Can An Italian Understand Brazilian Sao Paulo Accent?

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hello Noble ones and welcome to matatons Academy today we've got the second episode dedicated to the Portuguese language mind you a language I'm finding more and more fascinating by the day today we are going to focus specifically on the Brazilian variety of Portuguese but something that is important to say and underline is the fact that Brazil is a country with a lot of different accents and that's why today we're mostly going to focus on the accent in Sao Paulo but then we will also have a look at what some differences might be between the Sao Paulo accent and the karaoke accent but the way I understand is that it's the accent connected to Rio De Janeiro so I've already made a video where I try to understand people from Portugal and people from Brazil but I think it was mostly karaoke accent at the time and I had no idea so today I just want to focus on Brazilian Portuguese I'll make a dedicated video to Lisbon or other cities in Portugal of course but I want to see if maybe with videos that have more of a of an educational Flair to them rather than just being a couple of kids playing video games I want to see if I can understand more and specifically want to focus on the accent in Brazil of course the one thing I notice when you look at it on the map actually the the so the city of Sao Paulo is west of Rio De Janeiro but they're not as distant as I thought they would be so the fact that the accents are so different is is fascinating to me although then again Brazil is a huge country so uh yeah probably they are quite distant actually okay scratch that but without further Ado let's just jump into it and then see how much an Italia with zero training in Portuguese can understand from Brazilian Portuguese let's go so on this video they are in the city of Sao Paulo and there is this girl I don't know if she speaks with a police accent I'm not trained so I don't know but she's interviewing people around Sao Paulo so I have to imagine that probably what we're going to hear now is specifically the police accent let me know let's go to the easy languages easy Brazilian Portuguese okay so she said hello oh people I would say that means and I'm starting to know this one thing already you see literally the more you listen Genji Genji now in Italian it's Gente I wonder if one of the reasons why last time I had so much trouble trying to understand spoken Portuguese but then I could read it is because maybe they pronounce their tea like a Chu if that's the case that would already help me a lot once I know something like that let's see also a Christina interesting so I'm understanding so I can't understand everything of course and again in Portuguese it's quite difficult for me to understand but I'm starting to at least understand a little bit she said something about herself she's and then she said suja I have no idea what that means but then she's talking about this special event I suppose let's see what he is there well in Italian I would say Verde jando something that has to do with green probably like nature let's see I love this oh my gosh the intonation is so beautiful of Brazilian Portuguese so uh she's saying that this is a word that we don't find or meet I think literally means because it sounds like in contrando in Italian on the dictionary I understood that one so definitely I'm not understanding everything it's still tough but it's I I probably understand more someone like this who is like teaching than like a couple of kids playing games so the last part I understood why she's going to ask people why green is important in Sao Paulo I didn't understand the first sentence though I have no idea what she said there okay foreign yes I think I was right so the t is pronounced like a CH because she says important and in Italian it's importante so I think a good mental mindset for an Italian is to think okay when there is a tea in Italian particularly I think at the end of words uh just a bit keep in mind that they're gonna pronounce it like a that already helps a lot um yeah of course they spoke about the green but I didn't understand much of that I'll be honest with you maybe if I listen to it like 10 times in slo-mo but let's continue let's see what else we can understand so because of the police song which I don't know what it is and she says oh we've got a lot of police on here and what is causing this poly song which I don't know what it is okay automobiles holy shall maybe if I have to imagine that it sounds like English then pollution but in it as an Italian I wouldn't have understood that if that's what it means but again he's saying cars of course inside the smoke or pollution it must be pollution it's just that in Italian we say inquina Mento so that one has nothing to do coming from English it's probably easier to understand that one but again put into a context I can kind of guess still difficult it still is a difficult language but it is definitely a little easier let's move to the second clip let's see how much we can understand there is a story that she does is accent so she's saying on this video we're going to Valar from Context I understand must be to speak that's something that I kind of guessed as well in the first video we made of this series in Italian it's parlare so exclusive in French but falari must be it must be to speak so in this video we're going to speak about the history of the city of Sao Paulo Elizabeth and I'm going to show you the