Amazing REACTIVE Lighting Effects For Twitch Streamers - Lumia Stream!

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we're gonna be doing something really special with the rgb lights going on behind me not only are you going to be able to let your viewers change the colors of your lights through chat commands and channel points but you'll even be able to trigger some crazy strobing effects where your lights are flashing and changing colors that can even have them trigger every time you get a sub or a reign but we're not even going to stop there because we're going to combine these lighting effects with all of the other concepts that we've learned on this channel to create some insane animations that are going to make your stream so much more fun for our viewers and just blow all of their minds here's a couple quick examples this is one that on our channel we call the meltdown we added you guys are telling me to add this in i finally did it and this is another one that we call solar flare for obvious reasons [Applause] by the end of this video you're gonna have all the tools that you need to create effects just like these for your own twitch stream this is going to be a long one but i promise you it's going to be worth it [Music] i want to start this video by talking about the sponsor of this video lubia stream don't skip this ad okay get your finger off that progress bar you're watching this video all the way through in order to create all of the lighting effects that we're gonna be making today we need some kind of software to control our lights that's where lumia stream comes in so lumia stream is a really cool program that consolidates all your different brands of lights so philips hue lifx nano leaves you know all the triangles that people put behind their streams but you can control all of your different lights from a single place and that alone makes lumia stream really powerful because now you don't have to buy a particular brand of lights you can even buy multiple different brands of lights and as long as you're supported by lumia your viewers will be able to control them on your live stream but apart from that it's just loaded with a ton of features it's integrated with stream elements streamlabs obs touch portal you can even make it react to music or the colors on your desktop there's just so much you can do with it now they do have a free version and a paid version but don't worry everything that you're gonna see today can be done on the free version with that being said i did work with lumia stream to do a giveaway so we're going to be giving away five codes for lubia stream premium and since it's also compatible with touch portal we're gonna be giving away five codes for touch portal pro as well so the details of that giveaway will be in the description and good luck all right so before we look at lumia stream we need some lights so what lights do we need to buy lumia has a list of all the different brands that they support and it supports all of the major brands that you've come to expect like nano leaves philips hue lifx gamer triangles you know you know you know the whole deal but it also works with cheaper brands like kalo light and govi if you're one of those poor peasant streamers that didn't make the top 10 000 streamers in that twitch leak it's even compatible with elgato key lights and even though they're not rgb you can still control the brightness and color temperature through lumia i just wanted to point that out because elgato is paying me money now and i want to make them happy keep in mind that not all lights are perfectly compatible with lumia if you look at the list of supported lights on lumia's website you can see that some lights don't support things like smooth transitions or rapid switching between different colors now the lights that i have lighting the shelf behind me those are called yi lights i believe they're the cheapest lights available that support lumia and they support smooth transitions and rapid cycling and the base kit comes with a single two meter strip which i bought two of so i can have two banks of lights for each side of my shelf but i also bought a bunch of their one meter extension strip so i can cover the entire shelf i also bought some of these much cheaper govi led strips and these don't support smooth transitions or rapid cycling but if you're on a budget and you just want cheap lights to get you started yeah we're gonna try these and see how these work out regardless i'll leave a link down below for all the different brands of lights that i use for my setup so now that you picked out the lights that you want to buy let's install lumia stream so head on over to the lumia stream website and download it run through the installer when you open it up for the first time you're probably gonna get a first time setup wizard but i don't have any footage of that because frankly i wasn't gonna uninstall my entire setup just to show you that i'm not that dedicated come on now but anyway this is the main interface for lumia so first thing we're going to do is we're going to go into the connections tab this is where you're going to connect all of your different lights but it's also going to be the place where you're going to connect your twitch channels streamlabs stream elements as well as obs we'll start by connecting obs so under streaming services click on add new connection and select obs you'll need to enter in your obs websocket's port number and password now if you don't know what any of this is obs websockets is a plug-in that you need to install for obs and that allows third-party programs to communicate back and forth with obs if you've ever used something like lyron board or touch portal you already have this plug-in installed the port and the password number that you need to enter will be under tools and websocket server settings inside of obs now you can also connect your twitch account stream elements account and streamlabs account but i'm actually gonna skip this because we're gonna be setting up lumia in a way that literally no other youtube video does it's going to be you're going to see what we're going to do later next you're going to come down to your lights add a new connection and then select your brand of lights like i said you can use multiple different brands of lights