Americans guess the cost of British healthcare

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this u.s country it's nothing but a strip club it's nothing but hustle we can have all this we should be able to have good health care universal healthcare should be you know something we all should strive for we nickel and dime each other here and people don't realize it might not look like it but we're in dallas texas in terms of healthcare this city is the least insured in america around a quarter of people don't have any cover at all we're going to talk to regular texans about the nhs and the cost of their medical bills what's that what's an average medical bill for you know a regular texan how much money that might that person be paying for their premium and their regular bills say you break your arm uh regularly in the rest of the world that's a couple hundred dollars here in texas easily two thousand three thousand dollars could i ask you then to guess how much it might cost in the uk if you broke your arm that situation how much do you think someone has to pay in order to have that fixed 200 bucks it's totally free totally free wow i can tell you i just i've got a busted shoulder and i can tell you exactly how much it costs did you mind yeah sure it was five thousand dollars just to have a doctor look at my broken collarbone just look at my broken collarbone and you have to pay that on arrival um no my insurance covered the majority of it but my portion of it was about just shy of three wow so yeah and then presumably ongoing physiotherapy things like that that part's pretty much covered by insurance but i have really really good insurance okay so through you do your job yeah yeah sometimes our jobs provide but sometimes they don't so what's the case for you do you have insurance no i don't okay no i don't so if something happens to you you need health care we have to pay full price right yeah and that presumably that can be very expensive it can be very expensive would you like insurance would you like would you like to have that healthcare i would like to have one but you know i sometimes we can afford it right now i'm about to go to mexico tomorrow i'm gonna travel for two weeks because i'm going to have some dental done some dental work done only because here in the states it will cost me like ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars for the dental work here in the us uh do you mind me asking how much it's gonna cost you in mexico about a thousand wow so ten percent yes and the quality of care as good as good or even better wow going to see the doctors couple hundred bucks if you don't have insurance right just to get a checkup it's very obvious to someone like me i'm first time in the city it's clear there's a lot of money here big buildings offices nice cars it seems like there is the money to be able to create this kind of system right so why do you think there isn't that level of healthcare i believe there is okay that's the cash i think i think that's the risk but they just haven't allocated that money where for the for the people we can have all this we should be able to have good health care for all there's two versions really being offered here isn't that trump is offering something quite different to joe biden in terms of health insurance um do you have a do you have a preference do you think there's one that's better than the other or do you think the system at the moment i don't think there's nothing different system it's all business so pretty much as far as i have learned which i'm 34 years old this u.s country it's nothing but a strip club okay sure sure i mean it's nothing but hustle so that's what it's what they're doing out there they're just hustling they really don't care the healthcare companies the politicians they're all sort of it's about it's about profit yes universal healthcare should be you know something we all should strive for i'd like to see some some healthcare changes we need massive overhaul it's not just about universal or anything else it's just it's insanely expensive regardless start there do you think that there's much political will in this city for that to happen do you think broadly people want that to be the case in the city yes in the urban areas yes suburban areas they're just they're typically more conservative and they're not really sure exactly what all that entails and so they're not they're not going to do it my understanding is that people are generally sort of opposed to taxation here yeah but it's more you start screaming about socialism more than anything so that's really what they're going to do rather than perhaps engaging with it as an idea exactly rather than actually thinking about it logically we can afford it as a country to take care of each other and uh these nickel and dimings of uh these procedures that are costing thousands thousands of dollars just aren't that expensive everywhere else in the world uh we nickel and dime each other here and people don't realize what universal health care means yeah you'll pay a little bit more in taxes but you're saving thousands at the doctors and people really need to be educated on that and they just don't want to be you
Channel: PoliticsJOE
Views: 782,939
Rating: 4.8067341 out of 5
Keywords: Politics, UK politics, British politics, Parliament, Government, Westminster, universal healthcare, health insurance, jeremy corbyn, british people guess how much us healthcare costs, JOE politics, dallas texas, americans react to uk, american healthcare vs british healthcare, american healthcare vs nhs, british health care reaction, americans answer british questions
Id: Zyd8leeIOsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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