"Toast Among Us Lobby" Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Pokimane- Sykkuno, etc...

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am i live on facebook hello test test test test test hey everyone you're ready for some humongous yeehaw who's the sus one all right be honest who came from twitch which one of you come on be honest hello tina all right wait do you know there yeah yeah i was so scared i was like what hello hello tina yeah yeah are you there yeah yeah i'm there i see your mic going off but i can't hear you um really oh no i'm kidding i can hear you fine what the heck i was like oh i have another problem oh wow wait i'm actually early huh you ready for some among us yeah already among us among us oh everyone's favorite game among us [Music] oh it takes up half the screen oh toes can you send me the exe please hello corpse hello hello kwops corpse husband hello tina oh my god i'm so happy i wasn't the last person in here today i'm always late i mean you were the first one yeah well you were the first one great job great job that's cool it's gonna be awkward for the actual last person here yeah yeah now that you know destroy them tina what i can't believe you're late when they join licious not saying she's really ignorant it's really gotten a little more sorry i'm getting ahead of myself next person that joins we all gotta ignore all at once who is it ray uh ray's gonna be an hour late today edison's filling in in the meantime hello hello john hello john hello john wait who are we getting that was me hello what no i'm just saying hello to john oh no okay yeah john joined the call like hey yo howdy yo all right so now we're just waiting on the tenth player basic proximity no ma'am no proximately nice oh my god what's so funny i could say hey what did you just sneeze your speech was me ma'am your speech was cut off you said ish and that's it oh my god it's just more work to set up did it sound all right that's fine thanks for the blessings though appreciate it all right i believe all 10 players are here all right i'm not in late oh okay sorry okay we're done leave you oh toast is upside down oh sorry guys i can't believe you would be late like this steve you know what time it is i'm how do i open this among us the same way you opened it yesterday sydney yeah i remember how to do that toes for sure don't mind me if i just open among us the same way yesterday uh i don't have the executable i think oh oh oh yeah i'll send it to you edison okay cool cool thank you john is it the same among us that you downloaded on my pc a while ago i think what is the mod launcher mod launcher.exe to my launcher two so make sure there's a two one there that's really important and also i just sent it to you guys again uh jody and john just in case am i replacing this with one of the files in automated oh no no no you're just running that dot exe oh that's it yeah nothing special oh really it's gonna ask you to log into discord yes and you log into discord okay yeah make sure to delete all your private messages because it'll i'm just kidding oh no that was a joke that was a joke it's fun yeah yeah we can trust otto we can we can trust him hopefully why is there a picture of sakura with the with a glock what the hell is that what do you mean a picture of a side of him you've never seen wait wait i never met that tycoon wait where did you see that picture it's in general it's a general what [Music] no it didn't no it didn't i only punched people i don't have a gun yet are you going to start playing physically yeah yeah i would really like to i just don't know when people are on like are they on in the morning or the evening or i usually just log on and everyone's super nice on the server okay oh corpse corpse i i shouldn't say this but i actually uh someone was playing one of your songs on gta rp oh oh like it's kind of cool like in the car no no i was watching there's a car never mind never mind this is awkward no but it was cool it was cool i thought oh it was a good thing yeah yeah which which one was it the choking one of course it was i like that one i like that one all right i'm gonna try and choose the lobby here okay thanks for putting this together by the way toast yeah thank you thank you god toasty you've got a new look on for you mr agoraphobic yes is anyone else getting that you're running an older version of this game oh yes what you do is you go to online and bottom right the server is set to automate it you click that and you select automate it again and give that a shot cool there we go nice whoa oh this is going so wow everyone made it in without any problems all right okay we're all in toast lobbies what are you running are you doing we're running uh one gesture one sheriff one more fling so a quick explanation jester wants to be voted out by everyone uh they are on their own team so it's a solo win very fun sheriff gets to kill anyone they come across if they kill a crew member they die along with the crew member so it's really bad when you're wrong as sheriff they're on the side of the crew members and more fling more fling you have a special button to press allowing you to sample someone's dna when you're next to them this is undetectable they won't know that you sucked them and then you can transform into them for 12 seconds so it's good for framing people or just like killing in broad daylight and people think it's a morphling and you could just pretend like oh yeah it was a more fling i wasn't there even though you could or you can do the galaxy brain one where you kill someone as yourself never mind keep going toast that was my strategy that's that's the galaxy well no but i told you on purpose because now you'll think i'll do it but i'll actually do it yeah it's like everybody transforms into his imposter partner and then said it was his imposter partner because he saw it happen oh yeah and then they thought it wasn't you you know i i checked that toast abe actually trusted you completely he voted with you uh yeah that was a good one actually galaxy brains all right and that's about it um the general rule is don't group up together uh if you're a crew member know that your life is very expendable and uh be ready to die can't wait all right have fun you know jody i feel like it's been decades since i've been yeah i don't know anymore oh jester off the rip okay where'd i go all right time to go into my hidey hole i mean this is so like an imposter walking by can definitely see right unless they have the task window up like this and i'm blended in but and if impossible see this this is free real estate right right so is this the best spot to stay as imposted mama he's gonna hide you he's gonna hide you he's gonna hide him he's gonna hide you why isn't why is there no dead body guys where's all the bad guys why is there anything happening do people remember how to play among us [ __ ] lights out no hell no oh maybe there's just no dead bodies why is my hand sweaty i'm getting scared i'm scared what's happening what is the note the body is the kill button working what's going on what's happening oh god oh god what what if the game just ends is this seriously oh god oh god please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me oh no i was a boss yeah that was one kill just died i just saw her in cafeteria no she like i just passed her in top left and uh and then sydney oh man it's like the same person's talking wait wait where is sleepy sleepy where are you oh yeah we're sleepy i just said no wait wait but i just saw sydney walking you're not in med bay i'm in med bay but i'm in red bay [Music] because i'm in my bed right now um sleepy that sounds like it's not true because i'm in there that's true you're not in there because i'm in there athena pov well guys the lights are off maybe it's just yeah yeah maybe we're both in there yeah i'm at the top i don't know if you're at the bottom but i just came into the top i'm in at the bottom wait so where's where that makes sense all right okay so it's probably all right you're clear like i figured it was near medvedev i can't really just you passed your top left and then i just walked into med bay but i walked past toast and then sydney i can't really see i just hit a report button wait you walk past me yeah we walked past each other in security oh i think that's a morphling yeah i wasn't on the left oh cody's giving me imposter vibes [Applause] [Music] and she did this weird double back thing like she i didn't ever see tina i don't know wait jody is this true did you do this um where was it weird this round uh no she did it's like you know she did she was being weird just being mad weird and i know she's got good reflexes i've seen him why would i randomly give away information that i saw sydney and walk practice if i wasn't impossible that's true because you're trying to get out i don't know sure i don't remember seeing tina also i don't remember where it was then maybe i saw the more flick i fixed the lights it sounds like nobody saw each other so i was alone like the whole time one person's like where is everyone yeah what's happening what's happening okay i think corpses okay slow kills is a classic peanut corpse tina t9 chords when their duo kills oh slow like ridiculously slow guys i just wanted to say that i'm done with my tasks thank you thank you thank you edison welcome um also sakuno is hovering very suspiciously yeah i know myself i've been adjusting my discord volume that's all like wait did you say radishes radish oh oh edison as a radish right yeah i thought you were you were saying i was i'm not a radish which i'm not um we're voting for edison yeah yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no team we're voting for this time we're voting for everything over edison it was just it was just a joke wait do we have adjusted what a goofball yes yeah oh we do peanut girls i'm just going to sit around just please oh god hmm all right i mean what can i do as jester right all i can do is not die why is that kuno being so weird he's being like a weirdo a little weirdo well imposter check up here no right there's no reason for imposters to check up here i mean if i die i die on scale there's no way to avoid being murdered so i should push on people hmm oh oh i should push on jody jody seems like she will react viscerally to me pushing on her but i'm afraid that i'm too charismatic and that people will vote jody and it'll be wrong and then we lose the game um is no one really dying okay there's like seven tasks oh she's on oh there's seven there's seven tasks left guys yeah is how do you look at that little increment up there and know that there's seven each full bar is worth ten tasks yeah but how did you know that that little piece was his brain is just more wrinkled than yours tina yeah it's quite simple it's quite simple guys toast carry on oh okay so um also jody it's not cool i would like the talking stick when you're done with the toast sure um we should help the imposters by voting someone off here i don't care who but these imposters didn't help because there's seven tasks left and they're gonna i think sleepies i voted last round so i'm voting for sleepy sorry all right edison what do you want to say oh wait what if we just win yeah what if we just want we don't win off task must be doing something weird yeah i agree oh i'll take the hair i just haven't wore it she could tell us what was happening during during lights off cams can still see everything right sleepy yeah and what did i what did i do huh nothing you did nothing i did nothing oh you didn't fall as far as bluff okay i'm voting tina what oh yeah i'm sold yeah wait i did all my tests like look yeah i'm getting like sleepy i have to tell you something sleepy for you but i don't think it's you no it is okay i told you guys i'd take the hit no no i know it's good luck soldiers i just did it to help the imposters [Music] look at this i mean my tasks don't matter because i'm a jester i hope they don't figure that out one's in cash an admin okay the best place to hide is here right because it doesn't show up on cameras because if i had an at a cafeteria then know to check advent but if i hide it from the camera wait this is so strange why are you so slow at task oh my god kudos one task away what why do you think it's like why is it me uh corpse where are you right now oh entering navigation yeah okay okay tina i believe you i believe you you're not excited yeah why do you think it's me you think i think i think saikuno gotta taste the corpse right and then he used that taste to alter his dinner his dna what dinner yeah what did i do after doing that what did i do turned into corpse in front of me well tina that's a great idea the only part you got wrong was i didn't turn into corpse oh where'd you go no he turned into someone else you're stalking me like a hyena but but there's a corpse in cafeteria and corp says he's in navigation wait how would he turn into corpse again so you still got my dinner yeah i think it's like you know got the dinner corpse i would never take your dinner i would take you to dinner i think tina saw saikuno turn into corpse but what he saw was corpse turning to cycuno and then reverting back to corpse that's interesting toast because i just passed you entering navigation no neither of us transformed neither of us oh no i'm saying she's i only i don't think she's a liar but i do think she's slightly wrong i only touched two people this round and it's tina and sekuno and i just passed some toast wait guys guys wait hold on what if what if tina took the dna slipped up hitting the transform button slapped the button so no one could see her untransformed because she knew but then you wouldn't see it i don't hear that in her voice you know she sounds stressed i believe you you're completely transform why didn't i just kill you because saikuno our dynamic has never been that way up until this very moment i'm calling i voted corpse if he kills me vote himself no no nobody transformed guys nobody transformed let me explain why oh my god oh you guys listen to me these are crazy wait wait wait you guys listen what are you guys doing wait you guys are crazy guys nobody transformed wait guys why did you listen to me oh wait wait there's only one task left [Music] [Laughter] all i did the entire game was turn into jody and run into her to freak her out and then i would turn the lights off so she couldn't see me untransformed wait what okay dirty you saw right yeah but i didn't understand what the warflin was so i was like well i didn't know that if the morphing like was guaranteed imposter like i didn't know if so so yeah i kept transforming into joking like a safe or not you weren't i could have killed you i understand now i kept turning into you and then charging at you and then turning the lights off so you wouldn't find out it's me but i was kind of like oh is that me oh oh oh i'm scared i didn't know but now i know i i literally that was my whole game i can't believe it yeah oh yep sorry um ah cool wait damn that gesture game was hard because not enough kills are happening and people listen to me too much oh maybe i should have moved around more i think that's one of the downsides to hiding as jester is that you can't put sus on yourself yeah i was i was too cleared whoopsie okay so now i'm just a regular crewmate my life is useless kill me if you want [Music] but i got nothing so i tend to play my crewmate games in a way where i just exist to be killed and give information that i see [Music] i don't try to solve the mystery unless i have to john coming in from nav edison coming in from wait uh coming from admin that isn't coming from admin tina doing