Alone, Racing Ocean Rain Squalls - SOLO CAMPING A REMOTE ISLAND BEACH - Catch & Cook - Part 1

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i've got my groceries see the boat out the back but uh yeah just come up here to a nice high point where i can see the water or not see the water not quite the uh weather i was hoping for it's pretty windy i don't know if you can see down like uh well i'll open the window for a second oh it's coming in very quickly but it's actually yeah there's a few wide caps now they're oh i'm getting wet that's one but this squall could pass pretty quick as well it's come over real fast so hopefully it passes as fast as it got here because it was actually patchy blue sky when i first woke up but then i just went and got some groceries and things and um yeah this has come over that quickly but there is a nice apache sky there and the radar suggests it's going to pass maybe over the next 20 minutes [Music] she's a bumpy one yeah great just got to slowly hack away at it we're getting there i think i'm slowly just now getting a little bit of protection from the island but i've been catching up to this sailboat just jesse i don't know if you can see it very well in the gopro but she's bouncing around there definitely makes me jealous of not having her up here yet we'll have to get up to the island soon but and then this island would just be the beginning because we can go so much further out but uh yeah let's just get somewhere nice first i've got a beach in mind for this trip let's get through this wind slow and steady now i'm not staying here but i just know that the reef looks pretty good here this tide right now i'm going to go further around off the main island which is down there in quite a bit further on the furthest tip but i was just passing this one i thought you know what i've got a lure rigged up i wouldn't mind just having a quick cast over it even just one pass you never know i've got a lure on here ready to go i'll need more drag than that though if we get something just in case there's a sneaky trout or something that has a little liking to the allure wind's going to push me pretty quick oh there we go bloody yeah that was quick first cast wow what have we got it's got a little bit of go oh come on don't snap me off oh what have we got i think you might have reefed me then ah come on he's home into a hole i think ah come on yeah we'll let it go we'll let it go loose we'll see if he thinks he's off i'm going to get swept down here so fast it's going to be a bit of an issue damn oh it's pulling again oh come on i can hear it pinging off the uh coral ah he's definitely reef me what am i gonna do first cast though let me just start the engine come back around so we can find a better angle here to get him off so windy that i can't really hold position great idea rod maybe we'll try and get the snorkel out it's just there and i'll see if i can at least have a look at it oh he's been using these they're tight oh just came off oh damn well maybe that wasn't the best idea i've ever had it's all ready as well hmm i wonder what it was felt a bit too uh good to be a cod usually oh this is lens was a bigger cod maybe cole trout who knows you'll never know oh man my lure as well i think i only bought one of those one small lure like that let's have a quick go with this guy just thread him on push him down and then we switch it around i like to spin it and then go back through this channel you don't have to rig it this way but i quite like it sort of hold it look in there a little bit better except i haven't gone far enough back wow looks quite nice now all of a sudden oh there's something oh he's let it go damn what was that something definitely had a go pulled the plastic down then let go bummer feels like fishy that feels pretty fishy though yeah all those little baits every time i'm bringing this in i don't think it's the lure that would be scaring that bait that much so someone's obviously coming in and chasing it oh there we go there's another fish wow feeling pretty fishy look at all the bait get spooked up right buddy well nice old wine heading cod first fish of the trip bummer i didn't get that other one oh look he's quite plump yeah beautiful looking fish but uh not big enough would actually be quite good eating except not uh at this size you're not allowed to keep them they're gonna be 38 there we go mate not my best release but you'll be all right kind of ruined my plastic a little bit buddy oh there we go there's another fish feeling not much fight maybe another cod heavier maybe just water ski you in mate it's the same bloody one surely not look at that another one of them well it's not really what we came here for oh you're actually quite spiky mate i might use the pliers for you well unfortunately we missed our better fish i think oh there we go yep well that plastic's pretty much done anyway maybe we'll move on a little bit closer to the shore how cool is this little island if anyone recognizes this island this was actually the first video the first island video i did i think i think i did it in a skiff this is actually the island i came to it's actually quite nice but it's not where i plan to stay today i'm going to tell you what if it's got the best weather it wouldn't be a bad option yeah i never actually i don't think i've ever come back i've come back to have a quick spear or i think i got a lobster or a crayfish sorry um depending on where you're from here once on the way back through but i haven't stayed here once since that first time let's uh check this in here but we'll keep moving for now i don't want to catch any more of those car damn what was that first fish anyway we'll see if we can get across to these next islands to get some protection so we can go a bit quicker there's a storm coming i really like to get a tent up before that hits but i don't think i'm gonna make it oh what's that big rock i'm about to crash into that not too late oh it's fairly hard sand but it's still pretty heavy with all this stuff in it that'll do okay i don't know if that storm's going to hit me ah it's all gross okay i don't know if that storm's going to hit geez it's nice and