Jackson's Crossroads Amethyst Mine - March 8, 2019

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well I decided to try my luck once again at the Jackson's crossroads and a special goes out to Rachel Ledford for the invite this time I came along with my good friend Richard pally working that you can come digging y'all are the first people out here in six months [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so take a look at this Boulder it was sitting right next to the sign-in area look at all that amethyst look at how almost every single bug that you see there has a little bit of amethyst poking out so there are a couple ways in which you can remove amethyst from a boulder like this one of them is using a rock salt which is the best way the other is just using a simple chisel and hammer unfortunately when you use a chisel and Hammer like I did the percussive action usually makes its way through the rock and into the amethyst shaking it loose from the matrix like in this case mineral collectors give a higher value to minerals still attached to the matrix so there are three commonly used methods for looking for amethyst at this mine the first one is of course to break open boulders like this and looking for bugs filled with needle quartz but a lot of times mud but underneath that mud sometimes you'll find some nice amethyst the second way is to use a shovel and screen that way you can sift your way to the amethyst the third is to surface find and that's what I'm doing today surface hunting so sit back and relax as I filmed all of my finds throughout the day and strung them all together here for you to see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is cool sweet Wow Wow killer now here's a nice piece of amethyst one matrix that happened to score at the beginning of the day from a large boulder if you're interested in going to jxr yourself make sure to head on over to JX or amethyst com click on the public digging link and you can look for your next opportunity to find some purple yourself and here are all my finds cleaned up [Music] [Music] so remember that really big purple stone that I found at the end there well it was so damaged all around and that I figured the best thing I could do is to polish it up so I decided to cut off the most purple part of it and begin polishing it [Music] so you can see here that have ground down all the roughest parts of the crystal a little more grinding and it's starting to look a little better [Music] now this is up to 280 grit [Applause] now 1,200 grit [Music] and finally finishing off with a cerium oxide polish to give it that really great luster now obviously I can shape this further into a more elegant piece of jewelry but for now I'm just going to keep it as it is knowing that can always do this in the future if I so choose [Music] you
Channel: Rock Hound Lounge
Views: 86,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JXR, Jackson's Crossroads, Amethyst, quartz, crystals, jewels, gemstones, Mine, mining, treasure, treasure hunting, purple, gem mining, amethyst mine, minerals, tignall, Georgia
Id: 4V8B247hAEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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