Among Us But JAILER CREW Role (mods)

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today i'm playing two games of among us but there's a new role jailer basically instead of being ejected crewmates are sent to jail from jail they can watch through a camera and see what everyone's up to or they can beg to be set free but the only one who can set inmates free and arrest them is the jailer you'll see how this completely changes the dynamic between crewmates and imposters make sure you watch until the end because it gets crazy alright jailer let's go and i got a plan first thing [Music] never reveal your identity who is the jailer if we all know then we can all protect them not me okay so zimbabwe says that when he is the imposter i'm not the imposter bruh he assumes that everything almost it was in motivation i'm not saying he says you guys say that and then i die who has a visual i am scanned okay i'm gonna follow comrade if i die he's us well that kind of backfired come on okay comrade right on full crew is moving as a unit this could be a good chance for me to clear right over here and it looks like this is where the jail is oh whoops chill chill i'm coming are you talking to me okay red is 100 clear bedtime minnie sweetie nice one comrade that's pretty good okay okay but you gotta go to jail you are under arrest now how did that happen guys it's part of my plan it will all make sense at the moment it wasn't me right now it's safest for red now to explain my master plan [Music] okay i don't know who just did that but we can use this to our advantage comrade watch the camps from the inside that's right inside the cell he has access to security cameras that can watch each of the crew members catch the impostors for us then we're gonna break you out what if the jailer dies who else has a visual move can you watch me i'm following crew posture if i die he sucks on to phase three of my plan narrow down with visual let's go and crew postures clear bravo bro lucy one by one go do your tasks get out of here fine fine i'm going okay let's go swavey wait wait wait this wavy sus but i know blue's safe so i'll stick with him and then someone there when the time is right i'm gonna hi let's stand together clean up still no kills these imposters are slow in order to move on to phase four of my plan i need one of them to take my bait maybe i need to put more pressure on the best way to do that is to move the taskbar i'll do part one of trash because it'll set me up later to clear [Music] finally we don't need to send an innocent to jail skip and meet me by the jail but don't stand at the bars it's time to break out an old friend i'm coming comrade this is dumb now for phase four let me out let me out it's okay conrad we're here now it's time to argue now comrade tell us what you've seen to the camera [Music] brown i saw him kill that's right i am the jailer okay any last words brown why sure no problem i'll do that for you because you're about to spend some time in jail think about your actions and then there was but we're better safe than sorry come on watch me do tasks no problem what i guess you the door oh no who's the other monster purple green and white are the only ones who haven't cleaned and i've already used up my arrested bills vote them out at a meeting but enjoying yourself lights out the other imposter's on the move huh piper's still here is he afk at a time like this [Applause] gotta get these lights back up it's comrade at least i know he's clear for sure let's get this task imposter's not going to make a move while he's watching my back but something doesn't add up who could it be and just in case anybody had any doubts i saved trash watch me clear he got dark green wait it can only be one person piper has been afk in the caf for most of the game that would explain why no one died and when bogie finally died that was brown not to mention piper only seemed to care when it had to do with brown getting arrested and since he's been afk he's the only one who hasn't done a single task [Music] imposter let's go it just got real i got a task up here what you doing download what are you doing okay bye gotta watch out for the jail come on sure it's a ballina i'll watch you do asteroids i see it but let's make sure no one else [Music] sees i was going to stay low-key but he walked into that two down already how is it green you also didn't do swipe not to mention dark green's dead brown wants to vote a dead person that sounds sauce to me false occupation calls for five years jail time now guys i think i know who it is said i studied zimmer's place though hey man you didn't study nothing if you don't vote brown that went smooth but i think p-man's on to me i got lucky you know what i'm gonna take p-man's word for it jailor reveal yourself we need to get our homies out of prison he was unjustly put away free brown even if brown gets out of prison it's more important that we kill the jail but he still hasn't come forward i'm gonna get you but on the other hand there is a chance that we already killed the jailer one way or another there's only one way to find out lights out next person to walk by dies five minutes later seriously where is everyone they couldn't have all emoted damn nine seconds hey jj uh let's go together i cleared you you clear me we're just one big hat what's up we can't just keep letting the crew do tasks it's time to act but i can't be reckless first let's check the surroundings now i'll lock the door oh jj where are you sorry bro it's time to go you are terminated perfect no witnesses time to get out of here i'm guessing that it's orange he's gonna find the body think fast i need an excuse storage i don't think the geo is with us anymore he's right the jailer must have been his abelino or dark green i'm sorry orange you just went that way it's time to flip the narrative a self report i passed orange in the hallway what's ammo you came from storage no i came from electrical but nice try electrical doors are locked i'm just assuming you came from there yeah the door is closed as soon as i pass the orange then he goes to storage and someone dies i don't think it's pee man you're full of it [Music]
Channel: ZMDE Gaming
Views: 2,455,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, among us, there is an imposter among us, among us memes, how to be the imposter, among us short film, among us tik tok, among us gameplay, imposter iq, among us iq, among us mods
Id: BeI3q7PLNpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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