Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update: One Step Closer to the Ezekiel War

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Shalom everyone, this is Amir Tsarfati. I am live from the town of Surprise, this is the Western suburbs of Phoenix at Hope City Church with pastor Joshua Perlman. I will be teaching tonight right here at this church, and I hope that many people that are planning on coming will do so. It's going to be a wonderful evening. I'm here finally with the Middle East update. It's been a while since I gave one. I've been traveling for the last three weeks. This is the sixth state in three weeks. I've been to Washington and Idaho and California and later on we were in Colorado and New Mexico, and now here in Arizona, we'll continue on Tuesday to Nevada and then Florida. And then of course, we've got again California, Texas, and Virginia and then back home. Let's start with a prayer. Father, we thank you so much that you declared the end from the beginning and from the ancient times, things that are not yet done. You want your children to know the truth, You want to declare the things that have not happened yet because You want your children to have hope and You want them to be ready and prepared. We ask that You will preside over this Middle East update today here, that You will watch over the technical part. And over the information, we do not want to be a sensationalist. We do not want to take things out of context. We do not want to create unnecessary fear and anxiety. We want to concentrate on the blessed hope that we have through Your Word. So, we ask that You who began the good work with us here on earth with your church, You will also be faithful to complete it with. Thank You and we bless You in the name of the Holy One of Israel, Yeshua HaMashiach, we pray. Amen. So again, shalom everyone, it's Amir Tsarfati back with you after almost 2 weeks without any Middle-East update, a lot has happened since, but I try to keep updating you with some breaking news and also with a lot of it is of course, through Telegram. If you haven't downloaded Telegram yet you want to do so Telegram is an app that through that I can actually say anything I want, nobody is censoring me, nobody is shadow-banning me and it's pretty much my own channel where I can just post news and my opinion, and sometimes it's a devotional and we're free to do that. So make sure to download Telegram and to join the Amir Tsarfati channel and that will be great. So we've got a full update to give you. We don't want it to be too long, but I want to cover today things that are happening in our neighborhood, in Israel's neighborhood of course. And we want to also talk about specifically countries such as Iraq and Iran and also what's going on in Syria and Lebanon, even in Tunisia and of course in Israel itself. We will definitely emphasize the topic and the theme of this update, which is of course, One Step Closer To The Ezekiel War. And I'll explain what I mean by that later on. First of all, even here in America, there is a heatwave, temperatures are really high in many other parts of the world and I want you to know there's massive fires right now in Southwestern Turkey, in the city of Marmaris And in fact, you may want to see this video that we captured from that place. Look, behind all of these beautiful resort hotels. Massive fire ... great, massive evacuation of people from that area. And if that's not enough, we know that in the Italian island of Sardinia they are right now battling also huge, huge fires. Take a look at these pictures ... Much of the effort is actually to extinguish this fire from the air, but literally thousands of thousands of acres of forest are inflamed. And if that's not enough, in the outskirts of Athens in Greece, we are also reported on major fires of that region declared state of emergency, it is approaching houses of so many people. So as you can see the Middle East is literally on fire. We're talking about this type of weather that is not too surprising to anyone in the end of July towards the beginning of August, that's, of course, the hottest time of the year in our region. Also yesterday, if you follow me on Telegram, you know, that Israel reported of a drone attack on an Israeli ship. Drone attack on an Israeli-owned ship near the country of Oman, in the Gulf of Oman. That is the ship itself. We are talking about a ship that is called Mercer Street. Two crew members of the ship were killed, one of them has a Romanian passport and one is a British passport holder. Apparently it was an Iranian UAV that released a rocket. It's called a Shahed rocket that hit the area of the crew dorms, right below the command area and it killed them while they were in bed. That of course caused the US fleet that was right in that area to escort the Israeli-owned ship that is sailing under a Liberian flag, it was escorted by US Navy ships all the way to shores, but it is beyond any shadow of a doubt an Iranian strike. And just so you know ... A classified document that were obtained are actually showing, reveal secret research into how a cyber-attack could be used to sink cargo ships and also blow-up fuel pumps at petrol stations. Iran is investing millions of dollars in cyber technology and this internal files that were obtained by some of the intelligence