"AmoogUs" WITH MODS Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Pokimane - Ryan Higa, etc...

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god i have such a difficult time swallowing pills uh let's see here among us among us i am playing the game of humongous now do i not kill pokey first or do i kill pokey first polishing the gym calm sabotaged it's just one person all right here i come swooping again don't don't don't try don't kill don't kill please right please don't kill her please don't kill her she didn't get to play last round that was so close oh so close i almost felt the trigger hmm not sure who do i kill who do i swoop on oh am i supposed to swoop on swooping super soup and soup and super soup and soup sabotage instantly fixed uh ryan would you really consider killing some people what i hear so much stairs i saw someone vent and then they chased me behind you come clean sir just do it oh it's a guy sir sir don't worry your women are safe all right i already voted them chris why did you do it after you save your day i just couldn't help myself it has yeah ryan did you vend are you the engineer oh yeah but the thing is then he chased me and tried to lock doors but it like messed up i'm killing him it does sound convincing you know ryan voted me out of the last two games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay you killed my partner now you have to die or maybe i'll let her have this one and let her catch me i feel like if she gets to talk one more round she's gonna assess me forward all right [ __ ] you sorry it could be your youtube video but it could also be my youtube video and in my defense you got my partner out so you're super cleared [Music] oh no she's not the mayor she knew too much who killed our mayor where was the body it was in vaults no idea what that means wait wait where's it was like up top like top mid i came from i the camera person yeah i know i know it's me but here's the thing so i was on the cameras and i saw toast and pokey just standing there yeah and then they were yeah and so then i leave i go back on it's just poking she's standing at staring at the camera and i'm like oh hey and then i left the cameras are off the past five ten seconds because i left because i i got bored oh nothing happened but she just died and as i left cameras outside because me and pokey were involved we were i would dance in front of the camera and the pokey dancer from camera no i failed so hannah should have seen maybe seen who was it it was a man with a hat chris oh wait wait it was christmas so i have an all-seeing eye okay okay okay and hannah's name is gray so i don't know what that means oh you're saying you're seer yeah great ray like an executioner oh neutral roll which means hannah's execution and trying to kill christmas sneaky sneaky person all right listen listen listen i i was executioner okay the mayor oh he died oh so you're just gonna tell your guests are now skipping no i'm crewmate what you're still great to me hannah we're chris i saw you next to the mayor okay wait the target could also be the imposter find out who the imposter is just give me a second all right so christopher is the seer that means if he checks me he knows i'm an imposter uh he's trying to check me he's trying to check me he's gonna fix the sabotage my timer is so high though but he can't report anything until there's a dead body [Music] i saw leslie vent yes yes i'm venting but that's because i'm the engineer again again leslie again really how many times leslie i know twice again i've been using the vents to spy actually i haven't gotten any information um so guys can someone tell me where the admin table is it's inside of the cockpit where is that just in the cockpit why don't you see it like that clip it hey hey chris are you doing anything after this uh among this lobby i'm vibing what are you doing oh you want to do that thing we talked about we're going to be making plans all right let's do that thing we talked about and we're playing among them hopefully nothing happens in between now and that session that will make me not want to do that with you why do you guys talking so like what are these secret memes i'm sorry anyway abe why'd you call this a meeting oh cause i saw leslie uh saw leslie imposter oh no i so i saw events like in the corner of my screen when i took the you know just caught her but at the same time she might be engineered okay my kill can't take this vote me out chris is here he checked me on red [ __ ] [Music] he's chester why did chris just tell me my name's red when i'm interested no stop no chris is sipping for me it's crazy it's me i even voted myself oh my god [Music] i'm so cute leslie her name what is going on i'm an engineer [Music] okay so now i have to kill hannah i have to kill hannah i can't even vent as imposter i can't vent us the super this game is tainted i lost there's so much thing that puts the kill on pause sorry hannah because she technically becomes the jester [Music] guys it's okay guys i figured it out you saw that right miang what did i see i figured it out i was spy yeah i saved the game guys it's toast what it's not toast i scared it you say it wait stop it chris is not seer he is not his name wait did you why did you say it was toast uh i'm spy i wasn't having a table i saw i see toast i think venting you what do you mean you think please wait sorry sorry explain where i vented when ryan was the one who vented when you were in the top middle and then boom you i saw two toasts on my admin table on the bottom all of a sudden two toes make any sense that how can you see two toes i'm just waiting toast canvas ryan vented right yeah that's true as well i'm is that body was really close to me and leslie and chris left chris is trying to be a homie right now no he's misaccusing you leslie he said my name's red i'm the yes because he's covering for me oh well then we vote him for this that is absolutely so you're saying you killed hannah toast is that what you're saying yes my head where was hannah's body it was uh on the right side right side of what what was what do you mean guys i'm trying to vote for myself wait but where is hannah's body on the right side you reported it lovers all right jun you're the next one to go uh oh so the thing chris and i were talking about is um careful chris thank you it's so funny watching her duck head pop into a vent and pop out maybe i do have to kill chris i don't think any of them went up though because i didn't hear the ladder sound where is everybody hello people where are you guys yeah i just caught sabotage maybe i'll just swoop my way on over all right miang thinks i'm jester huh that's good so [Music] so leslie's body is at the bottom of the ladder to meeting room where like the reactor yeah yeah yeah on the left reactor she was fixing it i don't believe that chris is here he's the seer i i don't believe that chris why don't you believe that i can see names wait didn't you say leslie was a bad per bad guy like christopher he's covering for me this one is tainted oh so it's kristen toast no chris is the