We used ONLY pronouns as our names in Among Us

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[Music] we have to vote did not see i click a button because i wanted to hear from we earlier but yeah we're dead we found i wanted to hear what we said yeah we found them i hate all of them me would like to make observation at the top of the screen it says who is the imposter who who is impostor we killed me not it was not me okay that's a good one that's good that just shows gar and i have a very good taste me killed we also i'm having trouble with you killed us oh god should we are we do you guys just want to keep your normal skins or maybe we should like jumble things up but um everyone just go naked or okay that's fine change your color but don't tell anybody we already know now because we already know don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it guys you forget everything close your eyes take off your clothes close your eyes and take off your clothes damn i don't want to be bad on this one oh someone has a hamster ball oh jesus christ me and them me and them husky is the husky is the best thanks for the uh the seven months oh [ __ ] i have to do the the rocket oh [ __ ] me there's like four people or five people in here oh [ __ ] this is so dumb i can't wait till the first discussion i just hope i get to participate for at least one round of the discussion hello them oh god all right someone gonna vouch for me me and whom oh [ __ ] gamer gamer oh [ __ ] uh me and i so me me me it was me me found i outside of laboratory when lights out i don't know who it was where was monty of i and we i was doing me was doing med bass scan with other me uh and then then i found body i don't know who it was [Laughter] when you said you don't know who are you saying i [Laughter] us [Laughter] who thinks it's us wait who does this [Laughter] what were them up to them was going towards lights then they got fixed and then the body was reported yes we're in the bad bay do you guys think it was absolutely do you guys think it was not me i don't know if it's not me you don't know i was bottle i was bottom left i'm not mia do you mean me or me me me i was bottom left who did it god i don't even know who the [ __ ] walked in it could have been someone who walked in with us if the lights went out i'd pat was kind of pat was just like it was me at the end like at the beginning of that discussion and i don't even know who pat is in this game so i have a feeling pat whoever pat is is probably one of them that's that's all i can really think right now okay lights are going out again oh oh [ __ ] i okay it is me speaking me speaking with the megaphone me found me found dead body me m-e me found dead body and specimen as light go out me saw them walking away from dead body me gonna vote for them because them is killer all i saw was me go back towards the body and report it before no i walk in from me walking from office heading towards the lights suddenly i see hold on i see me saw them walking away from body as like go out it me going to vote for them me vote for them let me vote for them i don't know who you are it's voting for them [Music] [Laughter] [Music] them i appreciate you reporting them oh my god wade immediately killed me he chased me across half the map i don't know how i could spell it out any more clear i love when they just don't believe the person reporting it's like no all deli was saying was me me vote me vote me and that was it that was it people bought it oh god whatever it's uh i love i'm living for this chaos right now [Laughter] who killed us um it was them it was her it was them that must be a killer i vote them yeah me smart damn stupid it was her it was them they totally did it it's her oh my god oh for her vote for them vote for me them me who did me vote for in front of me not me me personally in front of me i am a who not me who is who i who is who i don't know who is i'm not even mad that you got away with that first uh first kill i was like [ __ ] why is someone going back that way when lights went out i was like god damn it i didn't expect somebody to go that way it's like oh this is a free kill and z shows up away from like i was just going to do my specimen task i wasn't thanks fam oh my gosh i had to go i'm so me died on admin i saw her so not me um you have some explaining to you just said you saw her did you not i saw her next to me an admin not me me's dead says no con buddy it was not me who does i want to try dokkan i'll try it deserves to die probably because probably was supposed to kill her with whoever the [ __ ] was my teammate but did not see her and therefore probably [ __ ] it your teammate was thinking [ __ ] defense that was [ __ ] great that was like so wild confirmed chris is getting that account that's for sure he was talking like cavemen the whole time or i mean sorry not me not me i want to play dokkan with you oh my god are we doing another like this or if you're going to just i don't know no i'm gonna all i hear is you guys talking as jar jar bing me