SONS OF HORUS - Warmaster's Speartip | Warhammer 40k Lore

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foreign ER wolves were supposed to be the most aggressive of us all that's how you would like the other Legions to think of you isn't it the most feared of Mankind's Warrior classes our reputation speaks for itself sir the legiones Estates would wage war across the Galaxy to unite Humanity into the compliance of the Imperium the single greatest warriors to ever grace the Stars each Legion would accrue glories for their deeds and become venerated for their service yet among all the legiones Estates one would be favored as the first among equals and legends of the great Crusade until their downfall to the thrall of Chaos the deadly instruments of the betrayer of the emperor the sons of Horus Dawn initially from the populace of Terror the Estates of the 16th Legion would be raised to quell the dissident rebels of the technobarbarian hordes volunteering to undergo the surgeries required of a Space Marine the subjugated aspirants of The Emperor's conquered foes would be transformed into Valiant enforcers of the imperium's will High proportions of the 16th would be recruited from the hunter clans of the due to Grand bowl and some satyan slums of Terror and instill the hardships of toil of conflict within the attitude of the legion intensely aggressive in nature the 16th Legion would with the implantation of their primarks Gene seed favor sudden overwhelming methods of War befitting their rugged and abrasive nature equally deployed as the first and last deadly blow to their opposition the 16th would earn a reputation as Warriors capable of inflicting utter devastation their glories initially chronicled for their service in the first pacification of Luna the 16th would regardless bear deep scars within their Collective psyche with further campaigns such as the destruction of the Coriolis enclaves cementing Legends which would persist to this day within Terran culture the so-called counting of the wolf would instill superstitious fear into the hearts of men at the site of the legion's numerals the opening Salvo and crushing termination of a hundred Wars the humorless and Relentless asparties of the 16th would in the wake of the pacification of terror's moon embrace the title born of their reputation the lunar wolves adorning their armor with a wolf's head emblazoned across the moon of Luna the Estates of the lunar wolves would also wear pelts across their ceramite to represent their predatory image as the first Legion to draw recruits from Worlds outside of Terror the lunar wolves would travel to the nearby mining colony of cafonia during 800 point m30 within sublight velocity the lunar wolves would reunite with the first Primark of the Imperium to be discovered their Gene father though to call such an event fortuitous would be a grave error Horus lupacal would be found at a young age aponcophonia with much of his deeds redacted and obscured from Imperial Scholars what is known is that the son of the emperor would Thrive upon the derelict world and rise to become the leader of the colonies criminal gangs mentored by the master of mankind the Looper cow would be the first of his sons to be molded into a leader of the Imperium a protege of many talents Horus would be Swift in his assimilation of teachings of State politics Empire building and Military Doctrine given command of the 16th Legion Horus would lead his army of ten thousand astartes for free Terran decades as the singular Primark of the great Crusade the caffonian Warriors inducted into the lunar wolves would be fitting Killers to unleash the fury of the Imperium across the Galaxy traversing beyond the soul system the first expeditionary fleets comprised of the 16th Legion now abounding with tens of thousands of caponia Estates the tenacious Space Marines would hunger for battle instilling cafonian traditions and Customs into the legion the demeanor of the 16th which slowly supplant its Terran culture [Music] top-nots and Mohawks common among the Headhunter gangs of their Homeworld would Mark the astartis of the burgeoning Legion as the killing blows of campaigns would be referred to as a baphon or the throat cutting of their enemies intensely loyal to their Primark the lunar wolves would follow in his footsteps as the charismatic and indomitable champions of the Imperium for soon their legacy would be cemented in Legend with the dawn of the Crusade which would mark their Gene father as the most cherished son of the emperor the auxinos had spread across the Stars alike to a virulent plague the primarks of the emperor had been restored unto the Imperium and every Legion had taken arms to bring compliance to the void the orc warlord urlach ERG would a masser tide of ox so vast that the entire assembled Imperial military would be the only sufficient response to its might assembling every one of the legione's astartes countless Imperial Army regiments and the might of the omnisized Titan legios the master of mankind would enact The ulenor Crusade the lunar wolves had been lorded above all for their glory and with their Primark at the head of their campaigns annihilated every foe in their path within elegant yet effective Force for over two centuries the Imperium had grown to become the single largest star-spanning empire ever seen yet it would take every able-bodied Warrior of humanity to defeat the greenskins surrounding the perimeter of the orc expanse the imperium's vast armies would drive back the tide cornering the Stellar Empire upon the world of ulenor prime the emperor would deploy one hundred thousand astartes eight million Imperial Army soldiers and the might of thousands of void crafts in order to invade the orc