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you can do it again no it's like a bottle right that's pretty that sick good look at that alright what are we doing get off the phone we're about to look at some amazing life back let's do some life hacks I do like hacks so let's just jump into it alright ooh that is a drink that is a drinkable glass that is not for anything that can get us demonetised you know what it's for we're putting matches in what does he do I have no clue oh he's making the smoke right Oh suction that balloons better get a suck oh wow look at that that's amazing faith oh it does they didn't even meet they didn't yeah Wow shut up the smiley faces can we get some hype for some smiley faces oh look it's a minion baba really then that's Raymond this is my dad ah it's like a minion with pimples I don't make fun of the minion Nunez pimples that wasn't good I watched it a few times it was a good life actor it's one of those Peter's my daddy why dude my roommate Zack and as I executor really yeah well I see use a hair dryer cuz he has long luscious red hair it's beautiful is this the magic trick hair dryer ball launcher oh that's so awesome so you can like we should send this to the military sign this uh this is smart yeah alright next hack yeah clothespin I don't think I've seen any clothes been used for clothes in like the last eighty years we have washers and dryers use a dry or why'd you need to hang your clothes what if I don't a lot of spring it so he's making a connector piece oh he's making a friendship bracelet oh my gosh I'm EEMA there's a lot of cuts around its arm wear the bracelet or you think the bracelet did that I hope not I mean I hope so that's got a Balenciaga that's like a polenta yeah that is designer bracelet you can't make these at home that order it today didn't literally just show you how to make shot mr. bascomb hawks Jim hmm what is with coke we why is there so much coke okay I don't know pay attention to the light I don't know yet looks like he's just cut a bottle and put rubber is he making like a trampoline for so four so cool so don't this bottle soap dish did you just say bottle soap dish oh this is your eraser not sharp wait what oh I'm out of my eraser I get what he's doing so you sharpen off the take the metal off yeah I take the metal off the did be fair you should just always have a full-size eraser with no those are too big we used to do this in class no yeah of course who didn't do the ultimate life hacks back in school I used to chew on it I made a lot of mistakes yeah yeah made a lot of mistakes but thanks to erasers they're all gone they can clean them up you know the that was a nice zoom in up and in the beginning he showed you all of his tools this is establishing what's about to happen this guy knows this camera those are great for when you're at Chuck E Cheese to hold your tokens what the den things yeah you ever do that no they fitted Chuckie Cheese it's like it's like I think that the Creator did it on purpose to hold your quarters fact-check dude this guy's like and looks like he's making a word I can't say because YouTube monetization but it's a pipe and does something it goes up a boom because Oh yikes this is really advanced do these people are so intricate it's a ridiculous this looks like something that you would buy from RadioShack present peace oh yeah like all is RadioShack officially done I don't know I haven't seen in a while the one over here closed what what dude this guy made his own drill press machen being that like like MacGyver ish yeah that's impressive not even your line I could sign them up I can never do that you could give me all the tools to do that and I would never be able to what are those things they're chapstick capsules are they all right they don't ever explain what it is and I don't see who's in it you have not yes I heard what's he doing he's gonna put little balls in it and it's a mini turned out look so not know what would this music just switch stuff this one really country all right all right we got Jason Aldean on the track now this is sort of like bluegrass no this ain't bluegrass this is like Texas Roadhouse eating a steak dark the dark dirt here this looks like the little turret from Portal are you still there yes I am yes never played portal did you sure didn't literally one of the best games ever made so here's the thing a lot of people use these things to remove corn from the cob right the easiest way is you just take the corn and you set it up and just take a knife and just cut down the sides of it and you get all the corn out you don't get into your teeth and you don't need these crazy little corn contraption I thought you just bite into it let's say you get it in your teeth buddy I'm also that corn is not good yeah that's not cook that's raw corn wait so he's just ruining the corn right no I mean is chuffing it off pretty tough imagine being the life hat guy that wakes up in the morning it's like you know what horn give me give me give me a can of coke and corn now I think it worked actually pretty well though it does if you're in a pinch this is for you this is good for Thanksgiving you know we're from Illinois they eat a lot of corn that is true