Brits Vs. Americans: Alcohol

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sima part no oh it's perfect the phrase eating is cheating I blacked out hi I'm Tom I'm from the UK land of tea fish and chips driving on the left-hand side of the road and the Queen and I'm Jeff I'm from the US land of the free home of the brave cheeseburgers and Walmart and this is Brits versus Americans where we sit down and finally discuss our differences drinking alcohol booze the good stuff the sauce the old ball-and-chain time went on no I don't know this when you go out just to get drunk you're like time went on mm-hmm okay our drinking cultures are just are so different the age we start drinking the ways we drink let's get into it [Music] okay Tom so shot getting a beer is a classic American tradition yep so it's time for you to try it out I'm greedy nervous about what do you think you do I think you shake it and then you piss it and then you and then you drink it yeah that's it let's let's try that out shake it and then Pierce it you've got me in your eyes somewhere yeah no definitely don't shake okay if you shake it and Pierce it's gonna like explode all over you great which is what we don't want you know take the can and you're gonna pierce right around here okay and then be careful cuz it's full of beer yeah what the first initial impact it will probably go back a little bit they says like when they teach you to drive and it's like right remember to do this and then the clutch and okay no there's a lot of technicalities oh right okay so okay so the more we talk about it the more stressing me out yeah I'm gonna stress out too but I'm ready for you too can I just do it shot getting the beer for the first time okay all right okay let's do it I don't want to do it yeah you good all right is that right the burp is an essential part the beer was clearly little first of all you did a great job Thanks it seems like you chugged it really really fast which is which is which is good the beer was definitely shaken it's nothing it's like Shia panic when it coat I was like what is it now on being fail yeah - camera thank you once it's going it's good actually I like the the flow but yeah the initial impact is something that I could do without it no it doesn't normally okay cool great well the most obvious place to start is the fact that we can drink at 18 you guys are loved drink - you're 21 21 21 is Sony that's so old all like you graduate high school at 18 and then you go to college on it for four years okay so I couldn't legally drink until I was a senior in college at the age of 21 so in the UK obviously the drinking age is 18 you are still at how you still high school so you're coming in and doing your lessons hungover maybe oh yeah I don't think anyone really would come into school hungover because it was illegal and you like what weren't supposed to people would have parties on the weekends and stuff but none of my friends were like oh my god I'm so hungover for my test today Oh Frank big thing drinking in the park you're like friend's brother maybe has bought you like a three liter bottle of like frosty jacks which is like a sort of cider sort of I think I remember we did it once in like December time and it was like snowing cold and we were all just like six of us like sharing this one bottle of this like nasty cider and just that's what you would do you can drink at home yeah maybe one of your friends has got a cool mum the first time I ever got really really really drunk yeah was probably 17 or 18 Wow I feel like some parents were more lenient I feel like some kids just stole from their parents liquor cabinet right or like older sibling and one of my friends I just she just looked older than she was so she would always like put on a pair of heels and I go in the shop and like it would work straw pedo very simple straw in the top bend it over hold it like that so the air can get out don't sip it like this it's gonna be like concealing like that if you like do you like a backbend while you're choking yeah sure yeah okay we didn't get the whole thing I didn't that was pretty good yeah okay does y'all fast it goes really fast yeah it does just taste so bad what state you're in in the u.s. also depends on the liquor oh yeah this is the most confusing thing so in Maryland beer wine and liquor all had to come from a specific shop so you couldn't get it at the grocery store you couldn't get at the gas station you had to get it at a specific liquor store what is liquor what do you mean by spirits okay okay you don't call liquor no that's so American sounding yeah it was spirits okay so BS Barrett some wine have to come thorough don't even know where that's sick then in North Carolina you could get beer and wine anywhere gas station Walmart the drive-thru cruise through loved driving through that going through the drive-through McDonald's I mean hey I want all this stuff and then they give it to you really yeah but like somewhat like like eggs I think and get anything but we only went there for but if you like a 50 long like shopping list and know if you go for like your