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[Music] alright guys welcome back it is February the second Saturday it's about one o'clock will be the late start today my boy had a basketball game this morning and sort of stopped getting out here to the meal but a real quick weather report 58 stew high for today tomorrow and Monday supposed to be almost 70 I think and yesterday we had the box blade going it was 25 degrees and snowing it's really really odd weather odd but we'll take it I love it's nice weather especially now that we're in this building you know I've been waiting for a long time to finally have something like justice all inside of and and it's nice and I'm really grateful for it really nice the only trouble I have videoed in here's the lights at night time in the evening you know the LED lights in here do great but during the daytime you know we're battling it over here where the opening is and behind the camera so a lot of sunlight coming in that way and it takes a little time to get these cameras set up just right for doing these different angles in here on these laws while we're so on but we'll get there I'll figure out something sweet lays what we've got lined up here today is a very very nasty log just log looks terrible and I am not sure how long this piece of Timbers been on the ground at least five years maybe longer you know to be longer than that but I'm seen at least five years on the ground the bark is completely gone it feels solid when you knock on it when you take a knife and check the end range see if it's punky or not it's still solid but man it looks horrible and I'm not sure how they just want to play out here when we start opening this up may look terrible they have to throw something else on here to get a decent video with but I usually have pretty good luck with these logs we'll see what happens let me bring the camera and show you guys what we're gonna be drawn today we've got the most important part of the log right here and this is the crotch and it will be facing the solid male operator side and our width on the crotch is 24 inches pretty good so there should be some crouched figure in here now whether or not it's rotted away and I'm not sure who knows but it feels good and solid man it feels like a really good lie it just looks terrible most people will think this is a firewood or even worse just throw in a biome pile because it looks so terrible but there should be some good stuff down in here alright guys here's the other end of it and the dams are down here it was around 16 inches and the length of this log is 8 and a half feet and if you're wondering why this looks freshly cut well it is and the reason being like dug this out of the pile I cut the end off and made it eight and a half footer it was a 10-footer I believe and it's really just want to make sure it was sawed you know I'm not gonna drag the log all the way up here from the log yard if it's going to be rotten so I'm frightened another meal want to make sure and some that looks just terrible is gonna be solid on the ends but you can tell it's pretty solid a decent SAP line going around about inch and a half on the sap line here and with his measuring tape begin flicking it back and forth but there's a little bit of punky wood right here at the bottom and this sample wood may all be punky I guess when we open it up we'll see but the heartwood should be fine and I've already anchor sealed this also the other day when I cut it off but we should get some nice labs out of this one last thing before we get started I'm still using that number 4 degree double hard wood miser blade I should be able to get one more log on that before I change it and I got some seven degree blades I've been sharpened and they're ready to go so if this one goes dull on us today we'll switch it out also I'll be cutting these into nine quarter slabs I may set five quarter a minute ago if not a just disregard that it's nine quarter which is two and a quarter inches thick and I've got some new subscribers that I asked the other day a two or three comments said why he cut them so thick for well the reason being and that's what the market calls for man this live age stuff is still hot that's all people still worn around here when building these tables and there's a lot of money in that you get more money per board foot for live edge slabs or any kind of thick lump but it ought to be live edge then it's thinner boards in my area a one-inch walnut board or brain between six and seven dollars a board foot $8 or $9 if it's wider than 20 inches but of the thicker which is the eighth quarter nine quarter twelve quarter you know you're looking at 12 to 15 dollars a board foot and retail and a lot of woodworking stores around here I'll say around here within like a 100-mile radius you know they're charging up to $25 a board fit for some of that stuff so that's what the markets column for and that's why I'm solid on that thick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right now guys that went pretty good I had to flip it up on its side and cut off one of the crotches or the lens rather it was too wide for the sole male that's it's very fresh training I wish I had a solid meal if it was like a lt40 wine or something like it that would get these wider logs I hate cutting off the ends of those so it'll fit through the cut throat maybe one day all right guys slab number one and this was the top of the outside of the tree and the judging board I could see when I saw it into it after I took the first slab off I think there's gonna be some crouched figure in here but it's gonna be more relevant underneath it look at that look look at that my goodness I'll taste something else this is telling me right here I need to change my blades Oh took me way too long salt this slab put a fresh blade on there before we start back man that is some fantastic figure out there a little hole right there nothing major and this is some nice stuff now I woulda never thought that would be hiding in there I was just hoping we got solid wood out of it but there's some really nice pillar right here and I don't think it's gonna show up unless we put water on it so uh let's throw some water on this outside because it's worth looking at although the insides gonna be even better I think [Music] all right now guys that's hard to beat right there nice solid crotch right in here no rot everything's nice and solid on the ends now a little bit of a hole right there spoke too soon but a it's no big deal one goes in about one inch famous last words on that one but things looking good guys this should be a fantastic log here to slab up today and it's that figure right there just really nice I mean it's it's really dark in there as well and we'll flip it over and see what the other side looks like it's probably a little better than this side all right guys here's the other side of that slab there's not much dust on it and you can see what's hiding underneath it look at that there's all the way down intact nice and solid not think was gonna have that hiding down in there I mean that is nice right there I thought we'd have some crouched figure but not this nice fantastic throw some water on I tell you what we'll do at the end of this video and a lot of people ask me to do comparison after this turns the chocolate color after it sets out and air dries put this slab aside and do two different camera shots showing it right now and then about an hour later look up here toward the top the first one come through the camera or not check it out right there that is phenomenal it's curly right here got some curly walnut going on where the crotch starts up here at the top Julius is nice fantastic you know suddenly I love the color of this turns when it turns that to its natural color I taste sometimes I wish you'd stay just like this and this is one of those times fantastic [Music] Oh [Music] into let it go [Music] and we nomads [Music] [Music] in the day [Music] hey the truth you know I just I'll go try to Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 1,774,738
Rating: 4.7707005 out of 5
Keywords: out of the woods, out of the woods forestry, sawmill, woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, portable sawmill, milling lumber, amazing, farming, farm tractors, tractors, woodworking, homesteading, logging, my self reliance, wood cutting machine, wood sawmill machine, chainsaw, wood cutting, extreme, wood, working, machines, self reliance, the lonely farmer, wranglerstar, timber frame, timber framing, firewood, chainsaw mill, live edge slabs, matt cremona, bandsaw mill, wood-mizer
Id: p8tGHklazJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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