Homeworld alongside Horus lupacal and his lunar wolves the emperor would lead the charge in slaying urlach ERG an ending the blight of the greenskins Horus Lupica would slay the orc warlord and cast its corpse from the Tower of the Orcs abominable Citadel the Orcs would be routed with the lunar wolves proving crucial to dealing the death blow to the upstart greenskin Empire and the master of mankind would recognize his most cherished son and his Legion for the unimpeachable service to humanity bestowing Horus with the title of War Master the lupacal would be tasked with leading the remainder of the great Crusade as the emperor returned to Holy Terror to conduct his secretive web Way project the lunar wolves would be honored a light to their Gene father and be renamed the sons of Horus as a mark of respect for their venerated Primark now endorsed as the preeminent astartes Legion the sons of Horus would continue to bring worlds into compliance for the remainder of the great Crusade respected by their peers above all doubt would nonetheless take hold within the legion's gene father initially resistant to change the moniker of his Legion Horus would relent to his father's gesture much to the Chagrin of his brothers resentment would grow among the most ambitious primarks and divisions would begin to divide the familial bonds of The Emperor's Sons the war Master would be burdened with the single greatest Duty in Humanity's history to complete the emperor's campaign to rule the galaxy fearful of falling short of his father's Deeds Horus would become susceptible to the guile and manipulations of the Servants of the ruinous powers logar aurelian Primark of the 17th Legion the word bearers had already been ensnared by chaos and would dispatch his first chaplain Erebus to whisper falsities into the warmasters forts denied Clarity by the emperor in his dealings of the web Way project upon Terror and anxious of failing the burgeoning Imperium as its newly appointed commander-in-chief Horus is Fall From Grace would be Swift bitterness frustration and paranoia would burrow deep within horus's soul and upon the moon of Darvin the war Master would be fatally wounded the once friend of Horus planetary Governor Eugene temba had been corrupted by the fell plague God nurgle commanding hordes of Undead soldiers Timber would wield the malevolent kinebrach anaphane stolen by Erebus and with its Edge pierce the war Master's armor digging into the Flesh of the lupacal its corrupting influence would corrode horus's body festering wounds upon his very Soul the most trusted astarties of the 16th the monaval would bring the comedos body of the war Master to the legion's apothecaries unable to Rouse their Gene father from Slumber as his condition ever worsened in an act of desperation the sons of Horus would endorse the Council of Erebus taking horse's body to the Temple of the serpent Lodge upon darvin's Moon the davonite shamans of the lodge would begin their ritual to revive the lupacal their dark arts would transfer horus's Spirit to the immaterium wherein the war Master would observe a vision of the Imperium of man's dystopian future Humanity worshiped the emperor and his primarks as Gods whilst toiling within a regime so terrible that it stood in opposition of every teaching of the Imperial truth the gods of chaos would reveal the emperor's theft of Knowledge from the immaterium to create the primarks and Grant him power beyond any mortal being accepting a pact with the ruinous Powers Horus would be promised the Galaxy should he slay the emperor and Sunder the Imperium Awakening from his nightmare Horus would be reborn as the fell champion of Chaos ignorant of his own intervention in the portrayal of the Grim future he would create the war Master would rally every Primark embittered to their treatment by the emperor and begin his damn civil war against the Imperium purging the loyalist elements within the 16th Legion horus's most trusted officers would enact fratricide against their once battle brothers upon the world of istan free the Horus heresy had begun and the fate of humanity now hung in the balance the emperor would soon learn of horus's betrayal and dispatch his vast armies to combat the traitors to the throne the legiones Estates would wage war among one another in countless bloody wars and battles as the Galaxy burned for years the war Master would lead his army of psychopaths despots and Heretics towards holy Terror the loyal Heroes of the Imperium would stall the war Masters Advance as countless Souls of every Creed of the Imperial War Machine planted their blades and fired every last Boulder lasgun and void cannon in their desperate Defiance of the traitor assault for seven Terran standard years the champion of the ruiner's powers would not be slain by any mere mortal for the fate of humanity would be decided by the final battle a against the emperor the sons of Horus would lead the charge into the heat of the imperium's might as the siege of Terror wrought Untold casualties between the legiones astartes standing at the side of their Gene father during the culmination of the heresy the final battle to claim the soul of humanity would begin bloated with power Horus would in his Jewel of the emperor wound the master of mankind and be poised to rule the galaxy as its dark King yet with a final blast of psychic energy the emperor would Purge the war master from existence reeling in horror at the demise of their Champion the remnants of the broken sons of Horus would flee into the eye of Terror pursued by the vengeful loyalist Legions the 16th ones within the Embrace of the ocularis terribus would find Safe Harbor upon the Demon World of maliam offering their souls to the chaos gods for scraps