"Golf with friends" Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Michael Reeeeves - Valkyrae, etc...

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twist. I did not know it would be a drinking. You don't have to you. don't drink you don't have to drink. I know I don't have to. but I would. Is going to get my wine here I'm going to show you how I just can't. I can't open this **** bottle of wine. It's wine time. I got wine, Oh. Wendy You didn't tell me it's a drink. I didn't tell me no you didn't I didn't know I'm toast. That's the one I'm drinking is the one from our drawing stream like a month ago, so I'm hoping my sliver left in it has fermented it more because I drank from the bottle last time scars just came into my room and slammed a bottle of social on my dad like wow. What the **** that's a real homie. We even got the strawberry one. Oh holy **** Oh, I want to try so that's that's kind of it's kind of cute. The flavored ones are very smooth. so you'll just what happens when you drink coffee wine and weed at the same time. What toast let's? go, I guess we're going to find out toast is it. toast. Alright have my so okay? What are we drinking too? If you share your feelings in a foam? we're drinking two a good time with friends. I've been eating a lot for that. Oh, you're actually drinking. I was just camp and I'll be honest. just came upstairs to have another bottle of water. Wow. Oh my. it's going to be gone. I don't want so good bye Lily. We all go. Oh, that's a collision, not right now. stuck in Lily's. I've never seen that before what happened, wait what I ran out of shots. Great huh. Oh tough. what oh. I got a boogie. Alright. I'll do I'll do it. I'll do it out on alright Oh for every. party you're going to take a take a sip. What Oh sorry I saw someone with fourteen who's that that's. In the wall, wow sis please. oh he hit it one. Oh we're nuts. We're some of us are nuts. No way Lily. I'm going to get wasted holy **** Holy should already be wasted. Lily. Oh Lily. Are you even trying? to stop? Let me know you're no. that's Lily's wait. there's two lilies. Yeah. Why let's go. why why you can't. Wendy Corks are ahead. for me I have to wait what is this. What corpse definitely sweats in the Gulf coast? I do. it's just golf. Oh my God. it's supposed to go through that 000 my God. I'm with the **** I **** **** Oh. I guess we're playing Mario Golf. That's that's great. A double booger booger, oh boy. that was a one. That's you right. Oh, it's I don't know what's up. Okay, Boo Okay, One one change your name Tommy Oh god he's confusing dummy behind me. I'm Lily. This is a no, you're not and she's she was. I was stuck in a wall stop playing at fourteen. Oh, this is kind of oh no0 my god. Oh my god. Lily Lily That's the wrong that's the wrong hole. Oh. **** oh **** **** Yes. I can't do that. This game is actually. Oh my goodness, Lily Lily. Oh god Wait. this is Lily peaches. That's this is oh my god. This is Joey. Joey you you you start drinking already. Yeah. It's too much man. I don't know. Alright. I'll see if you beat me this in this game. No I can't. oh the slap. I'll change it like alright. I'll give you your identity back. I'm it. Oh my God. I'm changing my name. Oh, I'm catching a boy. corpse. I see I see I see you I'm going to see what corpse does first wait did Lily just hold him. Oh holy **** Okay. Alright. we're we're hitting it. Oh my god I **** **** on let's go alright he had oh freak This **** got a hole in one. He got a hole in one. Are you serious. I'm dead. **** you can free you can fly around this is the best part of the Holy **** Get in the hole toes there we go here we go. So I have to drink. Oh my god. what the heck it's so sweaty sweaty boy. I know I thought this was a warm up man, so we're just all Fudge is this just straight. You can watch this. one. I'm the one I can keep this one. Oh, no. there's a it's not. Oh, my God. Oh no what. yeah. That was a little boy. I'm learning. I'm learning. Oh my god **** **** Oh damn it. Hey Chris someone knocked me out. I was right. I knocked my ball. I knocked my butt. You can't talk to me. I don't think this collision I would I do collision to be on. I don't know Oh okay. Okay. At least I mean I don't mind if you're known as Lily peachy, but I wish you were like good at the game, so I feel better. Oh my god. It's my first. but you're also second to last. the police are not last that I'm just wondering you weren't cheated. you got cheated on right now. we gotta do talk about the first time What the heck. oh free. I see. Oh you can oh you can say recap here. Yeah. That's so oh my god. I'm the oh my God. Wendy. Did you go full force? Oh no I didn't okay. Alright I'm doing. Infected wait when did you send it down the center? Yeah. so go down the center. Let's go let's go. Oh my god. his nerd is coming out. Oh triangular this one. It's perfect people and it's close. Oh my gosh. Oh my God Lily violently sense it in there They're has a hat. How come your golf ball has AI put a hat on it put a hat on where do we get a in the settings? Okay for real? Oh? yeah. We're down bad. Okay. This doesn't count. it's this is warm up warm up. That's true but I was come on. Heck is this. What is this? Oh my God? What the heck is this? No. I need to just do what is doing what is doing. Okay. Oh I messed up. Don't do what I did. Exactly oh, god what exactly. oh. I am my God. Oh God I **** **** Oh IIII. See it damn it. I my ball keeps spinning. Oh my God tell me I didn't do that again. Oh okay there we go. Dude What? that's cheating. Hey, do you play this game? Oh my god You don't lie to me. Am I doing am I doing well. he's sweating how long last night did you practice? a totally? practice? Yeah. I just downloaded the game. You know what's this hours played on me. count of 600 hours. It's going to be another rust experience where it's like. Oh I've played a thousand hours on it. here and there. Yeah, you're okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. you're right. This is so hard. I've never seen before. it's eighteen guys. maybe I can get nope. Nope Okay. Oh, there's two. I see Oh you try to go for the second one. Oh. **** **** I went to another car. Oh my god. you went to oh. Oh okay. Why is it is Lily at the end? What do you mean? he's making you look at that? Oh my God. This is. am I wait. who are you? Oh Lily's last La. No. I'm I'm going to catch up to you. Okay. Corp. It's okay you guys are you beat me. Okay you can you can you can add what is this? okay? I'm going to pronounce it. Yeah calculus on what the heck. That's that's a calculator that was sick. Oh my god. I'm dead. Oh my god. Okay. Okay, I think. I did not. I should have not done that. Yeah. I get hit. Oh wait. wait. oh no0 I get to reverse it this way. Oh I don't know Oh I got knocked in the beginning. Oh this is oh it's not that bad. Oh wait. it's knocking me back into the front let's go. Let's go. Okay, This is guys. alright now he's got another. He's got. There's a whole one. Let's go. Hold on hold it hold it two. a gentle stroke. Oh nice. Nice clean We're halfway done okay, nineteen and nine okay. Wow. It's a fourteen from my final score. Oh, you're doing an ollie off this ramp. Yeah. I want to see someone do a game. Oh that's a skater Can you maybe hit it? Oh hello everyone is going for a safe play. Oh, I **** **** I can't believe I need to go for the risky plan. you need to risk it all. Yeah. Yeah. No I pressed. play. off the ground. Oh oh no0. you got it a double. a gentle put a gentle. Papa oh. what can I say I'm a little? I don't know how to be gentle. Oh, just that. dude, of course the Smurfs dude. Why are you going to sing me and that? that's kind of my brother? I'm sure you jumped in this is messed up, but what if you shot at the wall, it could like maybe knock you over my god. It's like a full and it's I tested it. I tested it for you guys that was for you guys I can do it. Oh my god. It went backwards. went back to go backwards. Yes, this is not a good play, Not a good play. Okay. This is better. Oh, this is going to be really bad. This is going to be fun. Yeah. let's go. I saw that. Oh my. No. someone sent it. Oh babe I sent it. No. no no how's that. Oh, Oh, it's so hard no way. Wow. Nice shot. Oh, that's some anger issues with that. Oh my god. how awesome was that it. Okay. you got it? Yeah. That's one you get it together. No no. that's too gentle. Oh that's enough. That's that was so gentle. 000 my god. Oh that one dropped what is it? You got it in for what you smell? Oh, what is it like Eli? what is that do what the? Oh, my oh wait. Oh no. please just go straight as **** Oh my god. I'm not the only one two. That's it. If your body blocked me, I was. I have anger issues. though. Yeah, I wish I was. I need to hit a hole with me come on I didn't hit it hit it off just bounce it off that let's go. okay. This is that I don't know how to do this one with that. well. How do you do this course? I don't know what liar I just it maybe okay. It's not. Oh it's the one I think I did not go nearly hit that one. What are these angles? I don't know these angles. wait what oh it doesn't It's **** It's **** I agree this is fun. Catch up when you go for big plays massive place, it's let's go. let's go. let's go all of us. Got it. Yeah so close. Oh go. Oh my god. Oh. I'm okay. Alright. I'll take it. You got skins for your golf balls. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. I was like wondering what the dinosaur thing was corpse. How much do you play this game? Your abs I'm going for it, you're throwing I'm going for it. Yeah. I had a lot of strokes on this one. I was also looking at the target. Oh, I thought that that was what you needed. How do I get them? I did that and I was like well. I'm just going to go. Alright. Listen you have 40 seconds before it turns into fourteen. I think you're done for it 0000 it's paved. okay. I love the curve. For that perfection, oh nice. How did I go down What? Okay. Alright. Oh you want to get we have to do we have to do it again. We just did it. Oh no no you're you're touching you don't fall into the you fall into the market. those holes are debates, but they are they're bait. Oh my god. what if I just send it, Oh God. Oh no. there's no becomes. Yeah. I tried that Oh look at over. It's nice. Nice nice with those holes or baits. you know. yeah, I think so. No, no, no, no no please stop. Okay clean. No too strong too strong. Yeah. Eagles How do you get out of the ditch? Oh you sir. Oh, no. no. no. no. yeah. Oh. It's the other Lily. I can't believe oh, oh, I'm sorry after this, I will I'm I'm angry. she's suing oh no0 God. This is bad. Oh geez. Wait. oh no way. Oh oh she hit it. I beat you had it. Give me the hole in one, give me it give me it give me it give me. oh my gosh. Oh my god, I love it. Oh oh. Damn that's that's okay. Wait was that your first hit. I don't know if I can the flick. I try to do a do a log skip reverse back booster this game sucks. Nice That's where you started running. Of that log. but yes, yes, yes and then. Hey how you doing? Now, who's going to get it first off the back wall Bam off the back wall off the back wall. Oh oh, what was that? okay? Oh that exactly centered like where you started? Yeah, it's actually. what the heck is that pass the back wall flick it off the back. Oh okay. Right here. Okay. Okay. Are you on. Oh, what the heck oh. I need to finish for me, I can't even finish it. This was warm up right this is warm up warm up. I'm not last. If they're going to equal speeds, yeah, Oh, it doesn't matter. but it's not an like a tiny angle though so you get influenced by the first one. Oh I see so you a little the little to the left right that makes sense. No0 my science. The science was not there. The science was not there. Alright. Oh, I think I'm just going to have to oh God Oh. God science is a liar. Maybe it was to the right. Yeah. science is a I'm a liar on that one. Oh god. Oh, my god. what am I doing? No, no no no0, my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. that was too much. It was too much. Oh God This is the worst this is the hardest one. You got this. No. no no stop stop. Why do I do this? Why? Why do I do this? Okay there you go? Okay. No please. You have to be gentle, okay there you go. Oh okay. Gentle. This is so bad. I just did it all. We just get it in man. I'm trying just get it in you. Lily just make it just no no just go. Lily come on. he doesn't want. that's what it is. I'm going to see you. 000 No, that was actually close. strokes Lily. I love it. I can tell you. last one last one. over okay. all you have to do is shoot it past the what the blades. Wait a second hello. No is there a trick full speed? It's slower have to go somewhat slower but faster. show me off the map. Oh, oh. what what? no no no. No. No no0. My God come on give me that baby. Oh. oh God. Oh this is scary. If you want this one. Alright, that was sick. I don't know yeah you wouldn't. oh, oh no0 no0. Wow. Oh no0 no0. No. no. no get it. How do you get in there? How you get there of course it out the walls. It's me. There's a blanket off the road. off the wall. 0000 Okay. Oh, oh, Where is she going? Where is she going? Oh? Oh quick. quick quick. Oh god 000. Okay. Nice. Nice. Okay there we go. But didn't Michael take the did Michael Win? Yeah. Michael. Oh my God. It was bad. How to use it, I can't believe it. Oh alright guys we need to we need to apply some rules for drinking. Oh, I've just been yeah. I mean I've just been typing is that was that the rule is that line up. He's like customized you could customize to customize your character. everything's locked alright pay money. It's time to spice it. so there's some there's a few free hats where I have a purple. the I have a. I don't know that I have three hats for some oh because we have played this before I've played this before. So I can only change my color wait. how do you get them? How do you get like cats and stuff? just wondering? Yeah? How do you get them? to buy them? I think you just gotta be. I'll play the game. I don't know you gotta be there. It's just there. I was looking for the store, but I couldn't find it so I'll join again. Alright so this time. I'm spicing it up. there is collision turned on. Yeah No there's also. Jumping you can pull up how do you jump you just click click Click is jumping after you hit your ball, you can left. click to jump that sounds like I'm going to be hopping into the. Alright is everyone ready Ready? Ready? Ready? Yeah. give us. so jumping is on jumping and collision are both on. Oh my god collision with this what's jumping was that right quick? I think it's flick is jumping. Oh god I thank you. okay. Let's change your name change your name. Tell me it's too confusing. It's confusing really really Gucci and Lily Lily was popping off, but it was you. I'll change it. I'll change it. I'll change it. I don't know if you have to leave to rejoin though if you change your name is it's on your. it's yours. your team name is you know what I don't care. We're just start a team. I don't care she cares. No. I don't don't speak for me. I do not care she cares. I don't care. I changed my the name. so that's where rejoin. Yeah, I think you have to leave and rejoin No II **** I'm not okay. **** it's oh wait it kept it just go just go. I mean that's a bit better. I understand what did he change it to I was looking for not Lily Okay. Okay. I'm done. I'm done Oh museum. I like this I like museums. This is cool. Alright. Wait you like museums. Okay. Okay. Okay. Wait this is. Jump jump jump jump jump jump me that no, why am I so still why is everyone at an angle? Alright? Oh, oh my god are you serious. Collision on oh my God, of course. how did he jump? Oh? Oh, it's like. oh wait. that's a while your ball is moving It's so sick. Okay. Ava is just jumping in one spot. what is going on flipping his head. He's trying to get the hole in one. you're not going to be able to get over here. You can't get it. Abe. you can't it's going to work. It's going to work. I have momentum is. Zero, you will not change the way the young because I bounced off you got a hole in one. wow, no way bro. That's so sick. Wait. what what that's sick? Wow. fat nuts What is this is that a teleport? It's like a wait? What I know what to do guys. I'm going to trick shot this one. Yeah. That's oh. What is this? What is this? Yeah? I did the same **** I love it. oh, I see what you mean. No0 **** Let's go, Oh, let's see. Oh wait what is that? It's like a cube in the middle like what is this? Oh my gosh. Let's go. Okay. Okay cool mechanics. They worked on you can do it. I don't get that birdie. Oh so you can jump so while you're while you hit it, you jump so you can jump over the bridge. Okay, almost Lily almost oh lining it up lining up it totally totally get this. Let's go let's go. Oh my god you're almost. there. but that was so confusing. Alright guys. I don't know what that bridges. Oh. wow. Ray is in the first place. Wow. Alright. this is straight. Okay. What is this one where you just shoot it straight and it's a bait. Is it okay? Is it kind of oh? oh? hit me hit me hit me hit me? Please do you like it hit me No. my only one. Oh, clean clean clean. Alright. What do you have in mind? It's a perfect calculator. It. huge speed running stretch. It's the lineup you have there. Oh, god. I'm so far down. It's just as well. What the heck is this? What is this? I like it always goes first. Oh do we have to go We go down what the **** do we have to go down. What if I could just maybe what the **** Oh what? Oh he's over here it's over here. Okay it's. Not enough force. you. please. I don't know that's Michael. you have to thank you are not in. yeah. let me try this. Can you knock me in. I don't know I missed Oh God. Oh it's messed up. I try to clip it. Oh **** Oh, oh damn okay. I can't make up for this. Please. hit me there you go right. to anyone else behind me saved saved **** over it's over you my head. Okay. Wow. We're a lot of us are tied so sweaty so sweaty. Oh my god. What is this? What is this mean Lily boy? Oh, I think he hits the ramps If you go through the cube, maybe oh no no never mind you guys go through it. Oh is someone hates it like toggles it on and off. I think so. okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh Oh somebody made it get in there get in there. Oh. oh **** it's even further. so. I hop over how did I have the worst possible? Oh wait, this is the worst spot. Yeah, besides no **** I banked off you. Oh man. Could it be you can tell me Where are you? something? so I got this. You don't hit me. That's great. No. okay. someone hit me up. don't hit me. Oh my god. Okay. Okay. I'm waiting, I have a chance I'm waiting. Is there anyone else still here? Oh? yeah. Oh wow. Just let me in there. Okay. Hey you guys are too clean. Oh wow. This is the lit part of the museum. Yeah. wait, it's all the way over there. Wow that is can we so far like can we like spread the bones? you know? Oh my god. Oh no there's there's no way you can do this in one shot. Yeah. there's no way. Yeah. you don't think there's any way you can do. There's no way. I think he needed more momentum to get across. Jesus, That was the worst idea ever. Is there way to cancel your shot? Okay? **** **** my job. Oh no0 no0 I messed my jump up. You hear me who the **** Oh, damn it. alright. go for it. Alright. I don't okay. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go first. Oh yeah you can go for it. Oh no0. no0 no0 No. no no II blocked again. Huh. Oh man **** **** **** Should I do Alright you know I'm going to take it. Okay. you're not I have to play this little bit What you saved me. Oh my God I said I was going to play it safe and I didn't play it safe Don't you're bugged again. Are you **** serious all the I do this. Oh god no please. You're not able to stop it. Oh no0. you have a full set on this one. I think you should go. come on. Oh, we're fine with her. you should go. Oh my gosh I got nine strokes me too. Oh my That was a rough one. I'm still in. Oh goddamn it. okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm holding how's it going. Okay? hey, hey, hey buddy. don't really know how this happened 000. You got it. You got it. Sets her to isn't there a way to reset there is I think nine strokes holy **** Holy **** How do you feel like in the beginning? I **** Oh. I'm sorry. on what alright. Oh man, Oh, oh. Did he bank it off the rock. This is a. It's not. oh. Lily. Yeah. but how do you get in this is one of the predicaments you have to get back on that bridge. I guess that one the one it's so tough, maybe just try and send it forward really hard but if you somehow get it in the hole on this. you will get you. I'll give you 100 slabs. Okay. Yeah. I won't but. what the heck just send it up The rock the rock like a ramp. Oh my God come on. Wrong here. Yeah, I think it's doomed well, How am I supposed to get up? I'll try jumping while you for it, Okay. Okay. Yeah. Oh okay, I don't think I can wait. Did you increase the max strokes? What you're supposed to be fourteen? What is the next stroke? Well? I thought it would just give them more tries before the time runs out. I didn't think that this would be this would happen. Oh oh what is the next trip? We'll find out it's it's like. Oh my God. Oh my god. You guys. this is a lot. splash. Oh no0 God. Oh what the. Yeah, Oh, that was here. That was that was massive. Do you have to jump over there? What the **** is this? Oh if someone untouched a cube, we have to jump over it These eggs are open. Okay. So there's a wall there. Yeah the walls not there until someone hits the cube I think. Of the eggs don't hit the cubes. someone at the cube you're right beside one. It's it's. Oh, oh. They are actually belongs in the museum. It's you well as well. Nice job. 0000000 maybe you can jump over the first place 000. You're a genius Michael that was kind of hell. took the lead with that. What's that? Oh, we don't got a point that What I mean. Alright. This is just straight down right. There's nothing else to think about. Can we jump on those mushrooms? Oh I messed up big time. boing boing boing boing. Okay. So I saw that you. I almost hit the wall. Oh. That's going to be a huge catch up. huge nice. I got a birdie guys guys guys. can you hear me? Can you hear me? hear me? Can you hit me Hit me Hit me hit me hit me like your boots. Emmy Oh, oh, I tried to hit you. Oh, I don't think anybody's trying to eat me. Oh Lily just because you can't win means you can also make other people not win you know like. what like like you yes. What you got in you got. Oh **** damn. You guys are **** **** now we have to watch out for Lily on top of it. Yeah, she's just trying to kill people. What's the point I have on people. What's the point? What's the? Yeah, we're doing this. huh Yes. It's that way what the **** you can't jump it backwards. No get in the get in the car get in the car. I should've just waited until you. So hard to show. Oh, no, yeah, you have to click right. Oh no don't don't do it. Thank you. So much love Holy **** toss. in I was negotiating. Lily Yeah. Lily Lily stop. She wants to get hit, but just hit me. Oh my god. Banking off the wooden one as soon as it extends for that. Oh, my god, it doesn't reach you. Oh, oh. 000000 Is this? You back it off the ceiling. so you I didn't know what that was. It's okay. Where is the? oh this is so easy. Oh can we can we jump this? Can you jump? Oh yes, Sir. I didn't even realize that I can't jump in someone hit me. I'm going to hit me. It's good, I know. Timmy Timmy I can't believe this, it's unbelievable. I called the **** he said. Nope, you guys are actually waiting. Oh my god. I can't believe it. I actually can't believe it. let's go. go up up the Holy **** Thats has a pretty big lead. Yeah, whatever. Oh, oh, Where did you go Lily made a hole in one on the other course. I have nothing to it. Oh god. that's true. She's evil. She's joined the dark side now. Oh, oh, no no you need to get there If I could get here, I can get you. Don't touch me, I'm helping I'm helping you oh, we're okay. I think you do it again. Okay, Oh, no, I didn't no0 my God no Mia, No Lily. I'll tell you that look **** **** Lily. 000000 my god How do I-0? Oh my. Oh Lily's camping. No. I'm not. Is actually. I'm spawn camping you. oh God. Oh my god. Oh it's so cute. She's so scary. tell us what's standing there like. I hope he's hiding from her. Oh, it's coming. She's a killer. Go go go Oh she's. She's back. How you doing? **** body. More A little more. Thank you. Oh. thank you. That's a real. Oh wait a second. Excuse me. Never seen with toxicity found the impostor dude I have nothing to lose. I'm I'll give you ten subs if you hit me into the hole. Oh, how do I do this? Oh wait? What is this? There's like I'll shoot it once and then you just. oh man. here we go. get up there. a moncus oh man. Huh. What the **** No. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Okay. Oh. actually this is this is a strategy. This is a strategy. What I jumped. **** this **** this game. I don't forget about it. No damn it. humongous. Oh, I **** it up. Blow me blow me **** Oh. Damn it. Wait wait, it's not. Take your time you know she's waiting. for her. She's actually I'm in. I'm in Is it just blow you up. Yeah. mm hmm. Yeah. the pushers. pushes. I'm getting **** it. Oh man. that was tough. I don't know where the flag is. Oh, it's oh nope. It's so good. It's a toast. How much momentum do you? I'm for it? No not that way the other way forward. Yeah. Yeah. We just have to have some momentum going forward where the where the air blows. all Oh. Oh there you go. Okay. Okay. Thank you. that's waiting for me. Laura Alright get out of my way to get lost. He lost his toes. over and over. I don't oh wait it. Back up there too. **** Oh my god. Oh no0 no0 my god. So hard. No no okay. Oh, there goes any chance of Michael. there you go. Oh, oh gosh. Another one. Oh the forward momentum. Yeah forward forward forward. Oh, wait, Okay, Get the **** out of here. Michael Oh my God it's so it took me thirteen hits to get up there. Oh my god. I'm sorry little one The tears are eleven strokes. I would like to double. Lily's playing a different game. Yeah. It's so hard to get up there. It is really hard. I have to like just have enough. It's like a little bit a little bit just a little bit. It's a little less I kept **** hitting the side. It's alright time's up. Oh, it's good job guys. It looks like Lily's having a bit of a tough time. Maybe we should play some No. No no no no. what do you have to say that many times. Oh, you shouldn't. I can see I had a hole in one here No ketchup. Oh, and I headed off the surface and it goes straight in. That's so easy. My What do you need to go? Where did you go? Don't touch the sand pit? Oh, yeah, the is very toxic. Wow that that really slows you down 0000. That's 0000. there's water over here. Oh the water brings you all the way back to what the oh my God. Oh my god. Oh, I'm going for a swim. Yeah. not great here. Oh, oh my God. Oh that's kind of. Oh you've got back on. that ninety miles an hour. I just blocked out. I have nothing to lose this game decided to give me a book of choice. It really did it really did well that really made a difference though. Damn yes it would it would have a yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm thanks for doing. okay. Alright guys. Oh, yeah. What's that game five holes, but it's really lonely in the last five holes left. What the **** Oh, this is a tough one. Oh, maybe you could jump it. Oh interesting. maybe you could jump on top of it. Oh my god. no no way you'd have to like bounce off something. 