a weekly shop okay I will get like bags of ice and Red Solo cups but oh yeah but then liquor in North Carolina you could only get from the ABC store which was like a government-run like the scariest place on earth if you're underage because there's like millions of cameras security guards you to go through like two double doors it's like it's like you're in like prison or something that's so crazy the ABCs California they don't give up they sell everything everywhere you can get beer wine liquor at the grocery store easiest thing that's so weird but what if you go to a state you've never been to before you'd have to ask a local and figure it out yeah so college university obviously a big drinking time regardless of whether or not you're actually allowed to do it yeah College is about drinking yeah I don't endorse it it's like kind of it is so we have freshers week in the UK you don't call it freshman sophomore junior no we don't do any of that we just say freshers I guess cuz you're the first week it's like you know Jager bombs or a pound you know like apples sours or whatever it is and like you're just getting a stuff as possible it's encouraged it's almost like the university is like pushing you in that direction like that's what you should be doing you can't go to the on-campus bars because you need a fake ID to get into them cuz you have to be 21 or sometimes they let 18 year-olds in but you have huge like permanent marker crosses on your hands I don't see if this person yeah really good cut of your cup in your hands it with an X so you go to frat parties because they let you in and you know it's like it's harder to be found out that you're there so it seems to me that at frat parties it's all about like if they died if I organised fun it's like you're you've planned ahead like what the thing is gonna be there's a little bit of competition between different fraternities like you have to have the best party because you want the best girls to come over to the party then you want like people talking about you having the best party so there has to be some organization there has to be a good theme has to be good deck decorations are need to be good drinks so if I'm stressed parties I went to it was like someone would come as like her Rubik's Cube yeah I'm saying but then you can't post pictures on Facebook no come on why would you not be able to do that I can't post pictures of you like drunk at parties without it being like obvious that you're like underage drinking who's who's gonna who cares police says you don't friend to the police on Facebook yeah but like the school could see it and then they could see you're obviously at this paternity Astarte then they get in trouble like it's a whole thing it'd be really really careful there was one time I was at a party in someone's dorm room and there was a knock on the door and we hid in them through for like an hour while the police search the place because I think there was a rule like they're not allowed to go into the bathroom because it's like a private place and like I don't know so we hit in the shower I'm like I did take a selfie of being like hiding the shower with some of my friends terrified like it's like first week of college I'm gonna go to jail I feel like be careful about walking at home if you're like stumbling or tripping over things or like wobbling police could stop you like if police come into a party you're running out the door because if you're caught underage drinking it is you know you're going to jail you're not go to jail though they'll take you to the drunk tank and put you in jail what's the drunk time I think it's just where they they're like holding unit yeah this is horrendous to look at this is so nostalgic for me really yeah an activity past time the two of these to be above the funnel while the beer goes Oh got it then pouring also really matters okay just like when you're feeling up a pint glass you don't want to be beer bottles Oh Oh put your thumb over it - oh yeah I'm laughing out of sheer nervousness I know it is it is slightly a terrifying concoction okay so now you're gonna do is when I say three you're gonna get down on one knee and then as soon as it's by your mouth you're gonna let go your phone when you're gonna go and as soon as could because of gravity it's gonna go fast I can do this you gonna count me in I wish you luck Thanks okay three two one oh my god well thank you that really fast it's in my eyes it's a little there was a little squirting but I think hey guys whoo yeah you removed yourself a little bit - I didn't realize it was gonna come out with that like you know yeah big ass wow I didn't think you okay I now understand why this exists I thought it was just gonna like go at my own speed no no it's like the straw feet oh yeah it is yeah great little thing though huh yeah Wow I'm like being a little hoppy about literary beer my eyes okay right I don't feel bad about the automail now at all let's go so you don't have rode sodas a journey juice I love the term journey juice we would call it like we called roadies if you were like in someone's neighborhood