upload you sicko oh you sicko who's the morphling who's this they transformed into me and then killed corpse how could you do that what's wrong and they made you why would you transform into me and then kill corpse and then make me watch how poetic so try truly yeah poetic huh sydney i'm crazy enough to vote you off for that right now i can also clear one person it is definitely not jody she is like 99.7 clear and you say that one i mean i am but like i you know i'm in the back of the electric equal and jody didn't kill me true i was doing my email she did her daughter but you know who's seen me who megalo [Music] you've seen me multiple times actually i was in weapons and you came from either the vent or from download and then you did leaves as i also did and then i did a little piece of nav and then we walked down all the way together okay fine i've seen you remember things now toast i've grown um tina seems a little on yesterday but you know what tina who do you think it is wait no no you're right you're good today like you're sharp the edges i took i took a nap before lobby i thought you were gonna say you took something else but yeah the act is much better done and sleepy yeah i got worried i got worried about having a moment where were the two of you sleeping on the back of electrical oh yeah sid was there too so is that where you were do we have any hints what was edison doing i got nothing yeah look edison does like transforming into me that's true that's true actually wow that's a good point and he's on the right but yeah i would given the chance definitely transform them to seikuno um and then kill corporate in front of him yeah i want to be one stay back you know stay back everyone stay back except for jody she's trustworthy okay so kuno is hard valkyrie for jody i don't know i left one more asteroids to be shot i think it's because i i'm too used to playing snitch and you leave one task undone and it's usually asteroids all right if i'm ever imposter i'm killing tina saikuno corpse poki this way it forces uh john jody and sid to figure out who the imposters are because i want them to have a chance to uh oh my god actually no i don't want to snitch it's edison and said right no no kill me kill me kill me tina why don't you explain to me why the door closed right next to me and then there's a dead body right next to you well you were in front of it and i wouldn't have not well you know i was gonna say something really interesting i was gonna say that when you me and edison walk together we look like the produce aisle so you think i killed edison oh wait wait what produce aisle yeah we look like vegetables it's really cute oh i mean yeah yeah we're vegetarians i'm just gonna say i think edison's the imposter because he's been tracking you down like no tomorrow yeah he's dead but then he's dead so you can see where i'm a little confused so who amongst us is the impostor okay i'll be honest i really think it was imposter look guys let me explain to you what happened i was chilling with tina and uh you weren't we walked out and then she looked at me funny with that look so i i run to the right like a maniac okay and then back to the left i see her chilling near edison's body also she closed the door right in front of me only the door where's this body it's targeted so this body is in the hallway to the left by med bay it's like in that little hallway section right by the door they don't have info cycles but i just looked into this unless anyone's a tiny reason why would have been perfect what about sid what were you doing i so i went to likes when lights are out i came back i was on cams i saw i saw edison but now he's dead but i didn't see his kel his killer i saw him um on the bottom left cam i don't actually know where that is what do you think guys based on what i'm hearing it's tina send it i it's tina well it's either me or tina but it's obviously tina it's tina run all right oh my gosh you guys are actually voting tina yeah what if tina's just like why didn't you just i feel like no no no no no no no tina's not the teacher the lights are off i'll fix the lights you guys we're going to vote for me now [Music] oh god i hope they called the button i could hope they caught a button oh thank god oh jody you try to mess with me for it huh oh yeah this is real guys you got it before me let's go thank god the lights were off okay again we actually got off an imposter here uh good job psycho is jester so i'm the gesture yes there might even be two imposters [Music] i actually want to vote sid because yeah yeah you know what the only person i trust is jody wait why do you want to vote me i'm actually not okay so this is like a huge question mark for me but him actually trying to like get likes and vote i mean you know i have to take that as crewmate vibes i just have to um because nobody else called out the lights being off so we could have just easily that's because i'm head empty not because i'm not trying but i simply just don't know what the [ __ ] is going on ever honestly for everyone yeah but i never went up to medpay i literally ended the round on camps i went from lights to camps yeah but there's a vent in there too med bay yeah true but like i can't vent because i'm not the imposter like from so so jody saikuna what you're thinking i think we should all vote for me psychology [Music] they're going to kill and then we're going to lose you can't try this play after all right all right how how do we know it's not poking no no it can't be oh i forgot it's just not me though he's acting very true minnie yeah it's not yeah i don't know why tommy but it ain't me either oh so it's jody i mean jody and sim walked away from a dead body so i know who it is and jody tried to mess with me at lights saikuno i assume is jester or it's just long conning imposter yes yes good you guys you guys have to go back to the butt you guys have to yes [Music] jody let me explain to you what just happened here um i killed on cams you think you're going to run around with my wig on i'm behind the gesture imposter pokey's a regular crewmate right yeah you know what that means right yes the jester only wins if i get voted out no one's going to vote for me because no i'm trying to kill yeah but you're the imposter and pokey's the only crewmate yeah so it's like up to you if we win or lose right that means i get to choose if the crewmate wins yeah or if i vote myself the imposter will win uh-huh [Music] so what well what do we do now someone convinced me now what um hi jody why shouldn't i vote for you i saw you on cameras jody what what who huh dude i saw you kill a monster and you didn't even transform why didn't you transform before you kill them because i don't understand oh you know i tried and then i didn't know and then killed him and i would have thought it was pokey well i really thought that i was good but then my morph button i think maybe i don't really know and then you transformed after and i saw you untransform it wait what do you think i can decide who wins also that's true all have leverage you want to vote for me i could what's in it for me psych you know um well look look um well i'll get to win what else um jodie won't win i thought you're gonna beat the she was wearing your hair did you see that she's wearing your hair who doesn't want to be poking she's an inspiration what you mean oh jesus i did it for pokey i did it for the crewmates [Music] oh man oh what a freakier yes i'm glad i voted for you and then i was like i just realized then i trained you're so silly oh my god it's like here please edison can you be an apple again oh yeah yeah this way it's like this way this way this way wait put your hat on put your hat on edison you gotta be now wait i do have my hat on put it on again put it on again put it on again produce section where the produce stand produce quickly edison quickly i'm looking for it wait this is the only way there it is oh no editing with the scars all right someone killed corpse first amalgas jesus okay i'm crewmate now i'm down to die so last game like i said i'm down to die for the content because i don't want it [Applause] wait what happened is there why is does anyone else see this billboard you're [ __ ] png i don't understand what it is that's the whole hat that's that are you serious so long and then he died in front of me corpse is a billboard okay corp's got a billboard oh he does have a billboard okay so what happened here all right he's just role-playing then moving on honestly i was staring at the billboard so i don't even know i don't even know how many people were around me but this is uh sheriff tried to kill corpse right out but missed unfortunately there was collateral damage yeah but they missed me but would sakuno or tina have killed corpse okay maybe i didn't i didn't actually see two bodies or someone but i didn't know either i thought the killer hid behind my billboard you really i can't even see when you vote corps oh okay there i guess we can yeah i'm not 100 sure on this but i might have seen sydney kill someone oh i was in the area i went from weapons down and i got the report button so i was like what the [ __ ] and i turned back around and someone had already reported the body but i didn't kill i was just there my eyes might have deceived me i'm just letting you know no you saw me i just didn't kill i just saw you walk overs well yeah i wasn't expecting anyone to die because there was like six people at weapons you're like flying house kicked like okay secular and tina died but there was only one body what does that mean what does that mean who would kill psychology corpse i mean tina these are fast killers why'd you do it sydney you killed the billboard sleepy whoa what the hell i haven't you know what this actually works out in my favor someone morphed into me because i have been trying to scare john because i'm the crewmate and i was like oh haha it'd be funny john can you follow me for this i haven't seen titty this whole time oh [ __ ] and johnny who's lying what they're like yeah get it straight ass buddies um yeah i i've been with sydney this whole time i just did lights that's right i'm an admin with them on like i don't know someone stripped away my png and i'm kind of sad now i was hanging out with them uh i mean like it was it was a morphing discussion electrical uh in the back wait i just checked the back and i didn't see anything right after i did lights i checked back yeah you didn't go deep enough so i can't exactly trust sid and john because they could just be the two imposters like vouching each other quote-unquote ass buddies as we like to say wait guys that is just who's that good point of view sleepy well done yeah thanks guys nice i just want to point out the toast just told me to go deeper and what are you gonna do huh are you gonna progress yeah that's all that's all it's in [Music] because i remember the person who fixed lights fixed it right away but they didn't fix it right away yeah so i thought it was weird you didn't check this isn't over sydney i'm gonna get justice for the billboard all the way back the great wall of corpse will be avenged and i will be at the hand of it this is your last okay i kinda wanna die here because um i don't wanna take up the conversation too much you know come on come on get it over come on take me out come on come on let me out of my misery thank you thank you uh oh oh geez oh god oh geez oh man oh [ __ ] zero information yeah that seems convenient because of this big-ass billboard like i don't know who's dead toast is dead in admin edison is also dead asst is dead and orps is dead orps was dead last round no okay no okay listen i don't know what sleepy is on but it's not me and he saw a morphling and he just everyone asked that question yeah yeah i'm sure they do sleepy nobody knows what i'm on if any maybe john knows john and i spent so much time together that one round i think that he took my dna and killed if anything oh look i'm down to voting but you guys are pairing up and want to use the killer i need to bring vengeance for the great walls i mean like i'm so sorry but it's i haven't seen pokey i don't think at all and i think i saw jodie maybe like i've been left side i did med bay i did vials and then i've been looking at cams but i didn't really see much i did just walk across on campus and yeah i saw her go into reactor yeah and the bodies sorry where i have no idea where it's cool the last girl has no idea what's going on sleepy where is this this body's an admin okay oh um i'm in storage that is nearby me that is that is okay sounding kind of i was in electrical and sydney came from that area i don't know where though maybe sleepy morphed and no i wouldn't morph i'm looking for vengeance yeah no i i just need to know if we're voting for john or sid i don't know i don't want to go either why is it not uh jodie anamond i mean cause we're not there's no money oh yeah i don't know that is leaving two tables against me no john good job being loud out there man thank you no problem i can't believe it i think it's over i [Laughter] oh i see it i see it i see it i see it okay no logical flies are the last jesus wait why don't we all do it oh my gosh oh look at all the mud nuts holy [ __ ] what is this you can get away with so much there's no way you can see anything yeah all right tina are you getting in on this isn't she already in on it oh no i i couldn't see her behind all the billboards god i feel like i'm playing gmod again it hurts my eyes yeah i know right jeez um i guess tina just just started it right it just just started it just started i mean we all knew who to kill right oh guys circle around her after the game starts and she'll be freaked out i can't see [ __ ] oh my god this is the world i want to live in i can see someone up here oh there's going to be a stack kill i'm out of here actually if there's a stack i get to die let's go come on stack you come on sleepy tina toast edison that's inside kuno who is that that guy sus the guy with the drive are you serious everybody has a billboard yeah information yes one player looks very different than the rest of us [Music] they're not like the rest of they're not a cremate problem oh what just because i can't get a billboard or something i i deserve to be kicked out this is classes that's exactly what it is stuff i don't even know which one is tina because i don't i don't it's the one now [Applause] yes ah what was that tina it's you um tina you know what i mean yeah she's acting weird she's sucks okay hey hey hey don't vote on epi [Music] that's cool but you're voting for me no it could not not you know i wasn't going to vote for you but now i have to in terms of myself just kidding what do you mean you were just kidding me she's going for me she's going for me helping no no i wouldn't stick together someone sticks together billboards stay together strong holy jesus she's dead goodbye and pissed like tina she's actually dead bro let's go wait a minute what's happening tina was actually [Applause] you voted off your own teammates dude billboards together stay strong she wasn't like us i don't know what that thing is even though it was you in front of billboards i don't know i even saw the name pokey that's why i did it there's that was a great game though yeah fun game guys back to look and keep tina i like you guys so much oh i'm happy to be here we just killed you oh i i just voted you off for not having i just had so much fun still i don't know sorry i'll never say it again jesus christ no we forgive you that's what i'm sorry i don't know maybe maybe i don't like you guys it's got rivers it's got side that makes you shiver all you're gonna miss me when