seer i'm the only apost oh no no no i don't believe it i'm i'm killing chris um i am so i i don't believe i don't believe that chris is the c i've scanned everyone's name everyone here is green except one person guys just get me out please please i've been voting myself since three rounds ago the game's not gonna end all right i can literally next why is it when i'm sussing myself people don't believe me people will have i should just treat it like opposite day you know when i tell the truth people don't believe me i was scared who scared you lily you me what the hell i'm in the freaking emergency waiting room thing sorry i don't know who to trust anymore yes i only trusted leslie i'm not gonna lie all right you're right i am the jester and the p the reason why imposters are so afraid to vote for me is because they don't want the gesture to win that's why abe pushed it on chris so you can vote for me and let me win or you can vote for abe and let abe win wait is even poster yeah definitely not me i'm the gesture no i actually think toast is jester oh okay then who is a dave if it's not me or you oh so it's meow oh god it could be me it really could be me so we have to vote miyang cause good enough for me i don't know guys get me out of here okay well i'll get you out of here follow me vomit me yeah we'll get you out of here thank god this is the weirdest game dude i've only told the truth i've only told the truth [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] actually a good one that was a great plot i can't believe both couples were still alive that's crazy good job lilies were you jester no i was just like crew me if i started getting dizzy there if we voted him then the game ends oh my god it said abe's name was green i thought it was something else oh so much platus all right guys kill me first i'll stand right here i want to get killed first i can go brush my teeth i know i know i haven't brushed my teeth yet kind of weird that's why i want to die first pokey i know you see me i know you see me pokey pokey i know you see me oh this is an actual task i did not know that i wonder if you can kill someone from like this oh god pokey's thinking of wait lily's thinking about it she saw me and she was licking her chops i swear she was licking her chops all right can you not see up oh people in the lower side can't look up oh god i can't i can't oh there we go oh god why is it invisible the swooping super is taking hey brian fosley lily i did it i did it i sorry i'm really excited i i'm a seer oh and i got ryan i got it right yeah god riot ryan um wait sorry sorry sorry you're the seer okay okay here's what i know june is good christopher some neutral role and ryan is imposter oh wait say that one more time who's good june's good okay um can the real slim shady please stand up with the body of pokeman right now is it possible jester without a death huh like didn't you say someone has to die to get jester yeah the executioner is a target yeah so i'm just trying to i'm trying to figure out why lily's saying this right [Laughter] now guys i think we figured it out i think it's ryan and what do you mean mia why are you right next to the body of pokemon i'm not me yeah wait what do you mean i'm not you're on the bottom correct nah i was on the oven table wait where's the admin tell him june june i'm not gonna tell you you're gonna come kill me now i don't even know where the map is guys i saw i'm pretty sure i saw event in the beginning and then now i see her with pokemon did not i believe you jun i voted ryan thank you i feel like you're fools gotten to play the game yet oh yeah uh we've just been killed off cooldown uh to do you oh there we go um i don't really have a lot of information i'm inclined to believe lily the seer is a little strong the seer can tell if you're an imposter and it just happen if it if a seer reveals your role and your kill is on cooldown on this map which lasts for 35 seconds that's really bad [Music] lilly okay how dare you myeong say what do you mean what's it even it's not how dare you kidding me how dare you look at me this is messed up stop friends don't lie to each other [Music] found me in the dark that's kind of scary all right i gave you so much time what did you what did you say so far i couldn't do it you didn't even show up you didn't even show me where were you i was there with toast and eve and chris and you weren't there why are you stalling i never saw you mad all right pick a spot pick a spot i'll spawn no no we know who it is let's just get him out you know what i skipped just just just what what you're trolling it's not easy who's the shrimp [Applause] [Music] ah that's the mayor role in action they get to save their votes and then like blast it all out at the same time what oh calm sabotage ah let's fix it i think this is the com sabotage is one the hardest one to fix i don't even know what role leslie is all right [Music] please [Music] good [Music] [Music] oh thank god round and i love her i was looking for thanks jun and then and then she has to witness these games what about hannah she hasn't even gotten to play in here guys yeah also if you want to keep sear you need to make it so that neutral shows up as red as well oh yeah otherwise she that way like it gestures around then you're not sure you're like oh are they just sears just like a ticking time bomb basically yeah it's crazy so 40 seconds info that the seer sees is team and then that should be changed to roll uh go to the right one more time there's only team enroll wait who was the mayor last night i guess oh wow okay uh a oh neutral is impossible imposter crew mayor and executioner neutral show up as imposters yeah so i think add miners if i get imposter you'll see this big gochu turn on miner around miner yes yes imposters need a buff hardcore okay let's let's add jester that helps imposters right gesture and execution no no no no i feel like there's way too many roles to have to consider jester turns into gesture anyway yeah yeah true um yeah can someone explain how that works i didn't get that yes so you know how the executioner has to uh vote someone out so if that person is killed by the imposters then they turn into gesture because suddenly their win condition is gone okay also guys lovers you guys have a secret lover's chat so if you guys want to try to coordinate and meet up you just think your lovers chat yes yes yes i didn't know how to access it your chat on the right top normally you don't get that if you're like uh crewmate but if you're lovers you get the chat i think you have to make an account or something yeah you do i didn't make an account yeah among us wants to require people of like 18 years old have to be able to talk if you're a minor you can't talk i can't talk you're a miner thanks edison i'm gonna play like one or two more roja be right back pee all right what did we discuss um peeing oh yeah yeah my pee was like a fairly clear yellow clear yellow yeah been drinking a lot of water that's good yeah i thought you were gonna say you've been drinking a lot i was like you okay no i know okay