protected from the wind here but there is a storm coming over so i might just quickly set up tents immediately pretty much let's grab the tent bag we'll head up and we'll see if we can find a nice spot i like this pandanus but i don't know if it's really flat enough so just go right here oh i can feel that storm coming let's make it call we'll make it quick jeez it looks nice over here doesn't it little dog tracks or something something what kind of trucks they are couldn't you miss like a deer a little little hoof i don't know what they are you know what maybe under this little casuarina here is the way to go a little bit flatter it's quite quite a lot of leaves on it actually at the moment so shoot oh look at taking that lots of little little footprints i wonder what they are yeah i think right here might be the guy pretty much smack bang in the middle of the beach it's almost as if the animals have been taking the shade under this tree as well because there's so many little little footprints it's got a little split hoof hmm cute maybe we'll see some in the mornings i can actually feel the air changing it's getting sort of cooler and more breezy all of a sudden ah did i just snap my bag can't get it out without the sleeping bag out oh we did have 10 pegs in here what do you know let's wonder where they were i checked a whole bunch more in the bag and in the hole okay i guess we just leave it right there almost slight incline up that way but that's all right oh geez look we are literally just gonna make it come on let's get this on top i can feel it starting to sprinkle already [Applause] so we made it with literally seconds to spare but we made it so that's all that matters [Applause] because now we've got somewhere dry to stash our stuff oh great sleeping stigma got a bit wet then thought it was dry enough oh [Applause] well that's how close it was the boat's safe there it's going down the tide's going down we'll keep an eye on it obviously but uh should be right there but yeah we might have to sit this storm out did we get everything though we got everything the sleeping bag we managed to just get the sleeping bag in in time get some clothes and bits and pieces here just chuck them down there don't bring much but what i do bring i need to be dry all right go up here and i'm hoping my mattress is in here please feel it there we go so might as well blow that up while we wait i still have one last peak just made it yeah really just made it [Applause] oh by the skin of my teeth and there's some blue sky already still sprinkling a little bit but it's already pushing over that way pretty quickly hopefully we get a bit of sun again what are you doing buddy it's your boat now is it you know what everything can stay for a second i'll get this out i always come up here and just use lures and have a bit of a muck around but i'm never really in the uh game to catch a big fish like a big um like a big spanish or something or a big tuna let's not lose this strap so i always you know just want something just for dinner or just for lunch and i can't store it so i never sort of take too much but this time i thought you know what let's bring some baits let's uh troll some garfish just like i would back home see if we can get onto a big mackerel and then we'll have ice we can pack it up this trip was only there's only a small weather window really and you can see it's very iffy already but tomorrow's meant to come right down so hopefully if we can get out there we can try and catch a big fish and take it home for the family plus we'll have a big cook up on the beach so a big fish is really the aim of the game especially because misty's been taking up so much time the sailboat and hasn't allowed me to do much fishing plus the weather is i don't know where you are in the world but here it has been torrential rain up and down the whole of the east coast of australia for the last maybe two weeks like i'm talking flooding down in new south wales completely like wiping out the whole weekend of just solid rain like or any day really for the last maybe two weeks almost solid with just little breaks in between so there hasn't been a lot of fishing anyway so i figured let's go and try and get in one like last island trip in before maybe the christmas holidays because then it'll always all be about the kids and christmas and all of that kind of stuff and just making sure they're happy and having fun and we'll do nice things but i don't think i'll get up to the islands we might try and uh sail misty up to um say maybe the stradbroke or morton or something like that and get it like a week away with the family but apart from that i don't think i'll be able to get up here again so it was nice to sneak one last trip in hopefully my ice stays cold where should i put it looks like more rain though coming maybe i could just go for a swim go for a little snorkel there's no reason why we couldn't spear fish and maybe we'll chuck this in this corner well it's got no sand on it hmm doesn't sound like it's got anything in it ah man it's really starting to rain again i'd have to hide out need something to hold this out i need to get a stick that could hold that up and out because this vestibule doesn't it doesn't quite come out far enough like the other one that i had the other tint i had it actually sort of came out a bit further so it gave you just that little bit of coverage to have the door open but this isn't quite cutting it anyway let's hide out a little longer well some way to get the sand off it is pouring out this blue sky over there it has been pouring just passed over again oh yeah no we haven't done much it's been pouring for about the last 15 minutes but uh it looks like yeah looks like it could stop again at some point i'll just you know commit to just going out there and maybe jump in the water maybe we could go for a spearfish or something just around this corner scenezo's we're kind of getting gonna get wet anyway but uh we'll see how long this next one sort of lasts and once it blows over we'll get out there and there it is it's gone again and there's some sun and blue skies but for how long oh all right let's go down we'll go get uh