000. Someone touched the log. Hey, what's up to? this is good for us. I'm cruising. kind of. Oh, god no please. Oh. I'm not swimming now. Lily and Lily. I'm sorry for what I said please. Isn't it always going to go? Okay. Alright. Okay. So much power. Where did you come from? what did you do? no? I'm back where I started. It's like a lot of please stop touching me. Wait. what no? no? no. No. no no in the drink. Myself out. How No swerve swag. Oh my God. Oh my God what is a doing? his best? Oh my God wait he actually wait. Oh my. like my ball is black. See a doctor. It's fixed. okay. What's up man? This is nice. Oh what's up dude. This is a this is a skateboarding game. How do you? 1 minute? Oh my God no one minute minute before you get in the morning. Alright, I'm just going to play it safe. I'm going to play it safe. Yeah. Oh, oh my god. my lead. Okay. Okay. Okay guys here we go Nice well done well there. it goes the lines. Alright. I'm last. get it. You think I can reach 200. Michael you got that in two. Oh my god. wow. and that's that's a little. it's over here Where is the thing? It's the right? I don't know what the **** is this one Huh wait is it in front of us Is it behind us? No0? Oh. That's weird. Give it give it Oh, it's a four. No, no, I bounced too far away. Oh, so close. Yeah. Oh. Timmy Timmy, No. no no. wow any hitters. get me over No. I refuse. Are the hindrance please I'm in? No, it's like just not enough goddamn it. Oh god, this is going to be pain. Lily. What are you doing? I'm it's going to. I don't want to make it in. no please. Okay, Alright. I'm just going to have to go with the is just trying to get that free that freebie right I can't I can't do it. is. Scorpio power. I'm sorry. Oh it's Carly. Oh. Don't worry Michael's got you I got you, I know. Hi, no just wait just don't you. just chill just wait for me. just chill just chill just chill just chill chill there goes his lead. I wonder if I can maybe it off the backboard. Oh oh it's okay. It's fine. It's fine. that he's getting nuts. I've I've I've stopped being able to see like the normal way to play the game. I'm trying to jump over half. A **** map and it's not working. Oh wait. Oh, this is it and that's all it took. That's all it took it and that was it. And I'm still sick. How am I still getting if you invert the scoreboard, I'm winning. That's a higher number better person. Well, this is crazy. I made a mistake. What can you hit bee hops on this one? We'll find out what oh. Do you are we impacting these things? We're we're not We're not. what the **** just happened. That's right. Oh my gosh. it's over. Oh, that's. No **** Okay. Oh. A lead. is it? oh this way? Oh, wait. wait wait don't. Oh my God, she said, Well, thanks Louie. Take it hold on alright. Oh, my God Lily can't be all the way. wait you just hit it straight and you're good. Let's go. Oh, no, no no. no. there goes my theory. It is and You're good. What. I'll try it out though you don't stop. Stop it. Are you okay over there? I just I'm cruising. Are you heading back to the museum? Oh my it's so annoying. I'm trying to help out my fellow golfers go first. It's going to hit you harder. Oh, In this, pick. I need the holes right there. Yeah. I'm I'm calculating the angle. 000 God. The angle is that it's really the angles. Yeah. Yeah. Low orbit Ion cannon It's charging up. I tried. Use it all the time. 200. You just go straight and you're good one looks like it's great but oh. oh my god. my corpse who wanted it there for everything. I can hit me to give me a oh my god. Baby oh, gosh, I can help you. Trust a huge game changer voice. almost so clean, where did I put you Abe **** Oh my god. **** Oh, Alright, oh, that's sick jumping stops you from slowing down the hills. Oh, oh, don't worry I got you guys. Yeah he's here to save the day. Oh oh that's. My god the best Lily. I'm trying to oh my God it's over. Got it got it? So the angle is really hard to get. Scarf, oh, Toxic you're posing last. didn't even I can. it didn't even hesitate. Let's go back here. see he's really trying to get me to 202. Elliot is playing dead by daylight Toasty got one hell. Yeah. Oh. wait. it's right there. wait. no is this. No. That's not the right one. Oh that's not it. Oh, this is a weird weird. The **** What is this? Oh? it's in the middle. What is this? What? Oh what the it's in the middle. Oh what the **** that's how do you even I tried. I guess he's just start. Oh, I'm sorry. Wait. Oh, no. that's the other. No. That's the other. Oh oh. A toast where is. Oh my God, This is just launch it up the pyramid double jump he hop off the backboard and I come out. You fools you shoot it straight up the pyramid come on. I can't did you make it No no0 my god, but that actually worked out for me. What the **** what Lily sent me back three strokes. Oh, I guess you join the club. I'm on the other side, I didn't know sorry. yes, you did. I know what she did to me either. What do you mean you didn't know? Oh **** **** Oh oh. Oh man, oh no0. This is hard. You know what it's oh God. no I don't get it. Oh my god. who made this map. Lily don't stop it. stop that you're interrupting my you're interrupting my butt. The **** out of here no way no way. This is really hard. Oh **** am I the first one to make it you did it. I'm going to win by everyone running out of time. That's all Oh no my God what is happening. Ask yourself if 25 is better than forty. **** Oh oh, that was close. Oh, who knocked me up. Yeah I should oh no. that was me. What is what? I was actually wasn't going for you. go. Wow. Okay. Okay. Okay Okay 000. Wow. No. 50 seconds everybody. Oh my God Okay. Oh. yeah. I'm pretty happy. I just have to make it is. Wait is it just me corpse in? Yeah. Oh my God. I'm making it what. Oh **** it's all the way up there. Wow. I'm surrounded by Scorpions. How do you do that? I'm surrounded by some snakes? Oh, wait 20 seconds. I'm like, Oh, we only have 20 seconds quick, please. Get me in there get in there get in there get in there get in there Dog 21. One let's try it for a second. This is sixteen. Oh, that was oh, that was so close. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Yeah. That's that's just that's oh my god. good. God. Oh my god. **** you made her go. Let's go. top five too tight for three really fun. That was fun. Alright. That was good another one one more one more lily. What are the odds you get here. I'm not going to get my in if I get. I'm doing the same thing I do. I think you have to change the color. I think the color is actually bugged and maybe should I should I make shots around like one or two or something or like or what? yeah, let's let's let's do it like fourteen. I don't know that's one everyone gets one shot at every oh no see who can get the most hole in one No way change the course, though one shot. yeah, I'm changing. wait. What are we doing one kill? you only get one shot wait really. Oh, yeah, one shot you actually want to do one shot. I want some of them. that's terrible. No. I'm down what about what about what about what about what about you? let's do two shots. Let's do two shots and that's it yeah same thing as before if you don't make it a drink. Alright. Oh my god. I'm almost done with my **** guys. I'm they're only like 30% left. Yeah. Wait is there something else? I have to say so. maybe maybe collisions off if we're doing that one okay, let's do a collision off. Okay. Alright so just jumping them. Yeah. Yeah. I probably need to get some hole in one. skull two shots guys. candy candy land two shots wait so after two shots you just stop right. I think you just did. Oh, okay, who wants to go a really long time? there there. It is. there's one I'm a pioneer guys. wafers. wait wait wait wait, so there's no point in even making a second shot if it just defaults your max to two right Oh, of course, you're starting to sound too intelligent to be you need to be I ran out of here. I'm sorry. nobody's actually you're right. you're right. Oh. I wasted my one shot the youngest made a hole in one. What are you have a hole in one? Oh my God. Oh you only have two shots. It's it's basically you get to actually. there's no point right you just yeah. there's no point. It's the only one I saw that that was a hell of a baby. I missed Oh if you had two shots, I just the hole right. I've ran out of shots it should be max. two with a with a penalty of like one or two I forgot about the penalty. Hey, why is this affecting me? I didn't make my shot. Oh oh, wait wait. I see how the **** do we get this in one. there you go with. it guys guys guys guys. you gotta be strong. strong. Oh okay. No. alright. you're right Oh one. There's no point. Yeah because you it's going to default to two anyways. Hey guys. It's me hit me. hit me. That's **** Oh yeah. That makes sense. Oh **** Did you just make it a hole in one. I made it in two. So it's the same as if I see him if you just don't. We actually have to get a whole one or you just oh that makes perfect sense. It's if no one else gets a hole in one hand and wins. maybe we should I can I will. can okay it's a better than me. I'm looking at it. I cannot let me on that. I'm sure someone can get me. Yeah if someone else gets a hole in one at some point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. I guess the second shot is just like for fun. at least take the shot you guys and all I hear is what we're doing We take the shot take the shot in real life. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh true Stop Stop Stop stop. boing boing I just retired. She's retired. What the heck you guys are me. I'm still in the lead. Damn. Okay. Okay. Oh. we're all. what the the first ones? What do we do the last one? it's impossible. This is literally. no. no. no. no I believe. I believe you okay handle it right 15° bank off the chocolate bar jump the other two chocolate bars you get a hole in one. Okay. Okay. Okay. I see you thank God I got it. It's it's I actually almost kind of made it. Oh, my god, that was so wrong are we doing sixteen holes of this? Can you repeat that I got a hole in one. he lies he lies It's impossible. that was so close toast so close because I already have a headphone this cookie looks so good. it does I guess want to eat some cookies. That's all. I'm hungry McDonald's Oreo just keep filling and then we'll see if I can get first. I don't think so Oh this one is holding one of them all in one hole in one, Oh you have to get on the second or the bottom slide. It's so hard to go for it. Yeah. I tried to do it too. It's so hard to click it fast. Yeah. Oh you fools you. there's a way to actually if you go on the side, it's actually more likely let's do it. Let's go what the **** Oh I'm coming for you. Oh god that's for your first place. Where is it? Oh it's to the left Are you serious? Oh, oh. Wrong way on the other one the other one the other way the other way. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I have one for you. Oh second place Let's go. Oh. Oh this one's easy. This one I lied I lied when I said that this one this one okay. Okay. Oh you're going to the **** goddamn it you have to slide on top. Yeah, but it's not even through the window you gotta try like this. What oh I got it. What got it? I got it. There's no way, oh my god that's wait you guys are like the windows are the windows are bait. I think, Oh, it's the middle one. Hi. damn it okay. Alright anyway, I don't know how to do it. No. I couldn't oh my god I totally done it. This is making me hungry. Yeah same like a gummy bear I want my first. I like who got a hole in one I actually did. She tapped me what I accidentally tapped. Oh well I wouldn't have made it. Anyways. Alright we got a five way tie a five way tie. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's not impossible. Where is the fastest golf? Oh this one's possible this one's so possible this one's doable. How so. really you can thread the needle. That's alright. Oh, you have to bounce it off that thing. Oh oh bounce it off this a little green cupcake. oh cupcake. Oh I was. About it being possible, I don't know it through the doughnut doughnut. It's probably our best bet There's no way you can go go because the water the water you're able to to jump off of so it's it might be possible. Yeah. Okay. I'm going through the door knob right here. It goes nothing. Oh holy **** You're on to something no0, it's gelatin. Oh, no, I haven't. Oh yeah. the water isn't real. The water's not real. Oh my god. The water is bouncy. Oh my god. it was it was it was it was my second shot, but still it's possible It's possible I think they don't. I think the doughnut is the way the doughnut is the way as well. Yeah. Is it yummy? It's not like I try to see if I had a PM for that. I just go straight. Yeah. it's kind of hard because there's a whole ramp. 000. Wait wait, wait wait the momentum. on the desperation jumps are the He he he ran out. Oh, yeah, this is wait. This isn't me. Oh. alright. Same score. Okay. taking a shot. Yeah, I need to get one thing. This is totally possible. Oh. oh no0. Yeah. Okay. Oh. oh man this one's. It's really is. **** I almost got it. Oh oh I don't know I made it. I got it. Let's **** go. Have a good time. I bounced off the hole in the first one. Let's go. Oh there is a there's a doughnut. Yeah. you just shoot us through the doughnut easy. Oh just do the doughnut. That's it someone else goes to see you later **** Oh man. I don't know how much more. how much more. I don't think it's possible. I think you max it out and try to hit a jump before you hit the ramp, but I feel like you might jump pass the yeah. Yeah. Oh, this is hard. Oh this one's not possible this one. Oh no for those who haven't done you have to max it out. This one's this one's done for me, No0 wait almost oh. Okay, oh Grammy. No. no. no. it's my second shot Go. Oh, no. This was a Yeah this one's this one's hard. Alright. I'm going to go every time. I don't **** killer. Alright, you know I still got I got quite a few to go didn't the well it might end up. What is this? This is for you? here. This is messed up. Oh oh wait. yes there is no there is you have to jump on the gelatin ice cream right here the in the Middle elaborate by shooting your ball at it the yellow into the ice cream the yellows the ice cream I didn't let me show you what's up. Alright. Weight as possible, it's possible you bank it off the the radiant of the peppermint candy right on the check it out. Look. Watch. Watch Watch and I'm at the beginning. Alright. I got no. Michael. I understand I understand what if I feel it off this tree. That's like if you took calculus, you could do the tangent of the front door. Oh yeah, I did the calculus. No. I got it. I'm going to get off the thing and I understand. You know what I mean off the peppermint candy right. No, I just went straight back, Oh and oh the peppermint the jellyfish. the on the curve of the peppermint a shot. Oh, oh. This is an actual golf game and our scores are like this. We would be the best guy. Yeah, we will be pros. Yeah. yeah, we would be pros. Okay. This is oh this is doable. This is doable. This is actually doable right. wait is how it's doing don't have to think it is the sticky. It's chocolate the chocolate sauce. Thank you. Thank you. Lily. I'm learning. I'm learning so much. I'm sorry. I think I think you back it off the left wall and then is do you have enough momentum for it? Wait you don't have to power. Very well, but at the end, I'm assuming it's sticky. No, I don't think so it looks like a slime. I'm just going to. I'm just going to he's trolling. Oh, it's not sticky. Oh, it's not sticky, but I've, of course what the heck you got it. You got it. You got it. Oh, I got it. I got it. I got it. Oh my god. God. I'm so close so close. I'm so sad. I. Alright. Well, I tried it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think the chocolate route is possible, but it's not sure I don't know the chocolate was like it just sticks. it looks it doesn't. Yeah yeah, but it wasn't sticky. now. it's a three way. it's difficult. easy. This one is beautiful. This one is simple. Okay. This is on the lollipop the red one. red and the down down the oh there. She is kind of see this. okay. You can kind of see it right off the furthest left. Hit a hit a button. got it. oh **** Oh Lily. Oh my god. That was my second one. Oh. I don't tell me your secret. What was the bar? I got it. This is a three and a half. It's like three three and three quarters, four three and some and you have to keep jumping. Yeah, you have to jump a lot. I don't know what you have to yeehaw you just you just go. You gotta send it there. You go. You got a Ollie. I think you do have to be off the ramp 0000 Okay now jump it back. Oh my God. Yeah. that's that hat looks so funny when it jumped. Yeah tilt its head back. Oh no0. Oh now he's. That's awesome. Oh no0 it's so oh this was hey Lily. How's it going? it's possible. Oh, where is it? Oh, I didn't no way. what's this? okay so you can do it. You can do a roof clip here. it's and then you have left and this isn't fun with a jump. You know you're going to need a kick on this is possible I think. Oh God Oh I know what to do. let's do it do it. That's exactly what I want. It. Okay. Okay. Wait this is impossible. Oh, my God wait. Can you get the Are You kidding me this one's totally possible. I'm fine. I'm joking. It's a rough one. This one's a hard one. Yeah, this one's impossible. I'm live. Alright next bowl Next bowl. 230 Oh, oh this one this one this one's anyone can do this holy. How much how much power? how much? yeah? Oh no, it wasn't full power for sure, was it more than three bars wait when did you jump over? no? I jumped down there. I don't remember I'm too I jumped on that was three and a quarter, so it's gotta be a lot. Oh I did I did I did three and a half three and a half I know I did three and like a tenth. it was like a tiny bit past three and you made it. Jump Oh, you jumped you lied to me. Why didn't you? I'm in life. cringe. Wendy. That's it. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Yeah I did. Oh I love she's in the lead. look at that. Wow and I can't I can't. I can't is this possible Oh kind of oh it's like this one. what it's like the first like you take the first leg. the first leg takes you up to the top the oh oh no. watch this. Watch this. watch this precise bet you jumped from the first one. I'm going. I'm going okay and then you jump boom and then you hook. Hey, what what? Oh oh, that was really close that you're actually genius. I do it better than I did I have an idea. Oh no. I have an idea too, but I'm not oh no I missed it. Oh you can do it off the left. There's a little like crack to the right. Oh my I see the crack come on and then it's off to the left and then go through the crack. Oh my god I see the texture. It's really close. What's this one? It. 000 my God Joe show me oh that was close That was really good. Oh **** There he goes. there, He goes big fat big fat nuts. This is. I can't believe we played eighteen. we played eighteen holes. Oh wait. What okay you have to get it first circle? Alright you guys go first tell me which slide was better. Okay. It's it's the second one. let's go. It's the first hole. Wow. Oh he jumped over. Oh he's almost there. let's left in the middle let's hold alright let's hold is let's **** go Lily. Oh no that was that No no come on one more one more. come on. come on come on get me in there That's. Oh no way this is impossible wait. that was really hard and then you can. got it. wait. No no maybe. a second try it. did you make it? Wendy What the heck Wendy's I get Wendy practiced a thousand hours before inviting us to $1000 for the whole in one. Yeah. she's like we should do a hole in one round. It's awesome. Oh my god. Oh my god. What the. It's not. guys. this one, No, you can't jump in the water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh the water 000 No way. Oh, my god. No, I saw it. I see what you're doing. I see what you're saying it wasn't enough momentum. Did you bang off on my phone you back off corpse? Yeah. Yeah. I banged up. Yeah. it gives you like more time to jump right. Yeah. I don't have AA can that's right unless it's like max power off. I got this. I got this 8 PM 8 PM 8 PM. **** The 8 PM. so surprised they got that Holy **** Oh, not good at it man. I mean easy of course, Okay. Okay. Alright, Where's the hole? Oh **** god Thank you so much that was next stop by the way just to get you guys and this is a three and a quarter. Alright. that's it doesn't work right through the tube and then the tube. Oh you just gotta get into the tube. we wish to oh I guess yeah. Oh that Oh the hole wasn't that way. I mean the hole is that the hole is on the right right. Oh. oh. wait no. this is didn't go off the wall again. It's come on. It almost worked damn it it. It does work, but I didn't do enough power jump jump jump dang it jump jump. No no. this is impossible. Oh, I left I was so close. Oh, oh alright. I don't have enough right now. I'm going to juice juice. Oh, my oh wait, I can make it so I can make can make it so **** **** you **** you **** Oh, oh, I'm still here. Oh my god. Oh my god, I thought I shot. Oh, so we won. Yeah. Wendy is unbeatable the second one. Oh this one's. What is this? What is this one's this one's? you just go on the slide. It's all the way down. There's there's no. it's really impossible. but no it's okay. I can't even talk what's up. Hello. Oh my god. Oh my god. What okay you. This is a bounce twice at the cut clip and I'm done. I'm going down the slide let's go. get some momentum and I bounced out. No. Alright, we go down here. Okay one out of five. Oh come get the momentum. Yeah. Yeah. you just go down the slide. Okay and I jumped out. wait you jumped off Scarlet and I jumped yeah, I still haven't seen anyone in this room. Yeah you bounce off the green. Oh and through this bounce off the red. Oh hit it up the jelly is back. this is not possible. this is impossible. My aim is it needs six more shots for this whole load. Oh, yeah. someone help him out Who's the blue ball? Well, well well. Alright now. Wendy Wendy We get it. We get it. you're good, You didn't. gun. gatling gun garlic garlic garlic garlic garlic Okay guys. I'm I'm a I'm a little bit. I'm going to lay down with him. Oh oh I feel better you feel better soon. Alright. Bye. Alright, bye. we are we doing garlic foam? Have you guys? I'm down? Alright. This is like, Oh okay. I'll make the lobby. Okay. Go Lily. Oh hey Lily. you're giving me a call. wait we have enough for among us. We have enough we're missing I think Michael said. Look at the time. Oh that's a joke. I'm down for whatever oh how do I get garlic phone is that? Oh, it's not just browsing browser. I'm I'm so excited. what's up. Oh my gosh Okay. Okay. You don't sound happy about this. No. I like phone me too really excited. I'll play one round. I'll play one one. I can handle you guys are like all artists or something or nope. That's all. here who here is an artist. I'm definitely not there's it's literally just two people me and Lily. You guys are all like it's pretty good at drawing for some reason that's I'm saying it's no no. that's why I draw stick people. Yeah. I also draw stick people I somehow draw worse than sick people. I don't even know how it's possible. Oh, I see. Let's go. Let's **** go. I'm just trying to choose my avatar. alright. Yeah, I did too. Oh, I'm matching I'll just be the guy. I stole your face. Can I see it? Yeah. It's just default. I'm a pineapple. Do you want the regular one more the regular one regularly wait? Can I go? I'm going to go on pee pee break sandwich is pretty funny. pee pee pee pee break. You guys ever been peed on no. no do you guys. Do that thing where when you're peeing you try to time the end of your pee with the end of the flush of the toilet so that it ends, I have done that right and I've done it before It's always more pissed than you think you know, II agree. Always you always end up hitter. You're like oh man now we gotta waste water. Yeah exactly. How do you the way I play the game when your hands are busy? What do you mean your hands? Are you can't pee with one hand, but you're using your. I need both my hands right right Wait. Oh my. right right right and the stance and the triangle. I forgot I forgot. I forgot about it. Yeah, for sure for sure for sure I remember that one night. I don't think I forgot about that because II didn't. Everyone ready. Yes, wait hold on someone might be making this I kind of need to make pissed right now. I kind of want to go. Try it. I'll go. I'm going to go piss to tell me how you guys do okay. I'm going to. What what are the men talking about making piss? Yeah something about pee and tripods. Three three legs and I was talking about how I need both my hands. okay. Mm hmm because I'm a tripod and you're not making any sense My penis is so big that I need. it because it's like a third leg, which is what did I come back to the nothing? right? Let's play Why is my child saying mom I'm scared that doesn't pick me up and then it. It's a good thing. It is a third leg if you have really short legs. alright la la la la Where's our host our host Lily Lily. She is making kits. she's she wee wee wee wee. Okay. Oh god she is. Oh god. cover your ears cover your ears. I got it. Hey, how'd you guys do all in one hole in one hole in one for real I was over. Okay. I'm back. Let's go let's go up here. What is this game? You draw and make prompts and guess. Illustrations right illustrations the game of telephone. My game froze what the **** oh what the heck is happening. Can you stop glitching? You're glitching so much. I'm out I'm can we read Oh yeah, you're reading it **** you what happened. It's not. it is it is no one else had this problem, but you just classically. I'm making you laugh. It's a oh no poor Lily wait are we making a new lobby? Oh my god. I'm like you keep it. you have to handle the browser game. Yeah. Wait, that's pretty bad. I don't know what's going on. Hey, Where's his little Oh. pineapple again at least? No one got my face. We just start okay. Shoot What do I write? Hmm? 10 seconds. is it is it just this one point? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's your prompt. Yeah. Wow. who the heck? No. Oh, this has to be an automatic prompt. No way someone thought of this. This has to be toast for sure. Oh, Whatever do you mean? I don't know. Oh god. Alright, I've completed my masterpiece. No, it's fine. I'm sure it's fine. It's fine. It's fine, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. Oh my god 10 seconds. okay. This is our I could sell this Probably I hate this so much. this who did this to me. I love it. Not my proudest moment, Oh wow. This is so good. Alright, who got got mine? I somebody knows that it's mine. Trust me Trust me Once you see why we won't be able to tell. Oh no. And it's drying. it's so good. Oh, hey. There you go clean. Yeah, I know this. This makes sense. I would say a few of us will for sure be getting a message from. From the platforms of our choice. Oh no. Yeah. Wait. What does that mean to you? I mean, I gotta draw the prompt. You know what I mean. II got him. It's not my fault. I didn't write the prom. I didn't II didn't write anything to yours. Oh, no no no. I'm sorry wait, no, I have mature audiences. That's that's good. Who drew this? Oh, my God Well, I'm not streaming so you know good morning. I'm so you're telling me I have to hide stuff. No no no Wendy everything. Okay. it's interpretive. okay. Alright What's wrong with you people. guys. What is this? okay? This is something I only. Would say. How do you how do you draw