We Found RARE Dire Wolf and Bear Teeth Underwater in a Florida River - Florida Fossil Hunting 🐺 🐻

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I have a fossil in my hand broom my hey guys paleo Chris today I'm out on the river a river that I actually grew up hunting and swimming when I was a kid this river is actually loaded with stuff and I have some pretty good locations that I found in the past got my buddy Kyle over there we're gonna jump in the canoe make our way to his spot first I want to show you guys just how beautiful this location is and then we'll get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys we're on the canoe right now got mr. Kyle up here we're about to start paddling to the first spot we may actually stop halfway through because it's a long paddle and we going upstream so you ready I'm ready I'm ready let's go we're going the difficult way my friends that's how you do it right there a hippo Kyle saw hippopotamus so this floating weeds like this is where I always see like snakes sometimes there's little alligators up in this stuff but I'm gonna hop out here and try not to kill myself oh my lord it's moving I wanted to grab this lighter and get the trash out the river let's go my lord how y'all doin Turtles we just parked the canoe for a minute and we are gonna walk up there there's a mr. wild Kyle up there and I'm gonna show you guys some cool stuff right here beautiful little lilies here on the river and they are actually everywhere in this area we could all of them back through there and unfortunately even in a beautiful place like this there's trash so I'm gonna keep that and maybe we'll actually clean up some of the river a little bit today two more over here look at oh my gosh guys look at that sparkle right there what do we do with things like that that's right but you got your hand what I think you missed is my out man all right we're gonna make a pile right here because we can't carry all that stuff yeah and we'll pick it up in a bit look at this old tortoise shell right here that's kind of cool the interesting thing about it though is there are little rodent chew marks all over it all on the edges here and we actually find fossils sometimes with those same rodent chew marks from you know ten thousand to a hundred thousand years ago there's also a very rare tortoise feather here which is rarely this well-preserved check this out right here this plant right here little tree root is growing completely around a glass bottle and I don't know how long that's been here but it looks like it's been here quite a while there's no getting that out that's staying right there so do you guys see all these sticks piled up right here we've checked it really closely and those are all chewed sticks from beavers we walked up there a little bit we're not gonna get too close right now and we heard splashing from underneath there so this whole thing is Hollow and there are beavers in there currently missing ran all right we'll properly dispose of all this stuff at the end of the day mush mush mush I'm not howling right now there's a log try to take my paddle all right guys so we are wusses and we're taking another break from paddling but we wanted to jump in this crystal-clear spring to show you guys just how beautiful it is we're gonna get suited up we're just going to snorkel for just a little bit maybe 10 minutes or so and then we're gonna go find some fossils all right guys this wetsuit is freezing cold and wet there's not fun [Music] all right so I'm gonna grab the underwater cameras and we're gonna go out there and see what it looks like so we're actually gonna be using the Nemo underwater dive system by blue today I'm very excited to try this thing out I guess the way that this thing works is it uses a rechargeable battery and this thing has a little waterproof sensor inside they call this a smart rag so the second you start to breathe it kicks on the compressor pumps air down to you and when you stop breathing it's dead silent so this thing's very cool I think it's gonna be a game changer for some of the types of fossil hunting that we do battery slides right in right here it feels nice and secure and then we do this little connector here all right here we go with the connection oh it just made a beep I guess that means we're good so gotta secure this down and make sure it's waterproof and I think we are ready to dive this thing is dead silent until the second that you need air so not too loud not too disturbing all right Kyle's already out there let's go [Music] guys look at the size of this cypress tree what on earth that's crazy it's a big knobby thing on it this is the main method we're gonna use to hunt today I have these buckets they're weighed down with a couple weights and that big sifter I'm gonna go down right now fill this giant bucket up and then I'm gonna bring it up and we are going to sift it so I got my bucket filled back up but I miss it a little bit of gravel hopefully I didn't lose any good fossils [Applause] and start raking it back Mongoose come old fossils turtle shell turtle shell let me take my gloves off all right here we go oh look at that little fossilized root that's awesome whoa look up here little baby shark little lemon shark tooth powdery a very old one so here's a little echo note so the economic arks teeth come out of the limestone in the bottom of the river here these are you've seen an age and all the other stuffs Pleistocene so this stuff is much older than this stuff oh that is definitely a copper light right there there's a piece of fossilized Boop look right here oh that it's actually a type of extinct camelid so some type of camel or a llama they lived during the Pleistocene here in Florida alright so that's it for that screen that's all the fossils from that little camel to think was the best fine but we also got a few little copper lights here and there little tortoise spur shark tooth eka notice is like a little type of like sea urchin they lived in the Eocene a couple of fossilized sticks and fish spines and I have a bunch more stuff come on bucket all right here we go looky there it's a little fossilized alligator tooth sweet I'll miss my hand look right there that is a little fossilized giant armadillo tooth so they look almost like an eight in cross-section but that's a killer killer fossil right there my best fossil of the day so far Oh last fossil is screen as another little fossilized root there so I've got a couple fossilized roots alligator tooth mammal ear bone piece of a copper light a candle and that giant armadillo tooth very happy with that screen as well I have a little bit more in this bucket we're gonna finish that bucket and Kyle gets to go down and find himself some stuff so check this piece of turtle shell out right here you see the weird pattern on it it's very different from like that shell this is soft shell turtle shell and you can always recognize it because of that weird pattern right there I like those pieces I might keep that one so that's it for that one not too much out of that screen but I got some great stuff out of that bucket all that stuff right there look at all that that's all from a single bucket some pretty cool fossils all right mr. Wilde Kyle's turn all right buddy find some cool stuff I saw it I saw like something weird flip out of the gravel I saw