Giving Harvard Students $1,000 If They Can Answer THIS Question

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
john adams straight cash homie yeah yes sir that's what we do what up guys welcome back to big dash tv today i'm at harvard university i got about ten thousand dollars to give away and we're gonna see if harvard students are smarter than a fifth grader you go to harvard yes i think you can answer five trivia questions right for a thousand dollars time for this they do this like every few weeks i'm so sorry you don't want to win no i'm good well the people are nice here you got to answer five trivia questions correctly if you do you get a thousand bucks okay let's go is it like a one-stop shop if you if you get one wrong you're done and i get your scooter oh damn i hate this all right let's do it please ask me easy ones all right five questions here we go what does www stand for [Music] um man i know this what do you think about it [Music] wrestler [Music] what www like [Music] what does it stand for like oh my god no oh okay wrestler world no that wouldn't make sense i don't know i don't know wrestler warrior that doesn't make sense either world wide web internet oh my god that's so embarrassing world wide web oh my god man how do i forget bro i knew it was like a website thing but i didn't ever know what it stood for oh well i wanted this for you i wanted it for me too okay now give me your scooter [Music] what does www stand for where do i wet boom that's a hard one is it uh world wide web world wide web world wide web boom wait how many more questions are there four four oh okay i know worldwide net what is the largest u.s state by size by like population or size by size um there are three options here there's alaska texas or california oh god either texas or california um it's either california or texas i think it's california it's alaska oh wow i did not guess that at all it's texas alaska no i knew that texas alaska no way okay okay that's fair i am going to go with texas it's alaska oh what is the largest state by size alaska um alaska alaska alaska what is the largest u.s state by size texas it's alaska you're right what else what else do i say that is true that is true what is your body's largest organ my body's largest organ i took bio once uh the largest organ is definitely thinking [Music] what is the body's largest organ your stomach is the skin like largest is in length the intestine yeah the small intestine skin the skin oh my goodness are you serious yeah what is your body's largest organ uh your skin yes skin skin wait it's not even it's a skin yes okay three more three more all right who was the first u.s president to live in the white house oh man let's see i'm so bad at presents like i'm notoriously horrible at this ah first president to live in the white house oh that's a good question i i don't even know when it was constructed unfortunately um yeah we're gonna go we're just gonna there's no way we're gonna go wilson john adams john not really that early i don't know why okay because john adams was around then i legitimately have no way of designing this yeah george washington you said his name it was john adams oh john adams that was my second guess shoot dang it who was the first president to live in the white house was it adam adams john adams yes damn he's good what was the first u.s state massachusetts i would say massachusetts that's where you are right now yes sir virginia delaware dang it what was the first u.s state u.s delaware it's on the east coast it's oh geez uh delaware right correct oh my god okay two more questions okay okay i'm ready i'm ready what is the loudest animal in the world loud they make the loudest noise sorry i don't know yeah loudest animal on earth um it's not the lion lion roar is really loud but is it the loudest like a sea animal a squeal a dolphin i don't think this is rifle like a lion fire it the sperm whale ah i was gonna say all right fire ant i i i know there's like some ant that makes like a really loud noise yeah i didn't know that's the lantern pick that up lion or elephant elephant can make a pretty loud noise too the loudest animal in the world do i get any hints let's go with elephant incorrect um lion sperm whale the sperm whale what is the largest bone in your body the largest one i want to say it's like hard to explain the like pelvis like the hip one or like it is the femur oh my god oh god no way [Music] oh shoot i'm gonna lose this one i'm just gonna say like tibia is it like the gluteus like it's like i don't believe maximus on on some folks it is but it is the femur oh shoot okay what is the largest bone in the human body [Music] femur yes oh the body's largest bone uh the femur right yes okay no no no wait wait is it one more okay okay okay okay give me a sec okay i'm good i'm good oh my god last question right here you get this right you get a thousand dollars all right ready how bad do you want this pretty bad i'm gonna ask you one question if you get it right you get a thousand dollars in cash [Music] okay let's do it for a thousand dollars what is your body's largest organ this is easy um it's your skin boom baby let's go no way are you serious no way a thousand dollars actually no way no way no way no way no way thank you no way no way oh my [Music] [Music] like subscribe comment comment your favorite uh uh harvard major yeah when i need a job in 10 years one of these guys got you i got you i got you all day appreciate it thank you you get this question right you get a thousand dollars okay a wonderful wonderful one what is the loudest animal in the world the loudest animal in the world a whale what kind of will what blue sperm will oh my goodness oh that hurts man you're so close hey that was impressive that was impressive thank you for a thousand dollars one question which u.s president was the first president to ever live in the white house [Music] yeah yes sir that's what we do [Music] congratulations [Music] [Applause] what is the largest u.s state by size what is the largest u.s state price so that's not populations in terms of area right in terms of size alaska oh is alaska bigger than let me think about it you said the lo what is the largest u.s state my size you [Music] dude coming to the yard bro bro what a thousand dollars i'm gonna call my pet this is life oh thank you so much yes you're welcome thank you thank you oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna put this in my bank because i can't be holding this around campus not gonna lie we're in a city nothing happened if you get this question correct you get a thousand dollars what was the first u.s state was it virginia delaware oh i'm not gonna get that i was not gonna get that hey nice try man hey you did good man you did good what was the first u.s state was it delaware boom let's go congratulations you lost oh my god thank you so much can i give you a hug [Music] thank you congratulations thank you so much you have a great day what's your youtube channel big tv okay i will watch all right thousand dollar question right here you get it right this is yours all right let's do it you gotta pay taxes on i think i do actually i think i have to report this but the irs is watching all right for the irs i just i will be filing this on my tax reports this will be filed if i win this money what is the largest bone in the human body um the femur boom baby thank you appreciate it wow that was awesome thank you guys [Music] i will i will i will be letting the irs know about this though okay yeah they are watching i'm letting them know i will be reporting this thank you he's back he's back the loudest animal in the world a blue whale he pulled it up on you is it it says it on on google look at this look at this hey did you just type this article and publish it you see that on the internet it says the loudest animal in the world is the blue whale so what does this mean that means you want a thousand dollars man thank you yes sir yo hey star is the one that gave me no comment congratulations man i'm glad that you got it right because i was wanting you to win you're breezing through those we stand corrected he pulled it up on the internet you sure you didn't publish that right now good man that's not my fault you're the one that gave me these questions that is not my fault you're fired [Music] you
Channel: BigDawsTv
Views: 2,202,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIGDAWSTV, DONATING, PRANK, GIVE AWAY, VIRAL REACTION, FUNNY, COMEDY, BE KIND, GIVING AWAY PS5, mr beast, Mr Beast, Playstation 5, Trivia, xbox, 1k, harvard, university, boston, Answer This Question For $1000 Harvard Edition, are you smarter than a 5h grader
Id: CESBOTf5vmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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