Among Us But Imposter Can't Kill Me #2

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today i'm playing two games of among us but the imposter can't kill me make sure to watch till the end because things get crazy in the first game i got picked as a crewmate and right away i'm like who should i follow hey man okay i see you fish you're not gonna get away with any killing in front of me today bruh in case you haven't seen my last video my strategy is simple only do tasks to prove my innocence otherwise i follow crewmates one at a time and make sure they do their tasks can i help you and through process of elimination i'll find the imposter hmm electrical a perfect place to oh hey it looks like everyone's here what's up guys [Music] perfect tons of witnesses just in case fish try something we're headed to the calf see you guys later the only problem is so fish how those wires looking since electrical isn't a visual task i couldn't know for sure if fish did them the reactor seems like pretty convenient timing huh fix the reactor that you broke i'm on to what he vanished what the hell is going on either way i gotta get out of here before somebody comes along and susses me my best bet is to check the security cameras i see you hero looks like who is just doing a task there it's fish he's right outside navigation he's got some answering to do so i sprint up the reactor room and through the hallway then hey man he's fast but i'm not letting him get away again i've got you now perfect a witness why don't you quit faking tasks fish i still couldn't be sure if fish was or wasn't the imposter until give it up fish i know the truth huh the guns are firing that means he's innocent what's good team money's in the house you know what i'm saying uh yeah not today but as we're trying to ditch t-money the lights go out i lose fish again this is bad i'm vulnerable but as i'm looking for fish it's t-money he's following us too before the imposter can get one of us i run into electrical to fix the lights oh it's just you guys lights are fixed but now the question is later losers if the imposter is in fish or t-money who is it maybe somebody else saw something that i might have missed i think this calls for a [Music] what hmm nothing just checking if anybody died anyways it's not me fish or t-money yeah black it's not him hey he had my back you know what fish is the homie anyways it was time to make my signature play i'm gonna follow mj if i die it's him wait black what don't leave me you know i usually prefer to work alone but i guess it wouldn't be so bad to have a sidekick fish just go with him i'm gonna chill in the cafeteria when i'm done my tasks yeah just stay with me okay also turns out that most of you guys who watch me aren't actually subscribed so if you like the content and want to support the channel go ahead and hit the bell it's free and you can always change your mind later and if you see either of these surveys pop up please rate us five out of five enjoy the video when the next round starts right away i find my target he tries to oh you're not getting away that easily bruh especially with fish on my side if he kills one of us the other one can report the body right away but right when i follow mj out of med bay what not again he just vanished i'm headed for security when found him looks like he's gonna go check the cameras since we're already here i might as well check too cover me fish let's see what's going on it's t-money and it looks like dark green's chasing it good hero's there too huh why is t-money somebody sabotaged communication but why would mj do it in front of all of us if mj's the imposter now's his perfect chance too what that means it can't be looks like we lost dark green and ram called the meeting it's not mj me and black were with him that's right me and fish were with mj the whole time light green it wasn't me i doubt it's t-money he helped us fix lights and electrical i sauce red now that you mention it red was the only one we didn't see on the camera yeah me too he probably self-reported he left one too many footprints ram what it wasn't him how could this be then who that's right there was one other person we didn't see on the camera someone with a real convenient excuse i'm gonna chill in the cafeteria when i'm done okay blue we're gonna see if you're really just chilling in the cafeteria because you know what i think i think you're the imposter and i think you're the reason why c money was running away from the cafeteria on the camera but go ahead do something i dare you because my bro fish here will report you right away and that'll be it for you what the imposter took out my bro fish this was personal admin well i was literally staring at blue the whole round yeah black blue and i were all in the cuff something isn't adding up i've literally followed everyone everyone except hero and t-money wait a second that's it i'm voting green when t-money first shows up he doesn't do anything because i'm with fish so he turns the lights off and tries to isolate us but that's when i catch him following us so he plays it off like he's just going to help fix the lights the next time we see him he's running away from dark green but somehow ends up chasing dark green right about when communication is sabotaged and dark green is killed let's take him out boys in the second game i get picked as an imposter so i couldn't exactly use the same strategy to be honest i wasn't expecting this so my first instinct is to get away from the rest of the crew and sabotage them good looks like communications are down next i just have to find somebody who's out on their own i feel like electrical is always a good place to start hello anybody here no one i guess the hunt continues but the thing is i keep walking and walking and i don't see anyone until time to die i mean hi hey hey what's up guys okay that didn't work out obviously couldn't kill little bobby if she's grouped up just gotta find anyone in here someone who's just straggling behind hey hello there damn it ren okay lion you two paired up does this mean what i think it does before anything else crap i lost him is it just me or are most of the crewmates paired up because if they are that means they're copying my strategy mind if i check the camera this is my perfect chance to kill bobby but i can't take that risk if everyone else is really paired up it'll be really easy for them to suss me out i need to create some chaos and the best way to do that is take out the reactor now i just gotta find somebody who's struggling behind it this way gotcha rose is separated from the others so when she dies they'll pin it on her partner it's been nice knowing you rose but i'm sorry i have to do this crap she got away i couldn't risk killing her in the reactor room the others would have shown up any second now but now she's gonna suss me for chasing her i need to regroup think out what my next move is hey what you doing over here oh i'm just gotta get away not the cleanest kill but i had no choice it's little bobby and she's all by herself and there's only a couple seconds left on my kill cooldown crap she's getting away screw it i'm already in too deep wow we keep bumping into each other it's only a matter of time before someone finds a body i need to find hey it's fuji i could kill him but i won't he's gonna be really useful when body's an electric fuji it's not fuji i'm watching him who was with zen mode me i was doing wires with zen mode okay so zenmore and fuji are good big bobby but i did reactor with big bobby attaboy fuji just as i planned now to find my next time well that's annoying k lyon calls an emergency meeting so y'all just gonna vote innocent big bobby out huh zan mode why did you stop doing your following strategy my sweet sweet rose after all we've been through you're just gonna betray me like that i followed you i showed you the way watched you do tasks helped you find love and i even buried you i'll remember this rose doesn't matter i got no problem defending myself under pressure uh i'm still using it so why didn't you tell us who you were following that's right rose knows i always tell the crew who i'm following in case the impostor kills me uh i'm following different people to see who does tasks like i said i was watching fuji last fuji what did he do tasks uh i don't know to be honest too late you're out of time i live to kill another day but rin's looking real sus just standing there whatever maybe she's given up should be an easy win for me damn it just couldn't let this one go aaron fuji did he do tasks or not i don't think so zen mode is sus fine but if it's not me then it's either rin or k-line look i'm backed up against the wall and reverse psychology is my best bet did it work whoa okay sure damn you rin you may have outsmarted me this time but we will meet again i promise you
Channel: ZMDE
Views: 9,241,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, among us, there is an imposter among us, among us memes, how to be the imposter, among us short film, among us tik tok, among us gameplay, imposter iq, among us iq
Id: 4uzRvhkPgII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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