Can British Guess European Languages (Hungary, Serbia, Georgia, Poland, France, Swedin, Germany)

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and the hardest one is coming hi that's good sorry hello [Music] everyone I'm Lauren from the UK and I am back today to do some guessing will I do as well as I did last time probably not but I will try my best who knows we will find out [Music] nap time oh my gosh everyone's coming in at one time that's so confusing okay it's not intimidating at all this is actually so creepy when I can't see anything hello can you please introduce yourself to me is yeah okay cool nice to meet you okay um yep I have no idea uh what's the most famous food in your country boys um [Music] again is that yes all flipping egg well that's just a bit mean isn't it okay sorry how do you say Yes again again uh can you count from one to five please oh my God I wasn't expecting that sorry oh that's throwing me off oops what your counting's kind of different okay I originally thought it was a Slavic language but now the numbers the numbers sound kind of mosque and the name is now I'm really confused um can you describe where your country is located [Music] um okay am I allowed to ask neighboring countries or no eating okay okay I've genuinely got no idea what's going on right now oh my gosh this is so difficult She's So Mean like she doesn't say yes or no [Music] uh I think I'm just gonna guess lap [Music] do I not get to know that answer until later oh that's even Mina okay yeah yeah that's fine hello please introduce yourself to me hello tell me about your country like what's the best thing in your country um what's the most famous thing like from your country okay what's the best dish best food from your country someone's hungry foreign can you count from one to five please so we've got some syllabic numbers and it's Hugo Easter which doesn't really make it any easier is your country famous for alcohol is okay yes some kind of alcohol so you said Nikola Tesla right yeah I know where Nikola Tesla's from is it Serbia perhaps I think oh yeah already wasn't ready give me two seconds to breathe okay hello oh yeah this is a difficult one you whoa not you tonight okay nice to meet you why do you talk so fast sorry sorry okay describe where your country is located [Music] sorry yeah carry on okay so does it neighbor Azerbaijan okay what like in your Eurasia area okay key is that yes okay oh those countries are really difficult your country would it would be it would be on like Eurovision right okay okay that doesn't really narrow it down but I mean even Australia's in Europe that's true okay can you count from one to five please oh that's a little bit of flavor on there oh I like that okay scratch that okay how many colors are in your flag Audi Audi is that two okay okay most of those over that side have at least three colors except for one country oh my God [Music] wait no because this flag is kind of similar to my flag a little bit tiny bits similar right to the England flag it's a bit similar no key okay I know I know I know I know okay Georgia right because it's like similar to England flag okay okay oh cute okay the most famous thing from your country nothing person um okay that was not what I was expecting said the person I was thinking did how many people did you just say you didn't just did you tell them to be really mean to me today or is this by choice this one's a bit hard okay can you count from one to five yeah okay I know this one Poland hello hello feed my dog okay can you count from one to five please okay I think okay okay okay okay this is this is probably a Scandinavian country sorry but can you say I love you uh yeah let's get in yeah let's get that okay can I ask the colors on the flag um that sounds very much like blue and gold possibly hmm so then that makes it kind of easy then just lastly tell me like the most famous brand or company from your from your country America Ikea okay then it's Sweden [Music] hey come on I wanted to do the English accent but I fell from the start that's okay anyways still like introduce your country to me she's going far back yeah can you guess yeah I studied French for like 15 years so uh if you understood yeah yeah then it's from um our lovely Neighbors [Music] and the hardest one is coming hi what's good sorry hi hi [Music] boy okay yeah lovely hello you're so mean okay okay nice to meet you yeah yeah [Music] oh okay can you please count from one to five she had no I don't want to count right she said no and her life she's so fast now I know what it is because she's being she's trying to trick me so it's easy uh okay now I know because it has to be one that I probably would get easily which means she thinks it's something I studied but I never studied this language actually [Music] what's the most famous thing from your country this is okay I don't understand this language but is your country very famous for cars yeah okay so then it's gonna be Germany I guess German I never studied it so I genuinely had no idea is it fished oh well that was a bit easy no I'm kidding [Music] at least maybe five I don't think I got all of them the first one was ridiculously difficult no offense oh that is bright [Music] I was so close hi I'm from Hungary oh uh I was so wrong okay no but I was actually a douchebag I I really was a douchebag like for example I couldn't say the most famous thing I just said something that I know surprisingly many people knows like famous food because it would be guyash and I'm if I say guia she's like blush okay is that I'm like I I just can't I'm sorry so I'm gonna say something that just you know people very well know okay no not at all it was tough it was very difficult you gave me a very difficult one to start with but then after that very difficult hello cheeky cheeky um yeah very I study French for way too long that was yeah that was fine but like German threw me off at the star I was like what is this yeah because she said Azerbaijan and I was like oh I was getting nice though compared to other girls I was trying to do some hints are you are you suggesting something okay so today I tried to guess these European languages if you like the video please like And subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 173,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R7ViRmvmwuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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