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so today and among us we have how to train your dragon you can shoot frost breath eat sheep and fly across the map and dudes if you've ever seen how to train your dragon hit the like button down below the video make the like button turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this hi boys it's how to train your dragon i'm a dragon rider look find the traitor oh look at this dude look at me i'm gonna press i'm gonna hold up okay i'm gonna get my egg [Applause] [Music] welcome back to among us real quick for you new guys i'm a crew member i have all these tags i finished all my tattoo green bar filling we win i have a stroke sometimes we are how to train your dragon boys look i got a little dragon and i'm currently level one as you can see in the top left and i have a hunger bar i need to go around and feed my oh no you're good mass you're good oh i was frozen dude this was the dragon mod not the frozen mud guys if you've ever heard of how to train your dragon hit the like button down below the video okay check this out i can train my dragon look and now i'm walking around and while he's training right and i can see him on the mini-map it's so sick but whenever i'm not on my dragon i'm more vulnerable to the imposter oh look oh my dragon came back oh i gotta eat this sheep i gotta eat this sheep look so whenever i use my abilities like right now i have a frost breath it costs hunger and i have to eat sheep to keep that up okay i'm going to do a test i don't need a dragon get frozen idiot [Music] i froze it wait wait i'm not frozen i'm not you're not frozen oh [Music] so i have all these abilities as i level up i get more abilities but i can't use abilities right now because my hunger's low so i need to go find some uh hi hello hi am i i need to eat can you guys feed my dragon hello i need i need to eat oh there's a sheep okay eat the sheep there we go now i have access to hover look at this i'm hovering and i can go mass how did mass die what did you do no i was hovering i was hovering gary i need to go eat guys i lost my dragon gary where's your dragon you know what flico i'm going to steal some of your levels give me i'm gonna i'm gonna rock paper guys uh gary just got pooped out flick out fight me boy you want to go punk okay so water beats fire fire beats uh that leaf and leaf beats water yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna eat i'm gonna go i'm gonna go fire i'm gonna go fire i'm gonna go i'm gonna fly i'm gonna hit rock paper scissors i'm going fire don't do it you just got wrecked so now what i can do i could do a dragon bait i can everybody's dying oh no i'm gonna bait sigils over here so what this dragon bait does it forces his dragon to come over here and eat this bait um hey wait what why was your dragon invisible am i who was what now your dragon was just invisible no no no here you here have a tailwind okay enjoy your don't my controls are all jacked up why are you such a small dragon huh i'm trying to level up with my control wait can you not level up whenever you're whenever you don't have hunger you got to eat a sheep idiot it's a skill oh no no i did not level up level up i want to get a little i want to be i want to be i'm toothless dude look i'm toothless because you're in your old age you start losing them oh wait so i have the help button now help where'd he just go hey hey come back here hey oh he's doing a tap oh that is sick okay so i have a question maybe the mod just glitched because i did uh i did dragon dragon wait uh a dragon wait where'd your dragon go biffle so biffle just got eaten by an invisible okay i have a theory i'm gonna test this i'm gonna do dragon bait on sigils if an invisible dragon comes here it's sigils okay no it's not sigils i don't understand hey i stole your dragon why why would you do that because the last time your dragon came over to my dragon bait it was invisible and i don't know if it was a glitch or not um what if i told you it was a glitch oh right now his is his is there though yeah yeah that's that's weird and then what if i told you uh that i need brussels i knew it i knew it i knew it no it wasn't a glitch he was invisible here's one for you there you go no no no no no no you're a monster you're an actual mother i'm a dragon how to train your dragon okay boys get your dragon get your dragon where's my dragon hey i got my dragon baby okay like i said there is a mini game which i'll do later okay i need to level up too because as you level up all your abilities start to do different things it's actually okay there we go okay let's leave him let's go this way come here mr sheep get eaten [Music] now that i'm the imposter all my abilities do normal stuff you see in the top right imposter hacks whenever i turn this on now all my abilities kill i'm gonna eat sheep around people just to show that i'm playing legit but check this out as the imposter i can force feed my dragon watch this now i can do abilities other sigils i eating stuff gary what you eating i'm eating shoes mommy am i frozen no i didn't freeze you crazy let me eat this sheep give me come here sheep are you training you're training your dragon sheep was my friend yeah and i ate it because it tastes better okay so check this out i just froze flico and killed them okay so i'm currently level three i need to level up two more times to get all my abilities but let me test out dragon battle that'll level me up when this is selected to true i win the dragon battle no matter what there's also something i can do with the dragon bait i'm gonna troll some people with this later okay let me hover just flying around the map hovering zooming out just hovering oh hover is also on toggle for me oh this is so good okay there's phil there's phil i'm gonna wait for somebody to get off of their dragon and then they're gonna be vulnerable when somebody gets off their dragon i'm gonna chomp them we're sad here's gary chop him i'm gonna chop him no he got his dragon back i'm gonna see if i can okay there's