among us vr best impostor

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hello hello is is daddy in here hey little guy that daddy's supposed to be here on the ship somewhere who's your dad he's kind of he looks like me but he's big big purple guy lifting boxes oh he's just wait he's talking about big perp he was pretending to do tasks right he's the one that we thought was pretending to do yeah guys i think i saw the purple he's not looking too good he's looking a little flat you stay here with the boy's little perp i think i know where big play is he's around you somewhere yeah stay here stay here yeah yeah yeah stay right here dude we'll we'll we'll find where he is molly is he still over there eddie come here real quick we'll be right back little purple dude just chill hold on a second what's up eddie come here come here oh hey eddie look what happened what happened to him oh dude what are we gonna tell the little purple kid dude wait what are you guys looking at i want to i want to see no no no no no no no no don't don't come over here no no no give him a cookie smashing give him a cookie i know i want to see his big purple down there no no no no no dude he's not he's not he's not no no no no no over [Music] here why didn't you lift properly you're supposed to use i mean purple was acting kind of sass yeah shut up smashing shut up it's okay come here do something because i think my neighbor's going to call the police if i keep screaming like this right boys we've all played among us yeah in this situation we know that one of us is probably the traitor yeah yeah do i talk and everything's going to be cool okay it's definitely not me what dad can can you chew my chicken nuggies for me i don't want to chew them my tv is hurt um molly yeah what's that that's that's my stun you didn't bring your kid to work no i had to today is it toilet trained he's nervous he's no no yes you are no i already i did a pool down there no that's uh well that's your task you're gonna clean that up yeah your first task is to clean his poop sort him out otherwise going into the meat grinder okay you can't vote him off you can't vote him off josh all right let's just get your tasks done everyone get your tasks done and we'll meet up back here later tonight okay all right josh josh what i'm thirsty hey my kid what'd you do that for i think what's the hydration come here yeah dehydrated no hey don't talk to him like that around that's going to be smashed around here there's this little face get the [ __ ] out of here before i'll kill your dog smashing don't talk to him come on come on come on come on molly grab your head come on come on why is he always here this is he's not supposed to bring your kid to work he just wants to do a task eddie what are you doing uh just doing tasks just doing tasks all right he's doing tasks come on we're gonna go into our thoughts a little bit you're gonna clean all the poo out of the cat litter and not eat it this time come on smash it come on i can't make that promise eddie why are you following us dude i'm not i'm not following you i'm just doing tasks see hold on hold on what task are you doing i'm cleaning the windows okay i don't really believe you yeah you guys ever heard of janitors before first you're cleaning the windows the other day you said you were reading your book we don't have any books on the ship i've never seen you read anything before eddie's not really a windows guys he's got a macbook in his room doesn't really make sense for him to be using windows at all yeah [ __ ] sauce that is very saucy all right well here's a question for you yeah who invented windows uh the the uh the people that invented doors i don't know enough about windows i think that's okay yeah this thing seems correct makes sense all right uh what's your next task let him let him go let him go we'll just continue with our thing but just know that we're on to you okay yeah okay i'm gonna go do my tasks because i'm innocent okay i actually have tasks today me too i'm innocent as well and eddie's just clean windows i'm gonna go do some wiring all right hey where'd the other guys go uh who isn't there uh some other we're all we're all alone in here yeah we are how do i how do i know you're not the trader cause i'm doing my task to just we'll meet me too i just need to make sure you're not the trader real quick oh boy okay look just just back up okay just tell me what your task was uh uh i was uh i was i was wiping down the buttons oh i'm done on it just come here sorry just come here just come here no no no no no can i can i why are you scared dog i'm just a janitor yes i'm just a little sauce of you dude let me just clean your visor real quick right just just i'm just gonna clean your visor okay just just just just all right all right eddie eddie get off get off what is going on here what is going on here i swear bro i swear i just [ __ ] out of me no no no no just fight me it's this imposter dude wait wait hold on josh you're saying eddie's the imposter eddie what was happening dog okay listen listen i know you're not gonna believe this because you saw me beating the [ __ ] out of him right but i swear i swear on my mama that he came out of this vent right here i watched this imposter come out of this vent dude he came out of the van and tried to attack me bro okay listen you don't now listen listen though listen you don't attack a mexican dog if unless you're expecting to get punched back like 20 times like dude then you don't come