this? Very good. No not bad, not bad. What the **** Okay, I don't know how oh God. **** my god. Why why? just yeah? I don't know I don't know who did this who that's tough? Guys. maybe we can't play this game anymore. AM I try it. don't stream so like I've drawn two penises because if you got time to grow three, let's go. Oh my gosh is that what about like substances. Oh my God. love you guys drawings interpretive. They can't prove. that's why you're doing what you're doing. I don't want to get anyone in trouble. I don't want to just call it. Look we're having this conversation now I just drew horrible things I did I did awful stuff. I've done an awful thing. I did did my own artistic interpretation of this prompt. Perfect Not a lot of interpretations of a dick. No, no no there's, there's there's some interpretation some some interpretation. Oh my gosh. oh boy. I love this game. Oh I know. Jesus. I see why corpse asked that question though. I'm scared I'm scared. Okay. Alright, let's see it. Alright. Let's see that. Alright. let's see it. Oh. That was the last one mm hmm. Question Should I do voice text to speech or no0? I like the speech I like the voice of speech. Wait, Okay, Okay. Well. Okay. Okay. Who's this who's first? Oh Lily Lily turned into a refrigerator. I don't remember drawing this, I don't I didn't see a single right. I did not see a few. Yeah. yeah. Sorry. Like a baby, that's right, you got the hair in the darkness. Are you ready? what? That's that's that's why trashcan talking to a WiFi. you gotta talk about that. What the heck I told you guys. I'm not going to be getting drunk on so. this one's not bad because I'm sure we could die. Lily Picchu cough, of so while dancing. Oh, she looks like she's dancing. Alright, Okay. She's at she's doing the Where's, the told you Lily drinking and dancing. It's in her hands. Don't worry I kind of brought it back. What? Come on. And I'm saying they don't have a problem. Oh my gosh. I feel that you know I don't what's that. I was pissing and then. Its start a story. Oh my God. why is it on camera with his tripod? Oh man. Tripod? Pissing all the time. Gosh, what's pissing on time? Clean, Oh, oh, very literal interpretation. Pissing on a clock staring at the moment so that's good. Oh, it's so funny disguised right here we go again. Oh, oh. wow, this guy is toast. Oh oh. It does look like arms in a body. wow. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh. yeah, I saw a comedian dollars. Oh no, I saw the Canadian dollar. I don't see it. drunk crying toast on the table. Oh he's on. it so sad guys. I just got this guy's toast down bad. Tammy eating her house. Oh, oh sorry about this one guys. Licking You got it. Actually, just that's so cute. tell me licking the house. is actually did good. You did it. Oh my god. Oh my god. What is that? it looks like he's breathing fire. Oh, my God. Oh my god Tammy Tammy brain. It's almost it's almost a giant penis is attacking Japan. Oh my. That is a wow. attacking the penis right let's go. that is amazing. Yeah unprecedented you cannot and angry giant penis. is everywhere. Nice. Oh. I can't. you got the ball and there's here. EW. what I'm just so emotional. Oh, no it's. How did that even happen? How did it come back to this? A vampire listening to music on an ipod? nano they're. It's a vampire, it was actually a vampire, a vampire listening to music on. yo got the ipad too. all the things the things this is a good time corks jamming out. Oh wow. Wendy Wendy I'll take it. it. I'll take it. That's cute. Oh, that's such a cute try. corps dancing to music. Let's go. it's going to make it vampire and then everybody was like no No. There's a disco ball. There's a ball an idea. an idea. Mika and tummy at the beach. I didn't see any dogs. Oh my god. Oh, it's so cute Mika Tammy and was on their day on the beach is just a run Is this the run? Oh wait. That's a cat. That's that's standing on two legs. EW. Why is one of the but there's one hanging. Chelsea a sunny day at the beach. The beach is still there. I didn't come from. There's a tsunami tsunami. Some didn't I didn't know those were the dogs. Oh no0 my god. That's that's a stallion. It's all. Yeah. This is the one. A very pleased thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Look at that, Oh my god a thumbs up. Oh my god. Oh my god. I like that. I like that I like this it's. so we turned into potato We turned into potato. Oh my god. Thank god. Lily Lily is that the last one oh my god. Oh my god that that actually was really good. trying to be you know right. you are good at drawing pen kind of. and she's good with the veins. Yeah. Wow. Thanks guys. Guys. A sandwich what's that I've never done any other setting. How do you? how do you do it? Yeah, Let's do it. It's called sandwich and it's like it turns into something else. It's like text and then text. Oh, oh. text text. Oh okay. and it's like a sandwich. Yeah. Oh. Oh I accidentally left the lobby. Oh yeah. it's a new lobby. It's a new one. Okay. Okay because it's like it turns into something else. It's okay. Oh. okay. Okay. I'll tell you one more one more one more. Last one, I like that I like that. Wait, it shows live streamers when you're about to join at the top right? Yeah. Yeah, I know the most we've seen yet. That's so much that was ridiculous. They're potatoes with a hat. potatoes with a hat. in a different game, but it's what is this. The link is on the so it. It's like this time you draw you make a prompt and then you draw you draw and then you have another prompts and then you draw draw draw you draw you draw. no. no. no more yours is so good yours. Yours. yours were great. You need no. Please it's fun, Please one more okay one more last one last one last one last one last one last one. Here we go again again. Wait what oh right? No more penis right, No. no no we're out of it. I promise this is not about no no penis, no promises I made no such deal No penis I can guarantee I can't do not have penis. Yeah, my mind does not have a penis. Oh my gosh Okay. Okay. Who did this? Oh God this is cursed. It's oh no no no. Oh, this is bad. Oh this is. Maybe this is a better color. Oh man. this is you guys are oh geez I don't know if. This is this is roughly. I don't know if you guys are going to get this, maybe. Good luck. I don't have time. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh, oh, we have to we have the drawing this is got it. Oh God Oh no I forgot it. Oh my god. I forgot it already. wait what? wait we have to like like? yeah. Yeah. it's like. **** Mm hmm I already forgot so I'm just going to impromptu how is anyone going to replicate lilies? I'm it's very simple. Hey, you guys want to go to Disneyland when COVID is over. I'm done I've been thinking about universal. I've never I want to go. I'll go anywhere. Yeah. I will go just outside to look at the grass or something. that's awesome. I'm not for Disneyland. Disneyland. That's nice. I'm so I'll go anywhere. if I haven't gone to anything a lot of roller coasters. My life is enough of one already but bombs that is good one to. I've made a joke. I don't know I forgot the rest. I don't remember I do mine so fast. I also do mine. I don't know I don't know if I left out. Thank God for I think I included the important details. I literally forgot what the drawing looked like, Oh, no, I don't have time also like keeping it kind of simple, makes it easier for the next person you know. Wait, we have to draw so much more in this mode. Yeah, this is all dry. Who would like this? This is a hard mode. It's really funny at the end. Yeah, this is rough stuff it. I'm just going to enter that in. Perfect done done. Oh man. Oh my gosh, it's exactly the same as the previous one. I guess I gotta have some time I can I can do this. I'm going to add some veins some here. What? The muscles the muscles of the the Chad. Time is almost up. Oh my God, I added some last minute and what holy **** What is this? I instantly forget. Oh my god. Yeah. It's like I'm Nana. memory wiped as soon as I click. Did you know if you click on the big rectangle at the bottom of the colors, you can pick your color. Oh. Not until now. Two more slides. let's go. I pull out of. we're far from Don't worry guys. I'm sorry you don't have to do let's go. Oh my gosh. it's so I just thought it would be fun. Oh, I don't remember. Yes, send it in send it send it send it in. people's efforts just go down. Oh shoot. Send it in **** send it in. **** **** is not sending it sorry, sorry, sorry, send it's other people for two **** who hasn't sent one person. It's a really try hard and Lily. Oh, I was actually one of the first ones that okay. send it to me. send it in send it to I did II said. Oh, oh, this is good. This is what I don't know what this is, but it's very what the **** is this. Oh okay. This is this okay. I forgot oh my gosh. Oops. Well, it's like this a masterpiece, oh **** I like this. Okay, I actually kind of forgot as I was drawing it so. Each picture I get 5% less effort. team I I'm I don't even think it's been for years anymore. That's it. Send it to the **** I said it in send it in **** send it in. Okay. I'm so excited for the end result, it's going to be a really cool. Yeah like how the