i'm fine i haven't been drinking i've been drinking water and coffee lastly how's your arm ow arm people under hyped the pain not gonna lie it feels so sore yeah i felt like someone punched me like 15 times as hard as i could yesterday oh no it's getting better now yeah [Laughter] [Music] he didn't he didn't not finance toast was outscaled right hey leslie um someday um if you have a baby um oh can i can i babysit oh no oh can i like stream myself babysitting your baby yeah yeah baby oh you know like changing diapers and stuff oh can i stream the baby yeah i suppose i wonder what my baby will be like you're supposed to say no one stream your baby but like it's a baby once it's a kid don't stream it but as a baby yeah it's just like a pooping machine you know what they know diaper diapers [Music] i used to babysit in my teens i know how to change a diaper i actually have never changed a diaper actually i used to babysit these kids and they were like four so they were old enough to maybe like not have diapers if we kind of go to the bathroom but the first time i babysat them she went to go pee or poo or whatever and she just sat on the toilet staring at me and she goes can you wipe please did you i mean i had to she was not fully potty trained oh my gosh not to like wipe her butt she didn't know what she was doing oh yeah good memories good times get done at least she's so pleased yeah and it was so she looked like she looked so lost like the pleading emoji just i i don't know how to give you my please oh anyway sorry we can start lily are you back from the potty no i think so lily i can wipe for you oh god wait lizzy yeah if your baby's first words are kept w what are you gonna no no no no they will not have to worry about that that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen would you be mad that it's not man they will not know any of the memes not until they're older what if i always listen when will you let them go on the internet leslie oh my god i don't know what about you guys i don't want them to see the internet yeah i don't know if i let them play video games after 12 years yeah the 12 year old boys every time every time aunt meong's over to see the baby like when you're not around she's going to whisper in the baby just teaching him emotes they're gonna get bullied baby dabbing that thing's not gonna be cool anymore when that kid grows up do you think our kids will think we're cool or think we're lame i'm back i really wonder all right [Music] spaghetti chicken mcgriddles from mcdonald's huh crew mate just crewmate oh just crewmate well i kind of want to die so i'm just going to speedrun my task maybe i should spend one round protecting me later ryan ah good luck killing me one two three four to the window to the wall oh hannah hey hannah you're not dying are you wait where'd the hannah go wow oh she just disappeared i go crazy for a second all right leslie didn't kill me so that's nice ever no one's dying this is a pacifist killer guess i'll do one of those things they call a task mr frog man staring at me the imposter's ever checked the bathroom stalls that explains why she disappeared and turned invisible but i'm surprised she didn't kill me all right chris almost there [Music] um sorry i was just really confused uh it's in um uh by the stalls of the bathroom chris are you still with hannah no are you no you guys are with me for so long protecting me ah i thought chris was with you so i did like that yeah you both left it's or the killer is following you hannah be careful oh god you're being marinated yeah it could be true where's the body it's like by the bathroom stalls chris i'm such a you okay okay let's move on i'm kind of sucks yeah why because i've been holding hands with someone this whole game you changed you know what you needed yeah yeah i wanted to be spaghetti hat but i accidentally changed to this i don't really like it i feel like a granny i didn't seem young the whole game so i'm kind of suss well i did you're sus why are you throwing something yeah minding your business granny maine going get you you want to talk to barack obama that wayne do [Music] talk explain this to me chris why were you following me up and down the ladder and when it looked like i was going to go push the button or go towards button the lights got turned off [Music] what do you why do you think gabe what do you think the reason is [Laughter] that's not a that's not a very verbal answer it's june yes it's good enough for me though uh where this person is hey guys okay i haven't heard this and i saw h june hiding in the engine and i saw bee nands run after him [Music] yeah it doesn't matter together that's all i saw that's proof that i was on cams but not in a weird way you know only people yeah i wasn't just chilling in there yes you were at the top left corner i saw you on cams when was that yeah for a little while are leslie abraham he's been running he's been running honestly me young dodged the 1v1 on the top what i'm out alphaed what do you mean you were stalking me like a psycho and i went up and she followed me up so i went down where i mean she was talking so much [ __ ] in the meeting and then once we saw it face to face cuz you're gonna kill me you freaking crazy nice later chris oh my god yeah oh my god we're gonna kill chris right now i guess [Music] chris so uh anything interesting happen i went uh crabbing yesterday i caught five crabs but they were all tiny so i'm trying to figure out how to catch bigger crabs i'm thinking i'm wondering if i should buy a boat but boats are expensive so what's like not a boat like a kayak right but how do you transport a kayak [Music] now is pokey going to win because mian is going to sim for her the one giggling in the background right now ryan she gets engineered three times just at the point where she's using that as an excuse no no no no no no no you get it like three times in a row i have been engineer and i'll tell you you know those lights i fixed them instantly last round i was gonna say i was engineer but then i was like well i mean there's no need to come out as engineer i'm engineer again i'm just really good at it now you know just been ryan good enough for me ryan what ha ha wait wait wait ryan right now ryan is but i'm voting for leslie what do you mean oh okay wait so hannah voted for me no i skipped did you really oh then this is okay wait did you skip don't escape guys leslie wait wait are there two imposters left so if it's not i think hannah might be one to be honest did we vote anyone out chris right you're about to get voted out i know but we'll lose if i get voted out here so i'm just saying like did we vote someone out we're still trying to avoid it we will we will if she says we will then that means as we as in crew me i don't know oh god i think we're just fine guys okay oh no don't worry oh there's a loving impostor in the game two lovers to impostor there's a loving imposter and hannah doesn't know about loving imposter she's wondering why the game's not over hannah doesn't know this but to win the game she needs to kill me young and