Amir Tsarfati: God, The Bible, & Two Presidents

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[Music] good to see you here las vegas saturday don't you have something better to do i know it was a rhetorical question it was a joke of course this is the best place to be at right now [Music] yes good to be here with you and share with you from the word of god on what is going on and how god is on the move regardless of what people say and what people feel you know we're not moved by feelings we're not this is not how the world works god is on the throne his word he exalt above his name excuse me his name and the two presidents that you've got over the last few years are the uh subject of so many things that we are talking about over the last few years and that's why i named this um teaching this afternoon god the bible and two presidents this is not a political teaching i am not here on behalf of a candidate on behalf of any political party and we're not here to cheer up for this one and for saying something else for the other one we're presenting the case and the most important thing is that there is god there is the bible and then of course there are the rulers in this world and so many times they have no clue that they do what god actually already told us that they will let's pray father we thank you for your word your word is true and we ask you thou to sanctify us by that truth we asked us in jesus name amen so we live in a very interesting time more prophecies are being fulfilled today than any other generation since the time of jesus we just heard the case that pastor mike so eloquently passionately and full of humor can uh you know he presented there is no doubt that god is on the move but oftentimes we get caught up with our own political views our own feelings our own uh way of thinking and we tend to forget that god is still on the throne and that everything that happens everything that happens either he is doing it or he's allowing it to happen okay and uh i remember towards the elections of november of 2020 as a ministry we had a 30 days of prayer daily prayer prayer meeting online and we wanted to pray for the biblical platform for the things that we pray and hope that will be uh that will continue uh in this country and the reason why an israeli from the galilee is praying for a specific um person to win here in america is because the identity of the president of this country the identity of the person that sits in the white house affects the entire world believe it or not so god is still on the throne and let's uh talk about the sovereignty of god for a few seconds proverbs 19 says 21 there are many plans in man's heart nevertheless the lord's counsel that will stand which means that oftentimes our plans and the lord count the lord's counsel are not the same and it's not something that bad it's just that we need to come to the grip and come to the understanding that the lord's counsel is that which will stand that's it we do not have to fight it we have to accept it because it's his counsel proverbs 21 verse 1 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord like the rivers of water he turns it wherever he wishes god is in full control and sometimes we have our own desires and sometimes we want to push him away and sometimes he says all right go ahead try it your own i mean the people of israel they thought that it's nice to have a god well he can't seem and all the others all around us they have gods that they can see we have a prophet it doesn't look that attractive everybody else have kings and queens and you know royalties and we want to be like them all samuel says to god wow look at them i'm not enough for them and god says to samuel hello i'm not enough for them i gave them sons and daughters and horses and they reject me and they want to have a king who will take their sons and daughters and their horses daniel chapter 2 verses 20 to 22 daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and ever for wisdom and might are his and he changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what it is what is in the darkness and light dwells with him he knows what is in the darkness every person that tries to hide something from god he knows [Music] and of course isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10 verses that i love so much i quote them in only almost every message remember the former things of old for i am god there is no other i am god there is none like me and what makes him so amazing take a look he continues declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done god is saying my sovereignty my holiness my uh com my control over this whole universe can be tested just by ways of me telling you what's going to happen i know what's going to happen i declare the end from the beginning i can tell you now the damascus will be a ruinous heap it will be destroyed but wait a minute it's standing millions of people are living there i'm telling you the end from the beginning and then he says my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure god is is saying look you guys think you're running the show no i know exactly who does what where and when and if if i allow it to happen it's for a reason and for a season you need to trust in me and then the lord gave us this book the scriptures that's his word not ours every time somebody's arguing with you about something that is written here you can always tell him to go to the source he wrote it this has authority some churches i've seen that i don't know how many times they give new testament and psalms i hope they paid half price because it's half the bible jesus never quoted the new testament even once paul never quoted the new testament even once so it was peter everything they said about scriptures during the new testament time was about the old testament because it's the same god and jesus was in the old testament already he's not a christian you told that to that taxi driver he would be can you to a boston taxi driver jesus is not a christian oh my goodness how can christ be the follower of christ it's a little problematic i'll never forget that old woman who came to me in the middle of the tour in jerusalem and she said i'm a little bit confused with jesus catholic or orthodox [Applause] told her i'll confuse you even more he was a jew [Applause] and the authority of the scriptures is something that cannot be even for negotiations the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our god stands forever forever the bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of god not some and is what profitable