process you know how we deteriorate over time we're going to deteriorate. The quality is so. just send it in. I was taking such a long time. It's automatic. It's not maybe we have. It's not pressing done. It's done. One one. Oh, okay this person didn't even put any effort into it. What is this? okay? I'm going to memorize this is this supposed to be like a pee pee. Probably honestly, I can't tell actually I don't know what I'm looking at. Now, I'm going to try this exactly as it is. so let's see the person who gets this can see what a moron the original guy was. Why do you think? it's a guy? Huh? Oh god. So the first thing that gets this, it's not my fault. Well, I don't remember the drawing. I'm so I don't get it. Oh my brain my brain. I still don't know what I drew even though I think I replicated it. I've I never thought I could draw so fast. It's an art fun. every time every time we do art every time we go back and replication of what I see. it's perfect. Send it in. okay. send it in send it in send it in you know it's it's good. I can't imagine draw this. Oh oh ava's putting in effort. he's sweating. He's sweating. He's sweating. He's sweating. He's sweat the sweat. Yes I'm sweating. my masterpiece this. Is identical, Oh, I'm very interested in seeing everybody's replicate now, I'd like I'm really interested. It's going to be great. I can't tell if it's the alcohol or everything else. Alright, I sent it someone's not sending It's it's yeah. It's not someone who is it come on. I don't know we all know each other here don't lie but who is it? Who is it? Why won't you admit it? eight out of nine? Why won't you come clean and tell us the truth of course. Why are you lying? What if it's? right here? What is this? This isn't even a full are we describe it? Oh no. **** Oh type the description. Oh yeah. it was a typhoon like oh. done. send it in. It's a. I'm good. Thank you. okay. I said it that's it. Alright. I sent it in. I sent it in. I sent it in. I mean this one doesn't take that much time. This is the last one. okay. Okay. Alright let's go. Let's do it the elf girl dancing with a cat. Oh, it's a big goofy. It's going to be okay. You got the boobs. You got the boobs. Okay. Okay the big boobs. Oh there she is she's back. Okay. Oh **** I didn't know the boobs. Oh no you lost the boobs. What's funny? It's a cloud it's it's so what is it's **** flowers. It's a what is it? did you take out the grain. then look at this. They're all you dude. dancing with Tammy. What happened? Oh my God like building a robotic penis. Oh, I thought that was that was yeah, that was toast. I was wondering what he had in his hands. I'm but I know. not all this is what you swallow. no **** Oh my. Play drums are so on point and mickey's at that time. That's what you're talking about. I can't do it just like you. what do you mean? Oh my god. Oh, this is oh this Devo. I drew this time so this was so different it turned out so different. I thought it was a joke. So cute he's so. Look. There you go. A ghost saving someone. Can't tell him you're supposed to. That's actually kind of cute. It's so cute. I can't I'm trying to. I mean that's okay. oh, that's what that was. Nice did it all go wrong? Oh my god. What is this? So I don't know if he has turned in the eyes. It's like he's like a penis. Being surprised that it goes with blue. Yes. I don't know how that happened, but it happened. Oh Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, Oh grandpa Michael Riding robo do and having a good time. Oh Oh, I had a real hard time. Oh thank you. Oh I didn't get this dog looks fast. II forgot I forgot what was the word I forgot. That's it. wow. a little artistic interpretation. I didn't really. the other. yes, yes, yes. Okay. Tell me this isn't perfect. Wait. I nailed this. okay you did you mascara mascara holding a baguette. Yeah, you know Michael Tuscano. The glasses glasses, it happens all the time a pink potato with a hat farming a field of potatoes. Oh, wow. What's this one I **** Oh cute. Oh okay. put the color in the potatoes it guys. Oh my god you did it even the hat. very good. Okay. Oh. Oh my god. the potatoes are getting smaller. What happened? Yeah potatoes. There's sprouts. they're not potatoes anymore. They're not the farther you're struggling with carrots now that's your farm. Hey, we got it. Oh That's it that actually works. I don't and that one's Lily cheering for big fat cherries. Oh yeah. I didn't tell me it was you. Oh okay. Oh, I didn't realize how much time Oh I don't really know. Lily doesn't have I didn't know that. she's angry, Oh **** I do apologize early for this. No. don't worry about it. It's II you guys. We're like we're like who's last and I was like. Hair looks more more like a mushroom. You maintained it. you got it. You got it. Oh these are cute. There's a mouse I don't know that's a mouse. I thought it was. that's not even the worst it gets. Valkyrie sleeping in Disneyland. Oh, Oh that's what that was. Oh, oh my god. Oh my god. you didn't have the whole. This is the one where I panicked. actually. This is the one where you go. That's. That's you yeah. Oh, oh all the castles are the castle's. Yeah. they're they're not. Oh. but there's a flyer. Oh my god. I'm here as well. yours. Oh, let's make it a **** dragon. It's you know very good. You're good. You're good. Michael going to Disneyland. Mickey Oh, that's so funny. the hair was just a tad short a tad Tammy She's watching anime. Oh. Wait, I think we got this one I've kind of lie down on this one. Oh god. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay, Emmy's not enjoying her time there. She's like I've been watching this. She's here she's been watching the same frame. Let's go okay looks like a cat. Okay, Wat That was pretty good that was good, You want to close it out. That's that was fun. Yeah. That was a good one That was when you do that. again. That was fun, I need a break in between. It's too much trying. I need a break. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. You know it was fun, though it was fun the interpretation the journey was the journey with it was a journey so is everyone just done or what do you guys? I mean no. I'm open to suggestions you know all around. Perhaps that's one more right. That is all I'm really feeling. I don't pronounce it. Alright. thanks for playing. thanks for playing. thanks for playing he's the best. I knew yeah, he's actually really good at golfing. He is he's cracked. when he didn't. oh my god. people here. Huh. We do you just need more people than we could. I'll go Okay. No no no more people to add more people to add more. you can also play. okay. Hear me out What about like code names? Okay? Okay. Alright. Thank you for it. I mean no you're not you're not allowed to leave. You're not I've been. I know I like coatings I do. oh my god you haven't seen before now. Yeah. It's been live for eight and a half. Oh we can do. Oh my God would you look at the time? Oh he love Lily. no. no. no no. he's back. He's back for all eight of us. so I'm going to make a suggestion. that's not among us but it is space people. In fifteen, person is it a Jack box game? no0? Thank God. Oh, that Oh, I know what you're talking about Lily. space. people what they see. space people. well? I'm tired. Oh no0. No when you look at the time. Have you guys heard of Minecraft? Yeah the one without the cave update. Yeah. Oh no0 why you gotta say. Listen man. that's all I'm looking forward to me we play when the cave update comes out. Yes, we must. Wait, what is Minecraft have to do with space people guys. It's not just caves. It's it's two separate games and mini bosses right, it's caves and clips and exotics exotic. It's cliffs los exs, You can have an army of of ax ax to axle a tus exalts axles axs. the warden the warden. I guess you know it's a good time for dinner. Yeah, I guess so yeah I guess so I guess we all need five people for Valentine's out here well, Alright peace. Yeah. Alright, alright. Alright. What What? what? what? what do you guys want to do you? Oh? everyone wants to step out? but I think I think there's one. yeah. Why aren't you guys stepping out here? Let's let's step out. I think there's enough people stepping out that you guys can play valor man. Yeah. I'll be there. okay. I'm tired. I'm actually going to step out. Okay. I'll stop. Oh, wait. wait what what are you doing in this channel? Wait? What no? I'm no. This is the step out. No. no no. step out this is the step out channel right now. We have four now they have four now they have someone used to fail. come on get in there.
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 19,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disguised toast, disguised toast, golf, disguised toast golf, disguised toast golf full stream, toast golf, golf full stream, full stream, disguised toast behind the scenes, offlinetv and friends, offlinetv, disguised toast full stream golf, golf with your friends, Valkyrae, Michael Reeves, michael reeves, valkyrae, lily, michael reeves golf, valkyrae golf
Id: n750Zl3S-Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 30sec (8610 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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