pokey to win as imposter lover as lover needs to keep miyang alive hannah killed chris leaving two lovers alive and herself i had two win conditions it was like a free ride i know i'm sorry but thanks for putting up with it oh because i didn't know if you're going to kill me or not so i wanted to get a stop i just ran around killing in front of me and she just she sat there with the scarf right around yeah that makes sense wait what happened how could you kill the people that protected you listen i just had to be done it had to be done you were swooping okay are you ready ready wait wait i want to change my hat okay um poop hey if i try to ask you a question ready just voted me here we go is this lg yeah he looks best chris i just wanted to scan you man also so you're still op it is like i saw four people's roles oh wow oh i didn't get hit stream voted out huh that's fine that's not that hard to do what do i say when i think it's somebody how do i make them trust me did i say i saw the kill on camera wow there's so much people here hmm this is scary i mean i don't want to die is the main thing oh god oh god don't kill me don't kill me oh wait she's the seer oh thank god okay huh i i just revealed toast and he's imposter oh nice all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait-wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second really yeah it's just not really no no no no no no it's weird because lily i can see your seer and i don't know why you're saying that well okay same as in red i don't know what that means oh neutral or imposters are both red now oh what is the neutral just someone with no role like executioner no no it means roleless wait really like crewmate too uh i think wait what was the exact setting it says neutral or imposters you were red last time for me but you weren't uh a killer yeah lily if i was a foster i would 100 so what are you i'm neutral like i'm nothing guys it's abe how do you know because i saw him vent you could be an engineer hey engineer ryan is executioner i am the engineer i don't believe you i think you're doing that as a big brain play well you're wrong okay well unfortunately this does mean lily will probably die no it was nice unless you protect her oh yeah yeah i'll protect her lily pick the leftmost option for the map spawn hmm so the imposters did they [Music] wow i just lied through my teeth there why did a consider going into an event but then didn't go through an event ah chris left first hmm bean ants came out of the photo room right who was the person who died wait no one died come on bathroom door close everyone be real quiet here not a single sound wait i need a screwdriver i wonder if people can hear that loud noise what was that body and that's history hmm one dark green dead who was dark green surprisingly still alive i'll be honest [Music] chris is dead in cockpit lily did you hear anyone i was with ryan because ryan is innocent oh that's why you're that makes sense nice yes okay i was like what are you doing i'm just trying to lose you okay that makes sense um uh yeah we all ran to the left we followed leslie and we came upon a body yes in the in the left you know who i haven't seen this round chris he hates you hate me [Music] just kidding i was with him the whole round he's cool oh really yeah the whole round yep the whole round because no no that's cap because i saw it he was not with you pokey i was just like further behind oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i was around the corner we were like you know which corner each other which corner guys the corner it's june and pokey please but june was by himself when i peeked in on him and he was there for 10 why are you seconds about not seeing him huh yeah i think it might be toast trying to accuse you because toast is executioner and then after executioner he's gonna be jester so either way let's just get him out of here right now i have one second left this is why you don't lie this is why you don't lie badly wait you got an early executioner win oh my god what true love is okay and true love is you get to a point where you want the other person in the relationship to die oh my god what that's true you wanted her to die really why what uh she was like all right come to the vault uh-huh okay no no no i said cargo and then i said i'm hiding at the vault and i meant the vault in cargo but he thought i meant the vault vault of the map it was a miscommunication oh yeah they're both like called vaults yeah technically you know so with the marrow all you're looking to do is to save your votes each round oh let's call did they camp this light sometimes i feel like they oh oh that's very fast what what wait what oh chris what happened um i'm walking through like cargo in the dark and i get a report button it's the swoop and swooper i went uh crab fishing yesterday oh i caught five crabs whoa but i had to throw them back into the sea because they were way long that's good it's illegal to keep big crabs how big were they they were like was anyone around two inches that's it yeah oh hey not the first time i heard that hey yo hey hey all right we can skip here guys my game might plug that i think we have to restart okay wait can you see if it's bugged after the meeting too yeah oh yeah let us know yeah i'll try to try oh impossible just kidding stop true that too yeah try killing me oh i just realized there's a rule when you're catching crabs you have to release them gently into the water but in the videos i watched they just chucked them in there oops my bad my bad crafts okay i didn't chuck them into the water yesterday i just it's more for a lob but i don't remember to gently put them in the water it's fun catching crabs they were all really small though i don't know how to catch the big crabs like the method is the same you just drop a cage into the water and you wait but i think it's just location or season place and time i i did it off the docks so they were all really small so i'm trying to figure out where to go to catch big craps [Music] lily where are you right now who died leslie oh leslie leslie no she got sworn did you just kill leslie no where was leslie she's in the folder room for records records records is that at the top yeah it's like top rightish oh okay i was fine i saw leslie into i mean lily in two rooms when i was on admin yeah i see oh what's a spy again she can see colors of people on admin oh i will say that when i was spy i also saw multiple of the same color but i don't know what it means because you're not supposed to i thought it meant someone's in the vent venting back and forth i can't say for sure and as adventurers all i know yeah last time i was bi and then you killed someone i saw two of you i did see lily like kind of towards the end of the round and i was venting but i'm the engineer and i fixed i fixed the thing like immediately a reactor thing really fast well that's my info do with it as you please did did i meet anyone abe is multicolored i saw it would you like to show that as a spy yeah did it run it yeah oh cool um did anybody see me guys he's quite