American Visits British Hospital for the First Time

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KaitlynBurton 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now we need a British to visit an American hospital

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mr-Woodtastic 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I haven't even watched the video and I can already imagine him going "FREE? FREE HEALTHCARE?"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnyaWarrior 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi I know Mills I'm not and you're probably wondering how I wound up in this situation well Lori can understand this squirming under pain it's just I think it's time we go all the way back to the beginning so I was born July 29th nothing whole thing kicked off last Friday I was minding my own business editing some travel vlogs that still haven't seen the light of day thanks to this and all of a sudden my stomach just started to hurt it came in waves and it was just this really gross uncomfortable squirming pain that wasn't too bad it was enough that just made me go like good it felt like my insides were full of spaghetti like a big bowl of spaghetti that someone was pushing all around also I realized that I was really hot covered in sweat like I was coming up with a fever but then also was shivering I didn't know what's going on I had something this happened a year ago so I kind of went I hope this isn't happening I'll go to sleep early so I went to sleep welcome in the morning still pervasive however this was a Sunday and I haven't missed a Sunday upload and so long and so I ended through this weird pain filmed a couple bits everyone really liked the video thank you very much for the support very much appreciated however on the third day when I woke up still in pain except this time the pain was progressively worse I realized I should probably find out what to do about this it's just my thought had been I've been through worse this time last year had a very similar type of thing except the pain was excruciating like right from the get-go lasted a week I was like screaming in pain and the doctors told me as just a bug so I'm thinking what could this be it's probably just a bug just stay at home so I rang up one one one if you guys don't know one on one is the UK's national free health line run by the NHS and it's great when my mom was visiting in June even though she's not a resident of this country she was able to call one-on-one and get the medical advice she needed and went to a hospital and got fixed so good job Jesus that's such a good thing when one really good because there's trained nurses on the phone they follow a specific system and then they can tell you most likely what you got and then advise you what to do should you get some painkillers should you take it easy should you stay hydrated should you go to a walk-in clinic well turns out they told me to do that had to go to the house despite my American proclivities I decided to finally put my taxes to use but putting all this money and time to get it back out your boys go into the hospital I walk up to an incredibly crowded waiting room there are literally three different children crying in different areas around me it's like a surround sound system of pain and suffering and so as I'm sitting there squirming in my pain I'm kind of thinking maybe it's not so bad for me you know I'm trying to humble myself be like this probably worse situations made even more real for me because after five or ten minutes of just sitting in the waiting room a nurse came to the doors and said sorry guys it's gonna be another hour to our extra weight cuz we just had three emergencies rush to the back which is always like horrifying because like ah those people are clearly worse than me which was my thought however the amount of people there that were like yelling and complaining to the nurse like what is what is she gonna be able to do for you she's just a messenger here someone's like this is unacceptable I'm getting private next time I'm like all right Tori let's cause you're here and you can afford price get out one as they decided to leave the doctor's office that I guess didn't necessarily need to be there left saying this is unacceptable and unfair you know what else is unfair probably get hit by a car okay that's my soapbox I'm sitting there in pain and hoping that I don't have anything bad happen to me but I'm like you know I'll just take this Ellen wait an extra hour to try and get more fun into the NHS though am i right please so I register at the front desk luckily one on one had given all my information already and what I had said in the phone so I'm not too worried about that i sat down waited learn a little bit of Spanish and after three hours after also by the way they had a vending machine that had a meal deal in it a meal deal vending machine that lipid plugs are in this hospital after the three hours I was finally seen I went in I was like okay nurse here's this situation also here's my piss you see this is actually one of the few acceptable times to offer one when you're piss otherwise you're in trouble I did have you're in trouble but she does a quick check of me does the pulse you know does the old stethoscope and all that doctor nonsense and she was like well you got appendicitis my stomach drops