i'm gone when i'm gone when i'm you're gonna gone me when i'm gone you're gonna miss me by my hair you're gonna miss me everywhere you're gonna miss me when i'm gone don't don't don't don't [Music] the one with the prettiest of you it's got mountains it's got rivers it's got side they'll make you sure all right john's a slow killer i forgot [Music] you're gonna mm-hmm me when i'm gone you're gonna miss me everywhere i'm gonna miss me when i'm gone oh god i don't give a little okay all right i'm marinating here someone's like camera already oh my god right i need to kill someone ah just someone camps though okay okay there's someone on campus and someone camps is really good at dancing but uh thank you i was doing me likey did you notice oh yeah i definitely you look like a k-pop star ah thank you uh-huh all right so what's the damage fellas what do we got nothing i just found edison bottom left with the body oh [Music] wait i did kind of think he vented it for a second there wonderfully oh all i want to say is more flying candy i have one question to ask oh yeah okay let's get go for it edison john was that a misclick the reverse uno card reverse no i did not miss click my r button oh your button that's the report button i believe you can feel it in my hair the reverse reverse well she's filled in his hair bro that's crazy [Music] um but what was the misclick about it you were saying that he said she just clicked the kill button you're saying i missed him look guys this late in the game you know john does be crazier as if we vote for someone who's not john or edison vote for tina again you know let's all vote for who we think it is okay i mean i edison yeah just vote for whoever it's sorry edison i just think the way that no one's really died it's been cycuno oh what you know i think you're right you i believe it's like if you keep going to camps i don't have a choice like i legitimately do not have a choice take it out come on come back to camps come back to canada cheeky little bugger oh sleepy hmm this happened right man has been okay wait but there's like five of us like five people in admin yeah let's say of course pokey me and i was off on my own so it could have been me yeah that is true always she's joking right now i was on the cameras and and you guys can't remember this world oh yeah okay no no they were definitely on in fact i saw pokey dance yeah they were hell yeah okay so did you see this kill sure i didn't see the kill though i didn't i got the report between electrical and storage like that um little little door admin then all right who is it come on well i didn't see it it wouldn't have been edison or john furrier well you walked in late oh it wasn't it probably wasn't pokey though she's been dancing on the cameras guys that sounds weird what's up right john what is it and he's given that tell many times this round oh okay let's hear it but i don't want to say what it is but but he's doing that he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it i'm just saying he's doing it john if we can vote edison after two i'm i'm okay lights are off the lights i'm good with that oh we get two shots yeah that's like and if it's neither of them then i am definitely not the impossible we've had a great time wait there's no world in which it's neither of us right this isn't pokey well i'm voting john off first because edison said he did something suss yeah yeah same what about the fact that he killed someone in front of me oh jesus i'm voting on medicine after this thing oh yeah god he's killed right in front of you oh no we can't don't listen to his weapons so oh oh my god i was like jesus oh thank you so many of us who is messing with the lights which one of you i don't think anybody messed with i was trying to mess with the lights listen listen i was trying to mess with the lights just because i know i'm a condemned man but i just wanted to buy some more time hold on get them out of here guys get them out of here everything you own in a box to the left one more person because you're probably you're probably gonna die here edison but i'll i'll carry it on who do you think it is who do i go for i think it's you sakuna all right i voted for myself really i would just like to say that we were in advance i could not suppose on the cameras toast is the only one alone in that moment yeah but that kill was between yeah so it couldn't have been me or it could be toasty but even if i was imposter edison literally said he saw john that was the first round of the bodies are you saying you didn't see john kill no no no no john john walked up into the hallway and killed right in front of me and instantly reported could it have been why did that it wasn't between edison and john for that kill the first he saw john through that kill that's the one you're talking about we're talking about the same one no i don't think so i think edison's we're talking first yeah where like wow oh wait i thought no no i'm not gonna you can't be just i'm jester yeah i can't be just or toasted gesture see yeah yeah all right pokey dies next wait that kunos oh that explains why he's not doing any goddamn task so to do this kill on pokey i need to make sure no one has vouchers wait three there's a three in here so i need to get them to come i need to make sure they don't have vouchers oh so kendall saw everything huh and uh oop pogie explain your pathing real quick uh i was doing my tasks and outside yeah i saw her like through the wires on her own on the right it would be yeah it would be crazy he's a very brave woman and then i crossed someone top right was that you corpse no it was jody i think what nope couldn't have been oh jody came out of admin right me coached an admin for a really long time watching the map and then wait but corpse how did you see me then guys nobody's dead right i passed you in the middle hallway up to cafeteria when the lights dropped just now i think it's toasty okay but the issue is no guys i have to tell you set himself up to be sheriff so it could be no toast might be that just you gotta wait and see no because i was pretending i can't be the jessica's your digester no no i pretended to be the jester so toast must have revealed himself as the jester but i'm confused no i'm impossible no i'm not the jester yeah because i'm the imposter nope um this is literally my favorite that one makes me feel like i'm eating food smile yeah i thought i saw someone venting between lights in a med bay and everyone's saying that yeah it definitely kind of started that would mean it has to be toast right now remember it's was watching me dance on cams and nav so he must be on cams and i'm in nav and if someone's venting and jody you think i would vent some lights to med bass scene both of you on admin as a flex you know that's something i would do here actually honestly i can see myself doing that actually no i knew it wouldn't go through i knew it wouldn't go through that's all oh thank god maybe i'm seeing things okay i need to kill pokey i need to kill pokemon poke and you kill pokemon you kill pokemon you pokey's the best kill here where is everyone pokey pokey no oh no well i know it's not jody uh jody what did you see on admin nothing i was i left admin as soon as you came in no jody weren't we together at the end yeah yeah so i know for sure it's not jody but i don't know how this man jody you know it's not me right well yeah i mean you just came from the top but i swear that i just saw you but i actually can't remember so what do you think i just killed and then corpse found it that'd be ridiculous no no me and jody are both clear this is between toast and corks it's kind of electrical i don't think it's corpse but i don't know it's toast i don't know me he's the jester he seems very jesterly don't you think wouldn't he as soon as somebody creates like sucks on him say that he's the jester that is true jody that is 100 true that's what imposters do when they're caught in a lie so here's the thing jody i didn't see you when the lights went off right yeah what was jody wait yeah i'm top right but wait what do you mean you didn't see me how did how did you just say that we were together when we were together when you're i was trying to see if you would fall oh jolie you fell for psychonauts trick i don't think i did wait oh oh oh you're saying oh wait what wait i don't know jody's though okay never mind i said who knows is she because she disappeared from yourself okay did you show yourself yet jody no wait did i i don't understand exactly itself for doing what jody explain i think all right we should skip here right we should skip here yeah of course we'll go ahead and chat no jody hit the button in like a minute well isn't it toast because it is okay i think it sounds because that it wasn't it was jody hold on jody me quotes and toast are gonna go figure it out i'll tell you what jody you stay by the button yeah yeah yeah jody we'll get a special role and i'll be able to time out all right we're about to find a course special we're about to find a course here i have a my wait what if one of them is sheriff oh god what if i'm doing sheriff what if i want to do a sheriff and you hide i need to hide actually and hope corpse misfire yeah this is a plan when make corpse misfire and yeah lurk something weird is happening oh my god oh wait yeah i want your buttons yeah what's where is everyone guys you know what you're supposed to do right yeah i'm looking for you guys where are you guys i mean signing over at lights i was at live and i thought you guys got it so i was waiting we did but i couldn't find anyone else okay so when you need to set who it is once the three of us grouped together i'll know exactly who the imposter is using his secret techniques all right just count on me i'll know exactly who it is come on oh for second i'm off i'll fight away a little more thinking a little more jody you're not gonna believe this corpse killed psychonaut in front of me oof that's that's rough at this point um i'm gonna i'm gonna die on the hill that i've created for myself i wanted to show more character development that you realize with new information that you are wrong and you change your mind um no i don't believe in character development cars what do you think about it might be [Laughter] jodie i've i've done this long enough right corpse you want to skip here oh my god okay so my mentality is if corpse is the imposter he deserves his win because i've no [ __ ] clue what happened so i'm voting toes off the principal that corpse deserves the win of course i feel like we should skip it this is a skip right i feel like i'm being hazed like i haven't played among us in a while i can't i can't i can't believe you've done this i can't believe you've done this the audacity all according to my genius plan just like i said jody found out who the imposter is wow really great you should use it more often it was such a good tactic yup we did it good job everybody all according to uh so toast i learned a lot about the morphing this game so i was trying to frame edison or like i try to get a free kill as edison the problem with that is if i report the body as edison it's a giveaway that he not only he didn't yeah um dad it's your reply that's right my bad nah nah learning learning things yeah we live when we learn uh it's gonna be a great character art it looks like rey's here to take my spot thanks a real fun time he's gone it's been so long since i've heard your voice when did you die just a long time ago toast killed me and you know just it is what it is i was running from saikudo actually i was like seikun's gonna kill you and then i ran to go to the button i would kill you what huh what i'm sorry could you ask that again because that i don't know it just sounded they're ready tina you think you would kill me oh wait wait why are you turning this around on me i mean i will never kill you if that's what you want going for the sign and i said i'm sorry hello here we go all right jody you sussed me out last round so now you die wait why is he saying tina then yeah he sounds upset with tina tina what did you do whatever it is i guess i did it oh one more thing tina i killed jodie no she's the jester no she's suggested wait why would she say okay she definitely killed because she just said she's the jester i was doing you know what i'm trusting rey no no guys ray look at look at ray's character right now okay ray's using her full power right now she knows exactly what she's doing i'm voting latino you got it ray wait what happened john um i was doing node okay i finished i yelled jody and then tina's uh stopped her neck that wasn't tina yeah yeah is that really tina do you think the morphling had enough time transform slicing right in front of john and then expect john to try and avenge jody by blaming tina tina there was a lot of people touching me and drop [ __ ] like i'm calling the cops disgusting wait uh yeah i don't it's it's a close contact zone um you took your dinners she's just killing broad daylight i actually think she would wait guys i'm jester don't vote for me okay we know we know the defense i've heard in the past seven decades of a month don't do it voter out guys psychologies right now right now give her honestly you really think she's just gonna win no wait no you guys did not i'm not gonna you guys did not you guys did not you guys did not who was it guys oh guys that wasn't john that was his little cousin playing actually the people to frame you got this this is the spot i stand ins you got merged [Music] this isn't going to work twice tina peter it's not working twice you know you're tina guys guys okay it's not tina [Music] [Applause] whole foods i'm a little traumatized i'll be honest i really yeah i really i mean there's no way she gets it twice right she doesn't get just wait does anybody see tina right now i just said no the lights are off i mean tina saw tina she said that they killed did anybody see her leave drop she like passed over and i saw like a little blip yeah likely story tina well tina where were you tina oh this is so preposterous whoever did this i'm gonna find you more like imposterous get out of here wait guys what if it actually was her this time wow you lived this time whoa my dinner wait she didn't vote for herself [Music] i'm surprised i'm not dead i'm standing like the spot to get killed wait no i came to fix lights [Music] hmm john's on cameras so someone morphed into tina to do a kill and then tina reported it i think that's a little too big brain for it to actually be tina [Music] map oh sorry it's it's in the hole in the ground then mm-hmm yeah go on i had to crawl in there and get it out which vent uh the one by dwayne or by the node top right like like underlying dwayne guys all right okay yeah under midday because there's another one stored by a node under electrical who just came out of specie tina just came out of spacey does that mean it's tina people laughing i mean you heard last round you know said she saw tina girl nothing was coming out wait why would commanders be weird wait yeah i have important information i saw rey go into lab and then and then wait jumped on tina really fast that's true she did her [Music] but i did is remember i passed you you were at the med scam i thought that was someone else oh that was me no i was up what if it was right no no no no i was there i was sorry morphed i was there i did i did go to the med scan that's true but i i only remember passing corpse oh right you're a different color that's why yeah yeah i'm green i passed i passed after this booger yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i was about to go to special it's because i had pass in