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[Music] [Music] six weeks two islands one campervan it all starts now on tripped but first back at the Museum you see survival clothing and I'm very careful sistahs shorts your bag it's an awesome in Christchurch and just like sort of check it and Center you do what you have to for spirit oh my gosh we're absolutely exhausted exhausted that was to red-eye flights that included about ten hours last night in Christchurch Airport waiting for this morning so Tim went and got the van and just came to pick me up at the airport it's a Toyota boxy and its box put yourself here with us but have about four and a half hours of sleep over two nights exactly sure about anything June's driving on the other side of the road this is our kitchen yikes that's our cooler we're going to a six-week tailgate it's not that cooler it's a chilly bit we're super stoked because apparently there was a bunch of free stuff when Tim got the van we're at the stage after six months of travel now that we're excited about free aluminum foil and toilet paper you know that stuff adds up and that's another 50 bucks so whoo pre trailer paper after playing around with our budget we figured out we should be able to spend six weeks here we'll head south after starring in Christchurch and do a huge loop around salvato then we'll hop on the blue ridge ferry and spend the remaining time heading north toward good old Auckland by the way that's six weeks of living together in a minivan every second of every day together living in a minivan will give you the full tour of our new home a little bit later on [Applause] we're just knocking chores out we got the wicked camper this morning the one thing we didn't plan on was in your line losing my bag so now we're off to Kmart to get some replacement clothes in case my bag doesn't show up I was dressed for family and it's actually kind of chilly we're also excited about capitalizing on our Chase Sapphire benefit of up to a hundred dollar reimbursement for a lost luggage over six hours plus we've got all this free stuff from leftovers at wicked campers and we are off on a roll without a dollar spent so far well we had a $20 subway around and sometimes I put thirty thirty bucks of gas and barely all right in QV dollars subway with seventeen dollars and fifty seventy billion dollars so it's probably like twelve which is exactly what it is in the free stuff from wicked camper was they don't say they're gonna supplied it but you can get any leftover pillows and blankets which of course needs to be washed right away I didn't expected the two picnic tables full of random [ __ ] like tents tents plates toilet paper food would have filled bottles of olive oil so got a lot of good stuff oh yeah think about just like I'm a big got a little ocean and a big bottle of olive oil that's $15 just right there those two items not everybody's brave enough to take handouts from wicked camper yeah I maybe feel worried about it I guess we've been traveling long enough that doesn't feel weird it was a long day it was a very fun day though and despite everything like for example Tim slept in the parking lot in the car oh I went in grocery shop and I slept while he did laundry so I mean could not keep our eyes open anymore improver comes up alone we weren't exactly stalling but we were taking your time and getting everything that we needed in Christchurch because we didn't have Tim's luggage we just assumed it was on the next flight from Sydney hung out into the afternoon when the flight arrived called and the bag was still not there we are heading out into the mountains now and not stopping our itinerary they assured us that when it arrived they can get it out to us so we grabbed two extra set of sweat pants to stay warm out here and out into mountains we go [Music] beautiful the stars are crazy it's about 10:00 p.m. 7:00 so we're so jet-lagged that means that Tim is sleeping but when you're only in a car where can you go I have no internet or anything I'm just sitting here looking at it go go look at the Stars [Music] night day to New Zealand so happy to be here stars were incredible last night like the kind of incredible that they talk about and movies and everything I woke up my face is really swollen on one side so that's awesome and sore so we're going to go to a nearby doctor and maybe take care of that since we are in stall mode anyways because my bag still isn't show huh can you see that it's No so I'm gonna get stung baby this needs to get taken care happen the moneymaker [Music] [Applause] [Music] we went to three medical facilities the third one was awesome the doctor gave me all the drugs I needed so we didn't even have to go to pharmacy gotta buy some underwear today at the grocery store so that was pretty good join me for dinner my hands are clean tonight a bottle of Australian wine we have a rotisserie chicken from the local grocery store though it's pretty good so coleslaw from the jelly [Music] Greek salad from the deli we're actually right next to the Medical Center that we visited earlier so we're getting to know this Pleasant polling Point Pleasant Point Pleasant Point Pleasant Point the name says it all good evening earring might badge with me as you can see but remember my bed is in a camper van why am i filming this well it's 11:30 p.m. oh here we go now we're driving why are we driving well remember Linton's baggage got lost well Virgin Australia is having us drive to this like corner market in the middle of this small town at midnight and meet this carrier so what Tim is driving right now we're leaving the campground so I'll update you when