communities right now also include information on satellite communication devices used by the global shipping industry, as well as a computer-based system that control things like lights, heating and ventilation in smart buildings across the world. In other words, Iran is not only plotting against Israel. Iran is preparing things that are a danger to the entire world, not only to Israel. They apparently managed to have the technology to even somehow influence temperatures in buildings, even on the American continent, it's quite alarming. That's one of the reasons we must remember that Iran is still labeled as a terror harboring state and supporting terror infrastructures. The people in Iran have no water, no electricity in some parts, no food. They have no human rights and they have no civilian liberties. And yet the government finds the billions of dollars to invest in terrorism and future attacks. That is what we see with Iran ... We going to come back to Iran in a few minutes when we talk about the meeting between the president of the US and the Iraqi prime minister. Let's talk a little bit about Iraq. We will definitely again, mention the fact that over the past week, the president of the US, the 46th president met with Mustafa Al-Kadhimi the prime minister of Iraq. It's very interesting because you can clearly see what it says: ''Biden makes nuanced shift on Iraq'' and basically they are going to relabel or reclassify the troops into what they call '' advisors'', they are no longer troops, they are now advisors. What made the Iraqi militias very angry is that they were expecting a full withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. They did not get that, the Iraqi prime minister will have no ... the minute America have no troops on the ground, he will fall, his government will fall and chaos will reign and it's very interesting what happened there. We'll talk in a few minutes about what happened during that meeting, something very interesting happened during that meeting. But I also want to tell you that the last week there was another incident in the city of Najaf and an ammunition storehouse was actually attacked from the air by most probably a US drone. It is a storehouse that belonged to the Hashd al-Shaabi - the Popular Front. This is the largest roof organization of the pro-Iranian Shiite militias in Iraq. They said that the secondary explosions were so many and it must have been a storehouse of very, very many different rockets that were literally flying in the air after that attack. So, you can understand how angry the Iraqi militias are right now, not only after this strike, but certainly after the outcome of the US president with the Iraqi prime minister. Let's talk a few minutes about Lebanon... We all know that Lebanon is in the state of collapse. We know that there is chaos in the streets, there is no more enough gasoline, there is only three to four hours a day electricity for the people in this hot summer. You can imagine how it can be without air condition. But I do want you to know that finally there is a new prime minister and a government that is being formed right now by the multimillionaire, the Sunni tycoon, Najib Mikati, by the way, he served as prime minister in the past and he claimed that he would have never assumed that position if there was no international guarantees for him. I don't think anyone can guarantee anything in Lebanon nowadays and we all know that. By the way, in just a couple of days, we will have the first anniversary to the huge explosion. It's actually called ... where is it? ... nitrate... yes, the nitrate ammonia that exploded. If you remember that 100's of people died, a third of the city almost was destroyed from that explosion. But now days before the 1st anniversary of this huge explosion, we have reports that claim that... there's a classified report of the FBI investigation from October of 2020. That investigation was of the events of August and by October, the report basically determined that the amount of nitrate ammonia that exploded was about 552 tons. Now watch this one ... It is, by the way, just a fifths, one-fifths of the 2,754 tons that were stored at the port since the unloading of the ship in 2013. We still don't know where the rest of the nitrate ammonia is. And let me throw a hint to the air ... Could it be that it's now in Damascus? Could it be that it has been smuggled into Damascus in order for the regime to use it there? And could it be the thing that will eventually destroy Damascus? I don't know ... I'm just suggesting. If you see that one-fifths of this nitrate ammonia destroyed a third of Beirut, you can imagine what the other four-fifths can do to a large metropolis such as Damascus. We know that biblically, according to Isaiah 17, Damascus has to be destroyed. I remember the reports that said that Beirut is uninhabitable for a while because of the toxic components in the air. Can you imagine if it was four times stronger in Damascus. It will be just like Isaiah predicted a ruinous heap and uninhabitable. So that's that secret report from that incident. Another country, the country that started the 'Arab Spring', Tunisia is now in turmoil. Basically allowed the army to takeover the parliament and to kick the prime minister out, and basically the prime minister which was a Muslim