Stream Showcase! #1 - Checking Out Your Best Twitch Streams!

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okay i'm gonna be real with you i know i'm not supposed to play favorites but this might be one of my favorite channel point rewards that i've ever seen on anybody's channel ever welcome to the first episode of the streamer showcase i don't actually know if we're going to go that name because it sounds pretty corny i asked you guys a while back to submit your stream so that i can go over them in a video and share the ideas that i thought were really innovative and creative i want to be clear before we start this is not a review series i'm not judging your streams frankly if you want a review video there's plenty of other youtubers out there who do similar types of videos no the goal of this video series is to find streamers who are really pushing the envelope to do things that are different and unique so that you guys can get some inspiration and ideas for what you want to do with your own streams because let's be real a lot of people's streams are pretty much exactly the same this is going to be a little bit of an experiment i don't know how well this video is gonna do it might really suck but if you guys want more details on how you can submit your own streams for future videos we'll talk more about that at the end of the video but let's just get started the first submission we have is from barely live tv so let's have a watch uh hey nutty and i guess all of nutty's viewers because this is a public video okay i just wanted to show you the text-to-speech character i set up through channel points but why tell you about it when i can just show you so uh pat take it away hi nutty my name is pat i read out the chat for barely on stream i was made with lear and board and some code by insta fluff but enough from me let's go through how to create your own all right you heard the i gotta say that was pretty freaking cool in case you didn't catch that what barely has done is he's created a channel point reward where when you use channel points and type in text it has an animated character that pops up from the bottom of the screen and reads out that message in text-to-speech he's made a whole video on how he did it i'll leave it linked down below but the way he did it is super clever what he did was he used something called highlight of my chat which i hadn't even heard of before but basically what that does is it takes messages written in channel point rewards and reads it out as text to speech then he took an image of a dog that he made in photoshop and made a looping animated video out of it he took that looping video put it into obs then he used lyorun board to make that looping video pop up from the bottom of his stream every time someone uses channel points but the most genius part of this is how he made the tongue of the dog move with the text-to-speech what he did is he used the spectralizer obs plug-in which i've covered in another video it's a plug-in that people usually use as an audio visualizer for when they're playing music on their streams but instead he made his really small and changed the color to red so that it looks like a tongue so i just thought that was a super clever way of combining multiple different things that we've covered in this channel but putting it together in a really creative way next up we have detailed design okay first of all i have no idea what this guy just said he could have just he could have just cussed me out for all i know and second didn't know wearing a garden in your head was in fashion nowadays what i really loved about this guy's design is the yellow border around his camera what i've normally said in the past is i don't like using green screens for my stream but i'm starting to come around on that i think this is a super creative way of making your stream stand out and look different than all the other green screen streamers out there it's also a really smart way of reinforcing your branding so i imagine this guy uses a lot of yellow in his branding so putting the yellow highlights around his camera is just a smart way of making his whole stream cohesive and something profound if you have a green screen and you want to recreate this effect there are a few ways you can do it one of the ways is to install the stream effects plug-in then if you right-click on your camera you'll see a new option there that says sign distance field effects you can add that to your camera add that filter and then you can select outline and choose whatever color fits your branding and then select the thickness that you want your border to be this can be a little bit resource intensive so what dito design has done is he's actually made a source mirror of his green screen camera and then he's applied a color correction filter to make it a solid color then he just puts that mirrored camera underneath his main camera so it looks like an outline it's not going to be perfect but that does work next up we have shaggy or shogi don't add a strange name but whatever [Music] okay to be perfectly honest with you this guy's camera does look grainy but he's done one thing which i think is pretty cool he's got a partially green screen background so that he can put whatever graphics he wants behind him but it's only covering a tiny portion of his background so that he can still have a unique room design if you wanted to combining a half green screen and half not green screen background is a pretty awesome idea we've seen it in some other channels before mr gregel's use another drummer on twitch he has a sort of a similar green screen background thing that he shows his alerts and like latest subscribers on we've also seen janna who's a dj but she also streams on twitch she has a super wide camera angle of her room but then she has an elgato green screen