out of a van and attack a mexican oh i have never had such a load of [ __ ] horse [ __ ] in my life there's like 40 seconds before we have to vote josh defend yourself now what did you see i seen this guy coming at me you seen him he was being he's literally what do you mean where did you where did you come from before you got into this situation yeah tell them are you border patrol or something okay i'm a free citizen i'm free to travel as i'm pleased you literally walked in the room and he was beating the [ __ ] out of me trying to kill me smashing i mean i know you're a little slow but even you must be able to there's a bit of white left in the vent okay that's you're lying you're lying beat the [ __ ] at you again [ __ ] i really think that eddie had a very strong argument and the fact that he's mexican means i don't wanna all the windows are looking really clean i do like it around here really clean i haven't seen josh sweep the floors once man a vote for dub means you're in the no homo club a vote for eddie means uh uh uh um i won't kill you okay that didn't even rhyme so i don't see why you would rock even okay wait wait no talking oh we're voting no talking while we're voting [Music] everyone's gonna vote me out just like gym class again just because i'm small it's fat do you see these theatrics do you see this [ __ ] you see how he's trying to make you feel bad so you can vote for me no no josh josh josh calm down mate calm down turn around turn around it's fine it's fine it's fine do you need a hug josh give him a hug smash give him a hug get the [ __ ] away from me look you see those actions it's the actions of a trainer listen me and smashing have decided that because we actually don't have any hard evidence we're gonna skip this round alright no one's getting eliminated no one's getting eliminated no vote no vote can't wait to beat the [ __ ] out of you some more hell yeah did you hear that i'm sorry i don't understand mexican bro i didn't hear that that's not a language it's not a language but guys he speaks mexican bro and i don't understand mexican come on smash the next class next task come on come on okay okay what oh my god oh my god josh dawg us dog listen listen listen i i i swear i'm just about to report the body there's four of us already smashing's moving me the whole time josh is dead that means he must be the imposter you must have killed him no no no no no listen listen listen listen he just took some xanax and that's why he's laying down that's all oh jesus christ those medications really were out of date why did you okay yeah i told you you were about to you were about to vote me off you were passed out on the ground and he was standing over you we thought he killed you oh no i just sleep in the hallway sometimes sometimes i have a couple i pop you know a couple dozens annie's to help me get to bed i should pop more pills in his water next time i heard that what heard that did you guys hear that no no i said i'm gonna throw some bills in the toilet next time um big mexican dude i just can't oh yeah sorry he's mixing yeah finish your task boys we need we need to win yep yep i'll keep cleaning windows smashing smashing you see josh down there he's doing his tasks josh and eddie doing their tasks you see that isn't he you need to do your tasks like they do does eddie have the same task turn around turn around he was about to clap you bro he died he was sneaking up and you're about to clap you're seeing that eddie oh listen listen ah dog dogs he came behind you like this dude he was about here listen listen dog i swear you had a bug on your shoulder i was just trying to kill it though i was just trying to help you out you're my hobby you know what i'm saying like look dog no don't listen to him josh if if i was one second later he would you'd be dead right now you would be dead i swear i swear there was a bug on your shoulder don't we live in a sterile environment yeah there's no bugs here there's no bugs here already i swear i was about to massage him bro he needed to look like he needed a massage on his shoulders like like turn turn around josh turn around real quick josh did you turn it on turn around i swear i wouldn't kill you bro dog come on you're trying to say i'm the imposter i'm gonna go vote come on smash i'm gonna go go go go go go you did look a bit sass smash it special come here come here don't leave me alone with them don't listen we're watching hello i'll get you some ice cream later dog what flavor what flavor what flavor hepatitis all right all right boys all right all right stop what were you just doing did the coming back eddie what were you just doing eddie i swear i was just zipping up his backpack backpack's velcro bean smashing have voted and there's no hard evidence so we're skipping again yeah definitely however interesting what's this in my hands i knew you were going to say that dude sorry guys sorry so i'm going to get back to my task i'm sorry i'm getting back in my tasks what's riding in his pants molly nothing you're too young come on smash we're going to go do some tossing [Music] oh the poo off my legs nighty night [ __ ] is sometimes i choose to forget okay this don't look good for you dude yeah this is the time first we catch you bastion josh then we catch you trying to clap josh while he's doing his tasks now you're bashing my kid in the shower what's going on here okay listen listen you're not gonna believe this but i swear i swear on my mama and my daddy i swear on everything