brotherhood person is no longer there. It is more or less similar to what happened in Egypt when el-Sisi was kicked out, excuse me, when Morsi was kicked out by general el-Sisi in another military coup, but this time the president is still the same man and he basically controls everything right now at this point. So it's funny in the place where the 'Arab Spring' began, dictatorship is now back in the street, but the people are actually .... they didn't have really a great life under the Muslim Brotherhood's government. However, what we see now over the last week is a great wave of Tunisian migrants that are now going all the way across the Mediterranean to the Italian island of Lampedusa and thousands of them are fleeing because of the chaos that is reigning in Tunisia. It's funny, I don't know if you know that, I think I shared that before, my father originally was born in Tunisia. My family is composed of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. My mother's family is from Poland and Russia. My mom is blonde with green eyes. My brother and sister were born blonde as well with green eyes. I took the appearance of my dad's side and he originally is, or his family is from France. That's why we're called Tsarfati, Tsarfati means in Hebrew - French. We were from France, from the city of Champagne, from there originally, then we went down to Portugal where business was much better but we kept doing business with the French. So we were still called 'the French.' And then of course when Ferdinand and Isabel kick the Jews out at the end of the 1400's, the Ottoman empire that time gladly received the Jewish people and the Tsarfati clan basically was all around. My father's family landed in Tunisia, in Northern Africa and a few 100 years later, my father was born and when he was 10 years old, he made Aliyah to Israel. That's when I was the first generation of my family after 2000 years almost, being born in the land of Israel ... the fig tree indeed is coming back to life. And so Tunisia ... I've never been there, but I do have blood of the Sephardic Jewish family that came from there. Now let's talk a little bit about Syria. Syria is a madhouse right now, it is chaotic on every corner. In Syria, there are so many elements right now that are fighting. There are the Russians, the Iranians, there are the Turks and there is the Iranian militias that are made of Afghans and Pakistanis but most also from Iraqis and of course, there is the Lebanese Hezbollah that is there, and there are the Syrians themselves that are torn between the Assad regime and between the rebel side. And let me show you a map of Syria so you understand what we are dealing with, okay? So, take a look at this map and I want to show you the triangle that we're going to talk about just for a few minutes. Take a look at this map of Syria and see the triangle of Daraa in the south, Deir ez-Zor in the east and Idlib in the north. Let's see if we can put it on the screen for you, so you can see it. I'll wait for a few seconds, if not I'll just tell you what happened in each and every one. Okay, this is the map, as you can clearly see, we circled the three areas that I am talking about. Down south by the Israeli border, there is the city of Daraa. That's where the civil war started over 10 years ago. Then over on the east, next to the yellow area, is the Deir ez-Zor, it's the capital of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, I would say, grip over Syria. And then look at the Northwestern part, there is a white area, which is under the Turkish control and in that area many of the rebels were forced to flee into. So you see that these three are creating a triangle basically. Now, why am I saying all of that? Because, in Daraa everything started. Now we're watching once again the rebels started an offensive in Daraa on the Syrian soldiers and Syrian soldiers - Assad soldiers - start running towards them. Now let's see a video of the fighting in Daraa and how Syrian soldiers are basically defecting into the rebel side. I don't know if we can see that video but... here it is. These are Syrian soldiers that are basically running into the side of the rebels while the rebels keep shooting at the rest of the Syrian soldiers. And there you go, they cross the line and they are now on the rebel side. Now this is Darra where they captured quite a few pieces of land. Now I want to show you what's going on in Idlib, in the north. They saw what's going on in Daraa, they decided to start striking. Take a look at how a Syrian military outpost is getting destroyed by the rebels' rockets. Take a look at this one, it is in Idlib in the north and it all happened in the last 72 hours. I don't know if we can see that video right now... Here it is .. look at the outpost, look what is going on ... Right ... now, it's gone. So this is what's going on up in the north and on the east, the Sunni tribes thought - Wait a minute, don't leave us to be the only ones that are going to suffer under those Shiites that are coming from all around and they declared... They stood before the camera and they read a declaration that they are vowing now to join the rest of the Sunni rebels. Take a look at that, that is on the east. Here they are, they are standing before the camera, and they are putting those signs and they're basically