quite the opposite what's the applause no there's no way i could kill the guys hmm i should have no idea who it might be so satisfying um pokey claims to be spy and said she's solidly um solidly and two parts of the map lily's leaving with christopher hmm why isn't pokey camping admin well i guess she doesn't want to die which i can appreciate because if you just can't batman you are asking to be murdered someone went down some ladder another person went down some ladder keep my eyes on the record room because it's to the right of one to fix us oh there must be some bodies there let me check the right side first i guess [Music] abraham's body dead on the right reactor fix wait i'm so confused how come the numbers were just zero zero zero zero oh it just is that sometimes was nobody on the right side reactor abe was and he got murdered for it i was waiting i was confused i see well i'm electrical i'm doing like the pony things so how can we confirm she's engineer i'm pretty sure she's engineering okay okay chris any info hannah was there but my role doesn't matter anymore what is your role i wasn't there oh i see your lover has been murdered oh wait for okay i have a sneaking suspicion that it's like lily and meon me but i was with you earlier pokey yeah i thought she was trying to kill me maybe [Applause] maybe it's silly and hannah it's not me it's gotta be you lily you were last seen with leslie i think okay and you you know just admit info well does anybody have any other senses i don't know if you have nothing though i don't necessarily really i got nothing man i've just been finding bodies innocent why you got nothing huh i'm just finding bodies nothing because you're self-imposter okay you know what you're right it is lily it's not me all right there's one way to make sure i literally have no other info don't worry i can make sure lily gets voted out here what do you mean [Laughter] oh my jesus christ someone really wanted me dead yeah i wonder who it was i hate you oh that was funny why is that such an early comms call can you pee oh run run run before they kill us fly you fools i really want to call a meeting to kill someone am i that sweaty am i such a sweaty boy someone went down some ladders awfully sus okay i heard ladder which generally mean here here or here right but it's not being fixed so i think someone went down the ladder here and got killed for it or the impasse is there waiting to kill someone right now all right there's nobody unless it's on the thing oh that's weird it's been so long oh pokey's dead oh god oh well i turned the lights on i'm alone down there lay down where by the lights so where's meown i'm at the cargo bay that was doing lights there oh i think that's what it's called so there's two people who claims to fix lights well no i didn't get to fix it but i was there then why weren't you fixing it because i was running there i was just following the arrow man it's been in the whole minute i just got here i was going down but i was just following the arrow okay you know what sure hannah would you vote for i can do my homework can i copy yours chris chris you okay who are you voting for chris who are we i'm suss on me on i'm so sorry hannah i'm so sorry no way i guess it doesn't matter because i don't i think he abstained from two votes oh god i hold all the political power oh god oh oh god wait wait three votes went through [Music] [Music] a lot of op rolls do we need some balancing do we need to change map do we want to change roles maybe we only have one revealing role like either this one or the seer uh oh i would like to say that i got seer and i was so excited [Music] anyway remake the lobby yes i can't join okay oh okay that whole round the whole game i couldn't see anything and then i just picked mian out of nowhere and then she was imposter sorry i posted it into my chat sorry i'm gonna make remake okay post it in general i said i'll delay nothing in my brain perfect the same okay okay do we want to change anything else no fear no seer sounds good maybe yeah spy and nosier that's good goodbye seer goodbye okay what does a medic do oh hi chad how you all doing tonight i'm trying to put on some moisturizer my skin can dry lately not watching jimmy fallon oh you should watch him to support my friends just because there wasn't room for me doesn't mean we should boycott it or anything just business i'm worried about by people saying like i was invited and i turned it down because i was busy and that it's my choice those people are weird because they're talking as if they know the situation i didn't even hear about until yesterday but there are people in chat like not in chat but like on social media saying oh no he was just probably busy he he he turned it down like i did really i hated when um people speak for me i just come up with theories and spreading it like it's gospel yeah i mean i was invited but that's fine that's just the situation it's just business it just didn't have enough room that's it filled with other facts making extrapolation on like what people did what people said who did what who like it was a it's because i'm on facebook it's because twitch didn't want that like what i don't know where all these theories are coming from like people are looking for any reason to justify me not being invited oh he's on facebook it's a twitch thing he's like no there are people from youtube on it it's okay he he was going to play it takes two with half one wednesday no i it i'm playing half with half one one is day and the thing is on tuesday so yeah like that part annoys me more than anything not being invited sucks but i'm sure if there was a fourth spot available they would have asked yeah i'm sure ray's had [ __ ] on corpse tried their best but sometimes it's just like sorry we only got three spots and like i've always said i'm not that marketable because oh wow that was good timing um oh here we go we did not again no no who was messed up enough to kill her who's the [ __ ] oh man we can't believe it you'll get off early who's next hannah hannah's gonna die next time hannah was it you please spare me no i would never kill people hannah hannah do you have mom do you have notes for this yet no i don't take notes anymore because you know twitter almost canceled me for him so i got peer pressure oh my god people got really mad about it [Music] i know it's okay though so i got peer pressure that i stopped so no no we decided first like every game for like the past five years i know was anyone with her so what is she doing wrong who was here i'm just kidding now they're gonna feel extra guilty who was that okay okay where was she toast hasn't said anything is all i'm saying oh i saw it die on vitals it's been dead for about 30 seconds i swear i just saw her i don't know what all right both one has anything no one's got anything it's a big map that's a big map i know it's gonna happen no info what the hell would never kill pokey i'm gonna get some screwdrivers guys i need to build a pc later and i don't maybe i do have a screwdriver in the house you ask my parents because parents