Amazing English sea glass & making jewellery from our finds! Beachcombing British coast.

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[Music] [Music] so here we are back at our favorite seaglass beach yeah we have been filming other places today it's getting some dark dark and very cool so I don't know how long we'll be here but yeah we could help it just have a quick look so yeah let's see what we can find there yeah we'll see on the first piece of sea glass well look at that look the first piece the first piece of glass I spotted today yes pink how beautiful oh maybe it was worth coming in the wind the cold let's see if we can find I've just about see the same thing it's always lots of glass we found here I hope we find some nice pieces or some cod marbles that would be good cod marbles always good looks like there's a nice big well-worn chunk there look lovely and I found this it's like the base of a little bottle fast math puzzle oh and there look another beautifully worn piece so so far so good I got a big chunk of that giant Chuck mom's got some lovely aqua pieces and a nice pick a blue and white smell lovely aquas lovely very smooth very nice oh look a blob top bottle just the neck nice frosty old neck well actually right now I've got a pretty frosty neck because it's cold and mom's got some best pottery there - breathing oh that's a bit plastic I think I'll take that oh look look down here just hiding in the rocks it's a stubble popper but a glass lovely beautiful glass bottle stopper it's actually really nicely worn I'm not chipped got some other nice pieces here and some lovely aqua pieces oh I like that I like bottle stoppers down here actually can see some lovely you really nicely worn pieces beautiful have you got Oh like that oh you what's funny we've actually found a shark I found one of these years ago mum actually found a shard of ginger beer in a stream near where we used to live in Northumberland and you found another one yeah yeah that's so cool now that is gonna make the perfect piece of jewelry is there I'm so cool and look what I found Oh a stopper popper nice glass oh look actually I just spot it down here look at this Wow look at that that's such a pretty color isn't it there we go some good glass going on here not bad oh look actually down here I can see quite a few really nice bits of glass green and then over here look at that Wow beautiful little aqua pebble and oh and that one there and mums actually just talking to someone just talking to someone probably about a sea glass actually we usually talk to people about sea glass here it's just the most perfect sea glass pebble glowing it's beautiful it's just I just love pieces like that so much anyway the woman that we were just talking to actually said some of the best colored pieces of glass are over around this corner up there so that's why we're heading now oh wow oh wow look at that bit of slack laughs that is slack I have to zoom in on that well the patterns on it are amazing on me yeah look at that the swirls and patterns and things in it slag glass is so pretty my fingers might look my fingernails are broken and filthy you've been digging today you got something else so there is loads of nice rocks here as well and that's pieces like that's like a dark color blue yeah that lovely piece back gorgeous love it oh yeah look at that that's another gorgeous piece so many beautiful aqua colors Wow there's some lovely nice worn pieces today really lovely soft worn pieces gorgeous and a few steps and there's peace it's all over the place ah yeah look it's very bubbly glass you can see like a little bubble in there and look at this blue we're trying to get to the other end of the beach we can't well the tide comes in because we haven't got very long and we're distracted by all the glass oh actually look I see the tiniest bit of blue there lovely warm piece of white as well oh there eventually oh wait maybe not lovely piece another lovely piece of a clay okay okay right I'm just gonna go for it and all the glass get to the other end oh wait look no actually sorry I just spotted this little pink bear here pinky well we always find pink we do we always find big but it's like oh it's all cracked oh I like that that's pretty and there's lovely pink bear yay and a bit of China oh we're not getting very far at this rate are we oh this is a lovely little piece of worn glass here look just like I think it might be half a marble or something perfect little cabochons ready-made cabochon such beautiful glass here where we love this Beach oh look at that look at that big chunk it's like a little bubble sea glass bubble lovely [Music] see glass here look it just looks like a little dude magical of jewel see [Applause] [Music] just look at this amazing piece down here look at that Wow and the reflection of the Sun on it is just beautiful it's on my psyche pale pinkish purple kind of color so beautiful so mum was calling me and as I was running she's still calling me nice I'm running I just I picked up these look I'll have to show you the mother set because mum keeps calling oh wow these are some of mom's finds Wow look at that those aqua colors are just incredible at me they're just insane look these are the bits that I found Wow just coming in look at that little like cheese like blue and a half it's a cochlear and a half not and then this a bit oh that's my favorite color it's gorgeous isn't it lovely look these are the bits that I found Wow just coming in look at that little like cheese like half blue and half is a cochlear and a half not and then this a bit oh that's my favorite color it's gorgeous isn't it lovely oh I just put it down here a little blue little blue mum's got some gorgeous Aquos as well I love that color yeah [Music] I think I just found the end up a little bottle stuffer as well they look so pretty in the sunlight oh that's a lovely negative nice of em cobalt blue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh what treasures do you have oh look at that I have that treasures back I got a really nuggety piece of cobalt blue I know the beautiful colors beautiful perfect gorgeous you've got a little jelly bean be blue so pretty boy found em big chunk of bass here face of a bottle I'll live on my leg sandy so I can listen Oh actually and just next to it it's the most beautiful color look at that beautiful aqua [Music] is it the different strata and everything we found the rock side back here before Oh glass so many lonely blue colors today isn't there we're quite cold very cool that I actually a drip drip on the end right hours okay okay it's free so yeah it's really really cool so and we're gonna go home and go to sleep no well we've got to eat this but anyway um I think we're gonna make some jewelry out of some of those things we've found today's and the pieces because my mom's got loads here so we're gonna make some jewelry well yeah I've got a pocket full pocket pulled snake laughs yeah I'm gonna make some jewelry yeah anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well most of you probably know that we've been having computer trouble Alexes computer laptop that she usually does the editing on has broken yeah and so we've had to edit this on mine which also is not suitable for editing it's been a nightmare so but we are overwhelmed really response people yeah have been so generous and so understanding and people have donated money towards us yeah a new computer so hoping to put more things in our shop as well yeah to try and raise some money to your computer so we're hoping that's going to help us and we just like to say again thank you so much thank you donated through PayPal and become a patreon become a patreon and also not all your moral support and you've all made a big difference everyone who's donates made a huge difference no matter how small it's all going towards a new laptop which means well if every video I've I've made so long I know YouTube it crashes very frequently I have stayed up all night on many occasions it's crashed and I've often lost the entire video and I've had to start again very solidus so my video my laptop was just completely unacceptable to use anyway so it just got to the point where it I can't yeah it's just yeah it's just died on scanner but having a new laptop would make a massive difference as well so yeah thank you so much so and finally we'd like to say hello and a big THANK YOU to Derrick James thank you very much very much that's it for another week hopefully next week we won't have so much troubles we've had this week well that's if we can get you raise the money in time and have what you laptop delivered in time but yeah yeah might still be if not to try and on my laptop yeah if we're not on time you'll know yeah okay so thank you to our current patrons of course all of our new patrons that have come in you're on the screen now and all of our subscribers whether its financial or not because we love you all [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 35,234
Rating: 4.968605 out of 5
Keywords: sea glass, beautiful sunsets, sea glass jewelry, beachcombing, how to make sea glass jewelry, english sea glass, beach glass, ASMR, jewellery making, sea glass hunting uk, treasure hunting scotland, sea glass hunting, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking, sea glass jewellery, beachcombing uk
Id: Ps8caFYeWnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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