Late afternoon yard sale shopping! Still finding lots of antiques and treasures! Always on the hunt!

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I came back to the first spot figured they had to brought out more stuff there was so much nice old things somebody was looking for a milk can today but it was over in Hamilton so what do you get on the light fixture the one that looks like it's mostly parts yeah the deco one the deco II one well 20s funny but uh so you started buying fixtures and stuff for it can I look at this costume a spot for it is it I mean are you moving stuff your problem is when I got to the end it was like you didn't know which way to turn to get to your house and there's another sale in the neighborhood so but I'm just saying you don't have a clear arrow to get to your house so like people will turn in and then go to your neighbors sale and then think that was it I'm just letting you know now I know what they don't like any of that but it's not for yard sale signs is it it's only if you leave him out because he's not driving around on Saturday he drives around Monday and it's so if you leave them up the sign Nazi little Buffalo is pretty cool what are you getting the bag or how you selling it next time though oh you guys are gonna be set up tomorrow there in between my two markets that I go to so maybe I'll stop here it's a nice sterling all right I think that's it there isn't too much were these the ones that were in no these are different Harrisburg pretty cool no painted jugs right yeah a lot more jewelry these are all Avon rings basket of flowers is nice that's a straight razor a lot of that later Bronson your cards are getting wet from condensation how long did it take the bag up everything yeah it's fun going through it I guess when you maggot I always find it hard to shop it on its bag it's definitely true alright so I got these and I don't know where that I put that I had another pile somewhere yep and then I had a pile somewhere ever that's kind of going here it is sifters and what was the stuff on the ground all right Oh buy a piece of silver plate for 50 cents I have to get some sidewalk chalk for the kids for a quarter the big ones are good especially since I have a nice big driveway that's it it's kind of cool how much was that Jim yeah what do you want on it so I ended up getting the paisley it doesn't have any holes for four bucks that that's a really good buy there's a lot of detail on this one and it's old so but we'll see what else I'm gonna just go home now and I guess we'll show you what I picked out but I was happy with that and I got the police badge too so everything was ten with the with the pins and the police badge so and that's probably from the 50s so I had to pull over a little bit but there's another big pile of trash when I was liking or these the hooks that was a good fine for in the trash this live it or not this piece of marble is a good piece of marble to on this table I could sell that at the market fairly easy I just don't think it will come out easily man [Applause] but very very very nice piece of marble I'm gonna take the hooks and come up with an idea how to get this piece of marble so I ended up getting that piece of marble out of that it's really nice so very happy about that very happy about those twisted metal hooks starting to get a lot of stuff in the truck for tomorrow for for the flea market so should do pretty well showing you quick all right never know what you're gonna find the trash there's a lot of kid toys here for Darwin he's finally out of the car ready shop Starr would you but so far he's gonna show you how the track works that does that work watch out there no air kiss Darwyn fell asleep again you've been playing with that Lego but I think I found something for him we'll see there's this cool cool bike and it looks like it looks like it's in good condition mechanical like ah no but the iron man thing's pretty cool that's what this is it's Iron Man's gun repulsor so ten bucks for the puzzles and the bike you've got to do it what size are the shoes Napa too small all right I think that's it I don't know Darwin will either love this bike or you won't I think it's the next size up compared for what he was at so looks like a good one we'll see we'll find out when he wakes up definitely pays to get bikes from the richer people it looks like over here good morning not bad almost looks I was trying to talk him into the plastic soldiers but he just fell asleep in the car I used to have fun with those when I was a kid he has one of these a leopard gecko well got some great things where your irises are beautiful how long does it take for him to get this big like the part of the patch [Music] purple white ones are really really pretty and they have a really nice friggin fragrance to this spread that fast well got definitely a good bloom on some more hooks looks like did you get the rain yesterday or where you guys set up yesterday I love your corn crib pretty sure outs with that pretty sure that's what that was that's why it's off the ground well that's what that one looks like it is Oh half the size of the garage [Music] are you guys okay I definitely want the two shampoos and this animal how much would that be entirely ten for everything - fifty - fifty and five price - go I'm not in the furniture market right now sorry it's taking me so long to pick and this one is just so big very very massive sail the loop Maj the scientific thing I got these brackets so we'll see what she says pull tool box also but it's just a tool box it's really cool well it's very kitschy do I know what that before not off the top my head probably a pot holder maybe see how look you're popping here huh so I ended up spending 15 on my pile of stuff I really like the Limoge butterfly dishes but definitely make that back just on the copper are you ready to go home oh yeah we'll go to the pokemons place all right see everybody did make it back to see the first peony bloom from Brimfield like they were just looking like they wanted to go right before Brimfield there's an ant on one I just eat the sugars the flower protected your dar do you want to see what I got you right here you like it but are this bike I mean you don't have to keep it what do you think you gonna try it out or now it just woke up one of the best things I picked going out the second time yard saleing was this they had a dollar price tag on it but I felt I felt bad I gave him four and I still feel bad this is a good 60 to 100 dollar Paisley so really pretty and very old and then I spent 12 bucks on all the cool things at that sale I got the where the printing press was got this nice someone's make a good berry basket for picking strawberries the copper water truck or the wash trough really like the Limoge butterflies very very pretty this antique plate I mean it's got a chip on it but still the lion the brackets but this for a dollar at another sale its nickel silver so nickel silver isn't silver it's just a type of nickel with I think a little bit of silver plate or it's just highly polished nickel this this was one of my favorite things I found I don't know exactly what h/h oho h2o I don't know a lot of different elements but it makes a make some type of compound and this jewelry holder see put your earrings on it little vase really really cool I bought Gabby these books hopefully she appreciates them she normally likes reading one or two of the books that I find I got them for I think these were a dollar each where I got or I got the puzzles and this ow they bought it for $50 at one time in his 1985 but they wanted I got it for 50 Cent's so I thought that was a good buy for 50 bucks wonder why that is must be made by somebody famous but it's still just that plaster mold yeah door what's up what do you need oh you need to lower it's a little bit too high no problem I mean it looks like it's gonna be a fast bike the thing I was excited about look it's got the water holder - hi alright well soon as you wake up we'll get going alright I'm gonna go help him do the bike I think it might have a quick-release let's see now we need to go get the allen wrench to fix it you want to say good bye everybody oh you said now alright see everybody later you better be happy you just got you just upgraded your bike you're tired alright good nothing like yard sale alright see everybody later hope you have a good day peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 36,678
Rating: 4.8949342 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bus Dave, Yard Sales
Id: 9a6nIFMCeFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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