we get over to where this courier is and I'm just in the back of this courier it's not a carrier that they say it different their couriers we're hoping to go find the lost luggage Saturday night 11:30 p.m. off you go oh this looks like a perfectly good place to wait we're in front of the train station there's the storefront and then maybe turn the headlights off because I know something great so we'll just stay here then [Music] since we got my missing backpack and my face isn't falling off anymore we can finally start the New Zealand trip proper gonzo is our home for six weeks in New Zealand gonzo tries to super hard to be an RV but really gonzo is just a minivan cribs usually kicks the tour off with the kitchen so let's start there the built-in kitchen consists of a sink two bins on racks butane stove and a decent sized cooler wicked camper throws in some pots plates bowls and a little silverware as well we're both six feet tall we both fit in here but you really wouldn't want to be any bigger than us combined that you should be 12 feet and 400 pounds it's not the most comfortable thing in the world but every night when you crawl in here for sleepy time you'll be glad you're not outside in tons these camper vans have storage on storage on storage the back area it's a bit of a pain to get to so we put things here that we almost never need the front area is where we keep all our food and hide our electronics when we park the storage area in front it's great for clothing you need every day and your backpacks make little drawers Andre it's awesome so with the tables set up it's tight in here there's nothing around that plus you have all the pillows and bed pads and blankets but on a rainy New Zealand day it's better you have this table option no the best part about gonzo is that he helps us live that hashtag ban life no worries about making it's a hotel every night you just need a rough idea of what campground you're gonna stay at that means no rush going anywhere and just pull over to check up well anything that catches your interest [Music] so I just pulled us off the road for ten minutes to try to find a cave because Alison loves caves have you've seen any of the videos after looking for a while and driving around and irritating some people the town is called cave there's no case no caves it's just a town called cave back on schedule we're here in March that's New Zealand's fall so we thought it best to head south first before get that a colder and then head north but spoiler alert it's cold everywhere these East regions of the South Island are called Canterbury and Otago and that's where we are today on tripped this isn't even on the New Zealand can't-miss list this is just like it's another one of the Lord of the Rings sites and maybe stop here if you have time since I typically don't know the names of the characters or places in any of the movies I watch and I usually just call them the good guys and the bad guys Shane would like me to read to you where we're going so stand here and embarrass me willingly embarrass myself and I'm okay doing that so we're going to the capital of Rohan kingdom of men located in the land was called Colin Darwin situated in the great veil between the Misty Mountains and the White Mountains and then a parenthesis it says I read numerous to the south so that's what we're gonna go see today and I bet the Misty Mountains are just past these rolling hills and I bet the white mountains are the bigger ones with snow on them but that's just an educated guess that was terrific we're doing it finally tramping New Zealand day one New Zealand day one take three right that works this is that third this is the real deal that we're hiking we're gonna go see Rohan that's right up there my first hike how long is this hike call your [ __ ] 45 minutes I think probably roundtrip we're just going up there to go see the view so everyone's got all their like hiking ceiling gear on and they're like okay it's a 45 minutes I don't know we're just gonna walk over there and go take a couple pretty pictures if inclined and [Applause] you've got to be kidding me you can step across it in the single [Applause] [Music] sweetie what sound does the store make know what sound does it make [Music] [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] [Music] ready apparently we're going swimming in this mountain lake oh so that we can sit in the car back for the rest of the day nothing says let's swim like super super wind and melted glacial waters [Music] welcome to hippie life hopefully you can see behind me the ocean is in surfer look at how amazing this is we're gonna make some soup on [Music] cars messy right now cuz you have to take the better part to get to the food but this is our view tonight hi good morning so we're driving along this gravel road solo clearly no one's around you know humans are all gravitated towards each other and no matter how much you try to avoid it when you pull over because you decide something's beautiful other humans have FOMO fear of missing out so we pulled over in front of this beautiful view and not 30 seconds later this car pulled in front of our view had to snap their picture and off they go well now it's just us again we can continue to enjoy this beautiful sight I haven't even gotten out of the car yet that all happened as we put the car in park this is no job going to be freezing oh there you go I definitely feel more like one with New Zealand like no people are gonna know that I'm one of their own welcome here's my PSA if you're gonna come to New Zealand and you litter I'm gonna come punch you on the side of the head help give all these campers