of their power the surviving members of the sons of Horus would be vulnerable to infighting Among The Remnant traitor Legions and during the legion War the sons of Horus would once more be shamed with the emperor's children's theft of their primarks corpse Fabius bile Chief Apothecary of the third Legion would attempt to clone the war master in order to once again lead the traitor Legions to destroy the Imperium succeeding in his experiments bio would create the lupacal Anew if only for a moment first captain of the 16th would confront the clone of his Gene father and slay the Avatar of his legion's failure the sons of Horus were extinct a dead Legion befitting a failed Patron yet from the corpse of the sons of Horus a new Legion would be cannibalized habit on the de spoilers Heralds of his accursed Crusades to destroy the Imperium the black Legion the organization of the 16th would first be molded during the days of the unification wars of terror adhering closely to the outlines first devised by the officio militarus prior to the introduction of the primarks to the Imperium the then lunar wolves would be divided into squads between 10 and 20 astartes led by sergeants groupings of squads would be led by veterans whom would be referred to as Chieftains with the reunion of their Primark and the customs of caffonia's gang culture maintaining great armories and weapon stores the 16th Legion would be outfitted with ample armaments befitting specialized squads containing destroyer and zika units tithe great numbers of armored vehicles from Worlds brought into their compliance Horus would observe the legions of his brother primarks and incorporate effective compositions of units into squads such as breacher squads of the seventh Legion forming the spoiler squads trained to overwhelm weakened enemy emplacements with close combat weaponry and concentrated suppressing fire these squads would be adopted by the white scars and iron Warriors Legions in their attempt to mimic their effectiveness companies would be led by the legion's captains and incorporate several squads into the fold of sizes befitting each individual engagement some companies would comprise as few as 36 astartes whilst others would Eclipse 900 each led by commanders specializing in their own doctrines of War companies would also include Specialists within their ranks to add versatility in their methods of Waging War With The Standard averaging two veterans free reconnaissance one heavy support and several support weapon squads forming battalions chapters cohorts and regiments from groupings of companies the sons of Horus would adhere to strict hierarchical command if not stringent organization crafted for individual campaigns by the war Master himself the 16th Legion would rely heavily on the leadership of their captains for each rapid assault formation referred to as spear tips such pragmatism would not however be evidence of carelessness as Horus would allow for his Legion to strike with precision and self-reliance in every theater of war though among certain squads brotherhoods of close-knit Warriors would form with some squads adopting honorific titles such as the first sons and deathmakers with some even bearing their squad's Chieftains name as a moniker customs of cophonia's gang culture would see the widespread adoption of sigils and kill markings across veteran astatis on the plate to which junior members of the Legion would imitate the transition of their Armor's white paint to sea green would further distance their Customs from their origins of Terror embracing the dark traditions of blood pride and fiefdoms of caffonia's past the sons of Horus would ever slowly turn from the emperor's example amassing between 130 000 to 170 000 astartes prior to the events of the Horus heresy the sons of Horus would be among the numerically largest Legions of the Imperium given command of a vast Fleet in excess to any of their peers say for the Imperial fist Legion the 16th would command over 100 Capital ships and 300 smaller support vessels the Crusades of the war Master would be led by their imposing Flagship the vengeful spirit and deployed's most deadly Warriors to the Vanguard of battle Horus Lupica would be the utmost Authority in commanding his Legion yet facilitated his orders to be carried out by his closest advisors among his most trusted advisors the more Nevada would give Council to the war master in his deliberations and strategies to bring compliance to the Galaxy consisting of four chosen captains membership within the warrior lodge would be enshrined in Tradition and steer the destiny of the Legion through their influence embodying the virtues and glories of the lunar wolves and subsequently sons of Horus the mourn of Al would Adorn their pauldrons with the cycling phases of moonlight to signify the changing nature of their Legion prior to the fall of the Legion Ezekiel Abaddon would bear the full moon Horace axemand would bear the half moon Garfield Loken would bear the new moon and Tarik torgadan would bear the gibbous moon the elite first company would contain two Elite squads of the chapter's finest Warriors the jesteran would be commanded by first Captain ezekiah labadon whilst the Catalan River Assault Squad would be led by kallus ekadon clad in Black armor in stark contrast to their Luna Wolves original pearl white Sheen the first company would lead the most deadly of charges Into the Heart of their enemies favoring tactical Dreadnought armor the jesteran and Catalan reavers would proved to be an overwhelming Force capable of sundering any defensive positions with overwhelming Firepower yet not all members of the 16th would be honored for their deeds in battle for those who brought dishonor to the sons of