killed me killed me killed this person me killed who me killed who oh man oh god i hope i live i hope i live for a little bit i really want to oh god i'm demanding another round if i die really fast oh god if we don't i'll definitely uh god oh [ __ ] someone's running away okay oh you you better be good [Laughter] if this is oh god there's her there's all right her is following me her is following me that actually is accurate i'm gonna go to specimen don't you follow me in here thank god okay yeah like if this is the only round we're doing of this the last round we do i definitely want to do this of another group i will suggest this immediately this will not be the only time this is happening we're going to be playing among us again on wednesday by the way oh hi we five six seven eight nine ten all right i'm i'm i'm not trying to kill you we i'm not trying to kill you don't you try to kill me don't kill me we don't kill me we me all right me hanging with we okay well that's that done oh someone's on cams okay all right hello them should i hang out with we again so i'm leaving them and we together we as i don't even know who we is i have to go into this room there's probably a body in here there's whom who's on the watering [ __ ] uh any bodies i guess i'll do this [Music] the lights out again oh [ __ ] body nobody all right that's that done hello joyous joyously joy thanks for the prime sub and it's whom again oh i found them dead in the decontamination like shower chamber above like below med bay going if you're going down into specimen you saw who them we saw them who kind of trusts pink or sorry who trusts her and whom you're [Music] okay so i we was with you've explained the size perfectly i don't know who the [ __ ] you're talking about i don't know not me i don't know where you're [ __ ] wing is talking about them we found them [Music] we had no evidence [Laughter] [Music] who is the imposter i should say that oh [ __ ] i almost i almost [ __ ] up and didn't mute yeah it's just to say well at the top as you can see at the top of the screen it says who is the imposter therefore we vote who should say that okay let's finish this oh my god this is fantastic you're dead man thanks for the three months oh [ __ ] oh someone's locking me for the [ __ ] in here why someone coming oh there's we come on guys get the lights getting the lights is our body all right oh boy oh boy oh boy all right us there's a weapon [Music] oh i what did you what did i see we have to vote did not see i click a button because i wanted to hear from we earlier oh but we found i wanted to hear what we said yeah we found them i hate all of them me would like to make observation at the top of the screen it says who is the imposter who who is imposter the imposter i thought you were we who context [Laughter] i don't believe [Music] we voted who because the game said well [ __ ] you game who innocence have fun dying everyone who is out who's the imposter oh i think i third impossible that hard it's over i think i [ __ ] threw that game just for that one statement but i think it was worth it i think it was worth it oh [ __ ] okay okay oh [ __ ] oh boy am i about to get joint i we is it we is it we oh what the [ __ ] well there's us we didn't go for the lights oh boy they just need one kill i'm pretty sure right oh wow never mind it was awesome her i knew it was uh i don't know who the [ __ ] us and her are the more story is all of us was the imposter all of us were maybe yeah it's all the most impossible of these two rounds who was us patrick was us are we uh yeah i think we're all we're just doing normal all right all right crewmate crewmate all right so keys and boarding pass are common tasks uh god actually i should just honk him back let's oh my god uh wow all right i didn't even know it was that fast it was uh all right so there were there were a lot of people i wanted revenge there were a lot of people uh gar shut up it was you no oh i saw i said i saw your body moved i saw your body move no i was actually hanging back and watching that i didn't do [ __ ] i was i was observing to see who was going to do the common tasks i was putting the key in and see well actually that makes you even worse because you were on the freaking navigation thingamajig to the left of keys keys is on the right side of that yeah that was all right i was looking to see who else who all was getting can i talk no it's you well then i'm voting for you i was i was observing to see who all is going to do the keys because keys is our common task for this round you're once again you're once again interrupting me i'm explaining why i think it's you it's it's z i saw i saw i offended i saw gar's body move as soon as that that that uh as soon as dan died so i'm voting all [ __ ] offended z is it possible that he was moving because he was done though and that someone else did it no or um i was gone who are we voting for somebody killed well no z saw someone kill dan he thinks it's gar also i'm voting for i'm voting for this i'm voting for gar suss by the way