they do why the because they have a lot of corn out there it's the only thing that grows out there you want to Illinois oh you are nice all right he's putting spray paint in the coke bottle Wow what'd he do that how did their house are three what is he doing is that water yeah look how it's looking up it's probably windy whoa what the how did that happen that's scientific in some way yeah science that's science I don't know what just happened but we'll take it you can do it again no it's like a bottle right that's pretty bad say dude look at that let us say that's phenomenal that's holy holy guacamole how does he do this comes up with these see on the movie set for holes like dig it no we can't see yeah you know oh dude look how far away a hole it a shot what a shot that was pretty cool that was crazy that looks like Patrick's and nostrils when he Smith have you seen yeah you know it's the guy the little fish guy oh yeah yeah smelly patter the creepy patty Irwin what's he doing here oh I bet let's get from the movies burning it just the front yeah look you know you thought that was gonna look good it looks so good doing it what don't get why why do we need to know the temperature hurts oh it looks oh so it's gonna be a black white so this is supposed to be like black and white a thin I think it's just supposed to be on fire man that was so cool dude that was all my god and they're they're gonna smash em yep there goes that had to be one of our new did he get a engine okay yep there it is there's the engine he's already got it it already has your favorite candy why thank you server O'Hare demonym don't talk it's Eminem's Oh what it yeah they looked at mario party mario pipe i want to play Super Mario maker but I don't want to get mad I'm gonna rage I'm not gonna lie somebody's life hacks having really confused all he made a Pistons I make a railway engine this thing gonna be one about to put it in my golf cart put it in my lawnmower all right a lot of glue lots of glue you gotta make sure it's airtight yeah okay but what does glue do when it's around heat it might be so this engine angle left every long I don't know there's music though there's so much going on I can't keep up I'm not Oh and then we air pump there you go air pump that's got at least three horsepower Wow you know I just read that title and I'm wondering why they don't make colourful paper towels like construction paper style paper towels imagine if you had pink paper towels it ever did yeah well that was English definitely brand it differently hey by our pink paper towels right I like that dude it'll blow no that was crazy blue supreme dye Easter eggs right now if you wanted to nude Easter eggs aren't fun all this guy's gonna do what I said you should do yes maybe let's see is he's gonna do the thing where you put the thing like a new thing there's so much setup I like it ah well can you name the primary colors off the top of your head right now really that are very low yes okay great no that's not it red green blue RGB that's RGB lights but what are the primary Cup oh all of the primary three there's three of them there's more than just red white black red yellow blue raisin every color with that oh guys well this sounds good seem like you're making your colors good jig a little wheel jig for your color making users yeah I like calling scissors scissors okay OOP obstacle sneeze oh I thought those were like the nail filing things there might be actually it's hard to tell nail filers are just popsicle sticks with like the sandpaper on them pretty much that was really dangerous um I would not use these scissors no what is that is that a wood yeah would why did I say like that sometimes I don't make them yeah Italy this looks like what though man I tell you what about caps this is uh you could put that as like baby jewelry if their hands are small enough you could has a small right now baby jewelry how that is cool though that looks so dangerous and not even dangerous like you're gonna cut yourself it just looks dangerous inherently like it's safe but it looks dangerous it works really well though yeah Wow crazy construction paper is key I haven't seen construction paper in 10 years yeah like what I got out of like middle school is when I stopped seeing construction paper but I don't do a lot of crafts I'm not saying CDs - did CDs quit a long time ago yeah do did you ever like CDs no I never used them it's never about tapes no you just say yes wait say you like CDs dude Chris I love CDs well how about you CDs talking about peanuts so that peanuts don't get mad at you not via PG we're talking about peanut butter he's looking for his PG sign right now is this do making it oh he's making a car that's probably the only thing CDs are useful it anymore sometimes I gotta say sentences and I forget some of the words that I just go for it oh wow that actually worked lonely seedy cars alright we'll see you next one bye-bye
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 1,048,603
Rating: 4.8816543 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019, coca cola, coke, bottle, rocket
Id: tuRXuVAFvww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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