historical sites or places in this city oh wow finally for the first time in my life I'm understanding some Portuguese Americas okay so she's saying that the city of Sao Paulo in uh did you say South America I don't know was initially inhabited by indigenous people she said something else at the beginning no idea what it was okay so now she's saying that the Portuguese have arrived have arrived in Brazil but then she said the date and it was kind of difficult for me to to recognize it was very very fast very and again it's the accent it's the way they pronounce things it's mostly I think consonant clusters because the vowels don't seem to be a problem for me if you say like in Italian we say brazile and you say Brazil but it's fine I don't recognize it even if you put a different vowel at the end it must be the consonants that's what's putting me off and I think so they it shouldn't be too difficult to readjust if you do some training okay so now she's talking about the Jesuits and founding the the monastery of course everything else lost completely let's listen a little more and then I have a third video which is going to be really interesting you wanna you don't want to miss that one is that date I only caught the last 54. I didn't get the the of course you must have said something like meal meal because we say meal then I lost it then 54. so I in Italian I'm having more problems understanding the hundred part very interesting I like to see how they say it exactly how about we jump it's very interesting this is fascinating let's jump on to the third video You're gonna love it so this is a video where we have a speaker from Sao Paulo and a speaker from Rio de Janeiro so we're going to hear the police accent and the karaoke accent let's see if I can tell the difference I might not let's let's try it [Music] so already I'm noticing that the Paulista accent she seems to switch between a erotic version rhotic version so she's rolling the r like I would and then she's not so maybe in that accent you have both varieties that's how I'm understanding it instead in the karaoke activity seems like she's not rolling her ass she's doing more of a like a a maybe is it a uvula sound possibly let's listen to it a bit more there was a difference in the vowel as well but I couldn't really tell it pastel [Music] sale second difference that I'm noticing is that in the Paulie stacks and the S seems to be a frontal s when it's in the middle of a word like an English Sun instead in the karaoke accent for what I can see here it's more of a sh pastel which it's interesting because that's what happens in some dialects in Italy in the South only a few dinots do that I don't my S is a frontals in the majority of cases but some people do very interesting [Music] so I'm noticing in the Brazilian variety that these pronounced like a j so together with the T pronounced like a CH if I was right I'm already identified two of the major problems as an Italian when it comes to recognizing so pasta which is like toothpaste yes we would say pasta din tifricha in Italian although usually you just call it dentifrito yep she's doing instead of fascinating [Music] foreign so not only there is a difference in the vowel quality the Paulista seems to say Uvas with a instead the what I'm noticing I could be wrong but what I'm noticing in the in the Rio de Janeiro accent she is saying uveish so the the vowel is different I probably butchered it but the vowel is as a little longer it has a different qualitative feel to it and the S is a retracted s because she pronounced it like a instead of us Martin Dennis Danish yeah this actually uh clears it completely for me look at the way the first Speaker said tennis and the second said Danish the second one has the same s that you have in in Spain Spanish specifically castillian and in Greek it's the retracted s most likely that's how the S was pronounced by the way in classical Latin 2. that's why when I speak Aladdin in classical variety I use the retracted X even though my natural s is a frontals I do switch into a s which is a sound in between it basically if you study Mandarin Chinese as the X like I do switch into that when I say for example nostrils nostrils nostrish nostrish instead of nostris which I would use in an ecclesiastical pronunciation okay so um fascinating stuff if you are from Brazil and I misunderstood something both from the pronunciation standpoint and from this analysis that I did uh or maybe any of the things that I translated feel free to let me know if I said anything incorrectly of course I apologize for it I'm not I don't know anything about Portuguese from coming into this from a blank slate if you liked this I can of course keep on making these and maybe have another one dedicated entirely onto either the karaoke accent or the police accent and going even deeper into this whole discussion as always let me know in the comments and thank you for joining metatronics Academy
Channel: Metatron's Academy
Views: 55,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portuguese, spanish, italian, french, romance languages, understand, comprehend, test, practice, teacher, teach, languages, fun, funny, interesting, i tried, did it, wonderful, real, accurate, translation, portugal, brazil, words, similar, pronunciation, grammar, great, wow, can't beleive it, shocked, sao paulo, carioca, accents, variation, more, educational, content, italy
Id: wXs10miP0eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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