always know where everything is placed right i mean there's no way we don't have a screwdriver of some sort mom mama oh this is the first time building burger bread tomato onion lettuce spread bread tomato onion that is there's no meat this is an abomination i hate this task already well ryan just went into a vent he he just went into event i don't know if he missed he probably is engineered then [Music] kill pokey on round one that's nice june you did that you know what i'll tell you who the other imposter is true guys sent out the engineer what components have you chosen honestly i don't know because chris picked all the parts for me let me ask my mama do we have screwdriver at home tell us it's weird that they exclude the most popular among a streamer i mean like i was big when among us first started but i'm not as big as the others anymore right it just doesn't make any marketing perspective for among us or jimmy fallon to have me on instead of the others right like i'm always going to be forced it doesn't matter what i did for the game at the beginning it's what is more marketable now it's just business this is not the first time stuff like this has happened um like i talked about it on stream a lot is that my brand has always been very not good to just like feature like even when i was on twitch right um i wasn't part of the marketing of anything like almost everyone in my circle were like on twitchcon i remember seeing the banners of like a lot of my friends and like when i like when i arrived in california moving to otv like and since then it's like i just know when it comes to like being a figurehead i'm never gonna be there people's main option doesn't matter how much viewers i get doesn't matter how much i have an impact on the scene it's just there's always going to be someone better to promote than just like some some guy ah is it a race thing is it a gender thing i think being oh god just reaching dangerous territories i think you know from a marketing perspective there's no reason why i stand out because if you look at me if you just look at my content for a little bit there's nothing that's interesting about it right it's people who watch my content over a longer period of time who can slowly understand but off the bat it's like i don't have anything cool i don't have anything unique um i'm just some asian guy for the most part tell us what are you talking about i mean i've been in it's easy for my stands and my sims to say oh no that's not true but if you look at my history it's like the amount of respect well the amount of respect i get for the amount impact i have has always been really hard to get like i have to literally blow some like have a huge blow up like with among us or like a hearthstone with tft for my name to be even mentioned and after a while it just kind of fades away so you're being unrealistic if you say oh no it's no snapchat chewie we love you here and it's like yes because you guys are my fans you guys watch my content but i'm easily forgotten when someone more marketable is available there you go and then what's he pushing for h no no dude i'm telling you i'm not executioner i'm telling you meong is a swooper what are you then why am i suddenly a swooper i promise i just know eve is hard let's do it [Music] i do have the respect of my peers though which i really appreciate ray sent me a really nice message yesterday that made me feel a lot better because i uh like obviously i was a little bummed about it hearing about it for the first time and rage reached out saying like hey you know if you had any impact she would have 100 picked me and that made me feel really good because rey has always made me feel like she wouldn't forget about me like people do so reach out to ray do burn uh foreign wow complete them all my task who am i oh also a big shout out to all the filipino fans out there apparently they got me trending and filipino twitter talking about the situation filipino community is so nice if i knew any filipino i would say it michael's half filipino race half filipino my best friend in middle school was filipino [Music] do you plan on playing minecraft in the future yeah i wanna start a persistent server it's just getting people to consistently play okay so lately a lot of friends in my group in the last year almost all streamers actually blew up right and uh i think in the past people oh oh who there i said it uh what's it gonna say um i think the problem with minecraft is in the past when people had less viewers playing minecraft cause people oh people are leaving but i i don't know wait a minute you're right no no they can still join because we're not using private [Music] uh i servers gonna say um in the past because there was less viewers overall people were more okay with playing whatever but because everyone has like an audience now who wants certain things everyone streaming minecraft is actually a little detrimental to the viewership because we have such a large community overlap all of us now that when we all stream the same game it actually gets divvied up a bit especially like a minecraft world so it's kind of it's like a good thing in a bad thing like it's a good thing that people are seeing more success but one of the side effects is that people are now chasing the bag more like they have to play games the audience wants to see yeah the it's complicated when it comes to streaming it's really complicated it's not just let's play games with friends right all right among us i'm just a regular old imposter huh oh i can't kill pokey i might let pokey win this round and by letter when i mean i don't kill her um because pokey do like to throw suss on me just because she actually i'm sure it's because she respects my abilities and doesn't want to risk a big brain and also i like to put things on youtube and if i'm putting it on youtube that means she's not putting it on youtube but uh i'm going to try my best not to do anything sus but sorry leslie might be spy leslie i know you're you might be spy but my head disappear to instantly appear next to you if you were spy you would know [Music] right on the far left room and it's right by the vent but like what was she doing standing by the vent wait hang on pokey leslie you love her no i was just playing oh so um wait who'd you say wes huh did you say what's standing there no no it's her leslie's body oh she could have been engineered hopping out of a vent and getting sliced right as she hopped out or the imposter reached in and pulled her out which i think they can actually do wait really to the engineers yeah they can do that oh god interesting that's what they do no well i got nothing um i got nothing there life goes off it's june i saw eve um underneath your name does it say crewmate and white letters for anybody else yeah yeah it does yeah why wait me too me too that's so weird remember remember the people people how many roles do we have oh executioner miners how many regular crewmates are there oh i don't know let's do the math here one two three four five i guess five all right well i think uh i think young and toast