the air skin and maybe i guess it might be nice to jump in the water it's quite hot after sitting in the tent [Applause] it's quite a cool little beach these velcro straps these are actually off my kayak but they're finally uh the velcro's finally sort of given up it doesn't really grip very well especially once it gets wet and it loses all its uh grip you might have to come up with a better solution for those because it's really annoying i end up spending the whole time pushing the esky out with my foot every every wave gets a bit annoying i'll get this up yeah there i might even just lock it down and leave it like that okay so i'm just getting ready how how average of the idea is this i just got a new mask because i broke my art mask on the last island i just went to put this on and you need an allen key to get this on and i just went to put the like uh i got it off with the pliers and i went to put the you know like the other screw in kind of uh knob that you get with the gopro cameras from my chest mount and you can't it doesn't fit in it hits this part of the mask guys come on seriously like an allen key how am i meant to get the camera on and off let's go straight in here uh and as with every trip recently will this be the trip where my spear gun rubbers break they just keep going for some reason but i know they're going to break soon because they're very very close [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so do so [Music] oh i just jump out before i lose my camera i haven't already just chucked everything in this bag [Applause] fair bit of swimming i don't know if i'd call it uh almost epic spearfishing but um we saw some cool stuff the bed sounds like a car alarm we have something to eat which is cool not quite the epic uh i don't know what i was expecting but you know normally i go for something like a coral trout or you know tusk fish they're sort of the mainstays that you normally go for but these guys have been making more and more of an appearance on my videos recently this is all right we're feeling refreshed we'll get out here and check out the fish yeah we've got our stripy striped snapper and we've got our broken rubber so we knew was going to happen sooner or later so that's actually pulled through there it's lucky we still had that other one we clearly didn't need to look to be honest i had no intention i want to put him up here because this rock's a bit warm um i really had no intention of um getting like one of these stripe snapper again for a while but i was going through and i was really only seeing padfish and then every corner i turned around a decent sized stripey would come up and just like get right in front of the gun and i was like all right all right you know no no no we're not going to do it we'll wait and see if something better comes along but sometimes you regret doing that because you you don't see anything else from that point on you think man i could have had dinner tonight and i've blown it happened like at least three times or something so anyway we swam back didn't see a whole lot didn't want to get a pair of fish because they didn't they're doing all the good work for the reef so i thought you know what i've had luck getting crayfish on this sort of around this point here but it was weird as soon as well as soon as i got to that point like this guy swam straight up past me and so i was like okay well we'll take him because it's starting to get the slim pickings so we took him and he was literally right in front of the gun so he was made the easiest shot in the world so then we felt good about that but we thought we'll have a quick look for crayfish but funnily enough as soon as i got around there it's almost as if the sand has moved and it's covered up all there used to be like a couple of coral bombies that would sit at the engine the edge of all the rock work there but they're all gone it's sort of like as if they've all been covered up by the sand or the sand movement has covered like parts of the reef up on the bottom so i don't know maybe it's my imagination because it's been at least two years since i've been here but for some reason it seemed like they just weren't there at all so anyway yeah maybe maybe i'm imagining it how it was differently but i'm pretty sure there was a lot more bombers to check last time so i didn't see any crayfish but we did see this guy so we've ended up with a good stripey use a decent enough size to fill it and we'll get a decent amount of meat so maybe i'll fill it then and then i'll um i've got some couscous up there maybe we could do like a moroccan couscous or something like put some spices in there we'll get the couscous looking really nice and then we'll just deep fry this guy quickly and then just lay him on top something like that but i think that's what i had planned that was one of the meals i sort of had in the back of my mind and then uh yeah it should be quite nice fogged i'm interested to see how high the tide comes i'm assuming we probably use this this slide here we'll just keep an eye on it keep moving it up if we have to it's not a bad snapper actually is it look at that it's great you might want to clean this up there nicely yes rust from the bottom of the pan oh it's the gas bottle that's what it is [Music] and we'll just shimmy down the ribs just take your skin over the same time i guess now that we're halfway there taking all the meat off there but you can see when we go into the belly cavity that this was a female with eggs so i'm sorry about that girl i'm sorry to stop you from doing that but what we might do with all this row is we might just cut it out and we can eat that as well because it's a bit of a waste it's very edible and she's loaded with eggs wow sorry she's obviously ready to breed look at that that's all her eggs good look at that the meal is pretty good already actually we haven't even cooked it yet there we go just in case all right well i guess we better uh cut up some ingredients still not that late but i'm getting a bit worried about uh this rain that's sort of coming over you can see it's pretty much engulfed the mainland seems to be moving across that way so hopefully it'll miss me