for what doctrine reproof correction and of course instruction in righteousness they'll tell you how to do things but it'll tell you also what not to do and of course it's amazing how i love how messages are are using sometimes same verses that confirms what god is saying so we know that there are the nations all around the world and there are the rulers of this world but there is one ruler of this world we know that and it's jesus who called him that way now i have told you before it comes when it does come to pass that you may believe i will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me but that the world may know that i love the father and as the father gave me commandments so i do arise let us go from here he's literally calling the wicked one the ruler of this world he is the landlord he is the owner of the house in a way and when the son of man comes as a thief in the night it thankfully the owner of the house has no clue at what time is coming first john 5 19 we know that we are of god and the whole world lies under what the sway of the wicked one ephesians 6 12 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against what principalities and against what powers against what rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of what wickedness in where um that means this satan may not be where god is but he's still up there he has to be thrown down when we are going up the great exchange i call it because when we're up he's down because he is giving the authority and the power and the throne to his person and that is of course we know he's fighting in heaven so there's the ruler of this world and there are kings and rulers of this world and that of course brings us to the two presidents that i wanted to speak of and i want you to know that it's interesting how we see even between the two of them the root between ruth and orpah if you remember orpah kissed her mother-in-law but ruth clung to her do you remember that and i'm looking at two presidents over the last few years i see a commitment to cling on to us and i see a kissing from afar and both by the way are prophetic proverbs says because of the transgressions of a land many are its princes but by a man of understanding and knowledge right will be prolonged when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when a wicked man rules the people groan the bible also says woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees who write misfortune which they have prescribed now i want you to understand that from my point of view as an israeli believer in jesus someone who believes in the old in the new testament someone who is of the tribe of judah born in jerusalem first generation after two thousand years of the jewish people who came back to their land in the most amazing sign of the end times i want to tell you that we're watching what is going on in this country right now because we see the great influence of this country over the whole world when we pray and when we look for what is going on here it's because it affects the whole world and i am not praising a person or diminishing another i am showing you that god can use two different people on the two different sides of the political map in this country and still he is on the throne and this word is still 100 true [Applause] [Music] so it was uh 2016 [Music] and the accident took place nobody took him seriously that's why the fraud was not really in full motion and then guess who won the elections in 2016. no wait well we we promise this is not a political rally here we are now here to ex to try and understand how god works through this man and through his successor you have to be open to understand that okay so there's a president who had both domestic policies and also foreign policies in the domestic policies we see they're targeting anti-semitism coming against the bds movement in colleges and campuses defunding international non-profits that supports bds signing executive orders targeting anti-semite or colleges camp or college campuses even in the u.s we see the pledge to protect right to pray in public schools we see the care not the talk the real care for minorities in the country when it comes to jobs when it comes to quality of life we see that not only the domestic policies were like that but even as you know in the foreign policy we see that the bad guys were afraid of him and the good guys enjoyed him as far as the bad guys are concerned maximum pressure strategy on iran was proven to be very successful in that's not enough the first president ever to acknowledge the golan heights judea and samaria which are the mountains of israel in the scriptures as part of israel it's hard for me to to even tell you how frustrated i am to be called by people some punks in colleges that i'm an occupier in a land where that belongs to me but you can talk about it or you can actually implement and make it a law and that would happen we see that the sovereignty over the golan heights took place we see that israeli settlements construction in west bank should keep going on and jews return back to their ancestral homeland the judean and samaritan mount and samara mountains are the heart of all the stories of of our forefathers if that's not enough the capital of israel jerusalem for the first time in the history is recognized by the world superpower and the first time ever a sitting president goes to pray at the western wall without fearing that his state department will declare a national crisis or international crisis god forbid that's not enough he's doing something interesting [Music] he actually turned the tables he realized that after many years the negotiations with the palestinians brought nothing and they are the basically the reason why israel cannot move on making peace with its arab neighbors he changed it he turned the tables and he said okay why don't we try the opposite i'm gonna offer a peace deal you'll get what you want but you'll get what you want if you will demilitarize on disarm from weapon denounce terrorism declare israel as a jewish state guess what of course not and so he said okay if you can't do it let's move on and have peace with the other countries and that is exactly what happened because the deal of the century just so you know never really meant to bring peace why because it was obvious to him and his team that the other side is not interested in it what happened is the deal of the century through though rejected isolated the palestinians and made the way for what for the abraham accords and for peace with arab countries that never ever had peace with israel