there i believe her if if i was trying to remember a red color and i was like no i'm not red i'm not red i'm green i'm green all right sounds like we don't have too much seems not a lot going on here much don't kill me [Music] um i'm not getting a lot info this game no one was on the left side after i am just a lowly crew member it's a tough world out here going to fix the lights and not getting murdered there wow in this lobby everyone hates fixing lights apparently maybe i should call lights sabotage more and then kill someone and then people take an hour to fix lights and then eventually go they go for slice and i just kill them when they return oh [ __ ] man thanks i checked vitals nobody yeah no one's dead no one's dead i didn't i saw tina i saw two tinas what and i forgot that i can kill them oh my god i said i'm not used to this role okay however um i would like to ask can a more fling turn into their imposter buddy yes they sure can technically wake up wait so that means if you if it's tina then you'll see that you've got pokey you got to kill tina both tinas are the imposters [Music] come at me all right yeah fight me all right i'm buying tickets baby yeah you're going down other tina i'm holding here enough see you guys in medina um so i think it's icuno for the record okay tina john pokey sleepy saikuno [Music] oh jesus what do we do now oh oh my god oh no we could just vote off tina at this point all right look the lights are off okay okay i'm joking i'm sorry jesus the lights are off we get two shots oh good but no all right it's probably like you know and ray we should it's not raining what no no i was with corpse we were waiting in med bay for the fight fight fight cause he is he marinating you what did anyone see pokey stab anyone what if she just got killed i actually didn't even see her in the med baby i think she could have just got killed i just got off vials and toast and i were kind of looking for the fight um i was on med scanner he was slightly outside of my house i'm voting tina for security i think we should vote tina what she's doing i think avenge herself security transforming into tina for some reason we have two she knows who do you want to go for mia what no i'm backing you up i think you should be able to avenge your impostor whoever's transforming into tina you take them out what if it's just the other impossible i don't would the other imposter morph as his duo i feel so sick i feel so sick [Music] i don't know i went i wanted to go look at the brawl you know i was like everyone's going to bed [Music] you were the brawl wait but i thought the imposter was going to take my dinner and fight as me not me as me i'm not the one i'm why would i challenge tina just yell out a name i'll let you avenge yourself for whoever's taking yourself let's go oh jesus it's ray it's ray tina said it's ray toast will you release fix the lights though why am i so slow dude nice job tina mother i died for tina since yeah i had such a genius strategy spamming chill and sleepy i transformed into tina and ran into tina next to someone so they would think they would think it can't be tina and i was in the perfect situation where i could have killed you but i forgot it was so genius i framed tina and then unframed tina by transforming into tina and running into people wow that was amazing but like i tell us i told you so if you're successful why you vote with him because winning the game is not as important and just having fun holy [ __ ] chat how many times do we have to go through this if you want to watch me only win and be sweaty don't watch the stream guys please stop complaining long enough you'd be all right my brain's pooped out i'm chilling now now yeah no it's like kuno but i don't want to ruin his impasta game i didn't know it was tina so that was a guess right like the narrative there was like is tina getting framed do we vote tina right like i know it's like kuno but if i just say hey vote sakuno like i'd be right but that wouldn't be fun and it is frustrating sometimes to just get [ __ ] on like for trying to let my friends have fun right i know that's throwing but the lights were also off there was a chance right and the lights just got messed with and that's it those it's not fun this way then don't watch again guys fun is subjective i'm not forcing you to watch it's okay it's okay turn off the stream go watch something else telling me to change my play style it's not going to happen i'm not going to change my playstyle just because you complained about it in chat oh what uh cycuno's dead body on admin oh sid had bingos on her head and they still wait toast i just saw you at uh protection program it didn't um uh yeah we passed by each other um [Music] someone on cams yeah i think so that's me oh okay good stuff got it diamonds with corpse nope okay okay sleepy you want me to provide useful info okay all right all right i'll tell you what i saw i saw you no good yeah you know i saw you go with that went into species did you like my carrots yeah what flavor carrot is it all right that clears that carrot oh it's carrot flavored yep where are you john yeah john hmm yeah i'm uh i just came out of specimen what do you mean i just came out of the specimen i mean uh well would me and corpse and you were in la oh so you mean labs my bad yeah you were in there for a while then i was yeah what were you doing that took you so long uh i'm role playing as five up so i'm hitting 8080 really fast [Laughter] no five up does stuff of that nature um does anybody know how magnets work magnets yeah okay that's not how they work though like why do they click together um negative and positive propelling um oh god electromagnetic magnetic field dude what is this school what i think we're asking like the it is possibilities you know what really bothers me is that nothing's ever actually really touching anything yeah sorry i'm tardy it's true do you make anything out like my fingers touching my finger but apparently it's not actually touching my finger it's just repelling okay oh pokey fix lights but she didn't fix it before kinda weird pokey kinda weird pokey would pokey fix light as a way to vouch for herself yes actually i would say so pokey seem like the type that right after lights will go to fix it wow i could not find that yeah i was fine i think jody's innocent i am okay well i'm on cams so uh this bonnie's right okay well then what'd you see near the download oh you're gonna quiz me on what i saw what'd you see where's the body useful information bodies and weapons near the download yeah but honestly it's john's body we could just skip and go next honestly honestly yes yeah um see you guys oh okay yeah does anyone else want to give their positions no nah oh okay okay it's all right you don't have to do i mean you're on campus you know we are right come on well well where am i someone you could see i passed my camera where where am i all right well yeah she's lying not on cams i thought i was oh oh no all right um yeah moving on bye let's just stop talking now i don't know i just stressed me out are you okay tina yeah okay tina's had a rough couple games has it been a rough couple okay okay yeah sorry i'm nervous all right okay it's got mountains it's got rivers it's got sights make sure [Music] oh i'm feeling a little tired today so i'm just gonna take a back and let them have their fun sometimes i organize lobbies not for myself but for my friends and this is one of those days i didn't have breakfast or lunch yet i'm starving why am i living for so long don't they know to kill this guy's toasters come on come on is in bottom left near the wheels oh i do think there's someone on cameras who's on me i did see ray walk up i did not see the body though the body is under cams so under cams yeah like you should be able to see the body like on like on tree room probably i don't see it is it kind of hidden no um so it's not ray uh tina where'd you go after communications uh i went straight to the top i'm at the top of storage at the moment okay yeah jody just died like i saw her die on vitals and i saw her leave communications to the left so i knew where her body was gonna be um where is a good old sleepy boy huh you know i'm somewhere on the map in a location it's not important but i'm not near this kill in fact i think i know who killed this one who i don't know but i was in office and i saw pokemon past me and then she went to the left oh i went on cams okay if i did this why would i be clearing ray the other person that i can clear is i see cork on vitals but i have not seen toe sleepy or tina maybe it's just because i just got on that i didn't see you hop up like walk up to the body and then report but i didn't actually see it or anyone else except for corpse on vitals i don't think it could be rey as well just because when i went in the comms i know her and jody were together and then when i left them like she could have killed jody therapist all right i'll say it i'm in med bay someone's in touch sleepy tina toast only because i see corpse and ray uh okay um someone's on top digging them i don't know who it is that's my proof no sleeping you want to say i think sleepy's jester i i don't really i'm just an idiot sleepy no no i didn't i'll see you guys in the afterlife oh god impossible oh my goodness wait there's no way oh god oh god they were not giving me information they they had no information it's probably pokey no cap it's probably pokey wait pokey fixed it i got it i reported it you got it i saved the game wait totally did you see who it was it's not corpse because corpse is at the button right i'm at the button no i see corpse right now by by lights corpse here but you're out lights yeah yeah i ran oh i thought you were gonna push button i was staying with you so that if you died i could report it well yeah i was spamming report the whole time i think sleepy's jet er justin i wouldn't i i'm crewmate because i wouldn't report here well i guess i could be gesture if i report here i mean regardless you apported so you're innocent so i'm not voting you here i mean it could be a mystery tina you're at the button why did you push the button at the button you didn't push the button all right wait that doesn't make s yeah because the lights were on corpse at the button or is going on the board of course until the end corpses are lights what i did to see [ __ ] i saw you at lights i saw you corpse and i think someone else okay is this i say we vote this kills that lights it's on lights the kill's on the highway we vote tina because she didn't push the button are you sure it's not sleepy yeah i wouldn't he just sounds so jestery and plus he reported that i was imposter i wouldn't import i would just kill because we win if i kill right yeah he he can't wait i can't be impossible okay i'm so confused but okay tina just trust me go with it um well he's definitely not imposter because he reported this right yeah yeah yeah sleepy has to be innocent or jester i i just think tina tina has to have pushed the button i think tina's won the adjuster okay i'm voting tina any defense tina any rebuttal oh [ __ ] it's too late for you you look really you look really nice today ray you look yeah you look pretty oh god i love your carrots thank you you're about to have some rest in peace i don't i think it's because i live with pokey for four years it's just it's too easy for me to suss her out to the point that's unfair to like i don't even have fun with it and she's definitely not having fun with it so uh i oh my lord as expected sleepy's dead it must be because well because if he was the jester you know that would be in a weird end game situation for the imposter um i'm so confused why are you confused because for the last three rounds i don't know what the [ __ ] going on i'm just voting who everybody's kind of voting that's not very lucky dude i i know but i i'm just so literally so confused and ray i've been like following your lead but part of me was concerned that it was you and sleepy so if sleepy's dead then is it corpse we would have lost if it was um yeah corpse voted uh tina right after me yeah but i've seen corpse yet out i know that it's pokey i just want to see how she's gonna the real pokey would know who it is this but i just can't handle it just kill me to ask like genuinely for learning experiences like i i didn't know what to do there actually because sometimes we just have to be together and kill oh i was waiting for you to show me tina you were probably trying to kill someone right and i'm like sorry i don't know how to be like clean about it i was like how do i do it so that no one reports i don't know i just yeah yeah we just have to do it together so it's like instant wins it's always a small risk sometimes a little bit easier yeah yeah but uh so i called lights that was a good try i thought you were innocent until the button thank you we were all really confused on that yeah well it was it was confusing it was good it came out my mouth and i was like oh no yeah i really thought i was like why did corpse leave the button if i left the butt guys kill me first i need to go find food i have had not had breakfast no i know protection she's been she's been dying too fast okay i said okay sid okay so don't worry don't worry sid i got you i got you even if you're impostor you're free to kill me i don't i don't ain't ain't no skin off my teeth as they say so what they say that's what they say right is it oh that's a weird place to stand to fake scan which leads me to believe she's actually scanning all right john's in bottom d content i mean top decant i'm going to specimen i'll just keep her alive for one round and that's it okay she's scanning the boarding pass that's a good sign she didn't even have to check it i'm pretty sure she's true i hope she's not gestured though the last thing you want to do as jester is uh scan that'd be really really dumb jody coming out okay i said don't worry i'll bodyguard for you ain't no one coming in without my permission hey back up corpse back away via oh corpse just dipped in and dipped down okay okay all right all right all right so you're gonna do weapons don't okay oh you just dipped in and dipped out as well okay why are you guys dipping in and dipping out all right don't oh you're dipping in there and dipping out without doing tasks again okay all right back it up vip sydney here get away hold up oh the door closed oh that's kind of scary a little that's a little scary okay okay going out oh you want me to open okay yes yes ma'am i'll open the door for you yes please let me get the door telling the weather note okay okay so you're gonna oh oh checking for a body john just you know what i like that i'll let me get the door for you let me get the door for you madam oh okay why why are you doing that task now when you went inside there earlier and you weren't doing that task jesus well tina's dead too you guys i just saw sydney you're alive i just saw another cycle walk past you know another saikuna walked past me and i found the body he turned he turned into an uh office area do you think it's corpse why because he was protecting you and then before you did the last gas he left why did you leave when he was doing the last gas and then and then you came back you left saikuno at the gas can am i being incriminated for doing tasks with psychology look toast said we shouldn't move too hard last time so we're trying to it's just because i was afk at the start i think he was protecting me thanks corbin nice guy nice guy nice guys nice guy yeah yeah great guys some maniac transformed into me and i found a dead body right behind him how dare you if you see someone right now they probably