i got that he tried to lock me in the shower and i felt threatened so i had to beat the [ __ ] out of him he's about to kill me fool he's the trainer look at him look at his stupid [ __ ] face okay let me reenact this for you step out the shower real quick step step step his his mouth was on the tap and you were stomping on the back of his head my mouth was about to be on his tap if i didn't beat the [ __ ] out of him oh hold on hold on not even a lock on the shower door smashing wait wait wait eddie eddie smashing do you even know how to spell the word imposter i put to sexy and dyslexic [Laughter] no way you can be there okay this is [ __ ] you in the shower how do you explain i'm sitting right here singing washing my nerds and i turn around no no shut up it's my turn to talk and then you come up and you're standing right here and you look at me you're like night eddie about to beat the [ __ ] at you and then i had to defend myself okay listen listen though i just this is self-defense why would you guys believe me is that true smashing no i was in i was in the shower washing my nuts and he comes up behind me and says no no smashing and then starts punching the back of my head you lying ass motherf i swear i [ __ ] all right josh we're gonna go come on josh come here josh guys come here that's when you know come with me we've got something very special i can work this whole thing out okay this is tearing us apart this whole among us thing there's nothing among us okay except for a little bit of hepatitis and that never hurt nobody remember how i got you all to piss into that jug the other week oh yeah did you get my one with the poo in it as well no i didn't i've tested yourself for imposter dna okay i think you'd be very surprised with the results are you sure you're ready for this eddie it's mexican i swear oh no [Laughter] unfortunately didn't tell me anything about who the imposter was but we did learn a lot about eddie he comes from a rich cultural heritage it's very interesting actually besides that i just he's really annoying me we should vote him off kill him if you want to vote for smashing rage ahead yeah if you're yeah put your hand down this is isn't this who wants ice cream all right let's just kill him i don't even care if you're the imposter i just want to kill him all right stand on the edge you better be the trader not the trader shut up if you tell me the square root of 420 069 in the next three seconds then you get to live one two three four thousand three hundred and ten does anyone gotta i don't doesn't sound right no i don't have time to go to check that stuff get off boys we [ __ ] up he was not the traitor but how do you know that because it pops up on the screen not an imposter really yeah it did i vote josh i vote josh what yep you literally just voted your own child no it turns out he wasn't the imposter and you blamed him for being the impostor cyborg josh i vote josh too yeah high five yeah high five high five josh anything you'd like to say yeah what you want to beat the [ __ ] out of molly no yeah yeah no no no we don't take too kindly to people to be mean to their kids around here you just voted your kid out dog no you fighting for him too you ready to catch these fists bro you ready to catch these fists let me kiss you let me catch your fists you want to catch this one dude what about that fist huh i don't want to catch any fists please no no eddie please what about all the good times that we had we made tacos together ready yeah yeah well they tasted like [ __ ] and remember what we made of it just covered edible we didn't even get any we used to be punching him what about what about that one night we were drinking tequila together ready and you said you loved me no this is probably by we've done a lot of weird [ __ ] together but this is this is such a this is weird um anyway i'll vote molly off yeah me too just vote me off you can't just vote me off uh yeah but we can push you off [Laughter] little purple we know you're the imposter dog we know you've been the one killing people right i wasn't made it it wasn't me this is the end of the road little pup we're going to give you 30 seconds to explain yourself again tell us why come on little perp even you say i'll have to explain myself to you guys i'm a little perp because we're voting right now i'm just about to make it on soundcloud guys i got a new rap for everyone i'm just about to blow up and be a big massive soundcloud little perp boys give him a chance to do to show us his rap come on come on come on first performance it might be your last if you [ __ ] this up right we're giving you a chance here i need a bet you got hands yeah my name is little perk and you know i like to make them [ __ ] twerk i didn't realize that rapping is hard but i do know one thing molly's a big get out of here [Music] or you die um oh he didn't want to say sorry just jump [Music] you
Channel: EddieVR
Views: 5,520,725
Rating: 4.9396801 out of 5
Keywords: VR, funniest moments, vr funniest moments, vr funniest moments 2020, vr gaming, vr game, vr gameplay, vr funny, your narrator, mully, joshdub, eddievr, Juicy, among us best traitor, among us vr, the boys play among us, among us with the boys, mexican youtuber, eddie vr among us, eddievr among us, among us, among us funny moments, among us funny, among us impostor, among us gameplay, among us imposter
Id: l3N2xzIxt0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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