not like i don't know if that's actually gar it was orange orange that's gumby then it's gumby i'm sorry i'm sorry it was gumby it's gumby it's gumby it's gumby [Music] i'm so sorry [Laughter] oh [ __ ] guys i'm like 95 sure goddammit gumby uh actually that probably made me look a little bit more innocent it's actually probably good that that happened because i'm making an honest mistake there oh i could see why gar was so peeved about that i'm like why the [ __ ] did he say he was doing keys oh [ __ ] well okay okay uh wait i guess i'll just open this shirt up why not let's be a good noodle just be a good noodle all right someone's checking for bodies i never even got the do keys now i'm gonna go dookies being a hypocrite i'm seeing who else gonna do cues and i don't even do it myself okay [Applause] what a confusing session we've had with names the camera's still alive right okay thank god thank god oh boy there's dealers lights are out all right let's go to the lab oh boy oh deal i've walked away he was a little skittish right there uh is there a body in here nope oh damn it i'm stupid have a good night alan by the way oh i thought i had a tasker do i not have do i have med bay oh okay i see oh jesus christ i don't know who it was to be honest i think it was empty but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm screaming so drea can believe it's i'm not the alive he's too calm uh i think i just proposed to somebody on behalf of somebody i don't um is that convincing enough that was daunting the thing is i'm in med band i was just doing my skin and i just saw orange also it's like i literally saw orange we voted off orange last round and there's three people dead and that was i know but i just saw him on my screen okay i don't know there's three people dead so it wasn't gumby well d live okay so i was not even in the beginning okay so here's what here's what i saw uh so a bunch of us were at lights we had just fixed the lights and then the door closed and then me and d life were the only ones who made it out of electrical and i saw d-live divert south and then i went towards the lab where i met up with drea drea did you see me uh at the uh i saw you on the med bay yeah but i think i thought you were orange yeah well we voted off uh garsus last round listen yeah so i'm doing my best here i'm just i'm just saying i'm just saying my story colors are hard i wasn't over by that area that's what i'm just saying okay we have three dead by the way yes that means there's two imposters yes that's okay i think i just proposed to somebody on behalf of somebody okay did you do a murder did you do a murder uh not today well yeah today not not recently we hold somebody or we can consider considering a bunch of us were at lights [Music] wait what i'm voting for it is why okay well he was following me a little bit that's all i got okay he followed me for a little bit all right okay uh maybe i'll just hit the button a bunch of us got closed off at electrical i feel like deal i've had to have self-reported but i don't know who knows how right we are it could be drea and d live [Music] i don't know i don't know hi molly i just oh i never started that oh hi oh boy ah no [ __ ] that okay you didn't follow me uh i have two stuff in specimen anyways i think one of the imposters is dead i think they have to be if if uh i think they impossible by now okay so we definitely got one of the imposters i guess we did man so i saw i know who is it i know who it is who i feel bad because damn they kill [ __ ] fast and they made me think two people are alive but it's molly it has to be molly the body fell and all i saw was molly coming from the left i was on the left but i didn't kill her uh who else was on the left with you wait what was that right i saw d live over at the lab i can corroborate he was over there and then i started going down the specimen the door closed on the two of us do you live in lab that's what i saw i mean molly did you not see the body you ran away from it wait what have you what are you doing wait it's not even talking uh air co2 or whatever and then the doors closed so i couldn't get up the stability if you have one of the killers already then you can just vote me off if you guys are still going you can do an emergency meeting or uh you wanna if we vote off the wrong person here we're probably just gonna lose because they'll just need one more kill no you could just hang around the button i can't take another l my leaderboard's ranking is getting a little bad so it's uh you can take out like the lights or something and you can't call a meeting and you just wait for your kill timer to come back i have to say it's molly if it's not molly molly did not see the body that was right there it was drea's body it the only person i can vote for is molly because they were coming from the body and i was on the right seismic thing so and no one else was on left unless it's someone else wade [ __ ] d live you better not be evil i'm not evil i don't know if it's molly molly voted for wade she's smart oh my