didn't view this poster sid right that is true yeah at least for sleepy i think you guys is that all the influence well it's not cycuno i've been in species yeah i saw i saw him i saw i'd rate it a reactor at any point i was at the top left gas with cycuno okay after you left him yeah because i thought you were moving weird too but i think we're just sussing each other out and i can't really she was lurking on me and she probably couldn't i was doing gas you weirdo oh but my weirdo i was doing gas no i was doing gas i was doing yes open the door you sat back in that meal okay i protected sis for one round she's on her own now on her own she could still very much well be the imposter it's kind of weird that she uh went back to weapons after not doing weapons what is that looks like a q corpse c for corpse oh oh john's the bat guy hmm oh wait what body are you sydney died too wait this must have been a double kill did i just pass yes was it a double yeah they must have been protecting each other i didn't see the double northern and i saw sydney die and then i got off so maybe like toast died right after oh no sydney died in the lights how long after sydney john did you just report toast bonnie i did where's the body john yeah john where is this so it's the body it's in time at bay right um toast and i we're nuts to buds i walk into the specimen room to do my wires toes dips with corpse i come out of the specimen room wait till i was dead i think i was the only one in specimen i didn't see no no we were in the top deacon damn sorry oh okay i was like in specimen i was in specimen with i think sid and i said um wait was she but she isn't supposed to corpse i'm confused i was in specimen with sid i walk up to deacon tim i pass john and toast walking in while i'm walking out i run left outside of med bay john reports the body like five seconds later there's a vent there i think someone vented in killed next to deacon tam reported it earlier and then john reported it i see two things here either i see a thing either corpses sussing me out on this or there was a big timing last round said he saw another saikuna the only person with cicuna was corpse he was the only one who waited for me while i was afk no yeah but then he left you and then i was with you that whole last round so you think that we have 15 seconds at least we're all together if we win or lose why didn't you vote for me no that's how he sneezes [Music] i thought you were going to vote me out last round uh why would we vote i didn't look sus i think you're trying to split the vote right i mean yeah after the vote he was like oh dang it definitely trying to split the vote wait he's not like he's not huh jester right he's definitely the other imposter right yeah i'm the other imposter i was trying to tell corpse to tie the vote i'm gonna vote myself right now okay okay he sounds so honest he sounds so honest he he's not jester there's no honest race crazy i'm gonna go for it there's zero chance i'm jester actually i thought you guys were going to vote for me last round i thought it was already over no no no you can't play music in this round wait i don't think it's right regardless right she's wait he's still regardless he wouldn't lie he's too old he says zero choices gta ray you think i don't know how to lie i've been committing crimes stealing microwaves have you actually like you actually stole a microwave i tried to and then got arrested anyways um [Music] yeah i heard about that oh no psycho i was i was actually worried i'm on point sometimes you can never tell it's like you know but it's also kind of like you can always tell it was almost clean almost always honest so if he says there's zero chance he's jester he's impossible i can't believe [Music] i'm glad you understood corpse because i was trying to get you to vote for me for you i thought like i'm supposed to vote yeah i actually thought one person would vote for you i thought at least one would go for me and then me and corpse both did it but so it's pretty smart vote on your own toast was dead happy amigos day happy amigos day all right um i'm sheriff but i'm not gonna do my task i'm just gonna kill i'm gonna kill a by doing the special sheriff strat i'm gonna kill whoever comes here you pop out of that vent and you are dead sir dead dead i'm pressing q and kill can you guys hear it can you hear how hard i'm slamming my keyboard chances are i'm gonna get killed because there's a 50 ping difference these things will get me okay you know what whoa i didn't oh was that two tdos help help what was that you guys see that they're passing downwards what's the meaning of this all right let's start one of this huh all right we chill it out yeah let's talk all right go 14 i'm talking if this isn't good by the way yeah first of all sleepy pick a room okay [Music] turn are you seriously trying to figure out who the murderers are right now really no i i dropped her people she's the murderer together is broken in the office area it was chaos no it was perfectly fine you're just yelling at us you know tina i was minding my own i was organizing all the meetings i was just organizing take her out sleepy put her to sleep [Music] we will keep that in mind [Music] john sakuno why is hakuna going to that event why is following me like you know if you come near me i will kill you i swear to god i'm standing in the rain just okay look if i stand here there's no bad guys right like only a bad guy will check down here there's no way a good guy comes down here right there's no reason to if i can't see them they can't see me if they have good guy vision that's my theory [Music] um what if i stay in the top left reactor well usually the jester hides there so let the jester's there the kills are slow maybe i just killed john cause the kills are slow who was in specimen me hey me me and specimen i'm in species what's up john yeah me too bro oh well that doesn't look good then well cykuno you and i both know that corpse died a long time ago yeah me too i was looking at you they both died a long time ago unless you were just staying there who keeps killing sydney first i don't know but i'm gonna i'm gonna fight where's how old is the body um they must have run immediate if they made it to specimen by now they must have like run immediately to it john was the last one here it was me ray and tina john toast or jody then probably i'm just saying this was a long time ago how is it related to who was in specimen yeah specimen are likely innocent no yeah because the thing is i checked i checked vitals corpse was dead and i basically did my lab files and went into specimen and went all the way down there and still sorted stuff so he's been dead for like that long so if they killed him they must have like killed him and immediately run there uh i hope you're not implying that i would do that wait is that what there are events in the game but i agree it's true that's true that is true fast travel all right well i'm willing to vote off when i was an admin right before you though like while the lights were turning off yeah oh yeah i was chilling well i think it's toast john or jody that's my guess is yours okay that's it jody has been walking super weird with all this information i will definitely know an imposter so it's toast and john imposter jody jester what what no no this doesn't show both of them because the kills were separated wait why yeah that doesn't the kills were separated all right i mean if it's john or jody i want them to get a win because they don't really play among us and i want them to have a good time but i don't know who it is it could be anyone really jody and john came to fix lights okay and it's probably both of them then don't come here i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you i'll come here mail stab you don't come here mail stab you don't come near me i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you don't come your mail stab you don't come here mail stab don't come near me i'll stab you what did i say i said don't come near me i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you don't come near me i'll stab you i'll come your real step that's though johnny isn't jester i would be shocked just wait i just want to put that out here i wasn't trying to say that i had it i was trying to be like i'm here i don't have it but i'm protecting you mm-hmm yeah yeah is that okay you're trying to say right yes um okay yeah i mean what's the button called for i guess because you saw it yeah john's died very recently john says he died a long time ago i was on a quest to find his corpse but i could not find it i literally was trying to like you know just hang out because i'm done with my tasks and then they kind of juked me and then all of a sudden he's dead so i don't know i was kind of sucked i thought i saw you can't be rey mommy yeah i saw pokey and sleepy was like last okay well it can't it's not jody right because we were in specimen the whole time i left with him i was he duped me and then i was like trying to find his body me tina and then we went into office and then they went back kuno tina and pokey went to the left and then i went to admin i went calm psycho died a long time ago yeah he died a long time ago i was looking for his body so this could be the same killer twice huh yeah it very much could be oh because john's is like very recent but ray was for jody the whole team clear both ray andrews yes we just know they didn't do this kill yeah okay right yeah and that's what's like you know yeah it was toast jody and john according to cycuno and john straight up gesture to me if jody is not jester then yeah i feel like jody might suggest it but i have my in that case jody's probably innocent if she's not jester so i'm not voting for jody i think we should skip no no no no no no there's two left we can't let this one i'm voting here what do you mean there's one i know there's one sheriff you guys skipped on six yeah i don't know [Applause] i'm not sure because i don't know someone's there by the butt oh god why would they skip don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you oh nice button i oh i'm the sheriff so i thought he killed he was so confident what impostor i know there's only one imposter the other two people who skipped they also know there's one imposter but the only way they know that is by being the other imposter no the other imposter would that's wrong the people who skipped believed you that there was one imposter because you said you were scared you shouldn't have believed me off nothing vote me no it's me okay i think we need to choose do we trust toast and vote rey or do we want no no no no no no no no sleeky and ray [Music] was innocent he left it with it's either jody john or toast jody's gesture so i'm just like yeah but you're not going thank you and i can randomly kill someone okay no who voted who i voted i voted skip because i i thought toast was just her i didn't want him to win that's a very gesture thing to say that's right i don't want you to win that that makes no sense you should almost always vote on six or you should always vote on stakes because you guys hopped on him but he made such a gesture play it sounded like it's probably sleepy you know what you guys are right it's sleepy why don't you sweat why don't you think it's easy sleepy your toast it could be that why isn't it i'm pretty sure it's just that here's the thing i know there's one pasta left so i'm getting spicy with it oh just too impossible you can just trust me off nothing i generally i want to vote post now because let's be sleepy let's do this i don't understand how weird it is so it's like i'm just a crazy guy i'm just a crazy guy no i just think it's sleepy because of the first round because he kept going in and out of the question over and over that's the weird part like what were you doing just trust me too much this is jody i have no idea who it is it could be poker tina could be pokey it's probably pokey there's a pokey don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you jody the jester i feel like jody's might be the imposter hey who's in specimen right now not the mean no that's me is it yeah no one else is claiming it so stop questioning me tina i just claimed it's me oh you're [ __ ] i'm at blobs wait jody you're in specimen i'm inspired where are you i don't see you okay you're right you know how many heads did you see in specimens just said vitals frick i don't know okay all right so what the who who's in specimen please me and jody that's a lie wait why is it a lie there can't be two in specimen one in lab because basically the body is in communications i saw two in comms and then all only one in comms closed so i went into comms and so i know that somebody was in comms and one of whoever is saying that they're inspections okay right oh oh oh jody light never mind why are you jody i'm in spazzy oh can we please skip on for isis i cannot tell i'm sick i'm so sick to my stomach right now i'm sick i actually trust you okay i was thinking but i'm no longer in species oh okay so are you now no i i am hiding in the top right reactor that's that's a long way from specimen wait that it's right next suspect that's not kind of that's not even true what do you mean if you're hiding in reactor oh god pokey are you lit are you actually in labs toast who do you think it is be honest with me for once it's probably jody don't you guys think it's her no she's just don't you see no she's an impostor trying to make you think she's jester i'm trying to figure out that where it's an imposter jester and then a normal person i think jody is the jester and then toast is the imposter and i think you think i'm the imposter me yeah i sure do but i'm the sheriff the imposter knows i killed john the imposter is no i killed john right don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you don't touch me i'll kill you oh that's cool tina seems innocent pokey seems innocent too so it's just gotta be jody oh god so much buttons to press so much people to kill all right pokey's going there wait oh thank god i've been trying to get tina to push up i can't i don't have it [ __ ] okay we should just vote i am too frightened here's the part that i think oh okay i if toast is actually sheriff yeah he had i was going to say because we trusted toast earlier we kind of need to keep trusting him which means i think but that makes it look like you to me you know and i still think jody is jester first for god knows what reason okay okay hmm yes i think hosa sheriff tina crew pokey imposter jody jodie jester okay yeah did you just chuckle are you laughing at me i'm trying here tina's tina we're gonna lose if you vote me 100 i'm gonna throw up not really but oh my god just because she's been in the face of me like since jody you you know the plank to the lava that's not possible wait why would that be the biggest prank to suss you out it's not no no no not to suss me out but to fake being crewmate that last round what no oh no so you guys wanna vote here or do you wanna go meet in the corner and let tina figure it out wait i'm gonna no i like the one where we torture tina no no no i do think that could be entertaining no no please okay stay at the button don't worry about that me and pokey and jody we're gonna go into the corner okay and no i don't want to die no don't worry jody i'm the one who's gonna die because i'm the most innocent one because at this point you guys believe i'm sure alright tina stay at the button and we're we're going to meet in the weapons room okay tina stay the button and wait when do i go over there don't go why isn't jody coming over why is she in security oh do you know you're so