and now they have it and we just heard about it it is prophetic that these nations would be on our side when the great invasion of ezekiel 38 will take place god used someone from manhattan with bad manners known as crazy by most of the world but god used him to do things that the bible predicted must happen and abraham accord brought peace between israel morocco sudan uae and bahrain and then we know what happened the other side decided this accident was a big accident you eat won't happen again and you know what happened and then in 2020 elections and in january of 2021 there's a new president in the white house someone that i hope he knows she's the president [Applause] [Music] i i'm i'm wait wait wait this is not i'm saying that because this is what the countries around the world are asking themselves right now they watch what's going on speeches in nato in europe and they realize something is terribly wrong and we have a different domestic policy we have a policy that is accepting something like we are having systemic race racism and we are racist by nature let me tell you something everyone is a sinner by nature everyone okay then the borders are open as of today since january today is august over 1 million illegal crossed the southern border 1 million that's not enough pride is back at the white house as we all know and if that's not enough running to the paris climate accord that will basically cause you to have buildings with smaller windows i think and then the loss of jobs of tens of millions of people the increase of taxes of all of you for what for thinking that your gods and you can change the climate 1978 climate experts predicted that planet earth will not survive because of what ice age now it's global warming let's wait for them to make up their mind all i know is the bible predicted that there will be seasons of hot and cold hot and cold and i can tell you that normally when it's hotter it makes areas more areas on planet earth ready to be inhabited hello frozen places are no longer frozen now you can you know that most of canada you cannot do anything with agriculture right now what about the foreign policy iran hmm they are very very very happy for this change uh if if the 45th president was one more year in the white house iran wouldn't exist anymore as far as the ayatollahs i'm sorry but they're a backwind for the ayatollahs they understand that there's a weak government in america that wants more than anything else to run to the table of negotiations and they'll do whatever it takes to do that leaving the middle east in the middle of the night your your soldiers in the middle of the night abandoned afghanistan bagram air base the afghan commander didn't even know you're leaving you left your vehicles with their engines still on so nobody will suspect after years and billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers that died there isis and al-qaeda likely to regroup within two years of u.s withdrawing from afghanistan pentagon says in fact taliban is already controlling the whole country right now and what about israel so you see there were two presidents and the two presidents with their different foreign policy and different domestic policies both somehow fulfill bible prophecy why peace was needed in the middle east for those countries to be on our side but war is looming over the middle east because of lack of leadership all around the world regardless of the president god's purposes for israel will always stand and it doesn't really matter israel unfortunately will have to suffer greatly and i'm not saying that with a great joy but we are very religious and superstitious nation secular on one side but running to religion into tradition whenever it feels comfortable and the lord says to the prophet hosea i will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offense then they will seek my face how in their great wonderful joyful journey or what in their affliction [Music] they will what earnestly seek me i've always said that the tribulation is for israel's salvation i've always said that during the tribulation they'll find out that rabbi's tradition everything that is not of god is going to fall collapse they'll understand that they have to trust the lord and they have to first acknowledge their offense in other words repent in order to repent you have to earnestly seek him [Music] for thus says the lord we've heard a voice of trembling of fear and not of peace and now and see whether a man is ever in labor with a child it's a question it's obvious a man cannot bear a child at least in my country i don't know [Applause] and he says obviously men cannot bear children so how come i see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor and all faces turn pale alas for that day is great so that none is like it they'll be pale their faces will be pale they'll be their blood will be gone from their i mean you understand how you know what a pale person looked like pale shocked distressed i've never been in labor never gave birth so i don't know how it really feels i can judge by the squeeze in my hand but that's all but i can tell you something that's what it's like into and he says this day there is none like it even the holocaust will pale and it is the time of jacob's trouble israel's trouble the trouble of the jewish people but he shall be saved out of it daniel chapter 12 i love how gabriel is talking to daniel about michael gabriel is like from the u.n he says at the time michael shall stand up a great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people it's not mine it's yours and there shall be what a time of trouble such as say never never i don't understand those people one lockdown oh it's the tribulation last time i checked drive-throughs of starbucks are full and then he says such as never was seen there was since there was a nation even to that time daniel is given a a picture of something that israel as a nation has never experienced before and at that time your people shall be what but look what he says now he's very specific who shall be delivered everyone who is found written in the book who is written in the book which book do you want to have your name written in the lamb's book of life how can you have your name written in that book only through faith and faith alone in him who died for us the atoning death of jesus is that that blood is the ink for that book and i need you to know that because as many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake somewhat he's saying look those that are going to be delivered will have that everlasting life but