just killed george in front of me girl jayden where are you jayden what i was on my way to reactor was that not you killing wait did you see jayden kill i saw jayden what cause she even had the mask on uh i disconnected wait no was that wendy then no no no no no no no no no wendy's hurt report this and i'm med based again brett it's not me oh so is it jaded it's connected so somebody probably oh oh i got disconnected too wait a minute oh no [Music] oh oh so both the imposters just disconnected yeah that's unfortunate i was the imposter and i didn't even transform into bretman and framed him what is going on oh that was weird i don't know what to do is that like a one time because i also saw george get killed in front of me i don't think it's my internet because like no no no no no it's definitely not your internet it must have been a server thing i think was [ __ ] with us i think i i even just keep trying if you want to okay who are we missing maybe making you maybe yeah new room time new room just just to see yeah if it happens again maybe i'll be too demoralized demoralized well i was just being honest dead i do need to follow like a few games though oh all right doing something productive today other than playing among us no oh you're just leaving for fun no i'm just very very hungry oh okay because you didn't have breakfast eden i had blueberries well that's not a breakfast jaden well dude are you interrogating her you gotta eat more data and i'm concerned about it i'm gonna that's why i gotta leave oh yeah all right that makes a lot of sense dude i'm sorry i just i just to play with you more that's all i'm sorry so aggressively sorry it's her unhinged eric i just yeah it's like tough love i get it yeah yeah yeah so badly though yeah that's awesome yeah yeah good stuff we like playing with you right yep we do like playing with her that's why i wanted her to stay but then you know it's it's hard because she only had blueberries for breakfast like what the heck is that get some real food you gotta prep yourself before you enter among us you know i scarfed down a sandwich speed run day you didn't do a lot for you know i didn't hold my weight i'm sorry yeah i know i know a thing or two about speedrunning food smiley guys it's so [ __ ] quiet oh okay wait i didn't know i didn't know that was a new code okay sorry what else did you have wait it said it said could not find the game in all the silence you could have been putting in a code tina sorry that's wrong sorry my bad um all right i'm here now yeah thanks for watching let's let's let's do this thing oh lord me jester okay what's the big brain play here stay on logs to get murdered that doesn't seem very big brain of me wendy george stream george stream wow there's a lot of people here all right where's corpse going corpse north oh jesus george with the double back downwards so i couldn't have fixed it he now went the bretman corpse tina following me to the back she can assess me off that tina southwest corps south east oh wait curve south east and then southwest wendy keeps coming back here that's kind of spread miss following wendy why is tina following me so much what's going on tina what do you want south west oh he's that is a door nail actually i have valuable information for this in front of me wait you just ran to launch and now you're at balloons yeah i ran to balloons as well okay well look she's to report this but look last round a specific person said good thing dreams dead he has too big a brain the only person who would want dream to be dead isn't it you don't remember saying that it really is unhinged no i remember i remember saying it don't say things i don't mean quite naturally yeah i don't i don't do that no you said that last round you won exactly and i and i meant it for that specific round oh okay now i just feel bad because i feel like he's dying first a little too much you know needs protection services or whatever it is those aren't dying so you feel a little guilty i would never feel guilt if i killed dream ever that's the thing isn't it well i should vote you off for that then it would make me a legend duh what what do you mean it isn't kill are you supposed to kill dream isn't that like a thing you're already dead i don't need someone isn't that oh that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke but either way oh okay well love you saikuno i was going to trend on twitter no that was a joke that was a joke i'm a little suss of sakuno because what no no you can't hear me we're in reactor together right jaden i'm getting the same vibe he's directing the narrative i don't know if you walked in or vented in because you just appeared i definitely walked in and i would have killed you if i thought you saw me venting i said wow [Music] that's intense brad so i don't think it's toast i don't think it's toast i was i was keeping him company the entire time well whoa whoa bretman yeah yeah no i understand you are very close right there yeah i know it kind of makes sense [Music] hmm how do i get people to suss me out i need to do really weird things really weird things but not like weird where the imposter can kill me kind of weird but more weird in the sense that um people are going to suss me for it all