a better name here so today we have some mega nuts the beauty is restored to the land yeah hashtag do it for Frodo by the way if you're ever in the area of lake tekapo be a little smarter than us this quintessential view of Mount Cook is just west of hair you would pass it anyways if you were heading out to Queenstown which is a really popular route coming from Christchurch for a shorter length of time on the South Island since we had a lot of time we were actually hanging out on the east coast heading down to mori okke [Music] it was only 12 hours ago where we sleeping next to the ocean watching the surfers ten miles north of there making dinner in our t-shirts in defense and defense of the local terrain it is like Antarctica down there so it's not entirely its fault here oh yeah we didn't even say what we're doing come on we're gonna go check out the ocean check out these boulders over here at the boulders and that incredibly disappointed they're there late Bullers I don't think I like this I don't think this would be on my items to recommend can't even imagine pull the trigger and arrived Haggai we're heading south all the way south to south as it gets in New Zealand which is pretty far south we'll be hanging in the Catlins which is this whole southeastern chunk right here what's in the Catlins I'm glad you asked me that temperate rainforest beaches surfers blowholes caves and good old slow point where you can absolutely freeze your butt off lots of random stops today for hashtag van life first stop nugget point the great thing about road trips is you can pull over wherever you want to so Alison was looking at her map and found a little place called nugget point [Music] here it's an albatraoz rock no those aren't the other ones Damon's on this whole cake we're like he wants more than like you want something elasticity nature I honestly need those are not on the trucks look at the wing shape on them and notice how like Nero they are albatross expert you're right big wingspan for the kid do you know how big that is those were large white birds with black wings these a native southern New Zealand metre long it's not even two it's two point nine two three it's like a nine foot wingspan [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jex blowhole track today before we get to the blowhole here's world renowned albatross expert Alison Finney to tell us what a blowhole is actually crank blue holes are formulated through the events oceanic pressure culminating cavernous country and then through an underground cave the ocean water is rushing around expect to see that title pressure explode into an air escaping water pressure that's why we're here to go see [Music] just incredibly beautiful so I wonder if the water is pushing through we do this for you a lot totally this view right here imagine all the best things at the top of the hill I hear oh my gosh it's gonna be massive oh my god [Music] [Music] she's filled to be like boom it sounds like people Jack's blowhole not as flowy as I thought I give it off stop by Jack's blowhole probably the only blowhole in the minute probably the only blowhole you'll ever see in the middle of rolling sheep farms in the world that is pretty cool [Music] [Music] [Music] we're begging the rain [ __ ] except this is the coldest or in cathedral caves Vinny's pick this is what we're updating with choose to call the potty up there is searches we're wearing everything we have I have two pairs of pants on the tour guide lady up there he's like oh just throw up your pants and take your socks up about shoes no shoes are you gonna get wet so here is spot we're going to time the waves we don't want to take our shoes off it's cold most people are but Tim went for shoes on shoes and socks for the rest of the day possibly tomorrow going I'm her brodnik through those waves around the side of the cave Alison any words before your spring she believed she sometimes that's what's most important I'm gonna go take my position and we look forward to your run and she's running and she's running waves are not touching her is she she's nervous wait is coming she made it she made it she's going she is running [Music] Jimmer is really another cave yeah you love cave I'm sure there's something in here well Allison does for race against the water I'm gonna walk out here I'm going to go ahead and give cathedral caves worth taking the shoes off to get closer all right away get out [Music] hey we are camping down at New Zealand's southernmost point actually nice day it's quite windy but if you're in the Sun the part that Alison was not playing off that deserves to be played up is this is our campsite right there even though it looks like just a fan parked in the middle of nowhere we got the prime spot today prime spot good morning it is 8 a.m. we are at the southern most point in New Zealand pretty much facing Antarctica here we just woke up I didn't sleep the whole night it was so windy rocking the car we had to move a little bit and get into a little bit more protection area that was right before it started like pouring rain and hailing still raining I'm hearing the backseat we have recovered the wet table and put it in here so 9 Hannah's sandwiched in and now Tim Tim is gonna go outside and try to salvage his sweat pants that we realized blew out of the car in the middle of the night because he opened the door they didn't just blow out of the car all right this sucks we're stuck in the mud going up a hill to the southernmost point of New Zealand where we're not even 100 meters away from the campsite we decided to give up on this route when it didn't look good and then we were backing up