and you weren't expecting there to be police there fine but like you have to be really really really careful like having a few drinks in a park along to take a little charcuterie board or something oh that's the thing I feel like the action of drinking outside in itself there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're able to carry yourselves okay then it's fine right what is the deal with having open the brown paper bag yeah what is that I think because it's sold in a brown paper bag it's just in that I don't know if they have a right to go up to you to ask what you're drinking but you know what I'm gonna say which is the if it's in a brown paper bag it's obviously gonna be booze yeah why would you be hiding a soft drink I don't know it seems like a really weird technicality that like you're kind of getting away is that just what it is way of getting around yeah cuz otherwise it would be like I'm clearly drinking beer evenly or clear cuz you're in a briefing bag it might as well be the beer itself yeah yeah I don't know why that is but it's not like oh as long as it's in the back you're fined no no you can't be like drinking on the New York subway Wow even though people what do you have that yeah I have a walking stick I feel like the like planters man or the peanut man whatever another American thing this is the kind of thing that like bachelorette parties would definitely get in Vegas and like sip like frozen pina colada this is very very long yeah so this goes back to the 17th century it's no one really actually does this in the way that people do the beer bong like this is just more like I thought it would be funny so I just can't imagine consuming this much alcohol in one period of time well without further ado let's fill her up Seema there it's taking so much the bottoms not even full yet that's so much alcohol that's hella fun we might have to do some - yeah wait that's just and that's just like you Adam go ahead that's a lot of head with this wasn't going very slow okay finally I think we're now he there this is ridiculous I didn't realize it's gonna take so long to do this this is so much beer really it's time to view it at the top you don't have to chuck it but you have to try and drink it in one continuous it but I never turn it and I think if you turn it that helps in some way but I'm not actually massive ashore why you guys want to like go home come back tomorrow yeah good I saw the top and yeah yeah lovely opposed oh yeah but I'm gonna keep going because that's what we're here to do keep going until the job is done I'm with you Def Con something I can do in the meantime yeah okay cool you're on the straight and narrow here look at that Oh progress lovely you do yeah well that's just rude might take a while you know I don't wanna do any more yeah you given up an out I hated that okay it's just never anything - I feel like maybe I took it too far with this I think people don't like to be a first I don't really like the earth I think you're a beer enjoyer yep this could be like a fun challenge but yeah for me not my style of drinking I either want to enjoy that drink that I'm drinking or get it over with this fascist boss yeah I think rotating it was just getting really complicated I think I'm glad to know that we found something that is just too far for anyone like this there's something that we can agree on here and that's that the yacht avail is too much it's not necessary activity yeah sorry well that was an unfair challenge because do you think yeah the Garda bills so many beers it ends affair the beer bong is entirely dependent on how much beer you put in it like it's a half a beer and it's fine yeah whereas that's like it's it's a lot like I'm sorry it's not bad yeah it's also not fun you're just drinking it yeah your body there's at least like an element to it okay straw pedo though I just find that this straw part fan okay the alcohol part not so you like the science yeah like I would do that to a beer like why can't why why did it has to be like blue like battery acid I'm sharing my experiences with you yeah appreciate you all over them no I think if it was a beer we really be to bubbly yeah but that gross the things we do have in common is chugging that's fast as poss for sure creatively charged creatively we want to know what you want to stop on it's like because of anything school TV dating movies me Jeff [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeed UK
Views: 782,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed drinks, US drinking, VXWf, alcohol, americans, atlantic, bar, beer, booze, britain, british drinking culture, brits, brits drinking, brits vs americans, buzzfeed, buzzfeed uk, buzzfeed us, buzzfeed video, cheap beer, club, cocktails, culture clash, debate, drinking, drinking age, driving, drunk, federal laws, freshers tips, gin, jeff, legal, legal drinking, pints, profanity, pub, student drinks, taste test, tom, uk vs usa, uni, uni advice, us state laws, wetherspoons
Id: g0s4XlqaTGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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