right let me open this door here oh jack's gonna kill me all right we got one two three four one two three four some kind of jaden but dicey should be the one at the bottom here right wait huh [ __ ] knew it i knew it who was it it was a jack it was corpse oh wow oh i thought you meant you found the what oh no i got him wait what whoa what happened yeah he went back to launch pad last time and then he suddenly ended up next to balloons so i thought he invented oh yeah i got him oh wow great job jack good stuff why didn't you report the body then jack i don't know somebody's like spa you're spamming rapport for some reason see this is what i saw i saw tina running away from launch pad and the report button came up what yeah cause i literally just did it and you reported it at the exact same segment wait i think this was a failed double kill by jack and tina and jack is playing it off as a sheriff oh my god either toast is the other one or he's chester because i have no idea why he's doing this button there and tina you're right there with me you should know all this information wait how long did you kill did you before you killed corpse at the round end i literally killed him and he reported it like that second yeah jack sounds like he's telling the truth [Music] um was standing on me i don't think they were ready for me to be spamming report well the truth um okay you're just juicy first of all person at the scene i'm always ready second of all i was walking down to fix the bottom oxygen and then someone fixed it on my way there i had no business being down there other than to be good crewmate so i turned around i did a 180 because no one else is claiming they fixed it yeah i didn't fix it i went down to fix it but it would impossibly fix it yeah that's true what are you doing like a crewmate i yeah jack sounds like he's telling the truth i think he has to play it off as if it's sheriff i have never ever done that really proud i never think that far ahead maybe it is not voting with me though it's a compliment it's a compliment it means i think your brain is massive no you're trying no oh you think toast is mad oh wait i forgot he's the sheriff he could just kill me you know jack you're right you're not the bad guy i apologize oh god he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me i just realized he can just kill me but the real imposter should be killing jack here right i gotta hide i gotta hide i forgot jack can just kill me i drink them i drink them good no wendy why kill toast this makes me look terrible so whoever did it what good job and wait well i don't know he was blaming me no where is he what oh he's but on the way to reactor tina you voted with him last round what are you doing yeah i think i mean he voted with him he was scolding me for voting with him wait imagine that i literally just walked past toast like not even a second like during the transition between reactor and like the rest of it miss angelica is back and she will forever be that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah absolutely i think it's tina too she's already hinged and i wouldn't put it past her to kill toast scolding her okay everybody close your eyes imagine these two jaden cycuno those are your imposters i killed one tina for tina oh wait i take it back close your eyes again i don't know what you're doing but if you're dating if you're jester this round you did a great job tina you're completely full yeah you're really sucks guys you you really got me tina if you're the gesture you deserve this yeah i'm not i don't have to be like if chad is the gesture jack killed her right i think it's no jack got corpse one of the imposters is out already oh god oh god oh god like i'm voting for tina and if she's the gesture she got me 100. oh my god i'm an idiot i'm an idiot please stop please i'm not the gesture you tricked me tina you can stop pretending i already voted for you so stop wait i know i it's not gogy bretman i don't know what to vote i don't know what to vote for she's probably skipped i don't know why would we vote for her if she's the impo if she's the jester yeah i implore you for sympathy bretman i implore you skip let's win this game this one time let's win crew let's win this together you get one more we got this you don't have to keep pretending you already got oh my god notice how i didn't vote for myself because i don't think i'm hmm wait sorry that wait was that tina going i'm an idiot do oh man all right tina all right we let her get away with enough guys she killed bretman wait stop i have a clear i have a clear please come forward the person i was with please step up to the plate please let me explain guys let me explain tina survived last round right mm-hmm i'm a crewmate two innocent people voted for her the imposters could have voted for her and easily gotten a free kill on seven and while in the game but for some reason she's not dead which means probably either one or none of the imposters voted for her why do you think that is say kudo i'm not the one this round is confusing yeah i'm so confused i need you to tell people that i'm innocent goggy please i beg of how am i supposed to know is she innocent because i would have killed you in the lights in reactor