and kind of slid off the side of the road we've been driving for a little bit we don't know if we need to call somebody now all right well do you want to give [Music] [Music] when you get momentum it's not Hulsey you're just gonna keep going on it and we're almost we're halfway there and then when we go back I'm gonna reverse and I'm gonna just hug this whole side going yeah that sounds pretty DS well you can see now that it's not pouring rain yeah so the rocks worked let's see we've been here for under two and a half hours but almost two half hours yeah the rocks felt good but it was just like wait why don't you go push and then like the second he pushed it was helpful yeah all right I'm going by going I'm going I'm going very spinning uh see okay well those scary feels like I'm just sliding down in that hole Rita you just there's a card for Minnie [Music] [Applause] [Music] slope point we've come so far we're in the parking lot it turns out there's a 20 minute walk we've had two feets today we got stuck we're in sandals or shoes are drenched in sleep only some of us didn't see some of us got rocked like babies all night by the way so do you have the courage persevere and go out to slow point our shoes are soaking wet from washing the mud off so we're in flip-flops it's pretty warm though down to the Antarctic it sounds I married a legit hobo who was supposed to take 20 minutes easily took 40 as we got blown around by the wind like we were in a cartoon or something the wind noise made our audio unusable so what you don't hear is just laughing like idiots the entire time the only way Finney was even able to film anything was to hide behind whatever this white tower thingy was that gave her at least a little bit of a break to film me and this other guy as we both tried to learn how to fly he was much better than I was obviously but also a much closer to the edge of the cliff so I guess much braver than me to foremost south island tourists milford sound is the end of the road the end of the world for us it was back to civilization because before we get there we're driving up from the southernmost point in new zealand working our way through the absolute wilderness of southern Fiordland [Music] [Applause] I can't look at the beauty yet [Music] we are in a cloud 100% every view is worth the hike up this is the same I'm starting to understand the grandeur here [Music] I think we hit it perfect I think it just cleared up like today I agree and overcast all morning can I just keep my eyes closed the entire time yeah lookout point say I'm giving it a big I'm giving it a big pot of insta gold say it lookout point I'm giving it up big powder instead gold what's that voice that's my insta I'm gonna I'm giving it up good morning we've really come back to nature I'm washing my dishes this morning in the lake not too abnormal from other mornings here Tim is bathing in the lake under a rainbow [Music] tell me about the sandfly population we wanted to be our campsite but now a couple pictures it's the most beautiful place you've been and we can't stay is this the day the courage of men fails [Music] there will come and someday when the courage of men fails today is not that day [Music] despite what Alison said the sand fleas did win the war we've retreated to higher ground up here at the grip grip valley lookout and this is what one of the victims of the war looks like [Music] what do you do [Music] tell me about sand please there's sand flies sand funds they're finding me in here I've killed like four of our tea and then there's this one massive bumblebee that won't give up wait till he smells tea oh it's raining here's what's not fair about the sandflies it's raining it's cold it's windy and they're still coming at you can't you can't have bugs and cold and rain and wind and still you just you can only pick so mad I'm not in the mood to talk to the camera hold on I have to get some our garbage that we've been carrying around for three days it's nothing it's had a rubbish bin promised out of water tomorrow we'll see a town mine day four of no shower so this is sick I'm all alone up here nobody to see Alison sleeping back in the van look at that here right this stuff this green that's a gigantic landslide from 13,000 years ago and when it moved it created this little cavity and now there's this nice little lake this is it this is as high as you can go up here well I've got a four hour hike ahead of us today it says three but it's me both have walking sticks and Gandalf we should be making tell us about how are the only ones with this idea we thought we're keeping only people with this idea here's the problem we're coming from down for some it was empty down there it was awesome the sandflies battling for survival now we're up in Oakland so yeah yeah this is where everybody goes they're insane no deaf will sound not a lot of people go there everybody goes to melody no everybody goes to the bathrooms are full literally [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody back in dose didn't see it did you recording well is that your sweat insurances I'm filming oh look it done [Applause] and just right there will something hi there's so much space though and that's why you buy travel insurance more info below [Music] if you're looking to not get away from it all and not get away from any of the crops Mirror Lake is the place for you this new tour bus showing up here every 60 seconds did you make it just merely we've got the only mountain here this is noticeable everyone wanted this another website [Music] we woke up today and the weather was well the weather's what it looks like outside reading into