some if they are not in that book to shame and everlasting content wow [Music] that's why romans 11 says i do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery less you should be wise in your own opinion paul is warning all of us the future of israel has been determined and it's not according to what you decide it's not your opinion that matters here be careful not to be wise in your own opinion this is a mystery and that mystery is that blindness in part has happened to israel why because through their fall in order to provoke them to jealousy the bible says salvation was given to the gentiles every one of you should say thank you lord for that blindness in part that happened to israel but he's not giving you the ticket to well i'm the new israel right now no he says until the fullness of the gentiles has come in he's saying there's an expiration date to the blindness among the jews from the moment nebuchadnezzar became the ruler and rulership was taken from israel from the kings of israel transferred to the hands of the gentiles the whole book of daniel is speaking of the times of the gentiles he says from that moment until israel once again will be the head of all the nations in the millennial kingdom that's your time right now he says it's going to come to an end and then all those who did not receive the mark of the beast from among israel all those that fled from the horrors of the antichrist all those that ran into that desert where the lord prepared a place for them for 1260 days all those that understand that there is only one god and it's not that man all those will be saved as it is written and we read it today also the deliverer will come out of zion and he it's not out of europe not out of america he will come out of zion he was born in bethlehem and he will he was crucified in jerusalem and he went to heaven and we come back to jerusalem not to salt lake city or to the tower in new york he will come out of zion he will turn away ungodliness from jacob and this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins so we see there is god and there is the bible and there is the ruler of this world but then the kings and the rulers of this world also we see that israel has an interesting future we see that the nations the nations do you know that the bible is not talking in the prophecy he's not talking about nations as for their relations between themselves second opinion chapter four mexico is going to have uh new enchiladas introduced to america britain and ireland are going to no it's not there why not that he cares not about mexico or america or ireland or no he cares he cares about look everything we have to go through as a nation is for you that's how much he cares about you everything he said i will bring you back i will take you i will so the nations will see that i am god that's how much he care for you but bible prophecy has nothing to say about those nations and such as their relations or not with one another but only in their relations to israel the people and the land that's why it's important to me that you will understand israel the people and the land and only through this book deuteronomy 32 verses 8 and 9 when the most high divided their inheritance to the nations after the tower of babel if you remember when he separated the sons of adam how did he do that he set them the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of israel for the lord's portion is his people jacob is the place of his inheritance so we can look at the bible we can look at god we can look at what's going on around the world we can look at your two presidents last two presents but i tell you one thing that la that third in the in the scriptures third of the script 27 point something percent the key to understand it is the jew if the jewish nation had not forsaken god and neglected the sabbaths there would have been no times of the gentiles i wouldn't even be standing in front of you today the times of the gentiles began as i said when god transferred earthly rule from the kings of israel to then king nebuchadnezzar that gentile king and they will continue as i said until israel again becomes the head of all nations and every ruler and every person on the in this world has a choice either to curse or to bless israel numbers 23 balaam if you remember he took the oracle and said balak the king of moab has brought me from aram from the mountains of the east he forgot to say he paid me money and says come and curse jacob for me and come denounce israel and he took the money put it in his pocket and he said i'm sorry balak but how shall i curse whom god has not cursed how shall i denounce that which god did not denounce the nations of the world set themselves against god and think that they can fix the world as we just heard come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in heaven let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth and god is looking and he's laughing at them why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against who against the lord and against who he is anointed his meshiach his messiah his messiah saying let us break their bond in pieces and cast away their cords from us who is the deceiver of this world who deceives the nations second corinthians 4 4 says whose mind the god of this age has blinded who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god should shine on them the god of this age has blinded the people not to believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god should shine on them revelation 12 9 says so the great dragon was cast out the serpent of old called the devil and satan and what what is his main thing who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels was cast out with him and what about israel he'll be old in those days and at that time when i bring back the captives of judah and jerusalem i will also gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of jehoshaphat i will enter into judgment with them there god is going to judge all the nations on planet earth not if they believe in jesus or not sorry to tell you that but as a nation not as an individual your judgment is according to what you did to israel did you know that joel says i will enter into judgment with them there on the account of my people my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations they have also divided up my land you see why it is so important to have pro-israel politicians in the leadership of country to lead the nation to bless israel and not not for me [Music] i don't need your blessing you need that blessing god will judge you if you