god she really is smart that was a big brain click [ __ ] i hate you you don't thank god my god i've cost her too many times you've killed so [ __ ] faster so was i at least writing was i at least write about orange z you were right about orange oh my god i kept thinking we were talking about me i'm like i'm sorry yes i i got imposter when i when i had the name it's wade when they had the name it's wade this whole time i've had the name jesus and i'm not getting imposter i'm beginning to think it's the name jesus there's something about this name it's cursed i am only ever good with this name all right hi molly you are doing a common task hi molly lights are going out all right she didn't go for the kill yet all right i'll go to the lab oh someone's closing doors hi dream no body here i'll go down the specimen i found both bodies oh all right so they were at the beginning they're both at the drop ship oh [ __ ] oh oh so i don't know i don't think it so i don't think it was either uh pet or dan i saw them i didn't work on oxygen for a while i was with molly at uh admin and we both did the uh boarding pass scan and the card swipe and then i saw drea at lab i had just seen her in there yeah i'm assuming this happened in the beginning yeah yeah probably like as soon as the 10 second timer was up they just double killed i was the first one out there we were there in the beginning like everybody was there oh i mean who did you leave who left last where i'm sorry i went to go there i was like honest i was like one of the first ones to leave i left too i don't think i had it right when there was four people there whoever's saying that there's people that stayed behind though are probably the imposter there i'm trying to like get the person who left the last with their four people and i left there were people there how many i saw and wade it was like three i don't know i saw antoine wait i got i did keys and i went to tree who was the other person i don't know you were i'm in no way shape before i'm trying to defend dan but i did see dan run through security down i literally went to oxygen to do the tree yeah i saw dan and pat so can i just say that i guess they're not grand master ink anymore oh yeah yeah yeah too soon what was your round like i did see you in the lab oh what was my run like um yeah so i'm right side i did the telescope and then i think lights were off or something because i left and went left side i don't know what happened i skipped but i didn't see your customers i did see her come from the telescope yeah i don't know she was fairly close to that area i'm pretty sure it wasn't molly though i think she's like the only one i can really clear in the whole situation because she was way down here with me i also did that what was my task did i do something up there no i didn't even have a task up there wait if none and i guess they could have had one task up there that's interesting lights are already off [ __ ] i'll do a specimen [Music] hmm what do i do oh thank god it's not simon says one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right i'll save my med bay until later we'll head down this way we got a bunch of we got a cluster of tasks over here oh [Music] am i able to close this or do i have to like wait for this to i guess i have to wait for that yeah to fully fill up dead body no dead body okay god i'm not seeing anyone right now the lights are out again jesus oh boy that's gumby i think i found drea's body somewhere by the lights i don't know because they're off and i just got a report button okay uh do you think that just happened i i don't know i think they're in the light room maybe i don't know where they're at i can't i couldn't find their body the only person the only person i saw this round was i think gumby at weapons i think i saw him yeah do you like where was the body just like wait clear this up who is garu and who is gumby sus they're each other i i i will say i saw gumby not that long ago he was outside this is before the lights went out i think he was outside by the right side by med right oh was he okay so i i have a i have a thing down in the bottom right so i had it i saw gumby briefly uh shortly before that body got reported at weapons like right on top of me i have a question sure you saw gumby right side guard were you doing the trash below o2 yeah i was able to do the trash no two and then i was going to do the um the oxygen tanks you're gonna be sus though right yes okay no i'm gumby shut it up gumby you just having my name yes you yeah gumby shut up i was by myself for a lot of i did see gumby briefly but i mean i i i'm just going to do my single task down in a bottom ring i spent a lot of that in specimen in the lab i i did see molly like right before i saw d live she was like just south of voting on a seven is probably not safe anyway getting rid of it just keep just keep things going you know well if we did vote somebody off now they would just need a double kill and they'd win if they're still i'm and there's got to be two killers yeah it's better