Does the 5800X3D beat the 5800X or 3900X in iRacing?

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Hi there, Daniel here.

I had a few frame drops on iRacing despite upgrading to an RTX 3070 Ti lately. Since I didnโ€™t think that the GPU would be the bottleneck of my system I was rather looking at my CPU, the Ryzen 9 3900X at the time. I decided to upgrade that to check some results and ordered the Ryzen 7 5800X, but made a last second decision to also give the Ryzen 5800X3D a test. There are a lot of reviews of those chips out in the wild, but nearly none focus on iRacing, which was my main pain. Since I was already benchmarking all 3 for myself I thought I might share my results here - and they are remarkable.

In case you donโ€™t watch the video I also created a Medium Post where I also show all graphs used in the video here:

Overall the Ryzen 7 5800X3D is more than 60% faster than the 5800X, which is nuts to me. I am glad I ordered both CPUs at the same time, since I wouldโ€™ve gone for the 5800X otherwise.

Compared to my old Ryzen 9 3900X the 3D is even 123% faster on average, so my frames went from 85 to 191 on average.

I spent a good time collecting all these benchmarks, so it would be great if the mods could keep this post up and running :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/karreerose ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I upgraded from a 3800x to a 5800x3D and saw similar improvements. Because iRacing is so reliant on on the cpu, it had major gains.

I don't want to self promote but for specific number improvements here is a link to the video I made testing iRacing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheBenCrazy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Very thorough. Incidentally I just upgraded from 5600x to 5800X3D and saw like 2FPS gain in pits at Sebring (~87fps). Guessing thatโ€™s entirely shader GPU-bound

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CAPSLOCKCHAMP ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have a rtx 3070 ti with a 2600x and was planning on upgrading to a 5800x3d later this month and this definitely gives me confidence in the performance boost! Thanks for the video!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Otacon1847 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hi! Thanks for this! I have a 3600 and 5700xt on triple 1440p which is doing fine, but was thinking about the 5800x3d.

Is there a reason you use FRS balanced instead of ultra?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mayitoro ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Shared with our discord. Nice work

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Adrian-The-Great ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thanks for the benchmarks. Currently on a 3600X and was thinking about the 5800X3D because I heard it should be better.

Now with specific benchmarks in iRacing iโ€™ll definitely upgrade. Iโ€™m on a 3070Ti as well and was a bit sad about the rather marginal improvements coming from a 1070