saying we are Sunnis... Yes, we are Sunnis and we are going to join our brothers in Daraa and in Idlib. And even on the east, we will fight against Shiite attack. Now, what is Assad doing against all of this? What he does the best ... his 4th division that is commanded by Maher al-Assad, the brother of Bashar al-Assad, all they do all day long is they are dropping barrel of explosives on the civilian population to discourage the rebels and to kill along the way 100's of people. Take a look at this one. This is how they just drop, again, barrels of explosive from the air. We can see one after the other explosions, these explosions are on civilian population. It's not on the rebels, it's on their families. It's on innocent people and they want to tell the rebels - If you come against us, you're actually causing the killing of your brothers and sisters and friends and family members. That is what's going on in Syria ... Syria is a mess. We can see that people are fleeing out of those areas. Again, it's just a heartbreaking story, this country, the millions are still trapped ... they are just helpless ... So that is what is going on there. Now the theme of this update today is "A Step Closer To The Ezekiel War." And what am I talking about? This is what happened last week, last week we had the report of Israel's new policy of restraint, we're talking about the IDF plan to change its tactics in Syria and he will base its operations against Iranian targets in the area on Long Range Stand Off munitions, rather than on air strikes. You know why? It's because we can no longer fly above Syria and do what we need to do ... and why is that? It is because the coordination between the Israelis and the Russians is no more. Let me make it very clear ... The agreement between Israel and Russia was achieved in 2015, immediately after the Russians began setting up shop in Israel's hostile neighbor to the north. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Russia. He met with Russian president Vladimir Putin and we know that an agreement was achieved. Which means up until now, every airstrike that Israel conducted in Syria was with the knowledge of the Russians ... ... it was coordinated with the Russians. Suddenly we see something very different ... As of last week, Russia announced that it assisted the Syrians in intercepting 4 missiles shot by the Israeli Air Force's F16's, to targets in Syria, that is for the first time ... I will also add that the Russian adviser or military adviser said that the entire collaboration between Israel and Russia was based on the intimate relationship between President Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear to the Russians that it's for their own benefit and their own ... I guess, best interests that the Iranians will not run the show in Syria. It's very interesting because Vladimir Putin understood then what happened. See Netanyahu's goal was then seen as impossible, but Putin basically understood and he respected and he actually made sure that the agreement will be kept. And for the last ... listen, from 2015 to 2021, as long as Netanyahu was the prime minister, this agreement was kept. There's a new government in Israel right now - 'Government of Change'. It's a government that is changing everything for the worst - not for the better. It's a government that is destroying things ... ... I don't know if you know, but the UAE is very disappointed right now because part of the agreement between us and them was about transporting oil through Israel, through the Red Sea across Israel to the Mediterranean, instead of having to go all around through the Suez canal. And all the green parties and part of the government that is now, opposes this part of the agreement, it's now frozen and the Arabs of the UAE are very unhappy for all of that. That could have given us not only a lot of money, but leverage against everybody all around us. I mean, we control the flow of oil in the Middle East. So again, Government of Change ... government of change for the worst. Israel is being perceived as a country without leadership. Israel is being perceived weak, not only by its enemies, even by our own people. I'm communicating with my family members and not just people who love Netanyahu, even people who could care less about Netanyahu are confessing right now that the country has no leadership right now. This the government of change is trying to appease everybody and there is no bold decisions being made, that are looking at the amazing interest that Israel has in the region. So that was ... and why am I saying that? Because when Israel and Russia have no more coordination, no more collaboration, they don't see things in the same way, this is the step before hostility will begin. Before you know it, Russia will have no problem coming against Israel and not be with Israel on the same side. If that's not enough, allow me to show you something that happened this week during the meeting of the Iraqi prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and the US president. Take a look at what happened there? I want you to see the US president holding a note, a piece of paper, and in that piece of paper, people that zoomed in, they realized that it carried 2 sentences in English. I guess he is too sick now to remember them. So he had to write them down on a