not to do on a seven okay killer okay killer okay did i not get the finished weapons oh i did get the finished weapons okay all right i'll go fix the lights if everyone else are you kidding me you're closing doors you're kidding me oh they didn't close this door oh there's d-live deal i've got here first okay oh [ __ ] christmas come on oh my god guys get with the program hi gumby oh no no oh no oh no oh no no gumby oh don't betray a high guard guard's following me following me i'm gonna go do my med bay oh hi it is it is running from this direction no body all right all right bnb ninjas thank you oh boy hmm oh someone's coming from okay gumby sauce is coming from specimen d live is on the med base again d live didn't kill me hi it is [ __ ] i'm gonna go over here all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on gumby it's our body gumby don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it guppy don't do it don't be molly isn't specimen i don't even have anything in here i'm just freaking roaming tell you more about molly explain to yourself you ran over saw me and you ran back to the body negative you killed that body and i hold on where where what's the what's the what's the uh what's this picture of this dead body where i passed i passed zeus and then i went by it is and then i came and saw the body and saw me up and down and clicked on the report i believe molly i believe molly why were the imposters i believe molly and i also believe did the same thing when i was imposter with him i don't think molly would have had enough time to go do it because yeah she wouldn't have had enough time i literally passed i i did just pass dan and i did just pass molly i don't think molly could have done it on the other side of that door admit it i literally watched it happen dan you're mean to me earlier somebody and you i don't you didn't let me explain and you turned up the music when i was trying i don't think you could have been molly molly i love how you call me zeus molly [Music] i don't remember seeing dan but i definitely remember seeing molly coming out molly came out of specimen molly came out of specimen and passed me in gumby uh i feel like molly didn't have enough time to do this and i think it just seems believable that dan probably ran back and self-reported untrusting good luck but gumby's dead oh no i'm alive never mind [Music] we'll see if we're right we'll see if we were right if not then damn damn molly oh [ __ ] oh god [ __ ] is going down [ __ ] is going down i think i left brown and white uh alone together [Music] all right well geez every single switch is off all right oh oh or was it orange and white that i saw oh god gumby don't you try to play this long con on me if it ends up being gumby oh boy what the hell are you doing is he done he can't be done his tasks he's just running around in circles is he gonna murder me [Music] is he gonna [ __ ] do it doors are closed [Music] all right someone just popped in there's gumby again it's gumpy and delivered why is gumby hovering oh boy i'm just gonna do my task then i'll go up i saw gumby and d live around this area hi gumby okay gumby and d live are both alive that's interesting oh lord oh don't do it gumby don't do it don't do it don't do it i don't i don't know i don't know who else is bad okay i'm done i'm done i'm gonna check the vitals no one's dead oh god all right you go over there gumby all right so we have molly it is all here okay where's d live where's d live interesting i'm gonna go check vitals again no one knew is dead well that's interesting i feel like gumby probably would have did it i feel like i probably would have did it all right lights are out again you could be playing a long con at me though i don't know boy this pat ipat welp oh well it was pat it is impossible to get kills when everybody's grouped up so well we just want to do it's hard to pick one when i try to do i had to do tests you were buying i was gonna get you and then i think what is it z and gumby walked right in i i thought for a minute gumby was trying to play a long con on me a lot of it was just it's it's sometimes it's just bad luck yeah no it was it was there was nothing i was going to be able to do is that or lose the i know you can do it i know it can be done i just yeah the thing is like ma i knew molly could have not done that kill because it's all heard i tried to kill molly and my my button glitched out and so if i killed molly it would have been i'm never sorry i remember dan self-reporting me so that kind of put the [ __ ] out of that [Music] we're staying together dude every time i would go to yeah it was just everybody it's really hard now after doing that three times okay okay okay i found a this is um [Music] i'm the one speaking with the uh the thing i don't i found that in an o2 on the right side and i can't even remember which body
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 819,005
Rating: 4.9735794 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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