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SyntaxDE ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow, so I should upgrade my 3700X. I'm on AM4 so planned to do the 5800X3D eventually as the final iteration of this computer but I might have to pull that ahead. It should help a ton with my 3080 TI in VR on a Reverb G2.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Goallie11 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so I've had some frame drops and eye racing recently despite upgrading to RTX 3070 TI lately since I didn't think the GPU would be the bottleneck of my system uh I thought I was looking at the CPU which was the ryzen 9 3900x at the time I decided to upgrade that to check some results and ordered the ryzen 7 5800x but made a last second decision to also give the ryzen 5800 X 3D a test there are a lot of previews out on those chips in the wild but none really focus on eye racing which was my main pain since I was already benchmarking all three of them myself I thought I might share the results here and they are remarkable [Applause] so before I get started I'm getting really Technical and very much into detail here so if you just want The quick summary I have created chapters for this video and you can skip to the final results there before you ask me why I didn't compare it to the new 7000 chips I wanted to keep my main board in Ram and keep the cost of upgrade as low as possible after all these 5000 series chips of the last generation it was made for amd's aim for socket and I'm sure many of you have the same thoughts so let's look at the CPU spec sheets at first on paper these CPUs look very similar and the 5800x looks even worse than the 3900x less cores less level three cash and a slightly better Max boost clock the 3D variant looks even more confusing since it has less space clock speed and Max boost clock although it has a vastly higher level 3 cache which AMD calls 3D V cache vel3 cache is necessary for the course to speak to each other and it is way faster than DDR memory so think of it as having Post-its directly on your desk compared to having them in your drawer where you need to open it each time you want to write something however the CPUs are also part of a newer generation which enables them to do more calculations per cycle therefore having more computational power at the same clock speeds as the older 3000 Series AMD claims that this equals to about 20 so I was kind of expecting this Boost from the 5800x I want to get into more detail for the multi-threading since I don't think that everyone knows how this works for Pure multi-threaded applications like rendering 3D stuff with blender exporting photos with Lightroom or even exporting a movie both newer CPUs with less cores are in a clear disadvantage like benchmarks from other creators show for games though it's a bit tougher while the 3900x has 50 more cores than the others this is not a pure advantage only a handful of games can scale very well to more than 8 CPUs and since those CPUs are not that common in gaming PCs yet developers rarely spend any time optimizing for this you could imagine it being kind of like this although this will be a very simplified example two cores will do the main math for the physics of your car like Tire temperatures tree forces Springs and dampeners force feedback damage implications setup values whatever to further course we'll calculate the opponents while I don't think that irasing sends all the data like Tire temperatures to your PC it will send the position and the speed of other cars as well as some basic information on g-forces so that the other cars can bump on the roads and have their chassis react to that then you have things like time calculation for lap times splits Etc as well as communication between you and the server and then there is also all that background stuff like Windows itself possibly crew chief race lab apps Spotify playing in the background your chat applications what not in addition to more work for developers a bigger amount of cores also leads to mass Max boost in general while the 3900x claims to have pretty much the same Max boost as the 5800x this only applies if a single core is being used if you need the full power from four cores the CPU has to manage its power consumption and will not clock four of the 12 cores to its Max you gotta remember that all three tested CPUs have the same claimed power consumption and therefore a thermal output which is important for your cooler because your cooler needs to be configured for that thermal output so the CPUs can stay cool and 12 cores at Max Speed would be a lot hotter than 8 cores at Max Speed of the old overclock to the max speaking of overclocking I generally don't do overclocking so these results are base settings so why not just take the 5800x 3D anyways it's the newer CPU it is excellent in some benchmarks so why didn't I just take that it turns out that the 3D variant is not always faster while the 5800x consistently beats the 3900x the 3D sometimes loses to its cheaper and older sibling so Linus Tech tips has tested them and in f121 the 3D is actually 30 faster than the non-3d variant but for CS go the 3D is actually two percent slower of course this is not a lot but why would I spend more money on something that might be slower added all these tests in a real world scenario so I kept all the applications that I would normally use open although some on the background I also fully closed arrays in between All Those runs so you have a similar setting as you would change between races the apps that I have running include eye racing obviously crew chief trading paints although the AI that I used wouldn't use any custom textures anyways race lab apps with three overlays open the relative window the standings and the fuel calculator I also used irising config which is a small tool that enables me to switch between the graphic settings really really fast I also used cab frame X to record all these benchmarks I also used other applications in the background like one password glass wire Malwarebytes and right Vanguard which is known to cause some FPS problems but I wouldn't close it anytime I open up eye racing so this stays open the other is system specs are as following a gigabyte aors b550m 48 gigabytes of ddr4 memory at 3200 megahertz and Nvidia RTX 3070 TI the CSL DD wheel with Club Sport with three pedals and three screens that are kind of in a wonky configuration so the middle one is 1080p with 144 Hertz and the side monitors are 1080p with 60 hertz I know that the optimum solution would be to use 144hz displace on all three screens but I have the 60hz ones lying around and I didn't want to spend any extra money so in total the machine is pretty good but it's not like top of the line for other creators or something like that for the testing itself I did try to make these scenarios realistic and equal as possible since replays and eye racing do not stress the system in the same way as life racing I tried to mimic online races and went for AI races with 30 AI drivers I was sitting in a Ferrari GT3 while the other cars were random GT3 cars as far as I know the AI is calculated on irasing service so this wouldn't cause any more address on my end compared to online