Milford Sound today and hoping that it's nicer out there right now we're pulled over on the side of the road and what are we looking for they're very small parents they're the world's only Alpine parrot okay you're not supposed to feed them they look down on that okay you can attract them by building a small teepee out of six or a pile of stars [Music] so we're gonna bunch her into the forest over there we're gonna be assisted in the hunt by all of these people today who just finish up their photo session in their way what do you hope to get out of finding the kids today [Applause] other people have tried to seduce TP Rox perhaps I am similar to the Kia it seems both of us aren't fans of the rain [Music] about the Milford tunnel [Music] this is creepy oh my gosh this is so scary you can see just the rock on either side it's not like cement like you're used to oh I don't like it oh my gosh one just eerie with all the brake lights are concerning red [Music] the speed limits here are insane we're on this switchback coming out of a small Paul tunnel and immediately in those eleven is 100 just like go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Queenstown New Zealand is the adventure capital of the world home of the world's tallest punching whitewater rafting skydiving jet boating and that's all before lunch if you've hung out with us before you'll know that the highlight reel version of travel really is in our style welcome to one of the most beautiful drives in New Zealand we are here on the top of a cliff oh wait rats it's raining and we're in a cloud and we can't see this is kind of a nightly ritual it is treating sand fly bites that's what we're doing here Oh five to ten times each year than a mosquito bite I wholeheartedly agree that they're five to ten times mosquito bite to treat a sand fly bite you first apply white vinegar which I'm doing right now it takes away the initial sting this is like layer number or whatever then we've got the anti itch hydrocortisone cream scuffle yeah that's like a you have a couple double bites yeah they are bastards I mean my toe my toes are swollen right now so that's the that's the one thing that we're dealing with here in New Zealand oh there's just so many why don't I just wipe this all over your foot we're in Queenstown we're in the parking lot of the countdown we were leaving Queenstown today we're leaving because it's been doing this for three days [Music] it just got old after a while there's nothing for us here perhaps from the outside a lot of what we do the glamorous that's only when we decided to take out the camera right most of the time we're sitting in the car in the rain eating chickpeas out of a can and salami out of a thing for lunch now you know the truth so there is no huge plan for today we're driving east it's two people in a van it's complete [ __ ] outside it's not you won't even want to hike because you can't see anything so that's it by the way I know this is not normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or a non-powered site $15 the first person Gaga is after that look at two parking spot right here besides this horse you can pay $10 a person to use the kitchen as well as the TV room it's open until 8:30 but you have this horse so you don't need a lot more [Music] oh boy during mount roy supposed to be an awesome hike Allison knew about we're net sensor it's already off yeah but the Sun just peeked through the clouds who we are I think like halfway up our hike it is the air show today and we're higher than all the airplanes so that is pretty fun well hello loopy so long Casey the road down there but that's where we came from but then look at this we're still going up there this whole time we haven't really known where we were going because you can't see we're above the clouds now some done beautiful view but we just turned the corner and we can see the top now listen the Sun is like [Music] [Applause] we are crazy high [Music] this is how crazy hi we are it doesn't feel right that you can walk up like I don't know it's like being in a play [Music] hasn't been the easiest walk there's some sweaty bags [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a day of mulch we are starting to run out of time here in New Zealand amazingly even though we plan six weeks so today we are bombing north of Oaxaca we Wanaka we're hitting the blue pools to kick off the morning today we're driving through the haast the big day [Music] [Music] today's fisher-price my first time we're on a concrete path everything's like two minutes away from the parking lot it's not raining it's not freezing bugs aren't terrible and we're just in a trail following all the other extremely large camper vans from one site to the next it's an ideal way to actively recover from the massive hike yesterday [Music] we're already a thunder creek falls if you want to do the very most New Zealand in one day you go down this road it's too much stop how many waterfall we're gonna see like 10 sec [Music] this is our third or seventh waterfall of the day the Train looks like we're driving through Vietnam again which is awesome it's all foggy like sheer cliffs and everything and then Alison great this by putting on her V the knees mountain size large puffy jacket she wore for the duration of the drive easily the weather can change here in New Zealand well you think about these tree this is a completely different kind of force then we were Justin yeah you don't have to go anywhere else just go to New Zealand and it's every price Montana Scotland meets concen and did you already say hey nobody caught Antarctica I got [Applause] [Music] it's been two months since