AMELIA REPORTING AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES | Andrew Garfield, Anya Taylor-Joy, Letitia Wright

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who's this hi Hi how are you you might we must stop meeting like this I only ever want to see you what I don't know I was gonna invite you to my birthday party if you have a sun sign that's the same as the moon sign of someone else it's not good no it's good oh it's good well it's an issue well because I don't I don't think we should explore this okay well I'm not even asking to I know but I'm just like stay tuned that's what I'm saying I'm scared of what it could turn into okay I'm not ready for that too much I'm not ready for it oh okay well I am wait Daisy yes so good to see you I use the principles if you could give me any dating advice what would it be because I'm looking for love here tonight as well tonight okay have you heard the term drop in no do you want me to do yeah please okay so you laugh to yourself like oh wait should I laugh wait wait look at me hello did you see I dropped in this is why it's not working do it again wait I can't do it three times mine went a lot no you're meant to fall in love with me I was already in love with you that's why it didn't work okay so what was it like filming the menu I was so shocked by that song we had the best time we all get along so well as friends but also to witness everybody being able to perform in that way was so great and what was it like working when it says hold such a ball like honestly the main problem was not laughing consistently because that man makes me laugh so hard I'm actually here also looking for love and I wanted to know if you have any dating advice for me yourself first everybody's lucky to have you here amazing wow what have we here it's you it's me it's in you as well your dress is stunning thank you so much you look really hot oh it's crazy thank you I'm gold for the Golden Globes I love that so I absolutely love the bear it's devoured it are you a good cook in real life I think I can make a few dishes what's your go-to I don't know what do you what do you want chicken nuggets I love the gloves so it just makes the gloves they're well they're good and I sort of heard about what you were doing I thought we should match something like that yeah I mean I might need to take those off for you to put with my gown you look golden I love this outfit thank you I am golden for the Golden Globes so tell me how is filming Top Gun uh it was wild it was crazy it was insane it was amazing I can go on and on with positive adjectives is it true that you actually flew in you know it's funny because a lot of people are still trying to figure out if we were really flying or not and I'm like no we really were but I guess it's hard with CGI nowadays to really tell it's getting so good to tell that like what's real and fake but we really did it I got cute bags of food oh my God delicious you're nominated tonight congratulations thank you very much you have definitely helped a religious character like ask a serious question you seem to have an affinity to playing oh sorry we're just in the middle of an interview go ahead go ahead you bastards please I know you have an affinity to playing religious characters I feel like you're always playing a religious man not a question why you'll be here tonight what does it mean to you to be at the Golden Globes nervous if you're nervous you should rub my lucky egg I've got a lucky egg in Britain we say if you could be a lucky egg it's a good thing so if you rub the lucky egg and maybe you'll have some good luck for tonight yes exactly why Pinocchio like what does today go mean to you and why was that story something that you wanted to tell well the important thing in times like this is about truth and life and obedience or Disobedience and disobedience is so needed in times like this were you a mischievous child when you were younger I was very weird I don't know that I misbehaved but I was weird well good luck and thank you again bye egg I'm sorry that I threw you on the ground it happens it's your business hello yeah I'm great how are you you look amazing in gold I will tell you exactly be completely aware of where you are and what you hear from somebody else so listen it's the beginning and the end of acting who are you looking forward to meeting tonight what's into it oh uh well I have to meet the young lady who stars in Wednesday yes for my granddaughter okay do you know the dance I know the dance have you done the dance it starts like this yeah yeah and then it's like this and then then there's this and then it's like this and then your head and then it's like this yeah that was Wednesday and uh uh Thursday and Friday well I love our look don't take Cabana head to toe head to toe second I got the cutest date out of everybody here Jody dating advice for me I do first of all if you see something say something thank you I need to stop doing that I don't I don't know anyone I need to just put myself out there there you go because you're cute as a button you have two nominations thank you more than anyone that's crazy that's amazing thank you tell me a bit about your how you get into accents because you are phenomenal out there like do you have a treat you have someone you work with like yeah so I have a dialect coach um that I've been working with for years her name is Barbara Rubin and then you know obviously season throughout the seasons then I really got the accent down and then and then I worked with her on Delby as well um and that was really tricky because I don't know what accent that I really I still don't know what accent is yeah please tell us I mean it was it was a it was a mixture she's internet she's International right she's International exactly so what does it mean to you to be here tonight at the Golden Globes oh look I think you're so great is what is being shown back on Mondays and movies because for a long time we couldn't all get together not just the reward shows but in cinemas so it's a symbol we're able to come together again is there anyone you would love to work with in terms of a musicians that you haven't yet I love to be working some of the new up and coming that's what I really I'm looking forward to doing and I actually have a lucky egg which I'm getting everyone to rub for good luck oh I love a lucky year a lucky egg so please rub it for good luck can I can I rub it on my Lucky Cricket oh and even better actually even better did you have any tips to like do a great job when you're a award show yeah go to the bathroom before um have a great publicist that will fix your dress and bring a great friend with you is there anything that you miss about the UK when you're in Hollywood the connectivity of the underground favorite tube line come on Victoria really yeah yeah I was gonna say bakaloo baker Lou oh I'm sorry oh oh no oh I want you a little treat a penguin come on this is home yeah will you tell me the joke what's a penguin's favorite dog uh a snow freeze a golden freeze what does that say Bichon frize a regional freeze not a funny joke yeah sorry at least it tastes good yeah we'll open this up I'm hungry go on yeah no they don't feed us in there I love that I learned so much what was it like filming in Sydney was it very challenging to film in a five-star hotel I hated to see that job though I really loved it yeah is wonderful what's the trick to a long career in Hollywood like I mean blah blah you know talent and all that you gotta have some luck and I'm lucky I mean the mood for some life advice dress nicely is anyone you're excited to meet tonight I'm excited to meet Viola Davis because she's sitting at my table and I I don't want to like Fanboy out but I'm just like I'm gonna sit at the table I'm Gonna Be Ready to look cool what are you gonna say I don't know if I'm gonna say much because I'm just going to be probably awkwardly not trying to make it obvious that I am a obsessed okay yeah anyone said the word of says but then he said it for me so that's right I'll practice it there yeah I just go to the table no no maybe just say hey like okay like hey hey okay here we go ready I got to the table okay I think we're a lost cause here but good luck to you thank you it didn't work out oh actually do you want to rub my lucky egg okay yeah it's for good luck oh yeah you just rub it it's a good luck so I think that's gonna work that is going to work yeah it's expensive goodbye how are you doing how are you feeling yeah I'm all right I'm all right yourself yeah it's my first Golden Bird oh cool fun welcome hello thank you so much yeah is the monkey here tonight a crystal is presenting I believe wow I thought that would be the case I think so I thought that would be the case I thought of course yeah a presenter yeah and they're fine with carrying the awards I think she'll just come out and read the prompter hand off the award you know do her thing what was it like working with silver oh it's great I mean I look guys Steven asked me to play his father it's gonna take me a few years to still fully process that digest that yeah well good luck and hope you have a great night Crystal doing their presenting duties yes I hope you won't be disappointed when she doesn't show up what what favorite food [Applause] you say my least favorite food yeah usually favorite my show is someone more important the summer is on it yeah ab's on the way yeah AB is coming in I better bow can I get autograph wait this feels like a trip I'm not gonna read what it says my best friend okay bye see ya see you see you the next carpet bye you're great you're great
Channel: Amelia Dimoldenberg
Views: 1,965,882
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Id: gII8wf_gQk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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