are not going to do you understand as a nation the nations are going to be judged according to what how they treat israel when i started doing ministry i was probably 30 pounds ago 30 years ago excuse me the lord clearly showed me whenever you travel the way they teach about israel will indicate the way to teach the rest of the bible if they're wrong about israel be sure their interpretation of the rest of the bible is wrong as well [Music] and what about the god of israel the bible says when the son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him then he will sit on the throne of his glory all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them from one not one from another as shepherd divides a sheep from the goats and he will set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on the left hand and the king will say to those on his right hand come you you blessed of uh you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepare for you from the foundation of the world for i was hungry you see this whole thing is the new testament virgin parallel of joel chapter 3 because he said assuredly i say to you in as much as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it to me blessing israel is blessing the lord and what about you what about you we understand that god is on the throne he he's a sovereign we understand that his word cannot be changed it will be fulfilled we understand that the ruler of this world cannot last for too long his end has been determined we understand that the kings and the rulers in this world they don't even know that god is using them to promote his plan we understand that israel is blinded right now but there is hope once they repent and we understand that god is doing a great things before our very eyes right now and so i know two kinds of christians one kind israel is no longer god's people they don't follow god really so you think that because they don't follow god god will not be faithful to his promises last time i check even when we are faithless he is faithful because he cannot deny himself and the last time i checked when balaam says how can i curse that which god did not curse israel was not really godly people at the time if you wait for israel to be perfect so then god will bless them tell me if that was the case with you and then there is the other type [Music] want to be jews [Music] [Applause] we love israel everything you said we love israel we want to be jews why do you want to be a jew why in the world think about it the nation of israel 90 people the last 10 priests [Music] you were promoted from pig-eating gentiles with no hope and no god listen you were promoted first peter chapter two verses nine and ten now you are what a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light you who once were not a people but are now the people of god who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy you were promoted to be priests i want to be the people you want to be demoted you're a priest so you cannot hate israel you cannot replace israel and you don't need to be israel hello god made you who you are and he made you chosen generation and you are already a royal priesthood and as a reminder god said about our generation through jesus in that prophetic beautiful prophetic teaching on mount of olives learn this parable from the fig tree look at the fig tree see the fig tree you are not the fig tree you need to see the fig tree the fig tree is israel's national privileges you may be grafted into the olive tree or to the vine but you haven't you've never been grafted into the fig because the fig is the national privilege it's the land it's the capital it's their nationality you're not israelis when you become christians jerusalem is not your capital the hatikva is not your national anthem the shackle is not your currency jerusalem you understand sorry you're not israelis but you watch [Applause] israel come back to life you are the only generation since the time of jesus the only generation that is watching we see the day approaching we don't hope for pray for we see that they approach it you see the fig tree coming back to life and so we know that it is at the door post our rapture to be with jesus not only that is biblical it is imminent and the sign of all times that was given to us that we are at the end happens before our generation's eyes and yes one president can do these things another can do those things both are not god god is on the throne his word has authority and we the royal priesthood must get ready for the imminent departure from this world father [Music] i thank you for your word thank you for your promises i thank you for who we are in christ i thank you father that you do not slack as some count slackness but you are long-suffering not willing that any should perish but all will come to the saving knowledge of jesus now i pray father that if there is anyone here this afternoon present here in this building or watching elsewhere here in america or all over around the world i pray that that you will touch the hearts move and do your work that only your word can do to bring to life our dead souls to change our hearts from stone to flesh and to make us a new creation and we can't wait we can't wait for our body also to be replaced for this tent to become a building we thank you for your soon return to take us and you said for those who eagerly wait he will come the second time not for the sake of anything but the salvation of our body to take us out of here to be with you thank you that jesus went to prepare place for us and thank you that he will come to receive us unto himself so where he is we will also be we thank you we bless you we ask right now that you will continue to use every president in the white house to promote your plan and we ask father that you will raise up people from among this church and other churches to be everywhere we can to fight for righteousness and truth and to occupy until you come to take us father we thank you that you want to come and find us doing your business not our own we bless your name this afternoon and we ask all of this in the matchless name of the holy one of israel the king of kings the lord of lords the lamb of god the lion of the tribe of judah emmanuel the name that is above all names in the name of yeshua our salvation we pray and all of god's people say amen amen thank you
Channel: Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati
Views: 46,458
Rating: 4.951571 out of 5
Id: 0IlUGfOqPe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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