Quarter sawn oak

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so somebody cut down another tree and they called me this one's oak we quarter-sawed this one because that's much nicer I called my buddy Roley up again and he showed up with his nice machine I call him my buddy it's the second time I met him he's just that likeable of a guy quarter sawing it's a little different than regular flat sawing it it's a lot more labor-intensive there's more waste so here we have the bar cut off the four slides like we normally would but now we're going to start the process of quarter sawing this so he's going to take the bark off of the other edges the outside edges and then when that's done you'll see he's going to cut the whole thing basically into quarters so right here he's going to cut it right in half the top half is going to get pushed off to the side and the half that's left gets flipped on its side and then cut in half again making it a quarter so we keep those other pieces over to the side and start cutting the quarter sawn lumber out of the tree there's a lot of flipping and turning and thankfully Roy knows exactly what he's doing there's no lag time no time to think about which cut is next and anywhere there was an opportunity to give me a book matched set of boards he did that too we marked them all I think I ended up with 20 book matched pairs of boards so these two boards right here that he cut those two our book matched and then we marked them that was the first book matched pair so now we're going to flip up into the quarter and start cutting that all so like I said there was a lot of weights these top corner pieces I guess that were taken off I ended up saving some of those I thought I could maybe use them for some kind of project instead of just throw them away this log that we started with was about two feet maybe a little bit bigger in diameter and if you're going to quarter-sawed would you want to have not much less than that I mean 20 inches is probably your your minimum I think all in all I had about four or five logs to avoid where this size that were the you know 24 inches or more and then I had a few more that were consecutively smaller those we ended up just flat I did have a couple two inch and 3 inch slabs cut out of these logs too I figured why not I got a whole bunch of lumber I might as well get some thicker pieces out of it and hopefully I can come up with a project to do with those I'm sure I'll find something to do the guy who had the tree come down that we cleaned up he asked for some boars so he had a stack of boards that he got for nothing just because he called me and asked if I wanted the rest of it and if anybody's in the Raleigh North Carolina area and they need lumber sawn like this definitely call Roy he is definitely the guy to call he moves real fast he knows exactly what he's doing he'll give you whatever you want and he'll explain to you why you would want this over this he knows exactly what he's doing I'll leave a link to his website in the description of this video so the morning was pretty good the afternoon it started raining on us we had to take a break about lunch so it took more of the day than I'm sure we all would have liked and we were wet most of the time but it's hard to have a bad day when you're sawing lumber on a bandsaw even my buddy Jamie that was there helping he was having a great time it's just a fun machine to watch and everything goes like a well-oiled machine you're just moving lumber out of the way and stacking it here stacking it they're filling the truck up for a woodworker it's an awesome experience looking at me bagging me again so those we just lifted that this is the second log that we did um so that get started up there's some different angle shots in here so you could have a different view for the first one that we caught up but basically quarter-sawn I mean that you got the gist a bit from what you've just watched and most of the waste cuts anything that was still usable Roy just cut up four stickers for me for when I stack them so I'm just gonna let the rest of this video play there's not much left you just watch it the machine moving this thing around and if you don't see us in the picture this isn't like stop-motion or anything like that he just moves that vlog around with the controls in the machine we don't there's no heavy lifting for us most we had to do was roll the log onto the the forks to lift it up I mean he flips it off and it falls into the side boy is the best operator I've ever seen with the bandsaw I'll just watch you make it making them in a gray so that bottom piece there he just cut those are book match pieces that he cut for me and I'll throw those out to the side we marked those and then he touched the rest of this up and I you probably gets a couple more out of there too oh this piece I asked them to make a thicker piece just so I can have some bulb lengths so that bottom three inches it's just read a big bowls and then I have that other piece of ham so enjoy the rest of the video I had an awesome day got this one up together found and I know my buddy Jamie had a good time too and Roy got lunch out of it so he can't complain gonna take it down to set up a I'm gonna give the world a shame with a smile I'm gonna good as a car together Brown and turn it upside down this smile comes my way but I can shake smile bombs away gonna take the counter selling on the key though
Channel: Keith Veronesi
Views: 460,298
Rating: 4.6670718 out of 5
Keywords: bandsaw mill, portable bandsaw, quartersawn, quarter saw lumber, milling lumber, keiths woodwork, oak
Id: vrjOiMvc_ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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