piece of paper. Let's go back to the first one and I'll show you, it says: 'Iran considering with holding back attacks launched by Shiite militias on the interest and forces in Iraq.' And the second sentence reads: 'US prepares to respond to attacks.' Basically, if you put them together, the US is prepared to attack Iranian targets in response to the attacks that were conducted on US forces. Now look what the Iranians did. They released this picture of an Iranian girl with a piece of paper that says the following two sentences. We are waiting for you. Remember, we always desire to have a legitimate reason to confront with you. Basically Iran made it very clear to the Americans - Let's see if you can respond. If you will respond, if you will strike any of our interests, we will have finally a legitimate reason to confront you and to strike you back. This is not a sound of a government that wants to strike a deal with America. It seems like the nuclear talks are in deadlock, the Americans, unlike the 44th president that was willing to do whatever it takes to achieve a nuclear deal, that was super bad ... surprisingly the 46th is insisting on linking the rocket, the missile program and the Iraqi and the other pro-Iranian militias in the area, in that same deal. And they are very unhappy right now to see all of that. Why am I saying that? Because now you see Russia is disengaging from Israel. Iran is disengaging from the west and from America and from any chance to strike another deal. And if that's not enough, we see leadership crisis all around the globe. Look at what is going on right now in Europe for example, Europe plays a very significant role in the rise of the Antichrist, if I may say. Take a look at this demonstration that took place today in the streets of so many cities in France, of course in Paris it was the most violent one, we're talking about millions of people that went out to confront the police - in Paris, Marseille, Toulouse - just name a city in France and you get it. Not only there, also in Italy there was confrontation and demonstration against the COVID restrictions and the green pass offered by the governments. It looks like other countries such as the UK and more ... confrontations took place across Europe. Leadership crisis between ... and you see lack of trust between people and governments all around the world right now. If you connect all the dots, all you need is for the world to be weak. All you need is for Israel to be vulnerable, strong, maybe prosperous, but yet vulnerable. All you need is for America to deal with its own problems, with a very weak administration that is very confused about its Middle East policy. And all you need is for the Russians to disengage from Israel and for the Iranians to be with back to the wall. And all you need is nitrate ammonia to be under the ground in Damascus. And this is a recipe for what we can look into as the breaking of that war in the Middle East. A war that we all know will come against Israel. A war that will come primarily from the north. Syria is the biggest problem, but also Lebanon is collapsing as well. And a war that will catch the world superpowers unprepared. It might make some sounds of embarrassment and protest, not more than that. And if it is not going to be for the Lord God of Israel to stand and to supernaturally protect Israel, even the Israeli military would not be able to stop this powerful invasion from the north, mostly from the air, by the way. So as you can clearly see we are looking at so many things that are happening, convergence of so many things happening right now before our very eyes. But remember one thing, for us the believers, when we see all of the things, Jesus said: When these things began to happen, lift up your head and look up for your redemption is drawing near. In fact, we must understand that there are things that must happen, They must happen .... Earthquakes and floods ... We had a powerful earthquake in Alaska, by the way, 8.2. Floods and flash floods all around the world, strong rains ... We have volcanoes erupting ... These are things that the Lord himself predicted that will be just the beginning. And He said they must happen and He said: 'Do not be troubled.' Now He's talking to His disciples - 'Do not be troubled.' Even when He described pestilences, when He described diseases - 'Do not be troubled.' So we do have the pandemic - 'Do not be troubled' Do not let people deceive you, again, the tribulation has not begun. We are not in the 13th chapter of Revelation. The vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast. In fact, an Israeli company is now developing the vaccine in a pill. It's not even going to be - not even going to be with a needle. So this whole nonsense that a needle may be mentioned in Revelation, it's also not found in the Scriptures, but that will not be used anymore and certainly not forehead or arm anymore it is going to be applied in.... Look guys, it's okay if you have a problem with it. It's okay if you're afraid of it. It is okay if you have your own reservation, but let's not paint it with some frightening colors of biblical end-time-prophecies that are not related to it, okay. The tribulation has not begun. We will not be here for it to begin or to see it beginning. We have a blessed hope. We will be spared from the