European DESTROYS American at Geography

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[Music] okay so uh you're being timed here but it doesn't really matter oh [ __ ] no don't worry about it it's good you have the time you have your score you have click on and you will have a country over here i have a state because i have to pick up a state okay uh i i know new hampshire is somewhere in this [ __ ] area as i like to call it i feel like it's one of these three or this one i am so scared of of doing the first click there's so many more to come okay i'm gonna go ahead and [ __ ] okay well sweet i was close uh how i oh okay that's easy new york uh [Music] um wait is this uh is this new york no that's for real this new york again mississippi is somewhere around here this [ __ ] is it more to the south is it no okay shut up is it here oh sh north carolina as we say in poland [Music] kansas uh is it next to arkansas actually i don't know where arkansas is you clicked on it i clicked on it yeah when earlier on kansas or or kansas arkansas or kansas uh oh oh what okay so that count out that i know it's here good at this louisiana is easy washington is easy um is that where detroit is um well i mean you're already doing incredibly well but i i will say that uh zoe has a job where exactly maps of the u.s a lot so so this is embarrassing who said um i don't know i think somewhere around this area um maybe oh no wait um it's not florida god damn it is it here no oh god i know where a highway is that's good what the [ __ ] is that okay um i don't remember oh okay um yeah if you click if you pick the wrong thing enough times it will be like okay stop embarrassing yourself already but you still click the wrong one the daddy land uh yeah that's easy [Music] oh yeah yeah yes this is west virginia pennsylvania oh that was somewhere here i think kind of i remember seeing it somewhere [Music] [ __ ] okay there you go okay i also saw indiana and i think it was here ah okay that's easy oreo it's oregano please respect my country it's a little late for that boy i'll try okay origin is here kentucky that's easy because it's shaped like a chicken nugget oh maryland maryland is also somewhere around the [ __ ] area you yeah you clicked on it what when i said no that's for [ __ ] oh damn it i'm so i'm sorry i just have a friend from vermont and it's like [Music] no no no oh okay oh oh sweet what the [ __ ] is this it's a lake a lake yeah it's lake michigan no i'm talking about you're pointing at the lake i'm sorry you're like what the [ __ ] is this i'm like it's water zoey i have no [ __ ] clue that's in there hannah if that helps oh here oh oh my god this is misery that's the state i'm in currently get it it's somewhere here i think oh you're a c i am a [ __ ] genius okay idaho oh it was yes i remember now oh no does alabama have uh c-axis because it seemed like a [ __ ] he's stupid [ __ ] god damn it way nebraska oh [ __ ] is that not in canada okay oh [ __ ] how are you so good i don't know i just thought okay it's definitely and not any of these not any of these definitely not these and i don't think it's here so i was like i don't know what the [ __ ] this is we get slaughtered when we go to europe oh [ __ ] yes this is what i'm waiting for okay george george is [ __ ] all right that's oh that's south carolina that's right yeah tennessee i clicked on it vermont ah sweet colorado oh no it's one of the squares okay [Music] where's texas where could texas possibly be the biggest one it's one of the small ones isn't it [ __ ] yes oh so this is rhode island virgin uh here uh [ __ ] okay mountain illinois minnie soda nevad arkansas oh no wait i'm not actually i think this one yeah yeah utah oh i forgot this state existed i think here yeah nerve deck oklahoma okay so out of all of these that are left i'm i'm guessing this one yeah so caroline connect wait i want uh here right wiscons oh man that's right a new mech okay you know what i feel like this wasn't exact this isn't an even game uh i would like to do state abbreviations which i am pretty shitty at especially when it comes to any state that begins with m all right but i want to see how how you do oh boy oh yes the moment i've been waiting for okay greece oh that's easy no i'm sorry i shouldn't come in that's italy right no no croatia oh come on what the [ __ ] you are to croatia twice it was one of those places near the water you know slovenia is like right near croatia even on the map yeah there we go yeah very good decent about that uh montenegro oh god i have no idea yeah i get lost in this area a lot macedonia i'm just gonna go i'm just investing in the future that's what i'm doing right now okay hey i was in the red area yeah of course vatican city state i know that's ah [Music] oh yeah i'm listening where is it where is poland i think so that's like asia okay wait did you really click that do you really not know where poland is [Laughter] you were seriously clicked on russia no it just highlighted i clicked oh that what the [ __ ] that little part is part of russia yeah it's his what oh my god okay see i got everything see i was like i feel like it's around here wait come on how could you you're you're coming here in april what the [ __ ] i know you you don't even know where you're going i mean it's a good thing we played this game because now i do switzerland oh yeah okay no think think uh think logically like where could possibly switzerland be when it comes to landscapes and stuff like that [Music] i imagine okay you're giving me a hint oh god no no no okay never mind forget i ever said anything yes see i really didn't think of switzerland as being close to italy right but it has it has mountains and stuff well this could all be mountains look at all this north macedonia wasn't that macedonia oh yeah good job then where the [ __ ] is south macedonia is that south macedonia is that an invalid question no lithuania is like right around god damn it way okay all right i'll just tell you if it's a neighbor to poland okay this one is okay oh this one is yeah thank you oh no isn't it small ah it's pretty big this one is also um yeah you know that no i mean isn't that no i already clicked on it oh see that's what i was thinking of it's all these these [ __ ] what what about them they're beautiful countries what the [ __ ] they are beautiful well that's where see mentally that's where i grew up switzerland that's why i was up there i was like oh you know it's like um it seems like it should be over here right [Music] [ __ ] i would love to go there it's super tiny yeah there you go uh lichtenstein i mean i would think don't click on germany please just don't click on germany what about no i mean it's his small no it's already highlighted it's already where is ireland come on oh god i mean i know it's here oh god okay wait wait where is uk where is uk uk is over oh wait i see thank you because finland is also that one of those cold yeah right so okay okay yeah yeah iceland seems similar or is it just literally yeah it's a good job man thank you france is me i should really know where france is okay and then it was this one or that one okay yeah good job wow thanks is right right now [ __ ] which one was it oh god damn it oh good job wow bulgaria germany oh [ __ ] dude suddenly you're pretty good at it [ __ ] god damn it which one was it so close croatia yeah luxembourg finally there and then estonia i already clicked on it yeah but not here okay now belgium and dora i keep just like not memorizing these places at all i'm just like yeah i know i know okay sweden come on yeah i was like what habits i clicked on yet uh tiny it's kind of hidden on this map you might have not even noticed it ow i mean that's part of sweden no you were there a second ago no what the hell how would i not have noticed it where the [ __ ] it's yeah um the word i'm just gonna click on the ones that i i have oh i told you you were there and then sweden yeah half almost 50 percent i am so proud of you baby i'm actually pretty okay with that too oh that's not too bad you know what the moment i leave my job i'm gonna forget all of this so it doesn't matter
Channel: gamefrens
Views: 4,452,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M6N-HMCoB88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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