are clear then why because they answered immediately that was it what about me no i definitely am all it takes for me [Music] [Music] honestly i don't feel like winning this round i'm okay if i get sucked out by lily or pokey i had to kill leslie though because she's spy that means she knows i'm venting so if i claim engineers then the other engineer will know it's me so i didn't want to have to do it to him but i had to do it to him [Music] what up g so did we say that leslie could be the engineer i don't know she could have been she was standing on an event according to ryan okay the fact that ryan's not saying anything and i saw him hop into a van i didn't want to give it i didn't want to give it away i am the engineer but why would you do that mia oh god's coming towards the table it has to be ryan oh god no wait he could be engineers still yeah yeah why didn't you say anything because i was going to have fun with it later oh it should i got it twice in a row she's having a good time you guys he's having he's having a good time oh okay he's just vibing okay so you're ruining his vibes you guys say so okay let's go um is there anything interesting to do now you really want to kill people i mean i already killed leslie who can i kill who can i kill did my mom reply to my screwdriver oh my mom's awake oh no she replied in chinese mom i don't read chinese later christopher god imagine if a crew member saw that body and came to check the spot which is what cycuno did once which was crazy and he caught me [Music] no god oh that that's a lot of people it's at the right of the emergency room place did you do the waiting room we're on the right side of it yeah on the right side next to a vent was it you can there's a world that can make vents right yeah is there usually a vent in there where was this no the right of the meeting room but there's a vent it's probably a minor yeah right of the meeting room yeah i saw june had that role last game so maybe it's him what are the chances i get it again it's almost like i don't know but i've seen you do it before well that's all the info i have anyone else that's the info that you have wait which one is the meeting room is that the top yeah i don't think there's a vent there toaster you got on the info oh no i saw you on cams with bee nans well like i was the one on cams oh and i saw lily in cargo i can't cross once at fault huh camera bottom of the map like security middle bottom yeah um no i have no one where were you i'm in the cockpit right now [ __ ] it's interesting that you started in the cargo and you're all the way in the cockpit the way she said i'm in the cockpit right now that's a long ways away isn't it a long way to do that yes you can vent in which case it's a shorter ways away short way oh god um wait who voted for me it was you [Laughter] [Music] i think pokey's executioner what am i killing poke i wouldn't mind killing lily to let pokey win i don't know why do i want what what's wrong with my brain but that means killing lily but that means getting her voted out with my words which is just as fun as killing her um so i think i kill and report on six and then call a meeting and then push lily out and see if pokey wins because if pokey doesn't what the heck why is june still running this homemade vents june if you're making vents you're not killing people [Music] i did it oh my goodness okay i was going in the vents and i saw a shoon by a vent at the top right in that fake vent and i saw toast going in and out of it [Music] listen listen for sure listen i think it's slowly i think it's the light [Music] asian are you trying to protect the body i think he was maybe trying to kill the next person and spammed our wait ryan which vent did you use i was just going into the force i don't know the one that i really i just kept moving around and i ended up in that top one oh yeah did you not see me in the vents or can you not see me when i'm venting oh i know wait ryan did you oh so you were venting around huh yeah and that's i think that's kind of cheap that you can't tell that i'm nec with you um i wonder how you vented to there i don't know normally normally there is an event that allows you to go there i also thought it was toast early on and that's why i voted him last round because he sounded really excited to talk for once how did the event wait here next to a body yes take a guess jude you voted for toast how did that vent appear there take a guess i did it i voted for toast yeah in june why is it taking so long june are [Music] i wonder why where did that event come from my plan was so good until event popped up next to the body did the june make a vent next to the body so that ryan the crew member who can vent vented in there oh no he didn't use the june vent he used the regular vent what oh we should have count the body wait i don't know there was an event there there was a body there and then there was already a vent there so i was just going to put like three vents right there but then i didn't realize i didn't know you i didn't realize you can go into my events that i make oh no june all i can do is remember ryan's words from the first round when he said just let it go i'm gonna do something cool later and it was this one it was the thing right here i know that was you harry park i know june you [ __ ] you made a very next to the body you made a vent you gave ryan a one-way ticket to our crime scene worried that you guys couldn't actually run away actually but maybe i just missed him because i wanted to events yeah i kind of ran away after i saw maybe he'll say like kill or something you're the executioner oh i was the person you were trying to execute yeah but then i came i can't believe i would do that to you i was like what do i do i was practicing too okay how lovers with pokey made lucky me god i'm such a creep wait i mean it's good in the sense that um we won't assess each other but i don't think oh [Music] [Laughter] honestly i would honestly i freaking would true um [Music] thank you uh i think june was the spot this is on admin yeah i saw toast like towards the right like where the door is and i saw the vent pop open yeah the vent pops did you see who no no but i know he can't beat those okay okay he probably he probably saw the animation the dark too so he um went towards you know uh where june was and june said yeah thank you thank you thank god for ever that would have been really bad for me oh unless it's both of you [Music] dang that's some crazy coordination then oh man i am an innocent lover playing with an imposter lover so i need to well pokey will be fine but here's the thing pokey's partner might kill me so what pokey needs to do is find me to protect me so that her impostor partner doesn't know she's protecting me but maybe she's marinating me but uh um this is kind of scary i am currently defenseless right now where's my lover okay i just need to hide in the bathroom or something uh oh yeah [Music] where this where did about that at the top um like to the right of the meeting room next to the vent oh and oh i could be blind i swear i saw