that shape and I was like what the heck was that I thought it's like a tapir tooth or something and then I stopped for saying I gotta find it and I found a bad tooth and it is perfect bro oh my god are you kidding so this thing is ridiculously mind-blowing not only because it's a carnivore tooth but because it's to a type of bear that doesn't live here anymore a spectacled bear so it's actually from the genus tree mark dose I'd like to be happy for my friend but I'm extremely jealous no I'm happy for him for sure he's part of the shell right there right dude herbs yes part of the bony armor plates of a giant armadillo dude I love these fossils so much they're so fun to find that is awesome well it's like a little fossil cookie Kyle's down there right now filling up his bucket I think there's gonna be some cool fossils in there I got a bucket for fossils oh yeah I'm gonna pour this is this street [Music] so much food I'm afraid I am afraid of what's gonna be in here all right look mako shark okay that's kind of cool how long is that Makos Eocene so it's around 38 to 50 billion years old are there megalodons right they're much much older than megalodons yeah that's pretty awesome look right here I fossilized a root this listen is a fossil it's a super fossil that's really cool I like those a lot this screen didn't have a whole lot in it but had a mako in there stick that's right and I still got a bunch of bucket to look through so [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] alright right off the bat fossilized deer tooth right there alright that's pretty cool see what else we got there's a little fish vert those are kind of cool they don't anyone oh my lord that's a hell of a match I'll get him I will say that they do pinch it's really scary and if you push me I'm gonna scream on camera huh don't [ __ ] me don't bid you good ready okay go back into the wire buddy Oh set a couple yeah I think you just found a way into these people why you love copper night to would there I love coprolites because copper lights are fossilized to pooh-pooh [Laughter] well not a whole lot a couple cool little things but that bear tube that i found is the best I see some gravel here I gots the gravel oh my gosh wow that's a good grab you literally didn't look at anything right there okay here we go get all the lightweight stuff out some turtle shell right there I don't know that's a cool piece of show right there tortoise so the turtle tortoise shell that I showed you earlier with that one piece there's a fossilized one of them that's awesome I got a fossilized white-tailed deer if you can see right there nice it's a deer molar I have a fossil in my hand bro yes yes there oh my goodness I believe that's his direwolf dude but we just got wolf in there right back to back we're both are you kidding me dude we are on fire brother oh my gosh dude today is it's an upper it's an upper its upper today is amazing dude this we found dire old teeth here before you guys have seen it y'all have seen it let's show them again well show you again right now check this out what is that let me see that let me identify this dude what is that it's it could be big dire wall that's the tooth socket right there we're a giant canine was we gonna find it in the river by Chris I can touch it Oh Chris you dude is that it dire wolf brother so check it out this is actually the premaxilla that's how the canine went in this part right here would have been the nose so that's yeah that's pretty cool it's then actually a very uncommon piece that Kyle found today and the canines not too bad either so we're back and we're both very happy right now we both got awesome fossils today any day you can get a carnivore fossil between two people that's a good day but we got to complete carnivore teeth one each that's a huge success I almost missed this right here that is a very very very old horse tooth right there like the animal was very old because the tooth is completely worn down almost to the roots there so horse tooth doctor Wolf's tooth - whitetail deer teeth and a piece of fossilized tortoiseshell not too bad and I still have a whole bunch more to go amazing so there wasn't much else in that bucket besides that direwolf tooth and a couple other common fossils but I go through 50 buckets for a single direwolf tooth so that's awesome that made my entire trip there and then Kyle with that killer bear tooth we're gonna load up the stuff right now because we have a long ways to get back and we're gonna start making our way that way so a huge thank you goes out to blue for sending me this device to use today if you guys are interested in learning more about this there'll be a link down in the description below anybody who purchases through that link will help us support the creation of new videos here on this channel let's jump in this canoe head back and lay out all the fossils that we found today camera I gotta hold them up to the camera bro don't let him flopping out why he kind of caught us though all right buddy see you later you did not like that Wow well it is pitch dark out here right now that fish just started jumping out of the water and I was like oh no I like boxing dude I went like this to protect myself and literally just jump right in the boat all right we're gonna get back and lay out all of our stuff right now it was a little bit dark last night to lay out all the fines to show you guys so we actually met up today we laid it out this is all Kyle's stuff here this is all my stuff over there kind of got this big old nut bone he got a bunch of osteoderms two tortoises giant tortoises it used to live here there's a little alligator tooth a little modern alligator tooth bunch of other cool stuff this is a giant armadillo osteotome there that's a cool fine white-tailed deer ankle bone Kyle's best find by far is this bear molar - tree mark dose the type of spectacled bear that used to live in Florida during the Pleistocene that is a crazy fine right there on over to my stuff I've got a little shark tooth I got a couple little echo notes which are like sea urchins I've got a whole bunch of other little random teeth that is actually a camel tooth so we did have camels in the Pleistocene here in Florida this is a little taper tooth if you don't know what tapers are look that up they're pretty crazy looking I've got some little fossilized roots here and then my favorite find of the day by far that is I believe a little upper premolar - a direwolf and we've actually found quite a few other little pieces of direwolf from this spot in the past so that's another piece probably to the same animal right there this is probably my second favorite find of the day this is a giant arm and besides the wolf I think that's my second favorite for sure so that's about it if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button check out Kyle's channel linked down in the description below subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: PaleoCris
Views: 77,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florida fossil hunting, florida fossils, fossil hunting, fossil hunting in florida, dire wolf, direwolf, bear, bear tooth, wolf tooth, pleistocene, paleo cris, paleo chris, how to fossil hunt, fossil hunters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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