room i would have you might not have done you might not have done you might not have done but think about it think about it bretman died somewhere well we were together i'll say this i think i did see tina when the lights were out let's go okay that's what okay i think i saw you i'm pretty sure but you could still maybe something clearing tina then i mean okay all i say is i saw tina when the lights are out that's what i'll say give me the clear joy i don't know if that means it's clear i don't know if that's what it means do you think it's hurt george wait where was the body again because this could this could change everything jordan i don't i don't know i was like by deacon george give me the clear it was by decon and i saw tina and the lights were out so if that means she's playing then she's clear but i don't know it means i'm clear george just say it so is she clear well look if you found the body it must look i've given you the evidence you can make your mind up i don't want to say if it's clear george is 90 million percent clear and so is jayden and jack is the sheriff what makes it i will say where's jaden curtis no george you're sure thank you if you say so george i'm going for wendy then uh usual look at how a look at how aggressively unhinged saikuno is he's losing his mind is confusing pretty sure it's either tina so oh yeah oh god that looks bad it's definitely white tina or wendy i was behind you the whole time i was in reactor though yeah it's tina or wendy for sure all right wendy what are you guys saying wendy was up top right now wait it's just wendy right no it's just one actor because tina and george cleared each other last time wait wait guys jaden and george were together she literally just lied i'm in reactor right now i just finished i'm inside not a reactor oh my god we could go at this all freaking day i'm ready okay i won't stay so unless you walked in through a vent there's no possible way you're in reactor right now i just spinning simon i don't see you i've been there i've on the right wait tina you know you know i just cleared you right oh wait that's pog champ yeah good stuff because tina and george were together the last time then you and george were together this time were you by the body tina no i don't even who was by the body well we can just vote both of them to be honest i think it's wandy here i think it's t hey jack who was that who else was by the body i didn't see anybody it was down to the bottom of cafeteria i saw someone else down there maybe it's just us um well the body was down at the bottom and i'm pretty sure jaden was up at the top right guys we can skip i'll shoot them don't worry well i don't think i don't do you wanna skip or do you wanna just vote out no no you want to shoot you want to shoot i want to i want a shooty bang all right fastest draw in the west but i see i'll be there to watch oh god we can line up drop those guns let's go ugh ah it's windy it's wendy oh my god how did you get that report before me i just saw jaden kill in front of me you're joking no there's no way huh goggy doggy you know i'm innocent now well it's not us yeah it's not us um well we were i'm clear from last round because i think so too i just saw jayden kill in front of me wendy you might have had the better draw we have a better vote we're going to send you out and send you an airlock yes if you vote me right now you're going to lose because it's 4. i don't i don't want to hear any anything i'm doing i'm just doing it good job it's too late it's too late good job good job good stuff good stuff did we do it i think so is this a victory for goggy jaden and tina yeah well done guys i told you guys i knew it was wendy after tina got cleared yeah nice see that's why you gotta gotta give out those good old clears yeah those cleared good job good job everyone oh my gosh that's cracked i'm charged on a treadmill tina you you really led the conversation there you did it good job team directing the narrative yeah yeah you're like a leader now a leader it's because i can't shut up i'm sorry there's just no no it was a good thing you know what i'm gonna put on a carrot how about we all just don't say anything and then no don't do that that sounds great uh i'm done for that um all right look at this hat whatever happens happens this is the narrator oh my god the carrot wait you look kind of great you look kind of good thanks yeah you look good i don't know something about your something about your fit today yeah it must be oh boy so um yola have lunch no [ __ ] i just ate chinese food oh wait really what kind what'd you get what's your order well what's it looking like i got um you know there's like duck pancake thingies oh wait that's that sounds really good actually and i also got um i don't know what it is it's like beef and vegetables stuff right wow that sounds really good it's like a like a good old stir fry delicious wow good stuff good stuff thanks yeah i did it it was me yeah it was great job feeding yourself well i ordered it i didn't make it sure that's still an accomplishment and it's self-eating takes time you know oh really i'm morphing i couldn't vet oh [ __ ] i killed you so by accident though yeah i was my my luck is just really great today oh