smart you're so smart jody you have to report jody the g she will win the game jody she will win the game no jody no no this oh my god all right what this is what you guys wanted hello hello are you guys talking what nope you should know who it is by now don't say that i've done it i think it's i think it's even though pokey are you sure about that why would you say don't say like that like whale okay i thought it was tina um please jody needs to push on tina she shouldn't push him pokey loses jester or he could pretend to be crew here it's true it's true hmm pokey please i'm dying on the inside stop it don't do a pokey huh why is this so tense i'm literally clenched right now you've got it right don't worry okay wow got him right yeah good job jody wow should we switch back i actually thought jody was imposter too i was willing to vote her oh wait wait wait i thought it was a giveaway when she said it's me i'm the imposter vote for me i couldn't tell i remember when [Laughter] because you guys want to vote for each other but then if we vote jody i lose yeah listen and if we go toast it makes no sense because i believe toast yes that was a weird situation should we map change you know want to do some mira change you shouldn't do anything yeah yeah i don't leave i don't leave i was six seconds away so close that was actually really reported because i was like oh if i report this and it kind of clears me yeah i saw you standing yeah you were thinking about it i couldn't kill you you stayed at the button without a button the whole time yeah you were just standing why didn't you stay there because she knew she knew that you know people were gonna do the thing that was a fun one i well i'll be honest i actually thought jody was them foster well i'm a crew member so i'm scanning and that's how you guys know i'm a good guy hey sleepy you saw me scan right i'm the logo master okay southwest north south east okay north north south east north north south east north north south east you focus on the blue and the orange triple north south east [Music] southeast again [ __ ] fast north again carp is going up pokey pass southwest jump path north has it back down and then he's going southeast uh huh jody passed north yeah that makes sense repeat okay south east sleepy's north john jodie south east john jody south east valkyrie south west and to south west [Music] southwest southwest and to the north that doesn't make sense no oh god did it oh i did it what did you do what happened what did you do she didn't die first round what let's go all right so what's up yeah hit us with it this is all you what a body actually please there is i saw another ray i saw another ray and i saw toast i saw toast scan and so i know for a trillion percent that he is innocent because i saw i was hoping he was going to double check me but he didn't he finished and got off so but i did see another ray so i like started chasing them towards spawn and then i said this is a bad idea lights went out so i went ran towards lights okay wait if um if somebody more flings and crosses a line who does it show on the logs i don't know actually no oh you're probably the real person i did cross the lines um i'm not sure what makes me sucks because i kind of just walked up did my task walk down grab my water and kill you killed john john's body was on the right like by the vending machine um vending machine by the vending machine i did go down but i didn't go by vending machine i know corpse who else did you see it like on the logs it was called corpse killer john in the southeast it was jody and ray yeah could have thought it was going crazy everybody of course morphed that's right that's where i got it you guys would have voted me out already every time i'm crew you guys don't believe him when he accuses me oh yeah he's right yeah i'm kind of unbelievable yeah i trust that but it's two of those three guaranteed okay or jody according to this why am i living so long i'm just sitting i'm parking my ass on the locks here please someone slice me no wait i mean didn't john come back john's in the southeast corps should have seen it right that's heavy corpse sit over double north now that makes sense secundum ray just left is like no double back ray double back seycona and ray are together other race to be the problem today i would like to finish my assignments no no one's allowed to finish your task there is i keep what is that other ray has the audacity to run by me and i hate it so much and yeah right now ray is in the hallway with me at the fork they're in the hallway the hallway you guys can't clear anyone no one is with anyone i saw i can say that corpse was on uh simon says okay all right so i'll put it on so sydney and corpse are okay if you guys have someone to vouch for you right now we can find other ray because i'm fed up i'm on the wires right next to where you go into like um labs top you know what i'm saying i don't remember what it's called oh the reactor room yeah yeah yeah yeah so i saw somebody open that but because of my vision so small i don't know who it was why didn't any other ray kill you i don't know the other imposter oh oh oh why would rey call this yeah they wouldn't call it because she doesn't lose her button i know you're innocent i know toast is innocent and he's throwing no no this is part of my plan right okay i think i think other rays kill cooldown wasn't down yet but nobody's dead and it's been like an hour all right right i think you know who it is yeah i think so too right right you know right what that's all i'm saying okay i was about to say i thought you knew who it was but now you're not supposed to vote on seven or does it yeah we shouldn't oh no no you know you feel free to vote whenever you want it's a free country okay true you know i thought ray knew who it was but um i was wrong who else would just run around me and not kill me true actually ray i think you're on to something here yeah i don't know i think you might be on to something too i skipped now that i think oh my god saikuno great listen to your heart ray i thought you were right about knowing who it was i don't know who it is i thought we would i mean it has to be sakuno the logs are like rey and sakura but but look at this sakuno sleepy ray north don't kill me i swear i didn't snitch please a second i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry please don't kill me so you say come on please don't kill me i'm so sorry toast wait oh no where was it the hallway at the bottom of the map wait i just passed by there well i didn't know that now i do oh wait no no it must have happened recently is what i'm trying to say it must have happened recently is what i'm trying to do despite what you're telling me um i'm trying to tell you that it must have just happened because i passed by there and i didn't see any dead bodies where did you pass by because i would have seen you um well i just wanted a reactor right now i came from reactor [Music] this is this makes sense corps said he was with simon last round so he had to go wait where is psycho yeah um i just walked into reactor right now well i'm in decontamination um i'm in lab so i don't know i legitimately just went into that area there wasn't a dead body so this must have like recently happened you know sydney is alive last night i i really do be thank you guys whoever the imposter is no more so it makes me a little shy because rey is dead too yes it was between ray me and corpse i think and i know pink bean weren't you with ray i came down no she went into admin and i went down oh yeah i i was at the top part with her and then i saw you when you woke up yeah i went with her and then she was she went into admin and i went back down to cafeteria wait so where is everyone right now i'm in cafeteria i'm on top of the body by reacting i'm limitless i just i went to simon went down to the body never passed like kudo and none of it and the rey impersonator you know it sounds like something even that's crazy i saw sleeping with ray last yeah admin and then i went down to the bottom right sleepy [Laughter] running around hmm she can potentially clutch this because she has no suss on her good oh bad kill should have done corpse huh i wonder tell us what you got i got nothing you got nothing no but you you did the huh so i assumed that you you got something but you got nothing i got our imposter that's what i thought yeah yeah all right still still standing in the middle yeah okay where am i i came from cafeteria and then i went uh up to do my wall uh i had to finish my watering can task and then um i was uh going back down but then the thing he got called and i had to walk back up but i had already passed in through um which macaulay so you're saying room and i had to come back out we were both up there yeah well she did do she she did do the watering because i sat in the middle and yeah her and jody went bottom left together i don't know where the body's at it is the like bottom o2 area so i went through decontamination and i had to come back for the which macaulay the whatever the crisis yeah but i hadn't made it back up to do the top one yet but me and corpse at the top the container they also voted the last year i know but i haven't gotten there yet that's what i'm saying so like it's not me and i didn't get the chance to make it to the o2 i don't know who it is i have literally zero idea who it is out of you two like i have zero idea i mean she said it's not her i'm inclined to believe oh thank you i am a trustworthy woman so appreciate it yeah i'm not sure what to do here what'd you do corpse what'd you go with me i voted the imposter oh [ __ ] we're doing this way huh so you both were at top you both were at talk together the entire time is what you're telling me you know it kind of something like that we might have held hands or something probably the entire time we also voted the imposter last round of the imposter what great mistake [Applause] rey out yeah you really got your head in there like a hyena looking for a muskrat and then kept transforming into her and running at her you guys wanted to do a three-minute break yeah oh my god i wouldn't yeah i would like yay break i really gotta pee okay thanks pranks are weird when you don't have chats to talk to uh you have friends to talk to you can talk to everyone else's chat that's true where you're like we're your little chat you know that's true what is what i heard you mentioned i can talk to you guys in the bed you use your boba earlier order not really what is your bubba order i usually get coffee milk tea but i got like strawberry you know what yakult is i like yogurt drink yeah yeah i got strawberry yeah cool it's like milk tea there's not milk dhst but it owns anyone in la if you haven't tried tancho best okay i'm recovering on the healing side it's just the common cold don't worry yeah we're covered free in this house i got so lucky i didn't catch anything i think you're actually genetically i'm with you guys enough you're actually immune that's a problem for sure she has good dinner it's a good dinner good dinner some healthy dinner can't get sick i'm actually so impressed that you didn't get sick it's insane say i'm surprised do you take vitamins actually i do vitamin d and krill oil are they the gummy kind no i have gummy vitamins yo i have gummy vitamins gummy vitamin e it's a brand called ollie oh there's so far yeah huh yeah pokey do you take the pill kind yeah but i take like the yummy gel pill kind not the juice what kind of gummies oh you mean like the joke the one that looks like fish the vitamins yeah yeah so they don't taste bad which i like feels kind of high tech you take your vitamins corpse huh i take the the gel vitamin d once that you're talking about and then i have i i eat hella gummies full like entree of gummy bears every morning i take my medication and then i wait 30 minutes and put a plate of vitamin c on these i just imagine with like a butter knife and a fork you're cutting up treating yourself how many do you eat at once today yeah i do three the orange vitamin c once and i do two b12 and three um like oh the airborne yeah yeah yeah i just have multivitamin all in one why do i feel like that's your whole breakfast salad gang oh my god you make your own salads no oh god no where do you order salads oh sometimes i get the um valkyrie crispy custom from sweet green sweet greens sweet greens is good you actually like it i do like it i literally i've never had sweet green before but i was like gotta get green because rey because of ray where they are delicious yeah yeah guys i broke my mic lucky it's like it's hanging off the thing and i don't know how to screw it back on i'm literally just holding it alyssa i don't know how to screw it on pasta now you're in the spotlight with the mic i thought we were trading we're swapping yeah wow you're looking great today pokey looking great thank you you're looking quite swell as well you're looking good today pokey but i look like you know so you think saikuno [Music] all right wait oh saikuna you look great you look great zaikuno i tina you struggling yeah you're talking i don't know how to put it on please help you see crew is wrong you see the the brass screwdriver yeah that wait we're starting okay you're gonna wanna unplug your mic tina um all right log leading larry log reading larry log reading larry log reading larry like reading larry kill me first i can go can we first kill me first give me first kill me first kill me first kill me first somebody just kill me first kill me first kill me first somebody just kill me first please please why cycle purple that's weird why is pokey green that's weird pokey pass southwest and then re pass south west i had a feeling four four oh one three we got to fix the oxygen you guys i'm sorry why aren't y'all facing this it's okay wait why is sorry tina what what huh what happened i just huh yeah i mean i'm in spawn with john and tina all right just the whole time i'm waiting for the turtle task to finish i decided to stay and then i realized it was taking a really long time so i tried to leave but i realized since i already committed i should just fully commit and so i'm just checking it back and forth standing with tina and john and then like i turn around and john's just dead but like say less it's tina morph tina oh my mom's no more flicks she was watching there's no way the morphling lasts for long yeah it was tina wasn't it ray i trust ray why do you trust me okay you were even right about me last round when i kept transforming into you no one else would just so no one else does that i don't feel listen no they don't think you should try killing sleepy sleepy just an idea out of nowhere but i'm going to vote for tina because grace said so oh oh you got it right he said so cause it's a meatbox day is that it is that it because it's a meat ops day me gobs day vote for tina she's right okay wait tina where were you then at the top of you too like pokey said wait but me and jody were at the toppo too you guys weren't doing so it's tina pokey i no me and jody like just got there and nobody was there no no no jody i think mm-hmm why weren't you guys doing it though because we just got there yeah and nobody else was doing it dude i see two people in there for the longest time and no one's finishing it for some reason oh wait what if they really were there but hiding in the corner did just get here yeah me and you guys just got there i don't think that was morphing we were standing there for a thousand years yeah i'm trusting why would she kill that yeah i don't know why she killed she probably thought ray wasn't gonna go what if tina's the sheriff and she got john