i'm using yeelights and govi rgb strips and they work together seamlessly but you do need to connect your lights to your local network before you add them here in lumium most lights are gonna have some kind of app for your phone that you're gonna use to set up your lights so make sure you do that first before continuing oh and by the way if you're looking to connect your elgato key lights you'll find that under this last section here they work a little bit different to all the other different brands of lights next we're gonna start programming our lights to do different things so that could be changing to different colors or maybe effects like breathing in and out or even flashing between different colors all of that gets done here in the studio tab this is where you set up all your different types of lighting effects now i'm gonna be honest here some of these options are confusing and weirdly labeled so instead of exposing just how little i actually understand this program i'm just going to show you the two sections that i personally use for my stream we'll start with the scene tab the scene tab is where you'd set up all of your static color effects so for example in my setup i have a static effect where this side of my room is purple and this side of my room is blue but let's say i wanted to change my lights to the color red so then i would go into add scene and under slot 1 i changed the color here and we'll just change this over here to red then i need to tell lumia which of my lights i want to be that color so i'm going to drag in the lights behind me on my two e lights i'm going to drag that in here and this over there and when i click test you can see the lights behind me they're both red now but you can also make both of your lights different colors so if i wanted to do that then i'd add another slot i'll leave this one blue and then i'll drag one of my lights out and then drag it back here to the blue section and now when i test it one of my lights is blue the other one is red but what if you wanted your lights to animate like maybe a flashing effect or a breathing effect that all gets done in the reactions tab so if you wanted to add some kind of animation for your lights come over here to add reaction and this is how it works let's say i wanted my lights to cycle between red green and blue so i come over onto the right side and just add three slots and change the color of these lights to red green and blue and what lumio will do is it will cycle between each of the colors that we add for each of the slots now the cycle duration is gonna tell lumia how long that animation is gonna be so if i type one second here and click test then it's going to cycle through all three of those lights over the span of one second now if you want your lights to smoothly animate between colors instead of just doing these hard cuts then you can set a transition time so if we change this to one second and then test this out you can see the lights behind me they're not just doing hard cuts they're flashing rainbow colors now if you wanted to control your elgato key lights like in my solar flare redemption that gets done in a separate section so you'll come down into devices smart plugs and key lights and then you'll add your two key lights here and here you can set the color temperature and the brightness for your lights for whatever this effect is this is where you can get really creative like in my meltdown effect i set my key light brightness to zero and i also make my lights flash between the color red and then off completely and that creates this kind of effect this is one that's really popular with my stream as for the other tabs in the studio section just play around with them the animation tab is very similar to the reactions tab you just have more options and then the themes tab is pretty much the same thing as the scenes tab anyway now that you have all the different animations for your lights set up we have to tell lumia when to actually trigger these effects for example if someone uses the channel point redeem i want my lights to change to the color blue or if someone donates a certain amount of money then trigger the solar flare effect which makes the lights behind me go white and the key lights kick up to max brightness before we do that we need to set up a default state for our lights because when we run an effect lumia needs to know what states to bring our lights back to for example in my setup i have blue and purple lights so it probably makes sense that after someone runs a solar flare that lumia needs to change my lights back to its blue and purple state this is what the default states tab is for this is where you can set the color of your lights while it's just idling generally you probably want your lights to be a static color so i set mine to scene and i just created a scene where my lights are blue and purple but you could also make the default states an animation if you wanted to i don't know why you do that but you have that option and then if you have elgato key lights this is where you would change the default color temperature and brightness once you've set your default state now we can tell lumia what to do anytime you get a sub anytime someone uses channel points anytime someone donates a certain amount and all of that gets done in the alerts tab now if you've watched any other lumia tutorial before forget everything you've learned i'm gonna i'm about to do it better see normally you would think that you would have to connect your twitch account or your stream labs or stream elements account to illumia right and you can go ahead and do that if you want to so if you connected your twitch account you'd see your twitch account here in the alerts tab and then along the top you'll see follower subscriber bits and you just need to tell lumia which lighting effect that you want to run for that event you can do that if you wanted to if you want to be a basic i'm not a fan of this method for two reasons one of them is frankly i find the interface and lumia a little bit overwhelming and a little bit confusing but more importantly if you're a big fan of this youtube channel you're probably using something like lyron board or touch portal and you're doing all of these other effects somewhere else and if you're an advanced obs user like me