tough day for nah the corpses video okay everything's fine i wasn't gonna mention it face reveal and now this you know the face reveal i'm just kidding no under the music videos doing good corpse did you eat today no i can't frick sorry clips no worries wow still no imposter you know there are just some days where you don't get to be imposter chester games today today i've been holding elves taking else and holding them oh lots of people here all right jaden should be cleared because she queued it up after me be cleared i'm trying to exercise more but i don't know whether to lift weights or ride on a bicycle which one loses more weight riding on a bicycle right but i feel like i need a bit of muscle on me or else i'm just getting bones but some people like the skin and bones look anyway and plus i do have some fat on me maybe i get rid of the fat first especially around my moves i got man boobs i don't it's very easy for me to accumulate fat deposits in my chest dream george oh and jaden what the [ __ ] oh god um skye said wwe why are you laughing i promise you guys by next round one imposter will be gone okay oh you know who one is to live this one oh that's cool good stuff what'd you do after uh we met in cafe my task i went to uh i think i did the wires and then went in to get the watering can bradman came in i also went to get the watering pan his dream was hiding behind weapons when i was doing it and then i left him um there and then i now used that so he's probably in cafeteria somewhere hiding huh two people can water the plants right but wait what do you mean he was hiding like jimmy i was doing my weapons and he was trying to like go into the left corner he was like hovering above me oh yikes should have hit better then i don't know yeah yikes does anyone have vince why because he did vending machine in like a half second oh i'm just really quick okay anybody what's the code anybody well it's the code jack the code they're called and what drink was it yeah oh yeah the drink should be easier uh a2 it was the like vile thing the what the violence that's a different jack there's like a green vial that you can get like a beaker um wait hold on hold on oh never mind i'm confused wendy we're holding on don't hold on anymore don't hold on all right carrot gang meeting at the at the launch pad all right let's turn it what turn it it's not gonna turn out for me no um yeah i carry gang to launch [Music] hmm all right brad man you should be coming to water your plants right since you're a good guy wendy was going up you should have seen me watering the plants but why isn't bretman watering oh guys guys i don't know what happened i think tina misfired on jack uh oh i i went to the launch pad with tina and jack i think tina thought i was doing some weird trick with the carrot gang thing and i think she just she was probably the sheriff she misfired onto jack i see now they're both the bodies are together who do you think she was trying to shoot there she might have been going for me maybe but i don't know all right so it's you then if it was me i would have camped the bodies killed the next person who walked by in the game be over valid right because no one there's only one way into launch pad so one imposters wait i'm lost are we are we [ __ ] if we if we yep we have to vote here and if we're wrong we have to vote oh no oh no all right let's kill bretman i don't think it's a dream or george they're both dead it's neither of them yeah so i'm right but it's not me sakura wouldn't call here on since i am huh i would never snitch on the carrot gang is that what you're asking mm-hmm good wait i'm actually soaking what are you confused about corpse i thought that jack was jester because he i thought he faked vending machine maybe tina thought he was the imposter and she sheriff yeah yeah it's windy isn't it they're both so there's two left right not me yeah no i'm feeling a wendy here it's not me actually all right fine it's bredman it's not wendy y'all gonna lose right away if it's singing it's not me what if it's corpse it's it went well if it's bretman's hose whatever it's time for the next meeting i will have found another imposter i think wait did you find one what do we vote here oh no guys guys i can't believe you killed him printman no [Music] why did cycuno skip why the secretary skip did he want to do the killing where did corpse go i'm sorry this is freaking me out where did corpse go oh okay we're still all right jesus okay where'd you go man yeah i got oh all the way over there of course why'd you go to launch finish my task sakura why'd you skip on five or two imposters because uh i just felt really safe for some reason sheriff uh knows what he's doing i think oh wait i claimed the sheriff was dead oh jesus all right guys i think that it's it's over i i i i just i was the sheriff and i caught tina venting i was gonna kill her but since i was wearing the carrot i let her live once but then she she got george and dream killed and i had to take her out and then corpse was extremely confused by me saying it was a sheriff killed because he knew his partner probably died everyone else seemed to go along with it pretty well except for one person who seemed quite confused that i said it