because I have appendicitis but also what what you mean when we get in all that trouble at the cop but he can't write us a ticket because he doesn't have appendicitis that pump was sick so at this point I'm just like what what I can't believe this I can't believe this happened me what am I meant to do and she was like I don't worry about it fun fact 70% of people to get appendicitis heals our zone just take some codeine prescribe BAM have a nice day i'm thinking what i i've never heard this in my life appendicitis you got two options you remove your appendix or you die when it ruptures like that's it okay there is no pass and go and collecting your codeine hundred dollars the style works but she was like yeah happens all the time little poop gets stuck in your little appendix bit it gets inflamed and seventy percent of time videos aren't zone don't worry about it take this codeine takes care get pain don't know why i'm from the bronx get out of here forget about as she sent me out she was like if it gets worse in the next 24 hours you need to come back to the hospital and i was like okay praying to be that 70 percent that is not a good probability okay as to slim i went home popped a cup of codeine and i was fine who's sick not me no more spaghetti in my stomach no way no how I feel Marie I had a little bit eat I'm feeling fine I'm like I'm gonna go to bed and sleep this off it'll all be guard the morning I'll wake up huh sweat oh my god more throw-up it's only 1:00 in the morning I thought it was 6:00 I literally thought I was gonna hurl off the side of my bed because I had such intention nausea as I'm like drenched in sweat I'm like oh the pain is like killing me and I'm like this is it this is where I die as I lean over my bed to throw up I'm like no none of my new laptop move it out of the way I think I'm having to throw up and I was like at this point I'm calling out anyone help me everyone's asleep it's 1:00 in the morning just kidding I live in a house of youtubers everyone's being rambunctious I do what I do best I don't know what to do a tweet about it in this part of my night where I literally thought I might die because it's 1:00 in the morning the codeine should still be in my system and yet I'm feeling intense pain it's going through the codeine I'm terrified I'm thinking everything ruptured down there and this is it and when I tweet it out what should I do you guys kind of unanimously the same thing oh my god go back at this point I got a phone call from a good friend Dodie who was like oh you were going to the hospital and I was like I don't know kind of I was just there today and she was like I'm gonna take you to the hospital whether you like it or not and so she literally ubered to my house I called one one one set things up they're like yes please come back we organized it with the next hospital and we burped on the way there my first uber hobbling over holding my stomach as it lurched in pain as I'm now walking around with this freaking spaghetti swirl going around in my stomach we look at this a beautiful hospital quite a beautiful Hospital indeed there was only one problem Tony has taken me to the wrong hospital they don't want then we were back on the road back in an uber way pain is coming in stronger stronger waves the baby will come there people have been like but it's like cramps I'm like like Aaron it's worse for men to have appendicitis because if it bursts it then leaks in the ovaries and it's very dangerous if any ladies watching currently right now have ever had appendicitis and know this for a fact let me know in the comments I'm actually curious that's just what one of the nurses had told me so I could maybe not complain as much but we finally made it to the right Hospital right as my pain really started to ramp up as soon as we got to the A&E Americans I ran over to the desk they already have my information thanks to me calling one on one prior and within five minutes I was being seen and treated by a nurse huzzah almost I told her with a previous nurse at the previous hospital told me and she straight up looked to me as if I was lying she was like nah I do not think you have appendicitis at this point I don't know what to believe I was told by a practitioner I have appendicitis and now I'm being told by another one I don't I don't want it okay I don't want these people thinking I'm just like take my appendix out I don't need it I just like getting surgery done no I don't want to be here I don't want to be at the hospital but I'm only here because I was told to so at this point I'm like is my appendix bursting am i scared cuz the main reason I needed to go that night was because I'm thinking if I don't go right now this thing will burst and I will die scary plus I just didn't wanted to think I was making up this pain cuz I'm literally like bending over like ah like I'm in pain from something if it's not appendicitis what's going on I was then seen by a lovely nurse named Tommy who looked a little bit like Freddie Mercury who then took my pulse and made sure I was still under pressure he took my blood did a blood sample told me Evan in 30 minutes this blood sample will all be tested and we'll be good to go we'll take it so I'm like ah sweet 30 minutes well so I've taken some blood out of me now they're gonna do some tests that's my year in part two and yes that's my