wrath of God, from the judgment of God upon this world, we will be spared from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the earth dwellers according to what the angels said to the church of Philadelphia, in chapter 3 of Revelation. If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, and if you are born-again and spirit filled, our hope is not in governments and military, our hope is not in politicians. Although I am encouraging people, if you can influence, if you can do good, if you can do righteous things if you can do for the benefit of your own town and state ... Yes, by no means, run for politics and influence because until He comes, we must occupy, there is no doubt about it. But if you think that your government eventually will make this world a righteous world, and we are preparing a place for Jesus to come back to, you know - you've got it all wrong. This is going to be a world that will take more and more and more of our liberties. And we need to understand that it is meant to happen because God already saw it happening. And when He reported to us, what is about to happen, it's not maybe, could be, should be ... it has happened already as far as He's concerned. He's telling us what has happened because He can see the future. The Bible says in Isaiah 46: "Declaring the end from the beginning," He's declaring the end from the beginning. He knows what's going to happen - God is above time. And so we must remember that things must happen, but we also must remember in this world, we may have tribulation, but be of good cheer because He has overcome this world. And we also have to hold onto the promise that we have which is that our blessed hope is the glorious appearing of Jesus to come and take us out of here. He will come and receive us unto Himself, so where He is, we will also be. He went to prepare a place for us, so He can come and receive us and take us to where He is. So we've got our heavenly citizenship that we must hold onto. We are only ambassadors right here, ambassadors on behalf of Christ to reconcile people to Him. That means our true identity and true citizenship is in heaven, while here, we are His representatives and more and more as we see this world going down, as we see governments falling apart, we must hold on to our heavenly citizenship. I encourage you to continue to pray for our ministry. We still have a few things to do. Today I'm in Surprise, at the Hope City Church. Tomorrow I'm in Gilbert, another suburb of Phoenix. Then we will continue to Reno, Las Vegas, Camp Hill in Pennsylvania. Back to Chino Hills for two conferences, Fort Worth, Texas for two conferences... Leesburg, Virginia, a conference on Saturday and I'll be speaking in that church, Cornerstone Church on Sunday. Lots of things still ahead of us. We will need your prayers as much as possible. I want to encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter, through our website, You can get every week, our email with all summary of the Middle East News as well as what is going on with the ministry. Thank you for watching this Middle East update from Hope City here in Surprise, with pastor Joshua Perlman who will host me here tonight, here at the church. I would like to conclude it with the Aaronic blessing. And again, I encourage you to download Telegram and subscribe to my channel there where you can get news around the clock every day, all day long. So let's pray the Aaronic Blessing. Yevarechecha Adonai Ve’yíshmerecha. Ya’er Adonai panayv eylecha víchuneka. Yissa Adonai panayv eylecha ve’yaseym lecha shalom. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord, make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance towards you, and He give you peace, that peace, that Shalom, that surpasses all understanding that can only come from Yeshua, the Prince of Peace, who is also the Lord of Peace that can give you peace, now and forever. It's not limited to seven years only. And He's going to be here and everywhere, not just Jerusalem or the Middle East. That's the beauty of it. We thank you and we bless you in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Thank you again, God bless you and shalom from Phoenix, Arizona. God bless you, bye-bye. Join the Amir Tsarfati and Behold Israel channel on Telegram. Here you will receive daily updates and audio messages from Amir. You can also take part in our community and reply with comments. Getting started is easy. Simply download Telegram from the app store. Then visit the Behold Israel Telegram channel and your browse. From there Click preview channel, then click join. That's it ... See you on Telegram.
Channel: Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati
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Keywords: amir, amir safari, amir tsarfati, amir tsarfati behold israel, amir tsarfati latest, amir tsarfati latest update, amir tsarfati latest update 2021, amir tsarfati live, amir tsarfati middle east update, amir tsarfati update today, behold israel, behold israel amir tsarfati, behold israel latest update, behold israel live, jack hibbs, middle east, middle east update amir tsarfati, middle east update with amir tsarfati, one step closer to the ezekiel war, tsarfati
Id: rzrj6r-qXVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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