there's russ there's russ i'm gonna chomp him i'm gonna chomp russ what russell i'm sorry about the thing i said about editing i'll take it back oh no no one needs to know no one needs to know i i didn't do this i can't even cover this um somebody ate russell it wasn't me okay so if they're off their dragon you're not training nothing [Applause] you know what if you're doing fire i'm going to put out your fire with water wait you might be lying to me [Music] are you trying to play mind games with me boy get again get blastoise i stole a level from you and now i'm giant jaw look at me i'm giant jaw see me no no no no he's nose horn he's nose horn nose horn no i'm i'm leaf tail i'm leaf tail no no no no he's big wings oh big wings okay got it so now that i'm level four i have back home let me show them i forgot what i'm asking you dragon bait oh hold on let me fill up my hunger this is where the trolling comes into it so check this out oh wait no i need to wait till i'm level five when i can hover yes check this out i can hover it look at this map dude okay check this out now that i'm hovering out here right there we go i'm gonna turn on the hacks i'm gonna do dragon bait up here in the water on that's it phil phil has no way to get up here hi dragon he can't get up here to get his dragon so now i can hover go invisible and come back in now okay so i'm gonna leave phil's dragon out there i also have the minigame i'll do the minigame in a minute okay let's unhover let's increase my food let's do dragon bait on what's his son here comes that's dragon now let's hover and then drop down where's that at my dragon why is it outside the map oh no wait is your dragon outside of the map too it's literally outside the map so what do i do uh i think you pray because you're gonna get compilated you and phil could be the ground crew okay no yeah yeah and he just got turned into poo eat up eat up toothless delicious what go on in this go get myself an alibi oh gary gary are you eating poo again i am training him with this ice cream this is ice cream gary gary give me give me all of your levels give me all of your levels i want to become toothless i will take you down you know what you know what i'm fire no i don't trust you at all wait are you pulling a mind trick like sigils but then he wasn't pulling a mind trick but i thought he was playing a mind trick but then he didn't and i was right i'm gonna shoot water i trust you [Music] and now i'm toothless guys look i don't have a tooth how do i eat food i gotta keep trading my drinks why does no one have any dragons dude what is happening wait is everybody missing a dragon oh there's a dragon in here but like my dragon left me where's your dragon phil they run away off the map phil find it let's make sure my hacks are true i'm gonna take out kate hello okay first of all i just saw first of all you disrespect me and then oh toothless no not pink wait phil got his dragon back that is unacceptable behavior phil you will not oh i will not allow this phil hey phil give me that dragon it's my dragon oh i need to chunk i'm gonna go chomp phil now i'm gonna save phil so phil doesn't have a dragon i'm gonna take somebody else's drag i'm gonna take everybody's dragon really quick this will be fun let's zoom out okay there's sigils with phil there's gary i'm gonna bring gary's dragon up here he's dragging i can't see him [Music] and let's cut the lights and close all the doors wanna let me hover so i can get through the wall there we go hover game's dead oh my god and then i'm gonna freeze no one's here i'm gonna freeze pistol what do you mean someone's kidnapped someone i mean somebody baited my dragon and i could see it on the map i'm gonna eat phil i'm gonna chop phil you're literally the only one with the dragon oh no should i get rid of my dragon he's gonna know too much he's gonna know too okay i had to fill up my hunger filled up my heart if i come home okay okay hold on hold on let's go hover actually i'm gonna put it up here i'm gonna put it up here fill up my hunger and then let's dragon bait biffle perfect perfect perfect perfect i gotta hover [Music] fill up my hunger just so i can do everything wait hey hey hey what do you got where are you guys that and you're the only one with a dragon okay i'll go i'll go get your guys dragon i'll go get your guys dragon for you hold on i gotta feed my dragon uh uh uh sheep come here come here i gotta i gotta get a sheep i gotta get a sheep okay all right no i'm running out of hunger thank you oh no what is that what just happened down here i hate it here i really hate it here oh this is so toxic this is against the rules nobody else did this this is so tiny where are you going therefore wait wait why are you going down here what's down here guys use your dragon abilities use your dragon abilities use your dragon abilities i don't good luck it's sniping season who can i hit there's there both are dragons up there let's go ahead and snipe right there oh i missed it going so fast oh i missed why does it go that fast i don't want to have to eat you bible i don't want to have to eat you bible bible wait wait hold on i don't want to have to eat you please don't i'm pretty handsome you know what you know what never you know what get tail whipped wait what is that taylor didn't even do anything literally don't work when i don't have a dragon dude come on all right you know what it's chocolate time it's chomp and dog pop bible top bible i've worked out oh wait my controls are messed up you have the thing turned on oh god hey cindy how's it going so now it's just me and you do you want to do a one-piece do you want to do it break it bring dude this is so chaotic you got nothing on me i'm good enough i'm sweating i stumped you no i stunned you yes please wait what happened oh i said please that was epic that was good
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,666,174
Rating: 4.9470496 out of 5
Id: ytEzo3KUa4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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