we got the gimbal in Singapore we're walking across loose rocks right now we're in New Zealand this thing has just been awesome I dropped it off the motorbike going like 40 I dropped it out of the van a few times I didn't tell Allison about so right now it goes with us every day we use it all the time the battery lasts forever in it way more of our footage is usable that I was good it's just watchable you don't get dizzy watching it you don't get mad watching it because it's so pumping and I mean yeah just walking across rocks it's still pretty cool we've traveled to the other side of the world we've driven almost completely around South Island all here to see the front Josef Glasser Alison Alison what are you feeling right now I feel excitement anticipation for the beauty it just looks like a cloud we're gonna go look at this clap don't have high hopes through the glacier at this point since we're still stuck in a cloud it's okay it's an awesome walk I mean we're yet to be on a trail that lets you down but like surrounded by waterfalls yeah I'm managing most like I'm sure this looks beautiful on some days but there's a lot that you can't see because it's covered by cloud you can't really see how high the mountain peaks go thoughts emotions and not disappointed in what we're doing right now and today I just I know we're leaving okay this is like one thing I wanted you to you know like a good lesson for life I'm gonna flip that this is easily one of the best heights we live here I mean it's still a hike it's an hour and a half to return you see some 30 frozen eyes hey if you're not all worried about the glacier and I mean who's the biggest fan of a glacier you're in a huge valley surrounded by waterfalls it's insane the waterfalls are coming from everywhere everywhere and that's like all you hear is just the roaring and then there's this range of did you feel me no I him poor guy got pictures of him decisive in the video where it calmed and Cave this morning and we are excited we don't know anything about it besides that it's a cave it's on our way and the review is in German so we have all of our professional caving here which is this headlamp this flashlight from Kmart this is where it gets real do you ever find your headlamp on [Music] okay I've been in every cave I don't like kids your modern-day Explorer they're really scary this one especially this looks like a hobo stabs you cave Oh spider and I'll hold the camera this is never seen before cave this is as real as it gets [Music] all right then this is back decay lots of people think this is just another super interesting thing about me sealing because there's no way in hell this thing and be open to the public in the US because somebody who sprained their ankle or something and there'd be public outcry the be filled with concrete fan [Music] Anthony's opening [Music] blowholes what is your experience with blowhole what can we expect I know expert Mary poems I should have been reading all them give me the first couple lines of this one try welcome to the peoples of the four winds welcome to the ancestral land no no no [Music] welcome to viewing platform number one [Music] I think we found a flower from it such a lady alright this this is why you get here during high tide because then you get to see all the crashing and all the blow holes so just walking the track around this park like you're not seeing ten of the same thing so yes lots of tourists lots of cars pulled over the side of the road absolutely beautiful oh I love it is gorgeous I knew we have a beautiful day that certainly helps you're giving it uh hold on pancakes I give this up I see what all the hypes about New Zealand in one day we woke up in a forest and drove to the coast and made breakfast then we explored a cave on our own we went to pancake rocks and sausage drove up the coast a bit and hour at a steel colony where we made dinner and we're going up north even more to sleep in our car at a bar with good fish and chips don't worry you won [Music] we have seen the ocean from all four sides of New Zealand north south east west south south island but made it to the top [Music] Allison found free parking for us on our way north we're doing abel tasmin tomorrow building our camp around the free toilet here there's people washing babies there's people washing goats there's Alison she's the queen of the homeless people the parking lot here we've had different views pretty much everywhere we've stayed here I mean it's like camping at the mall parking we overpaid we pulled over for a potty break and Alison saw people out with plastic bags on the beach so now naturally we have to walk out here ourselves and see what is being hunted and I think I see [Music] we're looking for cockles we only know that because there's a sign in front of the beach defense that says cockle limit 75 cockles a person please follow the limit so we can only take 75 cockles each which we don't even know which the live ones look like tell me about your cockle hunting experience I'm assuming it's a shellfish bear tacos [Music] everybody's okay so first off everybody's in the water you don't want the cockles just so we're gonna look like backpackers they don't even know it cockles are update we're in the know Tim asked some locals who are super nice and sharing some info we are up to five cockles a feast really and now we don't we're doing and they have a whole bag is the limit seventy-five a person so we can have a hundred and fifty couple for dinner but only a hundred and forty five more to go from complete beginner Chikako hunter look at that full bounty I just threw all these back have to money to eat