behind her that she can put whatever graphics she wants on one thing i will say is that both shogi and janna seem to have applied the chroma key to their entire camera and that's great for getting rid of the green background but you'll notice that areas in the background that have green are grainy and it just looks it just looks off what you could do is you could create a copy of your camera then apply a mask to that camera just to cut out a shape around where the actual green screen is post production out of here what i meant to say is to create a mask to cut out the image behind your camera and not your camera itself you can also use the crop tools in obs to just crop your image in but whatever works for you i'm sorry i made a mistake back to the video that way when you're applying a color key to your camera it's only going to affect that masked portion of your screen so the rest of your screen is not going to be touched and it's not going to look grainy and gross so just food for thought but overall pretty nice idea that had absolutely nothing to do with the video i just wanted to see how many people were paying attention leave a comment down below if you got this far thanks thomas next up we have dragners a on the door let's see what happens dependent oh dead body man that made it really good let's see i'm gonna be disappointed oh that was really good all right here we go chalky okay chocolate merch pros it's the merch pose this is going on a panel this is really cool kyle is officially 100 i sell out this is awesome flawless the pose spectacular okay i'm gonna be real with you i know i'm not supposed to play favorites but this might be one of my favorite channel point rewards that i've ever seen on anybody's channel ever for anyone not familiar he's basically recreated pokemon snap in his stream and if you don't know what pokemon snap is then like what the hell's wrong with you man you you against happiness or something get out there and play the game the way it works is anytime somebody uses channel points in his stream that activates a plugin in obs called screenshot filter that creates a snapshot of any source that he wants in obs so in this case his camera and then outputs that image into a folder then he's written his own code in html and javascript which scores that snapshot in the same way that professor oak would just like in pokemon snap you know when you take a crappy picture of a psyduck or something he's even coded in a leaderboard system that tracks the highest scoring snapshots there's even a voting system that allows viewers to vote on the snapshots that they liked the most and if that wasn't enough he combined all of that with a program called discord auto upload which scans a folder and every time you add a photo to that folder it automatically uploads that to your discord server so that your whole community can see all the snapshots taken i can't even break down how to do this but all i can say is if you want to add this to your stream go follow dragner's he's constantly updating this i believe he's either made this available to everybody or he plans to in the future but either way he's very open about his process so go follow dragner's alright next up we have carefree bomb what are you doing this is awesome this is a really good idea i love this so this one is another custom coated channel point reward by carefree bomb and anytime someone in chat redeems channel points it mutes his microphone and then translates everything that he's saying into animal ease which is the language that they speak in animal crossing i gotta say despite how silly this idea is it's just so well done and so well polished and just such a fun idea for viewers this is exactly the kind of stuff that i hoped people would be sending me i think what would be a really nice addition to this is if you could translate your speech into like different languages because like one of the questions i get asked a lot is do you speak any other languages and i just want to be like um again i don't know if this is something that is publicly available to everyone but i've spoken to carefree bomb in the past and he seems pretty open about his process so i'm sure that at some point he will make this publicly available so go follow carefree bomb if i just go follow everybody in this video so i hope that got the creative juices going and i hope you guys walk away from this video with some fresh ideas and different things to think about when you're working on your own stream also shout out to all the people that submitted for this round of streamer showcase if i didn't pick you for this video don't feel bad there were a lot of really great submissions that i had to cut for this video so please don't take it personally postproduction90 here again i forgot to mention if you guys want a full video on any of the ideas covered in this video please let me know in the comments down below okay back to regular nutty but let me know if you guys like this type of video because if you like it i want to turn this into a regular series that we do maybe like on a monthly basis but if you guys don't like this video then thanks for watching the last ever streamer showcase if we do end up doing this again make sure to jump in the discord because i'll be giving you guys updates about when i'll do this again and how to submit your stream links down below for that there's also a link to my twitch stream if you want to ask me any questions that you want related to streaming but until then have fun streaming stay safe stay alive okay because i need views for the next time i put out a youtube video right catch you guys next time you
Channel: nutty
Views: 32,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WUynHmAFitg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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