Among Us But Imposter Can't Kill Me ON AIRSHIP

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today i'm playing two games of among us and it's on the brand new airship map make sure you watch until the end because it gets crazy crewmate let's whoa we can choose where to start let's go huh where's everyone else show me looks like we got all new tasks too yeah geez not easy to take out the trash this guy totally stole my drip whatever keep up blue uh where are we this place looks like a maze i hope blue's a crewmate because if he's an imposter then i don't really we can go up ladders that's awesome and that changes things wow this room is empty but what's over here wow look at this place it's not safe to be alone with blue i'd better find another hey the reactor but where is anyone's ass sauce number one's with me in the armory zebra is suspicious so yeah skip i think the crew literally susses me for no reason joke's on them because i'm innocent hey hello it looks like i got the normal trash this time easy i see you piper you don't trust me that's fine it's safer if we go together only problem i don't trust you either you're stuck on the other side hello i only got a few more tasks to go and this one is quite familiar i'm by myself now so i gotta be careful where am i looks like a new area of the ship the shower what kind of task is this what the fixed it lights out i gotta be careful only two more tasks to go first off i gotta get these cables finished but you know what i just realized on this new airship wow the crew gets split up after every meeting dammit the platform's on the other side i gotta go around and what the nobody's finished any tasks what has the crew been doing this whole time ah okay that's frustrating come on you gotta be come on nobody is doing tasks i was with someone for most of the rounds so he's good you hear that alex says i'm good i think piper is sus all right i'm in the kitchen and looks like i gotta make some kind of burger easy enough bread uh what was it again yeah obviously patty onion patty bread nice one final task where all damn another closed door that is way too hard to open the door those guns i got this yes just gotta make it to the meeting room alive but honestly i'm only doing my tasks yes to learn more about this new map because we aren't gonna win by tasks okay we're almost there and hello my twin what a creep good to see that the crew is finally doing some of their tasks but lights out damn it i don't like how blue's following airship's like an imposter feeding ground because the crew gets split up so we can't even use the follow strategy under the ladder from the meeting room piper where have you been i haven't seen piper do any tasks tornado is suspicious what do you have to say about this stop okay i'm voting him it's not over so damn it we got the wrong person the airship has thrown off my strategy completely so i gotta go with my gut feeling i don't even know where the other side of the reactor is but now that i'm finished all my tasks if i can call off the reactor then i know exactly who to accuse under the ladder from the emergency room again it's piper just like i thought now it is in my you followed me most of the game you know i'm innocent don't believe him [Music] imposter let's go bye have a great time only me and tornado in this section of the ship and my kill cooldown is almost ready just gotta make sure he doesn't get away alex is here too first things first lights out but this is a dangerous place anybody could come right now so don't mind if i just hide here i think i'm good plus it looks like they fixed the lights time to rejoin the group what's going on oh hey guys uh there's nothing in the library i swear okay somebody's about to find did you see anything nope just a dead body i don't know what happened how can you see someone when it was dark it wasn't dark lights were fixed here we go again home about accuses me every game with no proof it's my personality moot okay i'ma follow home about but on the airship man you go first kage after each round we start in different areas so i won't be able to follow anybody get out of here but as an imposter i can use this to my advantage huh these stalls could be a good hiding place and it looks like kage is watching me big mistake because it's just the two of us in this washington lights out and that means and like i said before these stalls would be a great hiding place and i can just wait in here for my next victim to show up yeah this is so confusing it's taking me so long to find my tasks wait well barbara was there to me was in some sort of stone damn it guess it's not a great hiding place after all all right follow me the moon i know i'm clean okay which room you want to start it i'll follow you home about little one okay uh where is everyone what am i gonna do he said to meet in the middle room but oh well his problem not mine so far it doesn't seem like anybody really sucks as me so i guess i could just find my next oh hey sian i guess we can stick together to keep ourselves safe from the stay close right yeah i'll stay close because it's just us two and it looks like my cooldown is almost ready i mean i'll watch you finish your tasks and clear you come here sure but just let me finish my task real quick lights out and now there's no one left to save you cnn as soon as i ha it's white and you can take cnn's place lights are out so now i can make my getaway home about i didn't see you bro you weren't mad at following me so i saw someone killing vent and that wasn't damn she saw me even with the lights off see you there i can't believe that actually worked but now at least two of the crewmates sucks me i'll have to get rid of them as soon as i can but first i'm gonna have to buy a little bit more time my cooldown's not ready and it looks like piper's following me around it's all good i don't feel threatened at all i need to focus on the two crewmates that suspect question is where are they my cooldown's almost ready this ship is huge it's so hard to find people and someone closed the door perfect surprise mother rich wasn't an option it's sunday man it's tornado okay here's the deal tornado locked the room when i walked in the door closed as i was moving and killed in front of me fans i knew how the mountain that's true cnn's last words tornado is lying hear me out he already knew you were all sussing me so he knew you could get away with this no i'm being honest and that was some beautiful teamwork red let's kill them they might patience red we have the upper hand we can just wait for them to come to the emergency room and while we wait lights out oh hey adam he can't call a meeting yet 10 seconds until my cooldown's ready and by the time damn it he's getting away that's okay i can take the vets oh adam aren't you coming to fix the lights that's okay i can find someone else [Music]
Channel: ZMDE Gaming
Views: 1,835,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, among us, there is an imposter among us, among us memes, how to be the imposter, among us short film, among us tik tok, among us gameplay, imposter iq, among us iq
Id: -NsOjXDsQj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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