all together but does seem to be getting a little bit closer this way now so we'll just have to see what happens that's something i probably need to replace let's hope it doesn't play up how good is that that's luxury i'm not used to having such a luxurious well set up a little cooking area normally i'm sitting in the sand or just kneeling and it gets really sort of hard whereas this should be perfect seems to work a little bit of water trying to get some cleaner water little bits in that let's see if we can get some cleaner stuff around here there we go okay so what we want is one about a cup and a little bit more than a cup so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do about maybe half a cup of salt water and then i'll do a cup of fresh water it's going to fall okay probably end up with too much couscous but better to have too much than too little what's that i have to give them a clean and sharpen they're definitely sharpened well i'll never get it as sharp as when we'll go over to me let's put it that way but we'll do our best [Music] capsicum yeah what else and i might just uh do one cut in half and then just do sort of slightly bigger pieces i might actually do the whole onion because it'll cook down quite a bit let's go for that [Music] just take that off the heat all right pop that on there and let that soak up the moisture and finish this off maybe what half a cups again and i'll just probably eat the other half fresh once again just sort of loosely cut into small ish pieces one to squeeze on and then one just for the fish fresh i think get off fluff her up probably should get the fork out couscous is good yum it's nice and fluffy too [Music] quite a bit of oil because we're going to get fry all of this ingredients off very easy definitely a two-hand job just make sure it doesn't slip off though with the weights the three-hand job i also want those cups to cook down quite a bit so let's get them into don't fall [Music] stack of salt and pepper this is salt and pepper in one now i've just mixed [Music] quite a bit of salt there and probably still might put more in just cook this down and then we'll mix it through the couscous quickly do our fish and we will be in the money ah still some just put a bit of turmeric in now and a bit of cumin yeah we'll put some more in once we start mixing the couscous through [Music] man coleman and turmeric together it's just a match mate in heaven my god it smells so good oh look at that all that yummy caramelized kind of deliciousness they're ready they are ready so i might just turn this off for a sec let's get our couscous man we got way too much couscous we got an issue because that i want sort of like half that maybe you know what i can do i bought some plastic bags we'll split it up now so we don't ruin our whole meal by under flavoring the couscous you know what let me just does it sit right over that would be the best and most convenient way for me here we go and that way we can try and reuse the couscous if we need to tomorrow so what i don't know what i was thinking i knew it was too much anyway so there with half the couscous you can put this on the uh just roll her up [Music] now we can have actually use that over the next day or two and put that on the ice and you go there all right now let's have any our auto ingredients yeah it was just too much i didn't want to yeah there's nothing worse than when you say making a fried rice or a couscous or something and you and you don't have enough tasty ingredients to flavor the whole thing it would have been a mistake just to throw it in geez i'll tell you if you guys could smell this right now so delicious you know what else you could put in some people hate this but you could put raisins in here or pine nuts or almonds but i didn't bring any of those things oh that bit of couscous in that bottom corner of the pan and salt and pepper [Music] surprising how much flavor the uh will get soaked up [Music] so don't be shy adding more seasoning yum that is delicious you could eat that just like that but we're gonna add even more [Music] [Music] so uncooked as well can we flip the fish without breaking it you can what do you know try and crisp up the row of it [Music] now what we'll do is we'll just put the couscous in here and we'll eat out of the pan because the pan is going to be a little bit nice to eat out of than the pot look at those bits of fish oh i broke it stack it up though a bit of row on top it's falling down oh wow and i think this is a fork meal wow that is a meal and a half right there so we'll go some row first let's let's try and break it up come on one hand all right let's just bite it let's just get that big let's get that bit there bang a bit of rope you know what that row you if you're ever into those dip like greek dips like tara masala um it's got that kind of taste to it actually and you can you can really taste just a little there's a hint of fishy flavor through it but it's still subtle and with those um sort of uh with that cumin and the turmeric it's actually quite delicious [Music] let's go a bit of fish oh look at that fish as you can see it's beautiful white fresh fish inside and get that bit of capsicum very good it's all very good well looks like we avoided that storm but you can no longer see the mainland at all there's a little hint of that other island that we passed that's the one where i lost the fish earlier on past that point but yeah i wonder what happens out there eh big spanish that's the end of today but um yeah i don't think much is going to happen except the sunset and i don't even know if we'll get a sunset it'll be interesting to see what happens there might just be gray for the rest of the evening but tomorrow morning we'll wake up first thing we're going to just go straight to the boat put on these gara i've got some car gar in that uh ice bag and we'll go and cut some laps and see if we can get a big fish anyway i'd say i'll be seeing you tomorrow morning big spanish
Channel: RoKKiT KiT
Views: 242,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ooY8EzOyTVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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