People With Unique Features On Tik Tok!

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hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some people on tick tock with some very unique features so this is straight this is not straight this is not straight at all bro what did he do he just like flipped it let's see my elbow go like this i could literally break my arm trying to do this this is like double jointed but this joint also this audio has potential oh no oh you can move after you do it you know when you take a can and just like she just crunched herself you must be this tall to eat free me okay girl run and get your free meal give me your worst roast me do y'all see what i see do you see it what is that ah why do i want to like pour some juice in it see if it'll stay make a little kiddie pool on the top of his head i'm trying to be respectful but i have so many questions don't even get me started on what it looked like i wanna touch it what does the inside look like does hair grow out of it does anything come out last time we saw this girl who had no belly button nothing there but she has two how greedy can you be she out here with none and she got two crazy how that happens like sorry i didn't mean to take two you know as a fetus i thought they were gonna be a little more useful so i grabbed two on my way out but then grew up and realized the frick am i gonna do with two belly buttons is this feet or hands i think it's a foot it's a fan a foot hand i'm confused bro you got toes but also a thumb a thumb on your foot think of all the things you could like grab all the multitasking you could do these feet look like they can grab a controller and drop a victory royale when instead they sit in here scheming for the last time i don't look nothing like no damn tow truck why does everybody keep saying that oh i know this one i've seen this guy before that's him in human form to get as a compliment they're not wait those eyes aren't a filter oh they're so big see they look so kawaii like they actually look like a filter like they're huge they look like chocolate balls that's pretty cool actually she can blink like a frog i didn't know this was a thing and it is so stinking cute she like slowly blinks her eyes i don't even want to see how stupid i just look why do i feel like i have to move my face when i'm blinking my eyes i'm not very good at blinking i'm bad open your mouth oh close it open it oh yeah close it oh this took me a hot second to realize that she has a slit in her ear and when she opens her mouth the little ear man also opens his mouth he even got a little eye she got a whole entire little fish face on her earlobe i would get a little boy tattoo right next to him so it is like he's eating boyga feed the fish man she could do some crazy things with her stomach she can roll it out what about what is inside your stomach is there anything on the inside the organs have left the chat what happens when you eat where does it go judging by these belly games you are playing it does not look like anything is in there unless your intestine is throwing a little rave in there i literally cannot explain this go to the gym once oh what is that what is that that's not a muscle it's a lump lump of pure muscle did the protein powder just like create a lump pretty sure he got whatever this guy got oh is that why they got a whole tank inside there that's what happens when you eat your spinach well i hate that my neck is so long like bro watch this and then when i get my hair twisted and it's like down or whatever oh it look even worse it just was like do you do that does he have a long neck or is he just going like i don't know i can't see does this pose make my neck look abnormally long or am i fishing for a unique feature in my hair i've had this one streak in my hair since i was little it runs through my eyelashes on my left side through my eyebrow and through my hair it is a birthmark um yeah my eyes don't match these eyelashes are brown these are blonde it's weird oh that's cool so it's like free highlights you know people pay for those and she was born with it she just has that like random strand of blonde in her hair and she was doing it before all the e girls did please stop popping your teeth out you could pop your teeth out how oh wait but you got braces on aren't they supposed to like hold everything together you like pop them out and then back to what if you eat do they at least stay in the mouth what if you accidentally pop them out on the food and end up swallowing them up top 10 unreasonable fears i could not be afraid of that me biting into something i bite my teeth off and then i accidentally swallow my teeth am i dumb enough for that to happen possibly i would have thought it was just a little extra crunch it's okay just swallow it it'll go away wait wait wait wait look what i can do no that's not a tongue that's not her tongue is that just so cool though i thought she was blowing a bubble and then i realized that's not a bubble she's moving it around too much and then it went back to like a slightly normal whip like she can make it smaller and then stretch it out bro she lick a tongue in real life she literally the human version of liquor tongue she could lick an ice cream cone once and it'd be gone that's not a finger that's not that's a finger why is it so big in shape like that flip it over did it be stingy oh it looked like my dad's big toe ah it is so large he really got a glizzy for her finger imagine his girlfriend holding hands with him which finger she gonna hold she can hold her umbrella with no hands what do you mean no hands like tucking into your armpit no she rolled her ear on her umbrella handle you ever seen someone hold something with their ear that looks like it hurts she just rolled it up like it was some forbidden fruit roll up hands free with the ear hanger you got a boneless ear or something no cartilage no bone that's all i got we got that girl that had no belly button we got another one no belly button it's crazy how it just looks photoshopped like somebody just like erased it a simple solution just draw it on there [Music] there you go or you want like one of these i got you stop making the ooh face wait you can make a ool face oh wait that's weird i would do that how you make it squiggly i never seen anybody do that people to build each other up anyways yeah look at how bad my chest genetics are they're horrible like literally i mean i don't know what a good chest genetic and a bad chest genetic is boob is boob but why does it look like there's something in there what are you smuggling like it looks inflatable like i could squeeze in it it would pop and then this guy i got a hole where my heart is stop always making the face oh no that is the saddest face i've ever seen they just go like i cannot do it in the battle of sadness you have won literally the sad face emoji i've been picked on three times today oh because of my trousers what's wrong with your trousers look at the size of her oh it's tiny and she got that kylie forehead there's a forehead but this two-head it's runs in the family why they look like a juvilian civilian are y'all descendants of the grinch you're probably sick of hearing that i i can do a weird thing with my face and i've never met anyone else who can do it or who has any idea what i am doing i call them the mustaches here they are the first ones and uh the second one is this mustache i've seen so many people do that this is like the basics of funny face so they just make a funny face and then hope that people laugh is that prehistoric humor looking like an ordinary black guy what you hiding having past blue eyes wait that's insane like literally half of his eyeball is blue and then the rest of his brown you know fun fact everybody with brown eyes actually has blue eyes under the brown pigment so it's like you get rid of the brown pigment there is blue eyes under crazy huh me randomly remembering i have four fingers on one hand whoa it's like a claw wait which one is she missing she got a thumb oh it's the pinky finger you ain't missing out on anything you don't need one of those you got the most useful ones you're good also how crazy would it be if she had like six fingers on the other hand and just like made up for the four on one hand i brought you frankincense thank you and i brought you myrrh thank you murder judas oh toe thumbs hey that kinda do look like a toe but as her thumb you know nothing says good job like a toe thumb up but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and let me know if you guys have any unique or cool features like these and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,179,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, features, people
Id: ejdtnsQEdIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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