someone vent too venting victoria i can kind of clear uh i think hannah me and her we're doing the wires thingy not the wires the tape thingy outside of security and only because that's so far it's actually good that the kills and meetings [Music] leslie lily chris uh toasts on me for a brief moment i did she was on the platform yes okay um i'm developing my pictures okay uh i am developing my photos what does it say it's green pictures i had that last round actually um okay chris leslie chris toast christmas what's your task chris i don't know this task is survived don't remember what what tasks have you done i don't remember i pulled out some trash oh yeah yeah oh oh yeah of course that's a task abe yep trash i need to communicate with pokey question who oh oh oh leslie is the other one okay so i need to avoid leslie so everyone else is fine i'm hiding pokey don't worry pokey i'm fine don't worry okay i'm fine jesus jesus [Music] okay well i was doing the toilet task hannah i'm sorry that one's nasty it was that was very toy and then the lights are off you guys don't like that task i actually no i don't know well it just sounds like the mix is just way too realistic guys it's it's it's toast what i thought you were gonna clear me went off right i'm in the toilet plunge and awake yeah and then i see someone run by from the right to the left of the toilets and it's toe's name i go out i go to the right i told the neighbor no no no no no no no i see toast's name okay no no and then i came from the left yeah you were on the right where lily's body was no no i came from the left with pokey and then we split off and then i checked the bathroom to hide and you were there yeah you weren't hiding i'm on live stream no because you were in there already i don't think it's toes listen listen i came from the left i thought we were gonna clear each other because you found the body because you wanted it right but you were running from the right no i came from the left i swear to god pokey's vouching for me yes where are you both of you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no when sure that i can't beat those the first round all right so we kill christina that's true yeah we killed chris okay are you leslie who did you vote for i wanted to vote okay i voted chris i wanted to vote toast i'm sorry chris oh it's a jester one boy oh my god oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no wait is that yesterday okay so there's five people alive right now right i cannot be found by leslie i need to stick with me young actually [Music] wait didn't leslie just hop out of event yeah sir yes sir oh oh sorry i'm engineer i'm engineer why would i hop out of it in front of me and toast i don't think you expected this to be there i literally was staring at you too by the stripper pole and hopped out wait wait how can you stare at us from that range we came from pretty far left oh so toast um if it was me uh there's no sabotage going on this i would have called a sabotage i don't have power to call it because there was a leftover sabotage from last round no there wasn't wait no there literally was though uh it's toast i don't know anymore okay here's here's the question that it's not toast okay so abe just confirmed sabotage was soft why didn't you instantly fix it engineer lights are off i was doing the lights with pokey but pokey i feel like she was messing with the lights and then toast and then put that in there okay yeah i did pop out of them so you're just scared of everyone calm down you can trust leslie could have fixed that i didn't i admit i didn't fix it it was me wait listen listen leslie leslie then lied about no sabotage no no wait you didn't lie saying no sabotage no i said i didn't do the sabotage you said you would have caught a sabotage and killed me got me i'm going to sleep i'm voting [Music] oh god what if wait wait what is this and now i just wait for [ __ ] to do a kill what about thinking about it boom boom boom we can leave the christmas of lights up to january this is our place [Music] yeah yeah i did okay but then maybe it was her and it wasn't who did we vote before chris oh my oh can i go where are you it's just toast i swear i don't care can we always forever and never enough take me you guys know the name of that song the one by taylor swift i know you're my my my my wait why we voted out this lover [Music] their lovers ate their lovers hey wait they're loving it i love that song no no wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm just appreciating a song yeah it's a really good song no no my young haven't you heard it's by taylor swift oh god it's two sons everyone here is so so savannah i'm just gonna we just really like that song i'm just gonna hit the skip button here and close my eyes yeah what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about i don't care anymore ladies and gentlemen will you please stand they should make an imposter remix of that song oh i just realized if abe's the mayor he can just kill one of us he kind of looks like the mayor too with the hat you know oh thank god i know right ah time to close my eyes i know that so pokey told me who the imposter was by eliminating leslie the other imposter she secures a win for us what's up you wanna david's dude talk about life can we talk about how the both of you skipped there and how we uh two of us voted for toast are you guys you guys are lovers huh and they are that's a and we have one of us to die i wonder what rule 8 can be to throw a wrench in our plan besides mayor but i don't think he's rare oh well it's technically still good for me oh my god wait okay so i was like okay instead of killing toast i'm gonna kill pokey instead dude i had no idea that the meeting time was so much lower now yeah yeah if you're the last one to vote you can't get your extra votes in really as soon as you vote it like finishes the voting round so you have to vote before like everybody else i should really stop gloating thinking i've won each time against dave abe is nuts oh that was so close that's a funny game though [Music] everybody have a good day [Music] oh that's funny that's a funny game when i type i've streaming i need to build a pc with chris but i don't know when he's free all right chris what are you up to i am vibing i want to do this now you want wanna do the thing well you know what let's do it in um ten minutes all right sounds good i'll call you on discord all right chat um i'm gonna go but i'll be appearing on christopher e's stream on twitch um he's gonna be helping me build a pc so i need my webcam so i can't use it here and yeah check it out check check check it out should be fun times yeah uh twitch.tv slash christopher yee go pop by his stream and say hello peace out tell him i sent ya
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 30,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, airship among us, cyborg among us, toast cyborg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 22sec (7462 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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