Horus would be relegated to the Destroyer squads armed with weapons of devastating power such as rad weapons and phosphex bombs the Destroyer squads would March into battle and chem scolded armor plate considered a necessary Evil by their Legion the Estates of the Destroyers would carry out the dark Deeds necessary to bring their enemies to heal prior to their descent into the clutches of the ruinous Powers the gene seed of the 16th would be among the purest of the estati's legions derived from horus's genome the gene seed of the lupacao would greatly Empower any subject implanted with the organs to standards above the majority of Estates aspirants of their peers yet despite the pedigree of such materials the allegiance corruption by the forces of chaos would pervert its function and lead to rampant mutations within the ranks of the 16th cherishing their abominable changes with pride by the degenerates of the traitorous Space Marines the sons of Horus while unable to re-implant the gene seed of their fallen Brethren into new initiates would kill many potential neophytes in the attempt it is for this reason that the longevity of the sons of Horus Legion would be irreparable in the wake of the death of their Primark and Lead Abbott under the spoiler to draft recruits into his black Legion of varying disparate War bands the Homeworld of the sons of Horus cafonia would fall to ruin in the Years following the Horus heresy and fragment into asteroid debris due to the planet's unstable geostructural integrity once rich in valuable Ore traded across the Stars cathonius carcass serves as further reminder of the downfall of the 16th Legion though conjecture among Imperial Scholars pointer caffonia's destruction at the hands of loyalist fleets during the Great scarring of the traitors the gang world had already shown signs of degradation and degeneration during the time of the great Crusade adaptable in their strategies and martial capabilities the sons of Horus would when commanded by their Primark proved to be a reliable and exceptional fighting force yet with the fall of the war Master at the hands of the emperor the once proud Warriors of the Imperium would fall into disorganized panic broken in discipline morale and numbers the sons of Horus would dissolve into small War bands ruled by despotic chaos champions their Gene sire had been proven false and in the power struggle left from his passing a new Legion would be born first Captain ezekiah labadon would abandon his Legion to seek purpose and pursue answers from the dark gods the 16th had shed many skins from the gray storm cloud Sheen of unification the pearlescent Splendor of the lunar wolves and pale green honoring the legion's Triumph of woolenor as the venerated sons of Horus their superiority had been bested their pride torn asunder and failure stained the very air were the astartis of the 16th lurked they were no longer the Wolves of ancient Terror and the Eye of Horus once emblazoned proudly on their armor now served only as a reminder of their disgrace returning to the Galaxy with the blood of his reborn Primark drenching the lightning claw once used to wound the master of mankind abide on the despoiler would rally the fragments of his past Legion into a new Army the black Legion would be born From the Ashes of the sons of Horus and under the leadership of the new war master of chaos they would not rest until the imperium's destruction had been achieved now the single largest War band of the ruinous Powers the black Legion stalks the Galaxy hungry for the blood of The Emperor's loyal subjects for the sons of Horus may be extinct bitter Fury of its Legacy shall live eternal tell us how the sons of Horus took their new title tell us how they became the black Legion adverse I had no answer I wasn't expecting the question was genuine I said I would tell you how the sons of Horus died and how the black Legion was born I never said one became the other but he wasn't finished he had scripture of his own to quote it is written by scryer dianthon and thus driven from holy Terror and reigning forevermore in the Underworld the sons of Horus the treacherous 16th became the black Legion ah suddenly it all made sense from shame and shadows recast I said softly the words for myself alone in black and gold Reborn what I told you before the beginning there was an end the sons of Horus never reigned in the eye their ghost commanded nothing but graveyards of their own warships their Shades ruled over Fallen fortresses the sons of Horus died ten thousand of your years ago I know I watched it happen they were the 16th Legion but the black Legion was not founded by the emperor and never fought in his name it Bears no number numbers were only bestowed upon the legions of the great Crusade and we my Imperial friends are the Legion of the long War this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the sons of Horus would embody the Fall From Grace of the trait Allegiance and following their Gene Father's Footsteps to damnation and Extinction yet in my next transmission of the legiones astartes we shall elucidate another traitor Legion brought low in their Pursuits to embody their Gene father's might the Sorceress Children Of The Crimson King the Thousand Sons [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 47,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, sons of horus, sons of horus lore, sons of horus battle report, luna wolves, luna wolves 40k, luna wolves lore, sons of horus 30k, horus lupercal, warmaster, ezekyle abaddon, abaddon the despoiler, garviel loken, horus lore, horus lupercal lore, horus 40k, horus 30k, cthonia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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