you probably want your lighting effects to sync up with things that are happening in obs like a filter change or a transition that's really difficult to do when you have two different softwares that have two different mechanisms for cubing up actions so i actually worked together with lumia to bring a feature that addresses that exact problem here's how it works in my setup you'll see my twitch section all of my subscriber events bit events everything here is just disabled all of them are turned off we're gonna come to the obs section and along the top you'll see all of these different obs events the only one that we care about is the scene item visible tab basically what you can do in this tab is you can tell lumia to listen to obs and whenever obs tells lumia that a particular source has become active lumia can pick that up and say ah okay now i'm gonna run this lighting effect now what does this mean for you well i can set up a whole bunch of dummy sources in obs that literally do nothing in fact my viewers will never even see these these are just blank text sources but check this out if i create a new blank text source called the lights blue and then go into lumia in the scene item visible tab i can add these things called variations and in fact i'm gonna check the box here that says only variations and basically what this means is i'm gonna tell lumia to only look for this particular source that's called lights blue and i want you to run this lighting effect anytime that this text source becomes enabled let me show you what i mean we're going to add a new variation and we're going to give it a name give me whatever name that you want it's not important then we need to tell lumia which lighting effects that we want to run so remember the lighting effects that we created in that studio section earlier we can run any of those effects through here so for me i want my lights to turn blue i've created a lighting effect that's called blue we're going to select scene under the type tab and then under the value tab we're going to select the blue effect this is where the magic happens under condition we're going to select equals 2 and then conditional value this is where you type out the name of that dummy source that you created inside of obs now you can test it out if you click apply to save your changes go back into obs and just turn on that dummy source if you've done it correctly congratulations your lights behind you should now turn blue and you can use this concept as many times as you want if you have 20 different lighting effects inside of lumia then you create 20 different dummy sources inside of obs and you just add a variation for each of those dummy sources just keep in mind that the effect is only going to last as long as this duration field so if you want the effect to last like basically forever then just type out a really long number here like 9.99 now you could probably see where we're going with this right because now we can effectively connect lumia over to liuren board or connect it to touch portal or mix it up or whatever it is that you happen to be using here's what i mean if i'm using something like lyron board and i want my lights to turn blue all i need to do is turn on that lights blue dummy source inside of obs and then lumia is going to pick that up and say oh yeah that source became enabled i'm going to run that lights blue lighting effect now now this doesn't just have to be a color change it could be any of the other types of reactions inside of lumia so you can make your lights flash or you can make your lights switch between rainbow colors and because we're triggering all of this through the urine board we can sync that up to filter changes or shaders or transitions or whatever you want to do inside of obs it can all be synced together and then you can just add all your triggers as you normally would inside a luring board so if you want it to trigger every time someone uses channel points then you just add a channel point redeem if you want it to trigger on bits then you just add a bit trigger so we've effectively made lumia compatible with literally anything anything that's able to turn sources on and off inside of obs can work with all of these lighting effects now and that is really cool because i came up with it you're welcome now i know this video was long okay jesus christ i don't know why you guys are still here but if you are still here you probably are a very advanced user of obs and so i want to leave you with one extra detail that i'm sure you will appreciate see right now if you want to trigger a lighting effect inside of lumia you have to quickly toggle on and off your dummy source and so that requires adding two commands inside of the urine board however thanks to our good friend xeldro he created a script that will automatically turn off the source anytime that you turn it on i'll leave a link down below to where you can get that script but basically you just download it you go into your tools scripts and then you add the script there and then in scenes and groups add in the name of the scene that contains all of your dummy sources also make sure to add a delay of 10 milliseconds because apparently it doesn't work with zero milliseconds but if you've done it right then any time that you turn on a source that's within that lighting scene it's automatically done but there you have it that is it guys i know that was a long one you better subscribe to me okay this video took look out it's 6 a.m for me and i'm still up making this for you let me know in the comments down below what kind of cool lighting effects that you guys are gonna come up with and if you do create something really cool number one tweet it at me so i look more popular in twitter to come into the discord and post it there i really genuinely want to see what cool things that you guys can come up with and lastly come follow me on twitch i stream three nights a week there and i work really hard on this video so i deserve viewers now okay i'm pretty sure that's how that works i'll see you guys sometime [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: nutty
Views: 12,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: huSkXKuFrGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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