pea okay it's a natural thing don't get pissed off too much about test my blood for 30 minutes and the oddly soothing vaporwave music the hospital had on in the background was not making me feel as soothing as it usually does when it's in my spotify playlist here's what the waiting began and the pain fully set in as we sat there hour after hour the pain kept coming in waves it would be like five minutes of excruciating pain I'm squirmy all around and then gone I think maybe I can go home the pain seems true nope nope there is it was aa horrible Dodi tried to occupy our time by playing hangman somehow I guess the first one with no mistakes it was only five letters I'm very proud of this okay but after our two I was in so much visible pain that other patients started to ask me if I could get some pain meds from the nurses because they felt bad I guess looking at my spittle cell this whole time I'm thinking guys I'm afraid am I supposed to take painkillers if I'm gonna be I don't know getting a surgery or something you know aren't you not supposed to have anything I don't know what's going on there like you can get free painkillers if you're in the waiting room just ask a nurse and I'm like ah so eventually Dodi gets up she goes to find a nurse comes back and she was like I found the girl she was like I'll be right with you in one minute that minute it lasted actually an eternity cuz I never saw that girl again I never saw her the first time don't it is there and she's gone okay I didn't get any painkillers however our four we're coming around the people that are still hanging around with me they're just like this boy is having issues I'm like just dying on this chair we can't sleep there's these arms on the chairs I'm just having a bad time and so this one guy who literally had had a heart attack yesterday it was to get a nurse who finally comes back and is like hey this guy told me you're in a lot of pain and I was like yeah it was like okay I'll get you some pain meds they never came back okay two times two times I didn't have all I needed baby with some pain meds but damn why didn't you bring your codeine 'event and you get prescribed codeine yes but it's an addictive substance isn't it I'm afraid to take you too much that I'd already take it to that evening and I didn't know if I was supposed to take any like drugs like that because I know folks get certain traits from two times we asked for painkillers and two times I got shut down if I wanted to get rejection and being pain that much I just write download tinder as my gut began swiping left on my nervous system the doctors finally saw me it took five hours it was now 6:00 a.m. I was delirious but I finally had my own little curtain I was beginning to be both a mixture of pain and exhaustion from lack of sleep waited for four hours because four hours since they got my blood taken butter the guy seemed to cuppa Japanese night work he said take your things he won't be coming back I don't I mean I don't have a lot of sleep I get like deliriously high like I will just say things and be more punny and silly that I have are am it's not it's not good when you're in a certain situation squirming under pain and the worst of everything is this whole time I'm in the waiting room I am in severe pain as soon as I get to that room and the doctors start like stabbing with their little fingers nada nada I mean it comes in waves like I said I'd have periods where it didn't hurt for a good ten minutes I was like I'm George I'm Jesus and then it comes back and I'm like Satan in my belly yes but no as soon as it was time for the doctors to go messin around my tum-tums nothing this is also speaking of tum-tums not one doctor referred to that area as anything except for a tummy tummy is that a British thing I've only refer to that as my stomach maybe my belly every person really old man young woman middle-aged guy oh let me just get in touch your tummy hurt what's your profession I don't know maybe that's the new scientific term I wasn't on a no one Tommy tell me Tommy now then we finally knew a bit more I had to get whatever was in me out cause clearly that was causing me a lot of pain you know what it made it worse holding that vile fart in okay what's funny though probably gonna die it was gonna burst we have stayed here for five to six hours evan has now done the biggest part he's never done we're sitting in this tiny box that's my eyes not leaving oh my god just stick man did I meant at this point everyone was still really confused what was happening with me because the doctors had prodded and pushed and they've decided if most likely isn't appendicitis but they also didn't really know what else it could be and so they wheeled me over to a specific area of the hospital in which I finally got my very own room however this whole ordeal did leave me incredibly hydrated every doctor that saw me kept telling me that I had incredibly dry lips and I was like four spongebob meme or something I was drinking water too it's just you know with the stomach bug also came a bit of sploosh TMI I'm sorry I'm just trying to help you paint the piece together you don't need to know this well I guess you do because if you're still watching I had to poop in a tooth had to get my stool to a doctor it wasn't fun had to shove a tube up my moody it was not fun it was messy I wanted to die