AMAZING Amethyst Crystal Machine Dig at the Jackson's Crossroads Mine | Hunting Gems & Minerals

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okay that's the biggest piece and with the seven were found whole week Wow how do you guys paleo Chris I'm out today at the Jacksons crossroad amethyst mine near TIG knowledge Oranje I'm super excited to my first ever machine dig this is elastic of the season I think they open back in October so we should be able to surface on today it's raining currently on me right now so that means it's washing all this stuff out they've had a machine through here turning all the piles so it's all brand new and ready to hunt super excited so let's get to it [Music] [Music] they got my first pistol of the day here that's pretty decent let's check it out all right a little a little bit of purple yeah buddy all right and here's another little crystal just spotted another small one right here let's see yeah okay there's a little bit of color this is a pretty cool really Jimmy one not really broken anywhere but good clarity on it nice purple color see right by this big rock right here that has a nice point on it I don't know might have another one on the side we'll clean that one off in a second I really like this one it's a bit of a double here really really good clarity the purple isn't showing up quite as well as it does in person but definitely have some purple to it and I have another one right here color looks for real nice oh yeah oh wow yeah that's gonna clean up nice go walk down to the puddle and clean it off good here's this one all cleaned up it's actually not broken anywhere I thought it was actually broken on this side but looking at it it looks like it's just growing that way three awesome points of amethyst and I like that piece I like that piece a lot be a cool little display piece in my collection Hey look who I bumped into here this is Brian the crystal collector on YouTube and check out this awesome piece of amethyst that Brian just gave me there's a bubble inside here somewhere it's super cool this isn't from this mine this is from another mind that he hunts but yeah it's awesome thank you very much Brian make sure to check out Brian's channel in the description below he has an awesome channel where he does just crystal hunting the channels of the crystal collector awesome there's a bubble right there and if you turn it it will move there's water trapped in there I'm not crazy boom boom boom there's something just peeking out right there it's probably broken up but let's check it out definitely a fragment of the crystal [Music] what I'm looking for it's super hard to spot these sometimes but that's a little tiny one little point on it cool so we got a couple people here from West Virginia travelled all the way and their day is definitely made with this piece look at that pretty much undamaged a little tiny bit for the most part that's a complete amazing amethyst crystal starting to rain on me maybe it'll wash out some new stuff alright guys the weather is getting insane storming really hard I see a little piece here I might have to take shelter it's getting so nasty a little bit of purple it is coming down here right now you guys under an umbrella here with me hearing a little bit of thunder should be okay I hope some people braving the storm of us other people left but this should make the surface hunting much much better this time exactly what we needed whoa okay that was bad lightning I like that on second thought maybe I'll take shelter what was once the trails or Little rivers now and there's just lightning everywhere very dangerous I got a long way back to shelter all right so the rain is finally starting to let down a little bit and I see something sticking out at me right there take those over here wash it off it is getting so soft got my little armband on it tells them that I did paid them yeah that's gonna be cool looks like a double no I just gotta clean it off in a second this piece is just awesome cleaned up a nice double good clarity got some funny stuff going on I think there's some fractures that are making some kind of like crazy rainbow colors it's pretty cool a little bit of drusy quartz on there too I like this piece check out all these people here hundreds of people all around here pulling out nice and with this crystals gonna walk around you a little bit of service funding it just rained again it's something right here it's still raining - ever so slightly it's a fragmented crystal just on the top so I am super jealous right now look at this piece that a guy just pulled out here just right on the top unbelievable that's better than anything I've ever seen out of here I cannot believe that Wow so check out right here we have just found recently very nice little amethyst crystal that is awesome all right I'm definitely gonna use that stuff later Christel right there just experiment alright Ryan just spotted something with some color right here I'm gonna see what it is in just a second definitely has color nice puddles everywhere now no need for a spray ball yeah no fragmented crystal it's some good color all these piles are fresh now that we got that rain check out right there guys I see the best one I got so far today Oh Lord that's actually way bigger than I thought okay that's the biggest piece amethyst I've ever found holy cow oh my goodness holy are you serious right now that's the biggest piece of amethyst I've ever seen what okay I'm gonna go wash that off all right guys I'm cleaning it off right now it's looking insane look at this thing are you kidding me that's the biggest piece of amethyst I've ever found in my life oh yeah that thing is huge and look at it it's not even broken down there it's all like a healed up or I don't know what that's called but that's cool look right there I was just passing through here and I see something nice let's just try to wash off a little bit that's cool little point little low beam up but that's awesome it rained so much out here I only got this one all cleaned up it's actually not a bad little crystal some clay hardened clay or something on there it's a good piece all right we just got up and have some of our stuff laid out these are the best finds of the day I have the one that I found right here and then the two my buddy Ryan here found look at those look at that awesome huge huge point that piece is killer nice Jimmy stuff right there on the top and then that's it if you guys liked this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next video let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it if you'd like to visit the Jacksons crossroad amethyst mind and hunt for yourself make sure to check the public dig schedule listed on their website jxr amethyst dot-com which will be linked in the description below the hours listed on Google do not reflect the public dig schedule as always I appreciate you watching the video can't wait to bring more like it to you soon I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PaleoCris
Views: 1,536,541
Rating: 4.8883324 out of 5
Keywords: amethyst crystal, jacksons crossroads, quartz crystals, digging crystals, gem mining, amethyst mine, crystal digging, crystal hunting, gem hunting georgia, jxr, jacksons cross roads, amethyst quartz, collecting crystals, finding quartz crystals, finding amethyst crystals
Id: HhMvqhjMcdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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