was a sheriff kill hello hi go on so i think it's corpse oh okay but i wanted him to kill me and then have you guys find his body because i was confused that there was three people with each other and then that happened because theoretically if if what you're saying is accurate it would be weird for the one imposter to then kill in front of two other people with no other impostor there it's because i let her live when i caught her venting but i was the sheriff i i have to protect the people here i i had no choice but to take her out uh so you guys want to vote off corpse or i thought it was toast because i thought toast was doing the whole blame my imposter partner thing and he was uh assessing wendy you think but then that wasn't accurate because they're both alive still and we didn't so all right [ __ ] what's what's the best play here uh if sakuya is like sure why don't we just skip and then you go kill somebody go kill corpse what are you guys crazy to kill me you guys find the body then you can vote him out yeah we lose if he does that okay go kill him oh yeah also there if there's a chance it's not corpse then we'll just instantly lose won't we well trust your guts sakuno oh but my gut says i don't like killing corpse just riding him out [Music] huh that was windy honestly it's really hard to tell huh [Music] yo okay we're all live that's cool that's cool that's good well look you guys are running circles yeah i believe you think you know so you gotta vote for the imposters don't you okay oh i see i didn't want to have to do this i will vote for corpse guys six people are waiting for us let's just vote him off move to the next game no killing needed it's got to be him right i mean on the off chance it's not him you could always stab wendy in the gut that's true that is true i totally forgot about that if if it's wrong i'll just kill whoever else there is the only downside here is if corpses digester oh that is also true that's true but i feel like it hmm i don't know i don't know the behavior seems very well either way i voted for him so uh no here's what we do wendy we both skip here what if toast is the gesture and he doesn't want to lose her it's okay we both skip here and then we call a button because of course that is the gesture he'll vote himself here don't we all don't have buttons anymore no we still have it it's like who has a button it's like i don't have a button you don't know well i don't think what if i don't i might not he has a button am i not wendy you got to vote him out now you better do it now why is this well wendy what's the thought process here yeah wendy who do you just vote who you think the input we could end the game right now just i mean it's obviously not me i'm the sheriff so you can vote toast or corpse say just get it over with i what are you waiting for okay interesting oh huh that's what you meant second okay oh god oh god [Music] okay so psycho should just kill corpse at this point we can't stand too close though we don't want any accidentally accidental fires so wendy was okay with voting corps cell even if there was a chance he might be jester so wendy is just a crew member at this point oh guys i can't hit the button as i do not possess a button oh god why isn't any heads popping up what's that going on you can press the button right i mean all three of us are live that's a good sign so do we really not have a button wait wait thank you unless i have a button oh jesus jesus look at him thank you for doing this democratic way i agree like they're waiting i don't want to be here anymore i don't want to i already know more oh okay then i'll vote off wendy then that all right oh i see all right well she she volunteered she volunteered oh oh wait i thought we were voting for wendy because she said oh oh god oh god it's like you gotta kill man you gotta kill i couldn't do it she was inventing him i could not do that anymore you killed jack you killed jack you made me do it she killed right in front of you you killed right in front of me i was gonna let you go god oh he's gonna let you go but you killed jack right in front of me sorry kudo i can't believe you're out here scrimping i thought today was the day that you would finally kill corpse i've been well i was lucky you killed me because i was jester and everyone was going to suss me yeah i was playing four times on mira i haven't gotten to vent once this entire time and that's all i know adapt survive try i'm gonna head out guys that was a lot of fun all right thank you yeah thanks for having me thanks for watching [Music] thank you for the lobby corpse thank you for filling doggy thanks for the lovely thank congrats on the music video all right thanks for watching everyone i'm gonna go take a nap peace out
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 34,259
Rating: 4.8600821 out of 5
Keywords: among us, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, among us impostor, full stream, imposter pro, among us pro, toast pro, pro, pro toast, vent pro, sykkuno, dream, dream plays among us, dream among us
Id: eegfW73SDWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 18sec (12738 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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