now there's so many you reach in to the sand and you like grab four of them this was so much fun or he didn't know what a cockle was until now we just have a whole bucket full and this is plenty plenty plenty for us what does this maybe like 40 or 50 total so we're gonna take these back and go back some lunch [Music] surprise we're at this solve around the southern part of the abel tasman track to bay and show and Alison's trying to find precious things treasure so we're just gonna hike up to Apple Bay today and then hike back and then drive north and do some walks from there we lacked the equipment and the time to do the full five-day abel tasmin which little disappointing [Music] may the Appletree Bay I love it tell me about the amount of sand flies on the sand no I can't talk about them Kenji first rule about flies [Music] [Music] but on the northernmost points on the abel tasman hike we drove up here to camp but we did just make an hour north we're really bummed with the weather it's raining a bit and one of the highlights of a abel tasmin is the crystal clear like blue water so we're really not getting that today huh wow that's cool and I'm getting swarm so I'm gonna leave yeah oh yeah and the sand flies they're really bad we have spent a lot of time inside the car this morning we just had to get out to the walk but yeah the sand pies are so bad this is so cool hiking out oh my god well hike an hour back [Music] this happens it's the second night we spent here at the able tasman park on the beach and second day covered in rain and for perspective [Music] we left this pan out last night it had no water in it and it's completely filled this market [Music] we are at teh wake de ropa poopoo hold on okay Waco Waco ro poopoo and it is the cleanest water that's been measured outside and Arctica fill in it we've been super excited to come here cuz it's just I mean it's the cleanest water but you can really get there but a little bonus today is that it's pouring rain it was pouring rain all day yesterday so probably flushed a bunch of stuff into the spring so they're not that clear maybe and also you can't see cuz there's it's no luck see oh it's gray out Amarone I'm super lack of sleep it was like pouring rain it was so it was so noisy and scary that I was up I was counting between the lightning and thunder I slept like a baby yeah hard rain on the growth puts me right to sleep so let's go see the freshest water ever [Music] this is crazy like current if you're looking at this at first it looks like just a wide river but it's bubbling up so fast and that's nuts Taebaek rope bring them food springs better on a sunny day definitely glad we came here it's just cool to see water that pure that's like pure pure nature purify water the essence of Kira see [Music] we're going north where it's 80 every day it never rains never been so excited to go north oh boy we're tailgating the ferry terminal it's one of p.m. we're leaving it'll be quieter at this way we shot everybody's excited there's even free Wi-Fi just in line for the ferry yeah I bet it's fast finally for a campground to see where we're going because as of right now all we know is what's going to the North Island but that's a very people case they don't have a spot to go to night time do we even did how long is this ferry why should what I got it the ferry itself is two and a half hours long are you sure something's like three and a half it might be three and a half this is kinda like the last unless we had a place on the way this is like the last place Bollywood he'll do bet yeah we're done on my parents are around they won a FaceTime game [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's our first morning with ice on the windshield I woke up and turn the car on not that that's pig feet but let's go visit Alison this is our second night on the North Island and we were really excited about warmer weather and it's probably that's probably our coal fire because Jim thinks it's cold that it's evidence it was beautiful future Alison sitting in Bali just remember when you sing they're cold because Tim is the air conditioning blowing too cold on you just the shack was probably as close all right 10:00 a.m. oh it's 10 a.m. and we left at 7 a.m. from a half-hour away it's a one-way thing you like it to the end and take a shuttle back so that's why it took us so long to figure out so we don't know if we're gonna do half and come back or go the whole thing there's not guys we have the best day for this we woke up with frost this morning and I'm gonna do the whole walk backwards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we are close to the base of Mount Doom it feels less like a volcano and more like I'm on Mars or something like rocks are crazy so at the very end of the movie The Return of the King there into the base Amon - you're like dude just sprint up the mountain already just to have this be done with it I get it this is a hike we're not panting now but trust me we're sweaty and feeling it in our legs and off so yeah when the long journey through Mordor long walked through that movie you're like dude you're at the base of the hill just run up there and be done with it it's hugged velia so this is for a little simulation exercise don't simulate this is just this is a tribute to save it from [Music] the ring sure it's in there poof did it nobody lost a finger Mountie I'm done next up the Bluecoats this is my spacesuit this we could put a red filter over this and make it be Mars okay red filter all right everything so hard for he [Music] we made it to base camp now Mount Doom doesn't even look that high [Music] this is the legit