Amazing Things You Have NEVER Seen Before

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oh man that's a good camera how close is it gonna go we venture into the world I forgot for our second where we were oh there's a whole entire face is made of dice my dussander they're like yeah I did that that was me this is what it looks like when a cat touches a plasma ball I bet that cat felt powerful planned friends it's me today we're gonna be checking out some amazing things you've probably never seen Slipknot rejected this dude's application to join their band he was so angry he decided to defy all laws of physics to walk on water specifically this public pool oh it's almost too perfect swim under him I dare you woo she did it and yet he keeps walking there's gotta be a glass table that looks invisible under there or something otherwise magic I like how everybody looking at him like oh you know just another days prize people gonna jump out start yelling witchcraft back in the day we just burned for this ah yes me peeling off my leggings after a hot sweaty day it's the skin casually shedding its snake wait what the skin casually shedding its snake a snake casually shedding its skin mmm nice and smooth that's what it feels like to come out of the shower with some freshly shaved legs good and nice who knew we had robotic bartenders oh this is how they do the commercials Wow you really couldn't have had human x' do this y'all made some very expensive robots to pour a drink okay but you see it has to pour in just the right angle very nice end result impressive it's on tick tock I found these people glue some glue sticks to a car with a dent and just yank it out watch this you just pop it right out be gone dents I can't believe this is real and then you just peel the glue off afterwards whoa wow I never seen such aesthetic water droplets they just push them off the hood of the car oh it's so satisfying it's like we sweep in water in only the right conditions ice can form on individual blades of grass Oh nature that's real cute this is what grassy quarantine looks like excuse me y'all gonna have to stay six centimeters away and my own little frozen bubble thing don't y'all miss the good old days when grass could actually touch each other this is the stalker geyser in Iceland so ever since the earthquake in 1789 this geyser has erupted every four to eight minutes dang has been erupting just before my great-great-great great-great grandmother was born before my family lineage even started this picture was taking a split second before our guys are erupted whoa eight out of ten would stick my hand in it possibly my head they just went to the lake pick this up anybody drop a heart specifically one cold as ice no it's just a rock and the water froze around it to make it look like a heart heart cold as ice and hardest stone oh that's mine give it here I'm just kidding I'm not that bad this is how a 3d pen works we wasted so much 3d ink trying to fix a rock okay but if I got a 3d pen that's probably what I would waste it on too Wow we've done sealed this broken Rock colored it in nice so here is a statue of a monk but it's not just any statue okay so there's actually a mummified monk inside of the statue my dude died mid yoga session once or Nirvana okay let's just make a statue out of this guy right here lo and behold when you put a light under him you can see all his bones this ain't no regular statue look at this shadow it looks like a person sitting on a chair right wrong this is what we call shadow are they basically did a bunch of junk put it together and somehow creates this lifelike statue some next-level mind Frank oh they did another one these two people just laying on each other's backs sipping that drain it's just old trash how do they make this out of trash it's wild Michael Jackson's ghost nope just rearranged garbage ever wondered what happens when you blow a bubble when it's super cold outside so she's just holding on to the bubble and then you could see it freeze in real time the bubble it's freezing oh no now it's deflating can handle the cold whoa I kind of like snowflakes whoo I also been real quiet since this video came out finally figured out her secret so that's how she does it okay but have you ever seen a sea starfish walk Patrick been doing it wrong his whole life they don't use the two bottom points of the star take out hundreds or thousands of little feet doing all the daily dirty work struggle to get from point A to point B saying no wonder they so lazy it's a whole entire struggle to move what tint officer look at this we're looking at some pop trees right no it's a reflection on the windows oh those bad boy looking clean look at this tint too dark but what's legal thirty percent since y'all got 110 percent might as well be a mirror when your car can do that outside mirror challenge through the rainbow island in Iran how you got a rainbow island we got brown and green hills here y'all got a rainbow so somebody is walking on the beach in this island look at the sand it's like a galaxy hold on how to take a chunk out with my feet proof to you presents us real and the water is just straight up around it we living in a whole entire painting whoa I was not expecting that butterfly to be so pretty oh it kind of looked like a moth on the outside let me bless your dirty hand real quick when she pretty on the inside they went fishing for a lobster and pulled out this witch football team does do belong to so half of in regular Lobster and the other half is blue and it's just like painted down the middle but he was born like yeah it is all natural baby do too fancy to eat just kidding there meets all the same color this is the ohashi bridge this has got to be the craziest bridge in the world and it's in Japan and look how steep it is you drive it uphill I gotta see the side of this tangle it's not that bad it's just very steep everybody that's going down this gotta have their foot it slammed on the brakes the whole time oh man imagine going on this late at night nobody's on the bridge I just go out super fast like you wanna see some real speed look it's the regular pen right and they keep zooming in oh man that's a good camera how close are gonna go are we going to go inside the path we are the Magic School Bus who miss Frizzle we literally going inside the pen so it feels like to learn about Adams in school okay we just keep going in even deeper we venture into the world I forgot for a second where we were how did we end up in space Oh are we on the moon now that was sitting in class staring at my pen a second ago escalated far too quickly fun trip oh then the whole entire face it's made of dice my deuce in the village yeah I did that that was me oh yeah replay just oh the last one whoa how many dice it took to make this and that's a lot of dice it's like tripping me out right now that somebody has acquired this much dice in their lifetime to create a piece this is what it looks like when a cat touches a plasma ball what kind of lights up and it looks like there's a laser shooting out of it I bet that cat felt powerful here's another frozen soap bubble so they froze and you can see in real time just freezing like it looks like a time-lapse but this is in real time like it just freezes when it's cold enough to just freeze instantly ever wonder what happens when you take hand sanitizer and slew a piece of receipt paper you got a hand sanitizer handprint you can see all the details joke's on you I got your fingerprint commenced identity theft they transferred the juice into two cups with a straw boy that without suckin just put it in whoa and this is gonna fill up until they are even when you split the rest of the orange juice with your siblings got a make sure it's the same I'm just kidding I'm the oldest so I get the most who did her name is Jennifer Joseph wait though this is a real person she posed for the Columbia Pictures logo sadly just made a logo like in Photoshop no the person she's real all right I'm not impressed I do this every time there is a spoon in my sink it doesn't look as nice but yeah that's what happened when you run water over a spoon so she has like a glass square over a grid and then when you move it oh that's pretty cool it's like you don't see these little squares but I think cuz it's more of a cube but it's not completely flat so I think that's where you get that cool effect from you know how humans have birthmarks animals due to this snake has a Hanna Baker shaped birthmark right here hey it's Hannah Anna Baker make sure do that was a cross-section view of what an aerial firework looks like wait so this is the thing that goes exploding up in the air I always wondered what the insides of those look like it's crazy how it actually looks like a mini fireworks like you got all the round designs it's so cute how the firework work but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below is one of these was the coolest if you guys enjoyed it should hit that like phone number make sure you turns out notifications today click and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,818,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, amazing, things, you've, never, seen, before, never seen before, unbelievable
Id: QQ0PrBbPG44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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