races for the main test I did three times three laps at spa in the first testing segment with standing starts to make the tests as equal as possible so that the field is kind of the same then I did the same again although one time each for the higher and lower graphical settings which I will get into detail later then I also did six minutes in each graphic setting at Long Beach to verify that it's not just one map although the results were comparable so I was expecting about 20 more from the 5800x and about 35 percent more for the 3D variant but boy was I wrong so let's hop to the other setting [Applause] all right so we're finally ready for the results and they were quite amazing even in high graphic settings where I thought that the GPU would be the only bottleneck but um since the GPU always has to wait for the CPU in order to render you still get some improvements there which is quite amazing uh so what we're looking at here right now are my kind of default settings uh the settings that I used to play in the past and still am so we have the the default resolution for the follow this place but we have the FSR at balanced these cars cars and pit objects are a medium detail the rest is on pretty much on low detail particles in full detail I didn't limit the frame rate of course in order to make the benchmarks worthwhile and I had four times ntlazing on top of that so I was kind of expecting 20 more for the 5800x and 35 percent more for the 5800x 3D there are a lot of numbers coming up right now but don't worry I'm gonna walk you through them so I have kind of three categories I wanted to have all the three Labs including including the start uh then only look at the starting lab and then Labs two and three the reason for that is that most people will experience the biggest lags at the start since all the cars are packed together and on top of that since I have a standing start there are also lots of things like Tire smoke Etc coming up so in the first round I wanted to make sure that the results are kind of equal since the whole pack will be very tightly together whereas in Labs two and three the field already begins to stretch and then the results are kind of hard to mimic across the board so actually the P lap one results are pretty interesting and as a reminder I did three races with three laps so I have 1080 seconds worth of benchmarks which are close to three rounds at spa and I always wanted to start the recording of the benchmarks on the red lights uh hit and then I would reset them for each lap at the start at the finish line if we now look at the average frame values from the 3900x and the 5800x you can see that the newer chip with less cores is always an advantage giving it about 16 more frame rates I was kind of expecting more but that's what I got and then I looked at the numbers of the 3D it's just no competition at this point the 5800 X 3D almost doubles the numbers of the 3900x so this is this is just an insane jump uh also the CPU from the same generation looks really low in numbers here if we look at the one percentage lows so the lowest one percent of frames also known as dips the results are similar although the 5800x looks even worse here so the advantage is even lower the 3D proves that the lows are not only cost but the CPU having troubles with smoke and whatnot but also that the CPU can make a huge difference so you even see a lot of boost in the first lap even more so and then in Labs two and three at this point the story basically repeats 40.2 percent lows which equals to about 21 seconds of the 18 minutes of testing for each CPU so like once every minute at first so let's jump to the next test which is the higher settings so you can see immediately that I have everything turned up to high detail I also added cockpit mirrors a maximum of three and I enabled these soft particles the US is pretty much still the same but the results are still pretty astonishing so now we get the better graphical settings and I expected less of a difference here since the work should be more on the GPU right well not really the 3D is for some reason even faster here which is amazing I should still mention that the total test data here is a lot less than with the version one since I only tested six minutes of Benchmark compared to the 18 minutes for the first version but you got to give me some slack here I don't have loads of time for this and I still think that the results are quite remarkable and then we're gonna jump to the version three which is basically the graphic details turned all the way down so I have lots of things even turned off completely I do not have cockpit mirrors I reduced the AAA samples to 2X so there's quite a lot of graphical stuff missing therefore this should be the the real test for the CPUs the real Drag Race So to say and this basically turned out to quite a slaughterhouse you can see the 3D is insanely fast it's 168 faster than my previous CPU and you can even see that the the 0.2 percent lows of the 3D are higher than the average values for the 3900x so the results are completely out of this world finally also the 5800x is flexing compared to the 3900x so you can see that the it is also 80 faster on average um at this start the difference is not that much but it's it's a pretty good upgrade so for the conclusion if we take an average of all my graphic settings and both Spa as well as Long Beach the 5800x provides a solid 37 increase in frames compared to my old 3900x while having the same clock speed basically this is more than I was expecting although the first rounds of tests were a bit underwhelming to say the least I am also glad that I gave the 5800x 3D test because boy this CPU is freaking fast I did not expect to double the frames while using the same GPU especially since the open hardware monitor or Windows activity manager never showed more than the 70 usage on a single core so I thought like it doesn't use the whole CPU perhaps the performance isn't limited by the CPU well here I am proven wrong so in conclusion if you don't want to upgrade to the am5 chipset yet and you're still running on am4 the 3D will boost your frames by a lot I think it's even worth upgrading from the 5800x since the values are so devastating now would be a good time to give me a thumbs up on this video it would help other people that are searching for these results a lot I would honestly avoid buying the 5800x if you can afford for the 3D variant and since you're a Sim racing I guess you do invest in your hobby anyways so make sure to get the best deal right away oh and by the way I'm not planning on doing videos like this in general but I will look at graphic settings and other programs like ir ffp and racelope apps and their influence on the FPS soon so if you have programs that I should Benchmark as well leave them down in the comments that's it for me I'm gonna go ahead and try to increase my rating once again since I kind of lost quite a bit of Mount Since switching from the ir4 to the gd3 cars so I need to do my best to catch that up thanks to you and goodbye
Channel: Daniel Winter Racing
Views: 17,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DseH5Ixp4f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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