hike down from the top seeing the red crater like this is how you get down the hill see how loose that footing is what do you say it's challenging like if you slip you fall off the cliff so I would say it's both challenging and extremely dangerous [Music] [Music] [Music] we have like quite a bit to go tell you all right like so we were on the top of that like we've been hiking for four hours Oh four hours to the minute four hours in one minute four hours 1 minute versus like decent driving if you were like the nearest gas station is 11 kilometers you like oh we've run through our supplies yeah I want ye and we don't have much water we do have suckers suckers in the past four hours we left the car park as far as the eye can see really walking around the back side of that massive volcano also known as Mount Doom came through went up the peak that's right in the sunshine came down the scaling cliff across the birding lagoon pools [Music] so this is just a hike but it's not just a hike New Zealand is the culmination of many triggers pulled and lots of risk-taker and then this hike specifically stood out is like the quintessential New Zealand things here [Music] okay so the future toilets is it's vacant Hey okay go on there No [Music] [Music] after a long long long hike around ten girl I'll buy tongariro alpine crossing you head north to the land of thieves and thermal [Laughter] [Music] it's all natural yeah there's nobody sketch around either just normal people being nice enjoying hot springs about relieving this I was standing up because there's little worms in the air that are very scary did you put your head underwater course not you can't contract terrible disease if you're having fun [Music] it's getting cloudy fast Wow at all I can still feel the tongue Guerra crossing in my legs how would you rate today in difficulty versed tongue guerra alpine crossing fiery hot buffalo wings then this was like my own its own girl alpine crossing it was super hot bleed out your bought whole hot wings which isn't a thing but should be then this hike was standing outside the restaurant and looking at the sign it was beautiful careful look at look at this this is just this is just the path [Music] we are gonna go find a hole in a SAM and sit in some hot water and speech what time are you supposed to meet her two hours on either end of low tide but we don't know when low Titus who does think it let's find them right now [Music] well you gotta find hotter ones or dig down warmer are these ones people gave up on really this is not a we were just like this is it I'm just gonna hole up over here so the way they're coming in we don't have time to dig a hole plus we don't have a shovel so this is what we had I'm gonna get wet especially showered today right yes so we're just enjoying other people we are doing it it is so interesting to see doctor we talked about the beautiful walk Mira [Music] go-go-go we only have a few minutes of sunlight it's going that's it that's the Cathedral [Music] we got it we just believe in ourselves today well despite the rain and even though it's always raining somebody had a great time else infinite world we're known albatross expert and double rainbow enthusiast tell us I'm sure you can see it the GoPro it's slow in time [Music] we're in the far north ones now not just the Northlands the far north ones and this is the place that Allison found for us to spend the night there's sheep in here [Music] they are there okay but this is the spot there's a big table in the barbecue like it says oh there's the shower oh god in this cliff easy he's gonna sleep with this sheet we are like in the owners yard that's their house over there pretty house [Music] so one of the last steps in the wicked camper rental is cleaning it up before you drop it off and here she is she's a little cleaning fairy the UH the tough thing about cleaning it right before you give it back as you go Hey it's kind of nice in here I guess we could have done this this is the part of travel nobody mentions sitting in bus stations in areas you don't know waiting for a bus it may or may not be coming trying to pay I have a $25 ride there are no Sun there are no farms all right wait one day in the hotel we have a hotel we have one glorious night here after six weeks of living an event so even though this looks like it destroyed mess and nothing fancy it is luxury beyond compare and Alison for once charmed somebody we leave early tomorrow like 5:00 in the morning right 5:00 in the morning airport and we get in around ten o'clock Bali time which is about midnight here but then we're going go in [Music] [Music] hey thanks for checking out tripped if you're checking this out you're probably planning an adventure of your own we sell travel gear on Amazon and guarantee literally that you'll love it so check it out through one of links in the description see you next time on tripped
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 527,816
Rating: 4.8136134 out of 5
Keywords: tripped, new zealand budget travel, wicked campers, tim and fin travel, tim and fin, best things to do in new zealand, south island, backpacking new zealand, campervan road trip, campervan new zealand, new zealand campervan, new zealand road trip, new zealand south island, new zealand travel, travel new zealand, how to travel around new zealand, tim and fin new zealand, campervan new zealand trip, milford sound new zealand, new zealand travel tips, new zealand travel guide
Id: 8_bOQbSgszw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 13sec (5113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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