out right now oh she'd be bragging about it don't worry she put her out yeah she should have said it before she got killed oh wow good job everybody oh my goodness i can't believe you guys saved the game you guys are insane good job you guys you guys are crazy they're crazy people skip i'm more likely to be imposter so sleepy and jody and orange who's orange tina an ice gift the other two skippers are sleepy and jody it's sleepy and jody i mean it also could not be sleepy and jody that i'm putting all my eggs in the basket sleepy and jody get them out i mean i also skip so i guess i'm an imposter the imposter was me all along where are you going sleepy you going southeast where are you going where are you going we're going sleepy okay wait southwest how's that possible how can he go from southeast to southwest unless he did only why is somebody killing in front of somebody else um they killed right in front of like all four of us okay so me ray toast uh pokey and jody were all there and someone just killed oh my god it's pokey is like who knows that kunos pogba i got so confused i saw i saw seikuna uh also um this killer was me he's up walking up the hallway so they marched to you but the thing is all five of us are down there that only leaves sleepy and corpse doesn't it yo i'm telling you sheriff get sleepy all right no why are you inspiring all right let's go shoot me let's go for sleepy no i trust pokey guys it's a 50 50 job what do you mean you're messing with me i mean i'm just i'm [ __ ] with the logs that's it i've just been going back and forth in the logs the whole time so you can read it [Music] that sounds pretty impossible yeah why would you mess with it because it's funny there was a kill on the stack and it wasn't there then why is it between yeah yeah i wasn't there either so here's what happened all of us were in like cafeteria at the bottom part and then the killer killed and ran up is what it sounds like right but toast how do you know it was you that killed and ran up oh because i mean can't you just tell who it is based off your vlogs come on he morphed that's me yeah but did anybody else see two toes exactly yes uh no oh you're saying toast could have made that i guess yeah that was it is there still a two imposter there there's two ways who does that right but we definitely figure it out wait do you think that no i i i feel like it's impossible for it to not be tina yeah that's why i'm confused why there's two kills oh there's just one okay yeah ray got tina out so i think uh okay we're skipping oops go next guys nah let's just let's let's just let's just let the record show i try hey that's mean let the wreckage show is pokey jester oh she vote herself there she wasn't even close to being sussed she did walk away from a body that she definitely could have reported okay here's the problem here's the problem if it gets down to a three situation ah oh how dare you kill me oh right pokey psycho no hey how could he stop you reported the body yeah i did wait so you killed why did you gasp yeah why'd you do that look at me for you yeah where is rude it's on logs what wait the place that i'm always at but yeah but not this round maybe saikuno hung out with m m morphling toast because he thought it was real toast you used me toast on the logs and then he died so toast wasn't on the logs this round that is correct so it's toast um and i think pokey is the other imposter because of how you suggested that tina was sheriff first round i think you were really trying to save her first round i was just wondering it's not me right i promise well we know it's not right based off of the idea i think yeah just trying to adjust here's the thing he said he was messing with me on the logs he messed with me by crossing south east venting to the southwest and crossing that southwest isn't that what you did sleepy no that's a funny prank no i've been running left up right back and forth every time i have many vouchers for me by saying you turned into me to do a kill that's how you remember that i never said i morphed 30 seconds and we need to vote somewhere sleepy this round a lot of people i've walked by many people okay and by adventures except for you i haven't seen you then it couldn't have been him right yeah exactly i'm clean i just can't tell if this is so totally sleepy or if it's one there's no room [Music] i didn't vote because i [Music] wait that's a boom and muffling uh morphling is that two impostors left well sleepy didn't vote himself right it was me and corpse right oh me and jody who hold it with me i guess there's only one [Music] oh my god stop this what what happened what are we scared about now wow we were that confident that he was a bad sorry i screamed because i thought i saw two toasts and then i saw toast running after me and i ran to the button and he somehow got the button off before i did i thought it was okay no don't kill me how do you believe in toasty suspicion why don't you think it's jody or corpse but sleepy's messing with me i don't like that but so i'm just i'm just you know poking a little fun not letting you read the logs nothing wrong with that idea because it really does i saw toast go up that's it gives us lots last round you know what let's just skip all right i'm down because there must only be one imposter left otherwise comms would have been called so damn fast i'm pretty sure tina was one and i feel bad oh wait why do you feel bad why do you feel bad why do you feel bad because we started here with her mic broken that's probably why she was okay and then she's desperate she murdered a man she murdered a man [Music] unless sleepy and jody skip because they don't want to vote out innocent person oh they don't want to vote on them positive partner wait but if sleepy and jody are imposters why would they skip because they don't want to give gestures to win right oh god i'm looking along with jody that's sleepy and jody let's sleep here and jody i want to kill sleepy first because he's messing with me on the logs he's a log messer he's messing with the logs oh one in greenhouse that's the imposter oh no it's right to an office look out there's an imposter oh it's sleepy how do you get there if he wasn't that day one locker wanted cafeteria wow tina was right well my mistake it's tina plus someone else then i mean you're jester what do you mean yes you are how am i all your gesture no i saw two toasts so i was trying to see who was who cause there was two toasts and i was confused i'm not just her trust me how come you didn't do it water the plants huh why didn't you water that i grabbed my can but then i went and did like some other tasks oh and then you ran around really i did admin and then i did shields and then i went down to the bottom left of the y and then i did my wires and i checked the logs and that was when i saw a second toast i saw one toast doing lights whenever lights got cold i saw those little toesies and then i saw another toast coming from deacon tam so then i went back up to find the second toast i'm not voting sleepy ever i don't think so i mean good good because i'm crewmate you shouldn't vote me no no you're near yesterday that's why yeah i think sleepy is not jester because who would just be like oh yeah i'm messing with toast you know it's like too obviously jester that's right that's right someone gets it so it's your favorite picture yeah what are you doing i don't think it's toast because they're just running around running amongst us i'm telling you sleepy is more gesture than i've ever seen anyone be gestured before i think you're overwhelmed i know i've seen you he's being normal 50 times you went back and forth i'm messing with the where's the body sorry uh outside the contamination on the bottom oh hey where more i think okay okay corpse do you have any info um there corpse i was standing in between med bay and spawn waiting for either vent to move and neither of them did so oh okay toast do you have any info he's going to vote me no sleepy for messing with me no no no tell us look this is a big brain galaxy playback all right i thought it could be jody sleepy because she would have lost huh but we decided that sleepy was just her oh yeah jody i'm so sorry that's okay you played that really well sleepy ran from admin to lights back and forth 50 times and then he got the watering can but never did the watering thing even though he was up there you're like spot on everything yeah yeah sleepy was i've never seen like he was just i tried to pull it off oh my god i could have won if i voted myself but i thought toast is gonna big brain me so i didn't vote myself i i actually was so convinced thank you yeah i don't know i think i think was trolling yeah yeah of course of course yeah [Music] dude i've been trying to get myself killed early so often i live i just keep living i just keep lying and just tina north corpse north okay it's unlocked with me okay this might have to be a big brain play here sorry pokey north north sleepy north north it's like who knows you sleepy southwest i couldn't sleep he's messing with me on the logs right southwest i should just let my kill cool down finish [Applause] okay guess who comes flying down his valkyrie again okay it's psycho and guess who's sheriff me so i slaughtered him what damn he checks out that was a lot of emotion behind that yeah there was a lot of yeah it happened that's exactly what happened as soon as i i saw another ray and then i see the dead buddy flop over and it's half yellow oh happy for you yeah you know honestly that was very satisfying we could skip here okay full circle but also um a monster here yeah we could talk about that wait i feel like i just was that a mom's body in top left of calf or was that it's like who knows that was saikudo's body i just killed yeah well anyone seen pokemon no yeah where did pokey die hasn't even seen her actually it's the worst thing with pokey she hasn't crossed any sensors for a long time oh yeah she might be at spawn or reactor oh wait that'd be so sad though yeah dying spawn would suck yeah wait why'd you say it like that yeah why'd you say it like come on man i definitely saw her leave spawn and do wires but she might have gone back oh yeah so john thinks i'm innocent he's the jester he's trying to get me to accuse him like he doesn't know i'm actually the imposter so i actually need john alive for the majority of this so he's probably like god damn i needed toast to vouch for me oh firstly south east nicely if you want play games you'll play games leave you are you oh man maybe if like i can't win i have to like throw to jon here i need to kill ray she's too risky to be left alive there should go southwest southwest square though hmm corpse may have seen something i need to kill corpse all right let's sleep here where the corpse go all right did you go up did you go down jody logs god i just start killing faster i can't cross anything right i should call it sabotage here right oh she's gonna know she's gonna know she's gonna know and you kill sid what seems to be the problem sorry actually i hit r oh it's okay we can skip okay got it what what where's the body stop stop it wait what's going on stop stop well we already have one imposter so it's okay sorry oh my god so i got scared sorry sorry okay don't worry about it very dramatic just give me that please yeah wait um yeah it's my bed wait but ray died no no sydney died sydney died and how is it a bugged body if it's at the table because i just saw her on top oh that was a bug body because she died next to the table well i thought she died thanks said died next to them no she was alive this run because somebody i think somebody sampled her dinner and was walking next to me so there's no way oh i sampled her dead ray did die right like i didn't yeah ray wasn't lying i was alive oh it's a misfire by ray on sydney [Music] wait do you not see two bodies is that not how sheriff john how many bodies do you see i i actually just hit r out of range so i have no idea look right yeah glitch body she's not the sharpest tool in the shed you know i'm sorry um no i don't know what it's not very nice i don't know she just misfired it happens to everyone oh right what happens to the best of us if only you were here to tell us what a big mistake you made yeah i also missed fired so yeah see what happens to the best happens before i die it's not corpse okay that happens whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh guys dude i wish i was jester more when jody's in the lobby because she loves voting me very family posture yeah she's got to go she got to go oh jody where are you jyoti coming to kill you where oh my god okay jody jody jody jody jody jody sleepy corpse where is she tina where is this girl i just killed corpsers did you see like blood spray maybe like no i was literally following corpse and trying to follow him because he's we met scanned together so i knew he was clear and then now he's dead because i missed like the tiniest of our circle is so small locations everybody i am a launchpad yeah i'm my launchpad with john right now what what me and john are at lunch pad right john uh i didn't see you but oh it's because i have impossible right so launch pad as in turtle there's turtles no turtles on this map oh there's no turtles in this map no there's turtle sleeper where are you yeah where is sleepy there was three in calf one in storage right and then one person hopping around all over the map wait no uh yeah okay are you on it now tina yeah okay how many people are in cafeteria one how many people are highlights two how many people are lunch fat i don't know i i don't remember that well ah selective memory wait so me and coke from the like the y and then sleepy was in cat yeah so i don't know who's in lights wait john if she's at if tina's an admin she's right next to lights yeah no so you could just like one feature pretty sure it's not tina oh okay well it can't be john so it has to be either sleepy vented up or tina just walked five feet to the left no i'm still sitting in calf sleeper toast in my brain then all right let's just skip then i can't figure this out i'm just gonna next it's okay oh god this is so confusing or we could vote for sleepy why do you always want to vote me in this scenario well huh guys it would just be something satisfying if i got it right sleepy it would just be so small how would it feel if you got it wrong and i die huh jody i am murdering you the first second the first chance i get jody what are you so fair cody what are you so afraid of um wait tina you and jody were hanging out what happened oh yeah what happened what happened what happened um so jody and i were hanging out and i was walking around down the bottom you know i have nothing to do i finished all my tasks you know what i mean it's it's been that way for a while now yeah yeah okay i can clear toast on this one yeah i can clear john and tina for this one yeah i can clear toast and jump for this oh no okay say less sleepy guys guys guys you guys listen there's when did i ever vent i was sitting in my little spot right above the vent the whole time i was looking for someone to vent awesome you passed by me a bunch of times i was sitting above the vent in the cafeteria you guessed like me yeah yeah you voted for sleepy last round by your own volition i had zero answers in my own volition but it was do you even know what that word means that's all i'm saying if john if if we get this wrong john i don't take anything i would like to skip here i'm gonna be quite honest no no no no no no no we vote sleepy and we fix lights and then we have the final three goal he's gonna [ __ ] with the lights it's over right if i [ __ ] with the lights my kill cooldown won't go down not that i have a kill cool down why'd you say mom i'm loading toast john john you know what to do here you know what to do no it's really bad to have three here you're right yeah you're right you're right so who are you going we're killing you sleepy sorry skip skip skip yeah i think we're skipping here okay yeah yeah you're gonna vote me you're gonna vote me you're gonna hold me you're gonna vote me you're gonna vote you're gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh [Applause] it said two seconds i swear oh oh it's decent oh no these things the game's gonna end though right i'll let john fix it i'm not gonna kill here because that's kind of cheesy also i can't he's gonna like i can't mess with the lights oh what it's not sleepy uh peanuts you it's gotta be you you want sleepy out are you jo i'm gonna vote for your tina oh wait no what then who is it tina if it's not sleepy then who is it um toast what do you think it's me um no i cleared i cleared toast yeah i cleared john that just leaves you tina what oh it has to be you here how did you clear each other why do you guys have that weird tone where you're making fun of me tina i'm serious in this instant i'm clearing toast it has to be you here you're so full tina's sold this before oh [ __ ] tina come on what who are you voting for tina do you remember the admin table why do you guys do this i'm a table yes yeah right i do kind of oh yeah okay three and three and a half one hopping around i feel like that was misinformation wasn't it isn't it convenient that you didn't see me or toast on launchpad yeah tina how did you know i don't think you guys were on launchpad then where were we cafeteria tina i i'm just gonna i have tina i'm gonna vote tina like you're right john we need to get her i have to vote tina here wait why is why does toast on so suss though wait wait john why do you trust me so much i was pretending to vouch for you i didn't see you last round trust me i trusted you tina oh wait no tina it's not you is it i hate you guys so much toasty oh god what's happening is it not you tina you gotta make a decision no oh no all right that's called enough button let's fix this come on she voted for me [Music] please please please stop me what happened what happened i don't i don't understand i think it's toast probably you're you're leading the charge and john is like let's let's cause a ruckus tina i just remember it cannot be toast because all the kills he's literally been near me tina wait johnny jester john it's tina because we were together the whole time i don't know john why did you just vote for yourself yeah that's kind of yeah that was kind of weird and then toast is an imposter i did not vote for myself yes you did yeah who voted for you oh no i voted for john and john voted for me i voted for you no you're lying because i remember seeing green on green you're lying uh i i think you just kind of missed all of that so i voted for you jester no i voted toast no you didn't please all right guys guys there are people waiting let's just go tina and get it over here john please win with crew for the love of god please please john tina probably voted you no john i voted you you can vote for yourself i want you to have to win john i voted for you john you believe me right i'm in disbelief i please you deserve this chester win jon that's why i voted for you and if you vote for yourself you win the game i've got gonna cry i don't please not like this come on man please come on i don't know yo jester wins that rare jon you gotta take it i'm gonna scream i'm gonna i'm gonna lose my freaking marbles and now i kill them oh okay okay this is enough this is the i've gotta kill someone are you going tina where the [ __ ] you going cheetah guys [Music] you have let each other vote i believe toast is the main character and we're living in his world he's a maniac i can't really died so early why didn't oh my god i shouldn't have played that was such a [ __ ] collection i shouldn't have said i was sheriff though i should have like played it off but i was too excited i can't believe it i'm always fodder fodder for the video we gotta all give you tina tina yeah you okay yeah you got a crowd fun of therapy so bad for you tina it always happens crowdfund therapy sessions for tina for life i i feel like one of those like you know where or i feel like i got it down and then like the main character powers up and the music starts playing and i'm just like from five people it was a full on suss off when i saw sydney's body toast and i stared at each other it was like game on yeah i watched that all happen you need to be nerfed uh all right kill me first kill me first kill me first okay okay so uh like see that here's the thing i don't want to be the one to vote for john because like that's me giving him the win because he's for sure gonna vote for himself i want tina to vote for john and john's gonna vote for himself if that's the situation i'm okay with that right but i don't want to like just because i know john will instantly win like that's uh gimme one but tina can vote jon so that there is a situation where jon wins without me having to hand him the one because i don't like handing people once like i knew he was imposter i kept it alive to the final three for good reason like i could have like because it's better for me anyway but it also gives john a chance to win it gives tina no chance to win tina crew member in that situation a hundred percent boned you're screwed like for crew to win there you have to be gifted to win but for jester or imposter to win you don't have to be gifted to win you can trick the crew member john handed the team uh no he didn't because it's in john's best interest to keep me alive he could have sussed you the moment he reported body again if he suffered me i get voted out the game ends he loses as well jester is on the side of the imposter up until the final vote so that situation john can still win i can still win tina's screwed [ __ ] that's a long run sydney was the imposter oh get [ __ ] on sydney why did you kill her though like what made you think she was like we were walking on the fork and then she like doubled back and i was like oh maybe she like morphed and is trying not to let me see her like more back and then she like was being weird and so i just went for it you know trust your cat man true okay um sydney's having a bad day yeah yes you know yeah thanks for not killing me in the vent thingy said the decontamination all right you're welcome i just stole your dna so sid you might be targeted by the other imposter i i mean i'm not your name jody i'm sorry yeah that's okay come near me i kill you jody yeah yeah spam kill and just run into dangerous areas it's genius what about tina do we know anything about tina no huh it wasn't me well look look guys after last game maybe you know maybe she'll appreciate a short break you know a little break yeah it's like a different position it's not just too much unless it is tina rest in peace you know rest in pieces tina peace guys thank you bish you're dead no worries pokey pokey oh we all have weird ways of grieving it's okay take your time all right oh sorry she's um oh who's the last imposter you're in for a tough game aren't you me what just yeah i really like the dress the role it allows imposter to be a little troll and allows jester to be a little imposter uh like most of the roles i play with helps imposter even sheriff when there's a misfire it's two innocent member killed that's why um i don't like guardian and snitch because i feel like it just helps the good guys too much and one thing i don't like about phantom is that it's so random right it doesn't have anything to do with the actual game it's just a guy secretly doing the task and trying to secretly win that's it hmm i can't believe i'm not dying that's so weird well there's only one imposter left i think the best place to die would be to get murdered on balcony [Music] hmm no still still alive jody it seems like there's a bit of a misfire that happened oh how would you know because she said she was the sheriff and now she's dead yeah and there's another killed her well there's two people but she's saying that she killed like an imposter so there's only one left right of course is dead as well yeah but it could have been a like a killing i mean it could be but i'm just assuming she'd be like two kills you know i think he's right i think she said she was going for the [ __ ] in 1v1 jody wasn't alone though which um i thought yeah yeah i saw jody kill corpses that was hilarious but their little dead bodies fell in synchronization it was great ray you got any hunches right now because i think you know exactly who it is no i don't know really yeah well i'm voting for who i think it is who are you voting for you know exactly who i'm voting for he's voting for the imposter i'm sending it to you telepathically you know right oh via bluetooth i got that this person they looked at me a little funny there's two cases they're either the jester i saw you wow she voted for me so it's good thing she's dead dude i've tried to die here people it's okay to kill me [Music] you must be messed up because what the heck you're a murderer you voted for no okay i had no info but i did see her with jody for a second that's okay who who do you think it was she was a bit of a misfire jody misses i'll tell you exactly who it might be there's a chance that it's john how would it be me i don't know that's why i set a chance that way john why did you vote pokey if you're wrong john explain yourself you killed her why'd you kill pogie ray why did you jody okay and so i shot ray here we are you have to avenge yourself he's the only person i'm voting john we have to vote don't we because you voted and she was innocent yeah you voted pokey no revo to pokey voted pokey look it's either ray or john it's gotta be that's killing both actually wait wait guys wait i think i figured it out yeah ray would never vote for pokey unless rey was the imposter getting a kill then it'd be okay you just called her your queen but you killed her like kudos said it's a revolution dude get just killed no i'm ready to die get me out of here right yeah no no no i don't kill him kill him no take john she voted herself no there's no way john voted himself [Applause] he looked at me funny and then he voted for pokey he i i thought it was him you know what i'm you know i'm proud of you john thank you guys you know good job john i'm really proud of you you deserve that you really fooled us another shut you know who to vote for i had no info last person [Laughter] but you know john was a jester so you know he was just doing whatever right yeah why are people calling you a thumb because he has a thumb look at him he's the thumb from the spikes she's a dumb too like i don't like how this looks no no i thought it was kind of cute no you won't you'll look like a peachy character that's fine okay uh a couple of algaes let's make it a good one kill me first can we first i will not be sad if you kill me first i'm sorry please please please please kill me first please imposters are gonna see this that's the algae don't feel bad no no it's like don't don't come don't come here over here over here kill me first it's okay it's okay it's lg no please just just kill me first just guys it's oh yes thank you good job i know for my viewers it's uh hey guys there's no way hello okay that's so romantic wait which body did i report i don't know i don't know really i couldn't find the body i legit did circles and i think it's tucked behind like the cannon and weapons you know you mean the hiding spot [Music] i'm in lab i don't know who came out of vlob i mean um i don't know o2 i mean me 02. oh me john what ray did ray did i did i did awesome moving on okay i saw it last i saw sakura alive in o2 room and then he left before me and then i went down the bottom node but i didn't see a report [Music] the crowd did not believe in that statement ravioli ravioli ah close to ray right yeah yeah but like the door was closed behind me and then she came out she was like yes thing oh you saw me come out john i i heard the door open so you know i didn't kill him right yeah i know you didn't kill him yeah okay see yeah yeah yeah okay what you gonna make it from top right of okay oh my out of tree [Music] are we all okay no sleeping no oh man i'm so sleepy [Music] what's the blue roll uh it's sheriff they can kill anyone tell us are you going to play ballerina no they even divided me but i've been streaming for a long time so and yeah i need to get some rest here i'm way too tired way too tired so i'm just uh i'm just tired i just found this body sorry john's body is also um right below yeah you saw that too right yeah i was walking down the hallway and he's like peeking out of the wall he's right where that vent is below lights like next to the fence all area well this one's on vitals i just found it um oh i just was around vitals you're invisible yeah this body is right on top of vitals just found it just now john's butt john's body is by the hallway well the thing outside the hallway yeah that's not vitals wait no this i didn't find john's body i found ray's body yeah oh sorry oh my god i'm so confused okay um wait um i just finished my med bay scan i didn't see anyone top right um yeah that's all i got for you guys pokey cord yes wheel where you wet um i was top right-ish labs wait and you don't i didn't see sleepy near there but you didn't but i didn't see you well i was there okay guys i have something to confess um okay um i don't know how to say this you're not going to believe me when i say this but i found this body a long time ago and what yeah and i walked away um but sydney like looked up at his body as well and then just walk the other direction wait where am i which body i have not seen the one on vitals i've never even been to like i haven't even been in the office all right oh maybe it was a more fling i don't know but something it wasn't me someone just walked over wait but then why didn't you are you jester why didn't you report it i just didn't really feel like it i'm gonna be honest oh okay well we kind of need to vote here so yeah we sure didn't do it oh god you guys we did it right wait guys we did it right wait wait wait it says smart yeah it says you tended to be jealous foster walked past and think you were the jester thanks yeah good jobs no it worked you made them think you were dead did you run by the body or who was that and then yeah i definitely ran by the yes yeah walked all over and i stomped on it like grapes oh my god i as you should and as he said well well when i killed varys said happy amigos day that's nice yeah i'm actually very lots of cool art i love you guys it's my favorite so good you're just saying that tina what i what no no yeah you guys killed us first i don't remember saying that anyway thank you everyone for playing [Music] [Applause] all right thanks for watching guys i'm i'm tired uh the i think there's two more lobbies this week one or two more not tomorrow i'm way too tired tomorrow so um i'm gonna go do whatever eat and i'll catch you guys thursday i don't wanna stream tomorrow peace peace
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 44,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, pokimane, among us impostor, full stream, imposter pro, among us pro, toast pro, pro, pro toast, vent pro, sykkuno, pokimane among us
Id: ahx9M2OqaZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 24sec (13344 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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