especially cuz I did it while being hooked to an IV to rehydrate me which by the way really cool kind of but also I just did not like that feeling it felt like they're constantly like a fire almost for a little bit I do know my gusta the Spanish was working please smile at least learn some Spanish in the doctor tomar este tubule demigod welcome this is crazy that the fact that I don't know it's killing my patient dining spy Sodexo also at this point Dodi finally felt comfortable enough to let me be alone which was so nice of her genuinely to go throughout all this effort to take me to the hospital to sit with me not being able to sleep smelling my horrible farts for six hours you know it took a lot so she finally left and I got a nice wholesome thirty minutes of sleep in the house and breakfast they genuinely sent me on my way told me if I was having any issues to come back but they didn't know what was going on but hopefully it all clears up and as of speaking now hi it's been a couple days and I do feel a bit queasy still but almost all the pain has subsided which is nice thank God but the whole process despite its flaws and the wait times and the naff and that stuff I'm still very appreciative for it I ended up only having to spend nine pounds for this whole ordeal and that was for the prescription for codeine I had an IV bag gave me for Christ's sakes didn't cost a thing I mean like I said I'm paying tax for this great this is what I'm very thankful and appreciative that I can pay taxes to or national insurance or whatever it's called I had multiple doctors I had multiple nurses I had a meal I had a little bet I had a consultation all this stuff all included it was great and the doctors that cared for me we're really great one of them I don't know I just I never expected to hear a doctor say something to me like have you pissed in a tube yet you know you just don't expect to hear him just say piss just whips out pants I want to hear like hello sir do you have any urine no just straight up Pierce something I thought would be really interesting to look up and find more information about regarding this whole situation would be if I had actually gotten my appendix taken out how much money would it had cost in the US where I used to live because I wouldn't have insurance ever lived in the u.s. I'm a freelancer that's not how it works and so I began to look up what this would cost and even though it didn't surprise me it's still blue my mom the top result you get when you're searching for how much it costs to get an appendix removed in the States is a story about a 20 year old guy who got stuck with a $55,000 bill to get his appendix removed but don't worry guys he wasn't fully stuck you see this guy was smart he had health insurance that's what everyone says right oh you know just paper open so it's so beautiful good thing that took 80% that way boy we stuck with 11 grand 20 years old are you 2 are you 20 you're anywhere near that do have 11 grand to just blow on gotta do it you cannot predict when your health is gonna fail in that situation and even when you're protected with insurance in the US you're just not I'm so thankful for the NHS as an institution I'm so thankful that I was not having to pay any of this and if you say like you did pay for overtime due - sure whatever great I'm ok with that everyone is able to pitch in for this great institution that's a good idea and if anything the only shortcoming to this whole situation are because of the underfunding the NHS because we need to put more money into the NHS but hey if forest gets his way you know we're gonna be privatizing it making it just like the USA so hooray can't wait for that next general election to disappoint everyone the average price of getting an appendix removed in the states by the way is $13,000 and that's without insurance which is what I would have to pay which would wreck me completely and if I did have magical insurance still be stuck with a bill of over $3,000 for an append ectomy that is crazy it's crazy that's something that you cannot prevent something like a health concern like that can absolutely bankrupt someone it's depressing I'm not trying to make this a political thing because I don't think this should be a political issue I do just think health care should be a right I'm crazy well I hope you enjoyed a little story and if you have any similar that you'd like to leave in the comments please do that'd be interesting to read about maybe you have more facts and figures lips all over if you want I made a video a bit a while back which is more detailed with some friends talking about some differences between the NHS and the USS system of healthcare over here quite interesting check that way out otherwise I'll leave you with finally what do you say to your doctor when you don't swallow any cough syrup huh spit all out huh thanks for watching I'll see you guys next Sunday bye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,206,311
Rating: 4.8171668 out of 5
Keywords: american visits british hospital, american visits, british hospital, british, hospital, british vs american, british vs american hospitals, hospitals, healthcare, evan edinger, evan, edinger, 2019, dodie, american, nhs, doctors, nurses
Id: 03RbIZK8iko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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